HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-08-18, Page 3A!EWST_11,.1871,
',.-rsi•rned intend giving rip Busineas this:
tht y nill CI.LAR OUT
RST )1? ATGiT,
tn,ta. the whnle4t th Stock
- sel:t rent.
al at eare
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on, s pnime can awl
•;:intlier trouble_
L 1.
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Lt IZ. 1La takt.n.ro.,411K over
1'ID11%; alaaftE,
area:, s earryasszii rnakiri up o
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14y. nr beatitifntly fit -
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:a, 1,71. 1,00-tf-
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net with tr..wtni4. It
North. /Nilo 1 B.44.1, mile /11,1/1
ami 1:1 rail: ‘, froni C:inton,
•1 Lrj . tile Pi:noises:
•:.:7_11 no:ali ilar arid
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GI:o 1 1:: DUTCH A 1 1T,
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(1#11- Coners,:ion,
C•ainty 44 Ilruce.'coniain-
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LEA,r4& i1iu strt am of
.:41 situnted within
•`-:•;,7::-,ne of Paisley,
; ir. v and Bruen
. ff ihe above pro-
-A t- r a tern( of
1: r funh: r jartet-
EN..nosi 4- it ten, Senforth.
,'(qpt.rati••11 of tho
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• " t 1 1 • n:l. iL too
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It, non
f- t nt. Vt.t.tt
T:•. ! 3-tabia
•.i. 1.
." ...:tit ivetiaty,„
Godoi: ami Sarnia.,
t ct. Itt't.
the p8rel.:4se ivintey n•-
, •:.: • in itinal a 4..nual
1ia-11 I IritYSI1AL.E.
1,4 (nit.
.11 pnrcl.a.-411 tl:e
anct to do Gristitig tind
pa.constarttly OR hand. .„
aud Citopi,ed Staff.
Ar • nrst•el: prat-tn.:II millers
the 14.4.-4 entire
1.r tLlIuuitle t14 ir patron -
1 s:1 -n
lfl Moderate Terms.
r. Z4., t, Niairt street, Sea_
ctinic:t for the
••1 • n 1.-tn, as a.
44 1t,%1 £U 1t1, tln inmal
ni the 1(-:r. and it
,;tabl: for bliildinn purpoben
„ to
Accountant, Lna•lo Bre.:
"VOL. NW37:
auata xpo.sitor
1$. 1,03LISITED
•Tr.rnas.--.41.50 per ye.ar advarrce, OT $2 At the
and of the yr.
Advertising Rattes. '
First insertion, per line,8 cents i, subsequent in-
certiona, 2 cents each time, per line.
eo.vrnAcr RATES.
+(Ale eoltunn one year ... . 4,,t,60 00
114 half t•
" 3 months
.< hoto
One,fourth one year
n II hail
• " 8• months
line -eighth one year
hxti C.(
20 IX)
8500 id,
'4 for th nk ort
Frecion in Tra ty in _Religion--
quality in, Civil Bights."
London Soct'ety conlos o the rescue of
Britiah honor with a Jo ltical sqnh, in
which it finis dispose• f the Battle of
I served!
gunner's Mat
When 1 as twenty-eigla ,
That's ,fifty anno dominis ago.
And our ;„iaip, wbich was theSpaiiker,
'Were a riding at her pale lor,
One Sunday' light in August yOu ust
T were chentin of a luid,
Which -I ordinary
10' SandatYs;
20 00
20 tX)
8 00
12- 00
5 (X)
. .. .
" 3 h .... . .....
Vne-twetfth one year ... .„.• . . . ....
▪ 44. 14a/f
5 00
" " S months 3 PO
Advertisements withont ineeific directions
inserted till forbid, and charred. accortlinnlY-
Nf'nnr4o Y- MeLnitn, 1 Publishera.
ALIA MetnAn. f
12 00 1 1 .
1 :II. hen our gnat
.Did quite sada
And. his exel:
- tight.!')
er-Ben's his na
w 're, "B ow me
Says be, My jolly mat ,
-This here Lloyd's paper s ,ates •
. • As we'i'y going, to light .thean
furrineeia . •
Vbereupon We tees,
Of its heal' Sunday night
_Stood u p and gave thae hearty
sassaa,====s-a-a-aaaa.: - 7 Well, we sailed away to n
Tis famous Gerithan fteet,
iyami min:MELT, M. D., Graduate of Virt6- C-0118P-MIn! Whin)), there'
Ft& •hys4c ;AIL Istirgeon, etc., etcof jaw t. .
(eass--threraer of the County of Iluron. For Six Feelt 8 they ha(
?eine and reM'clence, at Thomason & saareara.
A-nd built,' and launched. a
• W. R. SVITIT, Physieian, Stirgeon, kc.
Oftice--Opposite ..Secitt Bola:aeon's (4-rocery,
lain street, SeafortL.
• ASSES S.TE \\*ART, 31. ('. 31., Gradnate -
" I'niversity, Montreal, Physician, Surf
geon, etc. ()nice and Residence-Brucefield.
UL. VEItCOE, :11. D., C. M., Physician, Sur.
- neon, •etc. Office and Residence. corner of •
. .Vvisz•ket and High 6teeets, in rear Of Kidd's store.
The fieearfleet a nation
• . !
We had eraised about a&
But about kix bells on Mtn day,
has sameth as an marro
'• the water
Right out on the horizon
.1:sa; a -cloud as ilea; as Di :on :
. 'Twas the foe assteamil! down
- our ( uart r. •
er an
r ish
maht e
ever sai
nR. CAMPBELL, Coroner for tht County. atiisa 'Twas all a stiU as death,
saa and Itesidence, over Corby's corner store, "Alain There wasnot a siagle bre th,
;street, Seaforth. Office honra, from 11 to 4, ouch 1 wore a mile up
sia3-, aria en clay Saturday. 159
But our edin'r
• chee
The foe wa
Bat Tight a
Was a iv
r, ; torney-at-
-v-' Law, Solicitor in Chancery, :Notary Public,
Conveyancer, etc.. EN..ETE11. Ont.
11'...!•-1/4* Money to Loan at LOW Rates. 188
- - --- • -
TIOLMESTED, Barristers -At-
torneys it Law, Snlieittlts in- (lbancery and
Insolvency, Noteries Public sIld Conveyancers.
Solicitors for the E. C. Bank, Seaforth. Atents for
the e8.1144.414. Life Asia:Jaunt:a Company,
N. 13.--n:30,000 to 'lend at S per cont. Farms,.
Houses and Lots for aale.
TIENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorneys
at Law. Solieitors in Chancery and Insolvency,
CtinneyhoceiK,- Notaries Public, ete. Offices -Sea -
_forth and Wroxeter. Agents for the Trust and Loan
Co. of Upper Canada, and the Colonial. Seourities
, Co. of London, England. Money at 8 -per cent.; no
commission charged.
JAS. R. Iff•:..NSON. IT...W. C. 31EtEl4..
OX'S HOTEL, ( Late- Sinirp's.) The under-
7t-- signed begs to thank the publia for the liberal
patronage awarded to him in tini?i; past ill the
"hotel business, and also to inform them V118.t he has
ngain resumed business -in the above stand, where
he will b44 happy to have_ a call from old friends, /
/cud many new ones..
126 - THOMAS 1.g0X,
71 J. CALLAS\ AY, Proprie,tor J. S. WILLIAMS, Gale
of American Ilotol, Warsain, X. 1.7.03I.11fig4r. This
hot bas recently been newly furnished, and re-
litted througliont, and is -now one of the nuist com- •
fortahle (ma roniniatuotiK in the Province. Good
lien:plc Rooms for Commercial Travellers.
liberal. 1211
OODINO 'S Banking ainl Exclitinge• ()nice, in 1
7A W. S. R o F.RTziON:S or(,, S eel o ()re en -
Hicks, American Silvur, and /rafts bouglit and sold.
-4.1-ood Fatineet, Oteti discounted and punk:wed.
191 Agent.
- •
on dur larboa, 1,11
vay out ata.rbot
rry 1 ttle tiny arrer s
. .
A- chueklin' werrv sly,
Anda -winking di his eye,
Our admiral gave 'circlets or to la n-;
..And the enemy oave chase, •
•tnr the Gerimuis • RS a race'
a' Have a preference; for fighting tea to
At seven we felt a whiff;
At eight it blowed-right sti ;
At nine it Was blowing h, if gale ;
But at ten the waves ran higher
Than St. Paul''4.4.-tbedra1'a spire
Aud my language to describe tie le
' do fail.
We kept a lectrie light
A burning all the flight ;
But on Tnesday in the morning abo it
.7.it "gunner p .1nd -spoke,
" Dal u me- ally' smoke .
as co -nun': Irani the 'chininey-pots
Just then we he rd a shoat,
And Our adniira sang :out,
" nd the si Mal up to wear about,
and close 1" •
Then fore an 1 a t we ran ;
'To his post s every mare;
Ana 1.0.041oti an the storm our cheers
We neared tiem, and took aim,
And tie NVOI•d to• tire came,
And eur ile, down the line of battle
l61 -e 1
Rat ti e Gera an answered n
Not a solitar3 shot -
But her e4igi fluttery'
board. •
, •
DAY, AUGITST 18, 1871.
npolli a friend. lit half wa between
th re and Kelso, rudged o i on foot,
ov r (4-reenlaw Alt o , to old .1 ume Caa-
tie 041 reaching t e Castle, t being a
beautiful clear da a eight urst Upon
mY view not to b a,sily forgotten. ,To
-the North, the .Lammermliir ills skirt
the -horizon. Far lei ay to the o !nth, the
Cheviot Hills strotc out dis bact and
clear in the (lista ea. Stan ing with
your face to the sot th, you - h ve, right
in -front the Tweed gain, bat in a far
different aspect f 'o -I that lei seen,--
running now throt g t a ,b0auti ul, level,
fertile tioentry. vileht NA: yout feet, and
as it were, in the fo• egrountl, on have
the beautiful littl t wn of Kelo. llox-
burgh, Oraiiston, yetholni; Crailing,
Mbrabattde and eklburgia a id many
other places well •own to • fiends in
Canada, -stretch or farther ana further
-in th e diatance, til _the vie* is. lost in
the mists of the C ieViets: TO the right
the aiew is confi ied and lost among
ranges of wild hea h and. moor and, but
to the left you haa e he sea gli tening in
the sunshine, with t e town of Berwick
for a sting poin vhile heti een you
and -that, lie the f rtile field of Ber-
wick 'hire, not ea., il surpass_ d, 1 be-
neve, in. the United 'iagdom or grow-
ing wheat and oats
,nanwrier Sum& " I
I then descended . mong the
of Berwickshire, nh re a kind
awa ted me. Here
sheep •and such fieids
bailey as I had uevc
Wheat and barley w
ing to turn their cola
oatslhad fully ant -the
.• was s town such
of whe a oats an
seefi .n nry ]if
,re st mumend-
shade; and the
'r tli. .H•ayinis
was nearly ovi V. I 1 andle 1 1a t year a
I! oats' which weigh/1-4g p! to the
bushel, and yielded, nearly b ishelstp
the _acre, and the
commen potato oat
tion of a part of th
haps the Carse of
is pronounced the e
nly know
L. With th
Lothians ,
wrie, Bera
r en of See
as the
ad per-
Bat; I uniat• burr on. 'm de the
town of Berwick n x ; the fix m there
to Ahawick, the cal it. 1 of t 0 minty of
.Northamberland, Eland. ad long
heard of the best floe - of s leep on the
Borders, owned by la v. Mr. Bo anquet,
di the Rock, five Mil s fro nwick,
and 1 was bound to se the 1 Clow by
Alnivick is the seat of t e uke of
Nortliumberand, who own. ne the
whole Comaty,-it a ve b autifn
place. I spent hall day aim ng the
sheep at the. Rock, eatly to y
ighal and somewhat, trus , :nay fu-
ure Profit. ke • o her abut 200
• reeding ewes, of t e pure L-icestet
ype, as known on the Borders, a d sell,
• very year- about .20 shearlin rams.
only possible fan) I could cif d with
he rams was that the were far„ oo fat.
lorthumberland is a fine c,ount. ,-the
oil lighter than BerwickshiCe, b t good
Or pasture. • I •
Newcastle, and spent af wri it very
Getting back to Alawick. I 'la:patio;
itgreeaale hom•s- anima, its n Taos
streets, and smoked brick tile -
houses. -
The next move was .f -Or the
York, passing through a rather
farming country, with a n ver -
scarcely changing Succession !of, coialpits,
. it tip-
Jity of
smoking chimneys and a sinokir
everywhere. _ So thoaoughly is
thing saturated with ,sinoke tha
peered to Inc that the. very Vevtation
ver, the sky became • less Jrnirhy, the
oil became inuch better, and.. the crops
ooked very well. Very wet weather
ad prevailed here lately, fine 01ps of
shoat and barley, Dow aome Ily to
heita length, being in maily cas s
at on the groand,•
The first objet of interest bathe City
f York is tae grand old Minatei• -Path°.
ral, but 1 must say that I had become
i completely tired of old castles, ruins
f descriptions, amt piles, Of grand-
rnkiug huildings, that was pot fully
ble to appreciate the beauties of, York
linster, and will therefore atteMpt no
description of it.. .
ais ENGLISH AG LICU LTUR AL Exp.; rarox.
rays leading to Scarbore had isstual. half
re tickete for the day, and: erica .ap
had a ditik hue. and otie .would
imagine that the sheep were neafla
On nearing the oh' city of •Ia."-ar
downby the ;
11 -A., SHA.1(1"S LIN -ERY & SALE $TABLE7s.
• Othce -At Murray's Hotel, Senforth. Good _We W.IS SpeCO111 • si pretlY nigh,
Make eat far why.
my should so quikly
-r the side,
itting down beside a
1.1i -r• -:es and first-class Conveyances always on hand N laid
Seatorth. First-class 1 I orses and 'Carriages
always ou hand at reasonable tenus.
-It. L. SHARP, Proprietor.
JOITN RRIGITAX, Evelitinge Broker, and Rail- I
' way Tinket Agent, Hongliton's Hotel, oppoSite
(n. 1. Railway Station, Seafortb, Ont.- Through
• Tickets issued to all points in the Westent States, All th
California and Bed River. reduced rates, affording" bav
the greatest facilities 41 Eltligrants. All necessary -
information given reFpecting Land Agencies, etc.
Greenbacks, Bonds, Coupons and uneurrent Money, 8011 ,
Gold and Silver Coin, bongbt and sold at best rates. For .tlieb• pre -
_the spoage t
TiJI B amuck w
Haugin' pallid o'E
• And- ahloltke
dr gamier
as 1:11it 11;3
TIENTiSTR17.-,T. G. Rimr,, (Licentiate of Den-
-17"•...: Surgery,) begs -to announce to the inhabi-
f of 8:a:forth and aturatindingl cormtnv, that he
lniti opened an office for the praetice of Dental
iI irgery in the rooms formerly occupied. by George
litLrrigi Dentist, where he nil} be prepared to do all
liok of work expected of the profession in a satis-
factory manner and on reasonable teams. 180
!studied tc
, their stokers.
titcheil pokers,
from the la. ttomaif their
bus crew,
the Blue,
-• Invidided -•wh the ships began to
Aud then the ba mulcd,
- the. broken ibace was memlet ;
And Willire vhen laet he eased fa
, to be,
Died a sadder an I a wiser,
A more circumspa:t old I aiser,
I made my way next- to Scail oro, a
beautiful n atering-place on the's (-nth
est coast, to attend the exhibitien of the
ork and. Scarboro AgriculturalS ciety,
eld in Sca_rboro this year. ` All ,th rail
.0 R. COOPER, Conveyancer,- Commissioner ill
v • • Queen's Bench, Insurance and General Agent.
• Agent for the fen:swing Fire, Life and Accident In-
surance Companies : 'The Beaver and Toronto Mu -
t nal and the Western Fire insurance , Companies,
1)11 Relianee Life Assurance ned. the Hartford AC-
eared to bring a full compleMent
assengers. The weather was bee 041
d. the town was full to °veal _wing
.And a member:of the 1) ntee :Socidtee. at
I found the show -ground on the au skiate
tbe town, and elle shilling alil lifted
e into as beautiful a place for '111 'ding
au agricultural exhibition as one could
ell Malone. Getting •a printed •eata-
gue of the -entries for sixpence., I was
ady for an ekamination of th „ first
iglish agricultural :exhibition . had
er seen. I have neither time nor space
enter iuto anything like a minu e de -
1 iption of the show, -a few goner 1 oh-
rvations must suffice for the pa sena
ith the -exception of onr Prov neial
hibitions, I had never seen s ch a
theriug of people at a show • and,
oreover, as the tOWn at this: sea on is
11 of watering -place visitors; fro all
rts,:mostly of the commercial ar stoe-
cy, I had never before seen such a
rn-out of gorgeously dressed ladies
d gentlemen, . especially of 1 dies.
e agricultural horses I thmight .only
ifferent, but the carriage,- 1=6114: and
hack horses and the ponies were wonder-
ful, both as regards the q'uality Jay the
- of
setae Insurance Company. NOTES y THE WAY. 111
MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security.
All orders inn Mall Ori cabt rwise promptly attend-•
ed. to. ()nice, opp:‘,,i.iiNti,•,1Elaye.,211;113:4.1:6, hop,
• • • ...a. •
v 13 ni,nonE, resilta, [fully inform ill:, piddle
that he bait taken up his reaideuce in the village of
Belmore. where he will he happy to attend to all
nails made on. him in his professional capacity. Mr.
Goo -u has attended to sin oral eases of both horses
and cat Oen bieli were given 11.11 I ly other praetitioners
and effe.-ted perfect cures, wItn•li can be proven by
certificates signed -1.4y over 200 gentlemen. For
qt ittiOnittlq S.P poSterS.
Mr. COOK will attend at .kinleyyille in the fore-
noon tind at the Town Plot. in the Township of
Grey, in the afternoon of the first and third 'TUES-
DAY of 4:4411 month. 186
- - -
I- (Member of the Ontario Veterinary Colle•ge,
begs to intimate to the inhabitants of iSeaforth
and surrounding country, that he has opened an
Office in Seaforth, win•re ho may- be consulted per-
souall v or by letter, on Ore Diseases of Horses, Cat-
tle, ete. Having received a regular and practical
education, and he vire, been awarded the Diplom:I
of the Vete:in:try Collegl:, of Ontario, T. .1. Churchill
14as every confolener of giving aittisfaction to all
n Ito may employ him.
11)--4-`1•:14Enens-A.4 Smith. V. S., Principal Onta-
rio Veterinary Conege; Professor -Buckland, Dr.
Itnorburn, Dr. Rowel, tuni - Wells, M. D., V. S. -
Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand.
All calls promptly attended tor,.
Office Carmichael:, Hotel, Seaforth. 182-2ni
1. ViAit to Scotland ifter Ts
Eight '17' .firie AbAtisce.
1 )
Correspondence. cul The Miro?
My last left
baidtcs and braes f the beant veed. sc
•Sirele theti. 1 hav had seine tath0 hard se
travelling. As a mere sight 84.01, have AV
been more than pleased - with vieiting Ex
many places in (Id. England-plaaes .of ga.
intert-st and importance te one som what m
posted in -its hist( ry, but if even g •eater fu
importande to. on I interested. a.a.- pa
ricultural contlith 11 and. progress (1 the ra
oid • Knowmg, as I ' do, sem - thing tu
of agriculture in the new: land,' must an
say that the expet ience of the pas ten Th
entY- lo
resting! quietly n the . to
LxpoRitor. Ei
LkvinaPooL, J ily 24, 1871. ee
, .
-days has bean to nie particularly int =rest- ind
aug aut
tan leaviug the
rather thin- soil ,
found myself t
village of Green.
Prom there 1 had
Lannuermuir, aa
country, bat full
Back- to -(1reeula
beautiful scener but
if the Tweed, 1. next
ie quiet old-fash oiled
aw, in Beriviek hire. „.
.drive north the
her a bleak ,strip sol
number on exhibition, there being. over
300 entries. The cattle were very good;
and the sheep, -well, I did not thiak it
possible to feed and dress up. sheep to
f mutton and Wool. ly
-; and havingt4 call eas
h a piteh,-mauy of them could hard -
walk with fatness. 'f he show of poul-
, was very good, A novel feature; to
WHOLE NO. 103.
me, was he dog show, in which depart-
ment there were over 150 entries, The
agrieultatral itaplements were far be-
hind -aur Canadian exbibitionti, and the
same may .be. said: of dairy produce.
The horticultural (kparament was said
to be magitificena but 1 am not Much of
a judge aa to the quality of that, though
the quantity was a big thing., Judging
from the entries, I Offer that this exhi-
bition is not:patronized to any great ex-
tent by the farmers generally, the land-
owners and the larger farmers. being the
prinoipal exhibitors. I May remark that
the arrangements were moat 'elaborate
and complete, and although Englishmen
appear to' get as noisy on their beer as
Scotchme do on. their whisky, the beet
of orda'a jrevaiIed ; this may, however,
be altrib table- somewhat to the fact-
- that poli men met you .at every corner,
and wheij a man got the least. unruly,
• he wasiiarehed off instanter.
Gettint away from Scarbore in the
evening, iiaking one of a crowd of merry
boys, me] '0%-v With beer and fall of fun
and frolic) I moved on to the neighbor-
hood of Drifteld, to spend a day with a
farmer I liad brought a letter of - intro
duetion to. This gentleinau farmed some
600 acres, and I had a good 'opportunity
of seeing the erops and -judging of the
modes of agrieulture. This gentleman
has some fifty head of eattle, all pure
thorough -bred short -horns Of the best,
quality. This part is knewa as the'
Wolds of -Yorkshire, and fairer lands or
batter crops I have not • -: seen i11 my
travels. I can realize the fact now that
it is possible. to . raise eighty bushels of
wheat to the acre, of which I ha1 long
been doubtful
. But " tine and tide wait for ao man,”
and notwithstanding the kite' manner in
which I 7.53::treated and. pressing invita-
tions to pr long my visit, 1 had to move
on. Back to York, :then on to . Leeds,
Manchester and Liverpool. Making a
dash into the eeuntry new and. then, as
business 4r farata dictated, paasine
through a country of varied- level. good
land, hill and dale, but I saw no crops
to beat, oieven to 'equal these in the
Welds. I saw wheat that Will Out in
about two Weeks, if the I weather is fa-
vorable.. The' crops in general look -first-
rate All that is now wanted is dry
weather and • sunshine, to matine ancl
get them saved. ,
i ON' THE' WINO. .
Of the toWris and cities throngh which
I passed, mid of this Babel ofaa Liver-
pool, I will attempt no 'description. I
am glad always to escape. into the green
fields from this noise and bustle.
I have made arrangements to gall from'
Liverpool. for Canada, With . the Nova
Scntian, to sail on the 2S-th inst. This
Will therefore. be my last letter to you
front the British Island; and you will
get -no more "Notes by the Way" „till I
meet you. in your own goist town of Sea --
forth, whica I hope to de in good sea-
son.. 1 11. Love, .Sr.
--a---a-aeamee-------. --
Church Union.
7'7 the gditOr of the huron hrpoRitor.
Dean Sin, -I find that my letter on
this subject. which seas kindly published
by you on the 14th of June, has raised
the ire of a Wesleyan Methodist, at
Ainleyville, who having. " nursed his
wrath -to keep it newel " from that time
to the present, pours his yials on my de-
voted head. in low, meiiii personalities,
which are beneath my notice, bet which
show that however great his zeal, le has
net' much profited by theacaehiags of a
c_ii-reli whose mission is peace and good.
will to men. And I shrewdly suspect
that he belongs to the- class of persons
who prefer clerical power, . with a little
contention and. strife, to -Methodist
13 nion with harmony and pcace.
But, sir, with- , all his 'blind -ea and
high soundina words, be has not contro-
verted a singre statement made by me,
and what is more, -he cannot He
charges me With unreliability, beeause I
stated_ that ": the first step -taken by the
Wesleyans prect4d. all hope of.a, union
with the minors," and in this (onnectiop
1 usedtheward "programme "---perhaps
"r strictitns" world have been the
beis, in
ter wor I. Bmy m
ut statement is fully
confirmed ) an article in the Chi-Wit:
Guardian,of the 12th. July which is as
folh-s, viz : " The Elate/plaid 11 tne$8
" thinks the prospeo't for union not
t t encouraging. The liaise eas says : 'The
''ministers ,composnig the Wesleyan
" Methodist Coefereace have virtually
rejected lay delegation, - by declining
C 4
tt) paS an ineteperident judgment in
I t
" favor of it by intimating that they
" would not accept it for its own sake,
a but only as a condition of the :union,
" and then with such restrictions as could
not be approved.'" A nd the Greast-
t C
iaW adds :: " The restrictions are the
same as those embodied in the resolu-
tions of the Union Conanittees." , And
yet: your correspondent states that the
committee was appointed without " re-
strietions.". So much for his reliability.
And according to his own acknowledg-
ment, the ," restrictions" were not ac
cepted -by • the lay members of corn-
inittee, who very wisely resolved not to
relenquish the power which they now
possess for the myth " veryappro-
priate word in conuection with restric
tions) of rePresentation in Comereuce.
said `• I an aware that 'Wesleyan min -
state --that lay representation is en-
c-iareil in the church, and as a proof
pOii t to the Quarterly Board and Dis-
trait meetings. vaur correspond-
ent' quotations from the Book of
-Dis tplin, e only verify my state-
• •
ane t. But 1 must not emit to notice
tha1 he states that on all our •Corn
mittees of f;inanee there is one lay- man
for each minister," Truly the lay mem-
berif the Weeleyan Church have cause
for thankfulness that they are permitted
to take a part in the supervision of the
purse strings. I said they had the power
of opening them. But your -correspond-
• ent says, clerical eloquence is less likely
t..) sway these Boards, the minister beino
;chairman. But he very discreetly with°,
• holds the fact. that the chairman need
not use much- eloquence, as he
knows that he can exercise the vetoing
or over -ruling power. And every per-
son acquainted with the working of these
Boards; knows. that my statement is sub-
stantially correct. And here let me say
that the case of the Londesborough
Circuit, mentioned by me, was not for
the purpose of maligning the character
of the chairman, but to show that this
power is claimed, and- is -sometimes ex-
ercised. But of the Lomiesborough case
• your correspondent is, very convenient-
ly, ignorant. Surely he has had time
enough to ascertain the facts. And now,
Mr. Editor, in fairness to myself. I
• must beg permission .to encroich
a little further on your space to
say, that I have not written for.
the purpose of stirring up angry contro-
yersy. or of saying one harsh word of the
bhurch Of my choice, whose teachings
admire, but whose constitn ti on (like that
of all other churches) is of human origin.
and which I, in erotomon with many
others, believe needs reform, at least in
representation, which the Conference
acknowledge by sending it down toi the
Quarterly meetings, and which, if grace-
fully conceded, would go far towards
breaking down the barriers that oppose
Methodist Cnion. But, Sir, 1 have
written with the hope that others would
take up the subject, andby putting forth
their views in a friendly and forbearing
spirit, help on the good work, :which, if
aeconiplished, would greatly increase the
peace and prosperity of the church. I
am, Sir, thankfully yours,
Hullett, August 9th, 1871.
Canada. -
In the Counts, of Bruce only . fifteen
out of fifty received certificates at the
late examination of teachers.
-a-The consecration of the Coadjutor
iriniesIt.iop elect will take place in Sta
-Paul's Cathedral, London, on the 24th
-Mr. Amos Merriott, of Blaushard,
threshed 450 bushels of Fall wheat from
nine and -a -half acres, 'being an average
of 471 bushels per acre'.
-The Kinloss Branch Agricultural
'8ocieta Will hold their F11h. Sbow son- ep;at
Lueknon, on Friday, the 2
-The Voodatock Review has a circu-
lation of ,600. The Review deserves its
popularit It is the best printed paper
in (Mari , and one of the most carefully
selected , nd ably edited.
• -The atratford Fall Races commence
on the Ri ling and Driving Park of that
town, oit Wednesday, the 6th of Sep-
tember. Prizes to the amount of $.1,000
will be o ered foi competition.
falward Hunter, of the town-
-ship of luron, County of Bruce, last -
week th eslied. his Fall wheat, which
yielded, n an average, 55 bushels to the
ohn Rodgers, of Glen morris,
has been ppointed head teacher of the
Ingersoll Cornnum Schools, and Mr.
Walter a adge, of Exeter, teacher in the
second (lc artnient.
-The .hores of Nova Scotia have been
visited 1 tely by enormous shoals of
mackerel. Soplentiful are they at _Hali-
fax that hey are sold for ten cants a
dozen, or a.:6 a barrel. -
-The Waterloo Fall lines will be
held at he village of Waterloo, on
Timrsday and Friday, August 31st and
Septemlie 1st. Prizes to the amount
of $2,000 will be offered for coneeetition.
-The " Rockford" base ball chila of
Illinois, at the ' alaple Leaf11 club of
Guelph, 11 st week,byscoare of 20 to
nothing. The Guelph club are the
champion of Ontario.
-The 'eformers of South Waterloo
lave determined to hold a Grand Reform
Pic-nic, in the town of Galt, on Friday,
the 250 of August, in honor of the Re-
form Opposition in the Dominion and
OntariO Legislatures:
-The barn and crops of Mr. Donald
McLeod, .5th "ConeesSiou, Township 0
Kincardine.' were destroyed by fire 01
Friday night last,. Mr. McLeod's loss
will be very heavy„ as the fruits of his
year's labor has been consunted. There
was no insnraitee:
-A man of the . name of Dunbar, at
Walkerton, who has no notion of relarow
gauges,- opened fire on the gang -boss,
who -entered upon his hind to begin Work.
Tae gang -boas ieturned the tire, and an
exciting time was kept -up :so long as the
powder !lasted. Neither was hurt.
- OR Thursday evening, a week ago,
the residence of Mr. Samuel arris a
farmer, residing near Listbwelk: was
completely descreyed by fire. ! 'The
family were all absent frmn the house at
the time, and none of the con•teuts were
saved. 'I'he loss is very heavy, and but
partly covered by insMitne. The tire
W115 cauSed by sparks from the kitehen
-The station for Walkerton, on tbe
Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway,
will -be situated about a mile -and a half
from the village. In order to get at it, a
new street will reqiiire to be opened out
through, three fifty acre lots. We would
advise the construction of a Branch *f.
_hallway to connect the village with the 811%
main lnie. he
-A poeket-book containing :3200, was
lost by a gentleman of Ingermoll the in
otherday, It was 'nuked up on rat all
street ba• lady who returned it to the M
owner liven him making his has known
The owner very generously gave the
lady :$50. fait is too frequently the came
t tat hon aty :such as was exhib,ted laar
atlirylaredlyv,indtehdi.s instance, is not so liber-
el. by 0
fastest t
'Chicago and back -occupying only 116
days and 9 hours .trom the time of her
ton the 2nd of August, inst. She
departure from Alantreal, at 2 P, M. -eif
the 17th of July last, until she was
moored a the same wharf after her re-
Urnarried gineral merchandise westward,
ud corn nd flour On her return.
-Hun reds of loads of excellent flax
ave been taken to St. Marys already
his- seaso . The Argus says the crop is
eing sad in excellent condition, and
he yield is very fair. The flax season
that ne ghborhood is becoming as im-
ortant and convenient- to farmers who
ish to raise a little re-ady Cash as the
.00l seen 1.
-It is tated that Mr. -Comply, W.110
ia8 been i i Canada for seveial months,
rid who as sent over by the Working
len's Ass ciation of England, to enquire
nto the condition of the werking men Of
his count ye. and the prospects for emi-
iropellor City of London, sail-
ptain J. McBride, made the
me known from Montreal to
rants set lieg in Canada:, hos been.
ppointed immigrant agent for the Do-
i neion in 4 ng,lantl, at a salars- of $1,200
er aenum
- The anadian Dairymen's A ssocia-
ion intee 1 holdi-ig a Cheese Fair, in
he -town hgersoll, on Thursday and
:'riday, tie. 21st and 22nd of September,
ourteen . prizes are offered -for the
est six cheeses, forexportation, over 50
1)8 each. Two made between ,he 16th
nd 22nd of July; two between the
13th. and 19th of August ; and two
etween the 3rd. and 9th of 8eptem1)er,
1 71. - a
-According to reports from all parts
o the ProVince the country has suffered
f arfally for the past two weeks from
routh. n 'many sections immenae
'I he scarcity- of water too, has been very
damage ha been done by fire. An im-
n ense am - unt of valuable timber and
her propfiety having been deetroyed.
uch felt. In many places water has
h d to be rawn a distance of eight or
t n miles i wagons for stock.
-The foliloWing is a list of the office s
o the Gram" Lodge I. 0. 0. F. eleet&I
f r the current year at the reeent meet -
it g of the Lodge :_John Gibson, Stmt.:
ftrd, M. W. -Grand_ Master; John Mur -
r, y„ Cliftr, R. W. Deputy Grand
1‘ aster; J. Hunter Lomion, R. W.
rand'Warden ; King, Brantford
( -elected), R. wr. Grand Secretary ; A.
0, Clement, Brantford (re-elected), R.
. Grand Treasurer; James Woodyatt,
B •antford (re-elected), and T. Partridge,
L ndon, 'Representatives to the Grand
L nige of the United States.
-Principal Snodgrass was elected.
P Tsident o the Ontario Teacher& Ae-
so iation. The Association decided to
afply to th 1. Legislature, next sessien,
fo an act of incorporation ; also for
p wer • to loot three members of . the
0 uncil of I ublic Instapetion. A report
w s also ad pted, recommending that be- -
fo e the Cot lien sanction any additional
te t books hey be submitted to a COM-
M tteeef th. Association. A resolution
ea line for t ..e repeal of the clause in the
6 hool Act relating to the teaclima'
su a:runnel ion fund was carried unan-
in ously.
A shor, time ago a man presentetl
hi eself " at Forbes' Livery Stable, in
tit atford, a id 'engaged ow of the be'st
ri s in the establishment, with the pro-
fessed intention of taking a driVb a fee,
-miles out in the country with his lady-
loN 0., and promising to return the Fame
evening. The rig eonaisted of a fine
span of ponies, a new set of harness, and
a new covered buggy. The man not rta-
tin ning as 14e promised, the proprietors
of he rig be •ame sunpleious that all WaS
not right, itt d started in retest ot their
After much trouble they
to Thameaville, near Chat,
hcy foiled the horses, hap -
cover of the Iniguy. The
pr( perty.
trued them
hail], where
ne.1S, and th
thief and the remainder of the lynagy
tritiglio)itleiaiii1),:otu...cAliii(tiell)a,kt,res,,b;iaaile. t(e)st:ielrItia(110.itoNa7es,u.:11.nelli,e;\,1:aesntat ji.ljsierilsgs(1til:jailEi€: (ma,;1::11:111:::;:i' dait'::
am 11 boy, the only attendant in the
sto •e- at the time, and was informed that
theprice was twelve shillings. A fter a
ho'rt hesitancy the shawl was paid for
an( the lady and gentleman kit the
sto .e, but in a few /mina:0i were over-
tak -n by the shopk eerier, whe f -i atila .
tha the shawl was $12 Distend of twelve
shillings, and he demanded the sbawl,
which was refused. Of course he 0(111 id
not make the parch:Leer give ap the
article when the lsa. -bad reeeiv,a all
be 1 5ked frit. but it is likely that the
goo Is will be mai ked in. pleb( fi aures at xt
cattle drover from lanfaaai wis
of a purse containing $2,2i00 in
bill, at Ingeraoll station, one (ley last
week.. It sozeins that he napended takieg
Iup iis abode permanently iii Ilea rani,
frei dit house at the time. .11i-, 1.4.-4,
and had his furniture lying in the
how ever, caused Mil to eballtfn bin mina,
fah, anti returned th ei I ee liimee;f TO
and he re -shipped his furniture to. lief -
commence life anew. The money \\ Inch. -
was stolen from him was the ie.sult. of
bis ast sale of cattle, and wa.4 ( yi-rv e ',1t-
lle. 1 ad in the world, He thinks the
robbery was commit:n.(1 by two men who
lywed him from Buffalo, and as ho he
ding at Ingersoll station when.
- The Guelph Single -Thread Sew -
g Nlachine is swift, sanple and silent
d a wonderfully cheap machine.
at ebythe Guelph Eewmg Machana