HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-08-18, Page 1At -GST g7I . Al CLEARDIC SALE I 0- UP BIxpSS. rsi.med intend ivingrti Tlininess this thi-y Mill CLEAR, OUT CF THEIR STOCK r PrerCE, FOR CASH. . SALL: WILL START FIRST OF ntil v(3 t1i tock ‘.• 411;7,.;:t4Tt=t11,7:twii1 p*-i';t a1I aud ithr PONTHRON 4ck SON. 1471. 169 CI:. ..._ .' e-tAX0 1Ziek.46-:13; at iLre to-tizt• inhabitants of 41771l at„,17/2 4at lit- ha Lt! 0-M,kti K f ItErt; -STOltE„ • ing On the making up Of ENIETS AND CHILBREWS fen rot ,ms over. received 1:riglar..1, an Entire' YSTEDT Or CUTTING, titably. beantifrflIy fit ease and comfort. erns for (11:tinn' ami rc'utb.s' Suits". -1 or gart.i.."its cut out, at onalciate 1-.7.1. R. SALE In mnials. i t't 4.1•Itt, 1:tt'r X `4, non. t;;.- Nu,. 1 t IA hielt or -,1 ta/ $111tl Utfil fvOrt-d ttlEl rk,t1 with Ifunl-v. oral, it hi Nen ifcrit /IttA, 1 Itoad, 1 folic and arat 1: 4411..• flion !er.j.. on the homilies; rood ri and It A rood fin pH ;,‘,.Q,tu tlit• it tor, or. fit 1 tti r, 1% Os (U:01“;1:.; .111-TC11 A RT, iiptiet or. FOR SALE. us 1.'4 No. :10., Wit Gore! strion, e, County of Ilt•ore, contain - n .24 of arsi. t ar, H.. ari aith lir r-vit I41.it . "Net !"41 1.t. -V, .1111 of utt:11 kt. :t itnated hit e vi::: ge Pai-sley, 'A, r ;,t.r v and I ;ruco .. I . (he Os We pro- .: a 1, h-..'..[ fr it tr rut of fert1,11. partien- . 1:x1.re:iron mkt, 4:, Sta.trth, QTCE . thu f. 4.t. at tits it tMt- . 1-,71, into - it, ty hit t, thi rortion • .; ',.; - in tho f•f :1-, t.ti. ti alits.lrilr a -Law 11.1 L4'4 ar.ti rt.:gives au- TirtiM.A.e. Tear:Ail+ C1k. 11104 1`.71. FO SALE 1.14 wen -known oh -Tyree It ie. huh! nr nhaertataia rite etith.." 1 , : 'LH... siattlt of nov, f- rsig:...1 t4.,ry fr:trm L 4,4 IL,. itl the • ft4 ,. r. are four l.i.ri• 11:4.Litti: at 14 1 4, 41, Mit ,4,!,,,7tt 44 1 Ftltitie 4.:i : • a 'I. :t.2.N.:4:2 4. a 44: : 14,t1t.itr. 1st Zi ; h anii Sarnia-, E`•.- f the prucl.rt:•i, rponey iiptel ' t 14 t1, t, . 1-04;1.ILY 1)11 f,1)Af.E, 1:f 11,, P. 11... Ont., TO FARMER ... MiftLS. leirel.te•ed the RERNE ar. it to do G rik.; rm.; aml t est notice. pt constantly on hand, it-a.nd Ulan/lea Stuff: • f'r.t-crita4-, yntetical otillerK che the ftit.,:t. eatire f.atis- ;-tfur them a thfir patron- SMITHt WEIR - $011 -D CH EAPi ai Moderate Tgrms, rf:it es, :than ;-..treet. Sea- 4-(111:ct crii,red for tho :f.11.ittn ItNkt att. usual *dr n, 04; 4'. in the rear, arid lb for building purposes 14.4.ft to A.N 314•FAItLANE, Accetaitioit,Lp)eksillc.; E1 McLEAN BROTHERS, PunefsHERs. ssa., s,ssssssss. VOL. 4, NO. 37. `Zt_ht ginen ximsitor PrilLISTIED EVERY FRIDAY MORNThiCG, SEAI:ORTH, T.-1.'4.50 per year in advance, OT 2at _the 01 the year. A dv•ertising *Crites. TRA.WHINNT. rirst ins('rtion, per line, 8 centh; arrhaegnent certiona, 2 coots eacis time„ per line. CON-nue'r P.ATE.1. k•nte column one yesr 6C) 00 " "- " " 8 nioriths ....... 20 00 Half one sear ., ' " half 20 4)0 " " 8 ram -the ..... — 12 00 One-fourth one year 85.00 20-0{) 4-• '4 halt " , t. 12 00 ' " 8 montli5 .... . . ... 8 00 ut soar , ' 12 00 fi ff half s s 8 00 " 8 nacintha fi 00 One -twelfth one year . .. . . ......... 8 00 " bait " . ... , . . ....... 5 (X) " ". months .,..... ....... P(.1 AtIvertisermints withoot apeothe directions will Ire inserted till forbid, filld ClIfirgCti I. Mc ,EAN 131tO1ICE118, Nfrano Y. McIki,AN, ) Publishers. ALLAN Mef.k:AN.' f •• BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 71 EDKI II.. IATTD tftrnhEtee, 11. 1.)., Graduate -of Viet°. rift College, Physician, Surgeon, otc2._. etc., . IC.rforritx, ON -T. -Coroner Of the Comity of Huron. ()thee and residence, at Thompson. & Stanley's. rjR. W. R. SITITIT, Physitian, Surgeon, etc. Ofrar(s-opliosite Scott, RObertwati Grocer:3-, Main street, Senforti.. 513 TA.MRS STEWART, ...AL. la., C. M., Graduate ( raver:Arty, MI4nt4etII, Plaseician, Surf germ, etc. Office and Itesidence---Brocefteld,' TT L. VERCOE, M. D. C. M„ Physician, Sur - peon, etc_ (Thice and Residenco, corner of Market and nigh sheets, in rear of Eid.Ps store. 'DR' 'cAmPBELL, Cormier for tilt County, Oflice and ItCSIdettee. OrCr Ctirhy.1; corner StOre, Maiu street, Seaford'. Office boars, from 11 to 4, melt - 'day, and all dr13- Saturday. 139 - AN [EL Mc:DONALD, Barrister, Attornev-at.-- - Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Publie; Conveyaracer, etc.. ExaTert. Out- ti.tri.f" Money to Loan. at Low Rates. 188 40cAT1a14LEY& HOLMESTED, Barristers, At.'- - L torneys at Law, Solicitors in. Chancery and Insolvency., Notaries- Public and Conveyancers., Solicitors for the R. C. Bank, Soeforth. Atents for the:Canada Life AssoraneeCompany, 1-1O,04)0 to lend at ul per ct. Films, Houses and Lots for sale. 53 l'NENSON &. ME VER. J.klrn9ters and Ateornevs • at Law,. Solicitors in Chancery will Insolvency, .Cenveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices -Sea - :forth. MO Arroxeter. Agents for the -Trust and ratut/i CO.. of Upper Canada, and the Colonial Securities Go. of London, England. Money ut 8 per cont.; no tyro:mission charged. " 58 1A,S. ir. IIEN'SON"., c. reitOTE I. S. NOIS:'S HOTEL, ( Law Sluirp'S.) Pic under- -4 Signed bcgli to thank the public for the liberal Patronage awarded to him in times past in the hotel business: an•cl also to inform Wean that he has . Agaitra resumed business in the above stand, NVhere he will be happy to hface a call from old. frieuds, und many new ones. 126. • THOMAS KNOX, . _ Ttlarristl EXQUAN (I iroTEL, God midi, Ont.,' -1-0' J. CALLANr, A,v, Proprietor ; i. S. WILLIAMS, HOW!, Warsaw, N.Y..) Alanterer. This hotel has recently been newly furnished, mud re- fitted thronghout, and is now one of tbe most com- fortable and commodious in the Province: (iood lianlpit.; Rooms for Commercial Travellers, , tz....F" Terms liberal. 128 31 VEIALANEOL „t 01/1)ING-'S Banking and Exaliiiiigo 0111ce, in W. S. Ito'n•EiersoN'S Sttrv, Sett forth. (Ireera- lifteks, American Silver, and Drafts bought and sold. -Good Farmer's Notes rind purchased.* AVADDELL, 191 Agent. • 91 A. ?ill -AM.'S LIVERY & SALE 44T.A.13LES. -I- • 011ice -At, Mtirrav's Betel, Sea fort b. (l turd 1It,r.es and first-class Conveyances always on hand. cZHARP'S LIVERY STABLE, MAIN anutehr, Seaforth. l'irst.class Horses and Carriages alwaya ma hand ad reasonable terms. IL L. SHARP, Proprietor. J RIZIGITAM, Exclatitiqe Broker, and Rail - . t" way 'rioket Agent, lIoughtou's Mitel, apposite gtation, Seaffirth, (hit. Through `Tieltets issued to all points -Western States, California and ited itiler, at redriceJ rate8, affording the greatest facilities to Ethignints. All necessary information given reniecting Land Agencies, etc.. (:ffreenbacIts, (aids, Coupons and uncurrts it Money. Crold and Silver 80111, buuht and:sold (It best rates, - _ TIENT(ST G. BIM rk, (Licentiate of 411 $11rgeryo-begs to announc to the inhabi- 4-0118 of S-aforth and auirounding country, that 11(4 liqs opened an office for the practice of Dental irgery ILI Lite rooms formerly occupied by (400rge 1 lards, Dentist, AQiere be mill be prepared to do all l'uds of work expected of the profession its a satis- factory meaner taut ou reasonable terms. 186 ( 1 R. CO aPER, Conveyancer, Commissioner in ' • Qtteili's 11encli, Insuninee and General Agent. ,A•gent for the following Fire, Life and Accident In- surance (7(1111) .a ti ies : The Beaver mid. Toronto . 1M u - trod and the Western Eire Insurance Companigh, 4141' Deliat ice Life _t,,,t,airtinee, and the Thirtford Ac- cident I/mum-tree Crilliparay. "All )N EY TO LOAN (at real catate security. All orders by, mail or otlicra ise promptly attend- ed to. Office, oppot.itelti,,,,'Tailor Shop, 12_864f mNix YVILI.E. • ATETEUINARY st:ItuEoN.--.1111.:D. COOK, of Y 136.)I0atF., \could respectfully Inform the public that he has taken 11.11 his residence in the village of Delmore. where he will be happy to attend to all calls made (11 him in his professional capacity. ;Arr. ,_ ....,00ti. has at„ented to several cases of both horses 1(1 -Id cattle NilliCh were given op liy ((therifractitioners---1 and effeeted perfedt cures, whi eh can be proven by certifirates sigtleir by over 200 gentlemen. For testimonials aral posters. . Mr. COOK wi I attend at Ainlevville in the fore- Gr,.,-, ill the aftc-rnonn of the first and third Ti.I.781(_ noon and at tin Town Plot.. in "the Township of DA. Y o f each month. ' .: . _ . • _ _ -11 3'. CI II ' itCHILL, .:rETERINA10: STAtu-Eo!, i• • (-Member of the Ontario Vae)inarv Cork...e ) Itegs to intimate to tbe itrhabitants `of igenfirrth . nnitstarrounding country, that he has opened au Office io Seaforth, where hi---mas be consulted per- soual lv or by letter, on thr Diseases of Horses, Cat- tle. etc. Having- received a regular and practical edintation, and hliviM; been awarded the Diploma of the Vete, Mary Collep- of Ontario, T. .1. Churchill liat. evory conthience of givim,-,, fiatisfaction to all 14 11 may employ him, Ref El:EN-Ca:8-A. Smith, V. S., Princillal Onta- rio Veterinary College; Professor Backhand, Dr. Ittforhurn, Dr. Bowel, amil - Wells, M. D, & V. S. Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand.. , .c.11 calls prompta tly t -ended to. Office- -Carmichaufb llutel,-seaforth. 182-211U THE' CE MAN CE EAT. London Society comes to the rescue of British honor wi h a poeti ‘al squ.b, in which it thus di poses Of he battle of Dorkine .1 served as gunn mat, 'f When 1. was twer t\ eight, That's fifty arm lominis ago. And our ship, which wasI the Spanker, Were a riding at er anchor, One Sunday nie h in ugust you must 1411.) %4'. J were chewin of tu Which I ordii ar ( id, O' Sundays f I thin it' sort When riot4irlitgiinner Did qtute sud len And his ext. am , " Blow me tight !" " Freed nz in Trade—Liberty Bet 's h s name - y exclaim tion wr fol y mat Js paper sta es Lg o tight t' em. German s ! ' ta •s; in spit da . ve threb h arty British Say i be, "My This here filey . As we'regei -• fu rri (re Wit ere:upon w Of its bein' Sn Stood up an( . clieers. Well, we saile a 'ay to tket This fainous n . Consarnin' inli there been no end of jaw ; For in six Wee s hey had pliulncd, A nd built, -and let imbed hut manned The tineet fi t natiOn e-er saw. We ci'ttis(gl al put a St in Butiabdut six 1 11, on A mid \-Vihen as sill) fotk •As al the wat Right out en e 1 Rosea cloud a. bl •ITwas the f( • our quar er. ''Tss as all as sta 1.1 re wet not ut our adm • cheek ; Th foe was on II But right away. ou 'as a werry lit a SI A e An( tuttklin) we ry a -winking f () ir admiml An the enemy For the Gerinat Have a prat!. n • one. .At s yen we -fel a h i ff ; At ight it bloi bd 1 it1 A nine it wa bl win But at ten the N IlaV S ral 1 A id my langt ae t d s Thar t St. PauI'e Oa h dr d' do fail, . -We cept- a 'lect ie :7 lhl t A la riling all--tlie lig it Bt t en JuesWiy n he . three My gunlier up a i3(J. sp " 1 )4g,n me if 4411V sr o Ie ..eomin' fr an ti says he. 1144 st Mirror was a4 .plizqn : 11 down upon d aCin': at 1 re sn de upon his 1 b ard, ar oar t tii y n. rrer streak. 111. Dr rs fo th run; se; 1iJh mg ten t if al ig 98 •ri just then we heard a dlout And our admital sig tuN "end the na -up tb and (dose • Thai fere at d Aftan e ian a gale ; ier ie the same 411 g about I y -pots," NA ear about, To li s poet stood ever3 ; d hinder .tlij,ii th storm arose. We 4eared them and ook And he word to tire c rne, d our volley dow 1 the roared ; But 1.lie German answtred n Not solitary sh t her ensigt flutt red board. -We as speeeble And we couldn't Tlij sponge t upWfIAS c Till isrriarek w 'pallid 01 And Aleltke liecket. AP twit' gunners La as flat as All a -groaning Fir a 1 their prec , Gime aiatomed to InN elided win_ Aud hen the bat And the broken And William, to lie, Died e sadder 1,ria A more eiretiiiiste And a. lleinber ail our cheers line of battle ot -- d 1 Qs pr tiy Ike make out fo I , cy 8 101.1i.u., 8 il Li ek it: eQpi d r the,side, ittin • do a -n beside a 1 ' in Religion—Equality in Civil Rights." SEAFORTH FRIDAY, 1WGU - ; tipon a friend living. Half way -between there and Kelso, 1 trtidged on on foot, Over Greenlaw Moor; -to old Hu ne Cas - fie. On reaching the Castle, it being a beautiful clear day, a sight -burst upon My viehr not to be. e ily forgotten,. - To -the North, the 'Lanai rrnuir Hills skirt the horizon. Far at'itJy to the south, the Cheviot HMS streteh out distinct and dear in the distal -to ; Standing with your face to the soutl , you have, right in front the Tweed ag ifl, but in. -a far different aspect from 1 that last scene -- pinning now through beautiful, level, fertile aountry. Ra h 3.1-. your ft:et, and as it -were, in the fo 6 fround; you. have the beautiful little t wit of Kelso, Rox- burgh, I Ormiston, •etholm, Cr -Mug, Morebattle. and Jelburgh, and „many other places well known to friends in 'anada, stretch on further and urther iti the distance, till the view is ost in the mists of the OheNlets. To t eright_ the view: is confine 11 and lost among ranges Of wild -heath and moorla id, but to the left you have the sea gliste "nig in - the suni ehne, with the town of erwilek- . for a. resting -point, *bile lichee you and that, lie the fertile fields of Bey- wicksh•ire, not east' y surpassed, I be- lieve, in the United Ciagdom for grow- ing wheat and oats, netzwun st I . I then descended ateong the farmers of Berwickshire -a where a kind re -eption awaited the. i Here 1 was shown such sheep and sueb licit -No : wheat, arc ts and barley rts 1 had never seen in my life. Wheat and barley Werjust commenc- mg to tii um their color -a shade, and the oats hafully got th -ir!length. Ilayin -as nearly over. I 1 , ' died last year's• ( .1).4;t8 which weighed 4 pomfds o the ushel, and yielded 1 early 80 bus tels to the acre, and then only known - s the lounnon potato - oat. With the excep- j ori of a part of the 4 othians an -.I Per- i aps the -Carse of GrwHe, Bernd kshire 114 pronounced the ga den of -Seal nd. ACROS. THE. DOBE -ER. But I must urry on. I mat e the t wn of 'Berwic nex ; then fro there t4 Alnwick, the capit 1 of the Co - nty of N orthumberland, En land. I ha 1 long h ard of the best flo li of sheep. i n the orders, owned by R. V. 3,1f. Bosa iquet, of the Rock, five mil IS from Ali wick, a Id 1 %vas bound to 8 , e 'them. 01 se by Allnwiek is the seat of the Du -e of Northumberland, wh owns near y the whole County, ---it is a very be, utiful place. • I spent . half tta-y -amen Y the sheep at . the Rock, eatly to in de- light, and somewhat, trust, to i y fu- ture profit. 'They he here- abou 2 bi eeding ewes, I of. t e pure Lei 'ester t3 pe, al known on ths Borders, and sell, et ery year aboet 9.A.) shearling rams. The onlY po88ibl4 faul could lind with the rain& was that the were far too fat. Nbrthumberlandis a - e county, -the soil lighter than tem te -shire, but good fo • pasture. : ' Getting back to Ali vick. I mad:e for N weastle, aud - spert' a few no . very a reeable hours ainolig its narrow, dirty st -eels, .and smok-ed tele tile -covered lit nets. 'lle next moye wa for the C ty of Y irk, passing through a rather p orisli fa -ming country, 'it1 a never-ending, se reely changing sum seion of ,coa pits, str oking chinmeye 'am a smokin Sky ev eywhere. I-36 tho oughly is e -ery- th lig saturated with woke that t ap- p(' red to me - that th4i very veget thin ha l a dark hue. and .° would a most imagine that the sheeplv ee nearly') lack. •r, the sky became l ss murky, the Iii nearing the old 1 t of York, how - 1 became much -betterand the Tops ked very well. Vlj-riv wet we ither 1 11. length, being in • -"any eaS0 - laid t prevailed here la 61 r, fine e - rr ps of eat and_ barley, _re ky come ful y to fla on the groend. 'he firet object of interest in the, City of York is the grand o 'I Minster C the - dr 1, but 1 must say tl t I. had be oriie HO bomplately tired of Id castles, mins of all descripn tios,. ata piles of gi and - -looking buililiegs, that:was not Lilly able to appreciate the ?eauties of -elk -l1linster, and will theref )re attetni t no description of it. ANENGLISH AG MULTI?. IL XII 11111 ION. -ev eo wn by the la ha wh y th( I quickly all leir et kers. itehe i pokers, rom the las ttem of their. ouS crew, the Blue, n tue. ships began to le ended, cam Was mei (led • -hen at laSt he ceased far' made My way next; be. utiful v‘ ateringTlae4 we t coast, to atteud the e . ' Yo it and Searbero Agro ; het 1 in Scarboro this year wa it wiser, et old Kaiser, if the 1.-)eace etee. _ NOTES Y THE WAY: A 4-ifttit to Seca Vight COr respotiden(i•e_ of to , carboxi, a on the nt rth- tibitiono the $oaety, the: ail - .8 :leading to Searborcaad iesued-.1alf • tickets for the day, and -each' ap- peared .to bring a full complement of passengers. -The weather was bcaut ful ant the town -was 'full to overflow Mg. fund the- show-grounc n the outskirts of • he town,and pne ''s1 i ling admitted me into as beautiful aapp e for holding eulti wet_ imagine. Gettinlei g a printed, eata- I au agricultural exhibiti as one c land After Twenty- • 'twee of °the entries for s xpence, 1 as are A bse it ee. 're ' .ae y for an examinat 1 of the rst -77'e a"' -4.4.P°'it°r• •Enelish -agricultural ex hibition 1. ad time nor s iace a minute de- w general ob. -the pres nt. tn. Provin ial seen snc a show nd ' Lays:room, 24, 18'71. • 'ever seen. I have neithe .My hist •left me resting quie ly on the to enter into anything li hanks and braeS of tlie beauti f 1:1 eed. tcuption at the show, -7--a ;her hard servations must seffice r, have With the exception of k hince then 1 have had some ra travelling. As. a anere sight-sc been _more than eased wit. visiting Exhibitions. I had neve' many places in 0 England -places of gathering of people at iitteitst and impor; anee to one somewhat posted in its hhithey, but of even greater importae nce to, eeenterested in the. ag-- part rieult Ural cOnditic tu and p•rogreas of the racy old land. Knolving, as I do, sothething turn of agriculture in the new land, r must say :that the experience of the past tea days has been to me particularly interest - in and ratifyine rather thin soil of the Tweed, .next foinel myself at the quiet old-f-tehio led eillage of Gremilaw, in Berwickshire. From there I had a drive ieti-th to. the Lamineeteuiri rather a blenk strip ol country, but,full- of mutton and Wool. Back_ tic) Greenlaw, and hal. mg o call moreover, as the town atl full cif watering -place vkitors, from S, mostly of the conih6rcia1 aris I had never before! seen ,stic out of gorgeously ( resse& la( nd gentlemeu, especial' =. of lad . g . On leaviog the beautiful scenery but E ; this seaso is all oe- a ies es. dy nd Pr - be e being over :re very good ; not think it up sheep to coda hard - The agricultural horses I' thought o ndi ferent, but the carriaa , hunting horses and the pomee were worn ul, both as regards the el ality end number on. exhibition, the . 00 entriee. The cattle W nd the sheep, -well, I di( iorts-bJe to feed and dres uc.h pitch, -:--many of the lk with fatness. The show of poni- es very good: nco, el fenture, to W rY 1 T 18, 1871. 50 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. WHOLE NO. 100. me, Was the dog ehow, in whieh depart- ment there were over 150 entries. The agricultura implements- were far be- t- ind 3ur Oenadian exhibitions, and the same may Ibe said of dairy prodnee. hortici Itural departmeut Was said to be magnipeent, but I am not much of a judge as to the quality of that, though the quant4 was a big thing. Judging from the entriee, I infer that:. this exhi- lanai is not.patronized to any great ex- tent by the I at -met -s generally,, the land - the larger farmers being the ltibitors. I may remark tbat ants were most elaborate e, and. although Englishmen et as noisy on their beer as • on their whisky, the best owners and principal e, the arrange and comple appear to Scotchmen Of order prevailed ; this may, however, be attribut tble somewhat to the fact that pOlioenite.n met you at every corner, and wilco af man got the least unruly, hewas ma 'bed off instauter. - , A FA IX IN IN THE WOLD8 • Getting evening, Ina boys, mello and frolic, I hood of Dri farmer I ha( duetion to. 600 acres, a of seeing th modes of at has some fi thorough-br. quality. T Wolds of -5.7( better crop, travels; 1 it it possibl wheat to th been doubtft way from Searboro -in the ; -itag one of a crowd of merry with beer and ftill- of fun moved on to the neighbor- Beld, to spend a, day -with a brought: a letter of intro - is gentlem-au farmed some id 1 ha.cl, a good opportunity crops aiid. judging of the ricultura This gentleman ty bead : of cattle, all pure d shortAtorns . of the best is part I is known as the rkshire, 'find 'falter landor I have not seen in my an realize thd fact now that to raise eighty :bushels of acre, of Whitai I : had long L 11 .MEWATIDI 1301'Nn. But _" tim • and tide wait for; no man, and notwith. tending he kiwi manner in which I was treated and pressing invita- tions to prol mg my visit, I had to move on. Back to Yorke tlien on. to Leeds, Manchester and Lia erpool, making a, dash into the country now and then, as business or fancy diotated, passino through a c untry of Varied level good landhill t dale,t I Sc, an-buawno to beat, or e'en to e4ual rops 'those in th Wolds. I eaw Wheat that will cut ii about two weeks, if the weather is fa vorable. The crops in general look first rate All tJlat is now wanted is dqy weather anc sunshint, to mature aiiel eet them sav 1. ; b - for thankfulness that they are permitted to take "a part in the supervision of the purse strings: I said they had the power of opening them. But you -r correspond- ent says, clerical eloquence is less likely t) 8Way these Boards, the minister being chairman. But he very discreetly with- holds the fact, that the chairman need not nee much eloquence, as he knows that he .can exercise the vetoing or over-rulina poiver.' And every per- son acquainted with the working of these Boards, knows that my statement is sub- stantially correct. And here la me say that the ease of the Londesborough Circuit, mentioned by me, was not for the purpose of maligning the character of the chairman, but to show that this power is claimed, and is sometimes ex- ercised. But of the Londesborough case your correspondent is, very conve4ient- ly, ignorant. Surely he has had time enougltd ascertain the facts: Anti now, Mr. Editor, in fairness to myself. I 1131.1st beg permission to encroach a little further on your space to say, that I have not written for 'the purpose of stirring -up-angry contro- versy. or of saying one harsh word of the =church of my choice, whose teachings .admire, but whose conetitetion (like that of all other churches) is of human origin. and which I, in 'common -with many :others, believe needs reform, at least in lay representation, which the Conference Acknowledge by sending it down to the Quarterly meetings, and which, if grace- fully conceded, woad go far towards 'breaking, down the barriers that oppote Methodist UniOn, But, Sir, I have written with the hope that others would take up the subject, and by putting forth their views in a friendly and forbearing spirit, help on the pod work, ,w.hich, accomplished, would greatly inerease'the peace and prosperity of the church., I am, Sir, thankfully yours, A WFALEYAN METHODIsT. • Hullett, Augushfith, 1871. -.Ili • OR Canada. In the Counts? of Bruce only fifteen out of fifty received e.ettificates At the late evamm,ation of teachers. 6 j -The consecration of the Coadjutor 1 Bishop elect will take place in St. - Paul's Cathedral, London, on the24th - inst. -Mr. Amos Merriott, of Blans-hard, threshed 450 bushels of Fall wheat from ) nine and-h-aalf acres, being an average of 47t bushels per acre. --The Kinloss Branch Agricultural Societt will hold their Fall Show at Lucknow, on Friday, the 29th of Sep- tember. -The -Woodsteck Review las a circu- lation of 1,600. Tie Review deserves its popularity. It it the beat printed paper in Ontario, and one of the most carefully selected and ably edited. --The Stratford Fall Races commence on the Riding and Driving Park of that town, on Wedneriday, the 6th of Sep- tember. Prizes to the amount of $1,000 will be offered fol competition. _ --Mr. Edward Hunter, of the town- ship of _Huron, County of Bruce, last week threshed his Pall wheat, -which yielded, on an average, 55 bushels to the acre.. : N THE In NO, 01 th c towja.s and ciies threngh -which I passed, anc of this 'abel of a Liver- pool, I will 4ttempt t0 • description. 1 am glad alw. ys to escape into the green fields from this noise and battle, have made arrangements tosailfrom Lixerpool fm• Canada, with the Nova Scotian, to sail on the 28th hest. This will therefore be my last letter to yon from the British Islands,' and you will get no -more " Notes by the Way" till I meet you. in our own 'good town of Sea forth, which hope to do in good sea - 11. Lova., Sr. I Ciaurch Union. T9 the Ear+ the Inclron Erpositor. MAR Sin,LI find that niv letter on this subject: wbich was kindly 01b1-re11ed by you on the 14th of .June, has raised the ire of a Wesleyan Methodist, at A inky YU le, 'ho having i'' nursed his wrath to keep it warm " frhin that time to the presen , pours hs vials on, my de- voted head in low, mean Personalities, which are be eath my 'notice, but „which show that hotivever great his zeal, he has not much pro ited by the teaehings of a cluireb whose mission is peace anci good. will to men: And I shrewdly suspect that he helon s , to the ' class of. pea -sons who prefer (Attica' power, with a little eonteution 31 1(1 strife, to :Methodist U nion with b: rmony and peace. . - ' L But, sir, vita all); his bluster and -high soundin words, he has not eentro- vetted a sing! statemntmade by . Me, and 1 what is more, be cannot. Ife charges me wi h unreliability, -because 1 stated that " he first step taken. by the Wesleyans pr eluded. all hope of a. imion with the minop-," and in this . eonnection I used. the waril " programme '3. ---perhaps "restrictions"' would hare been Oa better word. 13ut my statement is fully confirmed by n article in .the Christian Guardian, of t ie 12th ' July, which is as follows, viz : " The ./Aernyeth-e/ _frit -meet ' ` thinks the pros! 'et for ' u nion eot " encouraging.. .The nieces ertys : ' T,he " ministers c mposing - the Wesleyan " Methodist aoferende have 'virtually '' rejected lay delegation, . by declining " to pass an independent judgment- in " favor of it, y intimating :that they- '. woad not a cept it for its own arake, " but only 48 , eonditiOn Of the. union, .n.. h' and then wit 1 such restrictions as could " not be appro -ed.' " And the r;uard: /an-, adds: " 'he restrictidns are the same as those mbodied -in 'th (.1 . resolu- tions of the -1; ion Uonimittees." And yat your correspondent states -that the committeewas appointed without ' ' rca strictions." So -much for his reliability. And according -6 his own aekriowledg•-• • ment, the " re trictionS " were not ac cepted by th lay members of ceni- mittee, who ve y wisely resolved not. to - relenquish th power which they now possess for the " myth" (a very appro- priate word in coneection: with restric : thins) of repres ntation in Conterence. I -shid " I an aw re that Wesleyan min- ... ,. r -isters state tha lay representation is en-• joyed in the 1 point to the Quarterly Board. and Die- , •hurch, and a proof as trict meetings."1 . And year oprreSpOO(1- ent'S -quotations from the Book of Discipline only verify my state- ment. But I intiSt not omit ,to notice. that' he states that " on all' our Coni ,mittees of -a inarice there is one lay -man for each nunistE r." Truly . -0 e lay mon- here of the:Wesleyan Church have cause ae•Mr. John Rodgers.- of -Glenmorris, .11448 been appointed head teacher of the , Ingersoll Commen Schools, and. M r. -Walter Madge, of Exeter, teacher in the second departnient. - ' - --,-"Ithe shores of Nova -Scotia:have been visiteil lately by enormous - :shoals of mack@rel. zio plentiful are.they at Hali- fax that they- are sold for ten tents a dozen, or $6: a barrel. --The Waterl o Fall Races will be. held at the v111 ge of Waterloo, 1m Thorsday and Fri- lay, August 3Ist and ‘`....1e1temher lst. ,'rizes to the amount of000 will be ¶ffercd for competition. - -s-The "Rockford" base ball club, of Illinois, beat the t :` Maple Leaf " club of Guelphb , last week y a -score of 20 to nothing. The 0 u elph chub are the champions of Ontario. . . -`1.1te Reformerls . of South Waterloo have determined t ) hold. a Grand -Reform Pi?-nie, in the town of Galt, on Friday, the 25th of August, in honor of the Re- form Opposition in the Dominion and Ontario Legislatures. -The barn and • Crops of Mr. Donald TkIcheed, 5th Concession, Township of Kincardine, were destroyed by tire on Friday night last. Mr. LkleLeod's leas will be very heavy, as the fruits of his year's labor has been, consumed. : There was no insurance. -A man of the name of Dunbar, at Walkerton, who has no notion of narrew gauges, opened fire on the 'wing -boss, who entered upon his land to begin work. The gang -hoes refill -lied the fire., and an exciting tinte was kept up so long as -th-e powder lasted. -Nidther was hurt. -On Thursday eveuing,'-a. week: age, the residence of Mr. Samuel, Harrjs, a farmer, -residing lear Listowell, was rol completely desiTO.,'ed, by lire. The bi) family were all abs 2nt frmn the 130aBe at we •the tone, and none of the contents were ' up . taved. The loss is very heavy, and hut an partly - covered, by insoirgAce. - The fire fre wive caused; by spazIks from the kitchen , ho chimney. I au ' -Thestation fot Walkerton, on the fal Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railsvay, eui Will be situated abut a mile and a half It'. - from the viliaece ' In or=der to get at it, IL his n ti :It .44 III I t al O owner :very genero rely gave the ly :3;50. It is too frequ ntly the case at honesty such as was exhilmed • bar e lady in this instance,,i not so Rhos -- y rewarded. -The propellor City of London, sail - e by Captain J. McBrde, made the fa test time known from Montreal to icago and back-oecupying only It d ys and 9 hours tr0111 the time of her d parture from Montreal, at 2 P, M. Of th 17t1 of July last, Until she ored at the same wharf after her re- ; tu on the 2nd of August. inst. She ea riled general merchandise westa•-ard, an ::orn and flour on her rieturn. Hundreds of loads of excellent flax -e been taken to St. Marys already. th s season. The Argus says the crop is be ng saved in excellent condition, and. tit yiektis very fair. The flax season , in that neighborhood is becoming as im- po ant and convenient to farmers who wi-h to raise a little ready cash as the • W ol.season. It lit stated that Mr. Connoly, who ha been in Canada for several months, an 1 who was sent over . by the Workina,-T M n's Association of England, to enquire in p the condition of the working men of th s country, and the prospects for emi- gr. nts settling in Ganad }MS been ap ;ionited inningi.ant agent for the Do- nn ion in England, at a SalarY of $1,200 pe annaim. , The Canadian Dairymen's Associa- tion intend holdiag a Cheese Fair, in :Unit town of Lizersol , on Thursday and Priday,1 the 21st and, 22nd of September, ,Fohrteen prizes aCe offered for the - bet sihi cheeses, forhxportation, over 59 lbs each. Two madle between 'he 61,11 an 22nd of July -two 1)etiveen thal 13 h and 19th 4 Augukt ; and iar6 be ween the Srd. and 9th of September, 18 1. -i-Acording to reports from all parts of the Province tbe militia has suffered fea nib, for the p t two weeks frora dr uth. In many secfi ns immenee da a,ge has been dote by 're. An im- me se amount of v. Inable timber and other property having bet destroyed. Th scarcity of wateti too, 1 as been very inn h felt. In many plac a- water has 11. to lie drawn a listan e of eight or ten miles in wagons I or sto k. The following is i list f the officers of t ie Grand, Lodge.. 0. 0 F. elected for the current year t the went meet- ing of the Lodge : -J lin G bson, Strat- ray , C ifton, R. V. D puty Grand t for , M. W. Grand Iv aster John Ma ter ; J. limiter, Lou( on,. R. W. Or nd Warden ; .I. 3. Rin: r, Brantford (re- kat -•'(1), R. W. grand , ecretary ; A. - Br ntford (re-elected), and ". Partridge. D. lenient, Brantfo d (re elected), I. W. Gra4d Treasurer Jam s Woadyatt, Pre idenit of the Ontitrio Teachers' Ae- ti Lor don, Representatives t the Grand. ' Loge o the United States. -Pri cipal Snodgrass vas eleeted sociatimi. The Assdciation decided to appy to the Legislature, next session, for an act; of incor Kiratiou ; -also for pom er o elect Ore:. nice hers of the mit Reef the Associat 'on. 2 resolution 1 (Jon ncil f Public Ins ,ructio 1. A report was also adopted, rec. immen ling that be- fore the Council sane. ion al y additional tex books they be se mate 1 to a cola - call 112 for the repeal A the tause in the isiti703 iis•alyn.tuation fund was o, rried unan- lk Sch al et relating to tile teachers' A short time ag a ma 1 preeented hin: -elf at Forbes' Livery ;itable, in Str: tfor( , and engagol ole if the best rigs in ti e establishin ,nt, w th the pro- fess d intention of MI ing a hive a feltr mile out in the emu] ry wit 1,11is lady- love and promising t) retur 1 the same eve) ing. The rig 80 usisted of a .fine span of p,onies, a new set of 1 arness, and. a ne v coVered buggy. The man not re- turn ng a•s be promist a, the proprietors of ti e rig became suspicious that all was not ight and starte4f in eu st ot their prop ,rty. After i nincii ti ouble they trac d them to Thamittiville, near Chat-. ham where they foiled the iorses, har- ness, arid the cover M the buggy. The thief and the rem:Li/1,1er of the bielgy had iot been found at last ac ou fits. - Saturday eve' ing las a lady .and ' gentleman eIltered store on )'ongo stree , Tempt°, and t e wishing to pure mse a shawl was shown one ly_s smal boa', the only attend tit in the store at the time, and 'as ill urmol that the }rice was twelve Hialin b. .After shor hesitancy the sl awl w' s paid for and he lady and gi 'Akin; n lift the store but in a few no lutes were Over- take by the shepke per, , ,fat,,a - that he shawl was c'51. instert 1 of twelve,. shilli 1gs, and he demanded he shawl, which %vat refused. (1 emir e could not nake the purchther give lip the artici when the 'boy had- Teeived all be 11.4 -ed 'for it, but it is likely that the goods will be mai ked i plain li.40-1(lb' X.t time. • cattle drover rem 1 )bei of a pulse con aining Is, at Ingersoll station, On ek It seema that le natttinled taking hi abode pernianitilt;) in lop lad his furniture 13 -it g the igl t house at the time. lis lese, •-er, caused him a chain( hie mind, d h re -shipped his furniture to Peti- te nal returned t ence himself to eice life anew. 114" MI bey Lich e >lee from him MIAs the teanit of he 111 sialllet°1ifeCaNt•I';01r. nalltivea3 robbe y was committo by 'CU' fell° et1 him from Bait 210, OM 83W anding at Inger. sta he la -1 (led. uri-do wAs $2,,liti() in we ew street will rcluire to be opened out irough three -fifty :acre lott, 1Ve would lvise the cons ti uction of -a Branch ailway to -connect, the village with the ain line. • h -A pocket -book containing ;:e200, was lost by a gentlentae ef Ingersoll the other "day. It Was pieked up (Ti the street by a lady who returned it to the owner upon hint making his leSe known. every c 4(1 Melts the r men who 1 v.ho he ion Avbell -- 'The Guelph Sidgle Thread Sew- ing tlachine is swift„e:inple and. a„-N111adile Abywt°11.endefu (r;ueilliY)11 113A11:-chitillens; Cenq any. s 1