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poen txpoit9.
'Agricultural Shows and Fairs.
The TownShip of Hay Agrictdtatal Society' Fall
-8how will be held at Zurich, on Tuesday, th fith
of October. •
The South. Huron Agricultural Society's Fall
-Show will be held at Scaforth, - on Thartala and
:Friday, 2Ist and 22nd September. _ - •
:The North Riding of Huron AgrictilturalSoc'ety's
all Show will be held at Clinton, on TuesdaY and
-Wednesday, the loth an1.20bh.davs of Septet; bor.
The iStephen and .Usboriie Agricultural Soc
Fall Show will bo held itt Exeter, on Mouda. And
"Tuesday, the tInd, and Srd days of October. •
The Fail Show of the Howick, 'Branch. Ag
titrul Soctty will be held at Gerrie, on Wedire. day;
Oct 4
The Central Fair will be hold at Harn.i4cn, on
the 4th 5th and ath of October.
The Western Fab: will be held at London, from
the 2Gth to the 99th of September.
The Provincial Exhibition wil•I be hd aK
elt o:u
tore on the 250i to the SOth of September.
The North Perth Agricultund Society's Fall
wilil be held at Stratford, on the 5th and 6t1h of
The South Perth Agricultural Society's Show
-will be held at St. Marys, on the ea and 4th o Oc-
The Hibbert Drench Agricultural SoeieW Pan
Fair be held at Stella, on lOth October.
$1,000: in 'runners.
The Fall Meetiug of the Seaforth Driv-
Park. Association takes place on
Monday and Tuesday, lltb, and 1 2t1i
Septeraber. $1,000 in purses will b. of-
fered for competition.- Some of the est
horses in the Province are expected t be
in attendance, and a copple of days' are
„sport may he anticipated. A 'fun lis- of
• particulars- will b.e given next week.
Bro. -Mr. John Collins, of SeafortIn
'brought to our office a day ortwo ago,
a monster beet, whichmeasure,d 19 hales
in length, and 11 incheseirtumferenee.
This beet wan grown in the garden( of
Mr. Kennedy, hotel keeper, Michell
WEST WAWANOsIT. -7- In compliitnee
with a requisition from the ratepayers,
the 'few-RS:hip Council of West Wawa.
tioh agreed at their last meeting to sub-
unit a By-law to the ratepayers, granting
the suntof $1,800- by wry' of bones to
aid in the construction of the Sot diem
extension of the Wellington, (reand
Bruce Railway.
Senn -The pan in the INferchantt
Block, width we mentioned_ last week a
being, damaeedehas been repaired,'aan
the works a agatu in full operation.
The'dernand for salt. at the present time
is very light, and a large stockof barrels
7 -is being. piled up -outside at each of the
works in this place, awaiting sale.
ponies, r riS al
choose. his
decide for '
or they ea," go
' 'Grey, Al rris
have done.
was the ;flint
. 'County of ur
at Iiiihnolyn,
erend Fabler, •
as sr. ow,
and appears. st
vigor whi h
years ago.
-Rev. Fat
and 'debt Wn
' On t. , is ex Fines Father - Iti4lite
I other Dartag
on the Side of the ro
from the 111 111. • By
with +lel lumber, he
horse, and nas thro
wagenntie f ont wl
him 1111,ol1 the left si
ribs over the region
was then di 3 ged a a tort
revolt-ing w 4 =, el, an( fin
the ground. • ssist, nee
ly on the spe t-, but he'w
The bloW on tihe breast n
him instantl ,. His
broken, niii1t •tar bet
Miele. can es this
his side, e 1 eeived
slight senate on
Fadzean ,lis s ) ken
who knew h n. as i n I
spectable ma , and ins
deathii, vi I be tad bow
and helpless 1hi1dreii of
three. ' II e A*4.2 aged abo
years. -,' The horses be
from the niKtn per on
near the SCL'DC of tlici ace
caught on Al In st,rtsit, o
non it Co s li, rdware 8t01
d, .a out fifty
cote ing in c
lost his hold
n n front o
el of which a
le, sIflJShiJlg i 1 his
of the heart. He
Stance 1, the
!ly left lyihg on
vas immee iatp-
s quite ' teat
ust have •11 d
rig it leg_ wa. also
ten the knee al d
and the bruid s n
no ' tjuries exeept a
is ace. Mr. -1 Me -
i b every p rson
1 thistrious ,re.
*fully su Iden
o his poor Wife
-hem ther are
it thitty- little
ame den che31
otl the w ttion
dent, and vere.
pesite Ro tertt
f the
• CR1CICIPT.- A rete
the Brim fieh and B
will be polye 1 at Br
day next. - 'ickets t
o'clock A M
etch beb
1 cricket!
eld, on S.
BASE BLL -In .sp-aki. (1' of bas ball
matter, the on( ton erl dr ,rtiser of ues;
.day lett says:---" Retur t matches bY
the Athletics, with Se for h and Gue phl
will be , play d shor 13- ,Seaforth tro
bablytnext ek, Chi ph the week fol
lowing.?' w extend h ,arty web )m
to the Londm base b iler and lies lea
for them m the pa t o our boy,
Warm and ger emus re epti rt. •
1 •
t 1
A 6i0OD;
from the nnin
nosh COuncil,
ville, of Luck
pointment of
in plae cf th
congrat date
nosh up, n the
the eel -Vices o
well qualified
tient asiAir. 0
liAILW.1 Y v-Lews. The AInn4 pol
Councils f Clinton, and Hullett hive
Landon, Ifur n and lBruee Railw ay.
passed re olu ions to aubnidt their 'y -
laws to th ra epayers or bonuses to the
The Coun il o East Wr wanosh propose
of bomi t ea h of the contending cc m-
snlimitt nr By laws for an equal amo int
owing the ratepayers to
her 'selves which they pref r ;
nt bonuses to each if t ey
s what the Oonneils of
and Tornberry' sho rid
PPOINTA EN' , - We 1 Arn
ites of he West WI ••wit -
that ?Ir. fames So ner-
low,' ha , received the ap-
'lerk of -liat jflIUhIicipa•ity,
tate Jame Seat. We
epeople of Weet W wa-
r:good fciriine in secu dog
a gentleinan, so emine thy
o fill so reportrutt a osi-
merville is..
FLAN Mune-The Seaforth flax mill
is now in working order. The work of
threshing the flax was commenced on
Saturday last, and is being vigitrously
prosecuted. Large onautities are con-
stantly being brought in from the coun-
try. All that have grown- it this year
express themselves well satisfied with
the result, and the prospect is that a
much larger breadth will be sentit next
DOEN D KATT-L. We regret to lerirn
that )Ir. Robert Guthrie, of George-
town, died suddenly athis residence in
that village on the morning of Tuesday
last, of Canadian Cholera. Mr. Guthrie
was well known in Seafor-th, having re-
sided here for several years previous to
his removal to Georgetown; Ile was
universally esteemed and respeettd by a'
large civetu of friends in this totality,
and his sudden demise will be much
_regretted by all.
FATAL _A coif:tie-tn.-A young lad,
aged. about seven years, son of Mn.
Robert McLarea, of the London Road,
Tuekersreith, met with an aceident 1)11
'Thursday, the 11ti iiisb., which resulted
in Ins death a few e hours afterwards:
The boy had occaeiou to go into the
stable, wheu by some means he got
milder the feet of a two year old colt
-which was in the stable, arid which
trampled Upon rend injuredliim So severe-
ly that he (lied in :Liana five hours after
lie was diecoyered and reeetted.
• CROPS\ IN E Rut. - -The Stiatford
tBee rote with that °tiara eteristie- I ter -
prise, OR thc part of the publielier,
whielt has made it not only olio of the
best but also oue of the, emet profitable
local papers in Ontario, published hist
week a fell report from the various
townships in. the couuty, of the result of I
the crops. From this report we are 1
glad to learn that in Perth, as in oun
OW11 County, a bountiful harvest has been
reaped, and the prospects for a (rood
Rev. Father Snyder, ho
'atholic _Missionary to iflio
n, condoeted the sorvi •es
last Sundayt Tho v-
lthough his lochs are as
seemed hale and, hear y,
11 to possess inueh of t e
him • thi ty
ter Murphy, of Seafeeth
- at pr int in Londdn,
home Lext week. it v.
el is acing in Fat or
dui-ing I is absence. Bdv.
is the officiating curate.
Hoer ts: Aoat
are cowmen
On Saturday
Hay, retutried
William St rue
rived, and on
texiberry, c
-Old Country tohri t
nee to return': hem o.
ast Mralliugh Lone, lof
and on Monday, r.
ran, _of ickersmith, ar-
uesday lessrs. Mason
of 1 uekerenn t, and Mr.
f Irucefield, !passed tbrou
beta on' tneir way .hon e. ' ttir. LO
brought with h eight -ery fine shee
two coney loge, and two genitive Scot
-tethers. Mess's. Mason and Fish
had severt1 ery nine horees. T1
enterprise 1 those gentler neirin their e
• fleas -ors tto im noye the stock of_ t,1• country ts oos einntnem able, and wi
we trust,. e duly appreciated arid r
es e .s. Love
thest tern
Se favor
possessed of tool necess r - to enable
him to earn an limiest liveli 1 od, s•hould
he feel inclined to do 150; be 01 ceived the
necessity of making sundeir important
additions to . his wardrobe. Vith this
object in view he paid a tlyi v
clothes line in . the western oa •t of ' the
village, and took therefron pi:irtof e
pantaloons ,and other article it wearing
apparel which had been left oi -the line
over nigbt to dry. Upon b :it g arrested
he; told where all the - stol • ill property
could be found, and . was 'ccordingly
taken to Seaforth on Tuesth y night, in
:charge of a constable, to . hit out hit
various 'hiding placen whic he readily
did, and. the inissiog Artie es have all
been tecoveted. fie was onveved to
Goderich me Wednesday,- . nd will no
doubt be required to spend 'few years
serving his country in the I? !P. , ere he
again be allowed to frooly ro M at la -roe
0 -- .
It is almost a miracle, that he healing -
had not °aught fire, as the s Minaret hOd,
placed • the candle upon a 'tench im t
mediately under a board 'Shen, the bottom
of which was blackened and. charred by :
:the blaze of the candle. T 1 evening, .
however, was • very warm, at d the room
close, causing the candle to 1 telt away
so rapidly' thOtethe blaze get 3. t (if il•jet,e,edli
of the shelf before it beca :
Had this shelf caught fire, it s difficult
to say, what the resnit Woul ave been:
- Since the above wan :p. type . we
team that Carter escaped from the -.con-
stable, on the way to Goderk 1, and has
not einee been heard of. -
Exeter. .
discussion is the Railroad. "
on the By -Law in theTownsl i
hen, came off On Saturday 1ii
was carried by a- majority of •
votiug auainst it. Had the it
taken pace, at such inoppo
eon of the year for the farming
the majority 'would have 113
larger. The abevemajority was
ly and .spontaneonely voted, N
slightest eanyaseing, solietati,
portunin& and. is another goo4
of the confidence the yeoman
southern part of this County 1
London,Huronand Bruce Rai
Township of Hay, will -subm
Law immediately, which will b
by a larger majerity than in
ship of letephent and. no doubt
success NVItl. attend to the Lond
and Bruce Railway through et
cipality which it pawn or a
'until it, reaches its Northern
It is generallyamderstood her
ilifidelity toyer -tit this Itti•ad in
by a municipal dignitary has b
by " considerations." -t-0031.
ACCIE AT. -A _lamentable
happened to a little boy b.etwee
three year e old, son of Mr. .An
--Connell, of • Usborne: on Satu
which resulted fatally, thong
medinal aid thatwas possible w
ed. It Appears that he was or
fields where there had been fire i
and that the fite had run ni
ground for some (listanc•e, and N
in Vitale, *lion the grass under
feet suddenly gave away, caush
fail on his halide. and, before
fellow could get out off the tiro
and feet were literally- roasted.
condition he walked some ditta
only lived aboot forty hours. e
topic of
IC voting
) of Step -
•t, which
0,, only 11
hug not
tune sea-
en much
n or im-
Y of the
•%e in the
vay. The
its By -
• carried
e Town -
he, sante
n, mon
muni -
mach es,
that the
he North
li caused
amide] t
• -VW-0 and
how Mc -
lay last,
all the
• rendei '
in the
der the
as quite
us bare
,g him to
he little
is hands
In this
We: He
FATAL A eel D P,Str. .--.4. very el ver little
boy, seven years old, eon of M . Robert
McLaren, of Tuckelninitle near 1 todgere
inn, received such injuries la t week l
rom a 2 yeat old colt, that he p ily lived
few hours It is supposed tha ' he went
nto the. stall where the colt _wa,,, to look
or eggs; and that the, colt tram )led. him
thdenits feet. He ultimately 2 Wanted
is sisters attention by Cuing f ' r help,
lot whenfound lie had just got en- away
rom the colt, and Was all bru ses and.
Crotches, and was just able to ay that
he colt had done it. .
BUSH FIRES. — In ' the Township of
Stephen, brush fires areraging dr adfully,
xteiulling for mke iand. in a fir, places
urning very valuable timber. The
ound kif falling trees can be heard con -
barony. The . Canada, Company lands
1 some _places' are getting th • timber
burnt up, -but no pe son has
ite slighteet sympathy for the :Canada
Company, even if they ,got every tree
hey own in the Huron tract bli:nt up,
$ by theirhigh prices. they halve been
1 this County. -
is trtuin u en tal retarding the in, iculhert
1 del
evooee lent of some of the b1 st lands ;
warded.. A
speak in th
Ito the •eld.
mrst hcait1y,
Ileme impre sed
i tbeln in his mit velahd, heat he is strew
--13= of the °Olio i that be Iwould like
! return and spend:the rei -minder of li
day e amon rt t re hills t.nd • heather (
1 auld Seetia. e arl
Ir. Stet an, howeve
1 whose travc IS 1 'Ore moat y confined
1 Engl.= a, i ettu 14s still . nore satisfie
1 and contented 1 -ith the land of hie allot
'end- Stoneinz
is of their v. -is
they enjoy
ably was M .
gs as he found
laa d, whichti
year's business are mob encouraging.
Ennonneno MEER. Wirt ne-The Mon-
'treat Teleerapli Company are exteedini,
their wires to Brucefield and Hayfield'.
: A gang of men are now engaged in set-
ting the poles and suspending the wires
: between Sealer th and these places. As
noon as this work is compldted, offices
will be opened at each of the above
named I -Mao -us. • Tit is will a fford the
people of • Brucefield and: Bay field
tacirities of which they axe nauth in
need, aml will no doubt prove remunera-
tive to the Company.
CANA u.A. 1.'11.11:81;YTEUIA C'tromerre---
The _Rev. nald, of Elora,
formerly- of • Clinton, preached • in the
(noutda, Presbyterial" Cliurch, Seaforth,
on Sabbath morning last, to a very large
congregation. • Mr. AleDoriald is an ex-
ceedingly polished and. 'fluent speaker.
and delivered an able discourse. The
_Ley. _Mr. .tfeDiarmid pi -cached in the
:5anie church in the evening, Mr.
(;oldsmith, pastor of the Congregation.,
-was At \t"ruxeter, whine he occupied the
Bi OW pulpit, who is at
present en a visit to the old. country for
the benefit of his health.
hon. He t nobs that the Canadians ar
nero, way ale. d.of•their btrethree acre-
tire seat e nee ally in titer way
agricul tural La, hieery and their. mod
of farming,.
11011BEllY. -0
w ork shop in. cc
&-lVillis! ot -
en into, and a c
tools of the vorl
sonic. of the m
Tuestlatt nm
standing Wide 'a ten, the- tbols- gone, an
the remains of t toilets, Janine burnin
upon one t tie work-11tenehes. Th
door bad been r ried open!, with a, • trine
stick, and '
,severt Innaiks Item the She
are visible eirh it. atutpicidn a, ouce rest
•••••••••• assonima i••••• ,••••41 mi. • • NI • • • • • • -•••••••••mwesaa...eganweemstrwaro••••
Zurich, Several lit:mina havo been burn-
ed, an we are informed cansiderable
damag has been done to crops on the
0 -round one farmer, in partiendar, hav-
ing a go field of wheat burned.
BASE BALL .-A match was played. at
Listow 11 on Monday, the .1 4th. :instant,
betwee the Liatowell Club and the•Shoo
Fly .0h b of Wroiceter, the result being
a victo y for the tormer Club by one run
and an inning to spare. The following
is the s .ore :
Samuel Kidd,
John I ticking ...6
Wm. homson, ...6
John T
James 4reenwood,4
D. Bar our. .. . . ..5
Milian Kidd, .. ..6
George Clime, ....7
Cha. Livingstone.8
W. lon oy,......5
J. E Dc cid, ......5
J. Dotib e:leo,....3
W. lack, ... .. -1
W. auliti, 7
D. ll Wilson,....4
A. 1. er.). 8
R. 0 Dr lton, 8
.T. J a 'keen . 3
Total, 51 • Tetal, 50
Geer( e T. Brown, Esq, of Winghani,
eted • Umpire, and. gave geoeral satis-
CliAL teetnn.--Mr. Dalt n, Secretary
of the Vroxeter- Ohio, it: eiefed- a tele
(Tram fre Lueknow yester lot; challen
mg the Flies. to. a ga le with the
Iniekno Club, but it is n t yet knoten
whether the match will co e off.
I Mr. Robert Alilln purchased a
Guelph. d say that Wroxe er is A th•o-
Instruments sold i 1 this place,
s.n.-Jrulgtng by t to number of
and Messrs. Dope et- Doherty
instead comthunit3 . Mr. 0.' A.
in the same_ lin far • 13ell of
agent for .R. S. Williams, of
splendidlinstrument from Mr. Depew the
other date an ()roan, which is pronounced
by competent jiidges te be a lirst-class
instrume te lb was sold' for $180 we
we shou
Powell i.
also aet
. ,.
Carronbrool. .
LOCA Li ,VAIFS.-Thepeopt .0i, this place
held the' 14th instant as thei r pu blietholi-
day... 'Ploy were • wafted, tee morniing
special t . Gederich, w:here, they :spent
the day. At 12 dinner Was terved up on
the greeni• after which they s tent the test
of the da' in boating and ot ret pleasant
amuseme ts, and returned' ter evening
special atti, when it was found. that the,
joys of th day had been. ple santly mar --
red by some parties being fa ally wound-
ed by Cupid's (hits. -The lichilin Estate
has changed hands., The tweeter)). part
was purchased by Mr. • : John Kidd for
$5000. Mr. K iddintends. erecting a grist
mill right i away. The Eaeterri poitiori
passed into the hands Of mit worthy
friend • MU; T. King,' for $1 900.—A • 'M.
Ross, BlaCkemith, of this pia:pet-is create '
. ,
ing quite a seneation in his 'line:Ha busi-
ness. 1161.pioves him -self to be One of the
hit class Workmen of the Province'. All
parties wh,• have damaged oil citlar tants,
take thee , •. to hi shop *lie e; they aro
made as giode as new. ' Fee. a Sample of
his work see •cireular saw .in I idd's Mill.•
e -Our enterprising towns•nian, (t. Ambler,
is. enlarging his shop, and, ha S engaged.
some firsteti:ase Workmen.. ,. H is - bound
to -make itia .No. 1 _Harness a ltop.--ehn-
inenee quantities of taneberk- leave 'been
sliioped, this seaSon to Butrah , from . (me
Station, by. X. Carpenter., -t- It Green's
'Brass Band will attend :prom thy to . all.
'orders f to in, Pi c -n i C, Exeu rein] ,• r-isid - ti their
partes.-dPartioe who 113,i'e to dtspose .of
stave boltS or to purehase bar els, should
apply at Anderson's Stave Fa •tory. We
would call the attention •of Salt •Mer. -
chants to - thinellarveating ii. nearly
finished. Theee it great 'seen)). yet wittet.
nos Pte making great dee-trim ti ni in the
swamps ant fields, tome path is hav-e had
to Move thtir stacks of . hay t n 1 grain,
and to plough around their tie d
• Ronennt -Two men appli st at the
residence o Air. John Aiken , -who ro-
on th Huron Read, alio a•nule
aouth of Ctrronbrook, on Fr d 'night
last, for le lgings, which”' the received.
They slept rp-stairs with the 1 ired man,
Mr. urp in the mor ring, ',tin
Alurphy gob trii before -the sto arescre,
and when they got up and were dreeeing
he became suspicious that (3m, of theiti
'bad his socks on,- and on goinr no -stairs
to see, foen 1 a pair of pants belonging
to one of them hedging where pair of
his own used to. hang: Sho tly after,
when one of • the men was in the act of
was hit met f, Murphy saw his pants
on him. um er a pair of his eosin and he
immediatel charged him with the theft
The Man lo iked, and•pretende 1 he had
made a mistake, and Wanted to 'give the
Mor- pants up, ut Mr. Aikent red they
would. has to stay until a constable
. Mr. Ailcens then thut the
told them to sit down to:
ut they declined. The man
len pants on then asked for
'eh was given bin a When
burden he had drat k it, he sudelen13 Snatched.
n„ toe his hat, jOrl ed the door open and sket
tbre Bo_ (la/idled. Mr.•Aikens and _ till , Alurphy
, Tou4g • took after him, but him. ii •the tog,
hip was largely' represented- at the . .1,.
1 11 eEting; and we are informed. that a i
1 ' .Inely and excitine discussion too t. place. t P
the London Board of Directors vas re- 2
t p .eseRted by Mr. Williams • a Id Mr. (`.1`
't Ilock 1 stl t • ' 1'1
• ris Council, held -a special mecti
cnt Wednesday last, to :take into c'illt"- tle gr)
gons - ;,
; -
.8 ntion the Propriety of submitti re a 13y- - ""s' and
tw for a sectional bonus to the Limdon Lbreakfast, 1
1 oatle by the Central Lento. • A ter due viith, tlhe St(
eliberatimi, the Council eouchu • 1 tl • t
i would be, unwise to attempt to
. t le ratepayers of their . Towha
heavily, and refused to eubmit
1 W, The Wes:turn section of th
• 1
Alonday‘ night last, th
'mention with Aleintyy •
la Shoe 6tore, waslent-
nsiderable number of th
Men carried oft. Whe
came to the shop o
r, they faund the doo
ml he 11[14 not been heard of si»ee.
there 'IS V3 intent $6 50. moo ee in the
ockets of t purse he took as ety. The
ther man ( id not try tc, run off, rend
els taken b •fore a Magistrate oil
ay, and. se itenced to two menths in
ed upon al,teave Mg shoemaker 'name
3 Zichard Carter, Aetter knoWen mon
the craft- as " It tukey Dlek,'1, who bit
been sten trawling arouffil cUring th
previous day, and- who eoul -i. net b
found in the Village on Tudsda ' morning
, o la city. they thrc sten to
••e their exe,rtions in the townshi ) to de -
at the. AVelliegten, Grey am, Bruce
y -law. It would have been mi ch -bet -
11 f
- t n had they cornet to this eenclu be;
d . fr re they clanged the route. • H td they
g d me so, :they would have stood a very
d : g net chance of defeatieg the Wel ington,
6 I Grey and Bruce By-lawe, in both Morris
c e Grey. Their chantes non • howt
e -er, arc:exceedingly slim. .
Telegrams were at once disp ttebed, t
Clinton, Mitehell, and, other places, t
ascertain whether or • not he -bad mad
his a, i tett-into: i either of the te places
An answer Inas ma received I -from the
( 'hid constaltle. alt Clinton, stating that
Carter Nr2 S I the e: •Two of 'rile men
whose tools had leen taken, immediately
started to Ctinte 1, where they confront-
ed the thilef. 1-110 at first denied all
nowledge o • the theft, but upon being
•ather foreib ly 'messed., owned up to the
rad -been licit en and also tole of other
barge and trtted where the articles
Aides twl ich he had sto en the same
vening in th lt vil go. ! He was at once
'nested, trieAl. an 1 sentencki t cenunit-
al to await his t ial before! the County
ridge. On II les( ay toren( on an apron
elonging to (Inc: f the mini, and some
f the toolsi wiere 0111111 111 tile common in
car of Kin x'i H tel, secreted behind a
ugh, where i o d ubt, he had retired to
isurely e..ani Me Ihis booty, and finding
tat he had More than was really mu:e-
ery to coMpliete lt first-class ',' kit," he
died them fiver took with hint the
/ticks regent:it, and left the remainder
ellincl, with a y ew to ieturning for
em some Aber e ay when he ag,ain 1)
a0- • " hard up," Hayti:to become
MELANcIlot.): AND Iteren At:crane:gr.--
A Melancholy aCcident occau-red fit Sea- e
forth, on Wednesday eyening taut. by 1
-which a farmer of the mune of William • a
Meltatizean, of the township of Grey,
near 8Valton, was instantly killed Mr. r
3 le k adman came to town, on AN ednesday, t
-with a. load of hay, and after disposing j
•of his load, droi'e his horses -a very . b
spirited team --to Shearson & ( 's. o
-to. get some flour. After ge,tting the r
flour into his wagon, he took hold of the b
horses by the head for the purpose • of le
leading them round off the platform at ti
the mill door. When he got them about s
half turned round, they took fright, and et
becoming unmanageable ran away._ _Poor a
McFadzean held on to the nigh horse's b
bridle for a considerable distance. until th
)ie was dashed against a pile of hunber j ea
• Goino no, LnevE.--As will 1 e see
b advertisement elsewhere, the a,rtner
. -
THE Sim' Senooa.---Th
School hos 1 (ten truly coiled el
of the Chu" b. it takes up
while yet i
untainted, a
that teltich
:tide, lair() ri
Cent, hilt el
A_MUST 25, 1871_
ers. The afternoon was spent in sin,
ing, swinging, speaking. &c. Tw )
choirs wore 0n the ground, one under
the direction of Mr. Themes Whitemar
• the other led in splendid style by Al
Eacret with his cornopeari. Both ger
tlemen deserve especial praise for th
manner in NV nich they contributed t)
the entertainment of the andiene
Rev. Mr. Bennett, Wesleyan Ministe
aud Rev. Mr. Chambers, of 'William
were called to the platform by Mi
Eakin. • Mr. Bennett gave an instructiv
address, in his usual clever style, o
what constitutes a man. He showed
that he who promotee virtue is greate •
than they Whom the world calls ileroes
He was followed by Rev. Mr. Chambers
who, after some linmorous remarks
showed the power of association on th
mind and gave much useful general in
StructiOn to Ziabbath School teachers
Alter votes of thanks were tendered tt
the speakers, the choirs and the ladies
the throug dispersed.-Goto
. Bluevale.
It is my melancholy duty this wee
to send you a record of se-veral accident
which have (rearmed in this -vicinity late-
ly. To begin d On Friday last, Air. S.
Vanstone, or Morris, had his lian(1. severe-
ly cut while helping Mr.- • Robertson to
thrash, by the falling of the poles. from
the scaffold of the barn. -
RUNAWAY. -On Sunday evening the
13th, the horses of Mr. George Cassmoro
ran away, • and pitched from the light
wagon the wife of Mr. Cassmore, and har
mother an aged woman, a Mrs Carroll.
The old -woman wat\e severely injured in
the back, and one of her wrists was dis-
located and badly broken. i She lies in
• a very precarious ttate. •Mrs. C. was
not so badly hurt, her elbow joint only
being ditlecated.
F,ATAL ACCIDENT. -Between 5 and 6
o'clock on Wednesday evening the 16th
instant, Mary Jane eldest daughter of
John Gardner, aged '13, met with a fatal
accident. • Her father had. sent her to
the field to bring the horses to water,
and there is no doubt that while she
evas bringing them thither, one of the
horses or colts kicked her ; for ivhen she
was found, a short time after, by Edward
Lindall, she was lying On the road -with
three large cuts in her head, and a pont
-hen of her brains protruding out from
the same. • She was carried home arid
nedical aid immediately sent for, but
f no avail, the poor little girl died about
r o'clock the same night. Her funeral,
hich took place on the following Fricuty,
as followed by a large concourse of
riends and neighbors. • The sorrowing i
arents have the sympathy of the whore
oighborhood. •
Teenuents' ASSOCLATION.-A ID achers '
1 esociation was organized in this village
en Saturday last for mutual benefit and
iinprovement. 'Quite a number of Teach-
• ers were present, who -appeared .to take
a deep intereet in the work. We hope
1-= rat those Teachers in the vicinity. who
ttere not at the last meeting, will make
it convenient to attend the next, which
Will be held at the school hots°, blue-
vele, on Saturday afternoon next at 1
P. el We are confident that the Associa-
tion will be of great benefit to the Teach-
ers if it is only conducted in A proper
mermen .
- PA STO1:AL B. ESIGNATION. -It is 'Witll
regret we learn that the Rev. JamoS
I ilastie, printer of the Presbyterian Con-
gtegations of Bluevale and • Wingbam,
has tendered his reeig-nation to the Pres-
bytery of Huron, and that it has been
accepted. The Rev.- gentlemen for
seine months past has •been m very poor
health, which has been the principal
reason for resignino his charge. During
the live years Mr. ing
has been among
uS, be has won for himself the highest
esteem from all classes and denomina
tions. 1 understand he haa teceived a
he will remoye shortly. The best wishes
ca, 1 from the Canada Presbyterian
Church of the town of Prescott, whither
of Urn whole community go ',yid' him
and his esteemed lady to their new place
of abode.• . 1
0110i5s..-The farmers who have thresh -
80' far are wet: 'satisfied with the
yeild Fall wheat will average about
larger vote here than at first was ex -
th rty bushels.
toerricete-Me. Whitehead will get a
petted: Since hie nomination by the.
Convention at • Myth. his aetions in
the Ilouse hove 13een more thoronahly
ttudied. than before, rand as a coneequ-
terce, he stands higher with the electors.
There • are eight hundred. and seventy-
five Parhamentaey votes on the list.
' . et=111% Jinn; Mer).--Iteive children, of
tin. Emily of the 3 •Z ev. Mr. Hulbert, have
veity strange actions for the last two
months and hie opinion of the people ot
the township is pretty coolly divided
as to the disease. Some think they have
th hydrephobia. while others think they
ha e not.. The medical. -aoeutlemen hold
th latter opioion. Wh:en the ripen
ern on npon them they become perfectly
- .
1 de ,1 (1, the eyelitle cover the eye complete -
1y aird ere as stiff as irma neverthelese,
tin y can -walk and go through the most
- critical places as well as though they
• cc uld screed- They ill jinni) Upon the bed.
on hands ftml feet,. and yelp Eke a dog,
take a pillow in . their months jump
(been arid run under the table and lie
(lawn on it, all of which manontvren will
he the very counterpart of the actions
of the dog, yet they get no worse. We
believe that Mr.- Hulbert sent two of
them co Toronto to get the opirnon of
indlicel gentlemen there:
Sabbath 'I
e nureer3-
_ Ire elder
s nature is comparatively
3,1 leads it step hy t,tep to
rtlilton describes r s o hill -
les, indeed, at the first as-
e • reel'
1.; SO Fniont o
11 o furl of good y prospects and.
8(11111(18 on elecry side, that th
sl ip heitofore exiting hetweea • losers
'illiom ond J. tf; V metope, h. e beer
d tsolved, The linsiness IwiiJ It -matter.-
b • conducted by. William al=
ale sm•ry thot it is the intention of Mr
J. 8. V nistone to remove to Ma alien
.L mding, Saline County, Itlissour . :11r.
Vanstone has recently returned rant a
tour through the State of Mistou i, and
so much was he impressed with he ad-
vanta,ges of the country, that le has
pnrchased a Mill site at the above named.
'dote, and 'intends removing thence
• w th his family about the fitat of next
in nth. He purposes einharking argely
• in the hunbe and Milling busines there.
Mr.• Vansto e is a gentleman o zood
business abi ities,. and is posse sed of
co siderable lInealis. We have ur doubt
but he will ere longmake his mar. the
W ',et. While we regret his removal
frcjm Huron, we heartily •wish hi suc-
cc s and prosperity in his new hen ea_
1. Orpheus warl not more charm
honor, then. Ito -promoters, te
supporters cif Sabbath Schools..
e 'cliredren be eneouraged to att
' laxly by priz • cards and. 'Welts,
I expenee fall in others than the Lae oil ,„
by eacorsione and phonies. I nets much.
gratified in attending one of t leen pie -
nice, a few -eteeks, ago, when in •-ii„ merm-
en and chileiren to the number of four
hundred met to have a good nue, and
a good. time they had. :Men -wpm=
and • children - come streaming into the
Bell's grove.; eo= a grand (I phty (if ;
grounds, a n ost beautiful :To in Alr.
'baskets appeer, their contents ante :Tread
upon tabiese th= - a. little reg: linen; of
; Sabbath selniel children gAthen irineuel
l the board, ar3d afteit supplicari nt a di-
vine blessing, the feast begb e, This
. .
. .
1harp of
nig. All
hers and -
I he Municipal Council of the Town-
shi of hull•ett, met at Londesborough,
en the 4th inst. All the members
eel rine- present. The minutes of the fm-iner
flee the
USH FIRES. -11'e learn, that fi
raging in different parts of this
:ship especialy in the swamps
ineetieg were read and con'irmed. It
-ea. mot ed by A. Monheth, seconded,
iry 5: Warwick, That (;eorge Mei:tong-
all,lan indigent perseni, receive the sum
of ell 0 in charge of Rev. (deo. "Young.-
, carried. )Ioverl by IL Snell, seconded
mills on the dollar for township pur-
poses, and aiso Vol: amounts for seno,4
purposes at tho request of the respective -
Trustees. The Council then _adjourned
to meet again when tNt'lell 1/y tide
Jes. 1.) 1•;AIT1 WAITE, Clorlt‘
• Brienixo -The Messrs. Cathode -are.
frzatiiis.ingianoth e r store edjoniing the beau-
tiful stone building ereeted by them lust
Ponen B .-The Colorful 0 1111g ap
pears to be the chi( f subject of coetro
version among the ex tensive.growers of
tbe aforesaid vegetable Every bug, be
it large or sinall, it it has • stripes On its
brick pronouneed by some to be the
veritable Colorado; bug_ Receipts with-
out number, for •its extirpation, •have
been suggeeted, some of which may he
sure and certain in _ their operation,
while others are expensive and uncertain.
•One plan which we have heard of we
*arrant to our readers is as follows :• -
'Secure the bug with a pair of pinehers
• in one hand, and then introduce one drop
of the oil of Croton into its mouth. The
effect of the oil in its mouth will be
quite differeut to that of the juice of the
potato. Otter drop of oil to one bug• is -
sufficient All that is required is patience
and perseverance.
COUNCIL MELTING. -The Council met
pursuant to adjournment, at Mr_
Elliott's Hotel, on Monday, the 14th
inst. All the membets present; the
Reeve in the chair. The minutes. of
last meeting, were read and approved. -
A petition presented from the °fakers of
the Bayheld olunteer Company, asking
an appropriation for the Battalion
Match. A petition from J C. McIn-
tosh, and six others, praying the Council
to grant aid to Miss liaactie tor medical
attendance. M. C. Cameron, Esq., AL
P., addressed the Council at some
length on his efforts to secure Govern-
ment aid for the Baytield harbor: Mr.
A. Rutledge -presented a subscription °
book for a bun es to the Montreal -Tele-
graph Company, to extend their line via.
Brucefield to _Hayfield. Moved by Geo.
Castle, seconded by Dr Woods, That
Council grant the sum en $10 to the Bay-
field Volunteer Company, to enable the
members thereof to compete at the ap-
proaching Battalion match.--Carrieda
Moved by D. W. Youal, seconded by
Thomas Keys, That Thomas Baird. be
paid the sum of $24, and Thomas Mc-
Intyre $15, for gravel,- Carried. Moved
by Geo. Castle, seconded • by Thomaa
Keys, That the petition of J. C. Met
intosh and • others be laid over to/ -
further consideration.- Carried. Moved
by Thomas Keys, seconded by Geo.
'Castle, That a Byelaw be framed and:
poesod to raise the several sums tequired
by the •different School Seetione for
school purposes. -new-lied. By-laws
Nos. 3 and 4, authorizing the colic:then
of municipal and school rates, framed
andd paesed. Moyed by Geo. Castle.
econded by Dr. Woods, That :this
ouncil grant 850 bonus to the Telegraph
ne from Seaforth Bayfield, to be
taid when the line. is completed.-Car-
•ied. • Moved by Dr: Wood; seconded
3'y Gee Castle, That thie Council is •of
pinion that a By-law should be sub,
nitted the ratepayers foi a grant of
-15,000 to aid the Bayfield Raritan pro-
dded the Government grant $30,000 for
like purpose. -Carried, The Council
len adjourned, to meet at Mr Dixon's
otel, Brucetiel(1, on Monday, the •64h
-ovember, at 2 o'clock P. M.
Witnneet Pintenertrit
• Hibbert.
Ac CIDENT. -On Tuesday morning last.
hile Robert Roney, son of Mr. Joteph
1011e3 of this township, was loadinggrain
n a waggon, he :somehow missed biz.
1 toting and fell down between the horses_
'hey instantly started off, the ,waggon
'heohi passing over hie bead and body,
terally tearing the sctlp off the skull.
1 ,r. Davidson, of i ell, was promptly
i attendance, and (lilt everything to•
alleviate his sufferiegs, but he is still in
a very precarious state. •
-The -Montreal Telegraph Company
aye opened .01Tiee Lacknow, in the
ounty of Huron. • ,
e -Mr. JoEn H. Batten of the firm: of
C Danbourn -& Cen, wholesale Merchants
Toronto., was drowned in the hike
n ;or. th-e --village of. "aN orway, abbath
1. t Bake4 with two frientle,
were out on the lake :with a entail boat,
a 451 the • water being very : rough at the
t;Me., the boat got eapeized, and: he. got
• lercoMb with .tlw ewells. was -32.
y tors of age, and had 10). insurance of
000 on hits life, the policy for which.
e Tirednyon the the _ day after he was,
(.1•0*yre.d.. •
-,-A voting lady, aged 21yeans, named
Stroh Egar, of St. Marys. met with a
s range and sudden death. • on the night
o Sunday -last. • week nee. It seems
ti at Miss Egat had. gone to. her room,
li' a coal oil lamp, and sat down beside,'
it to read without putting a chimney up -
01(11±0 lamp. ln the morning she was
Rona lying on the floor of her room by
,k sister, quite dead. The tang) woe
s 'i.i burning, and the room was filled
wi h oppressive gaseous odor. She had
n gene to bed, but had apparently 53at
✓ oding by the glassless lamp, until sa
• -eremite by the odor that she fell off
h chair de:s.d. It was: the opinion of
the znedical attendant that her death
was caused by suffocation (asphyxia)
fr nn the large quantity of carbonic at:id
1 gess and other poisonous gasses proctred-
ine from the burning lamp, which h -C
tiiinks would of themselves prove fatal
to myone inhaling them so closely and
ti tamely as deceased_ must be suppcs-
ed to have done.
• foiTorlavisnsl_eave the Seaforth station as
erns ein for printing and ativertie,i(lgin;
Gee rge Trying, $4 20 for gravel, J I T c r:175:23a IiA2. 1:; 1,1•1e. ;4 a .. . (G; .11:)01:11.s:::;(1.;:,31):‘,E.%(1,11s,:sp:Trrmt:. 7:. 1. 33011;4: il:3.. I.
. 5 E. tt. 8.50 P. ...g.
1. '::.,:‘,:, (11.01.41/4Zs bdy (..;:asii. :in: vizi 1t1h. e :Nflrailtlialeesseoililg,
Di:vie- -ion'; -00unte---18•71-
1, xt er
Winghton .. -June 27 Bay -field .... -net. 4
r Di (tivistion Courts will be held as follows:
Seaforth -111 y 27 Goderieli ----Oct. 9
Ju y 2,5 Clinton. - - - . ti):::tt...24.:
.....Th y *29 \\Ingham
Da rlield . . , „ . _Am g. J. Wroxetur Nov. 21
Dungannon .....Aug. 8 Searorth. - ... -Nor. -2
Cli non Aug 5 Exeter :.... . . .. .Nov, 25
C.,:ti )41:0-rirtheh ,.... . , Aug. 14 Dungannon Nov. 88
Aii.leyville .... Sei t. 86' Ilaylield --------
1 Nte., 2,9
Danigamitin ..,.Soett.. 8: • Clinton .... ... -Dec. 1
•Sept. SO Guth:licit , . , • ...Dec. I
regiment ; children belongs to two
Sabbath schools, one at Kippen, under •
the care of Rev. James Eakii , with a .
membership 0f 1 27, -the other, planted.
'1 by the same hand, in =June last, And uri- =
es are der the mana.g,ement of Mr. Richard. !
town- Eacret, numbers over 70 pupil. Both '
near sehools have an e mut stall of -hatch- ,
• ?. :111
Spr mg, $26 64 for plank, John Ganett,
$3 18 for gravel t Abraham Akam, $1 25
or . gravel. -Carried. Moved b3r A.
Monteith, seconded by J. 'Warwick,
Tin t this Councileexpresses its wining -
nee. to submit • a by-law, to the rate
pay -•rs of the township, for a reasonable
amount, (say from $1 0,000 to $15,000),
in support Of the London, Huron and
Brent Railway, provided the central
route be adopted -Carried. A By-law.
was passed levying the taxes for the
present year, viz :-Two nii11 on the
dollar for county purposes, and two
Ex ler
IN 1--;EAFO'f-,1
- I
First in.:,o31-tnio:::, opth.::1111.i1A.1(31.,. ..... 7111
One ')
nertions, e tin:I-et:ell t ............ 14.!
.. in one :Feat
:Reif yel'ir' ... . .
S Mouths ..... .. ,
One-fourth one year . . ...
4. o _II,li .,
" 3months
One-cightli one year
lullf "
" 3 months ..
one-twelftn ene-year
... 44 haf
" " mouths ..
Advertisements without p
be inserted till forbid, and those
I Man: en'
ndritno Y. McLaArg,
• ALLA McLEA3. j
--It'rJ -College, Physicia1
n, S
XXF1334-1e,,Z, OXT.-1001Vner of -the
()Mee inal residence, at Thompst
W Ft. smis. Physioi
Ofliee-Opposite Scott Rol
•Main sttrcet,
• TAMES STEWART, 31. -h., tt
ttnisersity, Menton:
goon, ete. Office and Residence -4
TT L. VERCOE, %1, D., C. 3%
•geon, etc, (Vice and Ret
Market and High streets, hirear
— ----------- --
-le' and Residertoe, over Corby's e
:street, Bra:forth. Cilice hours,- te„
Any, anti all day Saturday.
D 'C.A.31PITLLIE, ..,-C:11.4er of: is- i,i
--------"– .:
TyettIEL ntenn'ntettne Barris;
--1-:' Law, Soliciter in Vhaneery;
-Cenveyanter, e .--. Exeritit, Ont. ;
r.' Mono - Loan at Law nee
tag t,e,e
• the Csoada
• N.
Houses atel:
Law, Solieitiors
'es Publie ann
811tace vompat
1451. 8 pet:
for sale.
--- --21-.. -- -
11sItENS1JN St. MEYER. llarristiqT
lit LIM-, S.4, -Vitin'S in Chanee; y
Conveyancers _ 'Marks Publir, ett
forth and Wr .:eter. Agents for O
- Co. of per t. anada, and the Co
Co. of Lomb% England. Money a',
commission Charged:1;1 •t
3.03, 11.- )3141803.
Tz-Nors gorm, (Late Sharp",
k- signed Ilegs -to thank the publit
patrottage ICWartled to him in the
hotel business and also to inform -0',
ag-ain remonedlaminesS in the abay-;
he will be hupgy to )13ve. 11 call
•and tn.105.
CaLLawar, Proprietor ; .1,1.
of Awe:it-au Hotel, Warsaw, Y..,)
hotel has recently been newly fern;
fitted throughout, and le now one oP,
iOrtabhand tO11nilOdi5223 11 the Pt
Sample Izo(mis ter dountiortid rnw
1.=-- Terms liberal.
a00».-iNfps %liking and Exehet
W. S. RonxItrstrti's Store, Sett
beat-, American Silver, end I)rafts bto
-Good Panner's Notes discounted 5)1
qi A. SHARP'S LIVE,RY &vati
-anim-At Murray's Hotel, Se4
Horces and lirst-ciess Con.vez,linces
Sesforth. Pirst-class Domes a
-always on /amidst reasonable terms;• "
_10/fX RRIGHert, Exchange 15rolt
" .
way Ticket Agent, Ilongliton's
G.. T. Beineay station Sea1tn04
Tickets issued to all points in the Wei
Calif -pude and Red River, at redueel
the greatest faenities 40Emigtants.
information given respeeting Land J.
Greenbacks, 13onds, onitioue 111141 1.1114111
Gold and Silver Coin, bought and sold
TIENTISTRY.-.7. 4. trx,t, (Litt%
-to Surgery,) begs to announce 141
tnfi,nf,tieaforth and surrounding tom;
his •opened tin -adze for the puttetiet
Surgery in the rooms formerly (a -cupful
Ifarris,-,Dentist, where lie will be prepai
kinds of work expected -of the professior
actory manner and on reasonable term'
11. c()(vEn; ConveYancer, Conn'
1-/- Queen's 3301)eh, Insuranee mid Oei
Agent for the following, Fire;I.ife. -and a
raranee Companies : The D.( aver and
teal and the Western Fire Insurance
Inc Relianee Life Assurance, and the 11
eident Insurance Conipany.
310NEy I„:011.,„N on real estate soi
A 11 ortlers by iregil oz otlurwisif 10-0m
oil to. Office, opposite Itoss'
TERINARY 8I-13(;EON.-PliE))1'
131...12:10111:, would rospecl folly int -wit
that hi has taken tip his residenee 114 tie
.33elmore, where he -trill 1,e/happy to at:
etols made on him in his professional 4%4'
C4.4414: 11114i R114:11414,fd to se-Yentl
are: eattht which were giA:en tilt by other 10,
n114 f•Iftwitql perfect mires, whiell can be'-'
eertifitettes 1;i:4 -tied by over 200 geotA
testimonials see posters.
31-r. ti MK will Ittteuil z'
zill.1 zit thi. Tinvit Pl-tt. in 'the I
in the ufternoou of the first and th:
4.` curb rialattii.
,"41 Libel. of I he tint::rit 1%1, Finaa
ie intimate to the inhabittoit-t
a lei su; ri cutint ; I intt lay
Ir'44.4-. I •3 S. titirth, • IIV:'7; b.'
4 by lilt .144 . 11 lb.' 11%
• ILLYiirr r• :1111. at
4-•terel:;...n. anti
' .'• .1 •
• • t,y I
• ' t*, . i'; • -