HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-08-18, Page 8_ 11 • 41111.1111111illeimmiar ti T. HP RON EXPOSITOR: • Getting jaorne. I ran across what fikt'struck US a very singular gelling on road from Springfield to Bost This was a stout, black,: whiske man who- sat immediately in ,fr ,of me, and who indulged from ti to time in the Most strange and 1. accountable maaceuvers. E v now and then he woUld get up a hurry away to the narrow passe which leads to the door in th drawing -room cars, and when thought himself secure from obs vation would fall to laughing in t most violent nianaer, and - condi: the healthful exercise until he w red in the face as a lobst And as we nearedBoston the dem.onstratioas increased in viol en save that the stranger: no longerr away to laugh, but kept his se and chuckled to himself with ehin deep down in his shirt collo But the changes that those pothole, teaus underwent! He moved the there, here, everywhere, he •p them -behir ct hi Lb, in front of him on each side of hiin. He was ev dently getting ready to leave, bu as we were yet twenty-five mile from. Boston, the idea of Such earl preparations was ridiculous. 11: 1%! had entered the city then the iny tery would have remained unsolved but the stranger at last ilectune s excited that he could keep his sea no longer. Some one must help him and as I was the nearest he selected me. Suddenly turning, as if I had asked a question, he said, rocking himself 40 and fro in bis chair the meantime,' and slapping his legs, and breathing hard. " Been gone three years!" " !" "Ye, been in Europe. Folks don't ex- pect me for six months yet, but I got through and started. I tele- . graphed them at the last station. they've got •it by this time." As he said this be changed the portman- teau on lus left to the right, and thee one onethe right to the left again. tf Got a wife (1" said I. " Yes, and three childi_enZ he returned, and he got up and felded his overcoat anew, and hung ifo'Ver the back of the seat... " You, are pretty nervous over the matter, 'ain't you ?" 1 said," -watching his fidgety movements. should think so," he re- plied, "1 han't slept soundly for a' week. And do you know," he went on, glancing around at the passen- gers and speaking in a low. tone, "1 ara certain the train will run off the track, and break my neck be- fore I get to • Boston. Well, the ftet is, I have had. too much good luck for Cue man lately. - Theithing can't last ; 'taint natural: atm: it I should, you know.; I've mattched it. 'First it rains, then. it shines, then it rains again. It rains so hard you think it's never going to. stop ; then it slimes so bright you think its always going to shine ; me my' on. red ont me 111- ery nd go ese he er- he ue as er. Se ce, an , i- t, S y 0. 5- , o tJ face assume so pressions in so A1 ort a tiniq as did that of thelittle woman wibile her bus.band was o • his wayI to her. She didn't lob pretty. On the contrary, ' she 1 oked Yer , 'plain, but 'someway If ka big lump rise in my throat as I watched her. She was trying to 'laugh ; liait, God bless her, how co ipletely she failed in the attempt! ifer moreth got. into the positio ; but i never Moved after . that, save to drt w down i the corners and . uiver, wl ile she I blinked her eyes so fast thit'Isus- pO.'s. j eict she 'only caught oc easibnal glirpses of the broad-sh uldered felw who elbwed hiway tO rapilally toward her. And hen, as he drew close and dropped those everlasting portmanteaus, s le just. turned completely round, w th her back toward him, and coveled her fac'e with her hands. Ana hus she was when the strong ID i_112 githeeeci her up in his arms as if se had been a baby, and held her obbing ‘ to hia.breast. There were nough • gaping at them, heaven kno as, and 1 I turned My eyes away. a Mbnient, and then i saw two boys itaL•thread- re ‘ . - baroundabOuts standing! near, . . wiping their eyes -a,nd noses oln their little coat sleeves, ,and bursting. out anew at every. fresh demonstration on the part of their mother. 'When I looked at the stranger again he had hie hat drawn over his :•eyes but his.wife was looking up at him ing down Br metropolitan! we rolled in placed myse poaite the S portinantean seended, ard. lowest step, 11. .platform. to the faces 9 but saw n Suddenly are," and lat hysterical soft idivay," A full-rigged ()lie. And so on till aithe ridepot, .and I lithe ot1 er` car, Op- 6iger, w, o, with a 1:each band,' had de- al stilnding on the cy. o juMp to the. • oke • from his face' 110 1 eople-before us, _ sign of recogititiou. e criec . " There they ed o tri ht, Initain a i f a as he look- ed over the ,croWd. 1 fo11ovec1 his eyes, and sa* sOni . iscatice back, LS if crowded, out, s mul4ered away by the wellkl esse. tqc1 elbowitaj throng,. a little NV 0 a in a faded dress and. .w 311-w nr . hat; with a face almost painful in i its intense, but hopeful !exw ssion, gliincing rapidly ,from wind° - to .Nvinadiv as the coaches glided i . 'She -had not yet seen the sti. Inge • but a 'mom- ent. after she ca right ILS eye, and in another instant be hai jumped to ,. the platform wi h hi wO portman- teaus, an& making a 1 hole in the drolvd, pushing ne here and there, and running o e of , Iii,,‘ . bundles plump into - t e ..well 4 developed stomach . of a venerable looking old gentleman ii spectacles, he'rush- ed toward the'p; ace where slie. was standing., rthi k I never saw a • many different ex7, and j▪ ust as you re settled in tither and it, seemed as. if the pent-up tears of. those weary months waiting were 'streaming through her eyelids. Lelia, you are knocked over by a 7ashingt°4 61(q)1:1661- I change; to show you that you know nothing at all about it." " according to this philosophy" -Said I, "-you will continue to have sun- shine, because you. are expecting, - storm." " It's 'curious," he return- ed, " but the only thing which makes me think I wii get through safe, is, because I think I won't." AVell, that is curious," said I. " Yes,' he replied ; a ma- chines; ----made 1 discovery—nobody believed in it ; spent all my money trying to brine- it .ou t—ln or tgaged my houre--ai7. went. E very 'o.ocly laughed at me—every body but m wiLe—spunky little woman -8a Iie-wottitl work her fingers off b fore I should give it up. Went Eugl and better there ; m -withiii an ace ofjumpinoff Lc id 0- to g n - don bridge. -Weet into a shop to e LIU mouey enough to come home with ; there 1 wet the man I want - d. _To make a long story short, i've 'brought £30,000 home with me, and here I ani." " Good for you I" I exclaimed. -5f Yes," said he, ; and the best of it is she don.'t know anything about it. 've fooled her so often, and ails- I appointed her SO much, that, I just concluded/ I would say nothing about this,: When I got my money though you'd better belieN:e 1 struck- ece-line for home." " And now • you. w ili make her happy," said 1. " lIappY be replied, " Whya you don't know anything aboiit 811e's wolked like a dog wh!ile I have been gone, trYing to support herself and the children decent].) „ They paid her thirteen eente a piece for making coarse elliks ; and that's the way she lived half the time. come down there to the depot to meet we in a gingham deess, and s 'awl a hundred years old, aud i ehe'll think she's ilrest.ed pp. 011, she won't have 110 CICAIR'S • th is e —oh, no, 1 guess not!" ..4-1:nd with ' these words, .whieh implied that his p wife's wardrobe would soon rival N .Queen Victoria's, the stranger tom e Clown the passage -way aaain, 1.1111 t gettieg in his old corner, where lie 1 d thought himself out of sight, -weet 1 a through the strangest paatowime, 1 jt a ughing, putting his in o u u to I o the drollest shapes, and:then NWing- iug himself back and forth in the b limited space., as if he were " walk • A Igountain 1 • The Meit0.1. 1V,Ieneely, Troy, receiv.Od order ou for 16 slabs of bell metal, 100 pounds each, and the I, for which. they are , intei sufficiently novel to note. of the Peaks, of the Andes tai us, in South A thericla, a has recently been ,E erected Monks, the material for its c • 0 tion h-ving been ca ried thi 1 the bereliS.,of trades, y long, ci -ous and dangero b,idie After cumpletinv th church was. its attraction veighing; 600 trtia sport emtli t Ito the. lizzy s'mply imP s a ;yin, t e .0 18 nks cletrn ined rnaeeL Ji(:'Lr , the • lent cap to c east. ihe bell 0 e reft rek to. e' c 8 to Vest' nday eign Iroses 1 is one 110 - 1 urch. the •tru.c-- 4 on nth& I determined to add t by placing iL bell: pounds in the tu t an artiele of; tha heigl t woul'l ue but " where ther a way," and the to constru t a church, wit esu melt the metal, frotn -the sllabs It is the intend.° transport the slat side by " paekin the back of each n the dangerous u ic be atleasur‘ io 1 $ of the church -g should say that de pursuit Of' the eo piness under e t idol] Win OQ ;poi#id On. 1 le eng;jge t in o •taking4 f. it el to 'lithe .s tind iiig bell," we en) plated irtii- dingly'F reat • Bodily Ere yitude. . Keep straight. tiectitude a re- gards bodily -positioi is ane of the 1 most important physioloeicall 1 NV S. 1 TO sit,. in a crooked manug, ith the feet' drawn up, r the hea4 I ing against the wall, is a pernIc ons , ts .as uncouth h. tbit In; retd- ,, )erson$ P habi ng and writieg voung ..eiy apt. to acquire looking the trui f the b Ibis ,constrainp th ratory arauus, tonipreasei the a bdom- d ion inishes tiie breat1irj opacity, debilitates' le nuscles o he whole body, and le1.isposes yayepsia -and CODS 1101 1011. A 1 v s .bend and On the )ints; never Uv crooking the tri f the body. • In itIng, never le chair cub Of hell/041e n ut let ad of its legs rest firmk! e tloor. FreAt. DEG to announc.a .has just returnec of New and Seasonab to the enormous redu offer at prices which must ,fact of t eir s rri Fresh Arrivals TTY tot, COMPANY o their friends and the public, that their Mr. MoMULICIN. from the Eastern Market, with one of the choicest Stocks e DR Y GOODS over imported into Seaforth, which owing tioe n the price of goods this season, they are enal;led to sure a ready sale. They would say that from the ock being all new, and beugh.t since the GREAT, and on the very best goods at mininrum pr GOODS, bought at,p MARKET VALUE. LL 1NDRY GOODS erms, that.they ai.e in a most favorable position to offer ees. They are not encumbered with any PI.LES OF OLD ices :tiiiirry rtu, CENT ABOVE THEIR PR ESE.NT They Would also say that they have facilities in buying both o Is and, (.2-(1)1,70Cerl 7asz ca.) LOW kat 0 possessed by no other House in Seafortb, having intimate connections with some of the largest Wholesale Houses in the Dominion and a thorough knowledge of the Wholesale Trade. They wohld respectfully invite inspection of their stock, -which, will be found re letewith all. the Novelties in the Market this Sea.eon. ; „ . ; Particular . ttentiion is dircc4l to the following lines, viz. : PT'b, DR, SS GOO S CD T__i S, TWEE iS, HOSIERY 'GLOVES TICK- NGS, • FRENCH LAINES, - FRENCH MERINOS, BLAcK LITSTRES BLACK CO ITRGS, BLA.CK DARAT TAB E oLOTHS, TOWELLINGS, Boots . and S oesil and Ready made Clothing. .THEI Mit) ERY DEPARTMENT is alwayth well supplied N ith abundance of the ln" will e sold at the most reasoi . • Their. LIQUOR D PARIniENT is Wei' BEST BR INDS:, Give us a c 11 and juid.ge for yourselves. T Y OUR -80 CENT TEA. BhA_TTY & COMPANY. CAI.MICHAEL'kS ITILDINGS; Marin Street, Seaforth, April 20, 1871. ••1 ou can get the 1713-tf. • TO FARMERS. IRON HARROWS. WITIE UNDERSIGNED has on hand. I. a large number of IRON RAJIV ROWS, which he is prepared to sell on reasonable terms. These harrows were manufactured. at Gananoque. and are 1 _The „Best 411?Ozo in Use. 1 ; A Guarantee will be (riven -with ' erieli that if it do not work satisfactorily, it may be returned by the pure4ser • within thirty days. 0. C. WILSON, .Agricultbral Implement Agent, N k F 1 -T 169-tf SEAFORTH, ONT. WM. N. WATSON ALWAYS HAS ON HAND THE 1 ' BEST , SEWING MACHINES. IN THE MARKET, , Either for Farinly use, or for Ma infac- turinbri purposes. Both single -threaded and double -threaded, , and. loctitch 11IachineS can be supplied. iterfect satisiactiou guaranteed! and 1 inStructions given to purchasers gratis. 1 — '' Car. also insure property againet Fire and ; .1. WM. N. WATSON Marine; Disast n., and Life and Limb against death and accident, with the best Companies being Agent for - ' The Liverpool and Loudon and Globe, (English.) The Provincial of Canada, (Canada.) The Gore Distinct Mutual, (Village and The IN'airamg2ra, District Mutual, (Village 1 Iland Farm. The Travelers Accident.) OTT CRAY SPARLI r 0 1 dy. tat 011 OPP 08). C & C018, • THE GREAT •EGG S OB.1p. .177 of Hartford, (Life and Lasses 1411 A 41.21,ted and Pl.omfitly Settied. At n miss term IONEY T L oderate riles of interest. on, and expenses modera - RTGAc+Es bought on ND 1\toOom- equitable 160 • •••••-.... -wojIn; ity, that 1 his NEI'S' yan's Job especi l64 -t MCNAtGliT respec fully intimate to the a.bitant4 f Seaforth and yi6in- e now e< rries on boeinese at snop, in rear of Killoran & iing of all kinois, and Norse -shoeing ally promptly attended to, Terms reasonable. D MaNAUGHT GUELPH SEWING ACME O. THE OS ORN- Lock -Stitch Sewing MACHINE. Thousands throughcut Canada. are now using these machines. They have been tested beyond all question, make the favorite lock -stitch; alike on both sides, and are pr trounced superior to any other machine offeredthe public. For wide range of work, peofection, beatity- and excellence of mechanism, adaptability, strength and durability, .770 Osborn Sewing Maehine Ha8 No Rival. ifo- Improvement's have . lately been - made, enabling the manufacturers to claim it as the ne plus ultra of Sewing' machines. Hundreds of testimonials are 1 being received daily from old as well as new operators attesting its wonderlul capabilities. Will do all kinds of do- mestic sewing, from the finest cambric to the coarsest overcoat or upper leather. en \i' .l..NTEli.a) TO BE AS REPRESENZED, 011 NO KALE, WARRANTED FOR 'MIME YEARS. rihe Osborn Outfit is complete and readily comprehended. Is sol(1 at one - b al f: the price hitherto charged for m [t- ables doing, a like range of work, the manufacturer:3 being determined to place it within the reach of every family in the'country. . . A. Tr: i AL FEFOR E FUR (MIAS E Win COD - Vi 11 CR all that our machines tire un- equaled. i . THE. GUELPII REVERSIBLE Is pile-emine_atly the best Single -Thread Machine offered to the public—hence its 1-.7...lous success Will do all Varieties . iestic .sewing. PRICES GREATLY , ED. - a Machine, with full outfit, 812 ; 0 do., $17. WEach machine 1 Iteed. . 1.ip.,•113\ gents wanted everywhere. Splen- did inducements to make money. Apply to GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO. GUELPH, CANADA.. W. N. WATSON, Agent, 180 -1 y SEAFORTH. CAVANAGH'S NEW BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY J. CAVANAGH Keeps on hand. ALL KINDS OF 3E3 R Biscuits, Crackers, CAKES, AND CONFECTIONERY. WEDDING CAKE Made to order. J. CAVAN1 174 Main street, S aforth. EAFOR iambi stish, , BLIND FACT RY. o l. rpRE Si )scribers beg leave to thank 1 their numerous customers Or the liberal Paironage extended to them since comineneing business in Seafmit ll, I arid trust that they will be favor d vith a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build vrolild de well to give them a call, as tiliciy wit continue to keep on hand a large Stock of all kinds of DRY 'PINE LUMBER, SASH S, , DOORS, BLINDS, MOLII)iIICti OS, 1 1 SHINGLES, LATH Ate LATH, •3 a Thev feel conlillent of giving satisfaction to those lavlib may favour ilieni with their pa*onage, as none but firSt class workmen are ' I :employed. to - Particular attention paid to Cu tom Flamini; • BROADFOOT & GRA oor, 1 • • .• NOTICE TO DEBTORS. TOTICP is hereby given.that all par- ties iiidebted to D; COLEM N, e ther by note or book, are requested to c 11 at his office, at the Salt Works, and s ttle the same immediately, otherwiie t ey will be sued without furthe.r notice. Seaforth, April 11, 1871. 17.5-tf MONEY! $5,000 TO LEND. TDAVE the above sum on hand for investment on good Farm Security, at 8 and 9 per cent. ,—Private Funds. . JOHN S. PORTER, 3E-13011,TIT,' July 25, 1870, 139,--ee AuGusT IR, 1871. vzommins! CHEERING PROSECT FOR A N ABUNDANT HA VEST • The present favorable Spring weather ifrarrxints both farmer and me hanie in aking timely preparations for the emu - i g harvest. . HOIVISON & WILLIAMS Jule thanking their patrons for the lib- oal en couragement accorded them in the past, would cordially invite the atten- of Farmers to their choice assortment of Harvesting Machines for 1871. Our Ohio Combined jlfachine, with Johnson's Improved Self-1:ak 0, has given complete satisfaction for the past o vo years, and is BOW offered to the p 'bile with the. strongest guarantee for d rability and perfect work. The Cayuga Chief Jr. fower, Wbich has gained for itself a world-wide reputation is again offered as the 11108t durable, handy and best working Mower known, being- constructed in the body of the machine entirely of iron and steel, and with it we defy competition. We also offer the. J01141.8012! Self RaZing Reaper, took first and second prizes atPro- vi cial Exhibition' , 1870. This reaper is acknowledged to be Superior to any other pattern now in use, as it cuts pe i fectly. takes up lodged or tangled grain better than any other rake or reel machine, and cuts equally weB froM either side of the field when wind is stro»g from any di- rection, can be raised or lowered when in motion and is very durable. We invite inspection of °lir machines and mode of manufacturing by plli•:ii- cbasers before giving orders elsewhere-. We guarantee satisfaction in every ma- chine, or no sale. TERMS EASY. The agriculturalists ;of Perth and ad- joining counties will not (we believe) be so blind to their own inteiests as to gi v e their orders to shops more than 100 miles east, when there are lirst-elass woks in their midst, building largely the best machines, equal to any of the sane machines made in the Provinee. all and see us,. -send in youriorders by Mail, or deal with our agents, as in every case you will get a perfect ina- chine, and on the same telins as your neighbor. Our principles of business and. prices being established and uni- 1°1111 other kinds of 'implements coa- stal tly on hand. STEAM-ENGINES BUILT, Anj:i. :Ishii:Ids of MILL WORK done proMptly. 11-IOMSON Sr. WILLI &MS, h MITCH ELL, Ontario, MILLS R SALE OR TO RENT! MHE SUBSCRIBER. 0F.11111IS FOR 1 LiALE or to Rent, on easy terms, T E VARNA MILLS, Cons sting of a Flour, Oatmeal, and Save Mil, all of which are in good running order. ThIe Flour Mill contains Four run of Ston .s and the interor is well finished,. and all the machinery in first class eon-, claim. There is in connection a good Dam, and an abundant supply of watei to run all the mills the year round., These mills are situated in the centre of a splendid Agricultural country, and. 'rare chance is offered to any person aesi- rous c;f embarking inthe inihing business. There is also an excellent opportunity! of BORINC FOR SALT Ou the 1rem1ses,1 all the works for Which could. be driven by water. The above property is situated Six miles 'from Clinton ; Six' from Baylield, and Eleven from Seaforth, with good gravel roads leading to eaehplace. For l further particulars apply to the proprietor, on the premises, Or to V arna. P. 0, 'WARN 1, August 11, 18701.V. Ttaz NER. 140— THE SEAFORpf Lumber Yard. MAEE & MACDONALD Beg t , inform the public that they hav6 opened a LUMBER YARD in Seaforth, near ShearsOn's Mill, on the ground for- Merly Used as a Lumber Yard, bY Thomas Lee: , The3,C will keep constantly -on hand a. good aisortment of ALL KINDS op LUMBER, dressed and undressed' Also, 1 I LATI AND SHINGLES, of whichl they are prepa •ed to sel at the lo -west possible prices, 15r Cash.. Builders and others will ti id it to ti eir advant ge mspeet mir s ock, andias- certain our prices before pur elsf- where, as we are in a posit on to offer - good in lucenients tocash purchasers, MABEE & 3.,LACDONALD Seaforth, Dec. 29, 1570. 160-tf NOTIC1 TS IIREB GIVEN to all Pa'epts and Guardians in the Township of Tucker inith, who refuse or negleCt give notice tol the Division Registrar of said ToWushiP of the 33irth of a iihi d, within thirty days from the date of S eh birth, that they are liable to a fine of from one to twenty dollars, -with 'ebs s. All such persons will do well to coin' ly with the requirements of the Law, as a' penalty will be enforced: 1 WILLIAM MUIR, Division Registrr.n. Tuekersinith, 18th April, 1671. 176. tf , FOR SALE', - T 4 splendid. Hotel Stand on; tlia ket Square, Seaforth, known the CO4N EX-(21-11\NGE, ami doing a good business. To an enterprising, ma with some capital, it offers .iiI- (lUCCfl9itS,ucements, being on one of the lea,dii streets and close to the Salt ; Also, two eorefortable COTTAGES on Elgin Street.I Goderich, rented at $200 year, and sevteral Town Lots. Teri moderate,. Apply to WM. -MA LCOM, At the Balder*, Tan. 2.1, 1871, '161a4rk _ti_e tGusir IR, 1 A Colored -Preacher' a Newly } Mardi In the lastinistali (4 ,Wrchant's, tory +mita! Ronan)/ there description of a: negro we quote the address of Ng clergymen :1 " My ehirren, ive bar wid one anuder ; one anuder, , tom hal long journey Tiany are in the road many spring up by de w;t2,- cin hand an' flA3-.7141 t ngt)ti anudeti, and no matte outer yon, ylow will love WIII sweeten ebel lighten ebery lo4&(4, Bbine, eben de clou I know it will my chil'y road. j o 1)een ober de gru I. bab -tratiled idt -land we bab i tzu de mud, ill in -out toged4k4 in tl. iitairtn, toi: nigh o ite, fft Lab clung to on anud ebervting, in de berry de sun ob JR.I lin' pea- - Izat'ruysci:edo,"i,nt aurani'let , We started Sess lilt saplins 3--on's i!ecl a gro -side in the W0061 At c ed -way part .for xit 'num tick brash, an de 1101Y - r 1. • war our bad ways.--,-Nrar, but, love, like de sun On us, an' we grow'd. till -our heads got above -till dis little brv.e1)----k holy feelin's---Iput out anuder, au' a'e come closer togedder. An' old trees now, an' • °met _,.. tgb:loow.up,uia;Ilitl;seeid.seti):11, i..3,10:see: On freaten TO t13 di d. 1. ale nearer toged;de eberv SOOfl de ole ii-opS will nie'e branches all eobred wi.,- moss, will twineatenzido :soon d6 'ale trunkwill 0, icier an gro* into -One • r linter one up thero in tIie e steltri neber'll' blow, 'ball -blossom an' bar f ..lory-ob de Lord, 1' tin 1i- ly kingdom foretell. Will -keep , ' Yas my d klr4.,you h .63. a long joua'5uefr, an li git you fru it but 1 bole up, Luilin ful to one anoder, nuilir you bar-)vid one anodez Nene 013 us can lib widout married folks want 1it mos , Dey netd it more4an de 1 it, de wAter deydri k, or breath. De worill eouhl .widont It. , It am so, My chll'ren, you hab -ob dat _hive, dt you'll lovc one 'anoder, you'll go fru you life—afe folly you'll meet on happier you'll be all fru de dat'm einnin' in the ireat 'N,-7, Den, 0 my chirren ,I Love i one anoder, you' can't be fia out you. love Clod, tticl you II im wit:I:t ysoe%leo:ec -ao..en; FInai. - i Above el. -Q.17 other featta atdorne the f-enlate ithz ratter, stall& -foremost v Si.han the of good taste. tht that which is peipetu 31ly n -t of something to ib asha whieh makes merit of *impel% at thif .false Or.stria own ingenuity lias put, upol nocent remark t tb isispuriO of. delicaey is as far- tremov good taste As from; good feel t',,:ood lionse ; but the high delieacy Which mkiatains and undeaiatine-r) willt alike 4 , 1 . 41,1. and speaks when requit w ROM .a.1 in the kiOciety av ,ieb slirinks fioni no ne . E&140118111M3 and k*aness, o atL.vbith it mion14 be 118 F; Ile or to §Insliee-that which :Call gi+e 4.1n.s with / 1::Lnn. d AVIAl..1: ) 1 a 1413 not ti hail:hie or 7s;,isLeiible be p. „and Ovi e N,Stithout ta 1 Cheap Food for -Only good deal hm been sal the best manlier of raising Mirk is an expensivie food. time at least it innet -13e there is nothing that can be ejjemitoyeit14.fitner t‘iliIealer iianglyfrol ince whey, we are inf,n-med the aults are obtailiad by f&eth ingar beet. !CO in thf.in li soen learn to eat the beets, coirie so fond of them as to c. a vim -aliens appoite. This food makes thein .1,1eek and f.a elreiip food and there is no of OVerft.*ed iDg. ANTIATe the eeveral ealves together, od tY:u8'1' f)t1•113t11,137 'Iderrwt, jaat nnlealb oftPn fed :It a' yells- ea One, point .1,11oull he t,bser raiainat :calves, arhieh has tt rlilI V ti e1, 11114 that deal e 14d 1 s iv -other, t4.141: nd..1ai't