HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-08-18, Page 7Rt-sT IS, 1871. ian when involved in the hatition ; but the leaven ork which will ultanateiy ed. improvement, net tan -nigh the age* ng purpore ram8. the of men are widened -wee- of the eure. eistance ward let ue renge, rorki apha forevu iging grooves of eh.enge." s.Secitt tank little interest t prieciplea, and was a ative In politica, may he get inlets character, hitt tean.s owing to a want of fellowmext, or a Darrow - 1 vieion, but was the t of that entire absorpe for withal he was so re- whialtb we owe his ade He tittered his lyauk With all it marvels of .hlorions-poesibilitiege and fixed lovingly on the ayse," but, in so doing, ed on the camera of hie picturesof the mann cos, drese and language of :with whielt he hat, de- hand which, for minute eation ani wouderfal of executieo are or - ih literatitee. A pro - ;veneration for every-. erythino related, to the, the leading treit in, sir As an illustratime ed that, as he and Jef- dowu as—cereein etreeh eey obeerved that a all of a building poauesa- cal irttexest, heti beeie e place ter same moderre which, sight Scott waa that he act-nal:1y ehetl ered in a molten voice; not be a single stone of • These- Vaudals are lima to live in." Such hneracy--iii this lay hia realenesa. He appeared tiritl to the benefits of e seemed to Min an un, Ihie feeling may net Merit ofout} eense, but exceeaive, itareason- ir theme, hi a eharaeter- - of true genius. They inion settee view of tho f their pen or pencil. rt so great uhon the n, any of hie longer i.teelious or cynical he no soener touch upon- -eking off the mocking is him aud spreadinehe f his ima.gination, hol )st heights of sublimity h the ocean, because he light, This is why he in storat or shine,: with poh-er ; thie. is. what the sweeping ertergy• rave, and his- concep- ve majeaty of .he gregth of himself : Ocean, and ray joy sec on thy breast te be heave from a, boy, breakers. they to me the fret:Alerting sea r, 'twee& pleireing fear,. child .ef thee, •illows.' ines to a Mouataite able he pathos, it ie be- ea.k eetough or great warm heart felt tear - fate.. .1`.;:or need we songs are the best in the answer betrays, tis character which his though knowing., as he that lee aetray en fle!aven,'" kr examples- of a truth •ery ietndent of human light, then, we must, int want of sympathy massesof his country- essed peoples of other hn, he was not of haderstand then; hut knights of the, fetal:al wxs. troopers of the add eletesmen ef the at home. He ap- raised thr for the ex- hriting that page eg gs tinaily tui -tied over. ak to perform,and he the wonder and That task •was zed the labor of his time for other things ; hright to expect in - i, Schett has hiseletrac- 5 supposed defects we. rea, but there it an, eta aietinst laim on irks may be made. opiety--of whines* matters of religiorte is works, be ha e not Oge the: practice of itrtenee of Christian heye done,. hat that dances, held up holy ,gs to the ridicule of rther averted that io he failed to observe enjoined hy the ied by the custom of, there is one tieing. ' of aohie, to justify re the feet that Shot e- -wife_ Coheids :event, hie marriage ed the bigoted View hle t ieotiand itt to be wondered ah fatit :done, he was !Wes as a sinfit1 antt. iareless and fearless!. Ilia Wife, too, sufficient defer- eruples of the peo- had come to dwell. ;aetten on their way th morniligs, were -Mrs. Se4ktt sitting -her dwelling ft:wing or ktutting. ineh a eisectaele, ,stf &hat day, may iduet of Mrs_ Seett . to defects in her totite cuotteit to. ite prejudice 0hes- ht trtViai eireuin- , and which was Had the charge kt he vas eutirely could have beets Wherever, in hi* (eat with. dillerent :see them all alike, 1 appearing to en - prejudice nt fahots lic had too mach mei regard far rt-tizan. eo, with- 1.yeti the feat arcs, contetalitee .fees AUGUST 18, 1871. times aiming only to present an accura and vid picture of the times. The co ziequence was that be wrote without th enthusiasni for either cause, which isd dispensible to -please men of ehtreme one-sided views. The most bitter attac 'Spinet him ou this -head have come fro • the camp of the Presbyterians. Tit allege that hie description of the -Cove enters is a mere caricature, grosely • just, tutworthy of hint and of them. No we yield to none in admiration for ti devoted defenders of the. "solemn leag and covenant," and the no* battle the fought and won -for civil and religio freedom; but while we highly estee • their principles; andetheir conduct in ge eral, we must not forget that they wer - after all, mere m.en, and as such, subject • the foibles and failinge of humanity. W may admire., but must not worship the • nor be blinl to th-eir numerous fault Considering their limited opportunitie • the compatative rudeness antl darknes of their time, we hesitate not to say th many individuals among them, if the lived in the present age, would be foun unworthy of personal respect. In the • ranks., -without doubhwere many Ilabak • kuk Mucklewraiths, and Cuddle Hed• t rigs not a few. COMMon among the were men profonetilly ignorant. grossl superstitious, and insanely fattatica • la repreeen•ting them simplyas theywere hcott has preserved the verisimilitude o history, and maintained the regard of me • of metterate views, while he has offend ed those whose mental vision, dazzled h o Pardonable enthusiasm, is, displease with the plain, unvarnished facts. tine, were his detractors- to exercise little of that charity which we are tril hi greater .thait faith, and which Scot thimself possessed so abundantly, the would be enable1 to perceive that th faults with which they charge him con 13•isted in venial matters of opinion, am Outward form, and that, beneath all, h was substantially agreat, good and trul religionintart. He did not always preach the prinjiples of Christianity, but he di • tornethine infinitely better, he practi.ied them. in his ittimerous Works nothing framoreedi l or derang can be found ; on the contrary, _c'his readers are elevated and improved, as well as delighted and instructed. Of a pure and healthy tone, they may be read by the mother to her children, by the father to his daughters. In them the most. exalted. virtues are are .inculcated :—curage, generosity, honor, benevolence, devotion, eelf-de • etial, charity and love, all these and more, are instilled tato the mind- of his reader. Taking int" cousidetatien the vast nuniher of his works and -their wide- • spread popalarity, it is impessilde to es- timate the amount of good he has ac- complished. He was one of the bereefac- tors of mankind, and the World owes a • debt of gratitude to his memory which it is imposeible to repay. • But he benefited the world by example, as well as by precept. His life is a study • for the young who aim at perfection of character, and. venerate the good and true. Though so great a man. he-vvas sim- ple in his manners, and kind and affable to his inferiors. So plain was he in dress, that he might easily be mistaken her a Lowland farmer. He was an indomitable • worker ; his industry and persevetaitce were sublime. What Cecil said of Sir • Walter Raleigh, might have been said, of ficott ; "I know that he can toil terri- bly." The courage he displayed when overtaken by calamity, surpassed the_ :valor of the heroes whose bold deeds he loved to describe. The failure of Con - table &- Co. and Ballantyne & Co., pub- lishers with whom. Scott was connected, left him liable for the sum of £147,000," Yet he was undaunted before this fear- ful lead of debt. Gentlemen," he said to his creditors, "time and I against anywo t. Let me take this good ally hit° may company, and I believe I shall be • able to pay you every farthing." He gave hp all his property, proposed to lodge the -receipts of his literary labors in theltands of trustees for the payment of his credi- • tors, retired into modest lodgings, _and • went resolutely to work to wipe off his liabilities. This calamitous event hap- pened in 1826. _ He continued his Her- culean labors till 1832, when he died, ut- terly worn out by his desperate efforts. Be- fore his death he had. materially decreased the load of debt, and. after that unhappy • *vent, the. profits of his writings can-. celled the whole. • The amount of work he accomariished in lese than thirtyyears, is beyond conception. • A catalogue of his works forms a volume in itself. From the publication of the "Lay' of the Last Mirustrel, in 1805, till his death in 1832, volume after volume was presented to the publie,-- each one of which was suffi- .cient to ensure his fame.. History, biog- raphy, _criticism, poetry, and fiction, poured from his pen in such profusion that the world, lost in awe at his ap-• tsrently enperhuman powers, entitled im the Wizard of the North." Held to his taek by a powerful will, he has shown to us whoa miracles industry can t• erform If the traveller stands amazed efore the pyramids of Egypt at a loss to understand how so stupendous a work .could be accomplished by human labor, • no less should we be astounded were we eee all the works of Sir Walter Scott "piled deep and massy close and high," in one vast collection, and to know that they were the. product of the industry of One man_ Verily he had reason for the -saying, Time and 1 against any two," for he was fully worthy of the alliance; and giving his words a meaning not in- tended to be conveyed, there is little risk • in predicting that thee will never desert him till the huge sentinels of the 'Nile he mingled witli the desert sand. R.'S. te n - at rt - or ke itt ey n- tn- ue us itt 0- e, to re tn, s. s, at ir ro jy a • ci Destructive Fires. sfruArvoup. Aug. 14.— Bush fires are raging neahey all round Stratford, On the 'Northern gravel road thousands of acres of valuable timber lands are being destroyed. There are no hopes of staying the flames unless we get rain, So far 1 have heard of no damage to crops or buildings. GALT. Au. 14.—A fire occurred here last evenin..,% burning a block oc- cupiPd bv two families, and owned by Mr. Walter Scott.- Insured in the Waterloo • MuLual Insurance Cumpeny for 8800. P.LCIRA. Aug. 14.—A barn was destroyed bv fire, owned by Robert Moore, aboutn mile and a hAlf from Elora, itt about three o'clock this morning. hay. pests, bliggy, cutter, Woce burnt, Loss about $2„- 1 000. No inurtnc, mild c use, -o fire unknown. 1 - . MON KTON• . Aug. 1 t.—.13u th fires continte to rage in this ne*ghborheod, Causing great - destructi n to property. Davis'Y sawmill a d fourhouies wete burned on Sa.turi ay.' The excessive and long -continued drouth has ren- dered everything as dry as tinder, and no ode kno% s when his turn will come to be 4urnt out. GEOR ETOWN. Aug. 11.—On Sunday a ftjernoon about three o'clock f, . spark from a i pagsing engine set fire to the - tail - road fence west of this yin;ie. In an incredibly short space of t me it crossed a stublileifie,d and entered the pinery cf M. Joseph Barber. By the exertions of a large nuMber of the inhabitant, who gathered in a short time, the fir was surround- ed -and checked. iF rtunately, how- ever; the wind blew from, the vil- lage, -othetuise th4 consequences might.have been fea Lful. For cheap ladies', igel ts' and children's Prunella Boots of eve y description, go to T. -Coventry's. , BIRT S. BLANSHARD.--in McKi lop, On t inst. the wite of r. Hiram share', of a daughter. ARTHUR. —At SeafOrt , on th 10th ult., the wife of Mr. John A: a sea.. Jots—At Seaforth, 13th hist:, the wife Jones, of a daughter. NEWMAN. —At. Seafortl e 13th Blan- the 12th inst., the liaro. Newman, barbe he. MARRIA REhno—CietilK.-0I1 at the residence of Is by tbe Rev. D. Ke Rettig, of Seaforth, of Grey. ' mr, of n Sunday, the of Mr. itiobert , on Saturday, ife of Mr. Wil - of a son. ES. he llth August, r. John Kruse, nedy, Christian Rachael ,Clark DEATHS. h LEARMENT.--La l'411 honceseion of Grey, on the•28t July, Mr. Alexander Learment, aged 7 years. Deceased 'was a native of.D nse, Scotland. VEAL.—At Seafort 1, on the night of Tuesday, the i6th inst. Frederick 0. 'V eal, only son of 'red.erick Veal, merchant, aged one year. THE AT .1-tET'S. • SEAFORTII, Aneust 17, 1971. Fall Wheet ••I • $0 95 to 1 00 Spring Wheat . 1 00 to 1 06 Barley •0 45 to 0 48 Oats ........ .......... . . ..... 0 45 to 0 49 Pune Batter . 00 1501 to 0 65 • .1 • ...... . . . . 0 11 HSithe Skins 0 80 to 0 55 Hay 7 00 to 10 00 Flour ............ . . . . .. 2 75 to 8 00 Potatoes, (new) 0 '70 to 0 75 Lamb SkinsL 0 BO to 0 60 Pelts ... .. .... 0 12 to 0 20 Baric, pew cord . . J.... ... . 3 00 to 850 Calf Skies, ............ 0 06 to 0 10 . r Special attention paid to all orders for Boots'and Shoes, either sewed or pegged, at J. Duncan & Co's, Seaforth. • to 0 16 to 012 to 7 00 Acteand 17,1871. Fell Wheat •• . $0 90 es; 100 Spring Wheat • 1 00 ee, 1 05 Oat e - . 0 85 ( 5 46 Peas 0 60 et 060 Barley 0 45 et: 0 50 - Butter •0 14 eis 0 17 Egge. • , 0 10 (el 0 11 -5 Man's hand -made Lip We Duncan & Co's, Seaffwth. if • There is no peretpMble clean of the -markets which we usual wheat and peas have a downw quoted for these are the sam Seaforth and Clinton. tit, for $3,50, iit J 'e this week in Any y report, except that rd tendency. Pricer; as those given in BUFFALO LIN-- • Thursday, A CATTLE The ntarket ope s active, end at prices ; fui y equal to th highest range of last we k. Sales to -day comprise 1,052 head a 85 to $6 12e, and 30 heed premium t $6 30, hilhero kees,14 75. The sales last we end- ing Fridey ramied from $4 50,1 t e low- est to $6 40 the highest the lathe being for a lot of premium ste ne. Mos of the sales would range bet een 85 a id $6. Cherokees and Texas so d at $4 t 4 *0, and one lot, mixed With cows, at 3 871. The receipts for the past thr e days were 283 cars, 66 carsco signecht Tough, against 251 cars -forl the sem time last week. The shipnints for the past three days were 131 ars, egaiPst 127 Liars during _the sante ti e last week. Saes reported : Doty for Ilogle, to tosenau, 23 hd Cherokee steers, av 9 At $417, . Sparrow to Mackey, 80 lidlMissouri steers, av 1,254, at $5 r)o. ! ' Seine to same; 15 hd 10 do a+ .1028 at e - Watkins 4 Colt q Gary, .33 stoers, av 1221, at$.1,• 6. '-Same to H,eory& 3 hd do do av 1338, at $5 80. , . Same to same, 65 ld fIo do a 1 25, at $58Q. ! 1 - Hicks to Farthing; '1r hd t ers. as 1‘470, at $5 75. Snider to Poet, 48 STOCR. gust 17, 1871. this wee1c quite THE HURON EXPO5ITOR. . SHEEP. The market is dull and weat ; not quite up to the average prides last week. ales comprise 330 head .4 84 121 to 84 -621 for sheep.- • No Jambs t Sold. Last • .week on aggregate °sate of 9840 head, prices rangetli from $3 621. to $5 50 for sheep, mostly inside of 81 25 $5, and $5 25 to 86 25 for lambs. The receipts for the past three days were 14 cars, and the shipments 14 cars against 21 cars, and shipments 9 c,ars during the same time last Week. Sales repoeted as follows: • • Kelly toLeech & B, 112 lid Mich. av 75, at $4 621. Main & F, to same, 128 hd do do av 76' "44. 625. HOGS. , Tne market is apparently better. The urgent city demand, however,- advanced, . prices above. the market for shipping purposes-, Sales comprise 601 head at $4 55 to 5 25. Sales last week ranged from $4 40 to 85 05.. • The receipts during the past three days were 68 cars, e2 cars consigned through, against 62 cars :for the same time last week. The shipments for .the same time were 56 cars, against 59 cars for the sante time.last week.. Sales reported as follows: 111 ltd av 210 lbs at $5 15 80 av 269 lbs x at 5 25 av )87 lbs at 4 55 24065 hludi av 1911 lhs at 4 75 105 hd av 242 lbs at 5 00 TO PRINTERS NO. 7 PRESS' FOR SAL % CHEAP. FoR SATfE CHEAP, tho No. 7 1Watabiegtou Ho Press, • (Platen 27x43,) On which the EXPOSITOR. has been rinted for the last six mouths This Pres e is nearly new, is in s lendld condi- tion, and rune as eitsil3 as a No. 5. ALSO, Newbury Cord .Prems, Nearly new, and in good working on er. Apply td ateteseer BROT Expositrir Office, • SEA.keralf, ONT. Or to GWATKLN & ON, Toronto. • FEMALE TE CHER WANTED. WANTED for Bch 1 Section No. 12, Hay, n " FEMALE TEACHER holding a third-class certificate. • Apply, if •y letter, to • • CH RLES BA.UER or JO N C. KALBFLEISCH, 19341 • (aurich P. 0. Insolvent Act of 1869 JN the matter of H. H. SMI H, an Insolvent, Pursuant to the ord r Of Seeker 13rongh, nig., Judge of the County 'Ourt of the County of Hu- ron, }mitring date the 17th clay of August instant, there will be sold by s Public Anetlealv . By JOSEPH BRINE, Auctioneer, at the. Office qf Mr. JOHN S. PORTE! ,At IN THE VILL GE OF SEA.FORTH, i In the Co uty orHuron, On SATURDAY, the 2 th -day of Augnet, imager* At 12 o'clock noon, The BOOK DEBTS and ACCOUNTS of the above- named insolvent. Until the clay elf the stile, the books and a list of the debts can be seen at the office of Mr. J. 8. Porter, Seaforth. JOHN HALliAN, Assignee. Dated I7th Angnst, 1871. 193-2e FOR SALE. VOR SALE, the south heti of LotNo. 3, in Fifth Concession, Morris,• containing 100 acres; a nice frame houee,- 1844; log, stable; young or - ellen!; there are 85 acro u cleared. For terms up - ply to A LE X.ANDER BRAD13.V11N, Ou the premises ;. or to ALEX. CAMPBELL or MeCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, Serforth. 199e3in* • • • • SEED WHEAT. pA_RTIES wishing to test ARNOLD'S ITYBRED -a- WHEAT can obtain it at Mr, EBENEZER ROY'S, lot No. 8, Seventh Coneeletion, Stanley. Price, $2 per bushel. • 192-4t* STRAYED. , STRAYEI:1 from the iiremises of the subscriber, • Ainleyviile, about slew month ago' -a small BRINDLE''COW, with white epots,*aged five or Six years; supposed to have- a calf. Any person giving information of her whereebouta will he suitably rewarded. • THOMAS HAYOROFT.- Aiuleyville, Ang. 8, 1924t MILITARY NOTICE. THE non-conunisstioned oftleera and men of No. 3 Cumpany, 133(1 Battalien, are hereby notified that a general order bee been 'Aimed. requiring the immediate return into 'store of all HAN' and haver - Hack. - • T. P. BULL, 192-3t Captain 'Commanding Company. . STRAYED .COW. TRAYED from the premises of the .finbecriber, Lot No. 27, 9th coueeasion of MeRillop, on or about the 31st of July, brindled Cow' _ with a white 'Tot the 'shape of it heart on her foee-head, end wit -h short horns, turned in. When last !seen she had a bell on. For etude information 8R will lead to bier recovery a suitable reward will be given; and any per•son found retaining her will be prom- cuted. • EDWARD HOT. • McKillop, Aug. 9 WI. 192.40 a In. ESTRAY EWE. CAME into the premises of the uudersigeed, on . theiNfle of Jelly lust, a Ewe Sheep. The own- er is requested to call, prove property, pay charges, and take- her away. hd. do Ito Farthing, I/unov 1167, at $4.• 35 hFarthing,Taylch, to hlonroe, 31 hd 1370, at $5 80. • Same to mate, 45 d. 0 do $6 12/. Wilkerson to same 30 hd steers, av 1473. at $6.30. Guy to.Ceon, 48-hd-0, stee 8, a 1 Riinkin for hloorelko: Thelitips lad Ill. steer, ah 129$, 4 86. Same for same toeC on, 118 5. hd 0..st 0 AV ich. steers, ALONZO RTRONO, 191tf. Seaforth. 1431, ROXBORO MILLS! . Steers, iter av 11147, at rem•um 0. 1432, d Il, erS . V steers, av 1256, at $.1'6• •Entrick- to Roseetau, 1 1107, at $5 121.. Same to Woods, 51 ltd do ,d• at $5. 60. Martin to I-lertry & 8, 16 0, Ill steer av 1214. at $5 21), .1 I Kilbury to Coon, 30 hd. O. ,sltedrs, 1425, at $3 80. , 1 Yeeman to Munroe, 17 hd JL„, Steers,. ar 1282, at $5 37h h 1 Fullingtott to Coou, hd Oi I Steers, , av 1256, at $5 75.i i ,. Snider to Munroe, 94 lid 4o db av 1474, at $5 871. . „ t l Eeeer O Boudep 0 ltd 4o (IQ r.v 1315, at $5 871. 1 , 1 : . .Mullips & C to Li -1 iss tope 1 id. Ky . steenhaud (mete av 1 at ;av] 126 CHANCED HANDS. trite. undereigned having pnrchased the Roxboso Gristing and Flouring Mille, iucreased the 31te ehinery,. and put the Mill in a thorough state ef • repair, are now prepared to tin GR [STING• CHOPPING AND All other kinds of moral Custom Work on the shostest notice. Ther -would also desire to etate to farmers and other's, that tts the- wark, will be done under their own supervision, they letve nolesitution itt guaran- teeing entire satisfaction. A trial is reehectfully solicited. ' E. SHANTZ- &. BROTH*R. • Boxholo ,June ,1971. 134-tf. huSEIF LOTS ADIT.. IRABleE Dwelllnig-house and two xi:ellen lots on St. ,John street, Seaforth, foe salq on reasonable terms: Apply to 011.N EA TTE.I1 , • Druggist, &e. 1 • _ NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. A SELECT STOCK OF DRY GOODS OPE AND GROCERIES, WILL 1313 ED ON THE 1ST SEPTEMBER.' LEE & SWITZEFi, MAIN STREET, SE4‘ORTII. THE FIRST INSTALMENT. R. 4. HICKSON having just returned from England, we :tee now opening the first lot of Imported Goods fur this _. Season, Whig a consignment of. CITTLERY, Direct from the celebrated JOSEPH RODGERS & SONS, Sheffield, Ivol;y Handled Knives, • Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Razors, Scissors, &c., &c. Housekeepers, take notie, if you want a good article; E. HICKSON & MAIN STREET, SAFORTIT. MUSIC MPORIUM DEPEW DOHERTY _ TATPORTERS of an dealers in the aelebnited -a- Piau is made by HEINTZMAN & CO.,' Toronto, C. L. TlIOALAS, Hamilton, WE'13ER & 00., Kingston, JOHN NrrsoF)R-F, Itondon. 1.A.leo, FIRST -PRIZE MELODEONS, Church and Cabinet Organ's, Harinonitmne &c., made by W. BELL & CO., GUelph, Out. Instrnmeasts supplied from the firms of 11.8. WILLLIMS„ T4routo, AN'DRITS BROTHEliS, London, A. S. HARDY & co., Guelph. We deeire to support Canedian and Home enter- prise, but cun supply from the following firms : CIIICKERING & SO 'S., Boston, U. S.,. STEINWAY & SON. , New York, U. S., HAINES RBOTHER , New York, U. R., TIIE GIIEAT UNIO ' PLiNOTOIITE 00., New York, IL S., GEO. PP,INCE & o ., Iliiffido, 11T, S., MASON & HAMLIN Boston, 13. S. - The- nndersigned wiLl deliver, put np and werrant for five pare, all inetruments 'sold by them at Fac- tory prime ; and will Promptly attencito all orders. 192 • DEPEW h itorfhiere. GIVING UP BUSINESS, It. P. SUTHERLAND TIEING• abont to leave Seaferth, Will 8011 off the -I-' remainder erf his etock, consisting ofii few ends of Tweetle, black and blue Broadcloths, elow cost. Parties requiring anything in that line had better cell early, es, owing to other engageMents, the whole muat be cleared out before Tlaece Weeks. Having truly last et•eek received a fall i supply of Boys' find Youths' Dreases, iii all the latbst styles, including the Jolly Tar, linickerbocktlr, • Tunic, 131otnee, etc.' etc,ho will supply patterns of any of tingle, cutto measure, for 40 cents. lie will also supply Shirt pattente, cut to measure i upon the r latest amti nd oet approved principle.; e; evenlaine the yoke and Reck 'shirt, with an inrproied shrew, they are well tested petterns and will lei Anna to produce what is not easily found, a good grid- at the same time an easy fitting shirt. ratter* of shirt, 80 cents. • t N. B.—These patterns being offered ati lose than half the regular pricer, can be had for Two 'Webb; only. Also on hand, it few of Deans' Icopy-right Tailors' Tapes, of the best quality. ALSO, A HOUSE AND LOT ' f On corner of William and Goderich reets. TERMS, EASY. The Shop with fitting, stove, machine, -eta., ate., Will be mold Cheep. Ir..A; Parties indebted to subscriber are regnented to ' call and settle their' accomatse • • 11, P. SUT13:011iND. Seaforth, July 95, 1971, PARTICULAR, NOTICE. JOHN LOGAN Bea a Lot of SHAWLS, MANTLES, —AND -- 28,900 T)1:LMSS (loops _ i , SEWING Which he im anxious to Sell Off, at fleet, I , ! NEEDLES . YES, BELOW corr, 1 • I i - pr tune reasonable price that n enntomer enay offe To be gold, Wliolesale and Retail, at Therefore, Ludic*, you will please tetll, itt the i ' 1 ARMSTRONC & PRICE'S Manchester Holise , 1 BOOKSTORE. Mak Street, Settforih. ' are all sold. FARM FOR SALE. . BEI R. S., eautaining 100 nerve, 68 *errs cleared and , G Lot 6, 5th .i•orteession,, Tuckersinith, H. Sfat"rti; iTIlY 25, 1871- 190 - well feneed, good buildings, a fine large orchard, • F two -addle of good spring water, the land is of tlu• . AR • MS FOR SALE. best quality, perfi•etly,eleun twit in good order. The 1 Sale Lot No 22, 13th Coheeesion r°It heel is laird -wood and” hats not _been culled. It is A re, miles of the Village tif Seaforth, one of the beet . One Hundred Acres, forty.five of which hi of M Kill° , eteeh i ) situated en a good 1.,inseel rote], and within three -A O'Wn'S p e , I, co )1g grain markets in the .11-ovince. For furthte• partic- ., are cleared. well-fenoed, and a never fait- ulo-rs apply to the proprietor ost the iwereisea, or u • .,, bv letter to Egwoudville Post Oilier., ; inie, stream of water runs ; throuesh one 186ey G. M. CHESNEY. ; corner. No buildings. Mk°, th* • 1 • with the privilege of purchasing at env 11131aX- pired term of eight years of the lease of . NpticE. . • , t of 1 91 A 2 ' 0 i 1. ar hots ..., and b, I -th coneeasione ATOTICUE is hereby given to all persons ! time, Purchase money $1,275, toehtencl • .11 not to cut any timber or trespass 00 ' over a period of ten years. This lot is conceesion Hay, eh the owner, PAUL 1)..', apply ;to the nudersigned. ' lots N. 1 I8, L. h 19. and 20 iii the 5th i ?ill wood lend. For further partieniars BitleLii de.ternitned te • punieh to the THOhl_hei ki,TEPTIV'fig 10 iitihoet hatheni:e of the law all so deity:. i e -1' • Ideeeforth. .5 -Li • . . . ..• k JAP‘10r,,,e11) 187 1, . '• 11?).-tf - MAIN STREET, Sow, and' get your piek of the Goods being they FLOUR! FLOUR! T_TATIN G parch/wed and thoronghly refitted the •a•A milli; fonuerly owned Iby the Aleesre. SCOBIE, I ant now prepared to irtruieh FAMILY FLOUR, Second to NONE IN SEAFORTII, ' And that will Comp favorably with any in the Bo- - unnion, If you 4 -ant A 1 FLOUR. go to the following Dmie.stilleirmand LL'saspl:Lfoeul r RiIARSIT 4 rehe—nrn etneher W. S J. W SIM JOH Wet. Or at 'OTT ROBERTSON, ITESI DE, N POWELL, CAVANAGH, HOMSON, Egmondville, W. MARSHALL'S Mills. Orders lielt -with W. 8. ROBERTSON will .he promptly kttended to. t • Parties -who wish to Exchange Wheat for Flour, Are certain to receive proper quantity, and an Arti- cle that will defy competition - W. MARSITALL. 196-tf GREAT CLEARING SALE GIVING UP BUSINESS. , The undesigned intend giving tip Bugs:seas .thie all, and they will CLEAR OUT :THE v COST HOLE OF THEIR STOCK —AT— PRICE, . FOR CASH. THE SATM WIT4.14 STAB'' ON TATE FIRST OF AUGUST, .land -will continue -until the whole of the Stock ie sold out. Call '1 rly and secure Bargains 7 'The big est price paid for Butter, Am. All part s owing accomitte will please call and. Dottie the and save theniselves further trouble,. .1k1 BONTHRON it SON. Seaforts, August 1, 1971. las .T • GARNISS, TAILOR, Lttte le • reason with E. Hickson &Co., Beg to announce halite inhabitants of • SEAP RT11 AND -VICINITY, that he has taken rooms over MR THOMAS KIDD'S STORE, in whichte purposes carrying"on the making lira CEN LEM1N S AND CH1LDR OTHIN ilso, that he has received from Englend, an eniire N SYSTEM OF CUTTING, -which wo ting g Some ex Patterns adniir` ably, producing beautifully .fit- ents, combining ease and comfort. llent Patterns for Cltildrens' and Youths' pplied or garments cut out, a moderate charges. Seafort , ru1y 27, 1871. .1.904fe FA M FOR SALE IN MORRIS. • II 8Ar.E, on reaegnahre terms, Lot No. 8, ron. 10, Merritt, containing (54 aeres, over 2A) of wbita ore cleared, seeded 10 grILHH and well fenced Oho. hirlanee ,well timbered with hard -wood. lt situated on• the Northern Gravel Read, 1 mile And, a half freau Bkyth, end 13 'miles from Clinton. There le no waste laud. There is On the Premises a new frame bowie, 20 x 30, with good rellar,itinit out-bniltUrnett. A good spring On the premises. For leirOzer particulate apply to the Peopriettar, on the pre elites, or, (if by letter,to 131)-th P. I). GEORGE BUTCHART, P-repOetere 198-tf. FARM FOR SALE,: -- von Sae, Cheap, Lot No. 80, 6th Concesgion,. . -A- Tow hip of Bruee (Arent). of Bruce, contain- ing 100 are, ttbont 2.01 of whiela are clertred, the balance w 11 timbered with beech mid maple. "Nta -waste la d. There itt e never-fit:Uhl- stream or water runing through it. it if, RitinItOti Wit/1111. five mike' from the flouriehing viUage of Paisley. through vhich the Vielhargton, Grey and Boma Railway ill "shortly be running. If the above pat- perty 113 ti*t eohl, it will be leased for a term veusa for he nuprevemente. For further pttrtieu- lnrtt, applj I.O T101.11 EXPO:WWI OYFICI4 Selliffith. July 18 1871, • lbaet f. 7 NOTICE. THE ¥a —el:pal Council of the Corporstion of the. Town at Morris intend, at their Iiret Meet- ing after h*lith day of August, 1811, to teke -into coamiderea ion Oar propriety of sellieg the portion. of engin 44 arid Isitaxis, a for that quested t cordifitgly road ello•wance oppesne lot 28, th1Lo th costeettsions of the ould townehip of d if deemed advisable, te puss a Byeteite mxprie. All parties ieterested line este take, netice and galena. t .eausaves .ftc-1 I Iltecrfse ;1113' Ur 1872- 190-4' Tnoluk&ROLMES, Tessmalkip elute ARM FOR SALE. Thesu scrilier will also Keil Iby private Rale that superior Leek Wintering lot N&1 Second. Conces- sion, Hul ett, contuleing 100 acres, 80 of which an, eleared a 11 all under vies.. Tliere hi on the hrern- ises a good new frame 11..rn. The River:Maitland. Trine through the farm. The -whole le well fenced. It is sit • ted on a good gravel road within threes miles of he VWage of fieitforth. For a bIOCIPTilii— lug and azing ta.rwt, it has not a superior in - Canada. Terms One-third of the prir-Clesse nemey to be - paid dow ,• the belanee on time to zult the Imre eh•teer, w th Interest at 6 per cent., " 1 -I partioulare apply to the proprietor, WILIfIAM,FOWLE11, Xoe fivaivrth Pest lnlizet. mit•h„, July 6,187±. 18744 11 A .