HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-08, Page 5SRPT., 8, 1871. — — on the 1st instant. He gave ouratice of supp.rt, and a& by his letter herewith. he Leans by which the iron can. tainetl. teting GE the ratepayerw of held the same evennig t� matter, but no Coneitment ; Some of the Seaforth peo-;- at the Seaforth, Huron and -odd be no advantoige to ge, that the merchants of NVroxeter be able to eel/ as cheap its the Sea- aantsand pay just for grain an so on, So the te, at host some of them„ !about it, Now-, mrhatever ffect of this road on 'the Grththere can be mil; °ore ie immense ativantage it ;he townships and 1,:illage.% !rig the line of the road. ntlemen, this- is the posi- leme is before you, and itix ! scheme, feasible and easi- out there is no one to idess you do it your- aforth people, as 1 men - re lukewarm, The Grand are willing to help, but -oing to initiate the pro - it out. For my part, devote to railway mat - us launching the scheme Ieration, 1 have done all Tht to da for it. So it ht.& . or fall by its own merit (hank it waith taking up, 3- leading men hold, meet-. ti appoint a Provisional letter of Mr. Brydgea,„ n will see his opinion of r!oad. and also that there: beultv rn procatring the its constraction. .•‘._.en, your obedient ser- 2LHAYES. frydes' Letter., away of Canada, Manag- Office. Fonn, Sept. ist, 187E. Referring to the Mter- ,i41- with yourself and i at Seaforth, to -day. up - i a Branch line tram Sda- er. 1 beg to say that add be glad to aid in of such a line by any believing as .1 do, that E open up a very impor- ng section of country, it.,e area the facilitiea of taion to the different iCaanada and the United Which I imagine would n iength, is construct - would be prepared to . ,., stock neeessau to and to work the line he party constructingrt- the question at irear , ut one in the caustrac- interprzse. Upon that ,:. at present say that 1 ‘in behalf of this Com,: A to the greatest pos- euring all the neces- ails you require. Haw -be done is of course a consideration; but A such arrangements Avould secure the rails. he completion of the: 1 eertaint3-. Probably t.lcontplish it would Lel it1 aid of the construe- om the munieipalitieK e IEailway would pass, nount as would be re - 11 bonuses to complete he rails upon it, to ai-• i of Bands, the- iaterest dd be semred by an U• 'rand Trunk t. orn- unt from the grosi rtvards tile int`erest- to be paid upon sttClz rand(which has been ed by different com- e 'United: States and which thiS Coinpany reared to adopt iit apIrlication of. this have no doubt, enablt- to be- made to secure the hue, provided 1..-. to a reasonabl.r. :re secured from tin, which the line wili .r, yours truly, E t '. J. tktv nt.}N. Seaforth, Ont, om.moinowri gypt received in it is repotted that, dismissed all tlit:- - service, both in (t the civil depart- / has been taken in $e ill -feeling and. , towards the A me - ,.!.i Turkish oft e i a Is -nd influence. ..itil Max, is report -- is a3rd yearand inently into a -iota lid arartling Opera ,alett iOilzat SO t1ietI- kto head and . cad. '..‘a. power. and ia xnaxi of grew; i I lablin MS the 'the malice during red hy the pet -- cola y -f the law- , :rioters weroc as - (f Wamezt the police- iia-hatiStlk ( ( *autc11 yin t., by tire cm_ •;;! a-Ilona only a squall y now liPing has ever 1,:ituated at 4.1. - last year wa,t eat' is fine, VV. Of tli0 t .)05 iL- ;fl) on the 4t1ti... !ill he eelebra.tet't of tip: NI, the strek, SFPT. 8, 1871. -The Harvest in England. "The Jong -protracted Inty harvest has, with vgry few exceptions, been finally gathered, the last cartings - being in first-rate order; while the corn generally has been maturing at a rapid pac5, with much barley ..atld oats already cut, and some wheat. Sbould it hold fine - there will be great activity in the fields aaenerally next week as regards the ..e, _sou them and 133id land counties. An accounts agree that the barley is first rate in quality and quantity ; oats and peas also have Acme .well, and beans, with Mlle exceptions, are promislins. Wheat, however, is certainly wadi behind all spritig •corn. In ,ome deep looms, well .cultivated and situated, there may be an average crop, with fair weight and (pal' .. But other pieces „already tha - shed have fallen mater- ially shorc of expectation ; while those knocked down and twisted by the late storms must be inferior .2,nd deficient. This impression and a further rise in France have con- tributed to keep prices pretty much as they were last week, though oc- casionally we note is. decline as in London.—MarkaLane Express. '401i 410. The latest styles of Boots and Shoes of 11 kinds cheap at T. Coventry's. A fire Proke out in" the oarns and :stables of Mr. C. Paxton,- Lot 21, 6th Concession, west of Whitby, on. Tuesday morning, destroying about 2,500 - bushels of grain, 60 tons of hay, 1 s -pan of horses valued at $400, besides farming implements, akr.c. The loss is estimated at about, $4,000; insured for $1,000. The. fire,is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary It is stated that several well known parties have entered into ar- rangements to build a m at13 moth :steamer five hundred feet long. which is to be completed next sum- mer, to be run between Albany and New York. It is proposed that the steamer, which will be used exclu- zsively for passengers, carrying no freight, _shall run from Albany to New York and return jai twelve hours, leaving Albany in the morn- ing and returning by ten in the even- ing. - A RAILROAD TRAIN BESIEGED BY 'CATTLE.— Yesterday afternoon as the Rockaway Express. on the South Side Railroad, was passing -through Williamsberg, a drove of oxen in adva.aue turned amid faced the dum- my. The engineer blew his whistle, but this only roused the animals to _absolute defiance. The train was finally compelled to stop to avoid running over the cattle. The enrag- .ed animals then began bellowing and pawing around the dummy, some of them standing OD_ their hind leas and looking into the windows The blowing of the whistle and the opening of the Illlmeraus steam cocks did not alarm them in the least. At last the engineer started the train slowly and pushed them from the track. --New York _Vail. For cheap ladies', gents' and children's Prunella Boots of every description, go to T. Coventry's. AUCTION SALES. Friday, Sept. 15, Lot 24, First Con- cession, Tuckersnaitb, H. R. S., -Farm gStook and Implements and Household Furniture. Michael Haas, ProprIctor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Saturday, Sept. 16, at Carmichael's Seaforth,-Farm Stock and Household Furniture. R. R. Woody, Proprietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Monday, Sept. 18, Lot 4, Eighth Concession; Hallett,— 'arm Stock, Ina- pIements, Househdld Furniture. F. Bignall, proprietor; J. P.- Brine, auc- tioneer. Saturday, Sept 23, on Lot 2, Fourth 'oncession, Usborne,-Farm Stock and- plem ents. (/ Sprague, proprietor ; A reitibald Bishop, Auctioneer. Tuesday, Sept. 12t1i. at Turner's Hotel, Varna, -A. valuable farm, Lot No. 18, Nooth. Bayfield Road, Stanley. John 4 `ra w ford, proprietor; D. M c Dougall, auctioneer. OWE. AMMONIUM. t ;RAY. -On..)Ionday, the 4t1i. September, the wife of :Mr. Adam Cray, of a daughter. BA K .1.1eKillop, on the 25t1 ult., the wife of Mr. George Barker, black- smith, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. 4tor_ki•-1)A.LaATv. —At Kippen, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. J. S. Eakin, B. A:, George Rouat, to Janet Dabraty, both of the Township of Stanley. THE MARKETS. sEAFoirrai, stilt._ 7, 1871. gritin. the markets this week have a. slightly apward tendency, but little is as yet offered. Wheat and oats are readily bought up at prices quoted be- low: Of the hater there -is not etunigh offering to supply the local denim& Peas are in good demand, tint few oftoring. No barley of any account has an t been brought in. This in no doubt owing in a -trod nieasitre to the lowness Of -the price, Since tII e later8ifl5, the loapply of butter 1.111S become more plentiful, and prices have slightly dm -reused. rbt'ro Yet, hi es-cr. au active demand for it. Fall 'WI mat 1 10 00 - 100 to 110 . to . i.rIey . '0 40 to 0 45 Spring Whya t lluttyr 0 30 to 0 32 50 to 0 52 ;./etazt.Lss. 0 13 to 0 15 fEt141i(r-s' 0 11 to 0 00 6 00 to 7 00 0 25 to 0 75 FIay lour f tatoc.s. twee) 2 75 to 0 00 Lareb Skins 0 40 to 0 00 llnt 0 40. to 0 50 ark, pyr re Calf Skins. p( r lb 3 25 to 3 50 9 00 to 10 00 136 lid air 169 Ds 94 lid Mr. 226 lbs 126 hd av 181 lbs 476 hd 'I,00 11)s 0 08 to 0 10 trttaili pr le rrel, . . . . . 1 50 to 0 00 1 .11T-:lid.;IV 167 lbs CLINTON, Sept. 7, 1871. Fall Wheat ,„. . 00 ot 11; Spring Wheat 1 10 (ry 1 10 , .03O 0 032 Peas0 .50 oy) 0 52 Barlov 40 et) 0 45 /3 o Butter 16 Eggs . C 1 (0 000 Oats ST. MARYS, Sept. 7, 1871. Fall Wheat, 11 00 (cis! 1 10 Spring Wheat, . 1 Q0 ey 1 I0 Oats, .... . ...... . . .......... , , 080 0 0 90 - Pena, 000 0 0 Barley, . „ .. . . . 040 10 0 Butter, 0 16 0 17 Egge, 0 11 0 0 0J Como and get year choice of 500 pairs of Prunella Boots, at J. Duncan_ &Co's, Seaforth. GoDEBteg, s4a. 7 1871. Fall Wheat . .$0' 90 0 1 00 Spring Wheat , 0 90 0 1 00 Oats 040 0 045 Peas, . 0 50 0 0 56 Barley 0 40 1.0 0 45 Butter o 35 Co 0 16 Eigs 011 g 000 LONDON, September 7,1871. Spring Wheat . . ; $1 10 (cp. 11 White Fall -;Wheat 1 0 '0 1 11 Red Fall Wheat „ 1 5 `I' 1 0 • Barley -48 1t» j3 bushel 0 5 0 51 Oats (old) . 05 0 4 , Oats (new) , 0 04. 0 3:1 l'etts ... . .... .'........... .... .... 0 03). 06 Potatoes 0 5 @I 0 4 Butter o 4 0 o 1 • o r . 0 1 A Fill' Stock of all aorta of Boots and Shoes, in Leather, at J. Daman & Co's, Seaforth. TOR NTO, September 7, 1871. nourt.---There was I' tle or nothing offered, latf buvers could be found or hundred batTel 148 at Pi to $5 10 for superfine f esh ground, $5. 15 to $5 2 fox fancy, and 85 30 to 7;5 40 for extra ; 100 barrels of the latter sold at $5 25 on the cars :it Brampton. WHEAT—Market comparatively bare; of sopplie t ; car loads winild probably fetch Si 15, and good sound spring nearly s much. Several loads of white sold on the stree market iat $1 00 to $1 11. BARLEY -A, number of carloatls of fair sample was offered on 'Change at 60c. without buyers. No 2 could be had " to a 'ye " 155e.; but no aales were reported. OATs—Contioue to offered' freely in cation -4s at 39c, with buyers at . Street price, 40c to 41e. Small lots 42e. delivercct 1':.s—Street price, 60e, , HAY -Was in good supply-, selling 4 $16 to $18. A 'large assoAment of Pruuella Boots, Genta Ladies' and Children's, at J?Dtinctin & Co's. MONTREAL, Sept..6, 1871. FLoun market firm and buoyant ,...Canada at $.5 30 to $5 50, accordi v.. to sample. WITEAT-A.- earge o `1Vesteni, No. 2 taken at 31 20; Canada Wheat sked for, but little offer- ing, Latest Mies were t 321 for Caoice White affla'autA. s -Drooping, worth 85e. te 90e. or ear lots on spdtA but shippers' views for delivei 80e. to 85e. per 66 lbs. Coanie grains nominal. BuTTEn—Neglected, good lots in ma •ket at 16c. CHEESE -Very dull. Special attentiori pahi'to all orders f Boots and Shoes, either itowed or pegged, at J. D lean 4 Co', Seaforth. BUFFALO 1VE ,STOCK. Thurs, ay; Sept. 7, 1871. CAITLE. 1 ' Considerable prinie stock was sold to- day. There was :71. fair denland and prices advanced fro i to 1c. above last week's ("notations. Sales! comPrise 658 head at $4 75 to ,96 37 for natioes, and $3 '871' to $4 25 for ,. Texas', agaiEast sales last week. Tuesday Eaf 177 head at $4'60 to $5. 25. • . I The receipts for the past t ree days were 308 cars, 74 cars consigned through, against 280 cars for th4 sam period last week. The shipments for the past three days were 108 cars, a ainst 97 cars during the same period la t week. Sales reported: t ..Clernents to Coon, 27 hd ex ra Ohio steers, av 1033, at $6 25. Carr, 0 & Co. to same, 16 hd. lo do ax 1409, at $6 121.z MatkinS to Doty, 30 hd prim; 111. do av 1588, at $5 921. I Tindall to C0011, 12 hdex0 io do a,v 1529, at $6 37. Colt to Mackey, 34 hd Texa th, av 1186, a.t $4 25., . ! Russell to McCaffery, 36 licl. c o de av 1048; f!tt $4 25. Megee to Wdocts.i. 32 hd Ind do av 1441, at $5 60. o.! Fullington to same, 38 hd 0 do av 1426, at $6. , Hog: e to Mee. ffery, 26 licl Tex s do av 1102, at $3 8712. , 1 I Briggs to Coon, 64 Int lnd do v 1273 at $5 371. , Gaines to Moorehouse, 34 hd. I de av 1132, at $5 121. Same to samer 68 lid do do av 171, at $500. . Iteetle & N to licoaffery, -32 1. 0. do av 1271, at $5 50. Same to same, 16 lid do do av 255, at $5 50. ' Teach:nit to Barnes, 17 hd Mic 1. do av 1225, at $5 60 Bennett to L & F, ,20 hd Ind. do av 167.3, at $4 75. 1 ! I , Same to same.312 hd do do av 976, -at • 1 '435 Taylor ta same, 11 hd Mich. do ay 993, at $4 626. , 1 Griffin to Geary, 14 hd Ind., do. av 1136, at 85 25. I I Weinang to Woods, EA hd 1111 pis and 1 Cherokee do avl095, at S4 65. i ! Coachman to McCaffery, 55 hd Ky.' do ay 124 at $5 12-J-. 1,‘ullington to f,ame, 10 lid 0. do , at 8,5 1.1' -ri SHEEP. The market is met and steady S, es comprise 429 h ad, at $4 621 to against Sales last veek Thuisday if 200 ,heacl at $4 to $5 371 far sheep. The receipts f r the past thr ie days were 13 cars, .8 b in,g,consig ied ti rough, against 14 cars f r the san d time 1st week. The ship lents for t le t thee days were 13 cars against r cars for he smile time last aviek. Sales reported : Eccles to Bidttrell, 210 . sh cp, fV Ts', at SI ' lathaway to. Swope, 118 hd 0 shoal) and lambs, av 66. at $5. Carr, (.! & Co t� same, 101 d 0.,•sheep, av 87, at 65. IIIOGS. The -market is Steady and a litt e firm-. er. Sales yesterday and to -day co a prise 1,829 head at 84 50. to $5, one lo going as low as 84 25. . Last week i'rida, 1,285 f head sold.at 84 621 -to $4 8 The receipt S during • the past thiee days were 87 cars, '55 carg co signed - through,. a,gai ist .88 cars :fn. th same -Hine last -ti- k. 'The shipinents for the past three days *ere 66 cars; aga nst 60 carsfor the same Itime last week. Sales reported. 3resterdat : 75 lid 'av ]501335 at ,5 00 226 hd - av 209 ,lbs at .4 70 . av 302 lbs . at 5 00 ay. ')..-9. -lbs at a 30 1 - av 202 lbs at 5 0 { av 349 lbs at 4 871 ' at .5 00 i 169 lid 56 lid . 59 hd 60 hd 50 hd av 192 lbs Sales reported to -day: 4 60 i 4 95 4 50 4 80 4 -25 THE FIUR a N EXPOS ALBAN Y •;.)1ARKE. lie feel. ittg about lumber in Canada is expressed. i the following extract from a private letter of recent date : " irhe Ottawa a d St. Lawrence districts have ruled very high this season.- stimulated by large consumption in the Eastern States. St pplied through Burlin on and White - b11. and the prospects are that p ices , will rule high up to the end: of the sea- - S n " ;Advices from Michigan and Ise- s;i: ere are of.a similar tone. ! • SELECT SCHOOL. 135 ROBIN -SON will re -open her Select S on MONDAY, the llth September. 19 NOW OR NEVER hool 2* SOMETHING- ew, Novel, Cheap Td Handsome. THE: • SEAFORTH CLOTHINC EMPORIUM • AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING HOUSE. T. K. ANDERSON Of the above establiahment, has just receive very la.rge and complete stock of SCOTCH AND CANADIA TWEEDS a MELTONS, DOESKINS AND BROADCLOTHS. Overcoatings of all Varieties and Colo .s. The finest assortment of ush and Fancy Vestinc's Ever taken into the Seaforth Market. Fa cy Flannel and Regatta Shii ings, anA GENTLEMEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, f.,,,'reat variety, of the best quality. and at the lowest figure. It wou1d be t� the advantage of intending prrr- chasers to call early and make their selections, is by so doing they will save at least twenty-five pr cent., on,aceount of the rapid rise in -price of Ilia above description of goods. CI °THING, of every description, made to ord r on the shortest, notice, in a style equal to that of •• city etablishments, and at a much lower prie Sati faction guaranteed. - TI IAND COLLARS ---As the • trndersign d mak( • this department of his business a speeialt pa.rti ,s Wishing the latest styles and novelti wou) 1 do'well cell and inspect his stock and e quire his prices. Be sure and not forget the place--"Mein-stree Seat rth,,opposite Scott Robertson's Grocery 19 T. K. ANDERSON. NOTICE. THE Directors of the Tuckersmith Branch Ago, tnral Society •will let by Public. Auctioe, o SAT IRDAY, the 90/ clay of September next, at o'clock P. M.. on the Society Grounds, Seitfortl , four 1 the ta of H 22d a 300THS, for the sale of refreshments, dnrin -I) days of the Fall Show of the South Ridin iron A;:frieultural Society, being the 21st au ys of September. WILLIAM McCONNELL, Secretary. 196 1 CAUTION. TB Directors of the South Huron .Agrictlltur So iety give notice that on the occasion of thei Fa1flExhibitiou of 1871, they will prevent all kind of WI Wing, thhatrieal, 'circus .or . mounteban puler names, exhibitions or shows and all traf , spirituous or intoxicating, drinks, fruits wares or merchandise, within 300 pint, he EXIiibition Ground, and any person vigil. his rule shall be removed by the Oflicers Ifieldn goods from -atiug the St clay and subjected to the penalty prescribe( by . order, GEORGE ANDERSON, President 8.11. A. S. ROBERT GOVENLOCK, 196:2t President T. 11. A. S. SU ERIOR FARM STOCK FOR SALE.' VOR SALE, on Lot No. 32, Mill Road, Tucker- suti li, the following animals, One Breed- ing .111 re, 5 years old, in foal : 5 mileb cows in calf; year-old Heifer in calf; 2 yearling Steers; stee • calves; two bull Calves; six Ewes: four Wethe •s, one year old; ts•Vo nun Lainbs, 1 Sow; six Pi, s, four Months old. The above are all su- perior animals, and parties wishing to improvc their s ock shoula call and nee them. The tiltle will be on exhibition at the South Hui -on Show, at Seaforth, on the 22d. inst. 196-' SAMUEL CAliNOCHAN, Jr. CHEAP FARMS. FREE HOMES. ON THE LINE OP THE ' I.TIWN PACIFIC RAILROAD. A LAND GRANT OF 12 .000.000 ACRES OF THE Best Farming and Mineral Lands in America. 3,00�,000 Acres of Choice Fanning and Coilz-r • iLauds on the line of the road, in the State ( f NEBRASKA, in the Great- Platte Valley, I * NOW 'OR HALE for ea,4h or long credit. Thei liu ds are in a mild and' healthy climate, and lo • grile-growing and stock -raining imam- panaed iy a iy in the United State-'. Fria s Iange from 82 to 810 per acre. HQM 'STEADS FOit A(TEL SETTLE.LiS. 1,501,000 acres of Governmynt Land be- tween 1 Inaba and North. Ileac, open for entry- as Homes,eads only. . Penons of Foreign Birth are entitled to the enefit of the Homestead Law, 1r the provisi, Send 1)1i1Ct. Mich: 100 t _ 1 CAUTION. . rpHEmldic 'are hereby cautioned against )1j11 - ng or negotiating a NOTE' OF HAND, drawn by 'John Crawford. in favor of Thomas Hirkk,1 for the sum of s127, end bearing (14(.1 about e 1501 of December. 1570, dna payable one ' year after date as the said John Crawford is not indebted tothe said Thomn,1 Hicks for any such CrOnntrty, Sept. 4, 1871, JUIT\ U;AWF•1(9.)161-1 ftinomit. iring their intentiou to beeome eitizens of ted States, noel luny a vail themselves of this n immediately sifter their anivai. for the IleW edition of descriptive pain- ith new maps, mailed free erk-ywhere. ss 1 0. F. DAVIS, 'and Commis,ient r I-, 1', IL 11. Co„ 1, 1 I TOR. The above was let to T 110infA $ HELL, Furniture, Manufacturer, Main -street, &Worth. But as his "Biz is already sufficiently large, he does not wish to advertise. 196 STIAYED. Cinto the eucIosure of the subscriber, Lot . No. 9, Con. 12, Ten/berry, aboutlhe 15th July last, a white Sow. The owner is requeeted to prove property, pay expenses and take her away. ROBERT HAMILTON, 195*3 Edmore P. O. C. YEO, AUCTIONEER„ SE/WORTH, Will attend to any Sale in the County Residence -Rear of the Catholic Church. 195-26 A TEACHER- WANTED. • -Fon School Section No. 3, Towniihip of 1.Hay. County of Huron, TEACHER with.certi mote from Normal School or Phut Class Tinder thp Old Board, or Second under the New Act, preferred. Salary not. to exceed $300 per annura. Amp)* to the undersigned Trustees. WILSON MeSHIRY, JOHN TROZER, HUGH LOVE, Sen'r. Tfp Hay, Hill's Green P. 0.1 August, 28th., 1871. J 1�5.31. WANTED. A. SITUATION AS 1 SCHOOL TEACILbR, by a -1-1• young man legallyt qualified to teach any puha° school in the County cif Huron; can furnish good recommendationic and eau &ISO teach the elaksics. Address D. D., Walton P. 0. 194-t1 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSH10. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partneiship -Li for Heille time carded on by William and James Vanstone, under the firin of W. & J. Vanstone, Millers and Land Owners, at Ainleyville, was this diia, dissolved by mutual consent, and the business will be carried on by William Vanstone only, who is authorized to discharge. all debts and to recein all credits on account of the said partnership colleen/. WILLIAM VANSTONE, JAMES 8. VANSTONE. Dated at Ableyville, this 218t day of August, 1871, In presence of J. \TILTON KERR. 1944"' NOTICE. Tins is to give notice -that I will not be resbon- sible for any debts contracted -•by my son Fre- derick. • ' WILLIAM GRAHAM Egmondville, 22nd August, 1871. 1944.' CAUTION. THF, public are hereby cautioned against pure uts- inf.; or negotiating eertain Notes of Hand of the following description, drawn by John Wilson ind Andrew Smith, in favor of Zaple & Carter, of the village of Seaforth, and all dated on the 3ra of A.ugust, 1871. The first note falliug due lst Fehrn- 31-y, 1872, for the Stun or ..1.08.; the second on the tst Febrintry, 1873, for the sum of $100, and the Brd on the litt of February, 1874, for $100, ,No value having been redeived for the above notes they will not be paid. JOHN WILSON. ANDREW SMITH. Hilted at Morns, this117th day of August, 1/171. - 194-44 i --- BUILDINGS FOR SALE IN SEAFORTH. VOR Sale, Cheap, two Comfortable frame Dwell ng -Houses, situated on ithe most pleasant 8tree4 in Seaforth, tuljoiniug the Good Templars' Hall. One af the houses is at present occupied by- Mr. Janes Laidlaw, and the other by Mr. D. D. Ross. 11 ith houses are adjoining, and have attached to them good lots, on which aro all necessary emtveniene es, Snell as soft and hard water, out-builaings, etc. For further particulars apply on the piemises, or at THE EXPOSITOR ottive. Senferth, July 12, 1871. 18841/. ROXBOR9 MILLS! CHANGED HANDS. THE undersigned havingipurchased the Roxbnro Orbiting and Flouring Mills, increased the .Ma- chinery, and put the Mil in a, thorough stet& of 1 repair, are now prepared to do ORISTING, CHOPPING AND All other kinds of general Custom Work on the shortest millet,. They woold al.to desire to state to farnierg and others, that 'its the wort will be dime under (heir own supervision, they him- no hesitation in gearan- teeing entire satisfaction- - T• • Atrial is respectfully solicited. ! CliEAP TEA ATL. E & SWITZER'S. LE &. SWITZER LE FOR OD COTTONS HEAP SUGAR. AT LEE & SV1hTZER, SWITZER'S. FALL IMPOIdATIONS. ING to the general advance in DRY GOODS, we- have ki bought early and very largely, both in England and Mon- tre 1, and would invite an inspection of the stock, as it is alto - ate her too extensive to advertise, but tie goods will be marked. at he old Fices. CALL EARY. E. HICKSON 1k CO., MAIN S REET, SEAFORTIL - OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMEN is again in working order, under new management, with a a lendid Stock of Cloths to choose from. Fits guaranteed. HARDWARE! HARDWARE! SIGN OF HA THE Of all descriptions, Cheap, at the CIRCULAR SAW.. Izt0331=trESO cSz CO_ Just received a splendid assort eut of ING & HARVEST TOOLS, VIZ Solid ()1st 'teel and other Scythes, Snaith, 1Tity Farksand Rakes, ).1Orge1278 'Cradle Also; Spetles, 8110r-e1s, Iines, &C. KID complete assortment of Builders' Hardware. • American water mele and•Calc —JACK SCREWS ed Plaster. TO HIRE. Remember the spot, and don't fail to can and ex Mille gOoth; and prices. 'S BRICK BLOCK, SIGN OF T E CIRCULAR. SAW,. Seaforth, Ont. W. RO 3ERTSON & CO. GARNISS, B. SHANTZ & BROTHEt. , RoAmro ,J'uue ,1871. i , 1 TA1LOR3 , . 1w-tfl _ - L- - ---r- EGMONDVILLE. • Late Foreman with E. nick:aim 14:. 28,000 SEWING - Begs to announce to the inhabitants of -1 IF PTH 1VD 'V 'IT ITYNFFflI ES NEW GROCERY. WAL THOMSON, (Late of Seaforth,) Begs to inform the public that he has opened a Grocery Store, in . THE BRICK; PREMISES, Lately oceupied by Mr. John Logan, NEAR Tiq, BRIDGE, EC 310Y-0 VILLE, Where he will keep on hand A COMPLETE STOCK OF Fresh Oroceries, Of ew.ry description, at prices as reasoi- able as those of any other house . in the: trade. The Highest Market Price PAID FOR BUTTER, EGGS, Sre. - FLOUR AND FEED! Rept constantly on hand. A cp41 is respectfully solicited. WM. THOMSON, 179-tEginondville. that he has Olen rooms over R THOMAS KIDD'S STORE, Te be in which he p-uposes canTifig an the /nuking up of GENTLEMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING .1.1so, that he '10.,‘ reeeived Inini England, In) NEW SYSTEM OF CUTTING, ‘111(.11.t‘ (irkg admirably, producing le-antifnlly fit- ting germ( eonthining ease and emnfort. Stente l'atterns for Children,' and Yenth Snits. Pat t, rns supp icii fir garments .ent telt, at linia rate ! Seaforth, Jiily 27. 1571. 190-tf. ROOMS TO LET. rp0 LET, b Scott's 13loek, two rommotlim -I- Rooms on the second flat. Apply to 105 NeCA.UGHFY & 1101.31STED, • Whidesale and Retii:t ARMSTRONG & PRICE'S BOOKSTWEE. Mein She t t, Seaforth. !SEED WHEAT. pairriES N ishing to teed, IN oLlf HY Illt1.1) wuaafr eau obtain it et Mr. F..:/,Ni-ZLR, ROY'S. lot No. 3, Seventh Conce--i s2 per 'bushel. 112- It NOTE LOST. • THE pehhe an- hemby-, eantiow ,1 _ -t pee- be,(-,1111:31ini.g. or negotiating note Ara:- Thnotn-; MeDonalti. Wrim.ter, healing itat- A 1, 1/-.71, ana emning .1an. 1, 1-87.12-kal, the j:* bu4 WroN, ter. Aug, 10: 1871 CHARLESNN1). TIBIA -ATE Lands, a yearly, Pat( and ehargeh MONEY. Funds to L( -ed on Mei l•aria 8 per eent. per annum, : 11,tv halt utn taktn out if requir,,,. 4111951 'eanouable. F. IWAT.ICI./., 4, Si,71.14. Icourt uou ouhrieb,9:211it ugt--t 171. 114s 7