The Huron Expositor, 1871-09-15, Page 1SEPT. 1 5-, 187I
to the way that Thomson 4-, Wile
ried tounpoee ou the tzoeiety by -
g and competing at the Iate match
ene in their own name manufac-
r petty.. it Iras als(>the t the tee'refary be instruct-
eite Meese s. Thomson
eet tt)- afraid the
v •!; !vet: 1- ~hem as a prize at
See- H.
- The ieueea tf
hp in et teedat•-„ `(1.'1iela,3-.) for
[-et, euleeittireea ify-Iaw ta
epay s. granting a .140111t$1
m the eon -
of ti„e Ienelon„ Huron and
: way. I'!:t 1)1rectore of the -
t: aeked sl 7;50ff from thiss
ee the Ceinteil. refusiute
11, -1.111 LK' this sma. they
• it ;~:1.1.t40;t..- This amettut
tie. Is.. eat rite' with but slight
--A pi .-nie of the children at-
-. X.1„.1,tmils. t;tetriol,
Is. held (ez 11-efluesday, thee
• . Pert nts ef children and
er a.!ly- invited to attend,
rhallart on,
-.1. span of hones,.
end, harness, le longing to Alr.
ter the tewn line between
I 11 ihhert. \veto: oe sunday
;el 111;mtlay morning,
s etaltle, .Mr. A teem in_
v a threshieg egt Alotidayt
;se earlier than tieuat--between
)ek - to make az-mug-entente
:eesevering his leee, he peempt_
ed his neighbors. and a search
„.tly inStituted. It seemed from
nee:a- that the thief or thieves
ds the place in a buggy,
:y tied, in Mr- bush,
Moare's farm, and en
that paint with the stolen
the waggon. and, buggy were
,retlest- till they ateived at the
Fuliartme when, the buggy
it dew et that line, and the wae-
Aert along the old Alitehe;11
irde Nirkton. It turned off,
cn the baee Rae of Illaushard,
e Caner, and proceeded to-
fepeet,-- where the scent was -
Mel a r;;t. Mary's cionstabie des -
pursuit, with what euceess we
.ret jearned, but feel sanguine
[iitti or thieves Will be ere
thj beety recovered...
ite above was in type we re -
pit from another corresp
statee that a certain ‘' Al.
'ea est eel suspieiou
;Railway By -Laws.
ing ttn the various Railway
,i the different Municipalities,
Jove as ftIllows
hypo. Frit1:7, sept• T.
t. snit R. stls,nott. Fri-
: L. If. and I;., sis,;(00, stunt! _
tionitted in this town -ship.
-Junk Saturday. Sept. 16.
Self'. 111-
itt,t4itt, s•tturday. Scitt.
.ave the Sealorth station ae-
flort: EAST,
'ess. Ifttrialo Express.
10.50 A. M.
1.35 .e. M.
cn,INtt %VEST.
'2-35 r; 'M. 8.50 P. M.
FoR WALE. (1116. -LP,
*--11:-t.fttittioztons ripe
Platt u 27?..1,3,t
it:: hat; la -tit printed for tit-
:. ; spleudil condi-
t it. a
Card P-i•i•Ns,
(irking (triter. Apply tt-
:04 LEAN 1110/TIIT:ItS,
Si -:i out it, GNI:.
1 \ SON. Tortt:titt.
a 7 1
41 LONDON, ONT1,7,-
15- 'ZS hind 2-.1).a
nil Etttry Papers may let bad at tie
Ifirlatifted stret t, Lino:tut, oil'
tt (.-11 cur bc•
( tN.1. Utkill:t. LGNI
e .
a 'rota:eat
sn, tie
• ietste
"!•,'`il'AS., FREE HOMES.
11:, 1.IN (IF Lai:
Clet0 AS
tti III:
I 1.1%71•Ii Ana tiea.
t ti •:s•AtIr.t.,„
.4 tip,. 1.41 111
-h u
-te t h.
.1.; ...el tit SI pe- aort .
_It Tr 1.1. SI 1 T1.1:::s.
( rttzt tit La. -1 bt
. tq- tor t
es. 1 •-ft I" Elv:
1 thit'SI !fat'. .1.4LW,
Et‘1.-• El.t Ett-t l.t
r Eht ir
p•A t.titiou &script -he Inuit
• Loaf:* ti fire 1.‘,117.1t ill ft'.
U. 1'. 1. IL ( ,
VOL. 4, NO. 41.
" Freedom, in Trad —Liberty
a-hc 0_tx1)ter
IN 8.1;AF0IZTII. per year in ativtutee,or i2a the
itnil of the yoar.
d vertis mi.vs.
rqt. insertino, pa link. 8 cents ; sublittquent. in-
/sertious, _tItsnItS each time. per line.
-One column nne year ' tt,..60 00
• •-• half " 85,00
" •1' 3nionths 20 00
111If " wt.. year • 735 00
90 00
" " 3 mouths 1:1 00
Crie4„nutt1i mu- year .. ... .... 20 00
" itedf " ...... 12 00
" Inouths 8 00 -
Coe -eighth imk year 12 00
" half _`• 8 00
." 3 months 5 00
lope.ixati fth 'oni, year 8 00
44 tutif 5 00
• " 3 mouths . . .. . .... . .. 8 RO
Aclv€rti-&-iis wit)? on t fipe oi ti r directions will
bc insatrr, d Lill forbid, and charged accordingly.
31t-nno McLE_LN, Publishers.
i 1
1 .
DI riltloPti mit v.
1. sa,Iti if 1 ni ieJ! t gri baek again
To the very hour, and place of in3
- . birth ; ist
Mi ;lit 1W -ti my life w rate -er T chose,
. And live it m any.j. art if the earth ;-:-.
',Put perfect sunshine prto ny Sky,
' 'Banish the shadow . f sorroh- am
doubt ;
Kaye all my happiness in dtiphed,
_ And all my sugerm hi -st ritaken out ;
If I could -have know i,ii the ;years now
• gone
The best that a wor Ian mos to know
Cotildihjie-L4e, had wha evm willt make he
, p r whatever she thi ks wi imake he
Have found the highest z
That the bridal wi eat]. al
And. gaiited the one Oft
That my heart .11$ well
e t se ;
lid urcst bits
d ring is.
.f the'worl
as, my rdaso-
d I stood .to
sle p
pr. yers, for
of the r eolde
And if tl is had been; as
nit lit
By my - children, lying
. .
• beds,
in in
'And could count
D'AXID :11ITCHELL, M. D., Graduate of Veto-
riot College, Physician, - Surgeon, etc-. ete., The s18‘thr:IY;
ini: TO V,
- he; dsi--
OST.— Of the County of Huron.
1011:iek:atid residence, at Thompson, 4; Stanley's.
W. IL. SMITH, Physician. Surgeon, etc.
Oflice-Opposite ,.Scott Robertson's Grocery,
Main street, 'aforth. 5$
_TAMES STEWART, M. Dr, C. L Graduate 0-
Trniversity, Montreal, Physician, Surf
.;ectri, etc. Mice mai liesitieneti-naueetiod.
L. Arfate01:, E. D., C. Physitlittn„ Sur-
geon, etc. Office and Residence, corner of
Market and High streets, in rear of Uldil's store. 1.
Yea! 1 sh id, if a m rade uch as, this •
-Could le wrougl t for ae, Imy bid
. (lb g, still
I would e tose Lo In ve
And to et my fu ' ur
I .would ot make he
More p , easant o
or vide ;
Nor chine my emirs th
• hai
This w„ y or that ray, t eit
lY past is mine an 1 I take it
Its weakness -its folly, if y
Nay, evei my ins, if yol. 001
i‘lay h4we been My h •lps,
dr nces !
13- mat as it is,
cot le a it will !
pat i I iaVe trot
en, mot straight
1 -
e br 'acith of
1111. (1ANIPBELL, Coroner for the County. Office
-91-'" and Residence, aver Corby's comer store, Maio
'street, Scaforth. (Mee hours, front 11 to 4, each
Alin and day Saturday. 1r9
II 14;44A 1 •
AN LEL lie' /ON A.LD. Barrister, Attorney -at:-
IAN, Solicitor itt C111111Crry, NOttkry Public,
ttionveyttrits-r, etc.. EXETER, Cat. If I savhe
!_-_-se mousy Le Listu at Low Dates. 188
my body from t
that on et ha
- ;
yself from "a gr
g a less you Lei HOLMESTED: Barristers, At Or kept n
Lte•-.-, Solicitors in Chancery and 1, •
t-ney. Notni-i(,s Public haul conveyancers, .-
- snlieitortti for tiu,il C'. 13:01k, Settfoith. Agents for
it Was' be
camels cite assuntuce Company,
)3.___;430,000 to lona at 8 per Cent Farms, Bettor
Houses- met Lots for sale. ee If the sm
17ZENSON & MEYER; Barristers auct Attorn;ys
jit". ;it Law, Solicitors in Clumeery and Insolvency,
COnveyanvers„ Notaries Public, etc. (Mhos -Sea,.
forth and Wroxeter. Agents for the Trust, and Limn
eo. of I'ittivr Canada, and the Colonial Securities
-CO. of Lot:dint. England. Money at 8.per cent.; no
oorninission charged.
..3AS: il.IlliZZSOZE. -U. SV. e.
sut 'red a 1
isinn.ed f a little It
biting walled me
And e sting f sin vith
ie fi
d b
1 in
_Who knowsits s rengthi by
What s rength. Must be set
And how emptation is 0\'41'C01
1 lie ha,s ear•ned, wile hat fel its pOwei
Tz-NOX'S HOTEL, (Late- Sharp's.) The muter-
-L /LI sh,,tted begs Co thank the public for theliberal
patron:4st awarded to him in times' pant in the
hotel business, awl also to Inform them that he hes
atgain V. singed tinniness ht the alsolt stand, where
-.1tc will he happy- to have call Irma old fritards, ;
ler side.
ili ;
ru please
e to th
not Iiinr
ithed my
Si -1
derstand ;
aek fron
ield fron
Nvit in! .
and many new ones. ,
. 120 THOMAS
f EXCHANGE 110TETt. Goderich, Ont.,
C FA. 'VW kV, Proprietor : ILL -Lots,. mate
cyf Atiteric,in Hotel, Warsaw, N. Y. N -muter. This
-.1t,otel rtteetttly been newly furnished, and rit,
Atte.' t,in,,sgittout, Alta i ituw no. of the Most emu-
fortaith and commodious in the Province. Good .;
Sample It ms for Commercial Travellers..
zzt,' Terms liberal. 123 •
.. _ .
A K sC ff?.a.LA Nuo V.4.
. .
.,.... 00 l/fNI E'S Banking and Exchange 011tee, in :
4 W. g. 1t.11;1...liTS0N'S 8tore, Settforth. (lreint- ?t, -
(...- 1 • - .1 7 ,
backs. Ana-me:tit Silver, and. Drafts bought. and sold. ; • . ' 4
(11o0EI karnier's Noten discounted and purchased... :
191 . . - Agent. •
And who
alows hos a if
ma: show?
Why,' I ok at the
•we 'tand
11 01
- Opaque, u teven, you say ;
• A 1010 nous spliete;
and ! • •
• -
So let my:past stand ju t
And iet niy nolv, as 11 ri
1 'am. whad 1 ante and in
- is the best-a:or it had ito
at the
fr, M wirer
yet it shines,
tiornadete am
: .
it stands,
/row old
11,)eligion,--,Equalitij in Civil
or the improving of t
was a grand success.
IThe notorious' r.$
Nissouri tragedy, stil
0011 tinein en t, aid
melancholy. She sti
, t.
e church p
. Campbell
at time
1 insists ti
Quade killed her hashand. -8
she is greatly annoyes by minis
lawyers, the former ; dVising hen
fess, arid the latter tc iling her
ber mouth shut. Th • Prevai:ing
- that she alone OO unated til
and that (Style, -who s ktill in ja
bahly bought her tin: piatol. ki
it will be [knit ti) • eurivict het
evidence is ciretnnstat tial..
Letter iProm Mani -to
the Editor of the .1 UrOil E.righ
f0110W111, ttle some uxtracts
from a letter which Wes kindly paced at
lily disposal by the friends ot writer
11-a gentleman former ya reside' t in the
Township of -Morris. and at present re-
siding 111 'Manitoba. '1 send tho in the
tione that they may parch; of int 'rest dto
the readers of the EN easirron, u d. may,
at least in sonic tit:4m aidd to ti c stook
of infermatimewe nom • possess legal ding
the Pro %ince of Manit Anai and its leading
characteristics. Yours slincerely,
1 (4oriti4Lit: WEL,
of the
in close
• quite.
at .Me -
ie says
urs and
to eon-
o An- on
c deed,
as the
Wroxeter,,SePt. 4t1, 14371.
, ST; Ja.-2,-ess,
; Dtalt Fiettassi/s,-I
letter from home for
aid thiniting it of no
lenger time, I have dt
without waiting for y
still stopping . at N%
driving a team for a
putting up a brewery.
mg is 00 feet long,- by
ha- is 12 feet deep au
building. We had a
t ley were nearly al
were at it; they used 1
The. people here are1
e 1 with their hay.
anunig themselves, th
tug nay, outside the t
fore the 25t1i of Jul3s,
„bay taken from, them,
sides. Of eouree any
Within the required. Iii
hay when they elittose.
ageneral thing; are al
length,. Some ot them )
t and one half wit le. T1,
' getting their hay pre
they 'obtain it within
of them haul It ten
send their cattle out
they cut the hay.
en ors,
You woeld he astoni,
ber of reapers and mol
this country. They at
• ing to harvest their ba
ti ey do not raise me
The crops look well;
be ready for a -week or
ti ey do not raise aey
1 was looking at emne,
and 1 -noticed the-
sunbled the Fall whet)
itS appearance. . But i
for 1 have noticed. somi
iyhen the land ;tete- a
obal, Aug. t, 1S71.
have not had a
iboub live weeks,
use to put ofl any
termined t write,
air letter. 1 ani
o nd.
company who are
Tau um.
30 -wide ;
all the siz
aisinn las
(Ian atlim
lock and t-
jus gettin(
ley have
tt eily per,
vo mile lin
shall hav
and be lb
in, who I as hay -
lite can et
Their ft
out two n
eii g but
ey think t
tyl convei
five miles
tol winter
!nthey get things putnt m der. ., ut still f
inunt say 1 llke the countrY, It is a good
country for Stock. .
. 1 SIIEP,P, itc.
8lieep do jvell here, but the 13 are no
factories as -yet to manufacture he -wool,
am I believe a factory of his kind
would pay Well. There is a -wtied grows
limo which the people very apprlopriately
call "_:Ainking weed,'" and 311 t le .1'101 of
the year \\Ilea food guts scarce, the cows
eat it and the milk is Strong -13 tainted
by it. I bOieve it also taints he mut-
ton, but 1 never beard that it eireets the
lieet. It is Only immediatc.dy mound the
they eat -it, fur As a general th-ug they
settlement, and when the food 's scarce
have good bitter and meat. .
August Pill.
I was ba4 at town to -day an4 got T.'s
_letter and two Exrimx-roks, lt had also
a letter from David Moffat Who is in
Missomi.1 • . • -
He says times are very dull vhere he
is, and -wishes me to. let him now how
things are i in this country, as he
thinks or coining here. AVhen 10 wrote
it was so hot that he could n it work.
He gives thd, priori: of beef as S2 per cwt;
pork $1 50 ; butter is scarcely saleable,
so that cows do not pay so wel there :Is
here, for butter sells here at fr in is 3r1
to Is ild ; bei.4 is 7d to Sd ; ha is is per
-pound arapOsent, but genera ly rates
higher ; flour $9 Der bar -ml, an I it .has
been_ pretty hard to get of late, as most
of the mills are not running at present.
Some of the People go as far a -London
pressed with work as you ar
nothing at it, as they are not so har1
18 from you iwith their grist at ‘d tribliiiei:
are just
'sett in a
1 just camp out on the route, and
he cel- eoncented as if they were ho
of the hotel.
week ; TiLerene
is that You .wordel scarcely believe th
of travelling that is done here.
past on large, trains, some of th
finish- to the Saskaichawan ; traders
a law with their furs and take provisi
on cut- with:theme:1nd the Hudson 13
be_ litany SendS it all over the co
Carts go
in going
come in
ns back
ay Com
tntry to
their their dill'erent, posts. The hale ess used
ed be- is made of ; fuel -cis nerally
rest fol. -
'Ming OD
hed attlt
'ars .there
O just co
rley and.
h of .the latter.
rill not
ten days 'et, as
whtat 37es entity,
ig -wheat, belt: re-
in Ontario, in
is not .• all alike,
vete,- ig htl crops ;
tan e tante, tbe
ct (fps are invariably g ;ode' '1 ite 1)001110
te f
Mac are in general very peer farmeee, but
ee a 1. hold.
they areimpro viilg greatly.
driver to thel first cart„, and th
t their low, two or, three half-breeds
rms, as ponies bring up the rest of tl e train
dies in There are lOts of \vagons and, buggies
chain here also. The reason there is so unfelt
ley are travel: here is that the eettlet ent hes
(lilt if along the river and strikes west. The
; some Assmabaine is pretty wide, but 1 could.
others wade across it, and it would- hot take
where me above the knee. 111smile p aces the
Red River is pretty shallow, aii4 fish are
not so plentiful as some would, lead. you
to believe. ' .
mune . ,
=enc. do not get very large salaries
ta, but would do better in Ontario.
FRO 1'14 LON 0
Oa .i.poxitor.
oit 8t1 , 1371.
A, S11.1111-1.8 LIVERY & SALE STAHLES,
* Offire-At :1ft-truly's Hotel, -Sea forth. (tood
• • •
! . Railway matters emitin
1 the minde -of our eitiZens. -The
}twee:, and Il.rst-clitss COLIN-eye:netts always on hand. t' bY the (. .1-1.iat -Western E vi c
i -01 a - Om • of,years tihe 1.01
1 Port Stanley a'ilread, Ikas cat sed quit
' an excitement. The p y, iling opinion
.1 htwevesi•, seems .to be that title Grea
i WeStet it Railwlay Com /any, ate , simpl_
! -Making this offer with; tee iewto secur
V the road from jbeing a mmoinecting lin
i with the London, fi trot • and B•ruc
I 'liailway, and ether. 'by, if IpoSSihle. pal
vent the west -Linz -bin). o tie?), latter Road
10 o engross
to lease
don . and
The Great ; WeSteri is e evident-
ly in favor of the VellIngtoe,rey and
1"--1 -Seaforzit. Fir:a-class Horses and Carriages
_always on hand at reasonable terms. -
R. L. SHARP, Proprietor.
j OTIN Rif IGILIM, Exchro
Exchange Bker, and Rail-
way Tirltet Agent. Houghton's 1Iotel, opposite
G. T. Railway 1-tntum.eofnrtli, •C'ut. TI ro ugh-
Tickcts 1,sue1 to all pointS in the Western States,
Cali ft trt and Rva laver. at reduce -1 rates, affording
t or stent istenhieiete Isatiessnts. All necessary
intormi•( ion given respecting Laud 'Agencies, etc.
- k`trt•t-zikteks, Blinds, *Coupons and totem -rent Money,
Gold and, t-tilver Coio, bought Una 50111 at best. rates.
. _
TIEXINTRY.-.1, E ULL,, (Licentiate of Den-
- tal.Surgory„) hvgs to announce to the hauthi-
taufs to S,:tforth Una SIITTOUIttliag cunt' tr.-. that he
has opentil 01 otlict• for the pritettice of J)ental
Surger:* itt rho rooms formerly oven:pied. hy George .
Harri,, Itt ist,-where he wilbbe prepared to do all
kiwis of 'v., elt_exiatettainf the profession in a satis-
aetttr:1,- at..nter anki an reasonable ternts. 180
01(1PEIL, Conveyancer. ComillisNioncr itt
• t:nt•, litslIrttizek• and General .:Igent.
_Am tor tin following F111, Life and At -chit -In lit- ;
-nut-sit:- to:tap-Inks : Tait lb aver and Toronto ;NW-. ;
the Western Fire Irt-urant•tt Companies,
-the ite:iapce 1 ife Assurance, alai the Hartford .A.c-
.eltittlit t-ltrat cc ( ()lapin:v. -
310N TO LOAN bIt real est:Lle stlatrity_
Alt (.11i, r, icy mail or tit hurwise promptly attt nil- •
. -ed tti Gilley, pposite Boss" Tailor Shop,
ltill-tf AINLEYVILI-E.
oFt.:•tonn, wstulti respeetful:y inform the publie
that Itv has ttLitee up his residt•itutt in the N•illage
Ilehtovte, Li• will be happy to attvral .to all
(-tits math on him intlti•,. caparity.. 1\14- ,
Coos' 11-:- eudelt to several eases of both horse--; -
mid cat t le whieb, up by other practitioners 1
and eift ezt•t1 perfect cure,. Which ran be I,E.'oreli
„-ss;11 eiemet over 200 I.:L.111.1(1./1(.11. For
0 1(11 11 sce posltrrS.
• H1F1 Will idtmtil at ,Ainleyville in the fore-
noon tp..,1 at the -Towit Plot, in the Township of
nt teL (terttoon of the linit and third `.CVES-
1117 f LI:eh mouth. , 180
_ -
• -;M-ember et" the Oy tario Veterinary 1 o11eta.,1
in'- t.. otimittc to tin inhabitants of fSeafortlt
"mid s-,1,-r.tattding country: that he has opened am
Onit•t• iti Settfortlt, -Whercl...•• may be consulted per-
sonally or by lett(•r, on tit, Ditqqtfies of Hurt4t1i. Cat -
tie, t
Z. Having received tt regular tuul practical
ietitteati a. and having been awarded the Diplonnt
,11 tit,- V, :I iinary Collegte of Iltittnio, T. J. Churchill
of givizig satisfaction to all I
smith_ v. S., Principal- Outer-- 1
-C.ollege; Professor Buekland, Dr,
'norburn, 1)r. Rowel, tuna - Ivens, .M. D., & S.
Vi•teritutry Medicines constantly 00 halltl.
All yell5 promptly attended to. -
. ktflice-CtrrnLieliaer. jioti,ljett(oTtlIt 182-(.2n1
Breee Railway; ane opi ose 1. to the Lon-
dotitechence, but ti e. PoP1e of London
; -seeing the dodee :will ot be likely \ to
lease the .1 ort. Stanley 10a fore what-
. ever May be sa.dto thp cuntrary . Lon-
' don is in real e truest alket their North-
-ern Railway. Vhile an-reeing with ithe •
Directors- gener dly, we ec1 assured the3
: are earamiqing a, blunkr, and a grea
one too, by selecting- thi Clinton route.'
.Any person having 1ivel jn1,the vicinity
.of Clinton and Seaforth for any consider-
able, time, as; -our 001 1 espendent pre-
viously did, can lot fail o see the great
advantages -of ; the Seeforth route. 1
We have had son
w ather, but as a gene'
a -:oodbreeze stirring, 1
quite cool, though it is
been 0001er during the 1
than it usually is, aml
are also less troub1es:1
They, have been in t -
th i points of •dispute t(
s week, and have al
of both parties. 'flier
two and three thousan
' .fment tribes- met at. th
; went in and Saw them, ,
i Yon it was a novel seen
i ferent - costumes, 'pail
' l'/O n te-comm on to them
1 -al thIng you will see ti '
! Mg .arwind in the hott
1 thqr blankets wrappedl
! ' -
; ha f-breede are not mu
1 6 (lerally have on •
- eh peau.
0 pretty warm
thing there is
nd. at mgl ts it is
1 said, that it has
'ights thia,•eason,
1 the most nitoes
me than usual.
L •
AVe .1m-Ve splendid i-
d and level as a boa
ains, and then, they
bo(ite off. But 1 don'
iletir so 111110)1 rani her(
As an instance 1 hay(
wheat that '.'have stout
without being, tha•telied
not sets:any signs of it s
r; it
hope the Direet irs will .
before it is too ate. Ir
Seafotth 011(1 tbe T
; should spare no tinier or
out Such induce nents ae
the read to -then . •
The mauagets of the -1 -est
working w'ith a viil to4ake
even superior to the Pro \ ine
:undoubtedly be
Actite prepa
for the Previndh
'n tion, to meet
anal 2th. . Abot
besides as larg
Many prominen
States will be a
The Congregit
aeall to the Eel
man who has be
for the past fe
eepted the
byteriaat 'Church
hvelling for the
ce their; blunder
the mean tinie
-tweships north
pains in holding
wi yet bring
rill Fair :are 1
Lt this year
tl.; IL will
grand ell:cc S. •
ations beinfi made
1 Sabliath:
here Octobe
t one thou ea.
A raft): OF sr
started off yesterday
Mountafits:i believe tl
an exportng expedition
prapticable pass for the
talk of being back in..
hardly think the.y
! •
, 1 got a letter iron
parently ettled
the satis action
were between
Indians hf dif-
and 1 can a.ssure
8tone Fr 1
• ; so many dif-
arid feathers
di As a 1gener-
Indians walk -
t weather. . with
bout then . The
better, ai the 7
reir coati as
Al, when
I think
1 as in Ontario.
tlmost put
ads here, very
seen staok3sr
for two years
1 aml -yen ivould ,
iroating. rhere 1
•iir the 1 ocky.'
tetY1i11111:1t3 gtlliell'ilo(sInt .
railroad. They.
anuary, 1 ut 1 I
ross the' lains !
'ehool Coil -
0 Judgine from the tone
See111S to think that this
10th, 1 lthe
Id delegates !try i.t is `` cracked up"
a uumber uf -' ' es. !fliy, part, from What 1 Is
eten from the -united ' !euinitry„ 1 consider It ft
ong the number: !Ontario. Suppose that
lanai Church has given , !took up fertile. one in t
. mor. Al-,03.,ane, a :young !other in the backwoods
n stipple in the pulpit ithug
is ertain, the first
mouthy. He has ae- to Woi-k so hr
ad as the o
iend. of ten years (oth
The:North street Pres-
iequal) he would be war
iS erecting a beautiful
esteemed pator, Rea-.
Mr. Scott. .
The festival 11 telY held in the Me-
thodist Episco.pai Church; to raiSe funds
.john. to -day.
f his letter, he
$ not the coun-
to be, but for
tve seen of; the
preferable to
twe young men
is country, the
f Ontario; one
would not have
er, and at the -
things being
In 01 0 money.
1Butj of coune there are drawbacks' here
!too, and when people lfre comfortable
!they are foolish tomoveli for they must
expect to hare difueu14es here, before
lere, and
. ANDREW Maenn.
_ -----ssa-im,------
. TCriaperanCe Social at Wiltrthrop.
, ..AI n. Eerroe, -.Knowing that ,ou take
tpains to give publicity to whate -er trait-
' spires in the diiierent localities where
e your •Nalriable journal circulates, that
.seems calculated to or interest,
and believine as I do that the dofugs of
Winthrop lemple,.J. .0. (1. T. on the
eNe.ning ot lueeday, the ;Ali inst , belong
to that class,' and beitg one of t 0 mem-
bers privileged to participate ii the en-
' tertanuneht, 1 take the liberty A send-
ing you a few notes on the same.
After the routine business of tie lodge
had been passed through, theint .11eanal
;w-a.s at once proceeded. with. 'he first
.speaker called. on was Andrew (oven -
lock, Esq.. He offeretl a brief apology
for uot being i_tepared to perfurn the un-
expected. service, but yet would not re-
fuse to contribute his mite for the in-
terest of theoccasion. lie was greatly
pleasetl to meet so many .of his trailers
and sisters, both of his own and ad-
jacent temples, who had eonven el for a.
might be sahl to be the es -
little relaxation and hilarity, and al
though this e
pecial "purpose for which this meeting
was convened, yet he felt satisfied that
we all had for our ultimate object the
/romotion- of the 1/est good of -onr race,
ty steadily opposing with the 1i11 eon-
idence of suecess the baneful u ages of
isociety in the, use of strong driula and of
-ultimately securing legalprohibition
toth of its manutaanre and salp. Mr.
Covenlock was very -decided in the
tatement of hie.convietion tin -0 having.
iitered upon our career we shmIdd un-
flaggiegly persevere, whatever May be
he character of tlic difficulties tO be en-
sonntered, until victory shall be perched
on -our banners, and our 'race be edeten-
t a from -the eerse and -thrall of drunk-
enness. .
Several . other speakers were e; lled on
to ,address the meeting, who responded
to the call in a, brief and pointed man-
ner, but Mr. GoVenloek had mosthappily
struck the key note of the oticasilm and
'allthoneh there was nothing- like . • a
s -rvile attempt at idle repetitidel, yet
feom their eeverai standpoint4s, an d
fter their varied forms of presei tation,
every imptomptuspeaker started direa-
1 , for the same grand consununation.
' hese efforts were interspersed_ by the
s nging of appropriate sentiments, and
so far as 1 am competent! to- judge, the
selections were well made, and the
rendering very happily execute 1, and
contributed in a markeddegree to
h ighten the pleasure and profit of the
e tertainment. After these proee!edings
h d been some -What liberally indulged
in, the clatter of dishes announced a
F lange in the programme, and an (ne-
e edingly ' bountiful and. thoroughly
vs tied supply of excellent material for
t le satisfying of our physical necessities
vas- right cheerfully accepted, and ample
ji stice done thereto. 1 am nOt sure
t last I am exactly a, gormand, but 1 like
od ' things very much, and am ahvays
ght( to find myself as 071 this occasion,
;Ina land flowing with milk and honey,
especially :the honey, After_ in-
dultiing pretty freely -but of cor.rse not
to i iebt iation -the intellectual and in-.
tert mining part of ihe programme was t e
sun cti, and what with speeches; dialiGues,
Lei •ations, anecdote and songs, a
yenpleasant, and I do believe a very
.pro itable interview was indutl!icil in
Huron. Temple was libet;Ily re
pre ented, and the Constance Temple
als put in an appearance, and the
frat nmal and grateful sensations .1-4
eitl er to other, were quite evidently
reei meal.
ery fortunately nothing occurred to
mai r the felicit 7 of th 0 t
tho „gh some person., or persons not
;tett ated by any very elevated moral
pril eiples had some time between the •
tim of our going and returning, placed a
P10 e of square timber, which must have
bee 1 some forty feet long, transversely
acri ss the Gravel. Road, evidently in -
ten ing to do mischief, without taking
int the account what might be its
elm eteter or caring what its extent.
For unately before our teams came in
con aet therewith, the moon had shed
su Omit light to reveal the deed of
dar -ness. The worthless miscreant who
eon d perpetrate this diabolicall outrage,
and thereby endanger the 'safety and
CVC 1 life of the innocent and unoffend-
ing, is a' base wanton coward of the
COW seat stripe, and will be so ressarded
by .very virtuous person, and ougalit to
hay 1 at least one year's apprentieship at
31181 ufaeturing road. metal. Open manly
opp /site); even though absurd, is en-
titl d to a modicum of respect, but no
wor is can portray the utter and inherent
11101 nness prompting to such a deed.
inburn, Sept. 7th, 1871.
n eagle measuring five feet aci OAS
\rings irom tip to tip, was shot in the
ay of Ferqs, a few days ago.
Mr.' Lindly Moore, of Port Bruce,
eihioti ity of Elgin, lms peaches one of
h weighed half a pound, and four of
'weighed over nineteen ounces.
House room is very scarce in St. ,
Tho nas, and rents are exorbitant.
Thr 10 hundredadditional houses could
be tem:act] in a few days if built This
is vhat railroads are doing for St. 1
Tho as.
The land alta building of the
Me hanics' institute in Toronto is oil'•ei ed
to t 10 Ontario Government for sum of
$35,000. •
Mr. lAlurison, of Hamilton, while '1
out booting in the Druelas marsh tlie
oth r day, brought down a young eagle'
whi .11 measured five feet from tip to tip
Mr. McKellar, M. P. P., has accept- I
ed t 10 nonnuation of the AN est Elgin Re- )
forn Association, as Candidate for the
Con mons at the next election in that
Air. Rebert Maleolm, farmer,
eel- nth Coecession, South NOrwieb, ,
tine -lied on Saturday, 3rd int., fltiin ffe
busl els sowing, 500 bushels:Norway oats.
Bea this.
The Canada, Southern Tiailroad is
pros tering well. The bridging is going
on 11 cely ; the Otter bridge, 730 feet long, I
63 f .et high, is nearly completed. I
Salt was strnek in Rightmeyer's
well Kincardine, on Saturday last, at a
dep h of 884 feet.
The people of" Embro. County of
Oxft rd, have had the privelege of listen-
ing o- Gaelic sermons every Sabbath for
the tut thirty-seven years.
- Listowel races are to be held on
teday and Friday, 21st and 22nd of
this month.
Five acres on the farm of Mr. Joseph
Dav'dson, lama, have produced 2 25
bushels of fall wheat, this seasmi.
mr. Robert Beattie, Puslinch, grew
thre acres of Diehl wheat this season' .1
vhen threshed the other day, it
ed. the extraordinary quantity of
ushels. s
WHOLE No. 197.
et 'ived a bite frinn a tomato Worm, the
venom from which passed 1111 'yet arm,
cat,sing it to swell up to ilinnensz pro.
port 00113 In 0 few minutes. For Ci time
her was despaired of, but $lIte is now
ern .sidered 10 be-kecovering
(*orporal Warren, a. so'alitir of the
bht Retziment, stationed at ;
Nova•t1/4.-.!cotia, bas been arrested
gni sixyears old, the ihnt,ilitir el a
sergeant' in the same regiment,
,(17;11131 (
) e3a(S111dl
ita ‘.....,,ine
1101111') (0 Ir ot a
,f` ali
acre of land to put the lnuldinses tm, to
any party who will :blind 811t1 rUll a
f011rldry and macliine ahop 1,'N'brid%!-a.
wit h committine- an ontrage wren .„ li tat
The 011.7•MI I says :•niti ther s I , atm can 'be
raised by 61.thscri1)tion ni the villa -Ai
-At the Animal Fall wheat show
thi -North Riding of Perth, the iirst
prise, s.:41 8, wsLs awardetl to 1 Ienry
Zimmerman, Downie ; the second 81 6„ to
D. _McMillan, North Kasthope ; and the
third, $14, to Thomas Pinter, I hiwnie.
prize grain was sold at the ayey.age
pri e of $1.26A.
-The Railway traffic for „Tuly shows
th following gratifying result : Grand
mit, 8621,806 agaimst $560, .‹.7/3 for the
em responding -month last year. Great
AV stern, $:347,580 against *272,1 14.
rthern Railway, $69,689 against GS, -
85! Midland Railway. :39,-063 against
t3:,735. St. La.-wrence and Ottawa R
wa ,N;;10,660 against $9,987.
- The contracts for the extension .of
01 Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway
thi °ugh. to Owen Sound Were int on
Fr day last, in two sections, ;NB. Frank
Sh ally receiving one section, and 'Aiesere.
n.ocenzio 4: Co., the other seetien. The
am tractors bind. themselves to have the
wo 11. completed within sixteen months.
A party of hunters; a few days ago.
sh t a 'monster deer which weighed 255
"Po nds, within 5 milee of Fergns. The
fir. t shot did not kill the ;leer, and when
th aeimal was wounded it turned aml
-We t for the limiters. Had there been
bu one zun, there is little doubt lint the
inf lriatea brute would have done some
o' be party serious injury ; lint while the
de ;r was making the charee it WEI'S shot
de il.
--, The Clinton _Yew 1::ta states that nn
Tn esday afternoon of last m eek, a inithilA2-
1kg 4 inan named Armor ''!,V118 with all-
ot1 el' man digging a drain for Air. Fos -
tel , of the -weolen factory. The com-
ol. lion ealled to Armor to take care of
it) . embankment, but before he could
take a step it fell, crushieg him. After
an hour and a half of hard digging, he
w; s takrn out deal lie was a sober,
hit ustrions man, for many years a vizi-
tile it of -t linton, first with Air. Foot in
th : brewery, and thee with Aft. Foster,
••,1tes engineer. lie leave* a wife and seven
3-0 mg children.
- A most dreadful accident occurred
in Toronto, on Tuesday last-, in %he shot!
fa toi'3, of -Messrs. 1ta.mer, Xing & 'Brown,
by -which one of the factory employees, a
gir about 1 5 years of age, received most
ainful injuries. She I had 1 emoved a
1101 rd that keeps the Oils, dreeeee from.
11)eing caeglit in the Si`Willi4 machines
-then in motion, mid Was stooping down
It( i iorilyr 80/00 rubbish that lied aeemira-
lat el. baiind it, when her heir, being
1 .
list se, caught on the rapidly tnvoiving
A. ft, and was m ound arovnhl it until,
mi. h the exceptio i of a small piece be -
bird and a little towartl the left, the
Mdi ile of her scalp, with her right ear,
Wa • torn completely olf her head, the
Ski) entirely separating just abovs the
eyt 11TOWS. The bones of the shell were
lcfi perfectly bare, and, of eremite the
eca p could not be replaced. 8 1-40v8s re-
m() -ed. to the hospital and placed' -under
111 e. heal treatment, and bore her suffering
wit 1 amazing fortitmle, not even faintine-
once, as it. would be reasonable to sup-
pos . she would, the doctor has strong
11°-1 usSeofvebra(ft.
eli sl
-Alary'e min ieters
. 1511
n heir pulpits, on the Sabbath after the
acs in that town, spoke of the late
tor -0 races -agreeing that the rise of
if ihis species of amusement WaS not a
ubjeet for congratulation, and fearine-
a hurtful influence -upon the minds
Mr. James Wilkes has been Libra -
the Congregational Church 8ab- 4 c
School, Brantford, for forty-three
.1 !wally of the younger portion cf the
013 1111/it
( 6th inst. the son of Mr.
/at]) Mellann, of whilst
rifling a threshing machine WaS ae-
iil ntally stabbed in the groin by the
,ian 1 cutter ; but the knife -coming in -
on act with the pelvic bone prevented
ten tfarlh:te(i2n,:1113.1j7 es, oifi i jiieitdeitili.aph unan.
sly agreed to submit a by-law grant -
The bop crop about Ceorgctown a
the] places is light, as high 11.3 2,-„c c
und being, offered for them.
The Fall ShoNl, of the 'Fullerton ' e
i Agri eiltural -..tociety, will be held at ' i
1 ull, rton village, on Thursday, 3 2t11 '
, .
- John Robinson, 3rd Line Blemsbard,
sowed, last 1-htil, 6 bushels anti 20 pounds
of D thi wheat, and he has received a
yield. therefrom of 1 95 bushels ! •
- examinatiofl. of the suspeeted
Luca i burglars, Donnelly and (;ray.
.was smeluded on Friday last, and res
suite( in the discharge of Donnelly and
the et mmittal of (;ritY:for
new thousand pounds bell has
been mrehased for the Roman Cathelic
Chiur h in St. Mary- s. Bishop Walsh
paid a number of clergymen from various
at -0
s of the Province will be present
ehristening eereimmy next months -2'
Ir. lames Treuaman of Riche -0;01,
a Paris ma.chine, has thresIPed
bushels of grain in 24 days, viz ;
bushels of Wheat, 3,098 bushels of - "
, and.3,1 26 bushels cf Oats. In
this he set his machine 26 times. beat it ?
" (71.11;3;1:::3.1111:e;
-W-h° 'he rate of taxation in the village a
of Mi chell this year, iS two cents on the t
dollar and nearly all property is assessed e,
at ii,s true value. EN -en at this high ti
rate, the amount raised will not cover -
the -0 endituresof the year by $1000, or h
$1,50 1. Our neighbors must be getting a
extra agant.
young woman near Mount Vernon, J
while pulling some weeds in a garden, re -
Mg 710,000 to the L. H. A: B. Railway.
Th portion of the railway passing
this ugh the Township will be but four
milts in length. '1 he Bonus will thus be
at t ie rate of :52,500 per mile.
On :Monday the 4th inst., while the
son Mr. .Neil .MhIntyre, townline near
Ailsa Craig, was hitelling the horses to a.
hun ter wagon they became frightened,
throwing the boy down and the wagon
•whe !els paesed over his body, injuring
one two of the ribs and bruising the
inte time; very much ; the boy, who is
4 y •ars old, is in a dangerous condition,
mit mmation having set in.
--- The Stratford Beasow of last week
ays e -t ---One. David Aldridge, working for
Jr AN-ni. Worth, Stratford, got rip early
n aturday morning last, awl rode away
ho -which bad been left in Mr.
Vo th's charge by Mr. Joseph MeCars
ell, of South Easthope. When the rob-
ery became known, constable Wilson
nd tilers gave, and overhauled
he hief at Carthage. They had pre-
lim.' ly found that he had offired to trade
nimal when not more than five or
iiles from Stratford, On Monday,
e m as brought before Mayor McCulloch,
id .10mmitted for trial, and on Wed-
esdp.y he pleaded guilty before the
nage, and was sentenced to one year's
nprisonment, with hard labor.