HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-15, Page 5SEPT. 15, 1871. 1E MARKETS. sEAFormr. ;$(1,t. I.t0 1$7L at is still trtiVanciug nprict., and at - supply is ilightly in excess 441 last Le:vet but little offering. Farmeteeeepe. eitling Neck in thehope of get !Aug tevem The price is 12.UW" a remunerative*. eho have their gelid reedy for 0 prole:Vey do better fe: new than id run the riek of a loweei-te-; nittrkete a is not sO eagerly eonefte after aet • ie g.tod demand for it, with but 7:11 qmility of the getthe offered .1-174 There ift no; chti..4a- the, i;arlty; the market ie4 ;het; with. • e ttnel uot much enquiry_ fet• etill04•40:Iniug in prite. with a Cate, - Levee rates; there is led little tem - thee :the price- should bet 14 ie. offcring. Pvas about tie z,11-41 tg-S yet vevy liztl.• is iwitija !:at.:4;c: is a bikadt low( r tleau ieet wee-1-- enantitit s are offerhig. mid it is ixt is still ;ism,. with a slightly . &kit has le eit hoevral ire - • L. bit:.. retail. The mh,114 eat! de- 1-41ack lerge telantitie1(0 s arm q•10:4 : It, to 12� - (s to 11� ......... .. .4 4!I to ...... • tu 0 04 0 :ill to 0 52 0 18 to 0 H. to 19 t i btl . . .0 o0 to 7 09 ' 3.) to 0 64 ... .. . .9 4-0 tol Me •• • . ,-0 to 0 00 0 40 to 0 00 (1 3-0 to 0 75 to th, z u It) bnr.. 30 to -0�t} all sort-. of Melte and Shoes, la imean A. Co's, Seaforth. (*LINTON, Sept. 7. D,71. 1 Ott kg ... I 05 it. I is, .. ... 0 30 kg 0 9( 0 ,0 qt 00t) ..,.... 00 et 04 - 15 er 0300 0- 11 v.r 0 tia tem eliolee of 500 -pain. of Prauelis. Settforth. PRoNTO, September 14; 1871.- wa.,; a very good inquiry at more offering-. but with buy -- art. and transaetions mostly on. 4.erlitte terminally etei 40 te t.1-5 50; 10 tee-, (Al, anc . extras at ;=;,.5 65 to - small Iota were offel-ed and en private terms_ One ear ; hands at 25- on the track- 0-'hiti• wheat and two of epringe e street. The former sold at from .2a. The :spring sold at :el 131,to ,tiee dittl, and there art. no ship - r Zoe to 55e, for No. 2 awl No, 1 i-ecitr-loadi would probably aria eatetere at 5Se to tithe Reeeiptte n4 !et reet toarket. -.but 12 loads 2 lite- the latter for extra. te.14-eing on "change or 41,4:w1zere ;- arle-t. tet continues weak with cartoaaig 84e. one ear gold at 35e id is ri an 36e to :17e. no ;415 t!I :417. .-t-ed.'State clang -in ht dst s, ,nt of Primella. Boots, Gemevy le'4. at 4. Dttnean &et 4-t, ).NTREAL, SeTt. 11, 1871- tt ady, it quit t ; sncoll sale4 f to ;•-•:.0 3•1-; Fancy nominal, ; snovi sold at :4.7; 35, and flue at 4 ttreo taken at :43 95. 1,1 Prime White, to arrives, 2e, ,a -es of carli ts eve,- at 83e.. ( f to choice at I.IVEltPoOr, Sept. 13, 1871. 104.; ltpol Wheat. 10, 10!. 61' 1ter Wheat, 11s. 7y1a: Whim 32s. 311.; BarIey,4st ts, ).; Pork, -;;ls.; Lard, fef whish 12.500 qm.rte-rs aro ;- • are ::;•ta. . •.-;4 oil' 0,1 srs far.Poot,- ;lea J. flatlet:it &.• vE sToc *h. :':••eirt. 14, 1871- Sliets1),. 1f0e.44 ears cal's. ears. 6-1 12/ I,....;i,• I') T I 7 65, . 114 • for the past three catn4itnitsti. tin- nigh'_ quite itetive with a. iiiay equal to 111,4t •zivilik•ati at st s, .and s4 r el'exas, k Isue.-tlay 17 fur waives, and • T,..!_as., . "I Jul Mich • - .:4 Sia.lilon, 18 lid Ohio. li (11k 10 410 prime 0 9 lid 114. av • ;int' rrieeg 1te, 5f/eft :4;1 11, e ittst ek to-, thr,-e days .(-&- hr,,iy-11. The, li-s s4 .y 1,f Iot•:.• (1. at. :;.`1 at 4 Lt 4 :30 at 4 :it) ut 4 40 - at 4 377. at 4 3o at 4 30 SALES. at F.,'L.rniontiv We, :1th:flu:tits. Jolla Brine, ttlicti mieter. oze Lot 15, Fifth Fuxin Stock &.c.. '•1.• SEPT. 1), 1871. Thomas Ward, proprietor; J. P. Brine, - auctioneer. % Saturday, Sept. 16, at Carmichael's Corner, Seaforth,—Farm. Stock and Household Furnitiire. R. R. Woody, Proprietor; J.. P. Brine, auctioneer. Monday, Sept. 18, Lot 4, Eighth Concession, Hullett,—Pann Sock, Im- plements, Household_ Furniture. X'. Bignall, proprietor; J P. Brine, auc- tioneer. Saturday, Sept. 23, on Lot 2, Fourth -‹ (=cession, Usborne,—Farm Stock and Intpleinents, 0. Sprague, proprietor ; Archibald Bishop, Auctioneer. . TEACH ER WANTED. . IATANTED, in fiehool Section No. 6, Nullett, a• TEA.CIIER.t holding a third-class certificate; " to commence at 4an. 1, 1872. Apply to the Trea- t -Les, THOMAS NEILANDS, HENRY TAYLOR. 1974" SOLOMON ROGERSON. HORSE WANTED. - WANTED to exehunge, a good Breeding Mare, With foal by a thoroughbred imported horse, and perfectly sound and trne to work, for a driving home. Must be sound, and. a good traveller. Ap- ply at THE. EX srron OFFICE. TO TAILOR'S. NU -ANTED, immediately, by T. K. ANDERSON, Seaforth, a JOURNEYMAN TAILOR. To a _good workman and a steady man, constant eniploy- mad and good wages will he given.; 197. ESTRAY MARE. (i-A.ME into the premises of the subscriber, Lot. \-1 No. 10. Con. 0. Township of Stanley, on or about, the 6th of September, m smell black mere. The owner is requested to call, prove property, pay e-herges and take her ttway. 197*4 THOMAS INTLEY. • TO TRAVELLERS AND OTH ERS A T a• meeting ni thell otel-Keepers of Settforth, to regulate the prices of HAY ANI) OATS ...40141 in the different Hotel Stables, in Settfurth, 'the following, was agreed upon 1 span of horses to My overnight,........ 50c. I home to hay overnight 95e. 1 seen horses feeding, hay, 20e. 1 horse,. 10c. Oats per gallon, ...... 10e. ' 'VI -tomes FOSTER, THOMAS Kuox, ;Toetet kAtITS. -G A. Horoerrox, L Ceatedeleven, Mellititnst. J.0.„-uus Ross, , J. & Mritiney. September 7, 1871. ' 197-3t. Insolvent Act of 1869. In the matter of HENRY CARDIFF, an Insolvent. THE, Insolvent ha e made an assignment of his -A- Estate to me, and the Creditors are notified to meet et the store where he lately carried on busi- ness, situeted in the VILLAGE OF AINLEYVILLE ; In the County of Huron, on -Tuesday, the 26th day of September, inst., at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, To receive statements of his affairs, and to appoiut an Assignee. - Dated at Goclerich this 6th day of September, A. D. 1871. DIVIE WATSON, 197-2t. Interim Assignee. STOVES; TINWARE AND:: COAL OIL. fES. WHITNEY has just received a large stock: " of Cookring Parlor and Box Stoves, of the best manufacture, wifieh elle can Sell as Cheap RS any in the trade. TINWARE, of every detscriotion, kept conetantly on haud and made to order: Also, Stove Pipes, Eave 'Troughing, etc. Cuetore-work promptly attended to, and outside • work will receive every attention. „ , COAL OilL. A large stock of the very best Coal air kept don - stoutly on hand, and will be sold wholesale and retail. Remember the place, CarmichaePs Block, Main etreet, Seafortie Parties indebted by note or hook account are re- queeted to settle immediately. Rags, wool-piekings, old iron, brass, copper, etc., taken 111 exchauge for goods. 197 WANTED. A -SITUATION A$ SCHOOL TEACHER, by a y'ouri;enan legally qualified to teach any public school in the County of Huron; eau furnish good recommend:tennis, tuni can also teach. the elessies. Address D. D., Walton P. 0.. 194.-tt DISSOLUTION' Of PARTNERSHIP. -voncE is hereby given, that the Partnership ' for melee time tamed on by William and ;Tames . Vanstone, under the firm of W. &1.Vanstone, , Miltersanal Laud Owuere, at Ainleyville, was this- . 4.110; dissolved by muttud consent, and the business -will be carried on byWilliarn Vanstoue ouly, evim is - authorized. to discharge all debts and to receive ell eralits ou accomet of the said partnership concerti, WILLIAM VANSTONE, JAMES S. VANSTONE. Dated at this-ellst day offAuguet, 1871, In presence of J. KERe. 1044* -CHANCERY SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. TN" PURSUANCE of a decree, dated! the 12th day of ApriL 1s7I,, made by the Court of Chaneery; it! a certaiu cause therein pending- of Down Vs. Down, tuel -with the upprobationof Heury Me- teermott,M -Esquire, aster of the said (7ourt et the Town of Goderiele the following valuabloe farnt proverty will be offered for sale bv PUBLTO Art: - mix. in one lot, by CHAMNION YEO, Ante !Ramer, AT DREW'HOTEL IN THE VILLAOE OF EXETER, a THE HU NEW BO SPLTI (Lat HOE TH. 43c SIC: ly. f G TeTAVE • ift" ST • OPE? " Ready -t lade Lath BOOTS A leutto 1)1.0eU ' 1t. o eyery variety and st l(1, . • . _ such 7)1 008 'DEiY CO All kinds of Fine a d to order, on th 01 Repairing executed neatliy, a nai which.wil as W 1.1 • TI oar e w�rk made ortest notice. - eaKy an, .promptly. go stock of Children's OES, be sold at REMEMBER TEIE S 'AN7e In GRIFFITH DAVIES' L STORE, Second door soeth of the I oet-Oftice. Call and. see for yoerselves and he con 'diced that ' _REAL Bargains axe given. 197 SPURR SON. TO THE FARMERS CIF HURON. AG ULT 1.11kP JE,YIENTs. FiyzisT IRTzE -.GRAIN. CR S;1 -i. RS LNI) STRAW6UTTERS. 0 C.. NV I IS 0 N .Sole agent for the 'County Of Huhon, for the firm • • .; • " or . ; MAXWELL &WOITLAW • : of Paris, is now propane( o finiish fanners with their (tele rated • i Grain Crashero and Straw tUotters. These machine's took the .11i at P vincial Trial for atfricaltnrol- hued Paris in July last, ain't are w thou manufactuxed in tlie Proviu .e. constantly on hand, and can purchasers at any time, at th Also a number of IRON ferene patterns, received dime Celebrated Scottish P1 t OE .• I " JOHN GRATA , • These plows can be sol4 nt than similar plows et danadi. 91 eze at the Pro - Merits held in deal t the best Ittehines kept te se n by intending Market, Settforth. All other vneietieS Of agile kept ethietaiitly itd hum", W mailufacturers priceb. L 197 • 01. et, four dli fron - the wanti actory 1'4 it GtASGOAV ly 25 per cent. less manufacture. • Attu LI iinplenients eh -Neill be sold at O. (11. AVII.SON. The above was let to i Tuoauts BE LI., IFurnitiire Manufactu ei.1 kain-stree But as his Biz is already Isufliciontly not wish to advertise. 011 - WEBNE3DAY, the -18th day of Octo-- SeA forth. trge, 196 be, 1871, STRAYED. At 1 o'clock in the afternonn, viz., ':,,LOT :Co. 8, IN THE SECOND CON- ( (E881.0. -..c OF 1111E TOWNSIII - STEPHEN, IN THE COU.NTY OF HURON Containing 100 aeres of -laud There ar.•7, aeres cleared vial tattler ettitivatiou, los latianeo i'•; well timb -red v. ith lati-dwood. The -.oil is .4. m diem elay hate aud in goed order. The feliewine intik-tines an- upon tle- Lot, vie., a frame house 24e1s. a frame barn 52x36 and log Ntabits, and in good repair. Tlusre is a good young Orchard 00 1140,, nearly an urns of land, thertrees in which are innerly all hearing. The lot well fenced and au o.y s04 -plied with water. The „lot is situated in 11 tine 1.01'1-lii41, (-atm- try, and is four and a half s from Esoaer, 11 miles from Liman, a Station on the Grand Trunk tiailway,within half a mile °kite Gravel Load, and in the immediate vicinity of a church and school- house. The purchasYr at the time -of sale will be roquired to pa:: a deposit in the proportion of :410 for every .4104 t,f his purthase money to the vendor or his solitsii, arid to sign ttn agreement for :the comple- tion of his purchase, and he will be require -I to pay the baliante of his piu•chase money into Curt with- in mouth from the day of Sale and upon pay- ment thereaf he will be entitled to a -conveyance and. to "be let into possessiou. tither i•speets the conditions of sale will be th• standing conditions of the Court of Chancery-, uhieh will be produced at the sale. For further particulars and conditions of sale ap- ply to 111Essits. MeC ;rn- & HOLUESTED, 141"-- risti St•aforths Arnssus. BF:cut-in, 13.tua.kat & Srni.ms. Barristers. London. Mi *455. CA3te,a0N` ot -1.11:4-rED, Barristers, Toronto,. and of the Auctioneer. Dated at Golerich the 14th day of September, A. D. 1871. (Signed.) F. HOLNIESTED, 197-7 Scaforth, Vendor's Solietor. ' Master in chancery. Esq„ RY.NRY MdDERMOTT, (IAMB into the encloem 1 of theeeriber, Lot l No 9, Con.1.0, `,1; b alma tee 15th july btet, a white SoW.The m uer is retitle led to prove property, pay expenses tjst take her awey. ROLE T. HAMILqON, 195-3 Beh O. C. YEO, A. Cillgig SEAOR Will attend to any Salt; i the Comity. HI Residence -Rear of the Citiihiic Chore i. 195-26 TEACHER WAN ED. • 1701: • School Section No. 2, Township of Hay, Conley of Heron, A 'rnpAt,2I-IEll with eertiffi•ate from Normal School ; or Pirat Class Oder the Old I ,oary I. or Isectnul Unth,r ate NeW Atlt, preferred. Salary not Co exceed 48U0 per annum. Apply to the undersigned Trustees. ; WILSON MeSTTIRY,. Ilay, Hill's GlIVI1 P. C Avost 28th., 1871. ;JOHN TgOZER, ;HUGH LOVE, Soft.. 195-3t. BUILDINGS FOR SALE IN SEAFORTH. VOR Sale, ClusaP, two comfortable frame Dwelling •-'•• Houses, situated on the most pleas( nt street in Stsaforth, adjoining the Good Templars',Hall. One of the houses is at present occupied by Mr. ,James Laidlaw, and the other by Mr.. D. D.'Ross..' houses are adjoining, and have attached t•o them good lots, on which' are all .iceesSar,v;• conveniencies, KWh RS soft and hard wi -ter, out -buildings, etc. For further particulars a }ply on the premises, 'or at Tin.: Exeosrron Office. Seb_farth, ,Titly 12, 1871.1 168-tf. PRIV-4-TE Ftmds. 71- • Lands,: at 8 pet yearly.. Patents ta and charges reason • CONEY. to Le a 0 Ma Mortgage of Farm cent. p r annum, ayable half ken out if equircal. No delay able. Court House, Goderigh F. WAL R, I Sol4eitor; &c. 1$71, 194-8 !- kd ' •-•! 0 RON EXPOSITOR 3HS '3o Nf)Is EXPECT TO REMOVE TILEIR 1-iRD 'WAR M 1 STOVE 1 AND TINWARE BITSI I; TO Ti -Ito NEW STORE ADJODIEcO HICK.SON'S, EARLY IN OCTOB IN TUEANTIME, DO NOT FORGET Til OLD STAND. ESS R. JOHNSON BR S. SUMMER IS GON /313T THERE IS „htst Receive( A COMPLETE STOCK OF OOLLEN Embracing the largest designs ile TWEEDS, ROADCLOTHS NETIANS 84. FOR FALL WEAR AT 46itapbrils Clothing abIiwni NEW YORK HOUSE w. c, SEAFOBTH. FALL SH IT is now. prette- generally tub -flitted tijirt the new Fall DRY GOODS and MILLINERY () juat being lineal out at DENT', is to be the great attraction of the season. W, 1871 - AT DENT'S . YOU 'CAN G3T Cotton Goods, Cloths and Canadian Tweeds, 10 per ;cent. below Market value, Having bought a large lot:of these goo is in an muninal way and at a Bargain. A FINE STOCK OF PLAIN :AND FANCY FLANNELS, WINCEYS, DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS AND SHIRTINGS, CLOUDS, HOODS, MUFFLERS, SASHES, HOME-MADE FLA.NNELS, GLOYES, HOSIERY, WORKED MLSLINS, TRIMMINGS, QUILTS, OIL -CLOTHS, ETC. And as mina ' MILLIN RY, -JACkETS, SHAWLS, FLOWERS, And other Fancy Goods al profusion: - SP CUL BARGAINS IN CLOAKINO-S, WATERPROOF TWEEDS, VELVETEENS, ETC. Lots of Canadian COton Yarn and Cornwall Alankets, 1 And a thousand other thino too =microns to mention. Please call an enquire prices, 1 9 7: ; 3VC1 door North of Scott Robertson's -Orocery. Atruto for (fart. FARM FOR SALE. LOT No. 11 be 5th Con. Teckersmith, :IL IL S., 100 acres, well improved, with comfortable house and good farm buildings, and orehard, situ- . ate in the bait wheet growing locality in the Province, two riffles from Seaferth. :Terme 101 Payment easy. Apply to JOHN munray, an the Lot; or t� McCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, 1974* ' Barristers, -&c., Senior& SPLENDID WHEAT FARM PRA, SALE. SITUATED IN' A..TIIIIITING LOCALITY . T OT -NO. 11, Second Concession, Township of LOT NO. containing 86 acres, more or less, of . which 80 are umler cultivation, and the balance in goal hardwood timber. , It is situated half a mile from a good gravel road, and about half way be- t -Num Gunton 0.110 Senforth, being ebout four miles Imre each, where there are daily markets for all kinds of farm produce. On the premises is a. good frame house, 36x26, with a stone cellar of the !same dimension% kitchen and woodethediadjoining. ,Also, two good frame barns and other uildings ,• a good bearing orchard, two wells with 1 tunps and a constant eupply of weter. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises, -if by -letter post-paid to Clinton P. 0. Ont. - 196-4t* lItT OH BIG Ge1.3.1. FARM FOR SALE. ipEING Lot 6, 5th concession, Tuckersmith, H -"R. S., containing 100 acme, 88 acres cleared and well fenced, good buildings, e fine large orchard, two wells of good spring water, the land is of the best quality, perfectly aean mid in good order, The bush is hardwood and has not been culled. It is 'situated On a good -gravel road, and within three Miles of the Yillege of Seaforth., one of the best grain markets in the Province. For further partie-. enters apply to the proprietor an the premises, or if by letter to Egmendville Post Office. 18641 1, ; G. M. CHESNEY. L• FARM FOR SALE. tHE subscriber:offers for sale his Farni, Lot 2, 14th Concession, Tuckersmi11, H. R, S. The Fenn consists of 100 acres, sixty-five Cleared, and in a state of good culeivation, with large bearing orch- ard; large frame bank barn ---stables unn:1;:nyettotth. Tbeundersigned will ttleo, if desired, sell his stock and implements, as he is' hound to give up frame Mg. :For terms and further particulars, 1 • ALEXA-PeTDER THOMSON", • 195*4 Rodgerville P. O. FARM FOR SALE • pm -NG Lot .No. 27, Concession 3, Townehip of Stanley, County of Huron, about feed mileS south of Clinton convenient for reeds, irellways, Me -Fleets, mills, school and churches; about SeVenty acme cleared renteinder well timbered, eoil best quality; frame lean 56 by 40 and frame stable., house moderate ; young orchard, beerilg, fruit gnat; water easily obtained; the uucleared part cOptains a, large gmuitity of rock -elm and other timber, valuable for fending, building 4ru1 mann- lecturing purposai. For further particult e apply to the owner on the premises. 19544 SOHN BUTC ART. FARM FOR SALE.i The enbseelber will also sell by private Nair that superior stOek fans being lot No. 1 Seeund Conces- sion, Hullett, containing NO :terve, 80 of svhich tire clawed and all muter grass. There is on the prem- ises a goal: neiv frame barn. The River Maitland 11005 through the farm. The wholeiS well fenced It is situated on a good gravel road -Within three miles of the Village of Seaforth. Foret st telt-mite ing and grazing'filen), has not it Sul erior in Canada. Tertne-0nethird of the pnrehase untray to he paid down ; the habituc on tittle to bail the intr. ebaSer, with intertt at 6 per cent. For further particulars apply to the prop idol., • WILLIAM FOWLER, Sea -forth rust Office. Tuckersinith, My 6; 1871. 187 -td — , FARM FOR SALE IN MORRIS. pon SALE, on' reasonable terms, Lot No; 8, Con. 10, Monis, containing 64 acres, over 20 of which are cleared, seeded to grass and well Rule al balance is is..ell timbered with bard -wood. It is situated on the Northern Gravel Rota, 1 mile mid a half from Blytb4 and 18 luilt.s from Clinton. There ie no waste land. There is on the Premises a new frame house, 90 x 80, with good aellar and ourebnildings. A. e-otel spring on the pOenises. 1 For further particulars apply to the Proprietor. I I ou the premises, ore (if by lettere to lllyth 11. 0. i- GE011tW BUTCHART, . : 114S -di. : I f RABr:11:1"op 1:enti, e. -ti, I - FAR IVILFOR S LE I poll, Sale, Chean,ILot "No. 30, Oth Concessien, 1 -t--- Township of Breve, Cleinty o 4 e, 4 ta n- ing leo aures, about '911 of which clean d he balance well timbered with beeeh and maple. No 1 -five miles front the 0ouriebing village of Pnisley, I \Mete, land There s is a never -failing Strome of ; wet IT running throtigh IL It is sitnata .04 i thin ! thrOugh which tis• !Wellington, (ii, y ant Bruce ; Railway will ehortly lei ru)1 liug. If the eine% pro- ! perty in not sold, it will be hewed for o tell' ' 1 years for the iinprovOments.- FO1' fineher Outlet -1- , hue, apply to Tim EXPosiTon Omni, Seaforth. I FARM FOR SALE. MILLINERY.' MILLINERY. MILLINERY. MIL 'RY. MILLIN LATEST FALI;,- STYLES. LATEST FALL STYLES. LATEsT FALL STYLES. LATEST FALL STYLES.. LATEST F...A.L11, STYLES. 1 CH APEST TN TOWN: CH APEST 1N TOWN. CHJlAPEST IN TOWN. CAEAPEST IN TOWN. CHEAPEST IN TOWN. • AT T'vJJSS A. ERWIN'S, 19 Reynolds' Block, -13. Near the Depot. OW OR NEVER. SOMETHING Novel, Cheap Handsome. THE and AFORTH CLOTHING EMPORIUM AND GENTLEMEN'S YU. ZNISHING: HOLTSE K. ANDERS Of the • bore establishment, has jus received a very large and complete eta! of SCO CH AND CANA-DIAN MEL' TWEED ONS, DOESKIN) ROADCLOTT AND- Overeo dings of all Varieties a4(1 Colors. The finest assortment of PlUS11 and Fancy Vestins E cr taken into the Seaforth MupkeL. Fancy Flannel and Regatta Shirt- ings, and EMEN'S 'UNDERCLOTHING ,— GENT In great iniety, of the best quality. and at the - lov.-est tigni•e. It ,woul I be to the advantage of inteedine Pur- chasers t41 call early and make their se ections, as by SO (101) lig they will save at leaet twelity-five p, -r i eent., met ecount of the rapid rise in plite of the above des •ription of goods. I 1v-ILLIA31 HAyarELL Dow offer foe' sac, Of every deeeriptien, nin le 11) ore; r y splendid Farniii; on the eh 14.14 notice, in a style equal te thet of elne are elaueft '1;;:41,:;0111fle(n4n1slltUnc‘orpri-v,'; ;418)olilt.;1 city (1st al lot 7. second vet-nee:tett Is sit no t alai -live Sit tisfacti ishments, and 1-) Lunde It wer price. guantnteed. . . Stedle•th one five miles 11101Inilf front TIES AND C07.1..A111-1 —As the ninienh.nted Clintou, and ie altogdtber one of the best farms in makee tbi department of his leteiness hie (-inky, . tilt 1 Ililt 1 Iot 40 WI* f.fooa e11 4I1ieee1)etise, barn, parties 0 ishing the latest. styles mai 11101elt 5111 ti and stelae, a goOti. 1%141, Anil 5 1:4.e4s. in orehard. wcallt1 ln yin to can and inept -et his staid,: 111111 (11 011 the farm. 1.'441 1' 04)1(1111)', apply to tin. Proprio - i tor, on tlw preluist-s, or by letter to Seaforth P. O. (-1111.1:tibuitsx ileeS" t, place•-V:tinstret 194-tf. WILLIAM IIAM:MELI.. Senforth, opposite Sorgcottet Bela rtslat's Gralcery 'nut laot ftho -s 196 FOR SALE. I you sALE, the sotith bell of Lot Net. 3. in Fifth S• LECT SCHOoL. (,);,,,,s,in1. Morns. containing 101/ acriis ; a "-.‘ IS OBINSoN will re -open ime• Select Seheel niee frame house, 18xf:14 ; log stable ; young or- -/-1- on MONDAY, the llth Septelniter.: • cherd ; there are 35 114111 -clawed Foe term, nle - MI ply to , Al..EXANDER BRADlirltN, ; On ties promisee; or to ALEX. CA:\IPIIELL or • CAUTION. T. K. AN1/ERSO.N. would call special attention to some 1 ne of Canadian Tweeds, bought very low, ainl class goods. 197, CAINIPBE 4 I MeCAUGHE,Y & II OLMESTE1 /, Setif 4 trth. THE Dir ,etors of the South Miran AterienIftirel , ; 192.-87'.` . . . .. ,. .1 Society Ove notice that on thfr`occa,R-11 of tip ie 1 , : s , Fan Exhil 1)11)0 4)1 1671, they win prevtnt ail 4)4) 1'. 1 FARM FOR SALE,' i performan •.,..7s., PxhibititinS 41' SilOWS, 111,01 tall (net- ' - of gatubl , ' ug, theatrical, cireus or meturtehan! k IN TUOBERSMITH. - .! I licking in phitnene or into-eh...aline drinks, fr)1its, ; geode, wn et or inerehanditee within 900. yards • roil ,%tle, 00 rettKonable terms, Lot f12, Second a:- Concession, Tuckerainith, IL 11. S., conteiniug 1 ifilimthe I xhibition Groniel, and any parson vier - this rule ,11401 be renewed by,the telieere 44 _ 100 acres, eighty of Which are elearedemder fence, end in a good State of cultivation, taut a eonsiders the Societ • and subketvd -to. the penults- preselibell tune portion of it uneerdm nuel. The lonidings art!- bY I" „ . S.11 goon( also, it good . bearing orchard, two never - failing wells anal a lising epring. Th -• land bi first ' 014084, and will be sold ou easy tenni, 10. tali. prO- B19(161-i)Et it p1111 0,1 is deeirous of retiring 111110 frofarming: Fer , —.. further particulars apply to TUE Eos xeeron Offitee Seaforth, or 1.6 the preprietor, on the preerieee. ;._ , S U PE IOR FARM STOOK 190-tf, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL. ' rst ordee, GEORGE ANDERSON, Preeident 5.1i. A. S. GOVENLOCK. Preeident T. B. A. S. FOR SALE. I T`OR SA E, on Lot No. 32, Mill Road, Tucker - NOTICE. . 1 -i--- smith, he following animals, viz., One Breed- T-L•liDirectors of the Tuckemmith 13ranch Agri- I ing Milrel 6 years old, in foal; 5 anilch cows in ctilE tairtSociety will let by Public Auction, on ' calf; 1 "C° '84o1a Heifer in calf; 9 yearling Steers; SATrIIDAY, the 9tb day ofStsptember nat ext, 5 six Ew - i 2 steer ca ves; two bull Calves; es ; four oik1 31... n the -Society Grounds, Seaforth, '1 :et ts e, ne year old; two ram Lambs, 1 Stiw; foeur()el.i()()THS, ofor the sale ofrefreshinents, dui -in,* i NIA: Pigs, inn. months old. The above are all su- the two days of the Pall Show of the South Aiding 4-, 1 . 196-1 WILLTAll 3ICCONNELL, Secretary. 1 ' iN-4t* Huron Sh . ),.)L•et„..im. _ Sk:AlVEL CARNOCHAN, 3-r. of Horan Agricultural Society, being the 21,s4. and ""'!'" s,.""e The cat 22(1 days of September. alit -and parties wishing 0 improve shoal call and see them, will be on :exhibition tit the South w, at Seaforth, on the 2211 inst. You can get the BENEFIT —OF— REDT:CTION :-1N- COTTONS! —AT— AY SPARLINC & COS, OPP-Otiren HE GREAT EGG STORR 177 A Mai rrift chiller 28,000 WING NEEDLES To be sold, Wholesale mad Detail, at MSTRONC & PRICE'S BOORSTORE. stmet, seafortia. OXBORO 21'1,1,8! CHANCED HANDS: 112111PrSigIlea having purchased the Roxboro sting and Flouring Mills, increased the unit put the Mill in a -thorough s•tate Of repair, are 1.10W prelim -eel to -do ISTING CHOPPING AND All ot er kinds Of general Custorrt Work on the shortest notice. "Illee \Iambi also (14 sin- to Elate to fanners mid othene ;Ina a.; the work will be alone nutter their own SO 1s1001, they 'lave 210 hesitatien in guaran- teeing -4 Mire SUtlSf110liufl, trial is respectfully B. SHANTZ BROTHER. /19.ele ro ,Tune CAUTION. TDE p Mir anebereby cautioned against pun:bas- ing r negotiating 04 rtain (AU, 0 I 1181,0 of tine followh description. drawn by John 1 VilNon Andrew %nit)), in faV01' of Zapfe & Certer, of the St aforth, and all dated en the 3r0 of Aueitst, 1:-•71. The first eo(e fool1in due 1st Febnx- ary, 187 , for the sum of tellie; the second on Diva Ist rob/ inr:v. 1073, for the sun) 1o1 :4100, and tine ard on he let of Febrinny. 1874, for 100. Nie veiny ring been realised ler the above 110t,V0 they n ill not te paid. JOHN WILSoN, _ ANDREA' Dalt dtt 'Morrie, this 17th 4111;0.44 Ailgn 1871 - Li Roo 1 195 OOMS TO LET. in Scott's Illock, two connuoal...915 03.1 the stwond flat. Apply to :10eCAL-GHEY & 1-10LMSIEDe CAUTION. Tilt 1 lIdic are liereby cantiont-1 against pur- iiewitiating a NOTE OF HAND, drawn v John Crawford, in 1:11 4,)' ot Thoinas nicks, '4.• the enin of :••;:127, glut bearing dato- 1115911 tL Itali of Inl.einber, 1870, ai:d payable ono ever aft( (bill', 115 11114 S41141 John Ceaerfen1 be net indebted to the said l'Ilegnas for mr.• ,11/41. amount:. . JoilN (.11AWEdI(1). ryymm ty, Sept. 4, 1871. '1 he 44;:. -eat llyternitstly. 011- MosV,s' Pr.nlonicAl. 911118 nvaltiabh taleflicinf• 15 unfailinl hi filo euro 4 all tliose painful and 110teeene1e(11,4-ase•-e to whirl.' the. female (enaetitittie)) ie eubjeet. 11 nu.deritt, s all e.v.a.ss an(1. remove, a'.; 1,11,truet1o9l5, and a sp eurt; nniv relif TO Ina .14•41 belies it is peenliarly suit1•11. 11 will, in a sho: t time, bring on tlie met.4.11.1y period. with_ 110114-4- Pille shouloi nest be taken by P0111814.4 during t h 111,4 tla•ta- nom tb-1 ef Prl it:-; they - are sure to bring on 31iscarrie, but st airy other time thee; sate. Iti all .315e4 Ner;ong and Spir-al Affpctio05, /mils ut the back and lnube, benne- 401 slight ex- ertion., ellpitatimi of the heart, heeterice, 9114/.- 3Nlivitt:iiitg, lieNsve piialliis;•;illaelffuleetaaitalenoDeuta010-1.711a,111,N•;Qehfueri reinedy, do not contain iron, (1.110111(1, untinemy, or May -thin hurtful to the tonetitution. Full o rectious in the pamphlet around ateh. package, which chould be tarefullv prcserved. Job 31 Nies, New York, Sole Proprietor. t1.00 and. 121 cent for postage, enclosed to Northop & Lyman, Newas uni.;10.anti.)0, gtetineer eacail attninnts gover 50 1: y fur the Dommuei, return . old in. Segorth by E. Rickson Co., rout 11,7s...; It. Lum 'den.