HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-08-18, Page 27 JW low, 77� THE ]RIURON EYPOSI TORS' A arm is broken "an t: 1p comer of the to r va; f ineffiell aid, h' ow(yer, he was an =MENEM U t will move res ectable for gban, That the Sum of $200 lie actured, a V araol lessez' wounds Vionoilinced o t of danger, hough i 0 nd ale vanisl i g by moonlir, XJ *for � - skill, 4 .1 fr, ht-� It wonld be Xinna and', bruises We p 0 in- build a bridge ovor the Ivept r. Go lin- granted to P t e some titlk'e before he entirely re C e I U al -ii from D quisit vely in lilt d parties s GREAT LEARIM SALE] look- who vi 3ited AM" M Ewell on Tles, ;Wvers- W6 h " " h - c instead of listening 1zaalch of the.Nine."1\1ile piver, ()n IV�t Ope e may �, 601, be al.)Ie at IfIll, will(jews, to beconie- memb lite ers, 0 D iSTR. I C T MA' day hqat'- till t at t- �t tirne he was q. to go wound again in his t c � loughby street, in the villa.ge Of_ ILuoic- TT E R' S. Coll sual health, and if t SCIOUS & id Coll licy. (10 ilot wish to do this. they I ]low, J)"ov ided the 80m of 0 be rse senc -9 b I ut from onvot, ;i )jy, fill' from ills flien'dlyoid 0)14��*Ilg litail- sbolild ke . I . raiswl 0 natp- of I his in (:P1%NVftY altogether, andnot en -I juries, his 'er I in the village for the same purpose GIVINk LTP D 11 for tile 8 'Ott tinte lie lias -been. in the danger their hmi� d a rc ail c, se may be sill (l klis. noig 8 and bring ridicule lit). that tl) e Clerk get lip plaii8 allo Agriculluiral Shows and Pairs.. con I very precarl( liborhood,-ollehas eaxn�A tbe),espect Oil 1,11,1111selves by 11cing caliubb in so tions' ntract if tile pri(C and esteem of All� -%vith whoin. he has be- hulaiL at 119 ail di lionorable a positiL)n. ThoTownship of Havy Agricultural Sociebv,g and l6t Ole co 18how will be hold at Zmi&, r1all A G 6QD ARrrq,1& do not exe AJo v C on Tu8solivy, ihe 6th ---Messrs. com I i of October. W. N. e acquailItEd:' ced ith at 'ainount. ))y I The untl(Irsigned intend giving 'Wa�tson and Thomas Be 11 have purcha �ed A (-'OPD`TED'11rLAr.. Afra 1)urnon e *oni(led by Ke. Kilina vi lip jill, The -South Huron Agricultural. society,s 'th6 ight-for,thim t�,to manufaot Live A leYville-1 all, That James Somerville -act ts (jj. li'alli aud tbt!Y 10 [1 CLBAR OUT er Show wiliIieheld at S�oa_forth I on Thunday find an'a 21 21-t;t . Olt ihe 'Oil�t 1117i) 11(low. BI, I and 12�ud Selittkinber.. lid Gorrie. for the r6inabIder of tile year, at tbeill 1% Riffing of Riwon Lifter. Thai ail 11X1 rMICIY- simple ',nd is fstill (11 y Ind parch- Livi, BOA saille salary as Alr. Scott had. --C Tall Show will be heldat Clinton, on Tries Ic" but rine roi 'Airvost, lit([ 'r Ti�--nPLP,.—The follo-%�ilw _,arricj.' THE WPIRE GF TREJ d I f trinurs are 0 'ini d 'I Ilse C�Ilt�iv, lice f )I, lifting %Vill( OW , 0 0' e I ecolldca ],)7 wed"ORdav, tit- 19th and 20th daTs Of� Selltey . j are the na,11, a of tile olli, AlOveol by AMr. T, aghan, s Rt n - . ' I The Stepheii and Usborne A blilidsevenly 6pialy willeas t4killo advzlllta� re of A, 41. bellig blisijy� ours elected to ;1 11, rhat Ii., coun'll do -iouittiral socie 'ily. It is - serve for tll- current qiiarter in Life A] r. Mirno yall 811 tb e best ',qon tFi� *., I ff - r, which Ill ikes busi- ljoatf , z I IV' �gagod harves;i I b 711) at Exater, on-mollati, adjourn, tonicetagy hion ikumist 1;-)tj), T4c.-,d&O'V w purpose we lip. -SS very (lull, o"IT10, f 0. T,,! of this place: Y, the 2fid tind 3rd, days of October.- hmr6 t: 3( at' -so �-Je i6ccn, T11CFall Showfif the Howiok Branah.Agiieul_ p -k 'A —0n. Fridall Brotli(r,lojin. A 'It, 10 oclock A. at AJr. to I iUW t&in the in' n lau I 1,1430 Moles, W. C. T.; 1),oth r t'llrld -SUCiety will be held at Crorrie, eani of tl e 40 �Tosvpj on Wednesdayj Sinith, W. 0-T.; Sister "I"", Treasuren Oct.' 4. alnlos`6 el�ler3 p on. -lines At instrol g, of.),, lo vliile AylCs% COST PRICE 4 'lot obly looks rorth'i IV JJ' Jlvotllcr T. 801TEPWILLt, 5 FOR CAS H,, 0 held ,at '11&mu Ivheh;_. I ei craged in heil)i 11t ubotl windowl 1, jib 0 r of Ootober. a -VII0 Coiltrid Fair will bi toll, on bver I to (Ira)v illi sonlelIza Ole -of 11 is well J ohn the .1th5th and 6th. 1. ri �,e Y, allot ill Lhu"aol; (if Son, Ii. 181istu Margaret Bugall- vqWrn Fair will be, held at London, from Tttt,� A� . lIre i -t vice it hng� flic tealli 11,111pe'lled to Illove, Puber Aylsworth, the 26th to the 20th of Septelnl)er. year' M -,,RAIL TIM, �,IALLP W ILL STu,,RT: 11Y c re is Lq�, labor and w car W. F; & ; si WAY TIM 6E_ TA BIL E d "ter J' tile Jiarber, W, 'P. '!'he Provincial Exhibitdoll will -1)e held at f Wil 0 lid. off �c, and lie Brothe Davl(l Greall -Broth Trains 0 Id. AV b w licit tilIvIv hilli, I 1# i I his balau, "I Von, On tlic-25th to the 30th of Sobteniber. i fC I to thd a-VOill. d, al leave tile Sc,'lfurt I stational Tbo. North Perth AgriCifltlu 17 Q_ his head, Ayles orth, 8is! N T11 -&I Sc)ciOtv'sFatI Sh 1 0- '11V A x -er Zi al 010rul till follows ri -1 RS T OF A VC' U 0,ur Bi wIll lie held at S, 1A Was taken, -Ill) STY October. ittturd, on -the-. ,-)Ill and 6th of., undcrstat 1-1 JE BUILDT11101. _e is reniahis IV� I- G.; l3rother'Josiah Jrul W. G 0 JNO I r!,A-'-'T. The sonth Ament- inter)(Is y ol I 81roday, Aylesivortli i W. d till 't ',A Fr. borne to the� C*Clllctcr -c(I by a I xv Toronto) Exprpss. Buffill) li.'Xpress. '.%Iixcd� Perth 4-liculturn Socy. _v,s Show precti I ig. b I ick d -I,,. lip tro I ffsorrow- And will continue uIltilt le whole Of the stock t. , z this f; e coacoursh will W beld at St. Maryti, I A. �0. _on the 3 --ith of O'e- 'his pvop.rty '11j(juilig the np 1 R Load), 11IT. L. ki. �_3' WC are 7 52 A. 3L d aud f 1 3 5 t0er- - - I I is sold. -jilt- pleased to learn that .1 - I factory this temple - is in a GOINK11 WE�Tr. f The ITibbert BraneftAgriellitural soviety's F' Aa el fjouris all 'low driving A (lei litatiol I vIlo wc7A 111" Fair xvjU be held tit 8 taffft, 111'11)11�r) ','lid healthy collilition. on 10th OctolIer. ].)us -a sfave and barict- to-seo-tbo Dircaims (If -tile �V,qjillgtou, The incluben list l"x] d-ess. 'Nail. llle� a in h: ------------- iaZ) 1131, tic )low numbers suv_ 1 3 5 1,. ;NT. 8- Call effrIg (024 spf'u)'c Bclryuins est, �J�-Illlent is quite G py & Bru:co cilty-fiIe, of w o r. I � I i w,,,y Coll �1111 litililbelf about twen- 'S Lr -0 lit ;(Itlisitioll'to tile nt. Iritt actiLring ia- br ell q, -rTF, all A-Irt. LovP R ­IV mve re-- theY P, Ose to bulld 0) e AlIduril)"r tc_r4ts of* hli-e ��ilia_ th 11 'Ill, ty-allic joill I E e seclusto be a 0. ceived. anothe 9 Ii thence tc Ki�)cardiile, 'Clio ine 01santly and profit- S. 00urts---1.871. ar letter from,. . I ft, hc�e and have 3- Aill'y InIt too late for fh' an�l 0 c rpr so arc pj Division is weeks issue. g f elit �llcl capital at of turned and spea'k � trorgly in'F. bly !Ilb 1) P or nnfter, S P 0 memburs gi.v- D; isioll (,l)uris ,Fill I)e I Ic+j Love is 11:01W, Oil his way home, and'may. C0311 allies extend'll. his borders as 1*01(te.- I'lley sa,i that tit -if l it I peo- Ing rfzctatio sibille of tit 8, re"Wings. Ilialoir . 1; MI . e a -'sniall -la-Ilivul. l)aj)cr pub- Wrox,-ter ...... July 2-5 Clinfoll AlLrarties Will 14ea ca . I 11 be looked for ahtnost any day, he has do e �i_l.�cello coil -tit Iw thi't There fi also a saiiii-I eS 7 & C lyinghl"), June 27 Ilaybelel it o I lillell are lit eaxne� )ut A�, e , L kl( Oct. 26 I and wiills o" vi 1- 411111 BlJwn have ex ce'dill-ly lished ill col Ilectioll with, tile TelillAt", 8vitforth T)rA\rK9-_N1r. John L' lap of h oNv n in t a, i Jul.y 27 6oldorich ....... Ol.j. 'o seith! tIlcm, and sft�,e I) andesbc-ro, of end of tI �c SW.,,�Ct toncrUCIS. allo -Jnl�y 29 NVingbilin ...... Ti-tekei-sluiti 1 0, A " ThL l3olat Alichor." I, will plivase accept th anicsi town f ........ This I 0 41" now 1a1'k!r is ""(to" th-C, e(IiLorial control bf 'Dullgralilloil 2 S(!Ilf()rtll for a, basketful fi�f very fine h ktr � E I.L.-11l Oif, A ap- . I it '176 im95'Wid of The pmpri(,,tors olne Of the Brethren I appc t excel L .. ..... J SONTHRoN &.,q -a axe wi .sr I )i I I ted q uarkh-ly cliuron 'X L - I Ppr 1, ....i. -Aug- 15 pIc They ithou Aien t1le I' fldei cya, a Aio A \�o tea, 84b, aild now aftur ON. - ill (­vvillv Sept. 216 i13..IyI1(-1lI best ive ave seen this year. oil] -Tile drillill, Itts if tile orethl-du or Sisters 0 hO 1111�y fucl. I S 011A C aballdolled and is o.)Cll-'1)jr Colitr'blitiolls Iroill aliv God�;rieh .... _Alig- 14 Dungluillou ov. 2.9 of 1111, cc h u n1ado th( lit of a % AugusL 1, IS -11, ler da3!s uIlti th will Swpt..2H c1hiton VC cy Exeivi . ........ S(.pt. f3l fillerikh ........ Dec. 4 41 C l — 7 Huron Road, Ttickenarnitli, lefu &j teent by tb a I its all so I'llat they. Usf;-.tho Av(ll 'all(I See of this ] ape -l' re read befort; the TvIllplo .... Oct, 3 1 I ria, fe.1%, dispo-ze(l 'to d'olltribute. Th W98 I Ly pie EARLY 00RX._.&1n Ak-'Ili Fowler ha-adsome mill air o d ("t tubillgr al (I a, p I lam '30 our ot�, nq occasion (71 f 'Aimi-ititich. sa, eyury t vvo Ib t all(I (J), last' a �very ti tie c�pcell e u. The 01,11clits a I Ill T, office OIL Saturday ber PC I r�1111 11) t, I fit, alliciii; of �11 drifers seem to thinl� that t IC criticisms all, I bllcre011 by �Jle inumb iztea of Corn in the e Tl �cllool. Thct rc isa A ax ' - 'ere 'All was accoin spjqn(ji(I S, ie ears n., �Ip res o -it . q a I lutilawitary W BY—LAW NO. -0 'I C, 110 -NA, Of Oil. 'Phe'veIple in tit all 11 -all filled alid fit for t bfe use. 1` Pd a Iiighl It acidliborhood alirl, -Noill a are uibe o is the first we have heard of th's So W e1q awaii eas xcit- 5 �.l inade an ap- t We 6sh, Pror�rixt� respOnse. II., Col. ,])Out the niat er. ------------- 01) al 11E a. 1311der's reti r o r To aid and a-ssist the Lonil( u roil PUP-Lic liorrf)_&-�-. compliall inwit from,th it I r% N DiII aIId horc, il Co I,-.\( Ii, TAI R cc pursattlice; and Bruced-laillvay (--onapaii3-by, -ith a reqvdsition from 0 ---poaq L, rhich -she haf bav � risell four 11111,1(ircd, to adjournment at lamot 0 filled -witjA:'i;O' I luIch, cr uld accep tan eq. th L inuctluty "i -S,000 by". Wty Of -bolltlu. to tile a litimber of the put, CC 11"L during oil the :30th 11A I C0113pally, and to issue unisillt,733 alen of the Village, th( lasb flw days, on account. oi the oil sail", rt %1 1 -, rteev(l for Som yG%1 'Slolled al 11111. prw li-ect. Cil-vill, c ve Degs IT) announce foille jnhal)itaufs of -has pi ­)d imea j'qoil(la vorsalfeelilwof re'-ef a y next a public over the see- wa.rd. (f wilt, i I)c IVL! ; Qlucwles therefor, wid to,,i-utjioriyc the P Y, Farniers anict others -wirl ti, t'o h ea f: oil. I I - u Ior in B.Itievale r1lou, I"ob( Cial rato for-paymelit of th' (I 'er- 1 1*6 �l Ivillialli of a spe 'JP0J,)TJ1 AXD c beax in,mi (]-that no bustilesq The youlic, I-JUIXIT), 91 laily a )o Ve eferred to is 1 4 belLtransactect 1XI 8aafortil on that ol sistar of our respedel I'llag.11M. A latcrfroi'll 11,Mliles Nelitti be),tures and.interest thereoii,.: q *,usmaa, AIr. ruTI"W`AVSP­ erstaiij ti depli- W Cjcrk, Ira'3 read 4 folin E_'Ider tati staLintr th-tt BY It" 114"t (If the fourtli seSE-jon. of tbat he has tqke, rLuIs �oypr (Ills from tile Lon(j, 0 Lt.,gislature,of ill(' Province of of if itario, passed X aeeollft of 1)aa hea'Ith Ile COLIJII ill - I A31IOTITTR, -INEW S-rona-AM oil an(I orollto oil ' )t ill thoji-llh 1-i-ar of the reign of ber.A MR, 1110-MA,13 K n Nar OW (latl"e Co. ell 111jo.4Q. Qllc�cll oronto, es8rs. 11pallics will i se Litt presont illeetiliff 1l)J1"8 STORE, --t- Switzz!r, late of T vi it tile. d tj e Of tile Coun- Victoria, entit ilitimabe ftri Teachers' EJ m iation. towl ships this wed j(d all aet to ineorpointi,. Aloved ally, 'I if, j.,� in Wbich he plIrpoge, se. openi-flo, In fr I �;orlcs of scarTillg oil the Ilia Ilp of rr ()"Itlat, scCOuded by M r. : . 'rho ex k, r"Icy 11 hold- cit, alid tendered his res' 11131 -till flud Bruce Itliltyay Colill' kill to -days stie that they propo .1 Otl�ipl- tbill�,.; provid,J, aj;(l I. , 1. o c nearly oil)_ J phlel S, to'lay Ix Ault] furtlier he lawful ft),- ally a cft-(�ral store, in tile etor fol! P yi� �� ]),,--,.a t I)IIIIIiel- os, flice, Oil irdl;1ass certif c .4e ;j f 0 l!C he , 1) -ople the Thab Jam(!8 (!j(,rj CENULEAMOCS A iN Ito tl�e I all crl'n'll�%ttca oil -s f tbei iti,,q tbrough tiny ir Tles octive, collipail ws. as 11mijeipa, wbiell, 01 lail(t the E'x- e 29th lie meLt'll". fir iiear l0liell, t1le rikihIVIII, er %vfakii t)f d Moved by --Mr. pe said ('ollillaily I -Ila!] liass or be situRt011" it) ]till 1�11,1 as- pmbe th i �jj-oi,s all(I wea the ('fallut, s(coudod by Mr. thirmill That �iut ble.said (24 gJal-gl tet'ing, wish them, eyery aiVeess.. (11 ther dwing e -tif , tes on Tharid tst C3 the Illal,10 4.3 e t d cut icAl P, wn Nveeks hit bolull exicedingly trell and Jilid out tile (.1. g,v,ll., I)A- joitiii)g ol par evenin& the hot I'vol inst. 1J.111e, qx �v ))Y 11;fiv of lit aluil 1 60111 ` 'ff 1`TG - "t, frit tlie 1�it 6i 8ePtember. IN e armuers ti r � Al! i o I iCLOT t alid, Sultry. A good sb lect (4, otliv lit-ans oiibe co;upflin- ill the colAtrill't.-on T murally ower If rain it'll with lot No. �1� ?11 gL :r ri ver- a archincy a y oY vquipni(�ilt of p-Livi Mailway, in Coll t t1a in tl L 1); 0 (if Malle)iestor, and Q17ARTRIMY ror-rular, Nvoulff lie 'of grea" ally to Quarterl- all(Up"3611- olle, and espeel .1 IlCct 0: of ftliv tof the Jon - with maify oc 0 e -Mi the L I to cro repol 1; it t 11 C Work-, aul4ori-y(-(i initler this act'in 'suel; I'llullill'r -Lt L Ps inectlug of Council.- Iti)(1 to) bil -)I - Mich. 31111, -Icthodist Churck, of thi f 10, -q)fffiol f m eertificates i IL (-.Xt(;fIt w niefilAlitles I,& ally JUSO, that he bas r ceivsd frt)lu r fin c, 15 e to pass i I e 30vere ordeal A( IT -Mr. Mirnou, Fee- 01(tol the. Nvosieyaa t A_ is we're till Carjqcd. -Alorud nth '%-ill take place on Sabb (A intill, _g t1l"11 no s-101 Idd. ath next. illecesa 11 The (It. ti tile 1), Mr. �jniltwhall, Thaf; tile v. 0. Lav CS D U toeorue 136L t f '&10 rria ])let NEW Sy.STJ_;r4 OF --rile li C, -ello�, ACA., Cliai or aw-Istance Ly Nk,.,v (if lit ious, the Ila- �(Ia3i hult" while tIq - passing (If a I�V_JXw foi. ille. JA13,111, 4�i -erE alo�- I ) I ) )1( lonatit'jil (q, otherivisf, ;) CUT-TuNG, i, i with L �­ 11 1 1) 11,161 t`Vr t1le, J) - 7 -Ili accideut ot tify tile Cot r to N611 preach at th swei t af t)u w IV 1,works atlmiral)ly; prodt' 9_00 ta.X es a4l)l1tioll (4 such l3v-law Iring licautifuliv fjt- havill aiso a PO, 11 t, � 11. -It 11", the ra1t.p;IvVr ; Pro f tjI jlelpil�g to r i C �hoiirs, moraiiig aald evoiliag. I fr h, aw from li is list oj' III).)ai(j of tho log I I a little or S till ftrillents, 111ICK Ila. I t to I U valif , shall 0 and cullift)rt. take Into .1809, 'aw, 1I (11131ft'rilliti- 11i , I i ellpleff -six 1) 1 -re of f(011�41': - AVIICIII we that bile the N Cars 66,' 1867� L-61'), a"a) 0 at fill- ruell B fling -Lt 1 1870 lots No. 84,,9,-), 110 nlafio:i! lls of this Prov -- -D. % 00]Lsi(ldr, doll Alic! large num- balow tile knees k ocked hii a i dowu, ill the ]a e v d -11re notice illatMr. ber _NTeSauglit lias removed to ilia of capoli("hacsi and' ij[ nullij)(_ 102, 103, r of aild Alid over Iiis thlic"11,3, ab I-Im 11 11, aild 10-11 10,11 112. 113, st'.11,91 J1"1v_1a1V8 so paNS('11 filial] tutioll', flud new rem- �difforent 114, lie 1.11M. noN,th. 1 ell($ trdatqd, i Us ahnost stir- b cart 10-8161), a!)d N 122, 133 1:3(i ises i4 oicar of Ki lora.n & Eyall,' tearinc� off tj 1 116, 116 '117 123 shi 0 ratell"Ll'exceed the P;,,,�rcgat c 1 rate 5ome excellent Patterns for Chilthensl find y-outb,, Prisiarr thc,tt t lie Exanlil�61' I Ill] crely '37. i I thd v llage of _11. of two Cents ill tilt! iollar till the actual y.1lue 0 a storc. I - X e trust that 1 0 . _. . : , . as i6 pz - 111'. MG -Naught Illay be B . succeeded :in , J" S.Sed along. m -ter f accomplishingthe t 1-1111- 16 PI ) ebarc, � Ile h-ccoulit to t1l; led til -at 0,11. ai buits, no t 11r(lilvrty. provit 8cotVs � r 1,13 towlIsillp. sesslilvilt.,4111111 essful iu bilainess ill f�ls ,,L:,Lv $t- �1� itill6rit, and J l' I 1 11110 rate Gf Ile Llld as they di(L Tb a5 31101-U, time ull', is V 1 110- -Carried. 'Mov As ho bas bccn� in- tlu e follo'M a the officlial gressi6g favorably o e(I by �-,Uc_ Nv( caot. eT7 two Vf,pt, A LE4 at which he has juat list af sneces all 8 ill th(t' dolifir on .11 mhle of tilt. wbide ralvable Pro) it vacated. ill Call a onded by �ll r. Nl'ilson, Tha �,itd�:, for wh ch tile lot. -i th't actil, 111031tioned in the formcr ])lilt I lv;'bill a3luiii we AIle indebtud to tile, ie Board Exainin ioll, tile it 1^ Plitt rus supillied ur ganne, 0 .1 I.tcsy of tl vipai- Ze) dubt," And its cut ont, ILI, modcraiO efficient 86crctary of Fulton, be, Property o I _M r. mg included W70-1,R-ts, The'.%jullicipality Of the viflage of 8 arellow c�daallsonl Bi 110/h( B(litor of.the T r� FLAX MILL. --N faria as�es.7,l tell t, Seaforth basTvt( e n f ra ZC I a the I 4-- 1 ill crectil"Ir the inachinery iii:the I ., 1) to aid find, fIS-,i,!t,the said. 110 NN 0 , . i! S1 R,: oxv'� me to expr o i1vit'lldrawn I -fill- hv,ivfti,­ 0it-reto by Nvily R-, it --A 11 from tbe,� a,: 8,* lent 1, i Ciontl'. 1,140 )IND Mi ess �ly . 0 mll of thi-s vear, i forth, CIS 9 the. sea July 27,1871 I'llm to 1111LILI. tL',, ftuthorit� of the sl flax n1ill. _Ajessrs. I'lloillp-soa & apl)roval of t.�c minner Ili w I and th`e ac'es c-banq t till rL- of -Alitchell, havetl1ccO,-,frn,.+ Cummillre -.Xv I I, I el d to hillill)v 52t (I I- A -1 -1. lille, X�Xiullillat- .. 11 - an(I emeti 1011 3'eadhell's -%vja c )I,,- f Carrico].- potitioa' from 11' .11. Wifl-no7-ts, in ortlerto cn,1�yjI)fo,,ffl.et 0 J, i 'all, Gra- FARM FOR SALE IN 610RU& c on who c. ll.�ritlitc o g -tile] 3 61 (.(1 object itwill Ile weess Ill" tile maellillory. Foster, -�_Iallhlcd gl aae (111'eted I)v th`6 t'.'entle li,�Ilt and W.I.S1 ijrv�, for t1j,-sai ,rliis, (a is % all-rcoguarailtee th�t 11.1icU, Samuel grade K ell tell Will h tile PNV Bo"011, o� Pxaminers ca( Ilicipality to raise the silid. fill,J, of t)l(! 8.11,7�"kill reftsallable ferms T.ot XO.,t, fbil. a U'l e by. Air. (Aftillit, secoll(le(j J lijaIllic.l. r"< will Ile Lyrol)orly performed. e). illenticilled Illid t, D 11-11131) CLA �*S Count of Huroll by Air, q I mrlll� And I] r1tared, heoded, 1111's 1111d well fi-Ilet'-d kf�ir clirteollf., a;1,1 tile lwal, er of It Mill require the foill, _.,7(0 to to g" 11 of Irentleiiianly deportr 101it, t)* be llunult))v I)v Specie fi, -wefl tilubt-I'vd, Ivili'l lial"i J%7ood. AcamFsr.-0-n Tuesday e Alexancter, 111ait !r, To' n So J. Nrtinls tile al)- tile Petiti02- of NN'. G'raliamaii(I o thers lie r-tt-.* itir lzming tin - 'Its M ve'llin p1jectil s, their a ric L i�obs o the tllte(L fol l)Cl_f(�)l_oI tilt '411ifl debt of -a r. Au(lre�,r (Tol-eujocj.-, of-,,) '17111.101, -XI 0 zinc' -va f to Ile is, "A interest 1w thi dl -1,(.11- si �llltik-,l wi tilt- 'Xoroit-f-il urav(-i Te 1Z it to 1)' J,Oyju 1�, �ir , of) , I last I J�Ilrdlill, 8 les (11 the Cer-liti, Ile( tatute, 1_1)or ill -for, as kvrchLt'ter� it balf from Blyth, altol 1,�3 luills ial-Ind", I loi ru, I *L al 13),( A was dri viln, dowl"I street in catI, rtt ell there , I A, &�rd ind tlic aills. Ill tile villi" f l3ro- from viinfoil, a 8tilloy the lok to- deciplied, th. h, P Of And, i . 3' it -m is"10 wa.-,ie laud, Tb�!re is oil the Pi-t-rilifies -idlu byst-71nu iae%ns caille oJf t,11C j1o1.,_A,.,.s 1"Liel 14 'AlclffaN C 1 atero rell coils IVAII'liz.is, The an,c),113t. I 15, ro Iva, a " they t I Moved by Or. TRII'lloll rL�eou(IL.Jj I)y Mr. of ill(-- whole ra :a) v a wx% fr., till(. hlousv, 21) x - 111d ci Ide, allsAv I with good N -11.1r anct Kinnaglian i)r(j1J(-rtvof the Ill A flood anic. 11 Jel J'anics 8. a vspt eti e of 'rially allyfin-ilier merea.se of tile sallw. told. alsl) !rre- fuiqbvy liarticulars upl-iN. to ill(. 1`1'ol,rit,ttir Collin .To - I 111- 0. C OVer the iN ill c. of anyincl-,L, 1-1ca'(1, ait"I "all Off, throwitw llilil. ft fiaird, (1,leol'O'et Ali �Illfbt were ell 'a _1he pt lises. tile ills ices ti e any nitractor for the bri(jf, his legs. - ThLc hors essioll, be the fII7141 lit rt, s -41j, -Y, 11,11d sliglitly inju 1VfcQaa,-rle' John, f rillo- olln of JI, 0 mi"ll " 0 1,I)vV�iVu 01. tile (or, (if I)v 11 t t 1*_r,) if) Myth 11. f Ca�lltcl'611 Peter, odl Ily Say, 1%1 strasb Wid far-fetche" Alill River - ' fo lit' d(TIA-1 floir tbe Avas call -lit" before Edward )uestil Ila )"I oil tlie 1 2th Colic mporary ilivvs till elit of G1,01WL BUTCHART, 0 'Lily furtlwi ola Calul)bell C6E.u, were- pai d th 0 lull , f tll(-tf of. h4l II(W(c 110hq4f. luag"o was dollQ.� PAU ull, givel), -Nvill ell ti the or of Iniv part Stepliell. Aelli 10 SeVe"Ity-aix dollai-S, Clarki 8aralh being -the airioun f tilt suld. �c - beingfor the iearltm, tho sti- Rodlic, Charles, lo� tile confidOn 0 of th e T, ,a C I I of balmice ef contract, Andrww'� Scott - "' xt of Nf US WA L. —We refer au r readers to the of Hur0m. rhey [ �ar(, -I,� dcci(led ill prov,�­ IWKI Si CCIL doll -ars. added for extra .10,000. X110, FARM FOR SALE.- 'b� J; cl;l I advertiscalellb-O the Clilltel., Churchill, M � I . "Ill 111CII their predem 01.8 ill arg e-VLII*y 171- 1 needle bcaris,. upoly a, C(!,. I The nmoiijllt� 0 LT. 81111.1 cxisfillg f .. I. a - 'file Exa cate from the s tie it of OR solp, Lot No� J.)0l'ittal, wbie.h i- I �J)Iulkson, f ob uy pe I e, Ilaid, tion is certaill and Alr, 11-1soll, t1l, "'�l -'ft iVi y is ali follows: Prinli, -fl- Ttiwn.,bip (if i,,rut-p, a to be fou.1114 III: et'not,11w. T4"licli. ne, y at tile I)(!1I(luturvP ftir gravO roa�ls and sill ellterl),riuing .1-irin, 11111 ge has I eel, raisc�d to t lvvo�,j ,u Of 13111ce, Colit-flin- h 1"woof of the I o W status of ed II C, rface, I I-111-ing date tini vrv-;, about 20 of Uhit'll. �Lry rIvart-d th(a tioll lit 1118 .0oullty 'Ind 'I in fifttell. v rf; ],,I 1111.1ce w'.11 JislIWI janzi&y I ndrew -�'.!Tb I)e John, brid, 1"Ictcher, A. Iri, I wzAl as-iti'lli-ost'l I st, 1871, hak-csold lip- Al it, 10 -t latta, ebunfure I his fal,,),� 1),, rate (;f sert.1) 1�4.11 and Inallif'. NJ), the Pro A I oved lie" 9011111m, whirt-tintere.,,t 'strvaln x)f lit, Atlittled. wlibin Clary go s' cre till" f1v miles frow i k I Q --Lill though I believ-6 the i)3reenta )f sul­ 1,11011, 8ccolAde(I by NJ I the flollrh,hil�g Inents -%vithin the I I'll I 1%; 1" rillillillcr tbrou"ll it, I Jt-,, ltl��trO orj" William, 1 )i1lCe-- I Av&rds of SI f 11 V" 0-111 W11W Will. Tb,re,if; 0 hel. ast sl�c 111�-Ilth� III es to I I I Oftlill- tile ilitervst -,I zl�ll of whiell, as -far is Ya. I I C s, r. Kiiiii- an t-lial i-varlysillhilig- fli.,ld, for - Vill--c of Pal-Iley, flylug, the- kin- ttijougit whiell fl)(� -NI'pflingi (111, crly folill 3,�Ju' .v'cul e6tirr, satish LI C3 32 tit we ku0w, lon I-NO)kirk, C J 3 1, f Lt I 1p1)IiCaIItj,� is ill Th it Joill, lit _bt Ili e-, 1-1 �N'illlxm J - tll'qi . Liddy lie allolyea an cipal of hu. sl N's000"llecordille, t( the Iluilwolv lvil.l t'hortly be .,4 ichibal I V " 11 11 tl 111 11alliniell, Alal�,(rar" t'. Yul 1�0 prol"! ioll.�; (if flie lie If the, al)ove I)rt)- 1:1 ally '1101111tv I have hiva-I'd frolil - - I additional al in 0 _t respectint, Mullicillul n pi, fifteell dollaps oil ],is i 311-14 itu- I,, aNr� 1� tiolli; t-ty is not I-olfl. it will be fur a � 1.1-311 of I pottioll to the liumbe" C)f appji�, I contract, ell tilli, hill Oil , Lift, it -,vilr it,1111 A RG y Afon(Uy Jao�t Thf) nuiliber of can(lid al tile 4th Con ces- 11100ri II rate (if one-bal an 111muill ri; for till. inilir. y( Fl -r ffirtlivi, partivu- "oliviction that I , Sion, opposil I cell"n additioni it all hIlt, apply it) Tm� ji, to otht I, rates to ioe lcv1,,1 e giftit1l, sold (),I, till eta v S" lots 23 -aii(I 241 and tha 001, of Ta( 4 (10 'a for second - roust bel -c declare ilil of, who'll, thiee rco:c.j%-(_3 ItCh year -- C I . 'I. i. It d liclieve Ole, to 1) IT TJf1-*IJJ,'l1o1V1t,, , 1111. I's, PM, $sued for i iiNACTI-'.)), 131_1� the Co -Se-iforth market t1je tjl-s't lo,�Id Of j)a�,,.tc :Ct-ltificates , for till questions, the irb a, (16I)clitillre In his favor be i r I mch. n 6 re - SC V (" re, a forty-nille tjolla. I ion uf fbe ililIP-, Of SUnforth, ill Council 11", eIll, 1108C g i 1, ell to) ail (I t1vellty-ci-lillt it bled IN follows: Ntrits Of fUxcullont quality of which nualbel. 'but thi'd'"-six roceive( i tl to N 01, Inal stildell t W11 di�tjlat tile C teeve, c( s 'I'llat faif - pri cOrtifica-tea. Th cc", I sk. The tj lica jll,� NOTICE. Cc. was ooly ollo caitili. 11 a Nvider raugre ill f �t �j j l;jla Aall find inay iv inwial for, the iahl '�"K) 004-11,16 us that f rom date for the all,, 11' .1 -Moss lla(l, 011iplete)(1 I MI'llicir-fl) (!WIl.liJI 1-f �he ('orporatiou of ow -three -acr,, first L essf 1 1 to as,,jst the s till (,ompll)v h,;- To TI contract; Of Ilion nius" iliP 811111 of W, by wity (if lit f'f �Jfl) is bill.-ild, It thtir iinit mect_- all a Of t(acher m.uit J1J=u,*a Ilivill', Ivalking eilcy- gravellin'r oo. the . �d olle"Sion 3 Ill after ill(, ]:Ith d-ir Of P471 -to uke ints) of 1 (1 tbreshud f15 those! )V�lo f, led, to e r -Tbat it shall be lawful for ()lot pultIll), slich; I �) .1qtiricato" el upcdi�.� It is a tryin Y a Cool kid(ratioll IL tweilty-thr I Mold, r f)�c r )rde-zal4o' rods, t 't. al )IQ - r oh.cli rilon 11ppvc, jllig ill(- portion If ; ol I f1fite lolts, 213, in tho 0 fr")"' (;'1)u-';lIQ1s sown, 115'werc rci-p- cc are engaged to' teat, d. _A1OVVd by M 1'. of the said 111111 icipalify to of wri-il-Ill rioad '11 tbC CIS,, but! will, I tM,1 (A I) the ead be th b -)fr. l�iilll ('1111ST allv munber if &.1 ovii I urts fo -Lt., 11111de for 4 11 (If the f-,,dd iowllshil, of `J'h is it' a good Y101d. aild- can hard] ar , o f the year. , lidt'r thc y aullan bucli, y U "I'll .13 Tit -)tb ef tlev.�r rwiuirvil r, -ft? Th. and if deenw(l adli::111ne, to pa!;s a l"S.T _U bcttull. elrell ills talloes tile )f� a great it( Doe it) coluettiOn debul ture ill favor of John �11O�Ns in,, (.r nwuey its inav be fr the - ffid -1 rqlliollltioll .1 t be - issue(I f0i, tile 81, 11, of f orty 1(-. liol. 1(,ss l-hiju L law t glive, a new linre _jive (jo ]lot -Was pasbed b�­Ilc 3wtr�l t IS to the IiLCIlbj,. )11 a rs. (!%e I ed- for thl't Nlr) ose. All I arti(s jl4t . X, (Ire"fi'd al7e yt.- Cull llas Resoilf-erl -1 Ybaf tho .11al t he Jengt1i an( . i r Carried, �k By-ja1v fo; .0tialloll t V wbole lbe -t;aiI 11MI %8.0f)(4 All it h qllt -tvd to take notice anit gow,7) t4nifelves ac - of those Y sajlll�' I - "a Ile 'y I II)g sIll"I lit' $Villf-11 Wi' h- tilt' J.'(kal of ill T U it E.' hi till-, (lix"th .1 01Tr bdove;l 111"Ovilict that Of tile jojylls�ip illto salt :k 1-aliciplility lo'(1 1�jyned b eadth oif Ill- Off, Re( "'V tilt.), Cori Lill ly. 1',�Ied to­�obt three pollill't Still. iaus for tilt; who I of a two Crtlfi- Will -set lior far ahead 4)f -illy other rouli- v said deb(:l3tIIl-*.s Shull I)v 1111111C. �Iv_ T11031AS TIOLITY' story brick buil(lill,,-011 catez, �aml aill c a read a th '111 I - - ell , first all(l. 'Suc0l)(I able i�) tWelltr velars lit. flllljl,.,t h -tall till. wil"llip Cl C.r.1c. ti ill teach- tr- r. To' acalit J fear, howavo�x, that in:1,11y 0( tilile. 2\J I by AIr. F ell ii1ifter ijuntion,ii fi), O,i, W Jull 2124, 18-11, lot '"_cel 1,00k I sct,!oull 110 vi , i,� -law 4r, be I tln�oll 1 010 ("bairillan) 'L, cher g fect, 6th(r to take el- , 4. - I 4L I< tit of the �all ks Tliat tile Loudon, to tile Coitudil 0 1jublio I I-St�­40ion fo] the "%,. -ne, Ill to 1� to I and the stor of -E. Hickson & (jo. s will be throw by -Mr. U."1114" 11,11 BY -law for the (fr tw aat Of the. Ile( u 3 mryknowl "do -C dividill iii0madla to�be dt.�,igqlatt-d ill � when conipluted will b' 1 N"it,11 View 1 .1 g of flh�t e. town shi 1) into tjj-lvo�e poll- : tjl'cliv obtaiiiin '11)ernii )A wf h1lall hm e'attal-lic-d fill' t)ie p3l. Tuite 1LIL Zvblitio tS t thil, (I timc, 314-11t of jJIt(rp!,t u. to thu 11�­ Ids, murru, 1-11c,� Z, oub-divisiolla,* be read h'OTEL FOR ZALKE' tioV ;xotar, Aiig.'S, )AIIIII'ller LI Onle block "t'l the exVext1na 187 lit the rateand ill tj I it P �;hcd- —CArl'ied. The By -la -%r -N)"I. illud, find Faid of brick 1)UiJfji1l,r8 already orvctL�d on I lice CS An Reeve an( ',hillev with the QUI, Its it, 51' lerk. A type d bale and Sig AT etimmodions aild woql�kllf)wn at tiortioll oi Mall "aS 'IL I we th tutheTrusteesilailied or to Lo, nalu(! t 11, 0 aboVp -wa read '1711C aely have beell r t Street. ])ell fir he ill Y� 4. 11 er to bi& provisions (if I fit present I)y imm."ItT t 7�1 a coiDD] U ill catiol) vitorl Lfet. 'toll s wok all(I State that permits Ila tl v faid. ro,.- t IZIJ,pr stwro 1) 141 aeb Ll 11 ar It m as be L , I McIntosh, fo ta , J1 ori-exb,e-T. To 1he Bdilur of 14 froln: Nvilli 4di-That tilp, -,il s 'nistmilcy & Me 147.1 "orposit, ol'-In-Dillyi-s 'Aufll 66 01103 -cluillabion '-,VIIL 'hil) ted to %It calidi- interest at itull .1 W " � y M , 0 , L , 1 0:1., 11 4 A wl 1 11 v re— f�f I d -% 4� 11 4 i"Ap. 81 a 11.4 a aillt (L liewlso., 'al't after the rate (If P, —011 W11,;l n 'L LT (n)(miry if a" , SIX U., W 0 allm Obtain a I rither cluctitj Sitil Ited oil the Sabit. -Lilie. (.j. ,li(;u by C'ull li-fIllself. z cerb' I)cr froin tbe (lit ]It I __j sr),Ith f 11 I'vould be ade oll I a takiii fr out of, an(i be tho"re- 13-tvi, [(.Ill and. ReV1.11 a th e I ItiOtte Iftughable affair too1q, ' *It tllC1 ea- isilo as e 0 f;ba)I be mill! w cf- t s ell at all W116 aT'G for h Tumper, a 811op Licen I. payable '4C at tile pre,4Lqlt tinle -,vas 011 the Ist day of June all(I the Ifil. 2,111f. -lit it the ullit. hi,, IV41 is lie- 1-actuaily cilgait ai7ce .1.1 all 11 accOlhit Ist dity r I od I teaolli 1,11*01 114 i A cv- rb o 1, lly 1:111411 ap- th , W Of read- Ajovwl 1�y 'Air. C"a-unt see of lio'ef 11�1­17, ill each tol.)d ev of n'tirill" from C arin evelliIN it m 0 oil (led cry Year durilig ill' V TI I- dwellijig is it tl%-o- T)l'(;a`ti0U to their Ins.pC 1tor: not n(ICC, Sary 'by NJr Cl Ill till liaret, of ill(! sai tfj.ry fral)Ic bn a wevk atr() dellelliln�c",, at the plac ;16 AM" Peter to let (101,111 tile -wr;nd)*.3 -he t the Treasurer be I wberl. Ow,.Ili 45x�j �, j:i gy1tgI yeplir, illt.11, _o f t do-licntures are in, qlil:g st-Nen ro(an.-Z ill the - (is being on d,tt lilt for tilt! I!Ilrpjjfzp of forlijill', 11 Fin,_illg I low( - Mot find fz(-vell ill the foll.)Wr. 7,11pre ltrl� ft)II _Vrox�eter.! atch Av 1, - - The ('11m, a Strict IV G t o 1 this, vil- "uthorized t(' a 81 op License to,: Nv;W Lft"Ing to 11lialli Alcliltosill Oil %)ilig tile i fill"' for tile lifil-111-Plit of thlt said olt,bi-irtures, uIld I flvrf-� [If land uttal-hed to the 118 111 llouf'v, elttelid clic I'llarria I wi - kept, a,41d it was Im b before fvvu Ebt! hlt�_r(q�t to I' flu 0 t 811in of tweilt -si )(Tonle fill(- tbi-rvon, ail c-qual fil,4 cial C� M,,LL. Irery iuto�rcsjill U quisitives x dollars, I R1111-1 dill garden and orviard. 11( Iwo good, 110iVSide!� itear Tavistoc, i I and obic.�Ijrj .1 1 appearam f Celli in flip dolitir thali ill aflaition I -Z, 110 of I inade the i Se 1 rate of olle-bal W(Ifl- two 011bles. it f4bl-11 Illod a bltrll� fly"I. Fifth1f) b :C- at comply ing 11 t1i t 11 th a it) all other rates, be raiseol levied. and. roi)(-et, and 411111 is fiflx2l)' .,2\42. which, At PreGen t 11 -'vas, P4YCd 0111 8atulila-y the 011e of tile windows. T twe �table and a each )-f-ar up,z LL -Ing notflill:", ItInIve hot el i-, Atual (.Il in it -slilvildid loett"Ar ;�),th n Cl f I it betw(en !tile, ullio u. 1) 11 1 all the rate fatally, -Air _)Jc. of hIii)orta t .riblin appeared liefor of lice 90ITIO, 0111, be e tile .0fle pr,)Ijertyili tile said 0 i6pality dill -ill" the Continuant 011 III e inithi ri.sul bY IV, vl) GotIvrich find Sarn" ,Pli L4),q e Ild the I - time, tb C011iel Ind Stated _t E ea v Holvick. a Morrisb ',r e e of the 'Aid guard thought bk la, V e": alij ai-k Club; tile I Out- Would keep that a child had been, ll'c'-be ituros ;,r any ('of theiJI. and in a good 11 farnling di!-trict. lical, where lie 6th -That sball take pffppt T)-' 10is-Two-third"' of tile pllrel;a�,p Inoller n_,� cry for tbP, lAtter Club. quil,'t and N'latch procclAili 'I heir ji-�Ld, find come being'a ric. left 03 Y P-1 t le it "e!,l -W&S Diade by both Cluj) :ct. was no -doubf; ar and a(.(,. day Of Julie, and -want 'nit) ol)"'l-tti"ll (41, il'olu 11314 ufter tilt! Firtit day Of wn, I C s, t 0), .10 lip, Welift. Address, if I)y I Ct t id, but lio, c (I t 0 k I W wb, he -kv December, ill the Year of our Lord, 1871. '110m.11T DRYNDAIr", 'Vhe Wing is the score Ne ii 't;ea 40 M,9% rulng I I)revailecl durin the (in insic 701-1hatthe of t . '� '4 5" 11 j t st­"`�Uls that the b el u -el't lie l: al g (r mill; 't Was goiarr t out(! (to wit), it 'Line .0 ill to Moved by I'l I the PIE-efors of (be Faid 0 L0 40 to 4yuf; 14 abmIt_% mije alld V.- I . : t, eeined to b4 Je their ide a. be tah-M on this By-law, at tile l3emv 11. 0., ont. obtain this a ("aunt, SOCOndUd by Mr. 31111licipalit'vishall wr At ast the.,y hit 0 Wilson., T h at 4e'sum of twenty dollars f,,11o,vilIg lillice, that is to say, zritt-Aol XtAtion, I ArORRIN the is, ti I 1311� NX. U IN 10 -Y. Ile ide,`i, as th at Ili(- Town gj1ea - toth fox and, the goa�t, that 114d -is A1cJ,atIgll)ill, Hall whet& thz� T;r L�yf-mk, 2w'! bi 451 e be alloll ed Tli'mi, for th' , Scaforch, on the 9th day of SePti-anber, A. D. N . -, --., -der fo t. in u IK71. colrulliCileing at the hour of 9 (,),Cltjek in t1lo N E 4. trouble he has!bad with th(_ child since OTIC TO FARM !kW3Z T.vgt (4stance, lie took er. �v y morning and ending at 5 el R AIM Illson. . pit the Only diflicult ce"118(L to b ec tile tiek in the 733orodug E.RSA- it), 'da. Oflime, an(I that atlacben- I at -5 O'clock in the aft(triloolir, of the Jas. )Blair ...... Ing ly 3 h;s faxor id that T. P. BULL Eihall be Iteturm- z appb, XiOus to Ji mg 2 th�f. 11 1111101111t4"—Car 3 who) Would act as go' Both be ture ii: be issued' for the Rilln e ('14,il"gr, Of Oct) I position but bei .1NIo%-cd j)y THE DER -N take iillch votes. Meer to" _G, A V. platim"ra. prepar�a- J110 2 J:L NLI 0,1),0 Ilgr Of- li'eyntrdls ,JILLS. t, nald. natt roll thCy SOOD foulla ;J NOTICE. e r. Takentitice that tbe above is a t r1u.1011ect Will. Doualas. . 3 milie --ubstitute for ]lot (.1aullt, seCond 1 (1 by Air. Wilsono That Jas, A tt.�bison. 3 Blair ...... rue enpy Of a undersigilcil purebaped thp t 8 1. ken ilit "T bettipl).!�g co t114 roat, in the slidpe of a goOd sizetl Jars I)e ' JcLaLighlin be allowed tell (lot-, be in I T1 having A a, lit r-montli, for th I r prolio. -d BOalv, which will 'lle 1 11111 .06, which thov malla,,r e - GRIST s0f lyinty an .'.. I tilt etl I care of ation by the ('oulicil of. the Alllni�_ �'l ILL, Ili*(, pro. -ared to do Gristing. und ro I Chopl ing (in Colivelliell t- 1164 tioll to nit ql)alitv if th,, laotice. ead duwu a Flelldel'son. . C Esposed Vil"ge of Seafarth, after one monfli froni*th(! first sido Of dr -le traek',, -Wi IV, 'AleT)oliald 0 )J110 in it the chil,l I ,tit otherw I%cL the shortest of� -- J, Hamilton. AMOVed., by Air. McKilln hereof ill the HUR0,N IL #�.444&- aln' J, D. Tones. . r". Hamilton, 0 t Carried publication 4�i-n, au -4 his. feet n el purpose. By this "tit ie the aglian, xPosi- Car ur condeci by Nlr. Gaunt, TO.Ii, the (late Of'v,,hicb publication if; tbe Ilth day No. 1 F1.01ir ke 0)1 han& tt-'aek- bt this posl uaid becoming anxious, I se That tell constantly lie must ut not b i dLrs be Of 4ugust,A,D-1H712RDA that the votes of the electors C00 AM ell to see ladies at! 11; ch a eight for the hee and care Of tD the 9th nicilMlity will be t.akell 4avo foor rl, ho ITIZ rel2bivedlat the next nl,.,etiD,, Of Council of the f: qrs, as Total thereon on 11 Also.. Bran, Sborts and Chopped Stuffi Total..., . 12' 1*014 the gt6u day of S )eptemberj A. 1). 1871,� l#tweell the - nd, was b P the child Dow in s also li'l-, rceov(tre(t hilel M one tailing to Ug my appro of 9 o'clock in the forenooli antl 5 O'clock in As I 4e. subsexibers ail,, first-citirm war jll11lP'�4(1 loff, i0len vvinaing "t chaa-gre 0 ['I'll Onlas I claughlin. rri-ed. to"' ba(d ward in in 'k- b aell, but pr he afternoon, at the i,omln Hall Leafj ninjors pare, l(ftit st h, for they v -W guarantee it) givf! the ]llost I'litil-L satis� rf,� " I A, a seconded by Alr lybicb purpose. T, 1.). Bull is 81JI)o t ensi of d(Ity he. dIrano�-etj toNvard ',ll 0 1)�rnon T -hat ' 'r' wafs after Bix, a* �mpted by a, Moved b� Mr. Wilsoll b kfvtol onoblep Viin ire, Geo, E veil' fileii0l L to 111] who favour them wi h their patron. Min t, Scorer Ited Return - a Sum Robert I'v"ted fewale., iloit k Hebentures be issued in. 1319 Officer. h0,0;8 dlow by, Miller, 99 well bow favor 0 but wbi, age. at to Say. w 110 roaeht�41 it no o ac t or wh, 11 TY thou, 1t f Jol 0 ; Mrs John T. P. 13T'LL SMITH Wl:,IR. perwn I Cameron; .55 3ames lValTen. 1101180 OXI�elit two or three ud-d'mly Btruck him, h e, er, and he John village clermq 0111re, Village, . rk- Ben e, Xxinn, :1871. IS241M ilirdy invited,, his inq Irwin, "Q40, 14J their accounts Sleaforth, Aug. ltletllf!� 11ou 11 -sit ve, liaving 10� 1869. J P vall to 192 -lit 'se a A<�(IIDEI,4T, --Oil f &Wrday e ant at been passed at �ast Council in 811 Ort ve mg lis.'�unctuve,.frightei3e(l-,,ii,,�itol-s to eet�ng WILL BE SOLD CH ircumstatices (101211, a -DY hilri to 'the ills �EAPq t*'F, -q-11d illf0l"'I&I the while Vr Jairies Ste%vart� of lot 14, con people thereof of tlu, .c* Aloveil by Mr. Caunt sdco�d. BUILDIUS FOR SALE IN SWUM, eCsSlon" f the lo� ore 9, with his broth t ej� wer �, taking l*P0111 t"t they 11 Wilsl)n, Tba tvre Ile 'Whell- t4y iminediatt;l y --c" a, ua P might I ed by Air, t a debell Or Rented on Moderate Terirjtis, 40 his re- Ill -,� load of 'grain, the 4orses became view oi W�,at w a bat FORSale, lief. By the ti issued in favor of Air. Jones, for Six (,lot- Cbeall, two COnJf0rtflb1P frame Dwelling as trall.9 pp, ng, witlic tit JIDIISPs, Situated oil the most p]ehj;ant litre(.,t i 1-11, a Iv �1 e th di ating th i ime he resclied the house frightciied and gave a su(jdc� if r f lars for plaa nf Town Hall. —(,arried. Sv forth, adjoining the (rood Teniplars* )fall. One f0rI h, allioilling the Pl-t-Office, nerniit-il ior t1w be was n0arly exhausteu, anol .()I- r?X4 by risk of TH";E well-known premiseso main Street, Sea - or qff the Moved Of the houlzes it; tit presamt occupied. ky 'Mr. Julner, -Lt aid arrived was'a neck% Jay 0 last Seven cars by G)CIFIrl 11 alin -was thrown lwd, fMs- l4g.up t by Alr-'Kinnaghan, seconded by SH. Both 1)ry 61. of"- Store with dwelling, baling titf soon as tho flootor 13 top Of the Mr. Durn Lridla-,v, ,Ind the other by mr. D. 1), Ito el C usual 'Y declin do Oi Mr. Gr,ant boi issued, for six --(] Mars - good lots, on whiCh e tittarb ell to thein 4 out-bowses, titable, gardom, oke. in ill(! rear, and a tsulling evere injuries, eape out I i6jidow. This On, That a debenture in favor houses are adjoining, itna haT arrivett lie sp (lily cially ab kind offei the heau, and ascertafileA tile extent of -the in it was at first thouglit hi allid airapt-ly left the gu, r(il? are all nect'86:117conveniene !e viocant lot (initalile J uries. skull I;,,ts fr o medit�i to I for buill;lIng cl�ilvert oil bo o finub 115 soft and hard water, Ve1T ni for building purposvo aud proccwded to Prescribe for theill. (ill' actured, as he remained in. I ul3on the beauties ofdissol lindary of divinitig. Applybylettur,to views, ildings, etc. t and Wesh Wawaiiosb.—Carried. at ThE IXPOSITOIL ()fflee. We or -so -61)13 for seyeral 1, hours, (),In the'ar- t4e s I ape of two feniale bea. ]us, speedil Ea8 For furtb(,r Particulars appl), on DUNCAN. Mer-AllUix Y Moved by�.Nlr. Vallut, seconded by Mr. Scaforth, July 1,_), Itril. Acoulitnut, Drnekville; Xune 7, 1871. 1W_tP T fe L &A, N to r ff� V1 OL 4Y. Alt Tit it, I.I.ItT )XII PAY Tr ii-As.-t-Ull pjr 141117 jo krud of th" yttr. ViTl�i iaseeti�ln, )rr 111'e, N nt�* Imh ZMP� Jai 3MR t)w-eighth on(, ��Ofklt \-V T 1)e inserted till A N SUSINIT-7ss DIRT Urmsi-Itn' 0NQj"_,V.'rPtvr4if'--C , M M itn''d AlTI-S gelin, etc, op_�A!v mid 11--lat w� rk�l D11. -CA.N1VI-`h_'LI,., C)njnrr�19 94 4 1.; in C!m1ler '0anTrV%f')r,!r, etc.. 11'.�.1,T1.1,L'on� fzf�' Miner f 0 L4)w tit Lew, NoijPil.,al `ioliritwrs f4)r ill(- It. C% jIww�-, S , . 11 ill(- 001abi Life A sfuaunke Cora` N B.- -4,�uj)oo It I q;*1 (a N Houseti X31.1 Loi�4 for Alv. lit Law. in Vilan"rIA forth-ali,l XA�'rojtIA,3.� Agel-llilor, (o. (if I/on,ohnio, )-o)g1Auj_ Mtwc . iii;uwd bwno to tb.ink the .311 fin aild Illso t -o illig.ri, A940D XMIM11.11 hil'int f -h lit the lk� liv. 'Win be boppy 14, hav I Itud nlalq 1JL­.V Allies. I.,-XV11.1 1.1 MIMI Proprit'. Uoti-1,N 'A ar_,Aj w. rve-1.111-13. bm!n newly tbron-boI14 , 11114 iN luo%v Mi fortal)je will ii;j Ill IiIIIII141c RAXinn, f"r Coxillnerrioll) 'J Ternif; liberld, Z-17 JJV*AJ'rJJ_AJk Nit Jr W� s. and Dr.4 ood A, BlIAR318 JI, T,ps ali'g). firf;t-elal�s C4,11%A 'm hand at mahonlkl7h. 14.1� JOHN 111-u(nix�J, Wn'y Tlt!ket Agelli, jlotlghtoro -G. T� Ritilway st.. , itioll, i�'wgftgt Tletets issiled to Ill) poinni hi ti Californlit. alill R -I linvr."'l n-firl, tho, g,w-utest faviliziel, to Pa4ligrati Infornie.ion gil­nr­lwrtiiv;,v Li 4;oIll tolld 'nAverV41h), boll&, illi -i till "MrgIvry, I begs i4l Alli-ifill - j1hirlb. U12.1 0V11JIfqI An offire ffor Illo;I. 14 lrgex� ill the roollis 1�- of 11:'ndfi tif work expert -PA of ibe. p4oi nianlivy 413141'1113 rea�mlilt�jj it. rimpi'll, '641ve, all".1t, Agmit. 14)r tbef-ill-mil." I.ifl 'jilt. blill aii-I tbr- 111-lialwe Lifu A.,unmet'. 914 oil rv:d .1 F -t All or-14or-4 by Ynfijl'�,r. I- lo 11% It" 4111tr). Tilt; VFTYRINARY sl!) tbatb� valls imule on bim in ),I.. Coolc lla-4 .1'vn A-1 t4y ­­-rai' e.v. I -l" liliSti-r-4. h1r, V90K will -ittv-viJ at A-�!As,� if .. in au.) at lh�, Twwfi n: i tlrvy� ill of Ili*. Ilyf4 �)Xy of varli luouth. 01vinhor lif tbe V, 44flim 141 il'I'llutil. til lite illhaloftj� writt rot-T)try. !Iwi h ill sa-aforth, w114 n- lis !flat I Ittilialiv fir 1) It-livr, cil ily.- lhmll%� y 'tie. vx;-. Moving n a -rvy-.: *duratilpb, au'l lw�-jl nvd!r of th*- V44vlrinnlr�y tA. (tidur ljno� ever -y confl-tener A -f bn lIoUty ellipbiv Mill, I,,- )-Fitr, , , I F., -A. Rnriflt� V. N.. 'Vet.4-rbiaU 0.11vot-, �rzitlrblirn, Dr. 1b),wi-l- -ull-Z - lit I All eilllj� Isrllsilitl; Ozoe- uara'Alllial-I'l, .1l-Jt4 1, 14 J THE ]RIURON EYPOSI TORS' A arm is broken "an t: 1p comer of the to r va; f ineffiell aid, h' ow(yer, he was an =MENEM U t will move res ectable for gban, That the Sum of $200 lie actured, a V araol lessez' wounds Vionoilinced o t of danger, hough i 0 nd ale vanisl i g by moonlir, XJ *for � - skill, 4 .1 fr, ht-� It wonld be Xinna and', bruises We p 0 in- build a bridge ovor the Ivept r. Go lin- granted to P t e some titlk'e before he entirely re C e I U al -ii from D quisit vely in lilt d parties s GREAT LEARIM SALE] look- who vi 3ited AM" M Ewell on Tles, ;Wvers- W6 h " " h - c instead of listening 1zaalch of the.Nine."1\1ile piver, ()n IV�t Ope e may �, 601, be al.)Ie at IfIll, will(jews, to beconie- memb lite ers, 0 D iSTR. I C T MA' day hqat'- till t at t- �t tirne he was q. to go wound again in his t c � loughby street, in the villa.ge Of_ ILuoic- TT E R' S. Coll sual health, and if t SCIOUS & id Coll licy. (10 ilot wish to do this. they I ]low, J)"ov ided the 80m of 0 be rse senc -9 b I ut from onvot, ;i )jy, fill' from ills flien'dlyoid 0)14��*Ilg litail- sbolild ke . I . raiswl 0 natp- of I his in (:P1%NVftY altogether, andnot en -I juries, his 'er I in the village for the same purpose GIVINk LTP D 11 for tile 8 'Ott tinte lie lias -been. in the danger their hmi� d a rc ail c, se may be sill (l klis. noig 8 and bring ridicule lit). that tl) e Clerk get lip plaii8 allo Agriculluiral Shows and Pairs.. con I very precarl( liborhood,-ollehas eaxn�A tbe),espect Oil 1,11,1111selves by 11cing caliubb in so tions' ntract if tile pri(C and esteem of All� -%vith whoin. he has be- hulaiL at 119 ail di lionorable a positiL)n. ThoTownship of Havy Agricultural Sociebv,g and l6t Ole co 18how will be hold at Zmi&, r1all A G 6QD ARrrq,1& do not exe AJo v C on Tu8solivy, ihe 6th ---Messrs. com I i of October. W. N. e acquailItEd:' ced ith at 'ainount. ))y I The untl(Irsigned intend giving 'Wa�tson and Thomas Be 11 have purcha �ed A (-'OPD`TED'11rLAr.. Afra 1)urnon e *oni(led by Ke. Kilina vi lip jill, The -South Huron Agricultural. society,s 'th6 ight-for,thim t�,to manufaot Live A leYville-1 all, That James Somerville -act ts (jj. li'alli aud tbt!Y 10 [1 CLBAR OUT er Show wiliIieheld at S�oa_forth I on Thunday find an'a 21 21-t;t . Olt ihe 'Oil�t 1117i) 11(low. BI, I and 12�ud Selittkinber.. lid Gorrie. for the r6inabIder of tile year, at tbeill 1% Riffing of Riwon Lifter. Thai ail 11X1 rMICIY- simple ',nd is fstill (11 y Ind parch- Livi, BOA saille salary as Alr. Scott had. --C Tall Show will be heldat Clinton, on Tries Ic" but rine roi 'Airvost, lit([ 'r Ti�--nPLP,.—The follo-%�ilw _,arricj.' THE WPIRE GF TREJ d I f trinurs are 0 'ini d 'I Ilse C�Ilt�iv, lice f )I, lifting %Vill( OW , 0 0' e I ecolldca ],)7 wed"ORdav, tit- 19th and 20th daTs Of� Selltey . j are the na,11, a of tile olli, AlOveol by AMr. T, aghan, s Rt n - . ' I The Stepheii and Usborne A blilidsevenly 6pialy willeas t4killo advzlllta� re of A, 41. bellig blisijy� ours elected to ;1 11, rhat Ii., coun'll do -iouittiral socie 'ily. It is - serve for tll- current qiiarter in Life A] r. Mirno yall 811 tb e best ',qon tFi� *., I ff - r, which Ill ikes busi- ljoatf , z I IV' �gagod harves;i I b 711) at Exater, on-mollati, adjourn, tonicetagy hion ikumist 1;-)tj), T4c.-,d&O'V w purpose we lip. -SS very (lull, o"IT10, f 0. T,,! of this place: Y, the 2fid tind 3rd, days of October.- hmr6 t: 3( at' -so �-Je i6ccn, T11CFall Showfif the Howiok Branah.Agiieul_ p -k 'A —0n. Fridall Brotli(r,lojin. A 'It, 10 oclock A. at AJr. to I iUW t&in the in' n lau I 1,1430 Moles, W. C. T.; 1),oth r t'llrld -SUCiety will be held at Crorrie, eani of tl e 40 �Tosvpj on Wednesdayj Sinith, W. 0-T.; Sister "I"", Treasuren Oct.' 4. alnlos`6 el�ler3 p on. -lines At instrol g, of.),, lo vliile AylCs% COST PRICE 4 'lot obly looks rorth'i IV JJ' Jlvotllcr T. 801TEPWILLt, 5 FOR CAS H,, 0 held ,at '11&mu Ivheh;_. I ei craged in heil)i 11t ubotl windowl 1, jib 0 r of Ootober. a -VII0 Coiltrid Fair will bi toll, on bver I to (Ira)v illi sonlelIza Ole -of 11 is well J ohn the .1th5th and 6th. 1. ri �,e Y, allot ill Lhu"aol; (if Son, Ii. 181istu Margaret Bugall- vqWrn Fair will be, held at London, from Tttt,� A� . lIre i -t vice it hng� flic tealli 11,111pe'lled to Illove, Puber Aylsworth, the 26th to the 20th of Septelnl)er. year' M -,,RAIL TIM, �,IALLP W ILL STu,,RT: 11Y c re is Lq�, labor and w car W. F; & ; si WAY TIM 6E_ TA BIL E d "ter J' tile Jiarber, W, 'P. '!'he Provincial Exhibitdoll will -1)e held at f Wil 0 lid. off �c, and lie Brothe Davl(l Greall -Broth Trains 0 Id. AV b w licit tilIvIv hilli, I 1# i I his balau, "I Von, On tlic-25th to the 30th of Sobteniber. i fC I to thd a-VOill. d, al leave tile Sc,'lfurt I stational Tbo. North Perth AgriCifltlu 17 Q_ his head, Ayles orth, 8is! N T11 -&I Sc)ciOtv'sFatI Sh 1 0- '11V A x -er Zi al 010rul till follows ri -1 RS T OF A VC' U 0,ur Bi wIll lie held at S, 1A Was taken, -Ill) STY October. ittturd, on -the-. ,-)Ill and 6th of., undcrstat 1-1 JE BUILDT11101. _e is reniahis IV� I- G.; l3rother'Josiah Jrul W. G 0 JNO I r!,A-'-'T. The sonth Ament- inter)(Is y ol I 81roday, Aylesivortli i W. d till 't ',A Fr. borne to the� C*Clllctcr -c(I by a I xv Toronto) Exprpss. Buffill) li.'Xpress. '.%Iixcd� Perth 4-liculturn Socy. _v,s Show precti I ig. b I ick d -I,,. lip tro I ffsorrow- And will continue uIltilt le whole Of the stock t. , z this f; e coacoursh will W beld at St. Maryti, I A. �0. _on the 3 --ith of O'e- 'his pvop.rty '11j(juilig the np 1 R Load), 11IT. L. ki. �_3' WC are 7 52 A. 3L d aud f 1 3 5 t0er- - - I I is sold. -jilt- pleased to learn that .1 - I factory this temple - is in a GOINK11 WE�Tr. f The ITibbert BraneftAgriellitural soviety's F' Aa el fjouris all 'low driving A (lei litatiol I vIlo wc7A 111" Fair xvjU be held tit 8 taffft, 111'11)11�r) ','lid healthy collilition. on 10th OctolIer. ].)us -a sfave and barict- to-seo-tbo Dircaims (If -tile �V,qjillgtou, The incluben list l"x] d-ess. 'Nail. llle� a in h: ------------- iaZ) 1131, tic )low numbers suv_ 1 3 5 1,. ;NT. 8- Call effrIg (024 spf'u)'c Bclryuins est, �J�-Illlent is quite G py & Bru:co cilty-fiIe, of w o r. I � I i w,,,y Coll �1111 litililbelf about twen- 'S Lr -0 lit ;(Itlisitioll'to tile nt. Iritt actiLring ia- br ell q, -rTF, all A-Irt. LovP R ­IV mve re-- theY P, Ose to bulld 0) e AlIduril)"r tc_r4ts of* hli-e ��ilia_ th 11 'Ill, ty-allic joill I E e seclusto be a 0. ceived. anothe 9 Ii thence tc Ki�)cardiile, 'Clio ine 01santly and profit- S. 00urts---1.871. ar letter from,. . I ft, hc�e and have 3- Aill'y InIt too late for fh' an�l 0 c rpr so arc pj Division is weeks issue. g f elit �llcl capital at of turned and spea'k � trorgly in'F. bly !Ilb 1) P or nnfter, S P 0 memburs gi.v- D; isioll (,l)uris ,Fill I)e I Ic+j Love is 11:01W, Oil his way home, and'may. C0311 allies extend'll. his borders as 1*01(te.- I'lley sa,i that tit -if l it I peo- Ing rfzctatio sibille of tit 8, re"Wings. Ilialoir . 1; MI . e a -'sniall -la-Ilivul. l)aj)cr pub- Wrox,-ter ...... July 2-5 Clinfoll AlLrarties Will 14ea ca . I 11 be looked for ahtnost any day, he has do e �i_l.�cello coil -tit Iw thi't There fi also a saiiii-I eS 7 & C lyinghl"), June 27 Ilaybelel it o I lillell are lit eaxne� )ut A�, e , L kl( Oct. 26 I and wiills o" vi 1- 411111 BlJwn have ex ce'dill-ly lished ill col Ilectioll with, tile TelillAt", 8vitforth T)rA\rK9-_N1r. John L' lap of h oNv n in t a, i Jul.y 27 6oldorich ....... Ol.j. 'o seith! tIlcm, and sft�,e I) andesbc-ro, of end of tI �c SW.,,�Ct toncrUCIS. allo -Jnl�y 29 NVingbilin ...... Ti-tekei-sluiti 1 0, A " ThL l3olat Alichor." I, will plivase accept th anicsi town f ........ This I 0 41" now 1a1'k!r is ""(to" th-C, e(IiLorial control bf 'Dullgralilloil 2 S(!Ilf()rtll for a, basketful fi�f very fine h ktr � E I.L.-11l Oif, A ap- . I it '176 im95'Wid of The pmpri(,,tors olne Of the Brethren I appc t excel L .. ..... J SONTHRoN &.,q -a axe wi .sr I )i I I ted q uarkh-ly cliuron 'X L - I Ppr 1, ....i. -Aug- 15 pIc They ithou Aien t1le I' fldei cya, a Aio A \�o tea, 84b, aild now aftur ON. - ill (­vvillv Sept. 216 i13..IyI1(-1lI best ive ave seen this year. oil] -Tile drillill, Itts if tile orethl-du or Sisters 0 hO 1111�y fucl. I S 011A C aballdolled and is o.)Cll-'1)jr Colitr'blitiolls Iroill aliv God�;rieh .... _Alig- 14 Dungluillou ov. 2.9 of 1111, cc h u n1ado th( lit of a % AugusL 1, IS -11, ler da3!s uIlti th will Swpt..2H c1hiton VC cy Exeivi . ........ S(.pt. f3l fillerikh ........ Dec. 4 41 C l — 7 Huron Road, Ttickenarnitli, lefu &j teent by tb a I its all so I'llat they. Usf;-.tho Av(ll 'all(I See of this ] ape -l' re read befort; the TvIllplo .... Oct, 3 1 I ria, fe.1%, dispo-ze(l 'to d'olltribute. Th W98 I Ly pie EARLY 00RX._.&1n Ak-'Ili Fowler ha-adsome mill air o d ("t tubillgr al (I a, p I lam '30 our ot�, nq occasion (71 f 'Aimi-ititich. sa, eyury t vvo Ib t all(I (J), last' a �very ti tie c�pcell e u. The 01,11clits a I Ill T, office OIL Saturday ber PC I r�1111 11) t, I fit, alliciii; of �11 drifers seem to thinl� that t IC criticisms all, I bllcre011 by �Jle inumb iztea of Corn in the e Tl �cllool. Thct rc isa A ax ' - 'ere 'All was accoin spjqn(ji(I S, ie ears n., �Ip res o -it . q a I lutilawitary W BY—LAW NO. -0 'I C, 110 -NA, Of Oil. 'Phe'veIple in tit all 11 -all filled alid fit for t bfe use. 1` Pd a Iiighl It acidliborhood alirl, -Noill a are uibe o is the first we have heard of th's So W e1q awaii eas xcit- 5 �.l inade an ap- t We 6sh, Pror�rixt� respOnse. II., Col. ,])Out the niat er. ------------- 01) al 11E a. 1311der's reti r o r To aid and a-ssist the Lonil( u roil PUP-Lic liorrf)_&-�-. compliall inwit from,th it I r% N DiII aIId horc, il Co I,-.\( Ii, TAI R cc pursattlice; and Bruced-laillvay (--onapaii3-by, -ith a reqvdsition from 0 ---poaq L, rhich -she haf bav � risell four 11111,1(ircd, to adjournment at lamot 0 filled -witjA:'i;O' I luIch, cr uld accep tan eq. th L inuctluty "i -S,000 by". Wty Of -bolltlu. to tile a litimber of the put, CC 11"L during oil the :30th 11A I C0113pally, and to issue unisillt,733 alen of the Village, th( lasb flw days, on account. oi the oil sail", rt %1 1 -, rteev(l for Som yG%1 'Slolled al 11111. prw li-ect. Cil-vill, c ve Degs IT) announce foille jnhal)itaufs of -has pi ­)d imea j'qoil(la vorsalfeelilwof re'-ef a y next a public over the see- wa.rd. (f wilt, i I)c IVL! ; Qlucwles therefor, wid to,,i-utjioriyc the P Y, Farniers anict others -wirl ti, t'o h ea f: oil. I I - u Ior in B.Itievale r1lou, I"ob( Cial rato for-paymelit of th' (I 'er- 1 1*6 �l Ivillialli of a spe 'JP0J,)TJ1 AXD c beax in,mi (]-that no bustilesq The youlic, I-JUIXIT), 91 laily a )o Ve eferred to is 1 4 belLtransactect 1XI 8aafortil on that ol sistar of our respedel I'llag.11M. A latcrfroi'll 11,Mliles Nelitti be),tures and.interest thereoii,.: q *,usmaa, AIr. ruTI"W`AVSP­ erstaiij ti depli- W Cjcrk, Ira'3 read 4 folin E_'Ider tati staLintr th-tt BY It" 114"t (If the fourtli seSE-jon. of tbat he has tqke, rLuIs �oypr (Ills from tile Lon(j, 0 Lt.,gislature,of ill(' Province of of if itario, passed X aeeollft of 1)aa hea'Ith Ile COLIJII ill - I A31IOTITTR, -INEW S-rona-AM oil an(I orollto oil ' )t ill thoji-llh 1-i-ar of the reign of ber.A MR, 1110-MA,13 K n Nar OW (latl"e Co. ell 111jo.4Q. Qllc�cll oronto, es8rs. 11pallics will i se Litt presont illeetiliff 1l)J1"8 STORE, --t- Switzz!r, late of T vi it tile. d tj e Of tile Coun- Victoria, entit ilitimabe ftri Teachers' EJ m iation. towl ships this wed j(d all aet to ineorpointi,. Aloved ally, 'I if, j.,� in Wbich he plIrpoge, se. openi-flo, In fr I �;orlcs of scarTillg oil the Ilia Ilp of rr ()"Itlat, scCOuded by M r. : . 'rho ex k, r"Icy 11 hold- cit, alid tendered his res' 11131 -till flud Bruce Itliltyay Colill' kill to -days stie that they propo .1 Otl�ipl- tbill�,.; provid,J, aj;(l I. , 1. o c nearly oil)_ J phlel S, to'lay Ix Ault] furtlier he lawful ft),- ally a cft-(�ral store, in tile etor fol! P yi� �� ]),,--,.a t I)IIIIIiel- os, flice, Oil irdl;1ass certif c .4e ;j f 0 l!C he , 1) -ople the Thab Jam(!8 (!j(,rj CENULEAMOCS A iN Ito tl�e I all crl'n'll�%ttca oil -s f tbei iti,,q tbrough tiny ir Tles octive, collipail ws. as 11mijeipa, wbiell, 01 lail(t the E'x- e 29th lie meLt'll". fir iiear l0liell, t1le rikihIVIII, er %vfakii t)f d Moved by --Mr. pe said ('ollillaily I -Ila!] liass or be situRt011" it) ]till 1�11,1 as- pmbe th i �jj-oi,s all(I wea the ('fallut, s(coudod by Mr. thirmill That �iut ble.said (24 gJal-gl tet'ing, wish them, eyery aiVeess.. (11 ther dwing e -tif , tes on Tharid tst C3 the Illal,10 4.3 e t d cut icAl P, wn Nveeks hit bolull exicedingly trell and Jilid out tile (.1. g,v,ll., I)A- joitiii)g ol par evenin& the hot I'vol inst. 1J.111e, qx �v ))Y 11;fiv of lit aluil 1 60111 ` 'ff 1`TG - "t, frit tlie 1�it 6i 8ePtember. IN e armuers ti r � Al! i o I iCLOT t alid, Sultry. A good sb lect (4, otliv lit-ans oiibe co;upflin- ill the colAtrill't.-on T murally ower If rain it'll with lot No. �1� ?11 gL :r ri ver- a archincy a y oY vquipni(�ilt of p-Livi Mailway, in Coll t t1a in tl L 1); 0 (if Malle)iestor, and Q17ARTRIMY ror-rular, Nvoulff lie 'of grea" ally to Quarterl- all(Up"3611- olle, and espeel .1 IlCct 0: of ftliv tof the Jon - with maify oc 0 e -Mi the L I to cro repol 1; it t 11 C Work-, aul4ori-y(-(i initler this act'in 'suel; I'llullill'r -Lt L Ps inectlug of Council.- Iti)(1 to) bil -)I - Mich. 31111, -Icthodist Churck, of thi f 10, -q)fffiol f m eertificates i IL (-.Xt(;fIt w niefilAlitles I,& ally JUSO, that he bas r ceivsd frt)lu r fin c, 15 e to pass i I e 30vere ordeal A( IT -Mr. Mirnou, Fee- 01(tol the. Nvosieyaa t A_ is we're till Carjqcd. -Alorud nth '%-ill take place on Sabb (A intill, _g t1l"11 no s-101 Idd. ath next. illecesa 11 The (It. ti tile 1), Mr. �jniltwhall, Thaf; tile v. 0. Lav CS D U toeorue 136L t f '&10 rria ])let NEW Sy.STJ_;r4 OF --rile li C, -ello�, ACA., Cliai or aw-Istance Ly Nk,.,v (if lit ious, the Ila- �(Ia3i hult" while tIq - passing (If a I�V_JXw foi. ille. JA13,111, 4�i -erE alo�- I ) I ) )1( lonatit'jil (q, otherivisf, ;) CUT-TuNG, i, i with L �­ 11 1 1) 11,161 t`Vr t1le, J) - 7 -Ili accideut ot tify tile Cot r to N611 preach at th swei t af t)u w IV 1,works atlmiral)ly; prodt' 9_00 ta.X es a4l)l1tioll (4 such l3v-law Iring licautifuliv fjt- havill aiso a PO, 11 t, � 11. -It 11", the ra1t.p;IvVr ; Pro f tjI jlelpil�g to r i C �hoiirs, moraiiig aald evoiliag. I fr h, aw from li is list oj' III).)ai(j of tho log I I a little or S till ftrillents, 111ICK Ila. I t to I U valif , shall 0 and cullift)rt. take Into .1809, 'aw, 1I (11131ft'rilliti- 11i , I i ellpleff -six 1) 1 -re of f(011�41': - AVIICIII we that bile the N Cars 66,' 1867� L-61'), a"a) 0 at fill- ruell B fling -Lt 1 1870 lots No. 84,,9,-), 110 nlafio:i! lls of this Prov -- -D. % 00]Lsi(ldr, doll Alic! large num- balow tile knees k ocked hii a i dowu, ill the ]a e v d -11re notice illatMr. ber _NTeSauglit lias removed to ilia of capoli("hacsi and' ij[ nullij)(_ 102, 103, r of aild Alid over Iiis thlic"11,3, ab I-Im 11 11, aild 10-11 10,11 112. 113, st'.11,91 J1"1v_1a1V8 so paNS('11 filial] tutioll', flud new rem- �difforent 114, lie 1.11M. noN,th. 1 ell($ trdatqd, i Us ahnost stir- b cart 10-8161), a!)d N 122, 133 1:3(i ises i4 oicar of Ki lora.n & Eyall,' tearinc� off tj 1 116, 116 '117 123 shi 0 ratell"Ll'exceed the P;,,,�rcgat c 1 rate 5ome excellent Patterns for Chilthensl find y-outb,, Prisiarr thc,tt t lie Exanlil�61' I Ill] crely '37. i I thd v llage of _11. of two Cents ill tilt! iollar till the actual y.1lue 0 a storc. I - X e trust that 1 0 . _. . : , . as i6 pz - 111'. MG -Naught Illay be B . succeeded :in , J" S.Sed along. m -ter f accomplishingthe t 1-1111- 16 PI ) ebarc, � Ile h-ccoulit to t1l; led til -at 0,11. ai buits, no t 11r(lilvrty. provit 8cotVs � r 1,13 towlIsillp. sesslilvilt.,4111111 essful iu bilainess ill f�ls ,,L:,Lv $t- �1� itill6rit, and J l' I 1 11110 rate Gf Ile Llld as they di(L Tb a5 31101-U, time ull', is V 1 110- -Carried. 'Mov As ho bas bccn� in- tlu e follo'M a the officlial gressi6g favorably o e(I by �-,Uc_ Nv( caot. eT7 two Vf,pt, A LE4 at which he has juat list af sneces all 8 ill th(t' dolifir on .11 mhle of tilt. wbide ralvable Pro) it vacated. ill Call a onded by �ll r. Nl'ilson, Tha �,itd�:, for wh ch tile lot. -i th't actil, 111031tioned in the formcr ])lilt I lv;'bill a3luiii we AIle indebtud to tile, ie Board Exainin ioll, tile it 1^ Plitt rus supillied ur ganne, 0 .1 I.tcsy of tl vipai- Ze) dubt," And its cut ont, ILI, modcraiO efficient 86crctary of Fulton, be, Property o I _M r. mg included W70-1,R-ts, The'.%jullicipality Of the viflage of 8 arellow c�daallsonl Bi 110/h( B(litor of.the T r� FLAX MILL. --N faria as�es.7,l tell t, Seaforth basTvt( e n f ra ZC I a the I 4-- 1 ill crectil"Ir the inachinery iii:the I ., 1) to aid find, fIS-,i,!t,the said. 110 NN 0 , . i! S1 R,: oxv'� me to expr o i1vit'lldrawn I -fill- hv,ivfti,­ 0it-reto by Nvily R-, it --A 11 from tbe,� a,: 8,* lent 1, i Ciontl'. 1,140 )IND Mi ess �ly . 0 mll of thi-s vear, i forth, CIS 9 the. sea July 27,1871 I'llm to 1111LILI. tL',, ftuthorit� of the sl flax n1ill. _Ajessrs. I'lloillp-soa & apl)roval of t.�c minner Ili w I and th`e ac'es c-banq t till rL- of -Alitchell, havetl1ccO,-,frn,.+ Cummillre -.Xv I I, I el d to hillill)v 52t (I I- A -1 -1. lille, X�Xiullillat- .. 11 - an(I emeti 1011 3'eadhell's -%vja c )I,,- f Carrico].- potitioa' from 11' .11. Wifl-no7-ts, in ortlerto cn,1�yjI)fo,,ffl.et 0 J, i 'all, Gra- FARM FOR SALE IN 610RU& c on who c. ll.�ritlitc o g -tile] 3 61 (.(1 object itwill Ile weess Ill" tile maellillory. Foster, -�_Iallhlcd gl aae (111'eted I)v th`6 t'.'entle li,�Ilt and W.I.S1 ijrv�, for t1j,-sai ,rliis, (a is % all-rcoguarailtee th�t 11.1icU, Samuel grade K ell tell Will h tile PNV Bo"011, o� Pxaminers ca( Ilicipality to raise the silid. fill,J, of t)l(! 8.11,7�"kill reftsallable ferms T.ot XO.,t, fbil. a U'l e by. Air. (Aftillit, secoll(le(j J lijaIllic.l. r"< will Ile Lyrol)orly performed. e). illenticilled Illid t, D 11-11131) CLA �*S Count of Huroll by Air, q I mrlll� And I] r1tared, heoded, 1111's 1111d well fi-Ilet'-d kf�ir clirteollf., a;1,1 tile lwal, er of It Mill require the foill, _.,7(0 to to g" 11 of Irentleiiianly deportr 101it, t)* be llunult))v I)v Specie fi, -wefl tilubt-I'vd, Ivili'l lial"i J%7ood. AcamFsr.-0-n Tuesday e Alexancter, 111ait !r, To' n So J. Nrtinls tile al)- tile Petiti02- of NN'. G'raliamaii(I o thers lie r-tt-.* itir lzming tin - 'Its M ve'llin p1jectil s, their a ric L i�obs o the tllte(L fol l)Cl_f(�)l_oI tilt '411ifl debt of -a r. Au(lre�,r (Tol-eujocj.-, of-,,) '17111.101, -XI 0 zinc' -va f to Ile is, "A interest 1w thi dl -1,(.11- si �llltik-,l wi tilt- 'Xoroit-f-il urav(-i Te 1Z it to 1)' J,Oyju 1�, �ir , of) , I last I J�Ilrdlill, 8 les (11 the Cer-liti, Ile( tatute, 1_1)or ill -for, as kvrchLt'ter� it balf from Blyth, altol 1,�3 luills ial-Ind", I loi ru, I *L al 13),( A was dri viln, dowl"I street in catI, rtt ell there , I A, &�rd ind tlic aills. Ill tile villi" f l3ro- from viinfoil, a 8tilloy the lok to- deciplied, th. h, P Of And, i . 3' it -m is"10 wa.-,ie laud, Tb�!re is oil the Pi-t-rilifies -idlu byst-71nu iae%ns caille oJf t,11C j1o1.,_A,.,.s 1"Liel 14 'AlclffaN C 1 atero rell coils IVAII'liz.is, The an,c),113t. I 15, ro Iva, a " they t I Moved by Or. TRII'lloll rL�eou(IL.Jj I)y Mr. of ill(-- whole ra :a) v a wx% fr., till(. hlousv, 21) x - 111d ci Ide, allsAv I with good N -11.1r anct Kinnaglian i)r(j1J(-rtvof the Ill A flood anic. 11 Jel J'anics 8. a vspt eti e of 'rially allyfin-ilier merea.se of tile sallw. told. alsl) !rre- fuiqbvy liarticulars upl-iN. to ill(. 1`1'ol,rit,ttir Collin .To - I 111- 0. C OVer the iN ill c. of anyincl-,L, 1-1ca'(1, ait"I "all Off, throwitw llilil. ft fiaird, (1,leol'O'et Ali �Illfbt were ell 'a _1he pt lises. tile ills ices ti e any nitractor for the bri(jf, his legs. - ThLc hors essioll, be the fII7141 lit rt, s -41j, -Y, 11,11d sliglitly inju 1VfcQaa,-rle' John, f rillo- olln of JI, 0 mi"ll " 0 1,I)vV�iVu 01. tile (or, (if I)v 11 t t 1*_r,) if) Myth 11. f Ca�lltcl'611 Peter, odl Ily Say, 1%1 strasb Wid far-fetche" Alill River - ' fo lit' d(TIA-1 floir tbe Avas call -lit" before Edward )uestil Ila )"I oil tlie 1 2th Colic mporary ilivvs till elit of G1,01WL BUTCHART, 0 'Lily furtlwi ola Calul)bell C6E.u, were- pai d th 0 lull , f tll(-tf of. h4l II(W(c 110hq4f. luag"o was dollQ.� PAU ull, givel), -Nvill ell ti the or of Iniv part Stepliell. Aelli 10 SeVe"Ity-aix dollai-S, Clarki 8aralh being -the airioun f tilt suld. �c - beingfor the iearltm, tho sti- Rodlic, Charles, lo� tile confidOn 0 of th e T, ,a C I I of balmice ef contract, Andrww'� Scott - "' xt of Nf US WA L. —We refer au r readers to the of Hur0m. rhey [ �ar(, -I,� dcci(led ill prov,�­ IWKI Si CCIL doll -ars. added for extra .10,000. X110, FARM FOR SALE.- 'b� J; cl;l I advertiscalellb-O the Clilltel., Churchill, M � I . "Ill 111CII their predem 01.8 ill arg e-VLII*y 171- 1 needle bcaris,. upoly a, C(!,. I The nmoiijllt� 0 LT. 81111.1 cxisfillg f .. I. a - 'file Exa cate from the s tie it of OR solp, Lot No� J.)0l'ittal, wbie.h i- I �J)Iulkson, f ob uy pe I e, Ilaid, tion is certaill and Alr, 11-1soll, t1l, "'�l -'ft iVi y is ali follows: Prinli, -fl- Ttiwn.,bip (if i,,rut-p, a to be fou.1114 III: et'not,11w. T4"licli. ne, y at tile I)(!1I(luturvP ftir gravO roa�ls and sill ellterl),riuing .1-irin, 11111 ge has I eel, raisc�d to t lvvo�,j ,u Of 13111ce, Colit-flin- h 1"woof of the I o W status of ed II C, rface, I I-111-ing date tini vrv-;, about 20 of Uhit'll. �Lry rIvart-d th(a tioll lit 1118 .0oullty 'Ind 'I in fifttell. v rf; ],,I 1111.1ce w'.11 JislIWI janzi&y I ndrew -�'.!Tb I)e John, brid, 1"Ictcher, A. Iri, I wzAl as-iti'lli-ost'l I st, 1871, hak-csold lip- Al it, 10 -t latta, ebunfure I his fal,,),� 1),, rate (;f sert.1) 1�4.11 and Inallif'. NJ), the Pro A I oved lie" 9011111m, whirt-tintere.,,t 'strvaln x)f lit, Atlittled. wlibin Clary go s' cre till" f1v miles frow i k I Q --Lill though I believ-6 the i)3reenta )f sul­ 1,11011, 8ccolAde(I by NJ I the flollrh,hil�g Inents -%vithin the I I'll I 1%; 1" rillillillcr tbrou"ll it, I Jt-,, ltl��trO orj" William, 1 )i1lCe-- I Av&rds of SI f 11 V" 0-111 W11W Will. Tb,re,if; 0 hel. ast sl�c 111�-Ilth� III es to I I I Oftlill- tile ilitervst -,I zl�ll of whiell, as -far is Ya. I I C s, r. Kiiiii- an t-lial i-varlysillhilig- fli.,ld, for - Vill--c of Pal-Iley, flylug, the- kin- ttijougit whiell fl)(� -NI'pflingi (111, crly folill 3,�Ju' .v'cul e6tirr, satish LI C3 32 tit we ku0w, lon I-NO)kirk, C J 3 1, f Lt I 1p1)IiCaIItj,� is ill Th it Joill, lit _bt Ili e-, 1-1 �N'illlxm J - tll'qi . Liddy lie allolyea an cipal of hu. sl N's000"llecordille, t( the Iluilwolv lvil.l t'hortly be .,4 ichibal I V " 11 11 tl 111 11alliniell, Alal�,(rar" t'. Yul 1�0 prol"! ioll.�; (if flie lie If the, al)ove I)rt)- 1:1 ally '1101111tv I have hiva-I'd frolil - - I additional al in 0 _t respectint, Mullicillul n pi, fifteell dollaps oil ],is i 311-14 itu- I,, aNr� 1� tiolli; t-ty is not I-olfl. it will be fur a � 1.1-311 of I pottioll to the liumbe" C)f appji�, I contract, ell tilli, hill Oil , Lift, it -,vilr it,1111 A RG y Afon(Uy Jao�t Thf) nuiliber of can(lid al tile 4th Con ces- 11100ri II rate (if one-bal an 111muill ri; for till. inilir. y( Fl -r ffirtlivi, partivu- "oliviction that I , Sion, opposil I cell"n additioni it all hIlt, apply it) Tm� ji, to otht I, rates to ioe lcv1,,1 e giftit1l, sold (),I, till eta v S" lots 23 -aii(I 241 and tha 001, of Ta( 4 (10 'a for second - roust bel -c declare ilil of, who'll, thiee rco:c.j%-(_3 ItCh year -- C I . 'I. i. It d liclieve Ole, to 1) IT TJf1-*IJJ,'l1o1V1t,, , 1111. I's, PM, $sued for i iiNACTI-'.)), 131_1� the Co -Se-iforth market t1je tjl-s't lo,�Id Of j)a�,,.tc :Ct-ltificates , for till questions, the irb a, (16I)clitillre In his favor be i r I mch. n 6 re - SC V (" re, a forty-nille tjolla. I ion uf fbe ililIP-, Of SUnforth, ill Council 11", eIll, 1108C g i 1, ell to) ail (I t1vellty-ci-lillt it bled IN follows: Ntrits Of fUxcullont quality of which nualbel. 'but thi'd'"-six roceive( i tl to N 01, Inal stildell t W11 di�tjlat tile C teeve, c( s 'I'llat faif - pri cOrtifica-tea. Th cc", I sk. The tj lica jll,� NOTICE. Cc. was ooly ollo caitili. 11 a Nvider raugre ill f �t �j j l;jla Aall find inay iv inwial for, the iahl '�"K) 004-11,16 us that f rom date for the all,, 11' .1 -Moss lla(l, 011iplete)(1 I MI'llicir-fl) (!WIl.liJI 1-f �he ('orporatiou of ow -three -acr,, first L essf 1 1 to as,,jst the s till (,ompll)v h,;- To TI contract; Of Ilion nius" iliP 811111 of W, by wity (if lit f'f �Jfl) is bill.-ild, It thtir iinit mect_- all a Of t(acher m.uit J1J=u,*a Ilivill', Ivalking eilcy- gravellin'r oo. the . �d olle"Sion 3 Ill after ill(, ]:Ith d-ir Of P471 -to uke ints) of 1 (1 tbreshud f15 those! )V�lo f, led, to e r -Tbat it shall be lawful for ()lot pultIll), slich; I �) .1qtiricato" el upcdi�.� It is a tryin Y a Cool kid(ratioll IL tweilty-thr I Mold, r f)�c r )rde-zal4o' rods, t 't. al )IQ - r oh.cli rilon 11ppvc, jllig ill(- portion If ; ol I f1fite lolts, 213, in tho 0 fr")"' (;'1)u-';lIQ1s sown, 115'werc rci-p- cc are engaged to' teat, d. _A1OVVd by M 1'. of the said 111111 icipalify to of wri-il-Ill rioad '11 tbC CIS,, but! will, I tM,1 (A I) the ead be th b -)fr. l�iilll ('1111ST allv munber if &.1 ovii I urts fo -Lt., 11111de for 4 11 (If the f-,,dd iowllshil, of `J'h is it' a good Y101d. aild- can hard] ar , o f the year. , lidt'r thc y aullan bucli, y U "I'll .13 Tit -)tb ef tlev.�r rwiuirvil r, -ft? Th. and if deenw(l adli::111ne, to pa!;s a l"S.T _U bcttull. elrell ills talloes tile )f� a great it( Doe it) coluettiOn debul ture ill favor of John �11O�Ns in,, (.r nwuey its inav be fr the - ffid -1 rqlliollltioll .1 t be - issue(I f0i, tile 81, 11, of f orty 1(-. liol. 1(,ss l-hiju L law t glive, a new linre _jive (jo ]lot -Was pasbed b�­Ilc 3wtr�l t IS to the IiLCIlbj,. )11 a rs. (!%e I ed- for thl't Nlr) ose. All I arti(s jl4t . X, (Ire"fi'd al7e yt.- Cull llas Resoilf-erl -1 Ybaf tho .11al t he Jengt1i an( . i r Carried, �k By-ja1v fo; .0tialloll t V wbole lbe -t;aiI 11MI %8.0f)(4 All it h qllt -tvd to take notice anit gow,7) t4nifelves ac - of those Y sajlll�' I - "a Ile 'y I II)g sIll"I lit' $Villf-11 Wi' h- tilt' J.'(kal of ill T U it E.' hi till-, (lix"th .1 01Tr bdove;l 111"Ovilict that Of tile jojylls�ip illto salt :k 1-aliciplility lo'(1 1�jyned b eadth oif Ill- Off, Re( "'V tilt.), Cori Lill ly. 1',�Ied to­�obt three pollill't Still. iaus for tilt; who I of a two Crtlfi- Will -set lior far ahead 4)f -illy other rouli- v said deb(:l3tIIl-*.s Shull I)v 1111111C. �Iv_ T11031AS TIOLITY' story brick buil(lill,,-011 catez, �aml aill c a read a th '111 I - - ell , first all(l. 'Suc0l)(I able i�) tWelltr velars lit. flllljl,.,t h -tall till. wil"llip Cl C.r.1c. ti ill teach- tr- r. To' acalit J fear, howavo�x, that in:1,11y 0( tilile. 2\J I by AIr. F ell ii1ifter ijuntion,ii fi), O,i, W Jull 2124, 18-11, lot '"_cel 1,00k I sct,!oull 110 vi , i,� -law 4r, be I tln�oll 1 010 ("bairillan) 'L, cher g fect, 6th(r to take el- , 4. - I 4L I< tit of the �all ks Tliat tile Loudon, to tile Coitudil 0 1jublio I I-St�­40ion fo] the "%,. -ne, Ill to 1� to I and the stor of -E. Hickson & (jo. s will be throw by -Mr. U."1114" 11,11 BY -law for the (fr tw aat Of the. Ile( u 3 mryknowl "do -C dividill iii0madla to�be dt.�,igqlatt-d ill � when conipluted will b' 1 N"it,11 View 1 .1 g of flh�t e. town shi 1) into tjj-lvo�e poll- : tjl'cliv obtaiiiin '11)ernii )A wf h1lall hm e'attal-lic-d fill' t)ie p3l. Tuite 1LIL Zvblitio tS t thil, (I timc, 314-11t of jJIt(rp!,t u. to thu 11�­ Ids, murru, 1-11c,� Z, oub-divisiolla,* be read h'OTEL FOR ZALKE' tioV ;xotar, Aiig.'S, )AIIIII'ller LI Onle block "t'l the exVext1na 187 lit the rateand ill tj I it P �;hcd- —CArl'ied. The By -la -%r -N)"I. illud, find Faid of brick 1)UiJfji1l,r8 already orvctL�d on I lice CS An Reeve an( ',hillev with the QUI, Its it, 51' lerk. A type d bale and Sig AT etimmodions aild woql�kllf)wn at tiortioll oi Mall "aS 'IL I we th tutheTrusteesilailied or to Lo, nalu(! t 11, 0 aboVp -wa read '1711C aely have beell r t Street. ])ell fir he ill Y� 4. 11 er to bi& provisions (if I fit present I)y imm."ItT t 7�1 a coiDD] U ill catiol) vitorl Lfet. 'toll s wok all(I State that permits Ila tl v faid. ro,.- t IZIJ,pr stwro 1) 141 aeb Ll 11 ar It m as be L , I McIntosh, fo ta , J1 ori-exb,e-T. To 1he Bdilur of 14 froln: Nvilli 4di-That tilp, -,il s 'nistmilcy & Me 147.1 "orposit, ol'-In-Dillyi-s 'Aufll 66 01103 -cluillabion '-,VIIL 'hil) ted to %It calidi- interest at itull .1 W " � y M , 0 , L , 1 0:1., 11 4 A wl 1 11 v re— f�f I d -% 4� 11 4 i"Ap. 81 a 11.4 a aillt (L liewlso., 'al't after the rate (If P, —011 W11,;l n 'L LT (n)(miry if a" , SIX U., W 0 allm Obtain a I rither cluctitj Sitil Ited oil the Sabit. -Lilie. (.j. ,li(;u by C'ull li-fIllself. z cerb' I)cr froin tbe (lit ]It I __j sr),Ith f 11 I'vould be ade oll I a takiii fr out of, an(i be tho"re- 13-tvi, [(.Ill and. ReV1.11 a th e I ItiOtte Iftughable affair too1q, ' *It tllC1 ea- isilo as e 0 f;ba)I be mill! w cf- t s ell at all W116 aT'G for h Tumper, a 811op Licen I. payable '4C at tile pre,4Lqlt tinle -,vas 011 the Ist day of June all(I the Ifil. 2,111f. -lit it the ullit. hi,, IV41 is lie- 1-actuaily cilgait ai7ce .1.1 all 11 accOlhit Ist dity r I od I teaolli 1,11*01 114 i A cv- rb o 1, lly 1:111411 ap- th , W Of read- Ajovwl 1�y 'Air. C"a-unt see of lio'ef 11�1­17, ill each tol.)d ev of n'tirill" from C arin evelliIN it m 0 oil (led cry Year durilig ill' V TI I- dwellijig is it tl%-o- T)l'(;a`ti0U to their Ins.pC 1tor: not n(ICC, Sary 'by NJr Cl Ill till liaret, of ill(! sai tfj.ry fral)Ic bn a wevk atr() dellelliln�c",, at the plac ;16 AM" Peter to let (101,111 tile -wr;nd)*.3 -he t the Treasurer be I wberl. Ow,.Ili 45x�j �, j:i gy1tgI yeplir, illt.11, _o f t do-licntures are in, qlil:g st-Nen ro(an.-Z ill the - (is being on d,tt lilt for tilt! I!Ilrpjjfzp of forlijill', 11 Fin,_illg I low( - Mot find fz(-vell ill the foll.)Wr. 7,11pre ltrl� ft)II _Vrox�eter.! atch Av 1, - - The ('11m, a Strict IV G t o 1 this, vil- "uthorized t(' a 81 op License to,: Nv;W Lft"Ing to 11lialli Alcliltosill Oil %)ilig tile i fill"' for tile lifil-111-Plit of thlt said olt,bi-irtures, uIld I flvrf-� [If land uttal-hed to the 118 111 llouf'v, elttelid clic I'llarria I wi - kept, a,41d it was Im b before fvvu Ebt! hlt�_r(q�t to I' flu 0 t 811in of tweilt -si )(Tonle fill(- tbi-rvon, ail c-qual fil,4 cial C� M,,LL. Irery iuto�rcsjill U quisitives x dollars, I R1111-1 dill garden and orviard. 11( Iwo good, 110iVSide!� itear Tavistoc, i I and obic.�Ijrj .1 1 appearam f Celli in flip dolitir thali ill aflaition I -Z, 110 of I inade the i Se 1 rate of olle-bal W(Ifl- two 011bles. it f4bl-11 Illod a bltrll� fly"I. Fifth1f) b :C- at comply ing 11 t1i t 11 th a it) all other rates, be raiseol levied. and. roi)(-et, and 411111 is fiflx2l)' .,2\42. which, At PreGen t 11 -'vas, P4YCd 0111 8atulila-y the 011e of tile windows. T twe �table and a each )-f-ar up,z LL -Ing notflill:", ItInIve hot el i-, Atual (.Il in it -slilvildid loett"Ar ;�),th n Cl f I it betw(en !tile, ullio u. 1) 11 1 all the rate fatally, -Air _)Jc. of hIii)orta t .riblin appeared liefor of lice 90ITIO, 0111, be e tile .0fle pr,)Ijertyili tile said 0 i6pality dill -ill" the Continuant 011 III e inithi ri.sul bY IV, vl) GotIvrich find Sarn" ,Pli L4),q e Ild the I - time, tb C011iel Ind Stated _t E ea v Holvick. a Morrisb ',r e e of the 'Aid guard thought bk la, V e": alij ai-k Club; tile I Out- Would keep that a child had been, ll'c'-be ituros ;,r any ('of theiJI. and in a good 11 farnling di!-trict. lical, where lie 6th -That sball take pffppt T)-' 10is-Two-third"' of tile pllrel;a�,p Inoller n_,� cry for tbP, lAtter Club. quil,'t and N'latch procclAili 'I heir ji-�Ld, find come being'a ric. left 03 Y P-1 t le it "e!,l -W&S Diade by both Cluj) :ct. was no -doubf; ar and a(.(,. day Of Julie, and -want 'nit) ol)"'l-tti"ll (41, il'olu 11314 ufter tilt! Firtit day Of wn, I C s, t 0), .10 lip, Welift. Address, if I)y I Ct t id, but lio, c (I t 0 k I W wb, he -kv December, ill the Year of our Lord, 1871. '110m.11T DRYNDAIr", 'Vhe Wing is the score Ne ii 't;ea 40 M,9% rulng I I)revailecl durin the (in insic 701-1hatthe of t . '� '4 5" 11 j t st­"`�Uls that the b el u -el't lie l: al g (r mill; 't Was goiarr t out(! (to wit), it 'Line .0 ill to Moved by I'l I the PIE-efors of (be Faid 0 L0 40 to 4yuf; 14 abmIt_% mije alld V.- I . : t, eeined to b4 Je their ide a. be tah-M on this By-law, at tile l3emv 11. 0., ont. obtain this a ("aunt, SOCOndUd by Mr. 31111licipalit'vishall wr At ast the.,y hit 0 Wilson., T h at 4e'sum of twenty dollars f,,11o,vilIg lillice, that is to say, zritt-Aol XtAtion, I ArORRIN the is, ti I 1311� NX. U IN 10 -Y. Ile ide,`i, as th at Ili(- Town gj1ea - toth fox and, the goa�t, that 114d -is A1cJ,atIgll)ill, Hall whet& thz� T;r L�yf-mk, 2w'! bi 451 e be alloll ed Tli'mi, for th' , Scaforch, on the 9th day of SePti-anber, A. D. N . -, --., -der fo t. in u IK71. colrulliCileing at the hour of 9 (,),Cltjek in t1lo N E 4. trouble he has!bad with th(_ child since OTIC TO FARM !kW3Z T.vgt (4stance, lie took er. �v y morning and ending at 5 el R AIM Illson. . pit the Only diflicult ce"118(L to b ec tile tiek in the 733orodug E.RSA- it), 'da. Oflime, an(I that atlacben- I at -5 O'clock in the aft(triloolir, of the Jas. )Blair ...... Ing ly 3 h;s faxor id that T. P. BULL Eihall be Iteturm- z appb, XiOus to Ji mg 2 th�f. 11 1111101111t4"—Car 3 who) Would act as go' Both be ture ii: be issued' for the Rilln e ('14,il"gr, Of Oct) I position but bei .1NIo%-cd j)y THE DER -N take iillch votes. Meer to" _G, A V. platim"ra. prepar�a- J110 2 J:L NLI 0,1),0 Ilgr Of- li'eyntrdls ,JILLS. t, nald. natt roll thCy SOOD foulla ;J NOTICE. e r. Takentitice that tbe above is a t r1u.1011ect Will. Doualas. . 3 milie --ubstitute for ]lot (.1aullt, seCond 1 (1 by Air. Wilsono That Jas, A tt.�bison. 3 Blair ...... rue enpy Of a undersigilcil purebaped thp t 8 1. ken ilit "T bettipl).!�g co t114 roat, in the slidpe of a goOd sizetl Jars I)e ' JcLaLighlin be allowed tell (lot-, be in I T1 having A a, lit r-montli, for th I r prolio. -d BOalv, which will 'lle 1 11111 .06, which thov malla,,r e - GRIST s0f lyinty an .'.. I tilt etl I care of ation by the ('oulicil of. the Alllni�_ �'l ILL, Ili*(, pro. -ared to do Gristing. und ro I Chopl ing (in Colivelliell t- 1164 tioll to nit ql)alitv if th,, laotice. ead duwu a Flelldel'son. . C Esposed Vil"ge of Seafarth, after one monfli froni*th(! first sido Of dr -le traek',, -Wi IV, 'AleT)oliald 0 )J110 in it the chil,l I ,tit otherw I%cL the shortest of� -- J, Hamilton. AMOVed., by Air. McKilln hereof ill the HUR0,N IL #�.444&- aln' J, D. Tones. . r". Hamilton, 0 t Carried publication 4�i-n, au -4 his. feet n el purpose. By this "tit ie the aglian, xPosi- Car ur condeci by Nlr. Gaunt, TO.Ii, the (late Of'v,,hicb publication if; tbe Ilth day No. 1 F1.01ir ke 0)1 han& tt-'aek- bt this posl uaid becoming anxious, I se That tell constantly lie must ut not b i dLrs be Of 4ugust,A,D-1H712RDA that the votes of the electors C00 AM ell to see ladies at! 11; ch a eight for the hee and care Of tD the 9th nicilMlity will be t.akell 4avo foor rl, ho ITIZ rel2bivedlat the next nl,.,etiD,, Of Council of the f: qrs, as Total thereon on 11 Also.. Bran, Sborts and Chopped Stuffi Total..., . 12' 1*014 the gt6u day of S )eptemberj A. 1). 1871,� l#tweell the - nd, was b P the child Dow in s also li'l-, rceov(tre(t hilel M one tailing to Ug my appro of 9 o'clock in the forenooli antl 5 O'clock in As I 4e. subsexibers ail,, first-citirm war jll11lP'�4(1 loff, i0len vvinaing "t chaa-gre 0 ['I'll Onlas I claughlin. rri-ed. to"' ba(d ward in in 'k- b aell, but pr he afternoon, at the i,omln Hall Leafj ninjors pare, l(ftit st h, for they v -W guarantee it) givf! the ]llost I'litil-L satis� rf,� " I A, a seconded by Alr lybicb purpose. T, 1.). Bull is 81JI)o t ensi of d(Ity he. dIrano�-etj toNvard ',ll 0 1)�rnon T -hat ' 'r' wafs after Bix, a* �mpted by a, Moved b� Mr. Wilsoll b kfvtol onoblep Viin ire, Geo, E veil' fileii0l L to 111] who favour them wi h their patron. Min t, Scorer Ited Return - a Sum Robert I'v"ted fewale., iloit k Hebentures be issued in. 1319 Officer. h0,0;8 dlow by, Miller, 99 well bow favor 0 but wbi, age. at to Say. w 110 roaeht�41 it no o ac t or wh, 11 TY thou, 1t f Jol 0 ; Mrs John T. P. 13T'LL SMITH Wl:,IR. perwn I Cameron; .55 3ames lValTen. 1101180 OXI�elit two or three ud-d'mly Btruck him, h e, er, and he John village clermq 0111re, Village, . rk- Ben e, Xxinn, :1871. IS241M ilirdy invited,, his inq Irwin, "Q40, 14J their accounts Sleaforth, Aug. ltletllf!� 11ou 11 -sit ve, liaving 10� 1869. J P vall to 192 -lit 'se a A<�(IIDEI,4T, --Oil f &Wrday e ant at been passed at �ast Council in 811 Ort ve mg lis.'�unctuve,.frightei3e(l-,,ii,,�itol-s to eet�ng WILL BE SOLD CH ircumstatices (101211, a -DY hilri to 'the ills �EAPq t*'F, -q-11d illf0l"'I&I the while Vr Jairies Ste%vart� of lot 14, con people thereof of tlu, .c* Aloveil by Mr. Caunt sdco�d. BUILDIUS FOR SALE IN SWUM, eCsSlon" f the lo� ore 9, with his broth t ej� wer �, taking l*P0111 t"t they 11 Wilsl)n, Tba tvre Ile 'Whell- t4y iminediatt;l y --c" a, ua P might I ed by Air, t a debell Or Rented on Moderate Terirjtis, 40 his re- Ill -,� load of 'grain, the 4orses became view oi W�,at w a bat FORSale, lief. By the ti issued in favor of Air. Jones, for Six (,lot- Cbeall, two COnJf0rtflb1P frame Dwelling as trall.9 pp, ng, witlic tit JIDIISPs, Situated oil the most p]ehj;ant litre(.,t i 1-11, a Iv �1 e th di ating th i ime he resclied the house frightciied and gave a su(jdc� if r f lars for plaa nf Town Hall. —(,arried. Sv forth, adjoining the (rood Teniplars* )fall. One f0rI h, allioilling the Pl-t-Office, nerniit-il ior t1w be was n0arly exhausteu, anol .()I- r?X4 by risk of TH";E well-known premiseso main Street, Sea - or qff the Moved Of the houlzes it; tit presamt occupied. ky 'Mr. Julner, -Lt aid arrived was'a neck% Jay 0 last Seven cars by G)CIFIrl 11 alin -was thrown lwd, fMs- l4g.up t by Alr-'Kinnaghan, seconded by SH. Both 1)ry 61. of"- Store with dwelling, baling titf soon as tho flootor 13 top Of the Mr. Durn Lridla-,v, ,Ind the other by mr. D. 1), Ito el C usual 'Y declin do Oi Mr. Gr,ant boi issued, for six --(] Mars - good lots, on whiCh e tittarb ell to thein 4 out-bowses, titable, gardom, oke. in ill(! rear, and a tsulling evere injuries, eape out I i6jidow. This On, That a debenture in favor houses are adjoining, itna haT arrivett lie sp (lily cially ab kind offei the heau, and ascertafileA tile extent of -the in it was at first thouglit hi allid airapt-ly left the gu, r(il? are all nect'86:117conveniene !e viocant lot (initalile J uries. skull I;,,ts fr o medit�i to I for buill;lIng cl�ilvert oil bo o finub 115 soft and hard water, Ve1T ni for building purposvo aud proccwded to Prescribe for theill. (ill' actured, as he remained in. I ul3on the beauties ofdissol lindary of divinitig. Applybylettur,to views, ildings, etc. t and Wesh Wawaiiosb.—Carried. at ThE IXPOSITOIL ()fflee. We or -so -61)13 for seyeral 1, hours, (),In the'ar- t4e s I ape of two feniale bea. ]us, speedil Ea8 For furtb(,r Particulars appl), on DUNCAN. Mer-AllUix Y Moved by�.Nlr. Vallut, seconded by Mr. Scaforth, July 1,_), Itril. Acoulitnut, Drnekville; Xune 7, 1871. 1W_tP T fe L &A, N to r ff� V1 OL 4Y. Alt Tit it, I.I.ItT )XII PAY Tr ii-As.-t-Ull pjr 141117 jo krud of th" yttr. ViTl�i iaseeti�ln, )rr 111'e, N nt�* Imh ZMP� Jai 3MR t)w-eighth on(, ��Ofklt \-V T 1)e inserted till A N SUSINIT-7ss DIRT Urmsi-Itn' 0NQj"_,V.'rPtvr4if'--C , M M itn''d AlTI-S gelin, etc, op_�A!v mid 11--lat w� rk�l D11. -CA.N1VI-`h_'LI,., C)njnrr�19 94 4 1.; in C!m1ler '0anTrV%f')r,!r, etc.. 11'.�.1,T1.1,L'on� fzf�' Miner f 0 L4)w tit Lew, NoijPil.,al `ioliritwrs f4)r ill(- It. C% jIww�-, S , . 11 ill(- 001abi Life A sfuaunke Cora` N B.- -4,�uj)oo It I q;*1 (a N Houseti X31.1 Loi�4 for Alv. lit Law. in Vilan"rIA forth-ali,l XA�'rojtIA,3.� Agel-llilor, (o. (if I/on,ohnio, )-o)g1Auj_ Mtwc . iii;uwd bwno to tb.ink the .311 fin aild Illso t -o illig.ri, A940D XMIM11.11 hil'int f -h lit the lk� liv. 'Win be boppy 14, hav I Itud nlalq 1JL­.V Allies. I.,-XV11.1 1.1 MIMI Proprit'. Uoti-1,N 'A ar_,Aj w. rve-1.111-13. bm!n newly tbron-boI14 , 11114 iN luo%v Mi fortal)je will ii;j Ill IiIIIII141c RAXinn, f"r Coxillnerrioll) 'J Ternif; liberld, Z-17 JJV*AJ'rJJ_AJk Nit Jr W� s. and Dr.4 ood A, BlIAR318 JI, T,ps ali'g). firf;t-elal�s C4,11%A 'm hand at mahonlkl7h. 14.1� JOHN 111-u(nix�J, Wn'y Tlt!ket Agelli, jlotlghtoro -G. T� Ritilway st.. , itioll, i�'wgftgt Tletets issiled to Ill) poinni hi ti Californlit. alill R -I linvr."'l n-firl, tho, g,w-utest faviliziel, to Pa4ligrati Infornie.ion gil­nr­lwrtiiv;,v Li 4;oIll tolld 'nAverV41h), boll&, illi -i till "MrgIvry, I begs i4l Alli-ifill - j1hirlb. U12.1 0V11JIfqI An offire ffor Illo;I. 14 lrgex� ill the roollis 1�- of 11:'ndfi tif work expert -PA of ibe. p4oi nianlivy 413141'1113 rea�mlilt�jj it. rimpi'll, '641ve, all".1t, Agmit. 14)r tbef-ill-mil." I.ifl 'jilt. blill aii-I tbr- 111-lialwe Lifu A.,unmet'. 914 oil rv:d .1 F -t All or-14or-4 by Ynfijl'�,r. I- lo 11% It" 4111tr). Tilt; VFTYRINARY sl!) tbatb� valls imule on bim in ),I.. Coolc lla-4 .1'vn A-1 t4y ­­-rai' e.v. I -l" liliSti-r-4. h1r, V90K will -ittv-viJ at A-�!As,� if .. in au.) at lh�, Twwfi n: i tlrvy� ill of Ili*. Ilyf4 �)Xy of varli luouth. 01vinhor lif tbe V, 44flim 141 il'I'llutil. til lite illhaloftj� writt rot-T)try. !Iwi h ill sa-aforth, w114 n- lis !flat I Ittilialiv fir 1) It-livr, cil ily.- lhmll%� y 'tie. vx;-. Moving n a -rvy-.: *duratilpb, au'l lw�-jl nvd!r of th*- V44vlrinnlr�y tA. (tidur ljno� ever -y confl-tener A -f bn lIoUty ellipbiv Mill, I,,- )-Fitr, , , I F., -A. Rnriflt� V. N.. 'Vet.4-rbiaU 0.11vot-, �rzitlrblirn, Dr. 1b),wi-l- -ull-Z - lit I All eilllj� Isrllsilitl; Ozoe- uara'Alllial-I'l, .1l-Jt4 1, 14