HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-08, Page 3SEPT 8, 1871 'olundry ARTEF? desire to cal attention to their ear atly improved ER & SEPARATOR ble to compete with any other ktaehine in Canada. :many ath-antatteswe call the following -the way the :eonatrueted-it requires less iver and is capable of r M MORE AND GLEANER FRAN ANY OTHER. complaint among Threshers . that thea could thresh more Mi clean, our improved drum vitt' all these camplaints it zeted as to regulate the -wind riddles from choking-, without graiu over We have also a -Milts to prevent the ctiatit/ vith the straw. I invite Farmers and. Thresh - to give us a call, wad ex- asck before purchaaing else - :an sell as cheap as any other At, .1, best Material used, and the, est worhinen employed_ itiea we' sold last year enable Lt they Wave better eatiegac- ne- other ever sak1 in this - , HORSE- powER! et. hand at all times. ateo desire to direct the on of farmers to our G MACIIINE4.! -pal1e of sawing from forty ds of wood per day. la- Ploughs, Straw Cutters, ufilevs. Wooden and iron - hs, S'eraviers, Kettles, &c., Ak`ts warrant to eiee satiefae- aold e3a.ap as at any flialunceut in the Province. C.A.STING aEV east niPTIt ahortest notiee zind meen tee:Jet:04e ft.( los. ZAPF E - ( 1%‘' 1..de , SEL W tteal. y ry 1-I • ,• t.` •t,•efx'f ;:"f• Srlick. or jy AN.1) SILVEM N 'ek"4 awl Jewelry of every iaired with Ile:dupes awl warranted to give satis- th ()eh1 and 4i`o,e1- zne highest price in be paid. _NI. R. COUNTER, Main street, Searerth. -',:a'orzrrtt .A.CDOULEJ amie that they have .•p_E in at trt he the :-1,4"tuni tor - her VaaL lry N.nstantl.".-UIL Itand ‘LL ()V an undr--Ld. "•;11 SHINGLES. Li -e• preparra fur ( 'ash. will -it tu tht-ir- •?.2-t 'our -•-," - a po.-Iti-:n ti, pux•:;--,.- ..`..1.X.(11!t.:C._k L12, k0.;.. 1 .,71.1, 1601-:f gF,IP ?)rt rnis a 7, at .20 <111 t '4 Per 1111, H44.11-14.0, /war lui vunts r baela th. LL, th prt.D.I.t. )41.i.41;i11,4). • SEPT. 8, 1871. THE HURON EXPOS ITO R. BRIF NOTES. 20,000,000 copies of Spurgeora's sermons have been distribUted in the English language alone. -At a banquet given to the French deputation in Dnblin Ori Thursday, August 17th, he Lord Mayor proposod the toast, "The Queen' which was received with •!storms of hisses lasting ler several -ndnutes. -The Ilia borne elaimant .4.nlesing himself during the interval cif rest from court sessions by aeta-tlq- ing shooting maiches.. His impend-. ing fate, whether _for poverty or riches, does not appear to troable him in the - Agasz proliounees the big- California- tvee, a section f whieh was taken to Boston; to be over eighteeti huudred years of age. -"'Gentleman," said a .publica+ fo his guests at midnight, " 1 dont know whetheiyou have talked enough or not, but as ler myself, I lila going to shut up." I • -A. mother-in-law 'of Lansing - burg, Nev York, is trying to rid her eyes of a quantity of red peppe whicit in some way or °titer ca through the keyhole of bor da aghte in-law's room. ---Th eEm peror Napoleon has give a fete at Chisel h urs t, at which • tel cfrains were reeeived from the Czar' of Russia, the King of Sweden, the Emperer of Austria, tlie King' of Portugal, the King of -Holland; the Prince of Wales, and -others. , -A Chinese of some distinction living at North Adams, Massachii- -setts, has created great eaciteine4t_ .among, his fellows by cutting off his queue.. This is a novelty among- the Celestials; and wnether one persoii will he strong enough to set the fashion remains to be seen. -During tine month. cif June more than 338,000 letters, misdi- rected Or other wisa not deliverable were received at the Dead Letter Office in Washington. In July the number was 337,121, of which, 092 were held for postage. These figures indicate the OaTlessuess and negligence of American let terl- writers. -Five persons have been swept over the Falls of Niagara during the present season. Three of, tbese were intoxicated, and in spite of re- monstrance rushed into danger.; It is supposed that the other two lost an oar, pr met with some mishap, which. left, them at the mercy of the , current. number of Irish degs of which the two shilling tax -was paid • in Ireland in 1870 was 270,422-4. dog to every twenty persons. - Tii _tax produced £270, 42 ; and, after del - ducting X70,95, for expenses in the adininstration of the act of Parlia- ment, there remained £19,917, which was paid over to the local au- (._attiorities in reduction of lo6a1 ta*a- tion. , -The question whether, when the head is moved -from side to side, the eyes are rotated in .an opposite aireetion, has long been' a great sub- ject of discussion. An aecount of some experiments published latela in. a German journal tend to slitea- that a slight rotation does occur. -The Asiatic cholera is ()rifts way westward, •having certainly reached some parts of Prussia in a pronounced, though as yet scarcely epidemic fel:in. Single cases have oa- eurred as far west as England, and: he European Governments •ate taking measures to check its ad- vance. - -Two faCts- in Earl Russell's life may be noticed. When - he was young he was so weakly that no one supposed he would live ,to bq? an olcl man; and for Many years ' this weakness continued. But when he got to be between sixty and seventy -L -nearer sixty then seventy, we fancy -he picked up amazing- ly. gathered flesh, and now be has neatly reached the age of fonrscore, a greater age than any Russell has reached, it is Said, for a century or more. --The English authorities have been greatly exercised over the _problem of holding a, militia muster has been 21pr area.), thrown away jupon iliose W ho are living OP work - ng in the sit e r similar dis ricts, its several di ast rs from th same bause ;were o IIV averted th's a tiimely A* rain. 1 A Woinan's s women n vet 'ispirel to 1)9i1ifl.1S in the, iiavy ; Lot's xvife.: 11.11' 1. 8 (U 1old- t. -- Forced loliteneas-BeN. ing - to Clrellt1 *eta 4TIES year egs mat dentists- Ti sort n aural fee th, A. D. 17, at the REAiUREIZ' SALE 0 "'C) '11-A_=1,1ELS COUTY OF HUE. - Y vi ne of a warrant under t N 11) of the County of Hurond, an To , County, bearing date the Twenth-fifth day o' july, A. D. 3 the collection of arrears of Taxes duo on the untlermentio therefore to give 'notice that unless the said Taxes, tegethe and. charges, be sooner paid, I shall, on ' TUESPAY) THE 1T DAY OF Ei hour of one o'clock -P.M , at the , - ..ti earl y , sprillg-irt 1 put of , DI OM i -1g, , -_ . ' - party suppe Sure a -1when without speak lug'. , . Vhaa, is that which 11 who ot.doeS rilot wish- for, a t he is it would net part \ i 11 it , mouey -?-A•bald Ilea 1. You are beautiful, and I -ou,"'s.Lid a .gentleman to the f the evening. a r my part, 'I haf!e-- yr u all d you fyightfnl, ' she ret rted. , - elieve you, you' fraul girl, ' You do' not tellapelite falsehoods: like me." ' - c I keep the best - breac 1" said a cert in baker the other day . to a poor f :11ow Who complained- f the inferi r quality of the article e had purelr sed of him the 1 day _ efore. , ,. 4:1 d n't doubt it," .1.,eplie 1 the custon er. ".Then wh V do v alcomL• plain?' asked the baker. " Ietause I won• d suggest that you.. s 11 the best ,bead and keep the bac," was tile reply. .---..- conceited young parsoi once said k, •' This morning i., pre4G led to a Cong. egation ef asses !" "1 0.ought i - of tha .," retoi ted a lady; " wh -ai. von called. hem 3 our .be1eVedbret1 yen !" : --a.k correspondent of an a ricid, teral 1 aper asks : "Where eat' wool be pro itablytgrown ?" ' We are of the op nion .t,hat there iis no place • Wheie it can more profitab y be grown than oii the, back. of a sheep. airdraSser (to ;r:perspiri 6 a COS - tome,. during the -late hot 'weather) air cut, sir ?"-Stout 1 party , (falli into the chair exhansted)- 'Ye ' Haiikresser---a " Much off, ir? S out I)iirty (Phew l).--7."ICat it to th., one 14:a entlelm an on 'getting Soda, . , p as re iring 4rom the store w thont , . , the nsi al little ceremony whi h fob " lows 1, iat operation. '_''Re °ilea., sa d the polite propriet i, "if You It se yolk,- pocket boo , you didn'it-:)all it lout he.". , --,A little Mhaver Was told- y his iinothei, the i)ther Oening . , t the. .table, hatho could. not ha e any meat -a is it i‘vas net good fo 'him, when ie sonlewhat astonish d her by ctu. ting al verse .from .a 6 Sunday Sehool lesson! .that 'Man ceulld not live ny bread alone,'' and added: "No W ma, I! clonrt think Iittie boys can either." ' bed at hVe c,'e.1"ock JOW OD eat L;11 is it tha e grow thin after may be sufficient to diSebarge such Ptilhbe COURT' HOUL.Sp_4, it a Proceed to sell 1)Y PUBLIC AUCI ririttiiithteilaot l‘4,1c3-‘; -11(A, r guiitll•ut LE1021i lc Part of Lot. le sits u lier presence n hour E 4 S E :3 ,..14;. 391 . ....... . part'of W4 11.. NE it-) a or °Sf 1:7.4'2. S .} 1 part of N• t, G -`; W .11 " S ' of N. N part N part 7...... E 48... ... •-• • E part 29 .. O as • who h for an -adore belle a " F think 'I 0 1 1 ie hand the SI. '71, to led. Lai with OWN OF ION. the.. avid. Lands, arrears of Taxes and chi TOWNS TIP OF '1I-PrELD. of -the AVardea of the san direeted ft) da. The -•0 art all lawful coat. • OD-FRICH, C)1 so n neli thereof a: .1'0b116 tilt retsln.- mo-easion or or it fit' rri's. UPpt.ttritit7/. R D. In unpateitted 44.57 3d E, 1.00 uhpatented 31 38 3a E. D. 1(10 impatented 51 88 rith R. 1). 100 unpatented 65 83 5th E. D. 100 unpatented 5Z-..; 80 6th E. ft. -100 patented :34 07 9th E. D. 100 impatented 57 7,3 10th E. D. 30 :Patented •22 10 •10t1) E. D. 70 patented 54 .90 33th E. D. 50 • patented 6 -94 4th W.D.50 patented 27 70 7th W. D.- 25 patented - 8 55 8th W. D.- 50 patented 39 78 J.0th W. D'. 61.11 patented 19 84 llth R. D. 50 •patented 41 00: :12th W. D. 130 patented 58 76 13th W. D. 100 ampatented 60 06 . NorthT Plot 15 patented 16 38 VILLAGE 0F -POT ALBERT IN ASHPIELD, 8 Ashfield St. - 5' . patented = • 7 88 40. ...... . 6 7 95 96 27 28 30- 27. 0 r. ......... 8 Ashfield t.'t. 4 patented 7 :34 W Colborne Nt. t patented 2 99 N Melborne St. 5 patented 10 27 N Melborne 5 patented 10 89 W St denham 't• patented 3 22 W Sydenham `t. -4 patented. 3 22 W 8Ydenhain 1t. 4 • patented 3 22 W Sytlenham $t. t ' patented 3 22 . • W Sydenham St. I patented 3 22 V LLAGE OF DUNGAN*NON, IN A8.111jIEL1). Mallongh's Strey 4 - patented 1 62 -Mallongh's Sar'y 4 patented 96 TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. Lake E 100 patented 48 08 VILLAG-E OP CLINTON: patented 3 45 1-16 patented • 66 patented 1 84 4 patented. 1 19 4 patented. • 2 57 4 patented 2 patented 1 18 4 patented 97 patented 88 - 1-5 patented 2 39 OWN81- IP 01? clrODER1C11. .13 10 patented 4 50 B 8 patented 423 St b. of lot l• 11 patented 9 83 .1 '1 4101 NiNsTiNt OF GODERTCH. 3 patented 18 99 patented 5 98 1-12 limatteeili.Ittel 1(1 tll8; •, 1-5 patented 1 58 1-.20 patented 88 patented 2 A— ro patted 2 52 Sub. lot 4. Cen Con A. 1-5 patented. 1 03 140' LtIo°nn., A.A.V1..-5 patented 3 45 patented 11 10 Con. A. , 1-5 patented 1 19 Con. . 1-10 _ patented '51 59 TOWNHIP OF GREY. • • th 100 patented '56 97 1: ph 100 patented 36 48 14th ma patented 26 -23 TOWN SHIP OF • HAY. s -5 patented -11 04 L. R'd W 24 patented 32 54 L. R'd E 74 patented 54 93 L E 105 'patented 90 68 OWNSHIP: HOWICK. 5th 50 patented 11 07 7th 50 patented 18 40 8th 62 unpatented. 1:3 44 VI LLAGE OF WROXETER, IN HOWICK. .. 8 -towick St. 1 - patented • 1 35 VILLAGE 31?RDWICH, HOW1CK. N Louisa t t. ,11. patented 1 85 :VILLAGE OF HOW1CK, 1N. HOWICK. .. 1-5 patented 7 89 .... 1-5 patented 9 24 VILLAGE OP MANCHESTER, IN HULLETT. 4 patented 87 3 patented 87 4 patented S7 • • • :if patented 1 07 TOWNSHIP OE MORRIS.. 2d 100 patented 37 32 3d. 100 unpatented 32 32 6th _ 50 patented 14 63 7th 100 unpatented 40 59 VILLAGE OE AINLEYV1LLE, IN MOI:1118, patented 6 76 • e patented 1 91 patented 96 4 patented. 4 73 4 patented 1 91 4 patented 1 44 -if patented 1 01 81 Running No. 29.: VV 192.11... 312: . ... :327.. . .. . . . 501., . . .. 610 611.. 614.... .. . . '801- .. S • E part 6 W part 1S 16 Bunning No. 18. 142 9\372 1 ,1, 1063 1357 W 4,150 W six -tenths 51. W six -tenths 152 . None -tenth 2 .. Sub. lot ... Sub. lot ...Sub. lot 28 Subdivisions of lot 2 and 3 Cone ssion A. 29 35 35.... E corner 1 N.part 11 S part 11 32 (n.ch gives the following as a N 9 "NV part fragine t of 1 fashionable conversa- tion " Yetith-" A- awfu hot, ain't it V Maiden--" Yes, a% fill !" Pause) Youlth-"A-. awful jolly 3 floor f r dancing, ain't it?" aiden awfulil" (Pause.) Y 4 .. l'Awft 1 jolly- sad.f' about the 5 res - forth. Inches ain't.it 1" Maiden--."Maiden--."Maiden--."quite too awful " and so --One of the good stories in the life of Young, the tragedian just published in !London, is that tiler's mile *hose pond had been used by some Baptists for the immersion. of theiu converts. Hearing c4i.t she was- very indignant; and vowpd' that the intruders should be kept eff in future. i‘ I ain't no idea," she said, " of th ir coming and leaving all their nasty sins behind them in. my 40- Th Von. Dean1Hellinuth waS con- secrated .as Clciadji tor Bishop :Of the Diocese of Huron, 1011 the 24th of August, under the specific title of Bishop of Nor- folk-. . The rite Was p rformed 14y the Right Rev. Bishop Oxenden of Mon- treal, assisted by heir LordshiPs the 5.. 09.. 30.. 54 ninn . . . 17 ..... . • . . ... .. . . . • • • • • • .. ' . ... S418.... N 7 S W-4 29 S 4 28 5.. .. 42 65... 105 108 lAfl 127 ......•••••••• • ....... • .• •• •• 4 patented VT,LLA GE 01? BLYTH, IN MORRIS. 129 .... . .. ........MeDonald's surve 1-5 patented 2 67 TOWNSHIP OF MeKILLOP. - S 11 14th 87 patented 67 17 601 .1arvis' Survey. 4 patented 9 01. VILLA.G-E OP SEAFORTH. 61 Jarvis' Survey. 4 patented 10 24.. TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY. 6. ...: . . .... 9th. 50 patented 33 01 VILLAGE OF 13AYITELD, tN 8TANLEY3. 4 p 5 •••. ' atented • ..ii . it)),:tteeliiittee(cil . 3 4210) 1 patented 54 4 patented 54 ,•4 patented' 37 . i ) 'patented 34 patented _54 4 patented- 54 I patented . 5544 1 14telltet1 4 of "30,000 men, -and have "given Bishops of Toronto, Ontario, NeW Zea- s land Michigan and. ... A lane num- - The standing harvests -would 1:,ber Of the clergy frein parts '7)of the 5, be in. the way until the 23a of I Diocese were presen September ; after that the " equi- noctial storms" would endanger the health of the men ; and for these I uid similar reasons the project was I abandoned. A cartoon in .Pnizch. represents Mr. CardWell; the Secre- tary of. War, in a state of abject l.s011.41pSe j before him stands the , 'stiff Military figure of the Prussian Crown Prince (on a visit ' to his wife's relations) ; and the unhappy I Secretary plaintively begs, "Now that your Imperial Highnest is here, p'raps you'll kindly tell us how to move 30,000 men- thirty miles." - Tc appears from a report of 'the '! Relief Committee that :.,*.'77,400: were distribrited from the fund for the relief of those who suffered by :‘ the disastrous fires in the Ottawa tlistrict List year. Seed .giaiin of , various kinds, to the value of $19,- ; 280, was also supplied, making, a • 171 . . L-- Mr. E. Wright of I London .town - 233 ship, has some. lilac oats which'. have 307 yielded in an ext ordinary - mahmer. -358. From each .g,ram. is tied an average of . 509 twelve; stalks, i soul I being as 7 hikh as 633 fifteen and isometim a • as. low as, inine .• 690 The .stalks pear an , yer44-e of 120 grains 691 each, so that nearly 1,500 grains7have 692 proceeded from' a si . gle pne. The 1total 603 • yield. of a similar cro ) -would not I. less 694 than one hundred bu hels per acre: I 8 As John Roai . a; farmer Of the OW slupeof • Caledon _was driving aIliery team near Hillsbarg . cm Saturday, one, of the lines..)troke, ai d the horses obey- ing he other, tin -net abruptly, upsetting rhe wagon, . and • t irov?ing Mr. Roan 00 vi01 nay agajnst the ground the Inn.ses fall' ia upon hull at he same iiinc,- and crna ling him to .dea h. • ' . piii,telLE y patented e e. - 05 D INSLEY TER RACE, IN sT sub. of Lot 36, ist 11 patented 3 :10 TOWN8HIP 0 FTEpliE.N N 1 12 5th 30 patented 11 75 2 13th 30 181.1t(Pn tea 35 69 .) 8 ' 1° H VILLAGE OF FRANCISTOWN, IN sTEPHEN. 01.. . . . • .... ' , • . • - . 1-5 patented. 1 74 1-3 patented 1 74 23 1-5 . patented 1 74 04 1-5 patented 1 74 41. . .... 1-5 pattened 2 51 VILLAGE OF BRUCEFIELD, IN- TU('KERNM:7,1`iin 1 ‘,, Me1 hmahrs survey 1-3 lei -tented Me Donala's survcv 1-5 patented 56 1 7.', .2 34 VILLAGE OF HARITIWEV, I.N TruKERSMIT it ... WorsleS eurvey 1-5 patent -'1 1 06 1 ROI terteaet's aurvey 1 pabntod 5'7.- 1 TOWNSILIP ()1.: T1-11-.N111-AZ1l1-. 10th 100 unpatented. 3i S3 12th 50 unpatotted 40 .10- 12,..11 50 patented 10 06 ) 03 3760 ()3 'f, ',,..;;;;;'Ci.,,: 7t.,•/, t/.;. S3- :30 i,$01 18 :1 15 5-1 3: 315 54 5:- 3 50 69 3: 3 33 6° 1: :330 61 08 30 24 41 o 3 03 l'58 1: 1 4053 3f-(1.) 18j) 9 1 OS' 10 53 2 25 .)0. 225 2209 278 43 78 3 33 60 01 3 3185 1683- 4581 0 • 1 95 93 1 83 2 00 03 1 85 1 85 1 85 1 85 1 85 9 83 op 4 80 12 0- -I 1° 0° 55 (0)77 ((t)77 507 78 240 178 274 3 Og 5° 06 185 5:30 178-44 180 364 1 78 97 183.440 183 411 178 296 178 275 178 266 1 83 4 ea 188 6:38 188 611 00 11 83, ,03 1-90 2 0,3 1 80 1 80 1 78 1 83 1 83 1 78 1 78 1 85 1 78 3'15 3 28 2. 68 2 40 2 '03 255 3-23 4 00 9 03 23 08 0 0 7 88 13 01 3 79 :3 :38 2 66 4 35 4 35 2 81 3. 89 5 30 2 97 54 74 60 39 28 13 35 58 94 13 20 15 26 16 63 07 09 16 68 10 6:3 5° 178 :31:3 1 8G 365 195 984 198 11 1 78 9 65 178 265 78 265 -178 ° 85 2 68 2 55 2 13 2 78 1 93 1 80 1 78 ,1 88 i1 80 1 80 1 80 1 78 40 00 34 87 16 76 43 37 8 69 3 71 2 74 6 61 3 71 3 24 :3 71 3 59 Concession, OT Lot 02' Part of Lot. Street. VILLAGt WING lot 177.- 231.— VILLAGE 01? BLUE 30 .03 VILLAGE OF BEL-.\ TOWKS-1111 TOWNITIP OF 3d TOWNt13111P OP let lat 1st W corner 6 ... S part 16.. . . • .. E 17.. . .... . NV '• 17 . N t 20 Ive.i7 aercs in. centre of ematbj c lid let ...Anti-el:arc of eolith end 26. . .. . -.1st ye t of ee- 2)1. a a ...e Dth W part -of NV .1, 15- 10th E part el NV 115. • 10th NV t 17 ...... . • 10th , E part of E111.. 11 th W part of 1.7. ! 1411th 1 VI f,,L.A.cE, 01? :NIANCHE-'1 - ° -.... . . ..... .. 5 .... 100 I 82 07' 108 109 '- 118 119 120 121- 1°4.. 126 127 132 . ... ... ViLLACE DUNGAN,. 32, MeMath's Survey VILLAGE OF 8T. RIM Asher3r part of lot 18 in lith. Con. County Treasurer's Office, Goderich, July 25th, 1871. Patented or Ain't of Co.qts& Unpatented." Taxes. 0 0711W fr( L HAM, IN IPURNBERRY• 4 patented 3 39 83 t patented 1 20 1 80 7A1,14 TURNBERRY. 3 patentea 4- 10 1 85 5 95 - ORE, IN TURNBERRY. patented. 93 1 83 2 78 or US BOP) N E. t patented 2 77 8.3' 4 60 :AST W A NV -AN fl 100 patentad 51 19 3 13 54 32 VEsT WAWANn-w. 40 patented 16 00 13 1F 15 100 patent d 30 51 :3 35 62 S6 100 patented 63 40 3 43 66 63 5 22 "3 '00 119 1 1 2 100 20 810 patented 413 11 3. 00 49 pithmt 11 7 91 , 1 95 9 S6 Jut -km -0d. . 16 0,4 2 15 18 23 patented 61 14 :3 88 04 Te.) patented 16 71 2 IS 18 89 patentiql Col 81 3 33 70 :;4 100 1111p:tented. 61" 42 10 patenftal 6 08 1 193 8 (31 90 pat(mIta. 60 16 ' 3 "- 00 -63 .31 Eft, IN NV EsT WAWANOS11. 3 patented 11 00 1 81) 4 patented 1 09 1 80 patented 1 54 1 80 4 patented 98 '1 78 1 patented 08 1 78 .1 patent-cll. i patented. t$188 11 7788 4 4 1 •. patented patented t1r8 11 7788.1 1 - patented . 98 1 78 1 .1 patented 98 1 78 4 i i 98 1 78 patented 84 1 78 i patented, patented 98 1 78 3 patented 1 11 1 78 ON, IN W. W.AWA.NOSI-1,- 3 patented 26 17S 2 04 i:N$, IN W. WAWANOSII. patented 13 78 10 15 88 " 89 2 89 -3 •:34 2 7i; 2 7t; 2 76 "78 27(3 2 76 2 76 ° 76 ° (3° ° 76 2 76 ect A. M. ROSS, Treasurer, t'ounty of Huron.- CDELPH SEWING MACHINE CO THE 0S4139RN Lock -Stitch Sewing MACHINE. Thousands throughout Canada ar now using these machines. They hav been tested beyond all question, make - the favorite lock -stitch, alike on both sides, and are pr nounced iuperior to any other machine -offered the public PoT wide range of work, perfection beauty and excellence' of mechanism adaptability, strength and durability, The Osborn, J.S'ewi-ng Machine Ha new operators attesting its wonderin - R xtce- Improvements have lately bee mad.e, enabling the manufacturers t claim it as the ne plus ultra of Sewin machines, Hundreds of teatimonitils being received daily from old as well a capabilities. do all kinds of do mestic sewing, from the finest eambrii to the coarsest overcoat or upper leather GUARANTEE]) TO BE AS REPRESENIT1) OR NO SALE, WARRANTED FOR THREE YEARS. The Osborn Outfit is complete at readily comprehended. is sold. at one hall the price hitherto charqd for ma chines doing a like range at work, th manufacturers being determined to plac it Within the reach of every family h the country. A TR] AL FEFORE PURCHASE will con vince all that our machiaes are un- equaled. 4 THE GUELPH RINTRSIBER Is pre-emineatly the best Single -Threat Machine offered. to the public -hence it. marvelous success Will do allvarietie of domestic sewing. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. Hand Machine, with full outfit, 812 ; Treadle do., 817. • fiat Each ma,e.hine guaranteed. ewe- A gents -wanted everywhere. Splen- did inducements to make money. Apply to CUELPH SEWINC MACHINE CO., GUELPH, CANADA. W. N. WATSON, Agent, 1 83 4 50 180-ly SEAFORTH. 13 53 70 70 1 98 10 99 12 00 12 24 58 :3550 1 78. 1 78 78 3. 78 78 1 44 .1 78 '1 78 78 78 •1 80 I1 2 13 3 07 2 18 9 3e 0 9 0 0 3 15 3° :32 3° 32 85 183 1:3 ° 1)5 :1383 3:340 1 81) 334 1 so 3 34 1 803 ::3 :3,44 11 434 of 1.1, year port niilk tem in t Men tOtal of And the lesson 1 that for high _Guelph CoUnci hae imposed i. rat( cents in the do 14.-u• 'for the present • raising thereby 8;23,17,1 17 au- . . mica as follows :- 'County rate 3 in the dollar , public selm(1S, 4 ; redemption o debentures a id in- t, and for goner 1.1 purposes 8 mills ie dollar mak ng aasess- of 14 cents: M he dollar, BONY is. • • .2 34 , 19 6 E ! 23.. 7s 7', 0 ea ° 36 2 70 41 33 273 43 23 '' 00 12 06 , SEAFORTH Planing 111111, Sash, Door, and BLIND FACTORY 0 rT1HE Subscribers beg leave to thank their numerous customers. for th liberal patronage extended to them sine commencing business in Seaforth, and trust that they will be faioredwith a continuance of the same. . Parties intending to buila would dt well to give them a call, lie they Aril: continue to keep on halal a large a:toe:1i of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, SASHES, 1)U( )JS, T I NE; ATE., TI.ev feel eoniiilent of giving eatiefaethe te those Who navf'..vuur 111011 NVith tilt ir patronage, as none Init first class NVIirk1114.11 are employed. Particular attention paid to Custon Planing BROADFUOT & GRAY, FL-RN1TI-1, R THOS. ELL'S. THOMAS BELL Is now prepared to inanufattnre furni- ture As Cheap as the Cheapest. Parties wishing to 15-uy wholesale can be supplied at • Toronto Wholesale Prices. WARE ROOMS OPPOSITE THOMAS worac SHOP, CORNER OF M_A KET 8QUARE. 'TURNING done on the Shortest Notice.. COFFINS kept constantly on hand. A HEARSE FOR HIRE. 170-tf MR. JOHN THOMPSON THANKS his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during tht. last-lifteen years, and trasts he will re- ceive its continuance, " He has DOW 011 hand a large assort- ment of Good. Sound Green Hemlock! Which he warrants will give satisfaction, ALSO FENCING- AND DR.AI:\.;1:!--:G LUMBER, ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND. -ALSO- 200,00 FEET OF PINE CUT FOR BUILDING A -ND CENERAL PURPOSES Which he offers on liberal terms. -Or- ders will be promptly attended to. The Mill is situated on the Townline of McKillop and Hullett, 3 and t' miles from the Huron Boad. Seaforth, Nov. 16, 1870. 84-tf • QUEEN Insurance Company OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON, CAPITAL - $2,000,000 Sterling CHIEF OFFieEs-Queen. Buildings, Liver- porol, And Gracechurch Street, Lmulon, CANADA BRANCH OFFleE-Exehange Buildings, Montreal. BOARD -Wm. Morton, Esq. Chairman: Henry 'Thomas, Esq., David Torrance, Esq, andthe Hon. James Ferrier. NKERS---M01Sen'S Bank. T.,E0aa, A nvisrais -- Messrs. Ritchie Morris & Rose. MEDICAL, A n sEn-Williarn Sutherland. Esq. M. D. SunvEnon.--Thomas S. Scott, Esq. ArDIT( 411- -Thomas R. Johnson, Esq. ItesimeaT SErRETARY AND GENERA]. At;ENT,-A. .Mackenzie Forbes, 13 $t. Sacrement e;treet, Montreal. The undereigned haying been appoint- ed Agent for the above Company, partiet • desiring to instre against loss by fire ea', do so on the ineet favourable. terms. Life Polities grantcal on as advantage ma terms as_ any other respectable Com - pant- doing business Canada. JAMES H. BENSON, l'aP/-70/: -.1*EN SON & M EY Eltileitgent Law OSeaff11.573:tf. Seafm 1 , Nov. 1S70. ort NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. ()TICE is hereby tig.t 111.1 ptirtieN 1S1110119, hi the ' , nee -41m Id •••,:t1,444: 1.0:4m4•euti.,1 mith to. rig9r the LC... 15414r, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL.,