HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-09-08, Page 22.
I e:
A.ral with this preface he thus
was called to the Bar in Trinity
Term, 182,-; end 1 shall never
,forgei, the most mit-tette incidents of%
that dav, if 1 live to oe ea old tie
Meth usela h. It Was the -dr of
June, and waS One Of the in )8t love- " Come. old fellow 1let/e go
noble proteseion,. Alolyneux, :aid I
mean .fo .grind at ins% :is if 1
badpitlit singie expenntiou •iii the
-his rnorm-mt tr. 8oz:tint and
era) rui!, i ea ung Ion the
of her father,. the or 'but pron.
Bail' t FIed1n,4hatn,
end of che ruoin
da,ve it is peesible to imagine. receivt cur congritLulation:;,
, et; .Ait. Cha and in we era, With alyealeti tO !Ile refined and ueau-
now- there was no Cleild ill11.1 'through LU ii ; So.1 faSCILI:LtPd, perfectly
the Frani:went, and the sun ;shone . The Kill (3yedlus mese, end be ; and, kt!liO•1 the 1.1„:y coin •
brightly, as if indicating a brilliant and Mr. Solute ss-• tie e'en a pew ad l'lansion,
in the
The day 1 efore had been w
' • ,
SEPT - 1871.
1 end V description! of her is a very
imperfect one. •
Well, I need not pa.rtie Js
to how twiny tltnes dance‘i With
Gertrude Peyton th,.,t, evening. and
hwv .111:111v Girlies poor Ch;o•ley dd
tit!' sa ; we eitoli hid in turns
for ili•r as a rartAler, ;IDA 1.t. fell to
-) lake he!' ti""‘"11 "IiPer-
, t
ill HI 11.:!:•, 1-11.110 Pevt mind seentetl
(.1y to-hurreenolid with lit -r hotly
heft Soatnes ;
etireer for rne and nly 01(1 col lee° he,arty greettng ; (ly (lor.lidi le r was 1, 111 f, with Uharle
chum, 01-ettley Soanie, with when). fi.av'e kiln 7i kiss, and ,eaceived 1 ic !kit emp y zipiteimet.L,
- •
was sharing eliambers at the) time, ii the enost- frit -telly manner, t,;:yi ,,rgi3Onsuess, I folt tit; t
oii the floor itteit above this very till Setts of ti tie Uhl t wero dest-r*„.,
" °owe, i\folvileitx, old
end Olen -ley, in his ustut
\vitt) •you'? Why, you look
eondeinned criminal;
room. As to our notions about tlie
oo satk, c c.
prophetic state of the weather, no V-)71,3-, Sirsaid th IL rl to n
doubt they were shared by every " we have ytei ',the
other man who that day was to put learned lord on the woleack '
Ou a wig and gown as a full grown of these lino days, if you go oi
bat•rieter-aalaw, But Charley and ning libuoi•e as if se Ina you
I had done well at Cambridge, cLuth Cleirles ha x e done."
of us leaving the ueiversity with a Lady G .Iraddine eyed he
Fellowship ; so n'le I 00.kal. forward with neater lid pride, kilo pie
to future honors at the bar ”not tAl t him, no sl ubt, .ets a future
together -without reason. More- [ Chancellor.
over, we had both of us studied with j I informed his Lerdehip t
a eonveyance•r and .epecial pleader, 1 should 40 ily bce)t to do erect
tricacies and technicalities o • real 1 but te react
and had worknd, well at the_ in- 1 the profess ou which 1 in
property law and special plea.:ding. !- had teferre(
1 well remember what a number In 1 and require
men came to see us on the morning
of the "call day ;" and the cry of i think you le
each and all was, " Where are the I present time
wigs and gowns ? These very dis- 1 of iyoar tiltunate success • at
inguiehieg additions to the dress of ' retie, 1 wisl, you leek wit); all
he English advocate were at the healra" Tl e Peer exteeded
mall boy to reqnest Mr. Curll, the ad eveut in yonr
wig -maker's; so we sent round our haelid, and sa d, "This is an im
vigareaker, to ering or send them I sonl's life. 1
ip for a few minutes. Mr. Quill 1 ev'er -forget- t
ame himself, and assisted us to 1 The Earl
robe," as he magniloquently term- i Oh, rley and
d the process of putting on wig, 1 din With hi
own, and bands. Mr. Cern, hav- ! His words, as to
ng partaken of some champagne,1 {hi eyenin were
len withdrew, taking with him?! one,y ba.v since reeu
ur robeS, and -naming five o'clock 1 to 1_Phe old man.'
spite of
pitigil I
ftl I I () )
‘ve r, " Ji t1 ()it earth h.; the mattet
like a
zti yonr he.4.irt to (.4-ercy Peyton, eh '
Now, had I told My friend the ex -
r soln ,,tct truth then, -1 s
101( (1 had this melatichol
Loi d I now ; but I dissim
- that 1 was rather
hat I something of that kit
it to (:)n the other hand,
c ch
the goal to whi
inyol "vett uch 1
1 great talent.
tr," said the Earl
ve done well up t
and I have good. h
lotild nor havse
story .to tell
laced, .and 'said
knocked up, or
d, and retired.
had tuy poet.
°set, I friend also spoken the triith, we
ch he i should have understood eech other,
.- which resultedfroni the deceit which
den, aind so preveeted 'Ate lreadfel events
, '" 1 1 we m e Wally practiced upon each
o th other. You wi.li probably have
ope guessed that poor Charley himself
was, au that tivae, desperately in
Jove with Gertrude -)eytoin ' Suali
was the case, as _I afterward die -
covered.. but he ne-er would ue-
ande-Lknowledge this to ri'l when 1 .ra:
. !E lied,hina the subject; and on the con-
[trai-er; stten uously • denied it. 0,
that men would be more truthful.
1 1-1ad:1 -been more frank with Char- j
ley, and he had been , so with the, 1
how m tibia suffering might each of
us have spared ! It has since oc-
curred to ame . that Soame nsed
ft-equently to taunt me with being
j loye with Miss Peytona---a fat which
1 itheays, like himself, emphatically
idenied; but why I did so f cannot .
li' tell even now • t ere was no earth-
and my gr
don't 1.1ppese you will
tis eveing."
-rear d after. giving
mo n invitation ,to
on tie following day.
ever forgetting
only ordinary
but th( rred
iy mind waS
as the time for meeting us in: the i rigl t th
circumstancess cif that
hall, half -pant five hayiug been ap- , niglt are as fresh in my muid as
pointed as the time for the event of ! thot gh they 'iad happened but yes -
the day, viz: for calling to the bar. :, terd y. Stra age ! 'trange fac that
raved na right earnest this time, we ed then which
, have rendered me
That hoer soon came, and then, ale , a se ies of -cir urestII ices cent ,nene-
a I walked in procession, up the fine i one of the m
s old hall of our inn of Court, and kiln:, have
were Called to the degree of barrister- : life, and at ti
at --law. . 1 dm st ihsupp
Charley &ante, ray great friend, ' to my story.
was the son of a man. of family and , Cl arley So,
fortune, whose estates were in the . fere], t Ways,
County of Norfolk, and whose town ing it the me.
residence was in Glosvertor .Square. mow with on.
Lady Geraldine Soame, Charley's 1 Pres ntly the
mother, only daughter of the Earl of i waS
Hedinghaen was noted for the eleg- , sea,
ant entertainments she was in the eutei
habit of giving; and her Ladyehip - them
had resolved that her son Charley's fathe
call to the Bar shOuld be Celebrated this A
by an evening patty at the famili Whiel
residence in Grosvenor Square. As
st iniera,bje of !man-
mbitte -ed my Whole
• es Tel dered existence -
r table
me an
nd we
• resp
B •
ly reason for denying that fact.•, I
never had the remotest idea that ,to
-Jertertde Peyton cared for Charley 1
Somme, still less he eared for her. I h
You will: perhaps ender what ; •th
obi. Charley's motive was fel' his re-
ic'ence,- and you. shall Ileari present-
; but as to my own about him, 1
an only account for it on. the ground
f nutzuyelse honte an Infirmity, by
le by, which has frequently • pro-
uced results of the moSt dire char-
ter in (Abet. cases, owing to the
isapprahensions to which it often
xes rise. Well, time went on, and
nn vacation arrived. Mr. Soame
1) hit•ed for the Seaeon . :
r(Itaine,residence at )1,' and
ieteley had invited na0 down r
.nonth. There was boating, fishing,
hiving, riding, visiting, everything,
short, to conduce to Witt:1W
diillii0Ve all, Cpl. Peyton lead hie
tiOter heal taken A house] sit iat- •
.nhar the, _shore and about a mile
. This was ecstasy.
le; and as the Colonel ard 31iss.
011 eiten thcame ,ovor to Mr.
e latter freehently
we can -never be enything , more
than ft iends. Good _frie.nd8?-1 hoe,
we shalt ever be, Mr. Moiyneux,"
and she held on t her hand to me,
MiSS Peyton," said I., than/let
streak, "you surprise; „I • Thant
'you fm • youe kind Speech, but wh
have 0U ltd me to suppbs,13.that yo
. eaPer d foeie, when as 'yeti say, you
atn_Ttions are engaged ? yot
suppose me to be a stock Or • §tolte
that yon :ould thus play ;‘with
and make me wretched .for' life?
You he ve made me leve yon, ad
now you toll • 11Te you are engaged.'
"I suppose yvonto be in thing but
a most estimable man, kiln Moly-
neux," satti she, and have said as
much ah•eraly.- You will surely
member lett 1 haye not- encouraged
your advance otherwise th 111 as one
friend eneourages the frien lly greet-
iegs of another. So pray be jut,
.tud do not" rong inn tittribut,
ing to inc acts of which, believe me,-
I am quite innoceet."
" be it from mia
e to w rn vou
Miss Peyton," replied 1, r covering
my equanimity ; "probabl it _wss
my - own vanity lvhich 1 lade .me
• think 1w sain yam' demeanor are-
ciprocation of My own feelings to
;ward voe.. I will endeavor to for-
! get that I: ever loved you but be -
foe we Change the. subject, let me
express hope that the love of hint
; who has been fottunate ea oligh to
win yours may be siecere as
that which has, just been offered to
" do not doubt it," _sqd Miss
Peyton, vomewhat hanghtilY, " and
probably I am as good a udge of
such matters as yourself, M
I saw th4t 1 was on ngerous
ground, but 1 felt desperate at the
idea of being rejected- by so charming
-a. creature ; so said 1, " Will you
promise to pardon me, if I make one
more observation ? If it se ms an
mproper one, you will forgi e me,
and attribute it to the pe turbed 1
state of my mind at present.
really a fact that you are eng
anothet or did you say so
from a kind wish to soft
TitsTrmoNV �F VEI(}fT-'f11e
).cientifiC American saes of the machines
.o.thethielphSewingMachine Company ;
will add our own .opinion, based up -
o ialtememeSron,st trial, thad
at the vantages
From obseeo
eations under the Micr-
ope of the blood of patients usin,..;
ws' Compound Syrup of Hypoplios-
iites, taken from time to time, positive
,00f has been obtained of the steady re -
ut to ieturn 11
ball- : o
I went
-e soon n
rag of the
ctive partners: j
vas ovetaand 1-
conducting - nay partner to a
wlien a lady Laid gentleman
d the ro( ,m, aril 1 recognized !
asi.Gertr ide Peyton and lier
a Coi. P vton, Whoever saw .
()ling lad on: the evening to
anti( ewoulcl. not have
ig his -opinion as to
paueed givi
Lady Geraldine was very partial to wlio yits1 tin flan‘st ii Olaf filit• as -
me as her son's ehoeen friend -and eemblv. I The Colonel was a. vete--
111'4h lcc kiug n an ; and 1 i' -
ie r perfeet ly hill OCCOVIiitg
1)(ISO I WaS tO be one of- the eruesas t31 • •
mall( we were just like- brothers, - avie.to
tea r CletrIeY and 1-e'011 !nay enp-= Learnt
1111O1 0 ( er-SatiOn as these (
on this, to me, eventful, ev(ming. two slowfr Aral ced un to the other '
Al ell, nee dined, we drank toasts, WO end. 0 the. iciou . As is used under
made speeches, and an ten o'clock : the ei •cumstailees, co uments Were
WC' deemed it advisable to bid 01.11' : byktriev erS qn their ap- g. `
triende in the hall adieu, leaving peantrie,e1; xvei. they linsband. and , ec
them, however, the wherewith to be , wife r father and da ighter ?
-ieitai•t: in a chiach at at, quarter to said one. ' " D you know theni ?"
merry.. We reached Glosvenor ; very el()( ant g rl that, eh T'
alid f01.111d Several e11ri.iage8 Saill „A. fine .100king fel- I
drawn up in a line near Sontue'e . low, isn't fie . aid a Oiird.
w th Lady Geraldine while :the
lel and old .Mr. &Mine walked
teewhere together, and the.n
2Iey and L Would attend to GC'
le„ sing dneits :.tud no o;
!sieve you, on my ney
Is it
ned to
n the
ects of what your generous heart
ld yen would be a fearful •low ?"
"1 assure von, Mr. Mol neux, I
at have told you nothi g but
e truth, and, under any circum- 1
stances but tne present, Shot
s nt any doubt castup
city." . .
" diell not presume o don] t your
'ord, Miss Peyton, but have
never .seen or heard f any other •
geitleman paying y att ntion,
n rhas my friend Chi rles Suite ;
so 1 presume the matt r mus be of
t clandestine character I ne _ say phis
so that La6y Cerayline s re
oval of diseased. and dead blood par-
ti -les and the substitution of -vitaltzed
d ses, so necessary to the construction of
h •al thy muscle.
Tw QuEsTioNs EssrLY A e-sw FAZE:1).
hy _should Men *Wear beards? Ileeause
t' ey are a great protection to the threat
ai d lungs, an•d addle -itch to their Per -
so 14 appearance. Why should. we use
Bryan's Pulmonie Wafers ?" Betause •
W len used for cough*, colds, , tickling in
the • throat, hoarseness, &e,, they act
e a charm. Ministers ami lawyers use
!in, physicians recommend them, and
sii gers and pnblic speakers say they are
th very best medicine in existence for
th eu-e or such. complaints. 6old by all •
m dicine dealers, at 25 cents per
bo 06-7
rhe blood owes its red color to minute
el( bules which float in that fluid, and
co itain, in a healthy person, a large
an ount of iron, which gives vitality to
th blood. The Peruvian Syrup snit -
ph )s the blood with this vital 'element,
an gives strength and vigor to the
wl ole system.
1. R. CiOunter, watchmaker andjex eller, has eecurel the sole agency in
thi locality for the sale of Lazarus,
v1 a rris & Ce's. Celebrated Perfecte(
Sp etacles and Eye Gla,sses ; they are
ver popular and have been a special
ma MfactuA of the above firm for many
any s. These specta.cles will assist the
sigi t most brilliantly, strengthen and.
pre -erve the eyes„ and are very easy and.
plet •mt to wear. A call is solicited
fro those needing, aids to sight. A full
ass rtment in gold, silver, steel and shell
fret es, enable a fit to all conditions
of t e eye, and give great satisfaction to
tho e who. favor with a call.
• E lward Bayer, Esq. „ Horton-, Kings
Con ty, N. S., 'writes that an astonish-
ing ure has been effected on his daugh-
ter y the use of Johnson's Anodyne
Lini • rent. • The wheile• - .spine became
dise Jed, she lost the ueeof her limbs, and
her tack was rounded. up like a bow, in
cons • quence of taking cold after .having
bee innoculated for the kine pock_ She
is now .
We pledge our reputation on the asser-
tion. hat any educated physician •after
care ul 'examivation of the -recipe, will
say I at Parson's Purgative Pills possess
more merit than anyother pill now offer,
ed fo sale.
Id re- 17r. ins leave the Seaforth station as
wee_ follan,s
(40I0Toronto 1.:xpre).s. Buffalo Express. Mixea,
7.5 ' .M. 10.30 A. M. ).35 P. et.
noise nsesT.
2.35 E. et.
1.3 ) er.
"visions eourts-e-1871.
on Courts 'will be ht -141 IUI follows:
Winglu .. ...June '27 Bityfp-ht -.Oct, 4
- NVroxt4 n" July 25 Clinton ........ Oct, 6
Sea fort .4131y 27 (!r.tit-rit.rb Oet. 9
ExeLer.. gRu3lOytli 24
lug' 1 Wroxvill' 21
Dungan Ion • :2 Staff -rib . _Noy. 2;3
Clinton ‘11r a Y.:V.:AT
dmierie ) ...Lr' 14iialigainvin ....Nor. 28
2o I .... ;29
.1 fOrt! (”Inton
.17,):A•tx,r :;(1 Ouderieh 3.13tAv. 4
'L. :3
8.50 r. r.
n arked that you seemed to fas r my
"Really," said sin "yet are
gt hag toe far, Mr. Melynenx. Tam
ne boend to tell Mr. C nudes i 0:11D0
everything- 1 do, ni r is hely
.!,ral(line twee:sal-fly light it her
surmises eoneerning my deliostanent
to you or any one e
" t'efnainly not," said 1
eeenie inernlible that a -lady
evince eo much pleasile
with a person is yen have in
' in my company, withou , eitleer, ear-
- ill,!f for that person,- or elsZs eing
! ve •y-very-alie-posse. sing ,ereat
but it
: ineecision of character."
1. Ciuctuustances oftei ). in.
er th ie world which apiet 'dap,
house. eke we entered the hall, the ',--ton of the.' (Ina ds," 841.(1 a feurth • 8 ty that iny.friend cared. 'for Cant-
r sing
hii whinh ene word of explant teen
wo al d make 1)(n feet) y clear," said
Miss Peyton, her eves Mug vith
tea •s. " We all- bend t necess 3.
" Necessity ! " _said 3, al nost
grtisping her hand. NA hat do you
mein, Alies Peyton, ?",
I only mean what 1. say,' she:
rep led.
Du t,I! said 1, " -what is Aour
nee ,ssity.?" and 1 looked strainht
to her eyes. :
• he paesed for some time, and
the said, " Can I strel. you, Ain
'Trust me !" replied .1 " 1.wOrild
die or you with the grelttest plea-
fint can you keep a ecret .1"1
You might as well vhieper it 1
to that rock," shid I, 1)01 iting to t
»iglity mass of granite.
" Veil," said she, yen nsk ma
vha my necessity 18 ' lt Marry 3
. .
he man I• only like; amtl. not Ole
nan I really love. I was in real
arn .!et when showed tni pleasure
bting in, your Company. Von
re food, generous,. and talented ;
tit cannot give .yeu hand;
lough love -..xou, and that is the
eeessity to which I ben(1.1 If e•loit
eally love we, you will go frem
ere tied Dever see me again
ay perhaps meet in the future tat -
e' lnippiep circumstances."
I-1 tnr tears fell think and fast, and '
hat tile geeateet dillicidtv in e-
essi ig my own emocionee at tl is
oet istonishing declaratio
" Miss Peyton, said , reu sit1-
1:40 Ile
" more, Mr. Molyneux," she
die 1 " you have my- secret. Keep
etavante fell back respectfelly ou re- I, often i let; lam it Whjite's-uaintitl- e ide Peyton ; there was nothi ug in :
eeenhil disposition and courteous I too !" " kny m sney ?" assed a 4fch.* it and as 1 er her, I reelly beli • ve ,
among them. We made our way ° not ; he!, Coleael s a Yety poor a I. -loves me now -for Slie is still
here, as 'Welt as in the. Temple ; so tiered ver them especOily the list ;.ine to say 80, 1 C10 kay it elDphati-
tatthea• allowed him an establishment i 1 he ercl there remarks, and p ne • et t ly Vain though it may seem it]. ;
havinft made ourselves presentahle one laid me 'Miss,. Peyton lie- , cz 1 y, find .1 say also. that Chaelee !
proceeded. . toward the th•awing- 1 more rece6..tly thin Charley thoneht . IS:ell, I had frequent oppor-
• 6 I
eoginzing their voung neistes, whose sienow g girl -the daughter h.. ()eta -tad demeanor to indic tte ;
ruannet•s made him very popular "No,' aneweeec the fniuth, " afreid t his chi), that she hired th oi, ;
to dressinz for bi-Fia num."
nng, as you will hear again pres-
• and partaken of some coffee, we ! fere at the SCh 111Q'S heuse-mirr S 3's blood was on.his owilhead !
, - ; •
room. Going along, rtiley said when he Spohe (if my lavinn seen tun ties of meeting AtiSs eyton
to nue- - -
1 her there "last 3 ear," and conf ,ss nitie, and as knew my month •
" f understand; Molyneux, that 1 that she had s mewhat inipreSS quiekly pase over,I endeavor -
we aye to see some very pretty girls me. 1 don't exa el see as much of her )18 p08SI.610.
1101.0t0-1).glit sc look out for 3 -our- wes, bu one th• Vt'as indeed: a beau ereahire,
1. replied that I tvag happy to amount of 'eerti Wele both nuineroes and eh,-
ctly know how
light Gertru
inmate me to al
n, and' yet I was
her , there ga
ihable somethiag hen-
ce witich a••=a1•8 Sile
pleasine; She was Rini.
self, old boy." = Porten ised to s
I stially so, and her aecomplieln ;
hear such good news, and would en- n ot en lo ve evi. ;. bow men. of ;ntelleet could
reeiated stic•li charme :As hers ;
tremely fiieeinating girl. will eoine, aifoteled me pet -eat did what so flex- w_oineu are tibia
deavor to net upon his odvice. mete indcse
" expect," said he, "one ex- , abont • 1 et pease! was thoroiighly: well read, and
hleettude 1;eyt01i, whom 1 think yeti eertaitd: AvoliderfuilY•beatitiful, and to de-sheetholight for -herself;
pear, shell be the belle of the even- owing. e r &die pleaSure iny society, and ap-
ing by some yoe think , father's peeked to .latinc•li out more. into ine 0
expreesed my concuerenee in - and ce alOinatilan whe.n socieV-. 1 became a
we: reached. the arawitig-roem. 'hood of l lee on .thjs ere& an( one day. when I W113 Walking tl
met here last year. If she does weh too. She Ldways seemed to
y el eve
s after
tain 1 yti
'harlev a
el- preset
vish 1 hal
hie) of
- and well rim(
varclefound, to
'with reqieet
of her mind ; an
seeret delight o
1 -OR
SeiVol1h, •
Would desire to call 4a -ten -bon to their
greatly improved
Ilia. is able to compete with any other
Machine in Canada.
A nong its many advantages, we calrat-
t ntion to the following: --the way the
C Ender is constructed -A requireis is
power and is capable of
The great complaint among Threshers
l rays was, that they could thresh more
th n they could clean, oer improved dretri
do s away with all these complaints; it
is o constru2ted as to regulate the wind
to keep the riddles from Choking, without
b1 wing any gram over. We have also,
ini)roved our Millb to prevent the grain
zguonng over with the straw.
ers, generally, to five us a call, mid ex -
e would. liwite Farmers and Thresh.-
ne our stock before purchasing else -
re; we calf -sell as cheap as any other
e but the best Material used, and the
very best workmen employed.
he Machines we sold last year enable
.say that they gave better eatisfac-
than any other ever sold in this-.
kept on hand at all times•
Ye would ale° desiie to direct the
attention.of farineaes to our
Wh th are capable of sawing from forty
to fifty cords of wood per day.
Sup rim' Gang Ploughs, Straw Cutters,
Cult vators, Scuffiers, Wooden and Iron -
be In Pionets, Scrapers, Kettles, &c.,
Ail which we AA -errant to give satisfac-
tion, and will be solo, as cheap as at any
ot ter Establishment in the Province.
10 on the ehortest netice and m.Ist
reasonable terms.
141 ly- • :ZAPFE
'Warranted by the .1\iali-erf.:.
The iresent favorable Spring weather
warrants both farmer and mechanic in
inakin! timely preparation§ for the coin-
ing hat vest. •
THOMSON' 84 rniT
while :flanking their pt.trons for the lib- L
eral en !ouragement accorded them in the ever
past, -AA cordially invite the atten-
of liar iers to their choice assortmeet (
klarves -ing l‘fachinee for 1871- Our
Cumbiaed Jfachi,ie,
with Inison's Improved Self-l:ake, has
given et•mplete eatiefaction for the past
(two yeere, and. is :now ofTered to the
public vith. the strongest guarantee for !
durainity and perwet work.
ffite Cayuga, Chief, lherer,
Which las gained for itself a world-wid
repatati n is again offered as the mos
durable handy and best workinoMowei
known, being constructed in the body o
the mac ine entirely of iron and steel,
and witl it "We defy competition. We
also We the
Johnlan's Seif-Raking Nog*
..n 4.f 1
; •
A nem stork of the 1114We AVatehes --est
• PIN]
; faction
which to k first and second prizes at Pro-
vincial 1 xhibition, ISM. This reaper is
acknoed dged to be superior to any other
pattern low in use, as it cuts perfectly, •
takes up lodged or tangled grain better
than an other rake or reel machine, and
cute eqm lie- well from either side of the
ield.when wind is strong from any di-
rectione an be. raised or lowered,when in
notion a id is very (1nrable.
INe 'it inspection of our inaehinee
and. mod of manufacturieg by pur-
chasere b giving ()there elsewhere.
gnarmtee satisfaction in e.very ma-
chine, or io sale. -
SO ?"'
the jeep'
opinion, Lin(l 1)y tile time. 1. Ittitl (lone liettring
1 tellectual subjects • when We were a
)nounee the likeli- neo •e desperate)y in leve than evel ;
A quadrille leid just been dainced, ing. 1 1 been candid anil with her alone toward her Mu 13
and the hidies Lind esentlemen were inttIrmed this at the tint, hoUe1-12.1(1)- Geraldine having re- r
. promeniuling and doing the email latf. T ratitel tared. d an indifference quer!sted me to eeeort fier home, as 11
talk !,:f the evening. We stopped Co her vim] TOS: Ch44ey and, her father Were out In
t-ove (1 It, and 1 could not avoid peal anee of (eertrud ' Peyton I 1 d(l!clared my love for her her in a
tor tt, moment to czist a -glance,:ut this 1'4 jt descrile to y u the ap- , somewheie together, as I was tOld---t '(.1(
expres:.,itip• my surprise to Soaine _ thirtV•tiv yeais a_ o. Tall, upright 1 streightforward, manly Way. I
That Ile 41leald ebeeRe tOtOil at 'the xvith s ately wa k and attitude ; " I have heen expeetinn thie. Mr. PI
much wealth.
Pea. when (•ertain to be maetee of so lier featu ,:cs were eut, and ' TAIolyieux," said -------------- ,
My clear boy, said Charley. "
,.ouldn't lead an idle life. You olden , and dressed' in yen have of me, and the honoe you Pr
"an: style lier eyes- were confer upon me. Allow nip to sal:.
of a ver
was of ,
the Gree
- refin1i flLO ed order her sinceeely thank you for the good
The ag leulturalists of Perth and ad-
oining eennties will not (we believe be
•eo blind to their oeyn. interests as to
give th e•r orders to ishons more than
11)1) miles cast, when there are tirst-:h
works in their midst, building largely
the best 1 redlines, eyedi to any of the
Sallie mac -tines made m the Province.
(. *all. and $.4Oe II8, --;iend. in vour Ariller8
mad, 0 deal with our agents, as in
every eas you will get a perfeet.
able, am on the mine terms as yew'
neighbote Our principles of bueiness
and price • ben% established and mii-
.foleTILI oth 1- kinds of implements eon-
stantly on hand.
8TEA 131:1LT,
nd 1-1n4s of MILL WORK dune
know I, was .reading man in tlie the most loe.'ely I ever saw, per- . to ylieu what I should -.Rey to very 11(1
my profession, for like its intri- immense '
UniverKity, end f eneau to. work tit feetly blue, and then there nets few I!(.)f ylour 'sex, very few ;indeed d it
i1. 11', ; moreovel-, illy- father. a.s yoti, falotitof • H I
expiess on, , "hat 1.1.0111 111 might 13e Irou(1 .of! axe] A
a Igi icier Withot t w out iegard, sloe- NEX1 promptly.
new, alWaYS &Lid lIP il.`L any exag:vratie, M15illeyton WIN'S j your -lox -0 ; but my heart Ialready Hwy to test the weight cif a neill
ctr=t of his to rise at: the Dar. I t'a a1 a ghl of most. :strillinn- ilipetilanee,. another'e, and that being the case, .---ehede
t'i/lIPLETE STI)Pli, -
• IVB lr
'hes, Cloche and Jewelry of every -
tion repaired with neatness and
h, and warranted te give satis-
);35,•0( 0 worth of Old Cold a)d Silver
wante( , for whieh the hiehest price in
cash 1 trade w"gl be pai d.
Main etreet, Seaferthe
Lumber ard.
Beg to inform the public that they have
opened • Ll-MBEIt YARD in Seaferth
near Sh etrson's (DI the gr 01111(1411r-
'.1•1 as a Lumber Yard, by Mi...
Thomas Lee.
They Ncill keep constantly on heed a.
good aseortinent of ALL K INDS
1,1-.M131 'it dressed and undres:-cd.
All Of Ni lich they are prepared te sell at
the low( et poeeible prices, for ( 'ash.
Build( rs and others will find it to their
fc to inspect 011r stock. and. as-
certain Ilr prireg before pilrelm;•ing -
'where, as' 'We are a
g ood 'cements to cash puielize•ers.
M.\ ik :Q1 ( *1)1 LI ).
Svafortli, 14e. 29,
.1ahscriber prepareil farnielt
parti !s building with a lirc-t-1. ar-
ticle of " tone Lime, at 20 cents per btu:l-
el at th McKillop, near 'lion)-
son s sa‘ --mill, or 22 cents per busle
in Staforth.
left with Mr. BUIL, Main-
aforth, will meet with prompt -
TAMES j1)(1)ellillsion.
Ordei s
street, $
20,,000,0410 e0i*1
frprwolvi h;LVO A
Englieh lateniege
-At a henere
French clei•nte t'
Thui :silty, 'A iegie
Nave/ pre'
iminsin,f :1 -
of Fe.si rc'
ing- fat 4., ,
rit'lltz, I )*
Mill 114 the le: .4.
1 j
6.. i•
e • .
over eight "i'n.
-4->V4.-S Of a (111111 iioiite
-The Emperor N
I:lien! at t
grains were! reeiNI.
• IZ.ussia, the K IIL
Emperor oi Ansi
.--A iiiese
living et, North .2
setts, hah .ereated
among bis fellaws
=queue. iiis is a n
Celestials ; and ',vi
=will he strong In
fashion remains to
-During t.he
reore than .338,011
. rec-ted or otherwis
-were receilted at
-011ie° in ngt
()92 verqhi)'l for
lIfiveter,,guiltreiegls.ts.liin,!edieLtiltfe: tit(
Over. the 'Valls uf
the present' season -
were intexicated,
monstiance rushed
is supposed that th
aii oar, pr • hieli left; tritri
-The number _
which the tWo 1-111)
an Ireland'in 187t
-dog to every- Went
4:43:exetPiile;(4)1,i7:::47, If)x'jj
adaninstratilm of -
Aleut, there 1011
w hieli -was Paid ovi
;---The question
the head is waved
the, eyes are rotate
vlirectien, hae
elect of discinssion„:
sonie experinientei
in a -Germa11 jouri
way we:it \yard)
-cached some part/
namolanced, thong.
elpideinic foem.
Antrred as far wrest
taking measures
may be !notieed.
,yotang he 'was B
old maw; an
this weakness eont
he got tor be bc
seventy -nearer
VO fancy-- he pik
ly. 'egathered flesh,
!neatly reached th
a greater age thai
reached, it is Bait:
1,13.:feree:1111)-{T)gagi-rgeaol ftx:1:1:0111k,elilx4:4
1)." The aux li
be in the •
September e
noctial storms
licalt11 tlie one
and similer re:18011
aleindoned. A elrl
rejnalsents (.1a1
tai y of War, in
4'-'7.2t°1ill.011:1,1)Fi 1 i;lt:-ruityle::i'lrg(:
avifi;s relations)
that your Impel
hoir tO *
1 tel ief
dit nhutti
the (.0
lie roil. L11'4:i
cliPgriet, hist Vea.i
l'4; 01is N
77.0.8 a)80
1tA:11 ot