HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-15, Page 2Alt A BARRISTER'S STORY. , CONCLUSION. Before 1 co'old seize her Lath she was gone, and 1 w4s: left aloe ,and what niy feelings were you ma imagine. It is now necessary, in erder tht you Italy understanal the rest of m stoty, ler me to deecribe the epi where the. above conversatien too The sestlk by the cliffs fro , where- we were stayie to R , where the Pey tens ha taken a house, wes somethit g wide a stele, and was certainly oue of tit MOS& gluriOUS it is pOSSltde to in From W to wichi about fi ve h undredyardsof the cliffs rose up grtdu;tijy, uu they reached an elevation alto veth shore (I nearly a hundred feet, an the highest point in the range _wa knowo is Drtroet's Drop, from 0 - fact of an ei efo unate co:t s gain ,man of that name haying thrown ever there one nii4g-it• b smuggleas, and dashed to pieces. A the back- of this_ precipice : was small copse, on the site of whic,-11 once upon a time, stood a monae tery ; and _to venture past _thi, plaue after the shade of -evening bac :commenced to fall, !was co.usidered by toe lower classes _ire, the neigh borhood, and also, seceretly, by many of their betters, to be no only an act of extreme coin Age, bu also of temerity. - It was at this point, then, -tha .the eiogular statement a pool. .Gererinle Peyton -was made, and there remained when she left me, until her beautiful form h ul disap- peared round the other side of alit, - copse. I shalt nevei forget, What I felt that afternoen-; - went to the edge of the eliff and looked down -upon the jagged rocks lesloW with cool uesS which evenur -sptised y - self ; tor had always h tthc.ir tr.i. re - .11 coiled from the _idea, v hteh now forcibly eame uppeemest in my iniaes tees 'of self-deserupt'ore I resolved,- however; to play the ma,- so I walked away hotrie ward. . Itswas past the dinner hour when I reached home, and when I entered the - dining -room, Mr. Soteme and Lady Cleraidine were seated at _ the table, but Chacley was not then. 4 4 W hat have you -two fellow's been about'?" inquired Mr. Soame in his usual good-tempered way,- " why we are through the soup." " Cletriey hasn't beee .1ie," eaid r prised, " haven't seen hirn 'since 1,inch-eon. I thought he was _oue with you, Lir. SOarne." . • o, 1 daresay hell tura up pee- _ sently," said the latter; " •hut he's - genet d Ily pretty punctual at meals." "Good graciou MI% 1\1 olypeux!" cried Lady Geraldine,. what ie the matter -you tire as pale as death- tutytuing wrong Wlth Cr haley, T01,1 Me at °IWO ;" and 84 1:060 frOtii the- table. " Nothing, asset e you, as far as kuow, Lady .Geterldine," se."161. .1--1-heve not been. very well -thin afrernome 1 hove not -wen or heard of Charley' uuejmon. saw Al is.s Pelon home and ther-1 stayed at Draper's Drop to get some freell air. Lie weather is so intense- ly- - „ I felt confused, end no doubt I tippet:led so. A. glass -of whit. given ine by Mr. 10..-eue, helped to reetore me, and there for the iiret there pre thoughte feli upon. Cietrley. Poor, poor fellow ! Antic did th•eaa: of the dreedful teage:ly '4h W11 5) 5ooti was te take. place, anti blast ale eartidy happiness et every' mer mbe of hie tatnit v eirete. The -eyeeing ty„ thattltline began to and -even. _Mr. 8:17.4.0 and imperturbeide uneasiness. J t was now 10 o'eloek and -no Citar.er I then sueeested"Oill" 0./11'.4 / 00 0 0 '1'01.' 11111.1: I) 1011V. ti) f:4'0 Oil. W1 tit- ,nt on and L'.:niN- gro-, fid rely. lo, 061tally Cahn. :thowed C • to. j„ WE ;Li* $01kItti 1111E1N • led 1111 u trireti Lil starm:es (doh e eller peed late le • tt. liappintee t)r misery.; am! l ktp,a Rot hat.pt)iiver diFectod tilry ft. on th,tt weliteto l'i-01. remPuitwi tio‘‘ t -wt. , fitlint4 t it inost 11 iSt 1I deoll: to get, Id and to en1.. tw, eet it, (.re, 111 or It tJ c tell even ti 'sight ,ilf-(4-1.1 redo Attel tritt's re-,elenee. ip rei. het moreelete -ever t to go! th t her wa tue, and so. 1 4iro sdon a pea gotten I he reel ititot out.; 'and, perhaps, " ha n t ran tin, Most nworiul votiid its Like i.egt-ads of t 1- was (I) remelting inight !alive 'mitt -red lel me; lait now, et it!iltig of Lee did (weer to . me, 'Utic with ley thotights ftxe upon Gertrude, .I reacho Drat) ONT. rf te night, was. most lest ICI- ful ; the feli rim n with rays te fleeted on the, wa. eroppeered in he cloudless t imminent 1 „ke innate Ise. irall of pale( Bah t Seispen led by sotitivisi1Ie te 1 • : ' . poiNver.. ',lit may bef re inc etretdbed the Dig ity °cc: n, wiub a. geatle rlppl en its eurft e, which, as it toile i epee) te shingle, eeeined to it st 68 d .rettre. I stood for sr me in inn tes co.ntemplate the get tid Air - ie seeue. With the exCep ion of ie soft murinOr Of the Nse ter wh rose from ...he belt w, and lie gentle .soughinge of. li 'lit bre e tbrolgh, the trees jhst n . • not a sound wee to be' heard. folded my airiir.s, end /hot glit.alot 1. Here," said " st .od • the lov ly creature who loves. m and who tn t, a few re ego, to d MC 80 • aid b yet she is bound to m •rry the in: she only !likes. This must 31 SgEdi not be ; it wot slmply e outt•agelupon her. A father Ca fiat tua6 a, child via ate her fe togs this way. No, it shall not. be ,tind in the i excitetnen to which L had TaiS?d myself -by his .soliloqu. I turned sharply roma to NYalk110111 eelten t.(, lily titter sur :wise and t most fright, With wh m OULld find myself face to :foe ; but Charlc Soaine ! lie stood b fore ene, bo upright, his bat off, his hair di ordeiecl, looking deactly pale,. 1 Nv ith tr co penance dSinoilitic e -preseion. insti ncti elv starte 1 f.„ , lescle. -Gr toions he yen (inane what. is the matter •a NY he I recovered in " why. yot father. and mother t dreadful.' neer vo•us a be u t 'yoti , t- what o earth is all this :about I Come alon home, do !" • .`' Liar, piefidions Far exclain ed in a tid voice at the 'stun ti'me dealinr me a 1101 yy n:10w 0 the chest ; den% .dtt.e addres me .1 T an) familia • n a e.; vOIL knotv what CM haw() I Me." TH E HURON tee ! )'ee, yt; .1 reeved " ani quite at, a Cii'S to undet etand the mean ng 1. t hiS out regeous cot: duet,' Si itir ; "yot know that v tit' pre undue upo • . the fricerdeit p of year.' and 1 de :sire you: wilt explain yourselfri - once." , myself ! erplein my -self !" said h airudet "heleing rtgo ; " extAlein mySelf, arid so sba1 you, before yet leave this plitee to.7.-nigh . Y-py e -treed -hypo- elite, ...yea do ilde,tongi spouridret. you frilee fr end! .0 Sr that clifi j.)110 '.1.)01,11 g r 11,; go tig.rorg--i' 1.,)eg o yon: to be Calm for .your yout mo liet"s The e is i -•0i110 'Mt -1U (1:•1*.illuding Lilay b.; ClOal1 ttp," .1 1PliPd, horrified- at he idea, that eiturleV lied he% his etson " This is no•inistinderetuneting, setul appirreellieg "•-1 leave suepected yott for some time, tinct iny sttepiciorei W(11•0 c011 - finite 1 ;L11011000. I stood in L) It Itst: cit-eelivard ;tit you sttid t (Lc Peyton, and all ;he said to -y-0.11. I a in Clio man i•fhe .1,dv likes met yon :tre the man she out seying Nv ki 111 alsout it, 8-tn, 'twos; 011 : 1::.it, yOti know _I 31r. hivt„1 1 ill -Lon meet seionnely I did nOr-" " 1 1 " 1 MC 1.01, ti:it. 1)0::t " 1);) 1,•ely theethline, in, nee clink.- r-,!;.•• ac-,•,•ot•:, and. Iiiiitiii: ...., " .1.ild no rnere lies tO tl-,o4e 3rort. , . 4(111.1(` dlThidt).11 cal:anity.. haN•i- 11,1(1 :1!ve.:11N-. 1 ..\_nd so it :-,liall- . , 1' et't 110 ;11-Pil id. (IP:11. lAti ty !IOC be, eh, you )311* 'i011..fi 1' 1011(1, .you (=erelditte," s:tid I. '.. i'll. being hint eetititrceitti t rreeeel 1..' Park sefe. ; t 'Iterieee is too teititiotie to " f tell yen :•-'ir, I tte-Cer• knew of run ri-.i;s." . . y, 77 „::: i - With this ft the house ; 001 withint, 1 mrst.:eotii.ess, some giNT13igs 11110 it my poor friend. flue my thouslits ere more 101 (iort,-11,10 Peyton than itny 01,1101. 50 11,fr01,. and with hOl 1 never (nee eonneceed poor Charley 60ame. .1 well . rent ember, and' have often thought. of the eir.stnnstan-_:e since, that .1 felt a sort of pi eeeittment when went reit that nigh& that so,nothnig dreadful was going to lotppeet. reinembet• endeavoring to trate the Ca 1.1140- of the feelitig, anti . concluded that 1 was sutrering- front depressed. spirits, consequenve of tho events. of the aftemoon. lookEd oil over the place for !liar- - ley, and made inquiries alxnut him : but no one Lad seen him. I then took it different direction, and eud- deuly became aware of the fitct that I was going toward Drapee's. Drop. V-0111. 1.1Vi.' :\ i: -LS )ey t( LI (1 2 • 1 patiene.I. • "."-oti lie, you d'd know of it !" Shrieked .the p.Ryr f How in the tones oft: maniac. 1 :e -sere you 1 f tit the greatest pow 1):1,iion. for hint, so T said : " 1 1 renereason ; I will at mice do anything you- like leave the coon- ti•Y ; believe ne, 1 did 1.1(# knOW of your attadnne lt." • EXPOSITOR. SEPT. 15, 1871, 1 Nviit go -to het ," ou are adding_ineslt : ,.. ape's, sir; 'yeti shatter the Vase Iao1isom1H.ragIne1iti='; and. at 1 te • y etiek og . •" he pieees to- .! hive tee seine _Vitee aga ii, e :1 eitototel-von can ot." •• Le- teeagai i assnre yitt-" e • 1 -i Mit none cif your aSSU.raitC3 -'•f"iii. , 1 VIdannt,u we, 'SD 8001 a 1 ykol have, niade nn,- niad-r . mina 1; . for f ' ill'all to lave you iite if I die for i." With these. words li t, made a IIi*O Vt. UK,' it, to wa4 Chi WV, a tid Sei.Z ,(.1 . • . it the gni of a giant, s never il•get khe, 1,06;:d,1 14,0 toough. 8 NVIiii:;11 au one eeteded a few snit', I • , cil Ivs 'one of fin,l- ng our br.dies next_ l , et tinging, wehape, 11 int; on ely, g- prnaps his • Ithu e .Npecat as C.) 11 oN% it all hat pen1 ed ; the tin/live ii,Lt wutild neatriontnd ; the gie s ., ,f nis parents ; -that. of in own r a 1 stivos ; .lintil• '("ertInde -leyton---- . ,d1 thee- Ilion bts aud- iondredS'..- more pasted tht ugh my ieid in a enort space of r-1 te 1 saw that. we were enerosed in a streggle for life. Le vain Cid I con- jure. 11001' Charley by! . all bat Ny• eacred, oy our forms trien Ship, b the,his parents' lovo, to 'deist finis this horrible struegle. Outaf bretttl , ne replied,- "I felt eertaie you would come to Diaper's Drop to ook for wee _Red sentitnentalize - e et• that ••-v retaed girl ; and 1 aw; ited for you. I heeled you say, it eh til never be -nor shall it,!".• and he gt ve Me a. T. wii,t that brought we clus., to the edge of the frightful precipi .e. powet- ; tibel'Idti 113'1 ' dy ;- s ssat•y t nt biii hoekinc ing. otien 3. 1 was really a Mtieh mor - Cul iiiau tints poor Charley WaSicillite wad al' the Gime, emelt very . strongly of bra that I saw thatit was nue use iny best effor s to prev froin accomnlish fig • the act he had been contempla 'wow quite Wee that I had thing tvorthy of •i loath, or even re- ptscaeli, except as to i .the dissimula- %jou which we loth unne essarily practiced ; and I deterrnimd_ that, ill could . help it, neithet of tiS 13hould perish., Aloreover, 1 woeld tave laid down my life f r- poor Jharley. in. a good cause ; i rid . for iis.enother'e sake; -too, I would have saved him, had I been el)) -. My !eject was to get, 'Irina awajy from lie miff, and - if .neeessary, wrestle vith hire until. limiting, w ten as- Sietance could haXebeen piocureti. To eun away did f.aot then 4ccur to me; and indeed,. to ' have doee so Would hal/ heel; . hardly p ssiole. ut then ealme the 'hat the produi.in4 aseistanc would ei painful t 'ought, i ecessarily involve- stateme ts and 1 eports in which ithe' i•larries of the dames, and the Peertons, a id my ewne would be mixed np. IL wever, little time was allawed for ti oneht e • t..joame mver epoke another N ord in t, 1 is worid, after ie. had ma le the remark I have already nienti ned to you. ' .. ' , - He bad got held of my collar- with 1)W' :hands, au .- d was i akinf the mot frantic efferte„to pt li me . towhrd the edff edge of thecli. I." f , shed a ray of light Over the die teal gloom thee preyading tny soul. _ Lsoon reached Mr. Soame's, and antiouneed Oat I was enable to' tind Chu rleY. Poor Lady Gereldin -, 1 I shall t.eyer forget the look she give me that night on hearing ibis State, _ment„ C con see her 'Howe poor thing ; sl.e was . Very tn,iel, excited, bNv but she little thought 'ett the reel state of the case was. Mr. Sonnt'e %yes SiLligh hie, alld 6011. t Ci.litriey had gone te dinner tvitli t ie Pey- toes. Lady Geraldine lhe ged Ine 6. go out again. I -did FiO, lid r ,tf- fected to give notice of the eircute- etancee 'of Chat.] ey's abSrni c LI)per- soee ill the place. 1 wed not go into minute particulars ; suffice it. to say that stare]] waP.. 11 ada On Ole nThri*()W, and peer Oh irlev :a Sot m NVe's tiody ai../ foetid in the u ternoon at the bottent of Diane -'4 )1'ov, hor- i ioly battered ao .. (Refigured. Mien Ole remains *eve beought home, the 'sight 'of the corpSe of her darling son waS tOo to tieb for poor Lady Geraldine; .On oe4olding it., she gave a -heartreridri ig sh ar nd swooned ; hereasot iteyer re - tin lied.. and she died ' cid trily and quietly two _months. after, hamg been raving mad in the- intervar. M. Poor r. Soatne shortly after left Englafic4 and died 50Mewbere in the south of Italy. : , I returned to London ether poor ()ba, ley'S 'fit petal, an entirely alter- ed Mau. [ I felt that I should never be happy again in this World.; nor shall I. !Although T wrts a perfect- ly innocent actor in' the terrible little dratna, I he.ve deset•ibed to you, 'I felt that C _had been guilty of . folly in not being wore frank and candid with . Charley concerning Miss Pytun. 1 t - seemed to ' me ,then„ and it eeenis now, that the -fact of his lacking -candor with 0)0 was no.exense for my own Sehavior ; but Charley has long since known how innudent I was of any attempt to supplant him in Miss' Peyton's -affeetionse But you wile ask me, what has become of the lady ? As I cold you, I returned to tpwn after the sad evelf.s I have narrated. I came here, and Applied mySelf to my profession, striving .by ein.doyment II to forget if. possible, the shocking occurrences, the : remein 'trance of ef which, even now, hangs like a pall over me. I 'had seen Mi•ss Peyton after poor Charley s funthal bat had nob entereatinto.particelars concerning hiS death ; uor, of course, had .1 said 4tlything abont ityecdf to her. She was deeply .1))cked at her lover's, fate, on keret:nee Which event she acknowledged their at- : tachaeertlitt: - Ay'ifter this, I :saw in the a 1)5.1)015 an .announcement of Colonel Peytion's decease, and wrote to Gert- rude to Condole with bsi" on her loss. The -sentiment of Tote I bad felt for her never again found ex- pression from me. I could inotheve married her ; and she, I ap trehend, fele also thaG, out of respect to poor f _Marley's memory, we would never el, it most, more- then friends. . I was sitting at -work .one, dreary fternoon in. November, in the year ollowing iny friend's death. ; the amps had Jest been lighted, and 1 ras 1,1iiaking of running ofi to get " Unhtuid we, you fool !" I ex- 1, . .1.' claim6d, now fu ly . alive to my k‘ dint'. In Not a woitl ie reply, but re- ... . N's , ubled attempts -to effect his 5.nten- e. ! ti 11). le thonglit i h.e devil Ar.- • i i c I am, foe I ileVer Stw .n. face 511) hor- • . 1 i 111' distorted wit It rage tote' mad- •t-' „ epectatore-two. :Noting mon, win) u siLiht that Nvould 1.avt.,, appall:A to a tWelve hours silica weie fii•ill ft end', 1 , 11 .1. iv 88 - t18 lii8 • Nva,8 I -, li eve often . - • tliovvelit .Since •Nvliat a reinaikable ongaged in a struggie tilatiuhl - et certzLinly tenninate fatally to ie or , , tc , . . . bi.itlf; and at such . a time ;out place w coii 1 I i, makes 100. shudder 11 hen .1 d. I do iriy dinner --for I • dined out them - hen %iglus, a. young man aa that iene, eame anel anilmtnieed a lady. tary to my - ustml pl.:let:ice, 1 ireeted liei to be sh!own ip, -where- fele a, tall figure, al•rayed ill deep meriting, enteeed me 1.0010 .1 and on raiSed, there .1 be - (31(1 the 11(':LLIljfLIl feat 11 res- of (.1er- etcle 1.)ey Una more lovely then ever. 111:11.10 the Imitate. 'sltert eloe heti tiled. she said, on her Netry to Paris, ) Wish 111c3 good -by for good ; she •ts going to ultimately • ttalce the lack veil at the Carmelite eopvent tet•e, OS j:q:2'111' tarie. .LNIs hettrt tee full, hut 1 offered remon5tr- 100 ,11.o this step ; iettid nothing, La- nni. expres-zing a 11111)a that she iglit 'find happiness. " The thing 1 Sliould like to coin- tinicat,!, to you befere ..voti :Mier.: 11 11 • iereali the e viuL o thl nigh t. -Vt•• ith a de:etc:tette effort 1 heels hin off', tind he fell th the grout id. elen•hey, my old friend," said T, imelore you to desiet! Re- 111°..tilrtjhe,--,-q.1--te-' fi 1 entil,1 • finiele the eentele.e., he was Lie i„eee and meth.. a Cunneen -1511 :It me. 1 stepped (nit of the way, nil -.1,1v moving to- :, , seartt trie eopse, el---ITterveits ! it tetmost Ino horril le to reorett! etter Charley went -over tho approaeliett the brink, Ind heard ti e thuds 4 his poor body against he rocks on its way to .the .hottoti) Ile gavc one • 1 • • groan, and no mote L 80ITTV 1 thinUtCg 41a. a person stunni d. A 'hat poeition wae: mine for man to be in ! What a statemeut to milk to 'Mr. 80aine and his wife ! 1.111t should nnike ?: wzn; not my own. br,; ? An:the uirownstanc( scvmpd against Ole', _Mies -Peyton would COein Presume n )t. 8 a to dictate to Imor 'harley's 110 16)1 e fate the 10ohe; iireehe entlyci she : 111(11(101 of my 111 il NO, L. WO I 1.1 On 1 Nr h 1«*s iiio- ydu have stolen-. kekeepSeel:et , ; 1 1 weiit eiit h',we- her 1LIVO away 1 iraltle and tO retain N sacrificed °Yore " I • repeat taken," eaid I this condect so notion, to de proachee. iuis will go." from me the love 1 lieybral all things. •hicir I would have thing." that- you are mita .and_ will repent le day • I have done 'erve these vile re - Peyton is yours; Val•d, nit \VJ th 11 114 1.11011411tS : I edeteted poor Clierle'T. nee dear old Jying it Lilo foot of ':that prociiiiee, Wedding and dead, copiously slicetteztre of iutense. • ngrugh. , I Went down tq the shore and bathed my face; an 11 the reflection l'ithek I was rredly- gt iltless of every- thie-ps as • regards .100 . , ' ';v( 11 11 t'yt011," 511il: and 1 I Old at' NI:11 pg'*(.1" " And 30W Will 1.011 tC11 lntl :0.11101 hi11.2: . " ‘.111Vn 1110 W11V N'Oh .2111(1 ;12/111.`V i''.1)41.1411' 111147,0 211%:110t '0111' O1igOge1211•11L . , -"‘ W011, the fact NV:t•-z," She' S'ild- R and .1 :on tWovp FAR]) tri0c,-; now, h:Ink God.1.----you know my father etot 0 poor man ; coneequently had 'lit the to :eive me, and 1 lind 310 great xpectations. 1 t War.; 030 eXprl-'SS '1;11 Of Mr. 1-toatne nay tlie his life, for hie son to merry a ich women of the hieheet family, in ci•dt'l. that some daV In: might rise t, something beyond. plain _Air. , wine. This heiorf the ease I. -was ;7, 01 eady net. lin' W0111011 he would have eleieen for his eon. I acted e•y improperly, .-Atr. tlypens ; 1 anxions tor wealtlaand position, aeeepted poor Charlee 8ott1fln'a at- nion while my heart was an- isit," she eon " 117:8. }Mgt and gone, mid it only remains for ue to made n.111013E18 for past folly by present and future , good behavior. I have, embraced the Itomish faith, and hope to find ; that comfort which its commenion, 1 think, affords beyond that of other 1 1 rel igio us. Fa re we: 1, Al r. Moly- neux ; you will 4-oinetioies. think of Soatir Marie, at Carmelite couvent. in Paiis." I gresped her bend, and -he per- mitted mc to kiss her forehead, and I wished her 0 real bles:-,ing " Could 1 see her off?" -` No ; she had an attendant with her." Oue more fee mei!, and she was gOne. Y011 Will scarcely oelieve ie; but 1 eriel hke a lin 1d when _site leld goile. frip.; Dieu of that .10Valifil' beautiful creation of the A !might v'sl, that exiptieite woman of high mind nd intellect, Iteieg immured in a eon yen 1 in Palls, was lbaltliiiling. I rose, and determined to 'break through all my resolve, to fol low her, to eenew my deelaretion of hate to ner, tot induce iie.r to forget t1e. past, to forget it myself. J made .00 the door ; bid the mom seemed e1e go roiind and up and down with ne. T remembered lio mote until 1. -ante to my senses and found iny- elf in bed. -- Nature had bees, ti led .00 much ; I had a severe illness. seon recovered, however ; and after few weeks in the country, return- ( d to Londou to work. Ten years after Miss Peyton's ieit to me, I was in Paris (lining he Ic.ng vacation, and _I attended ton early morning service at the hepel of the Carmelite convent. he sineiug of the nuns was ex- ( itisite and affecting, and . above all 6 lose sweet sounds which came t irough the jnison-like grating, f aim the invisible choir within. t 'ere was one voice which did e ,Letcially strike my ear, and -which s aeued familiar to me. You will s nile, perhaps, but I have always I -,lieveik it to have been Gertrude eytou's. Befere leaving, I inquir- e of the effielating priest, after ..tbe A .rvice, whether they had. a Sceur A arie there. . " She was there." • A young English lady?' " Tall and fair ?" " The Nery same.". Wile she well I" " Quite wen" Was she happy 1?" " The brioes of nist were always happy." Such were my questions and auswerS. A year ago, I wis in Paris, and 1 attended the service ot the Car- melite coevent. I afterward put the same questiell to the officiating P''est as I had twenty -fear years be-. t'sre, and received tiles:116e answers aS T did then. _ It is thirty-five years ago since the eventful evening of my meeting G rt(;1Iworde of old Lord Hedingham 1 rude Peyton at the Soames', and", to me-" I don't suppose you will ea )r forget this evening" -still ring in my years. We are both now down the hill of life ; she has lived a nun, 1 &most a hermit ; but 1 ne erconld see that mytroubles were wi oily owing to myself. Mies Peyton was fiekle; she want- ed as Ay herself confessed, to secnre tit position poor Charley Soame co ld fin.-: given her, but she loved in . A -V -d' all pricticed doveit, and ' Vol have seen wl jiat it produced -- 77 isieq's alrypt;i-ite. , 1( 61 • " \1'i n c C onnlany they, are enable,I to ' 10111 first-class machines at a much less figure than hitlitrto offered in Canada. N -11.1.`r IS VITA LiTv.---Smne philosoph- ers call it Animal iNiaoletisin, some. vous Force, others Caloric, hut by wly fever name- it may be called, the 4.thd g. meant is the main spin-; of : it is the principle we ininrit, and win .1i may- be 110.11':5he7L hy proper atten- , tit,' to till/ .rele:rellitf:Li of the body and the avoidancu of exec ises ; it ,is -was: ed : or iestroyea _overt:I:m:72; the mind wit) study or anxiety and 1111:0101Wrate inth igences. indeed. it requiits the ex- pel) 11.znre o ,-,tdiity for et cry thought or action equal to the inagnitud,.. f this that ght or action, NViien the and the IJ' un are well halaliCed, the 1)3)1 'Ji is e tpaaile Ot )1storng LIIU Nv-/ but win3 the brain is lar4e in preeert;en, the sten eel) is incapable Of ing it ; in ochi r1yords, the eNpenditure is -too large for he income. II. ro lics the Cfelse oi SO 1111101 froin of the_ he:ut, 11 st,,ianeh s, alid Syi up of fly1,ophos- phiths il the only preparption lolown impai•t•s this t italiiv 1. I (.!: t EGG EMPORIU Ai. The subsariher is still in his al "stand. aud prepared to pay The Highest, Cash Price For any quantity of GOOD FRESH EGGS Delivered at the Egg Emporium. Main street, Seaforth. To all tarties (merchants and titz,erS) with whom he has dont busim during the past four years, lie retunis beart,3r thanks, and. trusts by strict attention to business to merit their patronage311 the iutUrr' 1 DAVID D. WI T,I)N. Seaforth, Maid] 16, 1871. 71-tt i -EGGS! EGGS! rHE •;ubscriber begs to intimate that P he 3.s' still prepared to purchase Eggs --------LS, Store at the Market, and to pay the HIGHEST PRICE IN CSII for all fresh Eggs that may offer. To Merchants in Town, and Country with whom he has done Blunness in the past tin ee years, he returns his best thanks, ana. hopes for a -continuance of 1 Businc.,is relations. - WM. MALCOM. Seaforth„ March 3, 1871. 168-tf fiL•zo %lee VIOLET INK. SEATTER, EXCHANGE BROKER, And deader in Pure DRUGS CHEMICALS AND DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, FANCYAN D TOILET ARTICLES Agent for Sewing Machines. Money - to lend on easy terms. „gar Pare Wines and Liquors for medi- cinal purposes. J. SEATTER, Seaforth, NOV. 3, 1870. 594f. TICKETS FOR EUROPE. -ViR. JOHN SEA TTER has been ap.- Vi pointed Agent at Seaforth,' for the INMAN LINE OF STEAMERS. Parties contemplating visiting, any part. rf Europe can be supplied with Tickets and all necessary information by apply- ing to JOHN MATTER. 185-tf. Druggist, etc. TO THE PUBLIC AT LAAGE1 W. H. OLIVER, $11NOF TILS SPECIAL NOTIQES. • secnon- coLtAn. , I A choice assortment of light wad heavy BY small profits' and quiet; returns bl-rileFsi Whip5, he211s, horse clothing, etc-, the motto of the Guelph. Sewing l“pt constaptiy on hand. • '-'()11-°,''*j 11(1dtlY Lie 1")wer IA) livt-Te"mu se. 15 071 w,,n,icr ;hat inv:t11,18 lo.a: f::.it ii hi a') perives, NA hen so 11,-„ily worthics men ein„,s. are 1Lc;,..y111sc.41 tor 11:- 1:000 la* vari, iis di,,,.a,es; :,,It. whieli, AN ben tried, are found w-antiii!!„. 'NV, liav.! vet to hail , however, of til iirs'-_ talire. of, Dr. N.‘ is ar's Balsam of 'Wild. ( heir-, to cure co)n! •1•4, colds, and 1)111111-01)ary 411513=i -ie. 1'1 1.! 1131t a')tifili8.1.ing t'n Pc.- fer chronic (liar) !nem we ever hearit oi is that of 'A ni... (lir :, Frankfort Alins, Waldo (..'onntr, )litii e ; the farts are attested liv Ezni. Trea„ Upton Treat and .N1. .A. ...Sierrill, eithcr of -whom might lie ;tilt:at...vied for pirti .111ars. „".'dr. (*lark WILS rti 101 bY ,1 olin ion ..i; Anodyne Lill iinClit. Ili 11. Joseph Farewell, :Mayor of Ito:k- land, 'Ale., 115140 M. Bragtc, Es.(1., 1 kni. gor, tuid :NI eisrs. t'ope Tiros, .Maehins, itunIkr inerclmitts, fully endorse the Slicrildan Cavalry 1'0:1(atio1l PowdeiS, and love given the proprietors liberty to ns!. their names in recommending it. TNN,0 Q.i`r.•-rriciss E.tsity A•.•,-zNi. EuEn.- IN hy•shouhl men Wear twanis? liweanse h(1\ tre a great protection to the throat anci.' 1 ings, and add lunch to their pci- sonal appearance. Why should we use " 111-3 an s 1'111111m1j; IN alert.; ?- l'weause when used for coughs, colds, tickling in the t iroat, hoarseness, 4:43., they act like a charm. Ministers and lawycrs usc them, physicians recommend them, and singeiS and public speakers say they are ; t the v ry best medicinein - existence for ' the c4re of such complaints. Soh' by all medic le dealers, at 25 cents per ; box. 96-7 I flepniring promptly attended to, 2.12,(1 el arges moderate. ltemember the place ! SitMi of the Scotch Collar, Main Street, Se af orth. 1 (Mit W. H. OLIVEII. PA 1f'fl1NQ. jfire3 Es WE LLiA.P51.3 11,.,ts to intimate to the public that he ha i removed front .Melotosh 'arriago, Factory., aod has y!iiti.d. r. 'irassie)81 )aint w tere he may be forind at any tin Mr, Williams is prepared to extiente, (11 thc shortest notice, all kinds of rriage and Oi•nainental Work. (;ive him a call. Ilene:ether the place, opposite Murray's SLa1,1,2s.' 1711-13t 'I'I i EIA IIMOC1 r4t:g: 1;,.,,, t to inf'orin the pahlie that tl.tey have: op, lad a 1 4i'M BI -.It i AR 1) ni ',..,aforth,,, 11,1,r .".1t51'-(,315 Mill, on the ,...-,,end for- int: ly thud as a LI:ini,er Vaid, liv: Mr. Til /MOS Lee. -hey will keep eonstantly on 1511111 2. go, d 1L::-4.1.11 nt, of A 1,1, .1,:. 1 .'" 131-: 1 /1,1 1,1*.villl_il, dress.A. and 0 hcirolseil. LATH AND .z•ilt INGLES. J. A. " l'r'rp L. Cede ,:oteackt _ All of which they are prepar,:d to sell at the low( .-4-, poizsihle prict-s, l'or t ....t h. 1 udders and others will inpi it to 'their aaranty:ie to inspect- our s.oi.k. and as - Wilt rt:, 14!.., WO are in a 1,,,:ition to oilir certain our nrices iieforc pm -ell -sing -1st - „u,._00 1 induceinents to cash pnrcha•••er. MABEE c1,,... :Al Ac •DtiNikii1614)i, :-.:eaofrth, .1 )ec. '29, 1 •/'70. FOR SALE,: rojiAT splendid lintel Sia.n1 on the J. 'Market Scpmre, Seaforth, known al, the CO ilY ENtAlAN.1.*:, anil doing a. good business. To an enteriirh,ing num, with swine capital, it oilers exi•ellent in- dtarnents, being on one of the leading strets and close to the Salt Wells. Also, two comfortable ( 'OTTA(; ES on n" eratt' Apply to soro; .;vAt the Market. n.. 2 7 81. .1AI.,(:0),•1, 1 Flg 31 Street. Goderich, rented_ at $42440 u, yea • and several Town Lots. Term- s - 1644f SEpT. • BRIEF eosota farm day. --- 71 newhitea snake nem- intim! (1 1)'S. helle a of )ryg*n wati r ht wet- --- 0,1e of the tee ;dee, Ga,, could. tW4Ulv f 1)05 5.0(3 10 prkivo lio tone Vi'ry r";;;N,. 1WW. 4;•:" if/ i1,41e of the l',- •••••!iyil 4 ti I en nionl. - An Eilgiish fir• ••••-r.• machine, vo11,t1114,0i il w4:131 o: lip 1 .4- :1* :1 sprit •,••: .1. 3 1013•44.3- 1 11•1.:,- , hi$t. 1.(31)k *2 • tO' -MAI, ti 1(1 it g sone- •,..f 1110 11111)' •Cnii-, for styli,. done on a Fria- e etme long sereems. 8he th- pulpit said ,c1et(-8 1110 len;•.,,,,-th 01 t sermo1 in• shall lw mrasured tiles 11)V iii'*.stt1 form( rly. self „el hie liorses, the hese Virginia. 14 fulii groomed that i• kerchief pi-istied showi,1 the, :slight,v.. the Intilnal WaS '01 the et attle- -- Prof. Fisk, Wr Tai2ve frem E'dinbur S(311)5 to have seen men ancl wOnleli. ftl :Stay in that eity wesks in London, e• enure than aerie nteriea." -- An- 5.313 thinks that the are the inoet mita) tent. He ran tile town meeting ed pea ;nice tieket aiLh4 but somPlievi- 01 ot both tiniesee. A inPrr 14):11 l'nslied into ;Say.; ninth, exile Itteg Met broeh diseovered 11,11- oir in a con-fum-A -panied Ly her los nockeehook, - When time Nevecht, Itectif Henry rill -0e by ti 11)14' ielhabitati eonelnsion that it v 1) 113g111 d • g -311;i7.0 :2 Vigilalwe,•(.0 11 haS re8 - Prince tll((-11;',^1- (if tile 01 1i))irlit to' (;Cnii4i; “1.03.1S1 )t $77,41, and tbe • lir:Y. he from Ow Gover13111,.• - Prof. 11x1ey .sai :hat pri'r'eU i0115 1)13! 1%144! 113 fl 1`, :: iti.,1)1' :3711:1::1 .12:1.1:41.,:i.i:..1, 4 vn ; 4.bat 2i1.4141 (1.M2i5i pliyeien anatienieall V Milli 111.;;;Si S-1761:11411;0 retilln 1131111CQ 0 108 Wil-OSe fat orite .141111 ,filx 1.tiigaa0r, s linen : is a cf; hdiatinis and elioniP 1)1 twolvp Mission. and plaV. profes,an -- • :Mr. joint event lo know only is he a greet j3- =ologist, and hot!inis: :admiral,' y4 -a)!d is a it, 1 inaine• i diss(- 1-.a use ',hint in __Thy repert re%alter; Le. Aesoeitition. of in Kansas, of whits- encporting, and el pasture, The nue is 72, of whom. 'pistoled ditty. cites. gei year. Vsbi infants i5)Pti A•11 01,..4131;1•111.1.12411,1avt. 1 4.03 The First T. Ile that teetota dont of Great from an Englisli p Bisname ee eissJ'Atel.hl Re has been for employee on Yorkshire Railroa .superannnated.