The Huron Expositor, 1871-08-11, Page 1AUGUST 3611 i8 BY-LAW NO. O&M and assist the Lomlone Hume auta Theace Railway Company by i g, r- ing $11e500- by w.3.- a Bonus to the saia Coinpauy, and to issue tleben_ tar -es therefor, ami to antlieriie the levying of a special rate for payment a the debentures and interest thereon.. tvaceees, ler ira act of the Fourth Session of te Legislature of the Province of Ontario, passed the 34th, year of the reit.n, of lrIer Afttiesty,tbleen ictoria, entitle& -An act to incorporate the Lon - Rio Ilurtnt and Druce Railway Company," it rtong other things, provide& tont enacted. as fat. wst "Aud it shall further be lawful f -or any Munict- tuty or Municipalities, through any part of itich, or near whteh, the railway or works of the. Oa Comptoty shall pass t:-Iiv situated to au aLitt ;.sist the ,sea Compaty by hauling or guarantee- tg. or f„,--iviug mom y by WItY Of ItOntiS, Or tiOttatiOTIK, ,. other tuteans to t he Company, in the construction 'r etiniernent of said Ilanwttyor of any of th,e tin thitrized. tooter th:',It act, in shelt manner ad to such extent te. such mattielpalities (ir parr 'c. thtatt shall think expetlieut ; l'ttwided alwayf.;-. nu such aid or astOstattrii. hy ‘1, ay tit iination or otherwise. shall be git on until tater lly-laW 1.-r tite purpose, tota the 1. iptiou of such Ily-law by the ratepa3.irs; Pro - i eii also, that any slob, lly-1.,w, to lie valid, shall uaL1: ill confortuit-y -with the laws of this P.t.ov- rt. silo:linglklutiicipi.kinStit.11.E1t101,1, 1111t1 an Ity-laus so pai.scd. uh\II he valid, t' th g smell, rate may exeeed the aggrt gate rate an. cents itl Ow Millar WI t•1111 llettlal, 111.1,1C Ot rateable property, provided that the flit" rate of assessment slued not iu. any case ex- , or nit purpo,es two ttut.s in the tholar on rtual value t•f thtt wheli: ra..eable property the -.11T.tit:eipality or putt:hitt of a 1-Ituticipal. -tang szt eh di la." ...tiat 1.1.1.‘1, V..tt• Y-f-,Ilit:;.} tdt±s at the Township of 1t1111,.." tACItsr1..1Ik•C. to 11:-.,/. alta ast..i,t t he said, ty by giving tittact,1 by way ttt lit.11118 tiro 0,T,,;litti, tualtu the authority of t1h. said re - 1. And. .r.tS. ru order to carry into effect thesaid litret. it will lie net t -.-sary for the st.id A.tu- t to mist; the said, sum ed i.;11750t-t, in tho *.aittafter ntuntioned en& set forth. And. tAs. It will-nap:ire the suut of t.--1,9251 to- •i,iittaily it siitalal tate for p,12.ing the td t-I-17,:it'l4 and interest onthe deben- a; 11.,.11.t..d. 1,141.fur, 111-1 hereinafter pr6- „°,1 ' f t.- ammtint tof tht• whole rateable - tht• said ..V.ftnicipaliry, irrt-t-pi tttive a increase tit- the smog, and also irre- tny increase t,k Ig.• cis rirt..1 from the ;tie:4;mm of the :.-inking fun 1 herein- t.al, or of any va.rt, tit- !(if, i -t, accord - 1 revise I A; t .•.41.4k la Itttli Ilf, the said. being fez W.: 1t ai.1:7l, ULU i.tiu of 1 - t he annittut t 1 the existing debt of tit-Ipality is as ft dbov,s : reital- g-rx,,,i foa, -,..., z:11-..t,tt.tit. bearing date 141...,,,1 i,tt. in 2it ytto,.., bearing inter- )? s.,It r ieqatita eel; 1,1111.11:11.1, W1tiC11, ,kr it - rt. r p„..., o., : Oa interest and creating ittkil g Mod, for paying the Pio- oetit of -=-1.7btl, accottling to the t -et n spt ctittgl\fonicipel institu- otati;..-it v.ill require tot 'ant -nal tlohlr of thrice milt anti fica... ,5-0 mills.1 lit addition to ILI: other Mil. :1%•41:;— Lt. 1-„nAt .;tat-, Ily the Corpora - dap tit Step:au-a in Coto:ell L$ - 'Ll i11,14'11111y11(. lawful ser the saidI ,,,si...t the sail C.nupttiv ity. giving litint,., tl.-- sant oi t-zi.7.!ibt.), tit lie lawful 21 the purp-se are - tat `dim •..1,1.f.1 1.1.111,10."ipalik,..' to :r t. 1 I, ntarts to lat .1tattle for ki o-, nnty -•_,:t re-ntired ,f -r the saiti ted.till ttaett, and not exceed - eat I :tau of .-.17...iite, whiel1 -,eali -1 with, the seal of the . :ad by the llt-eve thereof. runt, ,Itttkit be Illatt4:1111,3*--' t turtlust front the cla-y. ✓ 0-,bi 13.e -law to take cf- ", Vnglatel„ or ;,,,,11,..t p1ac.E1 .1.1!1 Sititt debentures, and Vat Coapons for the pee rats was in the wanner id sail debt.trturett shall s moat it or to lie :named '1.--roriltiious of the bald re- Osbenteree sLall bear the ratif!' of. six. per pm the klilte ti1C113- ‘111.1/. by maw. payable !: June- atut the lst day ' -very year &tiring the littores, at rite place - made vayttioe, 1,..t f foriaing a sinking 0 said del-Ai:It toes,. abut *7..ott, an etplal sp. dal * and. tive-str.tits cd a; Ittliti.ei tn all other .......cteil, in each -year 4tt the said IfillniCi.- t c 1 th.. s.'1,1 it Le effect *outcome kr the First day or *d, 1871.. ..-..„ ...t.te eh e.ors tif the sada _ .-.o. sa ....- u.1-..- v. on till.; liy-law, at the %allowing place dm t -is to say 1 _%.1 --the Toweilltip ',if idt,. Cri•dittat,In tn.,- sit i.1 Itit.v usltip (if Stephen, ti the Illth da.y of Al '(c l "ST, A. l), Itt71,ccdU:uenc-- ill: at the hour of 0 otit-kin the niiTnittg an& i :ttilot-t- at 5- o'clock in the afh onion cif the stone 1. mut that if E8TEll, I111.01 -.1: Y., shall be Um I.% turning 011.ci.r to Lax haat Nitel'At' E. Tate notice that the above ie a trtli. r,ipy Om i rot Pi nr t rt l.y.•-law,.whielt will lw 1at,11 iuto iadtsider- ttion by the Connell tif the Mani,-Epality of the 0 own -hip of 8;t1 -1.1-n. aft-er ,-,-m. month from tat, ...----.t. puldication la it t in T111. ltr 1.(,):-< EXPOl-a- 1.-r 114 the date of ei1.7,11palilit•ation is tie: :l8t11 clay - k .t.:Iy. A..1.t. lz-i71;i1 that ;1,;! ‘otts of the electors 1 i tlo s...lit .11tutieil ,tlit,. skill lie tal.,, a Oa reon on o •Vitit tl.t,v of Au_nt-t, A. D. P -t71, betwuen tho tt:s ft trelock i1. 'tit.' .6.1% Wit It Watt Zt 0*(400: itt .. ttert.00n. at the Ti-Niat.liio flail. Cr 11 (IL for Cla.tur ilitutty is tippuittI itutattn. ul.e.t. (111 11 PROUTY, I. owusluip Clerk, tL.ip (i:,, i..;;', tit.: - .1 Jul!. , 17,71. i 100-5is toul, NOTPiGE TO FARMERS. if TUE -BERNE r -i nit non Int 1 ti • Il1:P.N1.1. •ti•Ifit-ir eel 1.1 alt' ptc.i,art Os.:›111.g tt.11d, 110. i Flour ]:epi constantly on hand. .k-lete irau1Shitrte and t tlitipleel Stuff. A4 t1.. f,r t-ol. Natal...la millent ' tee t ...; (.tire haat,- t.1. t. VtLtt ;it 1.1h tie tr atrial - it. WI:III. I tt-..t-lInt hatti,1-471. ‘flit'LL BE SOLD 0!---1EAPs, Or Rented on Moderate Terms. t. ". , Cr.. !' ly - t ' . • 1. 7 1' ' e " • it. •-•;iii t. t 1 for rite as ta, Isti.t- usual ts !:1,t' V:, at'il- ti .t 1.TjtflLtttt . t _ JBEETSON Maker and DnderLaker‘ f f7.4: puti-hte - A f t„ t.- t'd *4 1.1.7u t1.1,13.t-tt t., e CO1F17iNS1 Wareroorms:r eon t f 1 t., '. and eppos1t4 - lt--. .. • k. 1 1 4 • -MeLEA.N BROTHERS, P.UBLISPIERS. VOL. 4, NO. 36. Freedom in Tracle—Lib'er ,y in Religion— paiity in Civil Rights." $1 50 _ YEAR, 1N Al5VANCIf- . SEAFORTH, FRI DAY, AUGIJST 11, 1871. 'rkt:Itt *mon Q!,rxrpOitar IS VrIMIKIED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, EN SE AFOIITIL TF.P.- 318.-S1..50 per year iv: advance, orre.2 at the ens of the year. Cal fr.aWs.. TakwhIEN"r. -First insertion, per line, cents; subscquent.in- fiertiens, :tee/it:4 each ti-litt,, per line, coSTItto:::: aeries,. • Otte coinnin one year ...... .. .. a60 00, " half " 35 00 .... . . .... . ... . 3 . ;2:0 1)(11.): 1 (i " .. . ...... .. ii months . .... .. 8rjoo one-eighth one vear - , . 1,2 " half " ' — ftl 00 utorttlis ... . ..... 5 00 hte-twf:ifth one ywir . .. .. . . 85 (fil00 half `s " 3 intiotbs Advert iSement s without speciac directions- will - he ittserted, till forhitl, and chargetlejecortintgly.. • • mrlinti Y. Mcli-cAx, f BUSINESS -DIRECTORY. ala At; L. I') AVID mm-fa:LL, al. D., Gradnate of Victo- -"" ria College, Physicien, Surgeon, etc., etc„ :KIND Otia',-Ceroner the Countv of Huron: • Office serml n•sidence, at Thompson ot Sianley's; W. R. SM (TIT, Pe,t a n, Su rgeon,_ etc, - Office ---Opposite Scott Robertson's Grocery, Main street, Seafortk, • 53 . _TAMES STEWART, M. D.; C. -4, Gradnate et 7-/ l'ativersity, ...\funtreal, Physic:1mi; frit'l ,geon, t•t ()thee and It esidelice---Brttceficla. 'TT L. ERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician, Sur- , "1"1". 0 1 1.Z ' I • f C- t (.111:11, C011 el 0 ,Matrket and fhgh streets, in rear of Kidd's •nore„ T IR. CAMPBELL, Coroner for the County. Office and Residence, ('1 el Corby's corner store, Malu street, Sunforth. Miley bouiv, firm 1.1 to 4, each tiay, and aft c•lay Saturday:• 1$9 ' - • VV e have. reached tike gates, my darling, can, ff.. ,et us tarry here -and rest. MEL/1ST MILE STONE. 1 Sixty years -through -shine and shadow. - •Sixty years, my gen ple!wife, . You and 1 have wathedlogether . Down thexagget road of life. From the hills of Spring we scared, - And -through all. the Summer land.. And the fraitful Autumn. country Ue have journeyed hand tin hand. 'Tis a dreaxylecemitry, darling,. . You. atid I are passing through; .But the -road lies straight Wore us,. And the milea arc shoet and few, !! , Nn-) . mo re '-d a 1 leeere. to ei 1 co•un ter, No more hille to climb tree friend,' Nothing now but simple walking, Tiil we reach our jour my's end. e • We have had our time (Id sorrow- . Our num of anxious teers,_ When we cook' not see,the milestones r 1 , ihrOtigh the blualnees of oar team, in the sunny! Suminer eel:inky, .. . . - Par behinclus little May, -.. nd Willie, tote grew weary, i - And we left thain am the way. • t lie you looking haeletwaril; /nether, That you stumble in thin snow ? I am still your guide and:staff dear, Lean your weight Upon' me., So ! Oar road is growing navrew • And, what is it, "%vile, yon saY ? liknove our eyes are dim, dear, But we hare not lost the way. Cheer the•e ! chee.ethee ! fai thful-13 carte Just a little way. before Lies tile great ;Eternal (Jify Of the King %het we adore; . 3an see the ehinIng spires, Aled the King1 the King, my dear, e have sei'yed Httn long and hu.mbl Ile will bless as, do not fear. , A 1 ! the snow'1 i1 fast ;and ct y, How you shiver \lath tl,e cold ! Lb me wrap tile mantle Kiloser kld. my arm We ii••e weak, and faint mild .weary, km' the sun low le the West ; 1! -; _ 'I L •Ir•DON A IJ :Barrister, .A ttorney-at- -1-• Law, Stalieitor in Chancery, Notary Public, • .'ortva..yaracer, etc.. Ex.Fra.n., Ont. f • ENGLISH NIARKIVIEN. • llotwy to Loan at Low nines. 188 sk I (-ear oHnee' HOLMEt-il'ED, Barristers, .At • torucys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and ,InsolVeloty, -Notaries Public and Convi,yaurt-r. Solicitors for the11. C. Bauk, Seaforth. Ationts for Clauldn. Life Assurance Compiany, N. .11.-.S.20,000 to lend att 8 per cent. Pants, Irou..,:twa Lots for sale, - 53 . _ - - • 13E.:•:;`i ON tt,MEYE tt, Ilan -listen; and At tt irneys: • at Tam, 'ti011eitors in Chancery anti Insob. envy, Couveyarteers, Notturii‘s te. - forth and Wrovnier for the Trus' and Loan - Co. of Cpper Canada, and the .Colonial Securittes of London, England. Money at 8 per cent. ; nti coreinission eh -a rf.rd. 53 -a,As. it. 311,ZcSON. 11. 1C, C. 111!1.1-E•11. 111. e National nine Assoc:in tion—An- nual Pica, ng of Volunteers tit Wintbletloin - Description of *Vele .f lamp- e rhable Target Firis nilim Ccrresixindomee of New -York Tribunel.t. _ In a' picturesque part of Stir/4, °pie of he most lovely of all Erilialle ant surrounded by exaniet te ecenereij, Mi , wi bin tea ladles of the bilge 1114ropoli,i1 to be eet:u dimly r-onee-ite funeral pa of hick 11 k $znoke, lies the. sthall vil lag 9r •Wimbledou, whida, year by year in he month of -jelly, draws togethwer ties . which beset a commandh g (Aker when, for the first time. in hd. life, he • finds himself at the head of sin h troops. The vehuiteers wine 'come/ iilb� camp at Wimbledon are dralya fieln ON ery class and rank of society -from Mut-Very high- est and from the very Rawest. sten-in- stance of the former :night be neentioned the lteginannteef Civi1 3crie Volun- teers, rEcruited ;from .t he g.nt emen, of the civil Service only, and hen haps the Oxford University "),olunteeles e and. as instances. of the latter might be men- tio»etl the mlete tillery, re- cruited -from, the wo •ste (lista iets of the vile region about the locks; Thegentle; men aro very tem:Li-ivies of th and semewhat inciw4d to ea 111 quos - tion the aets of their officere the WOtk. 1 ingmen are not lese ), but are More•dis- posed! to ren riot fo • the saki of the holiday: Five thousandregnlars -and volunteers for the -true brought togather in came th•st timein their lives, on Satui 811i of July, and an the M0114 the camp was in, working the moStrigid. military •dise, vailed On the 22(1 •July the cease to be. Within that per day, the follow - order, and pline pre- eamp will •od ercee_ thing is carried maunder the most rigid military dicp1uic. No ainusernen Is whatever are permitfed in camp -after eight o'clock in the eveniz teem -id all, are abso- t-"seunds camp i8 ) ((let. At 5 o'clock! .At 8:30 dancee, pinnies and h oworks lu tely prohibi fed. " Lights !01. at 9:4e.and. at 10 _eve y onei expected to be in hie teat and. daybreak the gun firee,:and.' a the bugle sounate the permit: is called, and a t 8:45 tla. differen equads are initialed off to point. , Piring - ' comM en ees- pandit:ally at .0. -At 1 2 di' menees, at 1 li ri ngenn nueneue continues -until 7. " Patten)" is at 9:30.. The camp in itself seems! , perfect. ....-"On cnteriiig, to the I -ft, . about - three-qr* uarteof a mile from t le' volun- teer camp, i$ the camp of -thciGuards, who are told Off for diity.as markers at ' he butts and for other purposels connect - el. with the shooting. Starting rom that niint, the tiring points of the tthoubnd ards range, two in nu ber arc reached. 'hen, a little further on; Miele- are, M qual die tallow.; from anges 660 -4--.---, th •ards range again, tw 00 -yarde, two at. 1, 3 erds, and three more (00 yards respectively, he firin aeh da ner C0111- arrain add! - mats last each ther, rive n, anal er 1,000 more lenges at WO. on at 800 at 500, 600 and and tt o at 200 3 erne, and ene ralige for practicing g of -things t the "vuno n derail" 'at y anis. From the Guile ds' tent§ to those (A the volunteers, a .tranrway is laid down • the eel's of WI • •)l a1'u 111 rsed.c 3 _ attended to by the efilltary Train. At the cud of the -brat inea,e, are I the • military officers' camp ; the .large county teat, for membe •s of Provincial b ‘ssowations to meet ; a. lc rgc bell - halite' tent for livly viei tors e he tele- raph offices and post o1i)ecs ti e ..M1•1•1.1a , Coun- the Ct11.14 of the f3t: George'S Rifle Volunteers,- the uniform of jet bledk. The -4r.l1it4 . silk banner, %Vita the red erdess of St. George of England, flies overheittl. A little farther on is Glen Albyn, lead.- ing to the camp of the London Scottish, who are very exclusive and clannish, but very hospitable. The . lion. :rampant of lecotland is their badge.on the color y- 3 ng over head, There are great pots of thistles and a magnificent display of deer's antlers over the officer's mess tent. Exactly at theeleft ie. Vietoria Crese4at and the camp of the •Victoria, Volunteers ; their uniform is dark green, with blaek facings. These voluiiteers are famo is for their fliarfbaltuan field furnaces and. excellent looleery. Further on still arty S be seen the dark green and. scarlet m i - terms in the camp of the *First Shirr -y Volunteers. Romul to the right is 1, m eannn of the Civil cilicet- Rifiee, whose uniferm is iron gray, with royal blue fac- ings. Farther on are the. Oxford and eat abridge University Corps, Oxfo •d having light gray blouses and similar y bOlOred. 19Aekerbockers with dark lel le stockings, and Cambridge silver etra r, ',. Withlight scarlet stockings v e •31 pretty and tastily laid out are the cliff r- ent regimeutal - camps. Tile tents a •e generally pitched so as to form thr Ae sides of it square, the mess' tent of • ti e regiment being m the centre by the ha Y - Stag MI.1011, esprit de. copp$ exis..ti 111. rendering the different camps as attract - it -e as Possible. and many .and varied a o the means adopted to secure this en 1. Gay flowers meet the eye in eeevy dire tion, and many colored flags flutter n the breeze. .Eachsucceeding eV61111 g during the meeting regimental rands ph y until 8 o'clock, and officers entertain the r friends in the mess -twits. - The m ern be •s in .camp have a large tent. -called a " club -tent," where all the daily pape s are to be been seen, and the association itself issues a daily paper -called T7 e Earwig, printed in earner and containing contributions from volunteers. TI e Queen's Prize is this year of the VA; 1 aggregate -value of $7,075, gold., whit!', however, is simply one•iton in the list k f prizes. Prdhably the value of the whole prizes gtnen away mould amount te-ii - eludieg challenge prizes -$1 00,000, .gold. As an instance of the accuracy wita Whiell SOMQ competitors shoot -for the Queen's PriZes, it may be mentioned tha a 6/C6411171)ml Oneie Walked pp to the rang at 600 nardS., 'and made screen! coneeen tiye, leill's PitS ; passing to that at 80 y rd.; he took tee 0 trier' ;diet% and score Aso mine Lit:rt....eves! as ipareetly satisfiet vith the reehlt of his preliniinary shoo ng, he tried eeren nore shots at the S0) ares range, aud seined seven 1110re coli- c:entire bulre-eyes. Thus, a tbtal of 10 mil's -eyes Wae 01 a de in asmany shots 'retty good 'shooting, one would think ut the Seotehman was • afraid of being ` tied" by a brother coMpetitor I a____„.....,_ ....0 . OP. - RIOTS IN NUM iinC er the auspices of the N.'ittional. Rif! • wile eine • Ae. ociatione-if leuglen l, a r'esident popu •lati ia leieree than that of Many an Engt • s TT NOX'S HOTEL, ( Late Sharp's.) The under- lit4 town.; , The 'wonderful- comM u g - lava to thank the public for the libtral ch springs Into life - h.ere, organize c note! busim•sta, and also to inform on that he luta; • 0 ovules patnoutg);, 11181 tit to hint in- times past in the and 0- _ and then disappear. again re:,11-1/10.t 1/111411w.ih !Ai, ubcive stand, ehereiiS i . it had never been, hes' just brough -%11 I twit, Where the Connell ,sit ilt img the n outing ; the refreshment booth qui 1)011Se eStabli811111ellt for! so ma] a spa,ce, d admirably manage/1i; the hibition int fur the prizes. A little fu ther Oii s the clock tower, an ;exceeding] pretty tic happy to ha -re e :Ian from old. friends, its k meetine to a chide. Al 'JUL. tee a, 12,ti THOMA.S KNOX, • at al many new ones. yea -s ago, when ale Voluitteer ni4vcinetii t 111 1 eia, and leas in. its Pliancy, it Inman) i It s Excia Nkol 0 TEL,. kl.S1 -".`Sti011. with the originators lef tha 1 1 Lt..1.W..kv, Proprietor ; J . WELL tAms, t i tO met etneat how the interests of the force • ef American Hotel, Warhaw, N. L,) . cou d ho hest secured, and in what way bon has recently been nee ly furnia.hed, wod. re- , fitted throughout, and is now me of the most NMI- 11C, 'a Ilene° might .be given to its insti- stneture, the gift of Mr. Beason, the gloat watch-in:1km' of Cheapside. Then,' a I few yards ou, is the ioeidence ,of. Earl SPeneer, the President, of the Assoc:la ; tgahtl C of arei 'the 'tents of the. artabh• and commodious in the province. Good tubi anti- it evas 'thought that if a t10)1 it Sample Room. for •:•. ainmercial TraVelh-ek.. . frie idly rivalry could be brouehti ) (at t , Terms ;Ise 100DING'S 1.33akipg and Exchange Ofilre, in IV. 8. ItoattiersoN's Store'Scafortli. Grvett- barks, AIrletielui tuurOrafts bought and sold. Gotta Fart taLi's Not••s discounted. and purchased. 0111N WADDELL, 191 .Agent. sae' ais exists between the skilled marks- 11 111.(.311 of the different cantons of Switzer - Ian( , much might be done! toward solv- , , ing 'his problem; A- meeting of 'noble - nen and others interested in the move - nen took. place, - and they there and ' then formed themselves into' an aseoeia- tiou called. the National -Bide Aseeeia- - twit of England, founded, as its eonstie (1 -11 A. 80,ARP'S LIVERY Sr. ikLE ST-11;ES• ti Sets forth, to e perreaven,e - Murray's MAO, SSea-forth. A1Good t 15 (IL). es and first-elass Conveyances always nu hand. LIVERY STABLE. MAIF STREET, 1 ' Sea fortla. First -r s Horses and flanittges always on hand at rens( wattle ternr.-.. • It. L. 1-111.131.P., Proprietor. taff,•the Royal Enatrineeh store. sled, :anal t lar oh the excellent .lavatories. .nernieg away to the rIght, the 11011'- 1014e tents of the volunteers are f ra %red ii. c• camps" acoording to 1egi- 311 iits. Here is Love -lane len•dine. o the ea up of the Artillery COmpany of Lon do 1, the first volunteer collie lot the Ui ited Kingdom, which ta k es 1 i reee- , nee even of the milititei Thi8. tepany relic of the old tram hands which .nu relied to raise the siege of Glo eester, and ts the c1)10 which earned. the Queen's colors. The camp ef this.' com- pany may lae known by the big bear ukin car s poised on sticks in front of the tents. It 1)d5 not seen any f ghting, but in 1. iijiiiicnts, in drill, and ea soldierly ap- an nee, it is the finest Thoking body of hinteers in the werld. The "'Comp my" " nsists of a, field battery of artille •y, a I nep of cavalry, and a regiment o in- I 'Ile artillery einl cavalry are f, iirehly horsed mid equipped in every s teet. Their uniform is blue ' and JOHN BRIGHAM, Exchange Broker, and Raik, way Tie,ket Agent, Houghton's Its•tel, opposite' 5 hallway :,tation, Seaforilt, Out. Through Tickc0t issned to all points in the Western States, Cal:for:tin la,c1 Red River, at reduce:1 rates, affording „a tin greatest facilities to Emigrants. All necessary- 11, • information given respecting Land Agencies, etc, -Greenbacks, Bonds, Coupons and tincurrent Money, Quid and Silver Coin, bought, and wild at best rates. u - — - o .‘" !olunteer corps, and to eaceurage rifle- . , hot ' jug -throughout th?_. Queen's do - 111 n ' utS, " • !. i11 e first gathering took ishme ill July . epoa the common ef Wimbledon, n Se hieh occasion the Qeieen, herself, in inn, ' the opening shot; Min -quested .0 erie • of meetings which are now viewed% vith tlie stroitgest possible interest by: 11 ar 0 re nd lass 1-) ENT ISTItY.-J. (1. 13ULTi, (Licentiate of Den- n t ) tl r let and silver laces tal -,orgery,1 begs to announce to the inhabit tanfs of Scaforth and. iurrounding country, that he ills opened ttn. office for the practice cif -.Dental - -:q.irgery in the rooms formerly occupied by George - I tarric, Dentist, where he will be prepawd 'to do all kinds of work expected of the profehsion in a Stliki- - factory numnerand on reasonable terms. 9, 186 eq pe • vo •lasses of'Englishaueit, and. which. co It last become so immensely pool- ti *th the volunteer 'force generelly, r Juire the. most careful calculation ad lanagwrient to provide. k•or th0 large re • The Prince of Wales "'arty ilfissed--t The :T.lob Attacked by lhe "ierere Eighliam - Loss ol Kinglet -tilers illeresited. fr,InfIt lliot beseke out in Dublin, on, 8tilld ay last, eriginating from the- pro, hibition by the Board of Works of the proposed. Fenian amnesty meeting, which WAS organize(1 by Me. 8myth, member of Parliament for Westilicathr editor of the A ation, 'and John Sullivan Byrne, editor! of the inehealin, rot the perpoee of demandiag .the release a: the Irish politica" offend ere. -An thronorr Sunday, and. late in the afternoen, va. t crowds of men, WOhicil and children assembled around the monu- ment of- the Duke of Wellineton in Phienix Park, about three hundred yards ; froin the vice- ogal reeidence, Avineri:. the Royal party, inolUtilng the Prince of h ' Wales, Prince Arthur, Princess Louise e1 ; and Marquis . f Lorne :are sta,ying. k . During .the riotthe military were keept in-readinese for action in ease the peliec were unable to quell the riot. The troops were aboet to be called out, when order was restored by •the polite. The lighting iietta.eyIled over the- whole. length of "the 'Violent exclamations and insulting epithets were. uttered by. the rioters against the prince of \).a1 -es and the Whole Royal Family. Every window showing flags in honor and loyalty to the Qtteen, was smashed.. Over one hundred that 'were injured are now under treatment at the hospital. IA late dispatch from Dublin saye the city is quiet. Several of the-platies-visite -ed by the royal -family were gutted on 8nuday by -theenob. The. hospitale .,are full of wounded. The royal visitors .1dt :the .citty-' on , Monday, and. crowds lined the streets through which, they passed, but no .eheer was raieed, and • the people 'presenned dead silence, being broke tally by a few . hissee. The conduct er-the police at l'enoenix leark, which is denounced as in- excusable. and brutal, has embittered the erepe lotion .: The newspspere cleinand im- , mediate investigation. The Anmeety committee has issued an address. They tleclare that a meeting to make a holiday - for Royalty ewould hayie been allowed, but because the people met to plead for the captives they. were stricken down, beaeod! swords were reddened: with their Canada. • A snail named. .Royal .Tye e died in the township of Marmora, liast .week, who had attained the great ate of 108 years. -Miss Banan, of:Clinton, has reeeiv- ed appdnitinent of first female teadher inthe Fergus Common Sehool; at a salary of $260 a year. --Mr. Asa E. Wallbridge, of the County of Hastings, has Norway oats of this years growth, which weighs over 43 lbs. to the bushel. - A match game of base ball between the Woodetock and Ingersoll -senior clubs, for $500, was pi:eyelet Woolsteck Tuesda,y last. - The Listowel salt well is •down a,boet '1,100 feet, but no .salt yet. Salt or China, is 1101V the motto of the Listo- . - - it Is said: that the Ontario Emigre Eon Department contemplate issuing map of this Province.," Suell. a Inge i proporly W0111u1 be rif grea service to the public generally.- -In some parts of King the potato bugs are very numerous. Three child- ren of Mr. IN alson had their hands poisoned by touching these- bugs, and, consequently suffered a great deal. - Mr. J. MeCorquodale, of West Zorra, threshed. his Fall wheat last week, and from one bushel of a new variety realized twenty bushels and a half. - The thief who entered the 11011PC of Mr. Young, Royal Canadian Bank. eltratforel. lately, has been caught, and the colic" watch then stolen from .-N1r. Young recovered. WHOLE NO 192. if the murdered man, and Thomas Coyle, ler cousin, fm••trial, one the charge of bevinar committed the item in] crime. All the other suspected "iiirties have been liselauged. -As .James Digby diggi near "•'• -here formw Iy stood a, known. z s " Vanzznit's TaVem," on the rum- of it 1111Inber one, foul th wince. $i1121 0i xbradge, tunted ill; a kiln: 2111. hther Many per 33M:ki7e1-1 lember a story quite eurn t some eety years ago of a peddler having 1 ewe last been alive near that pla 2e. Mae P. McDonald, M. P., for Veet Midilleetex, and a contra -tor on lidereolohial Railway, n et With a, ery SW ions aeritlellt While Sllpe int.:ea-d- i 1g the building of 0 bridge on th ;Toad, 1 ear JZ1n1011.4ii, ill the Prey inn° of joefg. tatnt. Jseervcfitlial. • -Mr. Charles Brooks, of th town s np of ibbert, melted the Fa 1 whoa illeh had. grown on five mire*, hat a -yield of 240 bushels. Mr. >11, of the same le wnehip, has ale() veld of over forty bushels to tho are ettiltias,n317.)ala.seleelyl., and peas, plain& to 3 jail -In. the section around Clidt the a n)le, pear, plum and other crop: will almost be a failure this 3 -ear. The b ossom, which was - aimpdaet, set b autifully„ and the fe ees in the epring ve every proinitie beariug ver), h but the continued dry weathei tl at.has visited that $ection this sum - e• has ruined the bright prespeete, the 01 pies, particularly, being, small full of W ins, and noCat all numerous. e- The Grand Lode of Ontario of the gi n its annual session on the 2ntnee, ef in Toronto, with a, full atteilda Litlepehtleht Order ee sniee Fello?!;:ssbte.:-. in 9111;c:1 -s. Th e G i•ani I. A 1 :le t er re" pr eperons 3.e.ir for the Order leurteen ne v Joilgais having been added 1t� the lis The inenabership in the -Pica-ince- WI a itnrost.:(1 last year by 1,1 0 1, and th total membership is now 3,49. --Of the applicatione received Board of Trustees of the Fergus C SO mot laet week the ...Yeeve /?ecene says .; . - •la.otwithetaoh that the applicants let ers, and the composition of th ,,kobliiiej_f 1_, all possessed Normal School Certi ieates, ba I. spelling ocieurred in. several .1 their epistles was lay no means perfect, . We nu , enstand that there were 80111,0 bad a few • by the 111111011 sp winces of composiition among t pa :tfeione receiVett our Trusteef we cies ago. A Mrs. Eau° has recently com- pleted a quilt •tvliich contains 3,685 patehes, and 505,855 stitches. hie quilt is intended for exhibition at the London Exhibition next month• The Brockville Monitor says that ni that neighborhood the crops are- ionch beyond the average. Day is only a middling crop, but the giefin and roet ; crops. are very fine. Pot atees eepeciaily are very geed. --- Oakville harbor Was pet up for 1 sale at public auction lint Tueeday. :the ; 'toss, Deputy -Reeeiyer-tleneral - on • 1 - all of the Deland -on .t1overnment offer - 1 $1 2, 153, the upaet priee ;fed it ItittS necked down to him. -Tile following is the = amount of bo xis which, it is said will be aeke 1 from the the tam - • $20 several miumapalitiee through which Southern CX 1111101 of the Wolfing - Grey and Bruce Railway pass Ashfield, $1 0,000 ; West Waw,,u-osh, 000 : doss, $1.5,000 ; Turnberry, .$31 , 000 ; East AN al wan oeh, i•0,000 ; Mt) -lie, 00:000 ; Grey, ,33,000 or 000 .,e15,1100 taAtre $J Wa. luxe; 0, (100 e,-1 2,000." I This esti nate is baeed Diem the suppOsition I tint thel; overarm:et bonus will in:grant- ed tho. road. Without it, :4,...!,titg) per :121), 000_ for the entire rialto, additional,' will be rcquired. , ; i , I ---i• II he l'!.':,itlellee of a fal'iner lianliect D„ '. AI, p,oss, 0.,. \Vest Zorn., was i_ntercd. 1.....v ,. . I. thie'ves last 'week While liiina•felf ninl fluidly 'Were att,Work in that Intl-vest:field. „ , , . The ittle,Vt.'S CaI rled oil' a - Val WI] J.I LI Wat.C1), ! ;1.1)311 L !SG() hi inoce,y, anal several other 4,1.. i itxti Jes. When the dein. 11 1, Ito:keit, the); oy had Itetta platesel in an obeicure venial.- 01 all -Wit-in/lifting, wi len; it had been leant' - by the robber:: anil thus easy atoess was secured. to. the house, •eintl ,1 pretty rich hall I illadt. FarIllerS skull A look pet anal haVe I: aeir bent -a:5 ‘‘ ell becured when tte•y leav - them un- oecupie 1., even in the day ti ale, as it is hard' to -tell what vagalann a; may be I11' ling retinal nitathservell. I A large fore of pollee stood in resertre -Mr. David Brethonn of the. town-. 1, break. Up till procession. The erewif ship af Blaushard, havino threehed !, 1. 11 t • -ell. 1 t'" • • • ti t it hes yielded on an ay.erilan of Ill • eeleirey • to protect, the atlace, and, if possible, to, • of people who are animal' y 41r:twit Sit cg,e )y coriti:sts Che iiiiai- ent of theee Meetings generally! 011(1 reernment c'.(f• -the ca.Mp itscit, are vestc, 1 iti a Council elected from tile men»ers of the Assecifition flitniselves. -pot this f.ol.113CIL, Of which Iforl Spun- C. R. CooPEIt, Conveyancer,- Commissioner in • Queen's Bench, Insurance and General Agent. Agent fur the following Fire, Life and Accident RIM:we Comp:1111mA : The Beaver awl Toronto Mu- 'r taut). and the Western Fire Insurance Conolanies the Reliance Life Assurance, and the Hartford Ae- cideut Insurance Company. .MONEY. TO LOAN on real estate security. All orders by mail or otherwise ()roan ptlyattend- ed to. Office, opposite Ross' Tailor Shop, 186-1f AINLEYVILLE. ITETERINARY SURGEON.-7PRED. cooK, of . Y 11,ELAtoan, w0ald respectfully inform the publit. that he has taken np his residetwe in the village of Behnore, where he will be happy to attend to till calha made on him in his professional capacity. Mr. Omit has attended to several cases of both horses and cattle which were given up by other practitioners and effected perfect cures, Which can be proven by certificates signed by over . 200 gentlemen_ ?i•lter testiamnials see posters. • - • Mr. COOK will attend at Ainleyville in the fore- ( noon and at the Town Plot, in • the Township of - Grey, in the afternoon of the first toad tkird•TUES- DAY of each month. 186 • C er laces ; that of the infantry is oar - The band of the f 90.1piecee, en 1 is ninteit hemline -ter. O regiment findi his • ceoutiamients hieh • cer (, . volunteer; (4 eourse,) is President dine) ves the roetine administration o ever' maLter eounected with the inne life o ' the vamp ; the arrangement of th cletai items term staut putifars upon points emmeeted with. th shoot ng, and requiring great ineety an( diet:I-et:ion in their adjustment, an 1 the I. genet il receipt and disbursement f the funds of the AesOciation. The W• r Of lice ii. no way inarieres with the g nera arran reinents of the Connell, exec: it to appal it its 01.1711 °MOOTS, to il'110111 S en- trust d the duty of reporting t the :lovenunent, at the end of each, me ting, any natters that may set to come with' 1 it e immediate cogni mice. , Oth- ers o the regular army occupy ti e po- , ,, , ition of. Camp' Commano.ant, 'amp Adjn eint and Commanding I Royal noi- 0 • ut ill euetY other restiect, ti e ex- , ecuth es are elected from officers f the volun eer forces, --v-ho carry, out ti e or- ders f the Couneil, given throng the Camp 'omatanc ail These latter may 1 to th uninitiated, seem f very little impor anee,Inet in ity they are f the reatt -t possible nsequ uce. Only hose 'lin have governed b idiea o un- iscip ined volunteers in th .field -now ow 'le -appreciate the lama (lit 'cal- , s 111 aceerilance with the varying of eanh day's programme ; the de - ling of disputes which are con- y arising beween the Several „ coin- 1 e 1 be 11 At . in ( old. The 111011 a •e well Bet lap drilled and well ofti erede The o - 11-n do it. This it$ oivn, an off" 1 1,11111:leen) von] the merch pita' armory. an le city of Lon Th. is Capt ain-G e reg meat 'consists eonducted by an e Evyry mernber of th owl). uniform and are of the most cos ly deScription. bear -skin cap alone costs $40 in ant the busby!' of the cavalry I mu ••11 Moro. The eou re -meats are of traces,and pant' efficer/e aniform s certainly not the An CJS The old, :osts namcnts ou the ac - old.. and the lac 611 10014 WI; si ver. 'n the cavalry t oop ,fettetion less hail $75 in. gold, that is in England, at' .st emenibered, wh rethinga are cla •ap. ooper's uniform iobably costs v1:101 cers 'et& w their duty ant t has barracks o a-rown, and a s are rectuuted traddSmen of t -Prince of Wale 10 Conipa'aiy. 'rj J. CHURCHILL, VETERINARY SURGEON, S • (Member of the Ontario VeteriniuT College,) begs to intimate to the inhabitants of 1Seaforth taint surrounding country, that he has opened an l• 0.21ce Stinforth, where he may be oonsulted per- sonally or by letter, on the Diseases of Horses, Cat- tle, etc. Having received a regular and practical education, and having been awarded the Diploma of the Vetetinarv College of Ontario, T.. J. Churchill twits('t-vt-rv t'ititfidutt of giving satisf"°11. to all 10nettr.Nces-A. Smith, V. $., Principal Onta- , rio Veterinary College; Professor 13nekland, Dr. -Thorburn, Dr. Rowel, and —Wells, M. D., it V. S. t *Veterinary Medicines constan'tly on hand.. d All calls promptly attended to. • Cabice-Carmichael's Hotel Seaforth • 182-9m • of t assine on throu the camp of !artillery company, ti e regimental 0 1 are reached, where niforms of ever irimental corps in ti Upited Kin( ma be seen -the da, careen tunic sea int facings of Heeds" el Nottingh- gre ,n of the Stafford silver eray of the C• he famods " R in, the scarlet hire "l'oltuiteers mbridee, the • of the 1) 'J ti e clay color of iron gray of Cornishmen, ers from Scot hers too num mind. to: the 1 Sui lersetsbire, the 'Cre awney's famou kil. s of the, Hiehlanc ara. , indeed, anany o to le ention.. Sharp I • grew every nn lute stronger, until it be- came so large as to be . unmanageable. The prneeesain wile formed. by Smyth, Sullivan . atel 1;olan, who arrived. at the head. of live I) ndred men, wearing green. le They .were al on horef -back but dis- mounted on aa iving at the monument The ineetint confluence(' at half -past four o'c)ock. I (dice Superintendent How advanced witl a.strong escert. At his appearance th people groaned. and hiss - ,ed. Ile ascentcil the steps of the Well- ington anonmpent and addressed the crowd, ordering Smyth and his follnwers to desist, but lie could not he beard, , After three Vain appeals to the rioters, he 1.th:el:trod he would. use force te bre.ait up 1 the meeting, and ordered his men to . charge the crowd. . , I No so mer had he given ' the word of I command than he was hurlcd to the kittoni of the monument and barbarously treated: The. police then charged the ticked, beaten, trampled upon and fatal - slob ; a frightf 1 scene ensued ; nien., wo- ven and child -n were indiscriminately :y injured. .everal policemen were knocked down. The rioters fell by scores. Fighting beca e very severe ; . stones were thrown a d sticks fredy need by the riot lasted more than haring which -the police hetes in danger -of being hut receiving reinfoioe- dispersing the mob. mople are known to have nts !populace. Th cm. 'half an honr, eral 'were several Ioverpowered, the t ments, succeed mps Forty-seven re- been senonsly injured and a number dom and Smyth, Sulliean and Nolan, leaders of bin the not, were badly hurt, and a great and number of the police fore* bruised by both: stiic‘khseabnoclastitoa)e are fell of ! wounded people, an great e,xeiternent prevails in the city. The authorities are firm in their determination to prevent any future meeting and the leaderi of . the attempt on Sunday will be proecuted. They have all -been. aareseed. the the the and, rous Sr" ---- \Vit. h most p n•sons there P011 W ea , IS gi. I le«) 0:.eta tam ef LI is an epech in life when the r yes Lea:lane quality. . Li al; ;_. i I ighil,t)it)ei,,nitsttli.20;141.1111-ei ter.:1)511, eva(intliieli)iiit..ail:t iLiy busilelS to the acre, and le d splendid i ee , .,„ : elitiaoled with there _ ,rwo voiunteees were arrested ii, I sfluids, s trills an , eloneated axis of vieiiiii, a bi) ilt is lield. thcaCuban insurgents. It is etated that " eau 1 made temporary- wheli it is not • - iNioar-eal on thocharge of r..cruiting for furthyr off to be read. This deficiency : the Spanish Government has telegraph- eall„,i by -Om waning vh,ion of age, II • IA hen e 0 -11 d the m ilividual °IAill:3 propivr 'tie•Sight, the reeult in the one ease, o riTtLti teatted its thanlto the Governer-Geural thisiinpeicctionSiI•st•- for his action in prevonting 3-'eernitin-4. ; alizt - The stables of Mr, G. Vaiewiek of eaid it Park Hill, were destroyed by lire one will 1 night last week-. Pour valuable herseS, anal i a number of carriages and wagons, and the eeisting focal strength. - t is there - mien -tont that the purest, Lenses, n -v acme of traneparemy and ac- f011S should be .einplo:Ved to the requirements. '11313 adebrated !tie." Spectacles and Ere•Glaeses, .1teturet I by Lazarme & icir copyrighted nystelill of fitting 's claimed, to mta t the re nireinelitS partietthir ease. several sets of harness were fore, The file was the work of an incendiary. , the Y we mentioned. hest- week as having- been /'"q:t The patent .rights vendors whom enrac operating in Gara‘raxa, succeeded in Pel'fc making quite a rich 11;9.re-est in that menu aml vioinity, having sueeeeded in obtaining t notes from unsuspecting farmers to the ; Owni amount of over seven hundred ilQljars af cac - The L'Original Arireraser publish- 1 ed in the County of Prescott, says that Lox•vs' Hymen OSP rl ITS'S fr. Fel- Mr. Boyd_ secured his -election in 1 867. ; lea's e.ibee thi to hOttl• that ha: 1.111.!-; nattlnirized. the aseis tan ce of Whelan, M ; ee's e • tniwt,..t,.,rit tbat hi.. II epophinlihites nitr.- olitain, to; resiectabie druggists turd aPoihticarlus at, against the late T. D. McGee, thropgh murderer, and other Canadian Penians. The story looles rather " fishy."' The Osborn Sewing Machine is a - The house -of Mr. McOowan, on the de -id( ratum long iunked .or -a e 10th Concession, Blanchard, was struck : machine for all classics of our communityby _ gh26tath•ingoutilatb„kiit lolckp.M. inasiojneWein leeftzebse. 1,.),:st,h(r. Pil(.1.,e)mpound. Syrup of Hypo - boards off the end of the house, anal 1 phosp tita2s-, by its great t011ie and health causing eonsidera.ble alarm to the in- I renewing properties, will reetino lone more juiekly than any other preparation -nue attendance at Bailey's Circus know , it being the a ureet remedy for all and Menagerie on the, occasion of its visit debilinfting malailiee. to Toronto a few weeks ago, wae so great tusands of promising yeuths, . of that long before the time to commence (fxcei, in) down to untimely graves, the ticket office wae dosed, and a large relict al debility and Wea.kness, who number had to leave, not being 'iable to be saved by fortifying their gain admittance inside the canyass, ns 'with 111,11. The rernviati 'owing to the immense crowd. is an Iron Tonic prepared ex- - The Coroner's jury on the Nissouri y to Cinpply this vitalizing element, murder eivse. unanimously agreed upon a i the only preparation of Iron thrt. verdict committing Mr. Campbell, wife shal1:A(3 at once with the blood • Th both froin migh syste Syrn press and i will