The Huron Expositor, 1871-08-11, Page 3GrST- 24c 1871. edits sow' )v-..• • )••A-sd )•00; )emzd.. o np X pu A T1MiPSTh3 numerous cuatothers for beeal patronage during that - -!ars, and trusts he will re- ita imance, % hand a large assort - d Steund n Hemlock! sr rants wil, give satistaction, Aeso ANI) BRA INT:1 LSISEI KEPT ON HAND. FEET OF PINE CUT FOR. ei-HERAL PURPOSES Afera el liberal terms. Or - prouq3t1y attended to. ,s situated on the Town -line and Hallett, 3 and mike i t. *a L uv. 16, 1870. UEEN ce Company RPOOL & LONDON. $2,000,000 Sterling 0- s- Queen BeAdings, Liver- aeeelearelt 8treet, liondOn. Nt•li Ex.change, M 4 3 Irt real. -t on, Est , Chairman: tas, Esq., David Torrance, Ithe lion. jaittes Ferrier. Mason's Bank. easaas-- _Mesers. Ritchie, v Siitherhuid, L. Thomas 1.Seott, Esq. Thomas IL Jo.lulson.Esq. 1:ErAliY ANE) “VNERAL MaektitzieForbes, 13 'es, eet, Montreal. ,--tie-ried having been appoint-, the above ( 'ompany, parties nri against hiss by dee can , must favourable terms. -es granted on as advantage - any other respectable Con.-. usiess in Canada. kNIES IL BENSON, Agent', NSON & MEYER'S Law Office, Seafort .8 1870. ETS FOR EUROPE. N SEATTER has been ;-Lp- d Agent at Seaforth, fur the UNE OF STEAMERS. templating visiting any part be supplied with Tickt-t,; ssary information by apply- SEATTER. Driveriat, etc_ • AUG:UST 11 1871. THE URON MiPOSITOR. BRIEF NOTES. Mr. Gilbert McMicken's salary as Manitoba Crown Lands Commis• sioner has been fixed at $3,000 year. - it is estimated that the popu- lation of Quebec has increased 7,000 since the last census was taken. -- The population of Toronto, under the present census is put down. about fifty-seven thousand. - The servants in the bath establishments of Long Branch spoken of as so -use -maids. - Fronde says, " Thought is a poor business compared to actio -Mr. Frederick Grant, the Pr dent's son, has accepted an appoi ment as civil engineer on the Uni Pacific Railroad. - An old farmer, who came to Canada' in 1843, remarks that ie has never known a more prolific> season and better crops than t e present year has produced. - One of the brightest pupils the institution for the deaf a° dumb at Raleigh, North Caroli is a daughter of one of the Siam Twins. -- After shearing you catn pi chase, any Saturday night, in Dun- edin, New Zealand, a whole dress d sheep for half a crown. - According to a eorresponde at Rome, Victor Emanuel has lab ed under serious depression sin the Pope pronoimped - against him the decree of exCoMmunication, - Ho,* different is the view ng re ut I si- it- at se r - past life in the man who is gro n old in knowledge and wisdom fro that of him who is grown old ignorance and folly. - The Dominion BoardofTra has accepted an invitation froM tie National Board of Trad.e of tie -United States to be present .at i s annual meeting_in December at Lt. Louis, and the Dominion Board h s invited the National -Board to t - tend its annual meeting in. Otta a in January, 1872. - A Hartford herse seizes ra s in his mouth when they come to h's Manger to steal his oats, shak s them like a terrier until satisfi d they are dead, and then throN s them out of the bin. - The mote a man knows, tie less he is apt to talk ; discaretisn allays his heat, and makes himtesl- ly delibet ate what and where speak. • - A fall of black rain occurr d last month near Wercester, En land-. It poured down like ink f r a quarter of an hour, covering she p and other animals in. the fields wi h an adhesive substanee as blaek s soot. No explanation has bee given. - The prospects of the harve t in Austria are not satisfactory, ant in Hungary they are even wors Great fears are expressed for th crop of maize, which is almost th only article used as food by th Wallachians. - Mrs. Patil;na Burnham, a ric - English lady, lost by the wreck of the steamship Anglo Saxon, nea Newfoundland, in 1861, a valuabl and very much cherished rin . The other day it was found in t1.7 entrails of a fish by a $t. Johns -fisherman, who received therefo - from the owner $250. - -Youth and age have to littl sympathy with each other. If th young would remember that the may be old, and the old remembe that they have been young, th world would be'happier. -Fishes are now put to a novel use. in Easton, Pennsylvania, 'a couple of fiehes-sturgeons-have been taught to draw a small, boat, which is shaped like a shell.' They are harnessed by means of India rubber bands, and guided by a, long pole, to which is fastened a sharp spike. They obey the suggestions given by this spike with great alac- rity.. 10 head out of a window and exclaim d, "Have you no mercy?" "No, ma'. m replied the ieddler; " nothin' b t greens." ---,--A_ resident of Kalamazoo Fri es to at "school booted" in Ohio th t he will take a Se11.001, as he, "h s tought 2 ferms.skhool and i attend- ed 1 collage 4 yrs a detroit, mec i- gan and am 26 yi .vage.',' - -A man died a 't. Louis rece t- ly, and in his ; will, after stating th t he never forg.et a favor left $1010 to an individualiwho ten years b foreran away with his wife. -4. Connecticut paw tells th s story of a nev,r, boy in one of the Su day-schoo-ls: iThe precocious you h was asked .,who made the ,beaptif 1 hills about them aaid' remarked ph, t he not know, as his 'parents I only moved into town the day before. -A b.urglar, w'h:o1 attempt d enter a hpase in Germantown, Pa through.alavindow, a few night ag -startleda, little girl 'who was s eel iug in the room. Half awak 3 sh exclaimed, "Don't ouch that caddy, and the louralar fte 1. . -Ail English writer advise young women to look favorably ipo those engaged in agricultural pur suits, Assigning as one reason tha their " mother Eve married a gar dener." He forgot to add that 1 consequence of the in tch the garden- er lost his situation. StronF Mr. John Marchs hip of Oxford, met cciclent on the 24t itting on the table achine: driving hi oing down a hill t vay and he fell behi nd just in front -heels. He imme ne of the spokes of ; onclerful as it may .trength prevented ti urning. Before th e stopped, lioNv.ev wice Went over hi nd lacerating the- fl -anner, but without ones. Ilad Mr. ess powerful man h scaped with his life. 11 of the t wn with a. -serer ult. He wa f. a. thresl in team, a hen le table ave d the h rse f one of 1t115 lately gra ped he wheels rand eern, by n ain b wheels f Tan horses cquld r the .w leg. GUIS ing sh in a fea .ftd breaking nv arcus bee a could not have Bossuet and Milton. , We have no IE 0alish Boss et. e have reason to b thankful tlhat fur national life was never so con- lentrated in. the pala e as to gia e a , pre-eminence to th 'court pulpit ufficient to *taint in such lofty ii ights of rhetorical magniloquence. ut England produced in that same go a genius of grander and more lily religious soul ; ereater in his spirations, and more noble in his 1 fe ; a man who nev r crooked the I inges of his knee ts power; ill° r ised his .eloquent vs ce again and aain in behalf of u violated liber - of thought and col' science; wit° enddavored to forwart the reign of od's justice upon earth ; who, •lind, old, deserted, c ung with un- quenchable ardor to t e cause that vas despised by the court,' scorned y the peat, and de.paired of by t ie people ; a name tl .will be as dear ai his works to the most is - t nt fiosterity ; who vas great and cod, whether con, idered as a hristian, poet, politi ian, or patriot. I France has her Bo suet, England has her Milton. The genius of lhe o i e and of the other ears the sane amp of massive grandeur ; the o- tence of one and of thd other r se sublimity and pierced‘ the veil of. immortality, But the French r - a Or Was the champion of author ty d of the Church of Rome; he nglish poet was the child of fr e- d m and of sacred truth • and if he,! v‘ orks of Bossuet stand as proud n emorials of the court and creed he a °riled, the writlias of Mil on b eathe an immortal I spirit wh eh c ianges of opinion Wil never con- s gn to the records of he -past, a Id hich.revolutions will never effa e. Edinburgh, Review. . .• • IN. To.lKeSp Tires on Wheels. Hear what a practical man says o that subject: I ironed a waggon st meyears ago for my own use, aid b fore putting on the tires I fil ed ti e felloes with linsee 1 oil, and the 1 ose. I also ironed a irbuggy seveal, ti es have worn- out 4 4 were ne er y ars ago for my own use, and'tjbe ti TS are now as light aS when. ut oz . My method of filling the fell es w th oifia as follows : I use a log C st iron heater, made for the pikr- se The oil is brought to a b fl- ing heat, , the wheel is placed o a St CIC, so as to hang in the oil ea .11 fel loe. The timber suould be d y, a green timber wilt not take 1. .0 ire should be takan Caat the oil se na hotter, than a • boiling heat, in Q.- thr that the timber be not bu I t. T mber filled with oil -is not st 8- 3 A pretty 'hood -Childhood. More Expensive Hood. - Womanhood. -When is a clock on. the stairs dangerous ? When it runs down. -If the ants give an example of industry, it ia ,much more than a, good many unoles do. _ -Boston people who are in doubt. as ta the best " watering places' have got in the habit of asking th -milkmen. -Women do not talk more than men. They are listenedto more that's all. -Ballet girls and geese are the, animala that can stand the longes 'on one leg. ---Advice to Farmers --Thrash .your corn as much as you think necessary, but don't pull its ears off - that's brutal." -"Mr. Post office man, I wanfl to pay the postage on this letter." " Single or double, miss?" 'Double, sir, (with a courtesy) : "I was married last week." -While a vendor of greens in ;Boston was endeavoring to dispose .of his stook in trade his poor old mag balked, and refused to budge an inch. The driver filially com- menced belaboring the animal with ta. stick, when an old lady thrust her Ili ce1 tible to water, and is much mo d rable. I was amused some 1.8 a o when I told, the blaf,ksmith h w to keep the tires tight on wh s, b his telling that it was a profitable business to tighten ti a. d the waggon, maker will say i& is profitable to him to makeand rep ir wl eels ; but what will the farmpr wl o supports wheel-wright s ith say -Exchange. 10 Fre01. Arri 3L vals Fresh Arrivals E34ATTY :COMPANY -DEG to announce to their friends and. the publ .1) has just returned from -he Eastern Market, of New and, easonable tot the enortr pus reduction it offer at prices which must er. r fact of their sto RE4T FA GOODS ever impor the price of goods tl sure a ready sale. ' k being all new, an LL c, that their Mr. McMULKIN with one of the choicest Stocks ed. into Seaforth, which, owing is season, they are enabled to hey would say that from the bought Since the RY GOODS, , and on the very best terms, that they are in i a nust favorable position to offer goods at ml-iimurn prices. d They are not enema red with any PILES OF OLD GOODS, bonght at prices TE-IIIITY PER CENT ABOVE THEIR PRESENT MARKET VAL UE. They ould also say th.at thy have facilities in buying both , ds and Groceries Y Goo possessed by no other House in Seaforth, having utimate connections with some of the largest Whelesale HouSes in the Dominion and a thorough knowledge of the VVhofesale Ti de They would respectfully invite inspection of their stock, which will be found replete wiith all the NoveltieS in the Market this Season. Particular attention is directed to the following lines, viz. : INTS DRESS GOOD TWEEDS, HOSIERY, GLOVES TICKINGS, FRENCH D'LAINES, FRENCH MERINOS, BLACK LUSTRES( B4CK COBURGS, BLACK BARATEIEAS TABLE CLOTHS, TOWELLINGS, Boots and Shoes, and Ready made Clothing. THEIR GROCERY PEPARTMENT is always well Supplied withabundance of the besti and cheapest goods, which. •. will be sbld at the most reasonable prices. . 1 Their LIQUOR DEPARTMENT .is ,upplied with all the 'BEST BRANDS.: Give us a call nd judge fin' yourselves. TRY UR 80 CENT TEA. BEATTY & COMPANY. CARMICHAEL'S BUIL INGS, Main Streelt, Seaforth, April 20, 1871. 176-tf. TO TARMERS. IRON HARROS. MHE UNDERSI NED has ,jon hand 1. a large numbe 1 of IRON- HAR- ROWS; -which he is'prepared ib sell on reasonable terms. These harrows were manhfa tared at Gananoque; and era The Bost Arow in, Use A Guarantee will be given w th each, that - if it do not wen* satig actorily, it may be returned_ by the: urchaser within thirty days. - 0. C. WILS N,.. Agricultural implement Agent, 169-tf • SEAFORTH, ONT. WM. N. WATS N ALWAYS HAS ON HAN 1 THE BET SEWING MACHII)IES IN THE MARKET, Either for Family use, or for Manufac- turing purposes. Both single -threaded and double -threaded, and loci -stitch Machines can be supplied. Perfect satisfaction guarant ed, and instructions given to purchasers gratis. WM. N. 1NATSON 'Can also insure prioperty against Vire and Marine Disaster, and Life finf.I Limb against death and !accident, with the bdst Companies, being Agent for The Liverpool and London and Globe, (English.) The Provincial of Cknada, (Canada.) The Gore District Mutual (Vililage and Farm.) The Niagara District Mu. ual, (Village The alirdFealrernrs. of Hartfor , Tay(Life and Accident.) LossesLibercill1?/J1 d)Usted and Promptly' Settled. MONEY '0 END At moderate rates of intere -t. No com- mission, and expenseS mode ate. MORTGAGES bought n. equitable terms. 160 D. McNAU -IXTOULD respectflilly in V V inhabitant0f Seafor ity, that he still continues Business as usual, in the el the North road. Jobbing of all kinds and le especially, promptly littend 413- Terms reasona 164-tt DAVI Mc T imate to the ;hand vicin- to carry on d stand, on 01,8e -shoeing d to. le. AUGHT, Yobcan get the P-13.1_11.4 BENEFIT RE,DECTIO COTTONS. -AT-- CRAY SPARLING CO.S, .OPPOSITE THE GREAT EGG STORE. 177 CHEERING PROSPECTS FOR ABUNDANT HARVEST The present favorable Spring weather warrants both farnier and mechanic in making timely preparations for the com- ing harvest. WILLIAMS & ILLIAMS While thanking their patrons for the lib- eral encouragement accorded them in the past, would cordially invite ....the atten- of Farmers to their choice a,ssorbrabnt of Harvesting Machines for 1871. Oiir Ohio Cothined _Machine, with Johnson's Improved Self -Jake, has complete satisfaction for the past owo years, and is now offered to the public with the strongest guarantee for durability and perfect work - The Cayuga Chief Jr. Hower, Which has gained for itself a world-wide reputation is again offered as the most durable, handy and best working Mower known, being constructed in the body of the machine entirely of iron and steel, and with it we defy competition. We also offer the Johnson's Self -Raking Single Reaper, which took first and second prizes atPro- vincial Exhibition, 1870. This reaper is acknowledged to be superior to any other pattern now- in use, as it cuts perfectly, takes up lodged or tangled grain better than any other rake or reel machine, and cuts equally well from either side of the field -when wind is strong from any di- rection, can be raised or lowered. when in motion and. is very durable. We invite inspection of our machines and mode of manufacturing by pur- • chasers before giving orders elsewhere. We guarantee satisfaction in every ma- chine, or no sale. TERMS EASY. The agriculturalists of Perth and ad- joining comities will not (we believe) be so bhucb t� their own interests as to give their orders to shops _more than 100 miles east, when there are first-class works in .their midst, building largely the best machines, equal to a,ny of the same machines inad.e in the Province. Call and see us,- -send in your orders by mail, or deal with our agents, as in every case you will get a perfect ma- chine, a,nd on the same terms as your neighbor. Our principles of business and prices being- established and uni- form. All otherkinds of implements Con- stantly on hand. STEAM-ENG-INES BUILT, And all kinds of MILL WORK done promptly. ' Address THOMSONdr 'WILLI A.MS, MITCHELL, 180 -ch Ontario. MILLS - FOR SALE OR TO RENT! 0 rpHE St134ORD3ER OFFERS FOR SAL E or to Rent, on easy terms, THE VARNA MILLS, Consisting of a Flour, Oatmeal, and Saw Mill, all of which are in good running order. The Flour Mill contains Four run of Stones and the interor is well finished, and all the machinery in first class coin dition. There is in connection a good •Dam, and an abundant supply of watei ;" to run all the mills the year round.' These mills are situated in the centm of a splendid Agricultural country, and a rare chance is offered to any person desi- rous of embarking inthe milling business. There is also an exckllent opportunity of BORING FOR SALT on the PrelnioS, all the works for which could be driven b3%7 water. • The above property is situated Six miles from Clinton; Six from Bayfield, and Eleven from Seaforth, with good gravel reads leading to eachplace. For further particulars apply to the proprietor, on the premises, or to Varna P. 0, L W. TURNER. VARNA, August 11, 18'70. 140-. THE SEAFORTH Lumber Yard. MABEE & MACDONALD Beg to. inform the public that they have opened a LUMBER YARD in Seaforth, near Shearson's Mill, on the ground. for- merly used. as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thomas Lee. . They will keep constantly on hand a good assortment-- of ALL KINDS or, LUMBER,- dressed and undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, All of which they are preparedto sell at the lowest possible prices, for Cash. Builders and others will find it to -their advantage to inspect our stock, and as- certain our prices beforepurchasing where, as we arein a position to offer good inducements to cash purchasers. MABE1E & MACDONALD. Seaforth, Dee. 29, 1870. 160-tf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all Parents and Guardians in the Township of Tuckersmith, who refuse or neglect to give notice to the Division Registrar of said Township -of the Birth of a child, within thirty days -from the date of such • birth, that they are liable to a fine of frora one to twenty dollars, with costs. All such persons will do -well to comply with the requirements of the Law, as the penalty will be enforced. WILLIAM MUIR, • Division Registrar. Tuckersnaith, 18th April, 1871. 176.-tf FOR SALE: • THAT splendid. Hotel Stand 3n the Market Square, Seaforth, known as the CORN EXCIHANGE, and doing a good. business. To an enterprising man, with 80/11e capital, it offers excellent in- ducements, being on one of the leading streets. and close to the Salt Wells. Also, two -comfortable COTTAGES on Elgin Street. Goderich, rented at ;$200 a year, and several Town Lots. Teems - moderate( Apply to . , WM. MA.LCOM, At the Market. .5es1ortis, Lim 21, Ien, 1'64- tf GUELPH SEWING MACHINE THE OSBOR Lock -Stitch Se -win MACHINE.. Thousand's throughcut Canada now using these machines. They b been tested beyond all question, nn the favorite lock -stitch, 1 alike on b sides, and. are pr nounced superior . any other machine offered the pub For wide range of work, perfecti beauty and excellence of mechani adaptability, strength and. durability, -e ye ke tli to m, The Osborn Sewing Machine as No Rival. Agr Improvements have lately b en made, enabling the manufacturers to claim it as the n -- plus ultra, of Sea fr Ci machines. Hundreds of testimonials re, being received daily from old as -well as new Operators attesting its wonde ul capabilities. Will do all kinds of lo- mestic sewing, from the finest cam ric to the coarsest overcoat or upper leat. cr. GUARA:FTEED TO BE AS REPRESENr OR NO SALE, Vbv..RRANTED YOR THREE YEARS. The Osborn Outfit is complete .nd. readily comprehended; IS sold at one- half the price hitherto charged foria- 1 chines doing a like range at work, he manufacturers being determined. to p1ice it within the reack of every faanilt th the country. A TRIAL FEFORE PURCHASE 'will .0) vince all that our machines are equaled. HE GUELPH REVERSIB E Ts pre-emineAtly the best Single -Thr ad Machine offered to the public -hence its arvelaus success Will do all varie ies f domestic sewing. PRICES ()REA r IEDUCED. Hand Machine, with full outfit, 812; readle do-, $17. Or Each mach_ne uaranteed. ty. Agents wanted everywhere. Spin). - id inducements to make money. Apply to GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO. CUELPIT, CANADA. W. N. WATSON, Agent, 80-ly SEAFORTIT CAVANAGH'S NEW BAKERY & CONFECTIONEHY STO J. CAVA _ A G H Keeps on ha id ALL KINDS OF Biscuits, Crackers1 •CAKES, AND CONFECTIONERY. WEDDING CAKES Made to order. J. CAVANAGH,. 174 Alain street, Seafor6. SEA FORTH lauing 9 Sash, Door, and BLIND FACTORY. TIRE Subscribers beg leave to thank I their numerous customers for the liberal patronage extended th them since commencing business in Heaforth, and trust that -they wil be 'favoredwith a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build would de Well to give them ll a ca, as they wili chntinue to keep on hand a large Stock all kinds of, DRY PINE LUMBER, SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOLDINGS, ' SHINGLES, LATH, iStc.7 They feel confident of giving satisfaction to those who they favour them with. their patronage, as none but first class workmen are employed. 407 Partioular attention paid to Custom. Planing BROADFOOT & GRAY. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. V-QTICE is hereby given that all par- ' ties indebted to Dr. COLEMAN, either by note or book, are reqUested to call at his office, at the Salt Works, and settle the same immediately, otherwiie they will be sued without further notice. Seaforth,A.pril 11, 1871. 175-tf MONEY I $5,000 TO LENW' HAVE the above sum au hand for Security, at ate Funds. N S. PORTER. 1870, 139. - investment on good F 8 and 9 per cent. -P SEA.P.Mr11, July '41