HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-08-04, Page 8z (J. t. tank Kura txpooiter. DISTRICT MATTERS. Agricultural Shows and Fairs. • The Township of Hay kgricultu.ral Society's Fall .11.4h.ow will bo held at Zariehe, on Ttteeday, 'the 6h' - _of October. • : The South Huron Agricultural Society's Fall Shoa- will be held at Weaftirth, on Thunday and, Friday, 2let and 22nd September. The North Riding of Huron AgrtculturalSoceety's Fall Sliow will be h"eld at Clinton, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 19th and 20th days of September. The Stephen and Usborne Agricultural- Society's .Fall Show m -B1 be held at Exeter, on Monday and Tuesday, the and rd days of October. The F;d1 Show of the Howiek Branch Agricul- tural Society will be held at Gerrie, on Wednesday, 'Oet. 4. - The Cetitral Fair Will be held at Hamilton, one the 4th 5th and 61h of October. I The Western Fair will• be held at London, from, the 26th to the 29th of Septeniber. The Provintiel L1.hibition WM beheld at Kings- ton, on the 25th to the )30th of September. The North Perth Agricultural Seeiety's Fall Show will be held at Stratford, on -elle Rh and 6th of *October. The South Perth Agricultural Society's ,Show will be held at St. Marys, ou the 34 anti 4th o -bc- tobar. , The Hihbert Branch Agricultural Society' Fall -Fair will be held at Staffa, on 10th October. • NEw Burentho.—Mr. E. :Hickson is --ereetine a handsome brick:residence, lac- ing the Victoria Square; and* adjoi tnat built by Mr. Adam Cray ittprieg. -8ER1f0NS TO YOUNG ME:eh—Rev &err, of St Thomas Episcopal Ch will preach a course of someone to y men, on Sunday evenings tiering month of Aug-nst. All are emeliall vited ; seats free. SIDEWALK REPAIIITee G. —The_ s Inspector; Mr. Martin, has •commie to put the sidewalks in thorough re Mr. Martin intends to prosecute -arood work without cessatihn tenti the sidewalks in town, including leading to Egmonderille, are in first- promenadin,g order; • ing this Mr, roh, .ime th; reet • -ced • air. the all ; hat qass FLAX Putahno.—Mr. Shantz has ow ,quite a small regiment of men; wo len .and children, engaged in pulling lax. He has, altogether, over 350 acres m der this crop, and now employs from 8 to '90 pullers. In this way, employme it at good wages is given to a great lolly resor people and children who are not able to perform hard or heavy labor. SALT BLOCK- --The frame work o the 'Sperling Salt Block is now up. It is a vely large building—considerably k rger_ than either of those now in opera ion: We trustthd enterprise of the prbpri itors anay be as liberally rewarded as it ji etly merits, and that their brightest opus -and most sanguine expectations m, y be -Ina& more than. realized. ear Go to J. R. Grant's, Post ( Detig Store, Ainleyville, ,ge thttee, arid chemical dye stuffs patent medicines. Gosnell's toilet .an4 brushes. Large supply of eigh aii thirty hour clocks, all warra and examine and be convinced. EATIINATION Tiatonseas.—Th (Jai ffice nine and oaps day tech on,each 'ale effected. They wan agent in East Garafraxa, and wo _most happy to 'gives the lucrati desitable appoOment to Mr. As a Luibrantee of his good faith tratelhirei)yq u thinks, , Payable would no , matte Woe; of an dolla ,which at an sold. afoot". 'in the and . 'noteI return ma.thi SO inred his note ethirig in the of hundred- aul twelve months, t ed an ld e and in ethe (which 8 ape ftyl but he the %reel frit nde d the g t in ea ring him a ything lemur ts an dvanc they said, be thei 'other. tiene collected, imless Otig.1i putting bars to cover t. The matter was talke house; andon the advice of Carroll sign .only thing he g bar for his 'ghhore r$150. was.a. on ,ti e, which th sharpers mad pre erie of, andlif he ever gets al mo e it will aff d us unfeigned r to thake -the fa t nown. Robe ' Meeks are both! ta 1 men; one is • ed in years, ant le s dark grey ha r; th -other is a your g man. They rove a Van of bay hoe es, with black ma es an tails." We hone not heard. that ny o - our farmers hav r deived such_ Ind at- tentions as above described fron these travelling scoundrele, brit it -wo ild be lid be at the well for them to be on the alert, , careful wliat (loCflUICIit8 they sig request Idif strangeis; -- 1 1 • ItPRfiVEL, S TOOK. --\\e learn that a celebrated breeder of Canine stoc , from the nen libbring village of Mri eteee, has recently been travaling throueb. this County, vith a view of disposing if sonic . of : the N aluable animals be has -eared, arid With the laudable object of raising the qualety of this partiCular sp ies of farm 8 -kick to as,, high a stand rd in Iiiiroo as it has attained in the tenuity of the above named village. W haVe not been able to learn the Partieul, r breed of this useful animal which the gentle - Man referred to proposes to int 'educe, hut we 'understand he has oalle 1 urn several farmers in this vicinite an 1 given therrilifull particulars. -We have n ) (Melee that his efforts Willebe crowned w th the greatest :success. ., He is so, eminently qua Hied; both itrinature anddi c eation; r for the peculiar tic upation in wl tell he is engeig4d, that ; W Will be great y sari prised if the pei sietent efforts hi - eupei- rior abilityand high order of talent enableeltim. to put forth, and his i ntiring eleZooeitey of !the object he has il view do not :leave he mi naik ed. impressio t upon 1 tinds a,ne ockete of all wit whuni he Maydemne in cciiitacL c illop. . CCIDENT.—'CI Tuesday . las Mrsi joh 1 Dickson, et Inxboro, fell 0 t of a wagon- inwhiel : si ewes riding, , id sus!, tented yery .sehe e injulies. I se:eine that the horses neee ,S: a sadden st, te, and: Min. Dickson feu peer the back of the wagon upon th liable road, dis °eating heieleft arm, sevaely injuring h r head, andreceiving internal_ in jut ies , f om the .effte:of Which it in likely. she 11 take con idetable time -to recover. i , 1 ,::, , -I ANQTen HER eenanner.—On Tues lay, as Mr._A leraham ShantS, brother of Mr. B. Shantz !of this villege, was eugag 'd with .a flax machihe upon the fame. c f Mrs. Cleft some part cf the machineer-y becom- ingidisorgonized, be jet go the lii as and stepPed hetWeen the horses and be nea-- - chine id put it fi.ht again. IN hen in this position the horses. started,. his foot . got fast in some art of the machinery, and the lines bee tune- entangled around:. hi h betty; ;In thi ; poeition he wes dienh e, (red' all ovet the field, the horeel .going at their utmost lepeed, and in th ir wild flight jempiii„0-1 a fence, tali' cr Mr; teree ntz and . the ' machine after °them; - Th y:.were raj_ nattily caught by Mr, 3 -an ee Lee, •and Mr. Shitutz ex Heated froi4a his 'peribetfe Position, but'ne :before rec iving, very a Vac injuries. Inc of -his Fiaelis, is fracti /*el in two plac Is. the other oleo is -heal ' hurt, and his whole body: is severely ruised,; but we believe he has • stestatuel: no internal njuries, and that his c tse is not • : considered: dangerous by i is medical att ndant. Under the dram• stances it ie ni rvelous ,that he was not t rn to piecee.. . -s iii leyeiffic. s ex- - tunination of teothere, -for third' :'lass 'eertificates, contituded; on Thuredoy the 7th ult., and for second-dass on •Si tale day last.. .The Board of Examiners Itave not as yet given any official notiedo, the names of successful candidates„ bu .by .next week we suppose they will - .eave conedaded their labors, when 'we able to give the curreet.list. Basninss.e---Business for the past day has hae been exeeedingly dull, ant streets present a very quiet ond at t deserted appearance. Farmers gen. ler are beteily engaged in the harvest and but few of them can now spa a day to tem° to town, except on the urgent business. The berk tred `some days has considerably decte. and, it "is scarcely probable that it • be as brisk again this season as it been. few the meS rah eld, e nost for ed, will ha.s4 • • CT RCU SF'S. —To -day, (Friday,) Ya kee Robinson's Circus Company perform, and' 'will, no doubt,' be well patronised. On Thursday next, G. F. Bailey's C rens and Menanerie will also exhibitin Thisewill no doubt draw much the g 'eats er crowd, as it has receiveit more eat elds ed and Prominent publicity; an is, withal, one of the best menageries w ich hak travelled in this coantry for y ars. e expect to 'see as large a crowl: of . vieitore in town On Thursday nex as there Was on the 24th of May last. EL neTTON OF OFFICE lefi. —On Fri lay, _the 26t1:1ultimo, the Members of 11: iron Temple, No. 308, I. 0, of U. T. d ted the follewitng Officers for the ens ing- terni. •• ;Brother qames Beattie, W. C. Ti 8ister W'.V. T. Brother R. Clutterham, W. S. Brother N. (Jluff, W. 11, Sister E. Sparling, W. Bee -eller J. Williams, w. Sister M. Sills, W. T. G. Brother R. W. Greig, NV. 0, G. Brother 1?. Brett, W. C. ;Sister S. Lattimer, W. A. S. Sister M. Tait, W. 8.M . Sieker McLellan:eh W. R. S. 8ister E. Brownell,, W. L. H. S. - At -the 'close: of businhds the meMberS, . _ etaried ley abont fifty visitors from •Vire- -throp ahd, couetance Temples, par trek of a. plenteous supply of refieshn cute - provided for the occaeion ; after w a good thee was spent : Recitations, Dia- legues, Speeches and hi ueica vocal 'and iestrumental, making a lengthy pro- gramme, 1 tot h amusing • and instruc .ive: Jhe Temple- is in a fieurishing cornt thin at preseht; and these eochdsLt0 mead for the " Good of tile Order') aenerally. - FA RAIL:in-: Tisavatte.---We notice be our tx_ehan:4es that a. number of • sharks, re- p re:sere:hag theIlleiveS to- be vehider tfitent rights, are travelling throng) the country, swnidii tig unwary fanners -wherever titcy can find- • them. The Forgt18 Becorg the folle Mg description of a trarieactien in this. ay, whieh cnicerred in the toehishia of • 0aradra,xa a few days ago :—'Un Ti urs - day of lane week, two stranger s vho gave their names as Roberts and M des, elrove up to Mr. 41exan der Carroll, .of lot 9, Coneeesion 13, East (land r exa, while he is cutting a tiCki of hay .th ''. kis mower. They repreeeoted thews Ives as being proprietors ofeu cetablisht lent where implements are manufecturec 011 an extentive scale, in the- we:-.4tern • art of the Province ; said they could fur einh agents with cutting ber and knives tone- plete fora reaping machine tor $5, and teat the retail price of the eame Was -I5, thus leaving the handsome peteit. of 81,0 "MAT BASE; 1 ALL MATClf A (LAIN'. "-.-:- I noticed_ last We le an article fr ini the Wroxeter corres emeleet; on !the . never, to be forgotten. ase ball niatich. All I can ;compote it t is o echoul 1)0 's ex - Les ' tV.hen aes hool boy is - eel ed for his reasons, ,he hpeats the ..acci sietion, thinking thatee, ry time, he repea s it it: becomes more tr 'that], just so wth the WrOxeter scribe. All I have to say is thee this sort of tiU11g may do ea:1y well tor h school boy 'or child, but it 1 'ill not ain't, menet n man 'comes oat and tccuses his fellow. man : with Ns Aloe I. He 'she1ild either bn ack up. his Occusatio 'wit i prof ' or withdraw t , nd au- knottriedge his. 'willful miltak e '—A Me: -steetesp. i . . 1IE-rttreTioNeLW6 ' learn th t -on We lneeday last, a deputation from the townships of Ternberry, ('rcy Elisio font _the' villftge ; of feistowe , 1 the to .liamilto•n to interview the 1 irectors of the Wellington, Grey and. ; Bruce Rails • way, .to :finally -esi eertein n wh, t lend, tion the Conipany are to - (lorry •ut the promises whide their President i ade to the people O few i weeks ago. If he re- sult of their mieeiou lie eatisfact iry, eye helikve it to, be the intention cif th hinterii- r palities above named to at once eubm it ftheer .Byilawin for bonusin --far . the ,, =tenet required ts, build the Braudi iroa.d. -.If the hitt:I.:view lic eel satiefac- terY, the ecireme will 1)owl-61'0y al- and ori - ed; 'and the good people ef Grey and 'Turnberry will probably return to their first lone. 'We await -with dionsilerable interest the report of the delegation. - ! 0 in NOT Saler —The I contrected depth; 1,200 feet, had. been Otte ned in the salt well On Tuesday last. Although in) Salt rock has been, found, vet it is thoeeht that the brine :tutting from the cresacedtehich had been reecho -1 some time age, would, be of sufficient eerengtii from which to iiiehe salt if the -well were properly tubed :so as to keep out the fresh wate n . 'Pee t ifielepentent of this a 3h:tit- and more desirable feetiete hae'been •ilev t doped.- From present Oppeinemoee .the irobability is that the silt Well is gen g to turn into a magnifieent oil well.. We are ieformed thiet for some dityS -naet ' eve IT time the eeand pump has :ILiece dr. ea, the indicatione of oil iecarne ' -mot e argils:14e di st inct.• At last aceountn • ,so strong was the smell of coal oil, every time the parop Was di vs that it wee ! almost impossible . for a _ peeeon to re-• moinin. the Detrick'. Under; the'se. eir- ! Olt M,Stattea the proprietors have erraee. ed With :the.,contrator to sinl: ti e well ; one hundred feet deeper, and We _trust ! that haute half that -depth is it:ached 'i the 1iearts cd ti e Ainleyvilliens will be ; elle-dile:lied! by the ,ight of a iltied eg well Of mere petroleum The enterpri,e- and -: phi ek (bele] ayee y 41 -re : pronto beta of HURON 13CP-OrSIT011.: this Work entitle'. them • not only to suc- cess but to the hearty thanks ot the whole- comtnimity, Th Men could be found sutil risk their means in so h terprise for the benefit and if their patriotism with success, their loss cd,.1 by the rounicip gr ting ae least hall t the loss. sustained. I right and just to do so.. • . tfr• . ysdaleville. TNIC. DROp, .—Busineds here is some- what duller than usual,.j owing to its be- ing the busy eason wit 1 the farmers, as well as to the closing ijp of the black- smith -shop of Mr. H. • 4gncw Mr. Ag- new has retired from usiness, leaving his sheep open to any jarty wishing to carry oir the trade. lUbe f riners are grumbling for the wantlof a good black- smith. 1 , CROPS. —The crops i thisl cality look very well this year, an 1 the harvest ie -approaching rapidly., • NI ATRIM 0 N IAL. -'--th at i on ial fever has been raging throng - this part for the past few Weeks, attack" g niftily victims, and showing respect to neitl r age nor sex. The following a , ins anceS : By the Rev. Father Murphy, M as Caroline Generon, aged scarcely 14 ye rs, to Mr.• Regis Butane, aged 20 years, both of this parish. Alse, Mr. Jesdpla La orte, ;aged, 75 years, Ito Miss Pheebe Gr lent, aged. 18 years. rhe whole ripighb rhood una,- nimously tutned. out • Ito ex nees their warmeet regards for the welfare 4 the latter - couple, drawingup ii line' and .. forming a g .and proceesion marehing past their re idence et:trot t mes. ! 'The strains of nSin that Inl muskets, horns, demonstration was enlimusvened by all tne cow -bells, tin pans and. he hr man lungs could produce. . . e re aro but few ciently daring to zardous an en - f their village, e not. eewartled houldbe lighten- lities adjoining O sum to cover would be btu • , • Cranbrook. • RAILROADf„,.—Th e ; `,I )wn ship of Fin i a -o greet a b em 1, s unless it c lees le Township, in- owel, which hey dvant age to the They wa t a the event sf it do Newry, th lice brook, to Ali leee- does not seem inclined to the Hamilton reed; - through the bentre of t stead of tottehing at Lie say willebe of little , Township generally. station at 'Newry. , passing through Elmo, through Grey, via Oral yille, ib would pass threugh the ceirske of both these Townships, sure large bonuses, and better route than by '1 Northern bmindary, wi ieh would benefit tin1y a small I -portion. ;The people, how- ever, do not acein.to hive much faith in this proposed branch o the Wellington, Grey and. Bruce Relit(); 1, but look With more favor an the ',London scheme. Lem .=—Dev. Mr. Wickett deliver- ed an interesting lectue- on the "Great Enemy of the Hum n Race," in the BibleChristian :Cher - on Monday evening last.'. There w e a large attend- ande present, and the' sPeaker handlled the sdbject ih a very: a le and &Tient manner. . BleriVITIES:•----The fell wheat is harvest- ed M good. condition, tee d is a good ye -mid of excellent sami le, If ormers re busy harvesting peas, hahley; &c., n- sequelitly• business is rather dull. -1 he - weather is very hot fend tlry.—The midge has made its ape eerance in some fields of spring wheat ha{ the neighbor,. hood. ! DELEGATES .—The fo lowing delegates were eppoin, ed at the- Reform meeting on Fi tday la�ti, to atten I the Convention, at Blythe em the 2 el Auguste—T. Strachan, J. -McNangli cm, Jas. Spenee, and Wm. Melemes. which would: in - would be a much istowel and the . - Morn .: Couitera if EETING. The Council met on the 20th July, at Strettoids Hotel, in Ainleyville,' Present, • Thomas Kelly, Esq.; :Reeve W. J. Re Holmes, M. D., Deputy - lig ve ; and . Messrs. Proctor, johnsou, anal Kelly, luencilinen. -The 'minutes of the last in seting were read. and adopted. Moved' b:, Dr. Holmes,- secoeded by Mr. 0, Pr,•e or, That John Ritchie receive $1 for ati over charge of statute labot.—Carried . Moved. by Mr. 0. Proctor,; seconded. by Mr. 'W. 3 Johnson; nit the forowine orders be paid, viz : 'Wm. Jewe te. $14 50; John Kelly, h3, ;M. Kelly, $96 50; James - Rome, $22 !2,2; James Jynn, 832 ; ,i6lio AVilsen; oi, ; m: me teary, -$7; John hicEwen, 'i3; P. Bro e, $23 45; Wm. Nelveombe, $30 11; "eleven& Bosman,. 823 60 , • As Brown, $14.-0arried. Moved by Dr. Holmes, seconded by Mr., P. Kelly, That Thomas Holiday receive $15, and. INIrs. Birminehun 810 as chority. ;—Carried: I Moved by Mr. P. Kelly, seconded by, Mr .0. lero rel., Thathlessrs. Vaestone &!Co.e receiv , 84- 88 foe lum- ber, and also h;28- for covering Rellan's britiges-7—Cartied. Moved s' by 1)17. Holn.ea sec:nit:led by Mr. P. Kelly,' That the Clerk get 50 notices printed ani. pested in coinvenient I places, -giving no- , thee that it se -the intentioii of this Conn . cil at theire text Meeting, after the l 3th August elex -a to conSi(ier the . propriety of passing a,) By-law empowering them to sell the original toad a dowance opPosite lots 23, flk tile 4th and 5th Concessioes of this Townehip, And also that such no- tice he epubliehed for fbur weeks in the Seaforth leheinierron:—Carriede . Movd by Mr: 1'. Kelly, secon led by Mr. W. j: johnston, 'flint Thome, Sheridaneeceive ' 820, being Ipayment in full for - his services as Read Inspector up to date.= Carried. .1:1 eyed by Mr, P. Kelly, sec- onded - by Mr. C, Pioctor, That this Cinie di llo ithe adjoern, .to. rneet again. on 14th Aiionet, 1871, at Leonard's hotel, Ainkl?ville.—carried. ' TieoefteS loins, Clerk. HUron riolaclierS' Association. A number of teacher met at the Cen- • : trail Sehool House 031 •riday. :28Lli ult. for the puriiiine of re -o eninizing tile .A.s- sociatiou, elheting offl ere, appointing a. del e °(Tate to the Provin eit 'Association, etc. Abe Miller hinving take i the chair, .Mr. Hicks was On motion i ppointed as sec- retary. . Moved. by Mr. Fer ison, Brucefield, eeeonded la, Mr. McDo ald and resolved, that the. Conssitation, a id By-laws here- toihree in neelie still used by the Ag- societion, i, 1i , - Ai ter -coneee'erable di, cession as to tie frequfricy with which, it 1% (mid be, ex- pedieht to held meeth gs it was nroved ' by Mr. Foster, seeono id by Mr. Mr. Fer- guson, and .e,solved, t at the _Agee& - tion theet (ince every e ree inoeths.. The election of officers by ballot was then ' peoceeded with, and the scruti- neers ammuneed the followieg as the reels 1 t ? Preside et,- Mr. thliller ; ist Vice, Mr, Tuinhull;1 2nd :, -Vice, Mr. Argi- 1 -- Son; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. 4imm- i g. A Committee of management, ctinsisf- g of one representative from, each teiwnship was also appointed. Moved by Mr. Ferguson, seconded by Mr. Cue:lining, and. resolved, that the next meeting of the Association dre held in. Clinton, on the first Friday and Saturday in October.: All the :arrange- ments for Fridayevening aro left in the bandsof the Clinton teachers, while the President and two Vice- Premidents • were appointed Of Committee 'to nrepare a prograinme for 8aturday. On motion the -President was appoint- ed a delegate to the _Provincial Associa- tion, and the:Meeting then ad journed.e— Grey. Council net at Patton's Hotel, Ethel, o .2tith Jule, pursuant to adjournment o1 last meeting. ' 'Members all present. The Reeve in the chair. The =mites of lest meeting were reed and passed. The id:lowing accounts were presented, viz: Thos. Dun ford, gravelling, $50.62; Thos. .work, $14„ 25 ; Wm. Shive, Work and use of team, S1.4.50; William Grier, bridging. 890.00 ; Michael Hogan, bnilen g culvert, 86.50; Jas. Johnston, gra- y lling and team work, $83.32 ; james gravelling and use Of teeth, 840.- 60 ; iNeil Richeson, gravelling with use of team, 880.75 ; Peter Argil:son, gravelling a id team work, $29.20 ; George -Walls, work on road and contract, $59.00 ; A. Taylor, gravel, 81,30 ; George -Crooks, g welling, $14.75 •, Wmht Grieves; gra- yellieg and work, 876.53 ; W. 13. Atkin- son, part payment for gravelling, 860.00; Isaiah Hall, crosswaying, $45.15 ; Jacob Sigler, coveting crossway, $42.00; Peter McNiel, covering crossway, $12.78; j. cevett, work on Mill Road, $10.25 ; 1. 17 all, coverieg crossway, i4,44;ce\Vire °gen, part payment for crossway, S50; 3 Am hl (IN iel, repairing crossway, 846.80; James Cathell, coveriug croseway,$34 32; Thos. Shell.. covering crossway, $4.76;. D, Me:Martin'building culvert; 83,00 ; Thomas -tlelhedtpan, cutting hill, 88.00 ; Wm. Englishman, cutting' hill, $34.00 ; John Farnsworth, gravelling crossway, $27.50 ; D. McNiel, building crossway, $32.50 ; Ridley, building culvert,. $A- ,, 5 ) ; 8. Holmes, covering crossway, $11 ; ames °liege; covering crossway. 816.48; Jonathan Hewett, ditching, $5:28 ; John ( ill, ditching and repairing bridge, $99 ; iseph 1 eDonald, bedding bridge, $15 ;- 1 obert ]\JcAllister, plank for culverts, $ .12 ; Thoinas i7%tr achy' gravel, 84.00; ;S1mith & .tleQuarrie,boxing and gravellhig, $2,414 ; D. McDonald, building cid- v ot, gravelling, etea $34.05 ; J. Fame ortle gravelling, $26.60 2• 8. Pollock, - claiming asidedie e„csht, 37 ; Jas. Forsyth, frratlinir 141 tn.:I-rolling, $40.50 ; Carr, 0 0 grading, g1etc., -$42.54 ; Fred. Richardson,. putting hill, $13.00. ; Alat. Herberfsoni•grading, 833.80 ; .3. Spriug, 'covering eroawny. $1C.48 ; W. Pollard, crosswayingett21.00 ; Rohe, Rose, cross- ettaying and gravellhig, 830.29 ; R. Hogg, Wilding culvert, $5.00 ; S. 11ol$,e213ts.otion,; ceveriug crossway atid culverts, W. Paevsoni, covering crossway and. cul- verts, $17.45 ; McDonald, cleaning s- de -road, 85.003 H. Rowseik planks, $.5; A. Bremner,: covering crossway, John Graham, charity, '$1.0. 00. — 40-ved by - S. Slemon, seconded by T. that the foregoing accounts lie paid, and that the Reeve grant orders f4ir the seme.---Carried. There was a p tition presenteci from the Trustees of 8 1100J -section No. 1, praying that the uncil would pass a. By-law to enable f len). to borrow 8300.00 for thepurpoee o building a school -house. 11Iovedby J. Strachan, seconded by A. McDonald, that the prayer of the Trustees of School Section No. 1 be granted, and that a By- law authorizing it be passed at the next )4eeting of Couneil.—sCarried. The Coun- cil then adjourned,' to ilieet again at Dame's -Hotel, Cranbrook, on the 14th Atigust next, at the usual home Hoick paid the Wellington, I Grey and Bruce Railway. : The follonjng letter from a resident of II owick Was published ib the Mitchell el &vocal 0 of last week. This correspond- ent is evidently well posted, and knows Whereof he speaks. The statements thcrc- iit contained we commend to the earnatt c nsideration of these of our No - hem r %dors who have be.conie wedded t. : the Hamilton: scheme, . and who consider the p ()motors thereof angels of light. If the i s atements contained in tho following 1 tter be eorrect, Messrs: Brown, Mc- Givern & Co. may fairly be termed -' wolves in Sheep's clothing : "' To the Editor of (he Adrocate.. DEAit in... ---Allow me a few. observe - times upon a epecth delivered by Mr; D. b. Hay, at a rail way extension meeting hPd in ListoweL and reported in the 13,anner of July 1;?.611. In his speech Mr. Hay stated. ' ' that at Locknow the Ham- ilton deputation had met with seine op- position from parties residing in; Wrox- enne who claimed that the directors of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Rail - Way had deceived the people of that vil- leae in regard to the location of the line. This opposition was disarmed by Mr. McGivern, and. thepeople were thorough- ly satisfied that his course had-- been h norable and bueiness like." Now, Fir, t i ii is statement of Me. Hay's ishtltogether a variance with the true facts of the chse, ami although I would not insinuate that Mr. Hay i would willingly and knowingly garble: an account of; any of the meetings of the :deputation in order to make o little railway capital for his pet scheme, he either mietakes whet he kronen -to be true, or• in the fulness of his heart betray:ibis ignorance of what pa' -s- ed. at the Lucknoiv meeting, of which, as far as Howick is Concerned, I will give your readers an laceount. The geibstle- rrien representing Howick were ;Tames Perkins, Eq., Reeve, and .6 lex.. Gibson, Esq., Deputy Reeve ; and although Mr. Ii. D. .Day, by studious accident over- loli-AM thee gentlemen, in his notice of the meeting to the Reeves and Deputy l'etives ofthe various municipalities., "thurdet will out," end they . were there Watching the interests of their constitu- ents, mid in reply to President's (Mr. 19cGivein's) state:meet that thedirecters .minre not pledged. to come through II o wi ek- , • „Mr. Perkins stated that be armild produce a letter; in -which Mr. h. cGivere, over his own personal signa- ti re. distinctly pledged himeelf that the li ic should run through. Howiele, and naked that a coinmittee might be ap- pdinted. to whoin be ---M r. Perkins -- night transmit the Colonel's letter. And v hat 't-ftz:i the explanation so satisfactory ti Mr. Hay, thab • the honorable Ptesi- deet awl gallant Colrinel had, to offer ? i.t was simply, " he :had no . recollection ni ever ele Wog that letter ; if he wrote it he lutist either Julies been az4eep or un- • consc1ou8." This is a new lin of de- fence, and .one for which .the le ral fra- ternity will be forever grateful. Insan- ity, temporary or confirmed, has fr quent- ly proved a successful -defence cf late, but even it must' pale before t e Col- onel's idea of somnabulisru. He might have been noconsdious ; possibly te Was, and some Oberon has hid, the j -ice of Love ia idleness . upon his eyee, ,nd D. D. Hay has proved his Nick Bot cm for the nonce. Agairithe directors d stinct- ly pledgecl themselves to run th ir Inc through to Howick, to the com ittee, and Adam Brown, Esq., stated at meet- ing at Wingham, that the ailway scheme woe like a three-prongee fork, having Harriston for its base—m e fork proceeding to eDurham, another the centre, te Southampton via Walkerton, andthe third prong through owiek via Listowel, Gorrie, Wroxeter, Blue - vale, and Lucknow to lame Mine, Howick to have at Ineht one ta ion. The Board also pledged themse ye to three members of the Howick ou idle who were sent as a deputation tarn- ilton this spring, that Howick should have one station. Thee% sir, ar - ome of the pledges violated by the d le :tors of the -Wellington, Grey and. Bru e tail - way; pledges which even they, w t all their .eloquence and new lines of dnf rice, will find it difficult to explain as ty un- less it is to such men as D. D. lialy, who would " turn every man the wrong side out, and never give to ' truth and y rtue that which simpleness and nicriti pur- chaseth." Instead of the opo tion being compktely disarmed, it is gaining strengtb every day, for - the si nple reason that the riamilton men have -act- 0d-with duplicity, and no one evi!......busts a traitor. ,Howick, July 22, 1871: I am, yours truly, Z. e SPECIAL NOTICES. -Air All kinds of domestic - sewing ex- enuted in masterly style by "The (N- iter/lc "- Sewing_ Machine. Can be op- erated by every member of the family no matter how delicate. Two or three eolde in succession will, with many constitutions, securelY estab- lish the seeds of .consumption in the sys- I tem, thns converting what was o iginal- ly a simple, curable affection, i to one generally fatal. . Ordinary pr theeefore makes it the business 0 every- one to take care of a cold until it is got rid of. Fortunately "Bryan's P1 :171.1011in Wafers " are thoroughly adaptet to Te - move speedily all coughs and coli s, and are equally effective in the. i rimary stages of consumption, astlin a and. Bronchitis. Sold by all dretgesists and country dealers. Price 25 die per boa-. CAUTION. —In our changeable edam,* coughs, colds, and diseases of the throat, lungs Arid chest wilt always I remit. Cruel consumption will claim its 1 ictims. These diseases, if attended to i time, can be arrested and cured. The emedy is Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild herry.- The age of railroads and the te egriTh gives -rise to.. fast diyieg, and -in eeases the desire for making rapid fort nes,— some wishing to outstrip, and otl ers to be at least equal to their neighbots. ln &der to keep up with this eager end un- equal contest, the brain is taxedl to its utmost power, while humanity is 'glitter- ed an easy prey to disease. The heart, liver, stomach, lungs, or nervous 'ystem becomes afflicted,. and sickness, in the form of heal t disease, jaundice, dys iepsia, bronchitis, consumption, paral sis , or manias is the result; The use of Fel- low's Compound Syrup of Hy1 <Those place will enable the mied to su -nein a. greater strain unfettered by con icting thoughts and unwearied by col tinned_ i study. It imparts power of con :entree thin. What befere seemed diffirlt of solution becomes comparative]. easy, and the body is physieany stronger under its use. RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Trains leave the SeafOrth station as follows :- 0 Oltia EAST. Toronto Express, Buffalit Express. 7.52 A. M. 10:50 A. M. G CI- WEST. :Nivea. • Express. 1.35 r. 2.35 r. liXed. 1.35 r. M. man. 8.50 P. M. - Divisions Courts ---187 Wingham jetne 27 . Baytteld . -Od• 4 e wDr(i,ex7tieorn Courts will be held f011OWS: Juin 25 Clinton Oen: 43 Seafoith eTnly 27 Goderiele „ . .0et. Txenly Winghtuo Oet.24 3a.17111. 1 Wroxeter „ or. 21 Dnngatuaou Aug. 9 Seafortb... ;Nan 23 Clinton ... . Aug. 5 Exeter „Non. 25 GoderichAug. 14 Menet-ninon ....Nov. 28 Sept: 25 Baylield n.Non. 20 Seaforth Sept. 28 Clinton .Dee. 1 Exeter „Sept.. 80 Gotlerieh • iningannon Oct. 3 Dee, 4 EGMONDVILL NEW GROCE Y. WM. THQMS(M, (Late of Seaforth,) Begs to inform the public that has opened. a Grocery Store, in THE BRICK PREMISE e Lately occupied by Mr: ,Teihn Login, NEAR TEE BRIDGE, G OYDVILLE Where he will Ireep on hand A COMPLETE STOCK OF Fresh Groceries, Of eyary description, at prichs en- able as thosnof any other ho in the- trade. The Ilicrbest PAID F411. BUTTER, EGGS, &e. easo. ns se • rice L. -FLOUR AND FEED! " Kept constantly on hand. A call is respectfully solicited. WM. THOM 179-tf Egmont]. - NOTICE OF 1)1P4Mt).LICTION 'OF COP,t1ECTNElit4III EP. TEE co -partnership heretofore eXisting be- = -1- tWeeti the lilltiOrtiintqleti Jeini Getorge ;61 flit and Philip Vollmer, es stave ineiro lecturers and ehingle nernufactuters, tit the Vil:zige nI eaton 1, in the dtenity ot MirOD, under the I- i=of1 firm of ennteot in: Vollmer, has thie attv been dent:teed by . • fon:: MENU', 119193111(1 001)1,1:74 t. 144:e\°IVLLMAI. Witne":(71°K34rZ Nititr1111lt:te40/:0):0;I.trlfm )fl" G. elotte. Ib6-3t A tGUST 4, 18/1. BY-LAW NO. To a ialittil 1.3 ar un de o a jelettisi it w ittlytierLew 01 -ftioiun,i,anx.pfuttobal,tr,onothnuon.,,,,n3i, :ii")..11)ty: meloan :gem, tilitboe, _ in the teeth year of the relen oe Vanile,t)::119,te.hteitrittlhiedneg'sA:ii.nit::itit,:dinitiaidel:nia,eriet"tit-hatt);:ii::11 leolili'it:ly:nd'airt1;ehilleiliiiieureillirtiebse, Om ligh any nee ef don, ifilroli and ilemeti Railwa which or :neer whieh, the _railtvey or nen Its of tIte the Legielature of the Provieee - tures therefor, and. to,-1,,Thriiiy,, WHEItEAS, Ilyein llet of the Fourth fiessi011 of loefvtyliiicire,deobf hig 81t,5001 by wey of Bonus tie the said Company, and t fioersulem(yeenlaeenet,,_ eant,UPienicsi 'aLliiitil'ai-literest corpora he Le , titan( see niseo.utteenhin:ite said which, or ehall plies or be letnialittestitetieliennme enedu log, or giving intnitte. by way rd 1 012118, or tIonatilyng_ 1001.110 orekqtisirittprtml:tihrteollithez(e,tfao slti;ohiitedaeClit.iiitilliJia.:117:1•1:: 5 assist the held Company by Iteleing or been.antte. and to molt extent as sueh inemeintdities or any of them shall think ee ptelielit. ; en it; idea alwayer . tliat uo such aid or ebbistenve Ity way 131 bonne, titillation or Mho -mite.. 'hall be ginet until after the paesinen, of a Deelaw fer the purpose. Ana the toloption of such .13y -Jaw by tee ratepeyere; en°. vided also that any euch ley-ktw, to be Vaiiti, ehalt be made ill conformity nith the laws of -thie letov- ince, reepecting INItteicipill ittstitutioee, end eel such 13y -laws et: peeetel eliali be valid; notwi(h- sotrant‘dviongt:luittshintetttehienyif,ilexateer Q))toiche_naciwil•itie.„a:tieluereotnt such rateable property, provide:1 that the an- nual rat -e of aetieseleent than liot in ten- ease E.X- eeed for all porposes two eteits in the -deilar on the actual value uf the whole rale:able property it:Cewithin the .elnnit-ipailly or peetit:I.r.:;fi 414 ebli.:..:iistileti: (112;.;,.tiltilenlgks,s121.ellied.'11:f.;,.;1"-lei121,:i'llity el the Township of Company Iry giving therete by Stephen has detenitietel to iti•1 and aeeiet the :mid 811111 Of ee17,5UU, under the authority Nuf the salt' re- eiiteltitettes, .Anlin. -order to COSTY int° effect the said reened ineeet, it evill be. neeteeary fie- the euid Mt- nicipality to raise LIR: said Jinni #A ;$17,59,1, in the manner ,herehi a ft ei: nenitioned and tect eat h. And. IVni;ilic.ts,, It will require the sem of :71.925 to I be raisett otinmally 1,y specie:I rate tor ;ening the said debt of *17,500 mid intereet on tie; deben- - tures to be ibeued theicfor, as hereinafter. pro- vi`eleeili.e.i2'nje'itsi- elec. annenit of the -whole rideable' propeily of the Said Mellitipality, irrteptetive of . may Outlier inerettee of am *Avow, told idea hie- seeenee in any increase to be derived freen the :tttf.ititi.ere,:nrietrne.tiinolei..eeas,ti:,irte6ift,i.:1flytiitval.. etilltliti1,71gfnooi,n4,1117eue-er.d11?: . ing to tile last i•evieed Aneeeeneent Roil of the vaid -elynicipality, being for the e tar lea, the even of $n(14,672. And 1 eViienees, The amount ef the existent, debt of the Fetid. :eltinittiwlity it., as follows : Peincipal— Debeittnres for grttnel riee te, '-._'J..AA') ,I)eriv.lilig date 61h thily,D371, mi.lsle in DJ out:, bearing inter- est at .the rate of six Fer ei ntutu per aluseeindese. interest is eaveeee lettlfete ariv. - WIIMI/SAS, ift)r "iii114 tke interest and treating - an equal yearly hi ring lend, for paying the pin- eipat of the said d bt. of te317.5-00, toteertlieg to the provieenee of the IL 1 resput.ting :Municipal in:lite- titins of Iiitper Ca eta. it voll requan an runnal special rate in the dollir of three initls end liVe-- -sixths of a iuill, 63 1-6 inills.) in attilitiotriosil other i rates to be it:Nit:Ai e Leh. yOUT ; lin rr Tio;iturotir. EN.itTrn, By the. Collier's. . thin Of the Township of Stephen in -Ceetecileten stenibled, as folluwe: 1st—That it :shall mid ereee- he lawful for the ealtl. Municieall,y to amiet the 9ed.1 Conn:ally by giving thereto, lerway of tonne, tieemn of et17,eute , 2d—The1 it shall lie lawful )or tile purp,•:,e afore- said, for the 11.ey-ve of the, eaiu uninieipelity to etrustl any num:xi- of delneituree te be net.ie fer such sant of mone) us illay. *;-0.t re4uire1 t e. the, Baia 1. purrme, not ita4B 11.1133 teint/ each, awl not exteell- 111g- in tile 3,...hole. ht. mild 1,11211 of i',17,:ele, which said. debentures eleell be healed -with the heal Of the saitl Municipality, uni sigtied by the lteeye thereof. - 8,1—Tluit thasai debentures, ehall be nettle pay- able. in tIventy ye us at furthest from 'the elm hereinaftee month.: led. for this 13y -law to take ef- 'feet, either in .j,i mion, Englinatl, or eenie plate in Canada, to be deeigneted in said debentures, lita bh.0 have aztaehea th,,,,to .C-011150/1:4' for ilie pay- ininit of interest irt the rate and ia the manna hereinafter mentioned, end -i-ai.t debenteres shall be .delivered to the Xrnetees inimed or to be limed. in ancordente with the prtnibions of the said re- eit..th-dilTt'hat -the said tlebentures shell bear in terest at, anti after the rate of eix - per eentnii pa- anetun from the, date there- of, and such httlereet shell 1,13 Innen payable hafttlifL)yeecamurtei.),f:413.,nilithew :lit tillitnyaofe;f.enii_31,e3a.e-aatri talterinIegt dity, eontinuanee of th said debentures, at the place, where the said deb ntums are iiAnAle payebie. fulul for tie: papal La, of the 'i " 1 • 5th—Tluit for tli purpose obfa_fte.iltil.lileglit;:u1 ist,is11,3:i1 ..1 :91 the, iuterest to beeo ne due thereon, en teptal tile (ial rate el 3 5-6 mills three !mills trhArlive-.sh:tiui il 11 win) in the dollar shall in aeeitien to all other ratee, be raised, levend inn4 nollected in e.ith ;veer -alum:all the ratted) e property 121 1114) imid inneiti- nality, during theoutinuanee ,t,f the said. deben- tures -or-any of dun a. 6th—Thut this 13 '-law shell take effeet andeonie into operatitai on, l Une inel after the Firbt :dined December, in the y itr of our Lord, 1871. 7th—Tha91 the, votes of the eleeters of tlle said Municipelity ehall 1 e When eel this 311 -law, at the following plene, tint is to 14ay: At, the Township 1141, Crediton, h1 t le seiti Toentship of Stephen, . on. the 19t -Ii day of I:tr't'tiT. A. D. 1671, commenc- ing at the 'hour f 0 odc.ek i fl )e morning and mating at 5 &doe in the afternoon of the eame day, antl 'that CH eeiTER PROUTY, shad, be the Returning Otlieer t 31931291 saeli vot-es. 01)111"142:11I. Take notice that the above, ie a trite eepy of a pa tr;(3,1; jusie)3d. thel icew)-,13) 19.11 eiiichofwitllalet v,3:Iiet,lintil,i:i•ilutaititteonsoefiitte:hrte, Township of Step eat, after one inoinh from tile first publication lie -e4 f ill THE Ill'ItON EXPOSI- TOR, ale date of tt hieli. publication is the 28th day of .1 nly, A.1) . 11571, 911(1 that 1.1•Att -votes ef the eleetere of the estillelunici talitn. wi,Il bo taken thereon on the 19th tine- of Ai gust, eet D. 11271, bete ten the hours of 9 deloek 'a the forenotai "-and 5 oedeek in the afternoon, at- t . 0 Townebip Iiall. Co.littan for which purpose. Che ter Prouty is appointed Ileturne ilignUniliv:sehri"p Clerk'. (1fliee,1 Stephen, 21st Jul)71. , 111 ; 5 Townehin -Clerk.. • 1.90-1s: :CITIeS'rEll. PROUTY, NOTICE 'TO FARMERS. THE IERNE MILLS. 'EN undersitemel having purchase:I the. BERNE! GRIST MILL, am prepared to do eiribtiug told Chopping ,on the Sfloreent melee, _ - No, 1 flour /rcpt constantly on hand. Also, Bran, Shorts and Chopped. Stuff. As the subserilee s nee firet-61ees pinetieel they will gm -trim -1e( to gix,• the 'post, 4-utire fat:tion to ell who keetur them with tie it patron- age. 8-2311TII V3TIR. 13erne, ne, 3.13711. . WILL BE SdLD CHEAP; Or Rented, on 1iod8rate Terms. frTIOSR llein Stir: t, Fete - forth, aajoininiii the otwripil-,1 for the last, Seven pews 1,yDAN 1.1!;,, 91, Dry Goods Stun., wit h de-1111'ter, bee eIte meal out -home e, $table. garden. tern in the men and s. very -Mee .,,,eant lin enitalde for bePeidi g perplex adjoining. Apply )3y le r, to -NeAN MarARLANL, • Aeeoaneant, :lentekvOle. :ripe 7, 2871. •18:3-tf. R BERTSON Cabinet Maker and 'On er taker. ITAVINO- purch tall Mr. TII4/-MAS 4-11:EARSE, 1en lir/aired ta attend 1' I on the ehorrest notate, either 321 tenet 01 FFINS; ALL SIZES, ktpt 4onstantly on hand.. Wa erooms : Two doors south f Enoce Hotel, and opposite Meintoel and -31e .riette's t.etrritate Ytteeery.„ Meet stMet, Seaforth. 1b74.1 110131,4'1ITSON, I nd t Call All parties -A save them Seafort 11 Te N 1 "BC> n•',. I. 1., A 1.7,,4J, A TV. (t., zalill i alio i and 111 11 st.. tee. tete.; ell. en),IP/I121.t,,:ceee. A y1, 7. Atu4 Ri•si,k le 4..1i...4,1 (,'r1 - I r., et, S,;11.$rth. 4711;.,,,,,, litAtuA . • 1;13., und all day :ear:trite: . titennte: AN 110, ert.1)4,N.11.I.9. tete, 5'bcj1,, 919 t:ia NitiVvytli:etT, 4141.. L21.i 191,1 ‘1,1,14.7 le Loan zit 1.0e19 -teeIeWILY at Law, teeenee-e• !pea/ CV,k 14211P,' SOLivitort, for the i. 1', 11.,1411, 1191'!Canada Life N. 13. „,:-.341.000 1,1 at 'louses 9iI1.j Lots for ‘ele, zuf Jaw, Nohritor, ol 4 nen ieozneyanetere, Neeare 4 ve forth -and Wneeefer. Aeteete 1 'o. ale riper eiri the z eth 14I..reelon, Eit.;!;4111.1. eam,eission cb,argel 11. ni;Nso.x. ; 4' 110111 '19 2 I 1:41,9.1. 21 Pair. Inepi, aunici, .1 t jny,i 92 1 .291)91.4 irmipest., tij .3!,a) tit a/ .2. rt..0;:t 4 ilohih. •••••• in tie lee-% ba:111,:4,' e ,iloi 1 laity new leas. 11 -1)It TIslf F..X('13 I) .T 91.,L41'.a1, t • -a .72 ,1 Anf-rican 1Jo0'-1, h .o le _ lion ha°. 9 I) ?.‘ throlOiolit, nut 1-. :14 9„ oalih. 191311 1'o091199a1i.,10 171 '•••;:aisph: 1.)913-. for niao, ,= 'rvrint, "Z 74 E. _ OoD1N1is 13 tuldre AV, 14. ition,misoN s St, P.„ beilos ghleft C00,11=1391'1, 4119144439t. ;411J1 W' ; 191 T h. SHAltle'S 1,1VEllee en '1 At ldurnieee elot tqi 1919,1 9U4!, J,IVERY hT.41::Lr. etettfortle .. 1 • iloi- alwarg on hen -1 at 34 ahohatal... R. L. t-,1; - )1.la,3 THiet Agent, - G. Tiepo , 1„44t91 cal:forhin .0,12 lis-! Ritrri tite greetest faeilitiee1., Estee:tam interintetion given respt seine Lai Greenlotelts, Bonds, 'teen met made Gobi 9911,1 lg.7witt an,i; D 3*: P.1 'Lle 3et lel surgery. t beg:, to anti -ewe naufs afortlt atel kUrr 21t( 41p. 1111 (mire fer the nine eyht on, hares eeialtiey .; f anis, In.ntist, eli.).re Le ;via ht. kinds 4 work (.Xpeeteil tivi AU:tory hiethicr and on reasn,a1,5,.li Li •IL Ctl()PER, (.!o41')-ey919;E-1-r, Queen\ Binch, 991 Age)jt for the folifAch4g Yip-, 1,114: Nurumeel_mniplibies ; The. 11se.--' laud Whittle. Wel-trrii Fir,1 the Reliance Life. Assoranee, and eident Insnrenee roniptiny, - • MONEY TO toA on nail est imivrs by nmil oth) reiNe -01Rim, opposite R=4, -If 180-11 ArgLEYVILIJ: AtETERINARY • 331-3,monE, would, retT4ctfil11y it that he has takennp his rebid* tire 13,:lmore, whf!re 1113 will ho happy -reills made on him in_ his profrq,,Mt -Coowt has attended to several ra)-iel and tattle -which were given up 11) ot and effected perfect .cur -es, which el; certificates Signed by over 200 14 tesienoeiale see posters, - Mt. OMR1wUt sttend at Ainler nom) mi41 at the Town Plot, in ti Grey, blithe afternoon of tho firm, 4 DAY 'of :tach month, 11- qHuncriAL, YETEItINA: ' • (Manlier of the e)atario Yri &may tir by letter. on the Dietnele • 't(393)14o:nri:lie:rirt:lecietrife of the VaviIntry College 41 Otitali • l'horhull, Dr. 1109914, end, —eh la-aVettee_riLmirtAteilniAtelidlgeire,visirineolute4e1;117;t1ooteaxlnakatltvi: -