HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-08-18, Page 5AratST i, i871 ;02k saato" )rt...1 *gni \ ke141 4' /4-tr'"ik NiZZSIe 1.1 *Ant • • ▪ 'a, /•-• W.ugui; )con* (4:1 cko igt-1 (41") \Iv= sie=3 )ones. Ex* kage4 km24.• 'mat L-47.4 17, K. '5EATTER, GE BROKER; t dealer in. Pure. ALS AND DYESTUFFS, t FTATERY, T (MET ARTICLES •wj3,1aeliiites. Money terms. [Lea and Liquars,far :oaedi- ' 8EATTER, 137ta. 59-tf.„ 3 FOR EUilaPF., sEATTEit haa been `Ht at 8f_e4foith, ftet: the c'; STEMS. ting visiting any part L.,1•111pilt.41 NVIth TiCket•-; ilitti)r111:11=ital hy a.1)tily- J0-11N SEATTER, basigaid, ete. RTANT .K !EPIEhS " Lt. 111-11:-:. ti -tor. of fit- • 77: y. FLVCRS at, try 1 t dr\ t A. • N. isititts. wdt. aaf.:73.ane 1. :lair Wheat at the Dall, • . , tie 77, , AUGUST 18 1871. THE HU ON Twice United. An Illinois Dapet, the Knoxville Reptiblica,n, tells the story of a romantic utarriage whichtook place in that town a'short time since. The bride was. Mrs. Atnena -Williamson af Knoxville ; the groom, Philander Willittlison of Stocktt n, California, —and the parties had, been. married before. The mystery is,._cleared up in the followitig narrative from the local journal :—The bride and bride- groom were united in marriage in e.trly life in Warren, ITerkim et'. .. county, IN. Y., it the house of the, •britle's parents, Richard and Mary( Gardiner, then residents Of that place, By th e same ceremony a stater, now Mrs. Timo'th'y Mosher of (.4;tlesburg, was rreirried to Air, Abel Gardiner, who, though of the same HoNrirds and AguStusesi; name, was in no ,vay a bloed rela-, see, fine names sort oigively tion. Mr. and Mrs. Willianison hifalutin' notions • many 6. - soon after removed from New York Seed onsettled, trvin' to n atch his to Mielti-..-Eati, loeatirg near what is aoin's 1,0 a. big soundini n me, that now the city of Albion. Michign might have *turrieq out sober chap was then new, it being over Witty enough if them be belonge( to had years ago, and they experienced all sense to 611 him after som - of the the hatdships of frontier life amid phtin old-Bibli folks. No‘ there's ' 1. the half -civilized Whites and savacfes. me ! You'd neVer guess what a - Mrs. Williainson being very yOung, name I've got- it WfS.-a so -e point, only at,out twenty years of age to me many al long year before I brought,up in abund:Lnce, soonsgrew plucked .up coacr rae to put.i. down. diswnsolate at •her fate, and sighed-• Aly.motlier lnid :been a-reait in' some for her old assoeitites. So oppressed trash or other or a novel just Afore and overwhelmed was she, that while • I was born, and nothin' muit do but fond of her husband and. her • war -1 shordd be named after th ned life, she became anxious to see her mother. It happened that after daddy Came into the rocini to see Lung in. Michigan two years, her her and me, juSt as so9n a.s, she imrents removed froni Herkimer eo., could gasp, she ups and says, '' Its N. Y., to KrieXville, Ill. On their to be Sophroinsher, Fill'; I've settled ivay they visited their daughter then it so in my , own. mind.' The•old . EXPOSITOR. malking a VigOVO's use of her hat d- ke ▪ when the dream of Weeks reaehed a crisis, and he yelled our, '‘ iher-r-re she bl 3is 1" and he heav- ed bis harpoon at her with such fo -co that be •b oke her back comb in o vulgar fiact'ons, and knocked her 6fr the cha r. Love's young dream was entir lv dsssipited, and Ar. Weeks we t home with two handfuls of hai missing, He is single .yet, becan e he Says women have no sym'path., and fori earance, Naming' Babies. • ries curiDus about names," she • " I've been a-noticin' all my life that 'people grow like their narnes ; Johns and jaineses ain't neat so- like to no to the had as your for yon oung uns one I've TREASURER SALE OF LANDS PO r.I.1.A-2cES. -COUNTY Or HURON, By- virt le of a warrant urder the hand of the AVarden Count;;°belCounty of Huron, and the 8eal of the said aciien.:g date theTwenthsof tl t fth day n . July, A. D. 1871, to me directed for , the collection of arrears of Taxes due on the malormentioned. Lands. These axe therefore to give notice that unless the said. Taxes, together with all lawful cods and charges, be sooner paid, shal , on TUESDAY, THE 1ST• DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. D. 1871, at the lour of one o'clock P.M., at the COURT HOUSE, TOWN OF GODERICH, Proceed to sell by P-UBLIO AUCT ON, the said Lau Lands, or so much thereof as may be Sufficient to dischaa•ge such arrears of Taxes and charges theaeon. ' • .1 Lot or Part o f Lot. E 1. 4 E & 7 W.... . E 9 N 3 W part of W.1 11.. E part of W N of 8 1 4 8 Ill 1 -- 8 r pat-aif N 1 6- N part 11.. .... S 1 of N 1 9- ...- :N part / y()nng worman it was all about. o when pa,rt 29 thewin ildg of what is now- -t e • man like to have gone off, 'Don't State Of Miuhtztrt. No meeting of You think Stisan .would suit us parents and child could ever have better:I' says he 'Susan !' kayS she, been more afrectiug and joyous. a-tutnin! up her nose, ain,'t a goin' The separation, however, was at t,o haven child of mine called Susan hand, and in the °millet between And I don't think I can stand one parental love ani that of her hu- of ,mine 13amed. Sofynist)y 1 Lord, band, the former prevailed, and tak- what a namel' saps he. And so ing her only child, a daughter. Mrs. they baD d ied t, e :two IIAMQ§ until 1 9... .... 40 Concession or Lot or Part of Lot. &rect.. Acres. VILLAGE OF WING -HAAT, Vill. lot 177- - - -- - - •i 231.. - .. ... i VILLAGE OF .BLUEVALE, .... k; patented 4 10 VILLAGE . OF BELMORTil, IN- TURNBEREY. .. ..- k patented 95 TOWNSHIP OF IFBORNE. patented. 2 77 V A AVANOSH. patented 51 19 'VA W.A.NOSII. patented 16 00 patented 59 51 patented 6:3 40 'atented or A 7n't Costs npatente,I. Taxes. Comes'n, Total. IN TURNBERRY. patented 3 39 I 83 5 22 patented 1 20 1 80 3 00 IN TURNBERR 1 85 5 S W corner 6.. .. 3%1 1 TOWNSHIP OF EAT 3d 100 TOWNSHIP OF WEST ist 49 1st 100 1st 100 S23... .. . . . S part 16. . . . E 17 W 17 N ;1 26 less71 acres in centre of o.tith end Cen tre part of south - end ... W 1 of W 19... W part of W 1 15.. part of W 1 15.. ✓ 1 17 - TOWNSHIP OF Concession, o • Street. ' 3d E. 3d E. PatenLed or . A nt't of (10.31.3 tt.• creR. Unpa /Pitied. l'axm. Cones n. Total. . 100 unpatented, *i57 '88 $3 30 $61 18 . 100 unpatented • 51 33 3 15 54, 53 3a E. 100 unpatented 51 38 - 3 15 154 53 5th E. 100 unpatented 65 83 3 50 69 .33 5'111 E. ). 100 tuipatented . 53 80 3 33 62 13 6th E. ). 100 patented: 34 97 2 63- 37 60 9th E. 100 un patented, 57 73 3 30 61 08 710th. E. ). 30 patented. - -22 10 2 30 30th E. 1). 70 patented 54- 90 :3 23 13.th E. 50 patented 6 94 1 93 4t 11 IV; 1). 50 patented 27 70 2 43 7th•AV. 25, •patentel 8 55 • 1 98 Stle W. T . - 50 - patented 19 78 2 25 10th W. I .- 611 patented_ 19 84 2 23 22 69 1- E 1th 'FA'. 1). 50 patented 41 00 2 73 43 78 1. 12th W. I . • 1:10 patented !SS 76 3 :33 62 00 1 33th W. a 100 un patented 60' 06 3 35 63 41 lot lo patented 16 38 2 18 • ' ALBERT TN ASHFIELD. patented . 7 88 I 95 83 4 patented 7 34 1 95 9 29 4; • patented- 2 99 1 83 .4 82 5 patented 10 27 201) 12 27 a ii:aatteeililiteecIll. 1:9-3 2829' 12 ()853 1 52 09 72- County treasurer's Office!, • lbt 921 1S3 278 1 83 - 460 313 54 32 215 1$1 303 6286 343 66 83 patented 4611 300 49 11 • 1st 71 patented 7 91 I 93 9 86 2d . c50 patented 16 08 2 1.5 18 23 9th 100 patented, 61 14 3 38 C4 52 10th 20 i patented 16 71 2 18 18 89 10th SO patented 66 SI -3 53 70 31 ' 10th 100 'in p,s3 tented 61 42 3 38 64 80 patented 6 68'. 1 93 8 61 patented -60 16 3 35 63 51 ' AVE8T WA WAN-OSTI. patented -1 09 180 2$9 patented. 1 09 1 80 2 89 patented. 1 54 1 80 3 34 patented 98 1 73 ' 2 713 patented 08 1'78 276 2 76 2 76' 2 76 2 76 2 76 2 76 2 62 2=76 2 76 3 part of E 114 11th 10 V part of E 114.. 11th, 90 VTLLA0p, oF MANCHESTER, IN • • I patented 93 78. k patented - -98 178 patented 98 1 7S Nttented 93 1 78 .1 patented 98 1 78 patented 98 1 78 k -patenteil - 34 I 73 iittented 9S 1 78 27 . . k- patented 08 1 78 32.... .. VILLAGE OF DI-UNGANNON, IN W. AVAWANOSIL °.. 5.. 82.. 106.... 107- 108 • • 24 40 .1 09 58 13 ,118 887 119 30 13 120....... 10 53 121 . . ... 22 03 124 • North T. 1 •VILDAGE OF POR • 8 A slifield. 8 Aslifield 8 6 ... .... 7 oa 2627 .. . . . .. W 6.1borne 8 N Mahone 8 N lelborne Sydeeliam St AV 8ydenham 8t Sydenham 6t W 8ydenham 8t 30 .. . . . . . -W 8ydenham 8".t VILLAGE OF 1)1:11N- 0(3: allengh's .8 n r'y 27 8tir' TO WN 81311 Lake It'd I VIL LAG 28 atented 111 178 289 • 18 56 32.. ...... AleAlath'i Survey .1 mtented 26 1 78 2 04 VILLA GE OF ELENS, IN W. WAWANOSH - Ashery part of lot 18 in lth Con. atented 13 78 2. 10 15 88 patente% 3 92 85 5 071 Goeerich, July 25th, 1871. patented 3 22 , 1 85 5 07 '..!.A.NNON, IN 481-IFIELD.* I patentled. 62 78 2 40 I patented 96 1 78 2 74 OF COLBORNE. 100 patented 48 98 3 03 52 06 .01? CLINTON. • Pttented 3 45 1 85 5 30 1-16 patented 06 1 78 2 44 •,1- patented 1 84 1 80 3 64 4 patented 1.19 1 73 2 97 patented 2 57 1 83 4 40 :1 patented. =223 1 '):3 4 11 k patented. 1 IS 1 73 1- patented. patented 1-5 patented _01? GORE:RBA f• 10 • patented. 4 50 1 38 6 38 .§ patented 4 23 1 83 6 11 11 pateuted 9 33 2 00 11 83 GODERI011. 4 patented 1-12 0 accompaniedler parentS mother she. was a-gettin' excited and Running No: 2 to Knoxville, with whom she resided .the old man nit and Ali•s. Jane 3 .. .. W .1 192 until tlicir decease. Her child, ,Spots,. who was -nussia' her; she 327.... Mercelia, was t'ea red and educated juSt took him by the collar and 370• • • • here, and died in the blush of woman-, pulled him out iof the room. But ' hood. • the long and s'Aort of it is he wouldn't 61 The separation, though mutual, giVe in and neitier ,would she, and 7 614.. . . . always exercised the mind of Airs. so they.tacked t le two together, and -Williamson and. for thirty y.ears, there I was, ophronisber Susan ,- though no good reason existed for lioggers ! And Such a tin* as 1 partin,,,, husband 'ati6 wife, they had with that m mei when got bi4 walked wide,,ly divergent paths. enough the oldei children, they all Su hsequent- to their separation, Mr. made fun" of it a d plhgued inc half Williamson_ married an estimable to death. about t, and -mother, she lady, moved to California; hecame a ne.Net: called in nothin' but, full citizen. of Stockton. twenty years ago; Sophronisber, d dad, he 'never whbre he now owns property of called. me noth n' 'but' Suk2y, and considerable value.- By second it WAS and Sophy,' and wife he had three or four children. Nis,' and 'Sue; I had is many The, secant' wife having- died some names as a cat ha lives. And after years since, Mr.. Williamson being I grew up it got worse till waS sittnited so as to greatly need a wife, 'shamed as could ;be of the horrid _visited his old fi iends in New York sound, itud readyto cuss my SponSor3 13 and Michigan, and, made his way in baptism.; the. Young fellers they - 11(1‘0 to be reunitei,, from eholue snigge,red over it, and the gals, they 20 and convictions Of duty, with her just purtended dey couldn't say it, '33_ -whom he had chosen in his youth. it was so low,. ar d nsed to ask me. t.3 The, meeting was peculiar and to spell it for jein' till at last I get 8 E corner 1... romantic. Mts. Williarrison, on so touchy, over it, it was a-spilite: my N part 11, the day -he called on. her, did not, temper, 'cause I a'n't . botm. vi 'un Part 11 1:nou- her early spouse, so great had at .1.11. But °while came 32 been the work of time. Suffice it along, and him ai'd me was'to make to sav the past was revic`jed with its a match; says hal I don't like your Oeasant and painful memories, the name of .Sophropi 'ber 1' No more re -marriage agteed upon, and the do says et's drop it then,' happy pair eagle to the cld home- sayS Agree I,' says T. ,So we 4tOttd, Were reunited in Wedlock, got the parson to say Susan, will standing in the parlor where _lir& von take this man ?'.,and made him 2-loshier, Ple bride's young sister, leave 011t the Sopl, ro'nisber, and Mrs. married her' present husband, who Susan Cuddle I'v been ever since. was in the beginning married by the And so never dvise nobodY, to same ceremony with her sister. stick a nune Co a hild that'll be a Lt4 evening they passed through thorn in their sid , when mole like New York on.their way to their, most of tu. will have to be about _home California. . things qta liVin' like graild folks a. play. How would) it N A Whaler's Ccurtship. sound for me to b goin? out to nits- 8 Ire Ilia been a wit,11 ler for Li en ty sin' and beite 411 d Sophron- years,-and when he gave up the sear.' ist'er • Cuddle ou ladies went(' 5 think Nas too ne to rkt.OW my 42 ;tud settled upon his earnings, ail his, friends &lid they hoped Jonathan bizness. nide Plain •Sust.n. 763 Weeks would marry some niee wo- fqr '§Nr !"— brilian union. 118 (05 man, and enjoy the comforts of a • • ..... • • • • TOWN8111P S E part , 1.3 W part 18........ 16 .• Sub. of lot 1 10 in lst- 8 - TO W.N •••• Running No. 15... 142 . ..... ........ 932 W A 100:3 1:357. AV .1150 . .... A. M. TIOSS, Treasurer,. County of Huron. BY-LAW NO. --.., : To aid and astist the Londein, 1-fm,on and Bruce R1111% L37 Cempany by giv-: . . a mg, :•317,500 by way. (.4 :IBOnns to the said Company, and to ;41.16 deben- . tures therefor, and to authorize the levying of a. special rale foil payment : of the debentures and intered thereon. WHEREAS; Ily an act of' the Fourili Sessien of . the Legislature of tlte ProYince of Onitario, passed in the 3-1th year of the rehsn of Her .*Ijestrigneiin among ether things, provided and enacted. tts Mi- tt Vittoria, entitled "Au stet to Meunier te tire Lou- don, Haron and Bruce Railway Coin !any,'" it is, • . 88 : 178 - 66 2....,?‘ 9T I 78 - 2 ai . 23J,183 42 - - "And it shall further be lawful or ;any Munici- pality or Municipalities, through ltuy part of which, or near which, the railway er 1 .orks of the ing, or giving money by way of bonua, r donations - .1 said Company shall pass or be situate- to aid and assist the stud oinpany by loaning o guarantee or equirment of said Railway, or of any of the 1 or othermeans to the Company, in the -oestrectien' -works anthorizedUnder this' act, in shch manner and to such extent.as such inunieipalljties or any of them shall think expedient; Proriged always, that no such aid or assistance by wit a hon,s, donation or otherwise, shall be given initil after. the passing of a By-law for the purp( se, and the adoption of Parch By-law by the ratepayers; Pro - Aided also, that any sueh 13y -law, to bq valid, shall be made in confOrmity with the laws 41 this Prot -- Mee, respecting Munichnd institutit+is, and all midi By-laws , so passed shall 'be -valid, notwith- standing such rate may exceed the agiregate rate of two cents in the dollar on tire actrital value of such- rateable proptrty, provided= thtit the an- nual rate of assessment shah not in 'slily ease ex- ceed for all purposes two eents in tit t dollar- on ti. the actual value (.4 .the Whole naval le property within the Municipality or pnirtitai of Municipal- ity creating such debt." And I WnEaEAs, The Mnincipality of the Township of Stephen has determined to aid sun' assist the said Company by giving theivto by It..tty (Ai bonus . the stun of ii47,500, under the authority of !the said re - 1 cited net. Ana , • watumei, In order' to earry into effe ti, the said nieipalitr to raise the said sum of $1.74r,01). in the I recited object, it will be necestdry for t ie said Mn - manner hereinafter mentioned and .set iortli. . And WitEREAs, It will require the stun ‘if $1,925 to be raised annually by special rate for ;laving tbe %aid debt of $17,503 and ita„,re.,t, ou lthe deben- tures to be issued therefor, as _hers:quitter pro- vided. And I Wusnums, The amount of the whole rateable property of the said Municipality, imispective -ol any further mei ease of the same, null also irre- spective of any increase to be derived( from the temporary investment of the sinking Mild herein- after IIIMItioneil, or.uf any part Co reofl is, accord- ing to the last revised Abs( snuent 3.1on 61, the said Municipality, being for the year 1871,11,4 sum of P451107:1. And ' i WIniemts, The amount ef the exkilitg ill•bt o the said Mnnicipality is as follows': Principal- Debest tures for ars vel minis, 's.. 1 0,' too, lieltrisi,T slate Mt duly, 1871, payable in 211 years, best/Ing int. -t- est at the rstte of six per eentuni per alio-tun, -which - • .. : i 1-5 Subdivisions - , 1-20 21. , .. . . ..... SUb. lot 4. Con.A. 1-5 AV Six -tenths 151of lots 2 and:13 -' - - W sixi-tenths 1520011CeSSiOn At , Nr. oa.elt.enth 23.. 8u b. kt 4, Con. A. % • • 6 18 99 2.23 21 22 patented s 5 98 .1 90 7 SS patented 10 98 2 03 13 01 patented 199 1 80 3 79 patented BS 1 SO 3 38 paten bed 88 1=78 2 66 patented 52 133 4 :35 . patented 52 1 83 4 35 patenteil 0:3 patented 11 3 45 1 19 1 78 . 81 1 78 1 89 .81.1.1). lot 10 con. A. 1-5 pa.tented 1'85 5 30 bub. lot 10 Con. A. • 1-5 patented 1 78 2 97 Con. C. 1-10 patented 51 59 3 15 '64 74 TOWN3III" OF UPEY. . ID N.9 AV part 17 . .- 7th, 33 , 8th. 02 unpatented ; 13 41 2 OS 15 52 VILLAGE OF .W.110 rBTER., IN HOWli 'K. - 1: . ' 1 .• 8 flowiek St. VILLAGE 31? FOR. WICH, - IN 110AVICK. 3 • N LOuiaa St, ' -1 patented 1 83 • I SG VILLAGE' OF H01 '1CK., IN HOWICK:. ; . , .. 1-5 - 'patented 7 81 1 95 9 84 t., tla 1 3th 309 patented 100 *tented. 100 ; patented 56 97 36 48 26 23 TOIN NSHIP OF 1 -1 -AV. 1st 1-5 patented. 11 04 L. 1131 W 24 patented. L. It'd B 74 :patented: L R'd E 1105 'patented TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK. 5th 50 patented 328 60 26 268 39 16 2 40 28 63 • 203 13 07 32 54 2 53 3,09 " 54 93 :3 2:3 58 16 90 68 4=00 94 68 I 11 07 203 13 10 50 patented 18402 23 20-6:3= patented 35 1 78 3 13 4 . . ..... 5 ; VILLAGE OF MANCI ESTER, IN, 1-11/LLB11"2. I- patented 87 1 78 2 65' k patented 87, 1 78 2 63 k patented 87 78 113 patented 9 24 1 93 11 22 5 e9 30 • patnted. 1 07 1 78 ,j2I 1 18 .. . .. ; TOWNSHIP OF 'Al0111118. - 2%1 00 patented 37 32 2 68 40 00 1 .. .. . . 3(1. 00 unpatented .32 - 2 55 34-.87 W 22 6th .50 paLented 14 63 2 13 16 76 : 8 1 28 , ArILL 'AGE 7th 100 unp;itented. 40 39 2 78 43 37 ilItt•rin-t payable half -yearly. WHEREAS, 1. (1 paying -the interest mill creating an equal yearly sinking fund, for paying-, tile prim- eval of the said debt of $17,500. aceording to the 0 65 Nava ions of the act restive:Mc, Mrorieipal institu; dons of Upper Canada, it Mill require sin anneal special rate in the dollar of three mills; and five - sixths of a mill, t3 543 mills,' in addition total other rates to be levied each year BE yr rnEttErock. EN.1( thd Corpora- tion of the Township of Stephen in (fountil an - 1 15 follows: . 1-st-.1 hat it shall and may be lawful 1r the said Miiiiieia1itr to assist the sold Compary by. giving thereto, ey way of bonus, •the Stun of s -317-,("s)0: s co ; ..t.I.••••That it shall be lawtol for the 111-11tA4e afort Mall, ft T t• Retire of the turid munifipalit,y to muse any number of debentures to be ;made for such sum of money as may be required Mk. the said arrpose, not less than $100 each, soul nyj.t exceed - ng in- the Whole the said sum of $17,500, 'Which aid debentures shall be sealed with the Of the aid Mraticipali•ty, and -signed by thsjileeVe thereof. 8:1 --That the said debentures shall be Annie pay - 3 59 able in twenty years at Inrthest frso4 •the iy ereinafter nu utioned for this By-law t‘i take el- Unlucky ' Days or Matrimony. 109 happy home. , Ile himself seemed to think it would be a nice thing to , AY e may possibly Fe doing a 127 do, and he- illaCle- an etTort in that set vice to some of our readers by 129 di recti on. 13u t they all said that the informing them (on ;he authority..of a tuannsciipt of the fi- teenth century, S quoted in the 130q of Days) that 60 there are just thirty-:wO days in the 61 year upon which it i unadvisable to the evenings, and while the widow go into join -hand nainelv, 'seven S sat patching the trov-ers' of her son, in 'Tan:nary.; three eaoh in tebruary 5 :And waiting for manifestations of March, May and. December ; I tWo 17 I ! "Week's love, old Weeks would sit each in 141i]; June JulY, Au' 1 st, '-'3; Over on the settee, and. gett-ing Se•ptember and Novel ber ; and no 30 sleepier _and sl,epier, and quieter. in October' ; so that • anuary isr i he 35 • ' :50 . every now and theti he would nod worst and October tl e best' Mot th. 03 in the land of dreanls, and get to for comthitting i TM trimony : ' the 69( Wandering off and -imagining him. zIctua.1 unlucky clay being' these.: 691 self away cln a whaling voyage, January 1st, 2nd 4-th 5th, 7th, 1 Oth, Avake up suddenly all bewildered, 15th; . February Gth, 7th, 1.8th ; 604 and seize his cane and jab it Into the , March 1st, Gth, '81,11 , April 6 h, before be could collect his 1 lth ; May 5th, Gth, th; June h, 8.. Sorist's 811friciently to realize that it 1 5.th ; July 5th, Heil; AllfZilSt [.3 h,, _ -'N 1 was, not a harpoon and she a 19th ; September Gti, 7th ; Oct I et- 8 vhale. They do say- that Ilirs. • 6th ; November - i, 1 gth'; : Jiid N hIlitt in,lulged these eceentaieities . becember 15th ; 1.6 h .117t1,21' ler a Cute Avith the firm conviction which is the best da!y Of ' the N've tit a G 8110 wOU 1 d reconstruct that wlq— ,. -whalcr when she married him. But Monday for wea tl ; 'Iuesday for hej It i ; this was naval- to be ; for one even- Wednesday the b s 'day ing...111. Weeks sat dozing on that Thursday for' et- m es settee with at kind' of dim, dreamy , Friday for loSse S aturday no luck , t all conseionness of things, in, which tile retail and settee were confused , y, , , . FECL0W-S" 1-1"1"POPTIOs T TTES.-- 31r, I? 4 - with the iaa-ine• main and toe w. a - , , , - , . :, . , inw8 Wrint‘s titt to aria.? that e has n auth trived 6 iii!,- Itttat, Tile Wit[ONV had a cold ia , .,.... , lig tat, hut timt his Hy popsiii, ta avs nil be 0 )01 ilf•ad, .1.1.1d WaS „just in the act of thiq s '•'' e 1 ol all respectable druggist t nci apoilleeal icsr met b. reas()11 w h v he did not win the heart and hand of Widow Buritt was : It seetivi that Mr. Weeks used to go round there courting and so on in 1 11 !.; 6 9 3 7 8 . . .. OE A.INLE -VILLE, N A10113118. ,f patented. 6 76 1 93 -4; patented 1 91 1 RO patentett I patented patented VILLA GE OF BL1 • - :McDonald's kors'. 1 TO WN8H I? 0 14-th VILLAGE OF 'Jarvis' Survey. Jarvis' 8tinvey. TO WN811 IP 0, 9th 5 1:71,1_,AGE op .BAYFI. . • . 9................1 .... • • r ••• • 12 ....... 12 03 to 21:....... • oa • 3 71 I 96 178 274 4 73 1=88 6 61 j 191 180 :371:1 k patented 1 44 1 80 3 24 ;f• patente(1 1 91 1 80 3 71: "H, IN. Alt/RI-HS., 1- patented. ), bl 1 78 5 = patented 11cKJ LLO P. 7 = =patented 8EAF0ItTlf: k =1)ateilte(1 :If patented. STANLEY.. 0' ' patented [4D, IN8TA .1 patented f patented 4: patented 4 = patented patented paten ted patented patented .= patented patented. ,54 = 1 78 ; feet,( Cher in Lon.ion England; (er snt! p calexe - 61' r 83 4 50 ; clement to be designaled in said debenthires, aud 67 • shall linve attached thereto Coupons for Ala pay -1 17 a 53 79 70 ment of inttrest at the rate and in tlei manner = hereinafter mentioned, stud said debenttire4 shall be delivered to the Trustees named or to lre named. 30 09 in accordance with the provisions of 020 saitire- cite 1 act. ; ,• • 4t11-11int the sail ds hentnres 11411 bear in tert st at and, after the rate of 1 six per eentunt per annum from • = the = (14 ' there- of, alls I suet' isi t e rest all It bt, 311thb, ut:nil& half -yearly, on the 1st tlaftf slum; and thl. 1st day (12 December, in each and every year (lilting the eontionance of the said debentnres, at Ore place where t he'ssti.1 debeutnres artamade payal4e. 5th -That for the pnrpose 11 lorming si sinking `rind for the payment of the said,debenthres, and the interest to become due thoreon, tus sp ed rate of 3 5+6 mills (three mills and tre-siiths of a Ian in the dollar shall iu addition to all other rates, be raised, levied anil cell...tett-1 in oath year upon all the rateable property in the said ;intinicti- pality, during the continuance uf the enlist debeu- 9 01 1.08 :1024 -200. =3301 - 258 NLE Y. 35 I 29 40 1 78 1 78 78 54 1 78 54 1 78 17 178 54 178 54 17S r4 - 1 78 .patehtial 1,54 1= 78 • • patented 2 ()5 1 80 3=83 DINSLEY TERRA.C' •l, IN 8TA..NLEY , -.Sub. of Lot 3(;, lst 1. patented 3 po 1 33 ' 5 13 ' T0WN8FIIP OI= STEPHEN. , 5th , patented 11. ' 13th 5( patented 33 ;9 AGE OF FRANCIS CONN N, IN STEPIII 12 24 ; 33 59' = 2 13 3 07-j 2 18 2 32 2 32 2 15 2 :32 • 2 32 - 32. 1 2= 32 tams or any of them. E A T OS.ELL5S., THOMAS REEL Is now arepared to manufacture furn=i=- ture As C leap = as the Cheapest. . - Partie- wishing to buy wholesale can be suppl ed at . Toronto Wholesale Prices. WARE 100A1S OPPOSITE THOMAS KIDD'S. WOR r SHOP, CORNER. OF MAR- KET SQUARE. TUR. ING done on the. hortest Notice. COFFI IS kept constantly on A EARSE FOR HIRE. 170-tf [01.JUN 11101YI1PSWi1 H 4N S his numerous customers for thei • libeia1 patronal,ne during the lad liftee :years, and trusts he -will re- ceive its entnnt an ee, He has now on hand a. large assort- ment of = ood Simnel Gr'en..Heiniock ! Which he warrants will give satisfaction. -ALSO " FENOI AND DRAINING ALIN A.176 KEPT ON HAND. 200, 0 FEET OF PINE CUT FOR BUILDING MD CENERAL PURPOSES Which 1 =e offers on liberal terms. Or- ders wili 1 e promptly attended to. The Mil is situated on •the = Townline of AleKilleip and Hullett, 3 and mileS from the 1 uron Road. Seaforth Nov. 16, 1870. = 84- U.- Insu r OF LI CAPITA CHIEF OPY1 pool, And QUEEN nee =Company ERPOOL & LONDON. 0- - $2,000,000 Sterling 0— Es----Quilen %Wines; Liver- - araeechurch Street London. CANADA I 'RANCH 0RP2CE----i- change B aldings, Montreal 130Aan----W in. Morton, Esq. , • airman Henry Tho ma, Esq., DaviAn ' Torrance,, Eaq., an ithe Hon. Jarrreaerrier BA YR 1:1181 ul son's Bank. LEGAL ADVISERS-- Messr Ritchie, Morris & Bose. = _ .111.E.1)1 CAL titherland, Esq. M D. -Thomas 8.' Seo ti, Esq. Thomas R. John am. 1-39. .11 LTA ey AND = GENERAL SURvitnw .2. 3° eta -That this Br -law shall take ti-ect aril come A t, .1) 12 into operation tat, from at,t1 atter Int: IIrtit uf eentber, su the year of ossr Edell. 1:171. j 7th -That the vetes of thd elector- of the said Aaraaa.,-A :Mackenzie Forl ea, 13 at. following pfuee, that is to sav t 14rwnship Hall, C:edi ton, ,t)e said tr uwnship of ti*.tqlsen, The unde 'Signed having been appoint - "4 41 3fnitieipalitr be taken on thit 8aerelnent 'treet, Montreal. -5 2 05 13 80 an op, aka day of ATT(1 1'ST, (NI:amens.- C11. Agent for the above Company, parties ending at 5 (,"elock in the att-i noon of vle• onne sksy, and that CHESTER PRouT y, tthail be the e.10 sp. on the. inost favourable terms. .... 1;5 I-5 1-- I 1-. I . . . . . • . . VI raLA GE 01? BEIrCEFIEr 6 c Donald's survey 1 7 Ateponald's survey 1-, VU LAGE HARK-RH Y, 5 N.rarsley's survey 1-5.. 19 Robertion's survey TO WNSILIP „OF 10th .101 111 12th 5( ur 12th• 5 1-• N1 6 t E 1 °3 2 05: 38 34 am at the hour of 9 o'clock in tbe end eh:Siring to insure. against 1 -as by fire can patented 1 114 1 SO :3 54 Itettiruing Officer to thlo, such votes. Life •Polnaes -ranted an as ad v ant -t,.. patented 1 74 I 1 80 - 3 54OT ons terms as any other respectable (.:01.11- patented. 1 74 1 80 3 54 Take notice that the N 0)„.„, i 11. true topy „I a pany doing nisi.MtSS in Canada. patented 1 74 IPO o ring-Jo:A-a whieh will be taken into r mo ter- 0 JA \1L' II. BEN ',OaN patented 2 51. 83 4 34 r-ien 10- the •Cosineil (4 the , of the •1 Agent ; T (-C K S.A1 ITH. Township of Stephens after. one inontli, 011 the r.FircE___,DEN so -1st & itabliestion beret.f ',1.HE Ht 10)1:\ 1,4XPOSI- Toll, the date tsf Witten pu1l1c:AM:1 111 tie. .lay =Law Office, of daly. A. D. 1),71, ard that tl vete-, the,4 lecters Seaforth. of ay. Munieipantr. win t et, -.11 on the nth. slay (.l A ust on, 1), 1:-.71, betwten the S..aforth, 8, 1870. t 9 o'clock its 11.. fort nowt u. the after/mots, at T Bel:. Cre-Itt.... for Nnirle A r1701,7! Clit!,att.r Ofticdri patented 56 I 78 2 34 p1tent(31. 56 I 78 2 34 .1 • N [CE. ERSAI 1TH I dented. 1 16 1 73 = 2 84 patanted . 09 1 78 2 36 BEIllt‘% aten t I. 40 rio atented 3E $3 atented 10 b6 2 70 4152 :375 432.5 200 12U6 CHESTER PI:or Ty, T, Cl, k Oflice,, t. Cit...1-- ( Stephen, :fist 171. TO = TRESPASSERS. IcEjs Itereliv given, flint ali rartit-s "--1-aFt.;•.= on *Lots Nos. 18 and 191 in th.-- be prosecuesr.1 -with 1110 t. el.: the lrw. tf. ALT:XA..NDEP. 122