HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-08, Page 7SEPT,. 8,, -1871.: from England. we ed Goods for this -7---1 •::-.. A - Ilk.}1)US & r cle, -8: CO23 'STREET, SEAFORTIL CAVANAGH'S AXE & CONFECTIONE SroiE. CAVANAGH Keeps on hand ALL KINDS OF 'icuits, Crackers, CAKES,. AND DX:MOTION ERY. WEDDING CAKES• order. - 3. CAKANA.GII, Main street, Seaforth E GARDNER PATENT 11111 lthreh /it e - AtAxt".F.A.e'rritzn- :1;Ier Sewing _Machine COMPANY, - HAMILTON, ONT., best family and manufacturin [iOmade ; will do all kinds el A"ork. The general works and .euts are so simple that any per learn to work theni in half an ['allows and shoemakers use a in - ce to: any now made. Price he reach of all., o gear ot any kind . ; Srunxe. rts. dd. be well for intending par - k4 call on any of the ionlermen- arties and see . this machine, be- .e.liasing one of another make ve machine can be seen at work. me, at "William Grassey's and dersalL's„ Seaforth; F. Fitton's, Mr.. Pierce's, Rodgerville ; Mr. [Ilavtield ; Fighleitrh `t. Garry , , 7 PETER GRASSIE, .gent for the County of Huron Seaforth, Ont. . - - ----- ---- -- , l'I'I. WOMEN.—This coutttry is it istl 'jf its beautiful women ; bat how nunt, y, or prematurely lose their health and ,tat tif a, reruedy KIlitable to their pecu• :s., That remedy is found in J:lgt MOSE7... r.s. We know hundreds of eaSea Where. ,7tal used with the greatest succeSs. In Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain it/ 'A Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue Oh Slight tlpitatiorl ot tho Heart, Lowriess ot t.crics, Sick Itendache, 'Whites,. and aril diseases occasioned by a disordered e Pills win effect a cure wheu all othet failed; moderating excesses and retutyv iuu, whether from cold or any other •t•r no more anxiety or low spirits,_ but 'For fall particulars get a pamphlet. -.era. . New' -York, Sole Proprietor.1.00 arra postage. enelosed toNorthop is,: Lyman. general agents for the Dona/duo t bottle, containing over 5/I pins le. 42 St ;diet!. by E. Hickson & Co., an t , , A. sr./ phens„ Mitchell; .f. S. Comob • all Sig/Akita! Dealers. . Is7-`.1 _ _ - MONEY ! -3,000 '1'0 LEND. the above gum on hand fi, .nt on good Farm Security, a'. t., -Private Funds. JOHN 4. PoRTER, July 25 1870. 139,.— SErr. 8, 1871. 'Our Teeth. The aarms, omens, signs, paw aceas, rehtting to the teeth constitute quite a farmida hie item in fo1k4Ore, in some parus of Sussex there is a stipernation that if you put on your .right stocking, right shoe and right erbeiset•-leg before the left, you wtlI - never have tooth -ache. To drink atn; of a skull taken from a grave- eird • to take a tooth from suck a and -wear it round the neck; to apply the tooth to your own hir- ing but aching tooth; to put _a -donnle nut into .vour pocket ; to pare .your finger -nails and toe -nails, and wrap up the parings in paper—all • are charins agailist the tooth -ache. If you catch i mole in a trap, cut off one a hi paws zuld wear it as a charm ; you wilt 6004 see the ,effect," provided a right paw be used for a left tooth, and 1;ice veraG. Whett an aching tooth is extracted, mix it with salt and burn it. There is in Norfolk a custom of calling the toothache- the " love -pain," for which the 64erex is not entitled to any Commiseration ; whether he (or she) fully assents to this may pe-iimps be doubted. Many other items of tooth -lore have no connection -with toothache. For instance : if the -teeth are set wide apart, the e will. be good luck and plenty of travel- ing for the fortunate possessor. When a tooth is drawn, if you re- frain from thrusting your tongue into the cavity, the new tooth to grow in.its place will be a lucky one. Lady Wentworth, in a letter written in 1713 to her _e:oia Lord Strafford, spoke of the efficacy of, -wolves' teeth set in gold to aesist children in cutting their teeth: -" They are very lucky things; for :nay twoe first one did dye, the other bred his Very ill, and none of ye _rest did, for I had one for all the rest." Bless the good lady! her „grammar and her logic are about on a .par. Why do some people's teeth come out more readily than others ? The reasons for this are probably naanv. About the -middle Of- the last cen- -airy Peter Kahn,. a Swede, vpited America and wrote -sensibly about. arhat he saw. He observed a fre- ent loss of teeth, among settlers :rpm Europe, especially women. AfterAiscussing and rejecting many :modes of -explanation, he 'attributed :t to hot tea and othe-:hot beverages, and came to a general co-nclusion zhat "hot feeders lose 'their teeth more readily 'than cold feeders." Mr. Catlin, 'Iva° some years ago had an interesting _exhibition of Indian scenery, dresses, aveapona notic- ed that -North • Arnthidan Indians nave better teeth than the whites. He accounts for the difference in :his strange way, thafthe reds keep the inoutir shu.t, whieas the whites .i-.eep it open. The,. teeth, he says,_ moisture to keep their sm.- ziees in good working order ; • when woutli is . open, the inucons :nembrane has a tendency to dry up, he teeth lose their needed supply •ft: moisture, and thence come dis- ,oloration, toothache, tiedoloreux, • lecay, looseness and eventual loss of F.-ceth. Dueing the days of the resnreec- Tioilists o1 body-snatehers, when eletventi•ds -were subjected to pillage for supplying anatomists with. sub- :ects for (..fissection,,the teeth from -.lie dead bodies formed a, frequent :aide of sale to dentists_ Some - :lanes graves were opened. for the -eeth alone, as being small and easi- !y-concealed articles. • Mr. Cooper, surgeon, relates an instance of a Alan feigning to •look out for a ourial-place for his wife, and thus ibtaining access to the vault of a :fleeting -house, the trap-door of w-eich he unbolted ; at night he let ".iiinself down. in the vault and. -.racketed the front teeth of the whole )f tlie buried conrogation, by which 110 cleared fifty pounds. _1lention is made of a licensed sutler or Cat- -ineer during the .Peninsular war, who " the teeth of these who •ead fallen in battle, and plundered ,:heir persons. •With the prodilee of ]ice adventures he built a hotel at _Margate. •But Itis previous occupa- Fier' tieing discovered, his house was avoided, and disposed of aG a beityy -toss." He• afterwards •became a lee.ler in dead mens teeth. - — Negro oratory. A letter from Wilmington, a, T o the litvficto Eann•ess says: We have lately had one of the most heated and •bitter campaigns in this State that ever had the fun of witnessing, the issue being ' Qon-- -ventian or no Convention.' Color- ed orators -were in the field in abun- •lance, anal never having been satisfi- ed as to the ability of the negro to Jecupy the stage, L through curiosi- ty, attended one of • their meetings. 'rhe ability of the principal speaker %2LLb'on, Avho has the honor of being the first negro admitted to the bar in this State) cannot be doubted. waS really surprised at his chain ef logical argument. But a meeting conducted by a people so reeently -.-(lies ed from bondage Pi uS iiecessari- -y• present many ludicrous points, ,nd here is one of them : Allan Denton (colored) officiated as chair- man, and the Ma floor, after a lon peal, was w ndi And- 1 say, ni e,beryting are better men, ani !` What, what rupted the Ch bended the dig positiob,-w ha, Spedious is d Isn't 1 right, Mr. 1 at), urn IItV nd duties of iliis d word; you.'st,y, :ra' ex441:99/,. hair in an 1' ‘! Oh, • yel, •w o had the nd flowery ap- :up ts follows : f iloW-ditizens dat o.e(1 • dat • _AS $ more spe sty ?, er- n; who j re- spedious, spec correct.. Plea, your •remarks,' the evident cot annihilated the 10 ohibi to 11 be did with ,sness of haying The North Si0- elSilv We learn ,f •oi gerifil • left here last veyk; to ; Silyer Island; , nal the. localities on TI d r Ba systematic wor s. bein ;several neW lo tore, as the explo Vionsly confined would.- indicat lands worthy;•f t Government. Several of ti e thoroughly ex lo r ID C11 Who vi. it to ti er n itirig that( nio done'on - s thin b' reto- , ions were pre to suel . work as riqnert 1 bearing purel ase of the o alitieT are being , and! rich veins exposed, thus -r roving th main land a silver mining r wan, a d not leav- ing " Silver Isla d 1' the wonder of the *mining work , iio be estiniated as an accident., Silver Island i yielding silver by the ton, two tons of the richest ore, „valued at $4,000 per ton C2.111.e Oat, of the shaft at o e blast on Wednes- day fast. The 0 rapany last week found,what app ail to be a, true vein,on the main land. , And, Car- son, now arorkin on the Sho niaw vein," at Curren river, two from Thunder 13 y, struck the, true vein, and it is n w pronounc d by the most exper'Oiced raining en- gineer on the Lake; who visited it on Sa,ifurday, to be as ric a inine, and as valuable as the Silv r Is- land. The " Tole _known as the menced a syste their lands to fi. this locality wa recovery of thei owners Wealthy. Mendlebaum, ing on his locat river,' opening ary," of 1Iontre efficient walk near by, on a w apparently rich shore is clotted aaound its north-eastern line, pied by - owners and e,employ adjoining locat' ns. The whole co mtry borcleril the Bay . is 1)(i ii occupied cators of mineral° land, ancl , the interior, i iteliigeitt )fl( ; perieneed mini" b 0- men are are t .VCiflS bearing ilver, Find 10 land by the tliOasands of Licre, The reported sale of a Port' ; the location' of our to \Milli oil ; to ;Impels 0arsoi, and SOO pleasant fi ,ce as lid corn his Mail, together with the of intellig-ent m'ning m newli in the shaft at • , o 0o.," here 'ofore , "Bock," ; has com- iatic exaMiriat ion of d the lowest. eix1 ;• very ricl, an the vein will Ina ce -ts of petroit is or on near Mc leie rich lead. $av- 1, ie i)irepari 0 0-1 for L ontheir loc tions 11 defined. ric vet in silver. • Th with buildin 101 eS of on last Saturda jectS of convem glad to %low tI mine, is equal i Silver Island. THE TJR011 EiPOSITOR, Fresh AlT als Fresh Arrivals BEATirrY tic coilitiPANY G to announce to the friends and the publ e, that their Mr. MeM'ULKIN has just returned from he Eastern Market, jwith one of the choicest Stocks of lOw and Sea,sonable DR! .GOODS eVer imported into SeafoAh, which, owing to thie,enormbus reduction i the price of goods this season, they are enabled to offer at prices -which must sure a. ready sale. They would say ; that from the '•fact of their s ck being all new, and bought since .9.1.b LL IN DRY GOOD GREAT F a,nd 6.1i the very best terms that they are 'in a irost, favorable position to offer goo* at minimum prices_ -,11'hey are not eucumblered with any PILES OF OLD .GOODS, bought at prices .ailITY PER. CEI.\ ABOVE THEIR PRESENT MArKET VALUE. Thewould also say that they have facilities in buying both pas sSed by no other Hon of th largest Wholesale H the Wholesale Trade. The • which will be found replete n of r - s • er .epc rt elre he "IS11 niaw nine" are the chief si b tion. Al] w'll, b at this, the Pion rielniess ;to t of To num of energy, pluck, a cl - experience;:this country iS inYilin to travel to ri hes. Explorers; re - to others it wil prove a hard rei41 turn: from f the interior every d' y, bringing evidences of ai ex.tent i -mining regiori unegna. led in world.--81/perier Lune Which was th 4.S S. of 10 A millionaire of Par's 'wrote to Scribe :---" My dear sir —4 have a great desire to be .aSse4ited w'th you in sow° thamatic ./cOmpositi n 'Will you .,do me the favor to , W1' te a comedy, and to permitime to alil to it a few lines of nif own? I sill • then have it prodUced in the m ist costly'and splendid sy1e upan t ie stage, at my own; es else, ancl ve will share the 0-1orV, eh 'o- ne alt ro I", To wh Scribe answerd----rc INfly dear Sir, ibl--niist *decline your rfiattering p posal, because religion I teaches it is not proper that a hole and ass should be yoked which' the milliona CChave teeeiv • tinent epistle. By .1 do you 111 me.a, hor, &re her?' 0 , re• 'eplied — d'y ur itrip hat author e 1" • -On Saturday last „an Tintisin By large sized snake was • k1lled on the f: rn ; of Mr. David Brown, ;1',, Towns The size of the mons er-induced .11. Brown and his sons; who illed it, to open it, imagining it had gprged its i if, , and being eurimis to, See whuitt the rep ile CR -had wasted. upon. ' When kpeitect, no less than fifty-three yot ng snakes w -re found. varying in size ;Loin eight to 'ten incites in length_ BL as an Chrthoccric v LP C..)) itt Seaforth, havingintimate connections with some uses in the Dominion and. a thorongh knowledge of would resp °dully invite inspection of their stock, with all the Novelties In. the Market this Season. Particular atten on is directed to the:folio-wing lines, : INTS DRESS GOODS, TWEED HOSIERY, GLOVES, TICKINGS, FRENCH D' AINES, FRENCH MERINOS, LITSTRES, LACK 00BITRG , BLOK BARAT f-IEAS, TABL OLOTI-4 TOWELLING, 13oots and Sho s, and Ready made Clothing. THEIR is al) ays well supplied wit will be Thir;LIQUOR DEP ROCERY DEPARTMENT abundance el thebest and cheapest goods, which old at the in?st reasonable prices. RTMENT is. well suppliecl with all the . BEST BRANDS. ive us a call an.d TRY OUR 8 CAR11110HAEL'S BT. Mkin Street, Seaforth, A dge for yourselves. CENT TEA, BEA_TTY & COMPANY. ILDINGS, pril 20, 1871. @BIMIIEW 176-tf. - Ou -Wednesday ask as A.nalt ew Thinnpson, well novii in N *arwiek nd 'Watford. was crcssing the reat' IV, st- erit'Ilailway b1 id. re ovei th railwal, at Sarnia—he being under the 'nfluenee of • liquor --mistook hesiriing o the br t,ige for a fence, andlimbing ov r ;fell 1 pad m first froth1 e being hteri.gly dashed to pieccriPiett lie track. ri he Strathroy D;spot .h says the unfortim ate man was t:iken and earried to Salina. He was between sixty and seventy Veal's •of age. You can ge EDtI E N EDUCT ,OTTOI - SPARLINC =wens -In: GREAT EGG the ON TO FARMERS. Pi) 0 CD ,411326+ mai a_ _A esal )°nli ---4 loaned )mi'A IRON HARROWS. HE UNDERSIGNED has -on hand , a large number • of llloN IL\ It- V I t OWS, which he is:, prepared to sell On reasolialile terms. These liarroWs werc ananeque. and arcj inantifact •nee• ited. (_41.1arairtee will :l)0 given with each,- , that if it do not; \roils- satn,factoril - " , it may be returned by the pirrellaser within:thirty days. o. d(. WILSOX, Agricultural. 'inplement Agen't, -169-46f SE.AFORTH, ONT. , VT‘RON ALWAYS ILAS ;ON HAND Tlife BEST SEWING MACHINES 1 IN THE 'MARKET, Either for Family use, or for Manufac- turing purposes. Both ?fingle-threadod. and double,threaded, and loekstitih. Machines can be supplied. . Perfect satisfactiim guaranteed, and instructions given to purchasers gratis. W.M. N. WATSON • Cm also insure property againtt Fire and Marine Disaster, and Life and LiMb against death- and.; accident, with the beSt Companies, being Agent for The Liverpool and London. and Globe, (English.) ESIIING MACHINES, F•1 4kt.;11A,- ff. • SEATTER, CHANGE BROKER, And dealer in Pure ariavial 0 —4111 'DRUGS CHOICALS AND DYESTUFFS, PERFUMERY, i ' FttNCY ND TOILET ARTICLES • 012I1t f r Salvino- Machines. Money Ci)* -Pur Wines and Lieuersifor inedi- einal purpo es. J. SEATTER, • cal orth Nov. 3, 1870. 59-tf. TIC ETS FOR EUROPE.- . 7 to ell(' on .asy terms. .14-11. HN SEATTER has been api • 1VIL poin ad Agent at Seaforth, for the ! INVI, ti LINE Of STEA.MERS. Parties ontemplating, visiting any part I of Europe can be supplied with Tickets 1 and, all necessary information by apply- ing to 185-tf. 1 TO T11 PITIIL1C A.T 1_41."11:GE'. JOHN SEATTER., Druggist; etc.. The Provincial of Canada, (Cana(la.) The Gore District il1futua1, (Village and ; ThelNlali.a7a)ra' District Mutual, (Village and Farm. The Travelers of Hartford, (Life and . Accident. ) • Loss es ibera A (7j usted„ and, F10)7)214 Settled,. MONEY TO LEND At moderate rates of interest. .No com- mission, and expenses moderate. .MORTGA( ES bought on equitalile terms. • 160 - TORE. •.DEP JMPOETB HEINTZMA "1 of rutit dealers in the Moll:re:tit • Pianos mai,to it CO., Toronto, C. 11THOM WEBER & c04;., SOHN IT 'HKE, London. • • Also, • FIRST- RIZE MELOD ONS Church and Cibinet Organs, HarnioLituns, made by W. BELL & CO.,. Guelph, (Mt. hist= lents supplied from the firms of It. S, WILLI VMS, Toronto, • ANDRUS ID IOTIIMIS, London, A. S. HARD & CO., Guelph. We desire to -upport • Canaaian and lone enter - ;via!, but ea supply from the followinl; ,firms CHICKERTNG & 80;st:7S, BOStall, Ti. S, STEINWAY & SONS, New York. P. St, HAIN1?.S B OTHERS, New York, 17. THE` GREA" UNION PIANOFORTE! CO., Neva York, IL 8. •GEO. MIN E & CO., 1301a1o, IL S.; MASON & IAMLIN, Boston, rr. S. The under. igned will deliver, putup and warrant for five years all instruments sold by them at Fac- tory prices; • d win promptly attend to Ii1 orders. 1021 DEPEW rt. DOHERTY. FL ER! • FLOUR! IT -WING purchased and thoroughly refitted t1ie. fon terly owned by the 'Messrs. SCOBIE, 1 am now pre -Jared to bullish • FAMILY FLOUR., Second to ONE IN SEAFPRTH, And that 'Compare favorably,r joany in the Do riii- • ll you wnn- A 1 FLOVRI g0 to fhe following Dealers and ask for • MARSTIALL'S—Rchterober MARSHALL'S FLOUR : W. SCOTT ROBER.T80:.\.T, J. WH TESIDE, SIMON POWELL, JOHN CAVANAGH, NV:k. nIOMSON, EgmondVille, Or at IN MARSHALL'S Mills. Orders M with W. S. ROBERTSON will beo promptly att !ndea to. Parties wh wish to Exel ange Wheat for Flortr'n Are Certai1 1)reeeiNT proper quantity. and rut art - eh that will ley conipetitiom W. MARSHALL: tf 9 99 ION POWELL Would. take hun is opportunity of returning thanks• , for the liber ti patronage exte:illed to him o,annci ienng and Ife!.!s leave to say that no effort 011 lig part /41111 be wanting to insure a. eontint.ar‘• tf the same. Du has now reevis.ett anti - opened. op a ee stock of FRESH FAMILY CROCER1ES Tea Conrpriiing ,Sugars, Coffees, Spices, Ib 381118, ,Currants, alai. ill T-OBACCOS. SPIRITS. nt.,t ur.t. ),,,na. WI fir:1110A bottleri. , erf for Os :no Spencer's Beer 11.10 r 1l1 barre14, aLrter barrels H. OLIVER, ; SIGN 01' TILE 511ff/sit 1(- 'Or:LA R - A: (2110le assortinthit of light and'heavy harness, w ups, bells horse clothing, etc., kept const, mtly on Land. .geipairb , promptly attended to, mill . charges nu iterate. 1 temember the place! sign of th Scotch Collar, Main Street, forth. • W. H. OLIVER. 163tf ANT()V1,1) respectfully intimate to tie V V inhabitants a Seaforth and viein- ; • ity, that he now carries on business:at I his :NEW 8hor, in rear of Killoran & : Ryan's. ; • Jobbing of all kinds, and Norse -shoeing ; especially, proroptiv attended to, 72CM:it reasonable. 177 I64 -t DAVID MaNALVI-IT _ PAINTING. J NIES WILLIPMS Bers' to imate to the public that he remo -ed from McIntosh & Mor- rison's Carriage Factory, acid has rented Mr. Wiiliarn Grassie's Paint Flour,. Feed, Provisions, • in thcir branches. • F101.1r, Oatmeal, Cornmeal; &e. Oattneal, wives. Try NO.. 999 Opposite ( 14 'ormiteni 1± maninucturers' NNImiesa the cent Tea. armichners store, SEAFORTH. SIMON 1'0 IVET.11. TEL FOR SALE. fr'tII I' eon mations nna Well-known HOTEL oc- eupiea n present by TIODEItT DRYSDAIE, known. m t "Royal Oak," Sit/int/41 on the Sable Line. eight miles south of lia.;..lieltittm seventeen west of 8esfortb, is now of- /ere/1 for sal . at a bargain, as the undersigned is de- strons of re. iring from . The awei ling is a two-story frame builaing, 45x82 ge nIl repair., b.:dulling heAli roonm 'tip. 11iNver ilitt 111 d seven in Ole upper. 'There are bale. :tyres /if In 0 attaelleti to tle. house, making a., rilirt;11141,narl sthtreeldut1211111.(1 'ftrblr)-ani.111tr.(0t3rstgaTill 112111 barn is s4tb.20, one stable 111111 shed is 32x42. • The ahoy., hott 1 IA sitnated in a splendid liwality,i • (al the zinin roatt between Goat:rich aml Sarnia, arta in a go 1,1 farming district. • TErtms—"wo-thirart of the purchase Money re -I quirts:1 (1/04.1 , the linlante in equal annual instalc, merits. Ad lress. if by letter. prepaid, ROBERT DRYSDAY.,E.- Berne P. U. Ont. • C. 11 CULL st;ENT Fon LOC 101 1 S. SE DV...NW ..1LIIYJJJXI, Teleg aph and Express Companies, CANAD -LIFE ASST RAN( ('0., issuer of :Marriage Licences, • AM eri 231 loney liought and sold., Partieult r attention paid to • JOB PRINTING. OFFIci• —Elliott & Armstrong's Book - Store, S aforth 174 i - Sp, , TAABO ho . 1 wtek IN here he may be found at any time. i •(;( _ Mr. Will' ms is prepared to execute, of i the shorte t notice, all kinds of = In Grey. Carriage Painting, Sign Painting I Elul? i - or apply ani Ornamental Work. ' 'P. Blain ,` ve hi n a calL Remember the plaee, I opposite urray's Stables. 170-13t Grey, , NOTICE. tERS wanting work for a femi will -find employment on. the ! VEIINMENT DRAINS, WAGES, ;$1 25 per day. e of t5e foreman on this work to the agent at the office, -,, G. BLAIN, Contractor. May 12, 18-11. 1b0-tf.