HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-08-04, Page 64 LUCKNOW. Present Appenrnnce of Lncknow Reminiscences of the Siege—Gen- - eral Ila i clock and Sir II[enry Lowrance. .• - - Few of the cities of India could compare in outward splendor with the capital of O nide as it' was before the mutiny, or even as it now stands. It lays claim to great antiquity, dat- ix far back in the shadowy -periods of Hindoo history ; .but the present city has all been ,built within the last century, The King :of Olic1e, whose possessions were the last to be seized • by the East India Com- pany, reigned in great splendor at Luciano we Ile had just' completed the Kaiser Bagh=the extensive palace which forms the most strik- ing feature in the viewof the city, having expended in. its' construction and ern bel lish mens eighty lees of rupees- (about four millio is of .dol. .lairs)—when the Britishhhuthorities informed him that they required -bus extensive and rich dominions, and that he must lay down his sceptre and his crown. Lord Dalhousie, who was then Governor-GGtnerail,- proposed to settle on him a large pension ; but the king, very natural- ly, was reluctant to resign hi. authority and his revenues, and steadfastly refused to put his hand to any deed of conveyance. When compelled -to retire, he sent his queen to England to plead his cause - before another queen, Victoria ; but before she returned, the mutiny of 1857 broke out, and his fate was sealed. He now resides, as a sort of State prisoner, on his- own pur- chased estate two or three miles be- low Calcutta, on the Hoogly. By many this seizure of the territory of • Gude and the sale -of the personal property of the king is •regarded as the immediate cause of the rebel- lion. .• - Thpre is more of show in the city of Lncknow than solid grandeur, - such as we `see at Bemires, or ex- - quisite taste and almost inconceiv-- able costliness such as we find at Agra and the old Mogulcapital at. 'Delhi; but :with its domes and minarets and imposing structures, a, seen from a distance or from some elevated point, of which there are many in and around the city, it is a realization of all one's dreams of Eastern magnificence. The palace,_ gorgeous in its style of architecture and colored to resemble a vast structure of gold, with its lofty done ofreal gold, looms : up before the eye ; the Iloseinabacl Inacac rtbara, built by. Ali Shah and elaborately ornamented ; the .Ticrrcma Musjul, the Grand Mosque ; the magnificent marble tombs of former kings, more beautiful than the palaces; the great Irnaurrebara, the architects of which were commanded to produce a build- ing which should be unlike any others ever built, and which -should. surpass . thein all in beauty and magnificence ; the Dilkhooshapalace, in which the heroic soldier; Sir Henry Havelock, breathed his last the., Alfartiniere, from the dome of which the mountains of 'Cabin are seen., though a hundred miles distant these, and many other striking buildings, set like gems in. the midst of oriental foliage, give a grandeur to the views of the city which can- not be tr•ansferiecl to the Nvritt page. A drive through Luckno and its suburbs has more of vared beauty and of indescribable interest' than any other in India that: I can now recall.: - Notwithstanding all this Easte splendor, I felt wonderfully'=like e tering a familiar city when enter ii Years before, I had b conte -familiar with its appearau and localities, in reading the histor of the memorable siege, in wide the garrison of British soldiers, pr testing hundreds of women and cliil 1 Ten, were surrounded by fifty thou sand Sepoys, and subjected to 1 ' murderous fire day and night, with out any communication with th outer world for one hundred an thirteen days. I had followed tit noble Havelock and his brave troop in their long -march under the bur in sun of India, and as they cut thei way. through the nlultitudinou Sepoys into the Residency to joie their fellows, but only to find that their once was still too feeble to. compel the enemy to raise the siege. I hat reser with the same intense interest, the story of the final relief the reaki `ig 'out of. the mutiny, the 11Iit /tee B11Iowan fort, being found unt nab .e, was bloivr up, and the garr'son r tired to 1 th Residency whe •e t i threw j ii earthworks and pass d through .tri long siege. B th indness of e..Fayrer; of Calc itta, f rarer sur e' n at .the Re- side cy, I diad been fe •nished , with diagams and notes atle during the iege, which gr-eatl, f{ id d me in re- viewing its inemorai, ,el istory. The c rigiaal ga. rison, ad t Left the fort, numbered 4bout one th usand seven 1 unclred men, of wli m nearly half were native, troops.` �A the relief, there weeileft, inch di g sick and wounded,: qtly thre4 hundred and fifty Europeans and ne unctrecl and t rirJy-three!' ee! natives. ,evera.l hun- clren women `and cbil regi spent the five months of the st iga chiefly in' the c flare . ings, where they Hare 1 eIl I . in anxious a id p It solve, ti' at• sl ield over - ec setas, th t ey could e ca tions and a d heat in m re that t st rni of iro ni hit was p of th ' usan tr Qj)s An d; ed and eig strtiek'a sin enc wit m be s we th•, but •otr a .c vas.Ja et ce the A SI n de• out by the c pr servation th- next th an lio r wi of the iege; the p l a ga dire d no l the red. ca -vied th..• wh ani ch they h age, an interve �Vitl o th f the b ti del-sitsp9 mystery ting ip m igh ty his comp • t for s clure i susper uch q ey co hail tired u s _. or officer ty ca le buil lin, on e grey ti alny su eliveri and fins nglto bin til lie ene di , i ac(; b3c... f iI IT ris'on, V' th totle eader o )rotecti Ii 1 ilc cl se. I th a ny 'could not reflection thrown a of impeiil- m' ny months o ly the pri- a d anxiety tees, but. still .survive the clay and" bl ern by tens uriai.ted native ntcd two h un- ri; balls that the Re I1 •ur. Their .duced by to be led v. Their pe seemed i 'acre .fit y months ight have ; an1 part lie women sword. But ufhcient tour- hand of God lc g 1 a r at est �a ' meh nclioly in -in Dill hoosha .t G n. H Lvelri k, after ! c jilted tl:e per is of.ve an attack o. dysente while the Br tish forces in thei- suceessfu1 esc.pe_ cit . I visited also (th - pal re o the iin„ Milan dr or three mile obit of tolwn, the bed if I avelock was anc. wb re a force was left the plat unt'l the recai,tu city the olio 'ing year. of the hero $'ands iii 1 the gar cl n, d ' bear ver ina iprop •irate in inscripti n on the sto. the gray of it Hent the Cemetery .f the 1 elide ed equal'y inf licitcu. " He ry I.awre ce wh n itrie his duty. M y God .ve his soul;' 'Cl 1 be made this excel sin. Ing Like Ha the most After bei as. b wa of -r. Ft was arri cl, a the const• nt fi aske 1 to rave_ adm nistelTd t of tc rs jo ning e1,pr ssed his inert of I'hrist sins, sand is1 the in we ids 'hisa el•= t I ala e, w Sctr ring sa rk ylnd ere frcm Sts agh, to w car to e of he t he entr a ong cripti n. o th•t m y La rent cyse sere to ercy The e plea sho hat t iese we 'e words wl lent Ian' ut eied its he nto he ar ri o de ' elocl , lie �v s a man lecid d Chris i� n c iarac g stuck by e fax al sh lyin in the or epi Bran yrei�'' house, t s hick d. while . ear osed- •e of the e' emy, niun of e. e ato n of throw e spo •ness , wh ear r, btl eepi ed rea rg the clistin S Ow wor nscri ove nes ckno 1 to tsk t he i went here u nin- under died, mak- the mmer two hich ried, hold the am b e of and The-. arks e in em - lies .do on u l d rich N . ath. oter., ell, clah Le- . to he ion the He n e - his gh ke of ori th, rsr,, ng. al l lirnzI c ni th h- r- of' - of w n- en .I he Holy Con frim, many w- in the servi inn trust in tl for the pard 1 pe. of heaven rn rerit of tl e Saviour. n- of d ;el est :tepde ng sen wife and daughtei e- he should not :ee. again o ce- and in mentioir fig the forni- y into -a fit of un'ontrollalrlei\ ll -I-Ie - hen east eslly entiea o arou cl-him tol repare for th c - ties o another world, renindi - of the vanity o all earthly a tions, and, relerring to h honors, asked, What is it; a] e now 7' and died The words d ed on his , toast{tone he wa: e heard repeating to himself. s Bu to write mf all the so; n- _interest in anc around Lt ✓ would require a volume, and s bear. ' It is an Ungr•aLCiOus t 1 spoil al. romantic story, brit cident connected `with the siege of Lncknow, ivhich was read th world over with such ntense interest, of the herring of he' pibroch'' •f the I'riglrlanderis ,u•ttc er Sir.Colin 'arnp- - bell by a I1 ighla d it I, :lon before any sound Or ticl'rigs of the arils roach- in;,� army r eachec any other car, 'e- lated as art nsta ice of the Ili bland e and sight or 'h �2 ring, was a pure; ficcian.I—Eresel, s in the .;Vei I or7; OLsereer. Anecdotes A certain 'ma of the besieged, by Sir Colin Camp- bell, with. his Highland brigade ; of their going forth by night, leaving the city -in the hands of the rebels and of its final capture the following year by the most Heroic fighting re- corded in the annals of war. All these scenes were so familiar, that I did not feel like being in a strange city. I was traversing ground over which I had often gone before. After finding quarters at the Imperial Hotel, (it` bore about the sante relation to a genuine Republi- can hotel, that a marble tomb, with its one lonely couch, does to a cheer- ful hone,) our first visit was to the Residency, the scene of the siege. It was the former residence or palace of the- British Commissioner, and of cote. occupied a. sligat elevation, an area '. bo ha, of a few acres, within the city. At j planati undoubted '01i0 invariably in Ii the meeting- of t just as I n :of ear nes and &ran caaract r was tendance upwn all re .church, bt t wad re;;alaely late. A str urger coming into the house in the iidst of the rvice writ Id not have c used more • reteark flu i1 Brother would have calle 1 forth had 1 e ap- peared: two ninu es l'ef'ol•e the time encs g ne day, a br ther t been vai tlY seeking a e}; - on of the act that so ;'god a E H RON EX OSYTOR. a m n had. such a serious. fault un- epee ed, inquired of. h'a pastor whe her he could explain. this " re- gula • irregularity" of Brotl er S-- —, "Ye ." readily replied th Doctor. " He was born just fifuee minutes • behind time ; and never las been able to c.itch ,.yup." The Doctor's espl nation wad surely oria,inal, and ough to be made generall known, for ti e benefit of the large family circle related to Brother S —Gk •istian at or7�. R. JOHN, ON THNK,S his n1nierous cust mei•s for t eir liberal pat ronabe d hint; the last li een years, incl trusts h will re- ceive' s continuance, . - He 1 as now on hand a larg assort. merit of Good Soiu cl r-een J exnlo.k Which he warrants will give sat, sfaetion. 4LS0 - FEN I1INGG AND DILA LUMBER, A 1 WAYS KIJPT ON HA D. — ALSO — 20 ,aO EENT OFPE Cc' FOR BURIN C AND CEN`ERAL P'D Whi ' `he offers on liberal ter eters 'i 1 be promptlly attended. The Mill is situ ai of Mel•( lop and Hi from th Huron Ro Seafamth, . Nov. 11 POSES Is. Or- o. ed on the ownline tllett, ;3 and miles i,d. , 1870. 84-tf. Inst OF QUEEN rance Cora IVERPO,L ea LON 1, OAPI'I AL - $2, a�ly1 On 00,000 S erring CHIEF 0 1'ICEs-Qu en Building: , Liver- pool, Aid Graceebii rah Street, _onden. CANAL A BRANCH rr1cF— +'xc ange Buildings, Montreal. Bo �liD—.Wa}m. 1-Iortnn,. Esq., eh irman: Henry Tlminas, Es ., David T rrrance,' Esq., andthe Trop. James .Ferrier. BANE:ERS—illolsol's Bank. LEGAL ADVISERS — Messrs. :itchie, Morris & Rose. 'l1EDIc;ir. 13 DVISER-William Suti erland,. Esq M. D. SURv E-toR—Thomas S. Scott, sq. Aunts' I;.—Thomas R. Johnson Esq. REsTn -NT SECRETARY AND 0- AenN`r, A. Mackenzie Forbes, SacrimentStreet, Montreal. The urs tlersigned awing been a ed Agent for the abo e Company,. desiring to insure a' hist less by i do so oil the most favourable teri i Life Po 'cies granted on as ad..v.ti ous terms as any othrr respectabl- Com- pany doi g business :n Canada.. JAMES' II..BENSON, Arrived to -da cr 500 NEW S P RI N RESSE: • —AT • TIIE- 3sX0-INT O� 777. A. G. MCDOUGALL. PUBLIC AT LARGE . OLIVER, SION oF THE - TO THE iii ■ SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and he vy harness, wl ips, bells, horse clothing, e e., kept const ltly on hand. l:epairine promptly attended to, s. d charges moterate. ltemember the pia e NERAt sign of the Scotch Collar, Main Stre't, 13 St, Seaforth. 163tf W. H. OLIVER,. point` par tick rte Can s. ntage- OFFIG' Seafortli, Hent BENSON &' MEYET1. S Law Ofli..e,. Se forth. ov. 8, 18 0. 153-tL — DA 1EL 6 j'G6 EO BD (BINDER HULLETT JJASut received iarge Stoc ofthe mate ials used L the •btisine s, and is now f illy prepare(, to execute n the shortest n mice and ii. the latest • tyles, all orders e may be favoured vita. Rei teas, ;Ledgers, ANt) z- .IITK M3001 -Z, -I or ANY -IND, _Aimee), Prince 1 and 111. acre To order, on the sho test notice, and a prices which def competition LAE 6ES' WO K BOXES AND. FA CY GAS E-5, Made_ to order. - NDNEWBOOKS BO L l',D AND REPAIR.L At city pi ices. Verson residing at a distant by leaving tl eir books at the Signal Book Store, 0- &rich, or t the ExPo..ITOR office, .Ser forth, or at . R. Grant's, Ain- leyville, t ting style may rely Ton them beii g well•bounc . All communications addressed t the undersigne( will recei =e prompt a ten- tion. O:LD�A. Seaforth, FA3 �10RSae Town h On Hun( re are ►clearer stream con er. No Direct term, o part of Lots with the p •i time. Pure D,t NIEL MCGREGOR, ICoustance, 0, Ili lett. -. 9, 1870.- 153- f.— MS FOR SALE. Lot No. 32, l;3th Conce; ip of McKillop, contai l Acres, forty.live of w veil -fenced,' and a never f water runs through sign ling rich 'ail- one il-one buildings.• Also, the u' lex- - eight years Cd the leas of 7 and 28, 11411. . concess'on, ilege of purchasing at any ase money $1,275, to ex end over a period of ten years. This lot is all wood hull. For further particulars appl to the mndersigned. - T IO IAS STEP.HENS, Seafo 'th. January 11 187L 162- f TEETH EXTRACTED WIT6WW117 PAIN. �CARTW LIGHT, L. 1). S., Surgeon �l)cutist, xtracts teeth without pain Iby the use of the Nitrous Oxide ( i.s. 'flit —Over the Beacon 'store, Stmt. ford. Attend mein Seaforth, at Kno' 's Mote , the first Tuesday and:Wednesday ednesday of ea h month ; in Clinton, at the Com- mercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days and Friel, ys. Pasties req iring new teeth are �e- if at Seaforth and Clio quested to call too, on the firs day of attendance. Over 54,000 Patients have had teeth extYacted by t use of the Gas, at Dr. Colton's offices New 1 erk. rAINTG. JAMES WILLIAMS • Begs to intimate to the public that . le has reznovcicl from McIntosh & Mor- rison's Carriage Factory, and has rented Mr. William Grassie's PaiLt Shop) 1 Where he may be found at any time. Mr. Withal) s is prepared to execute, a f the shortest notice, all kinds of Carriage ainting, Sign Painting_ and rnamental Work. Give him a call. I',emeinber the plac opposite Murray's Stables. 170-1' t THE G RIRDNER PATENT Sewinh, Machine, MANUFACTURED BY THE Gardner Sewing Machin COMP ANY, HAMILTON, ONT., Is the best family and manufactnrin machine now trade ; will do all kinds o Fancy Work. The general works am attachments ire se simple that any per son can learn o work them in half a hour. Tailor and shoemakers use it in preference to any :now made. Pricy Within the rich of all. Has no gea 9 of any. kine{ is STRONG and Simper.. It would h well for intending pur- chasers to ca on any of the undermen- tioned. parties and see this machine, be- fore . purchasing one of another make. The above machine can be seen at work, at any time Grassey's and T. K. Anders;'s, .Scaforth; P. Filton's, Exeter ; Mr. Fier i n cc s, ho lberville ; Mr. l+.olley, Bayfild ; Fishleigh & . Garry; Ainley ville. PETER GRASSIE, General Agent for the County of Hnron, 179-ly Seaforth, Ont. WM. GRASS E, CARRIAGE P1ND WAGON. MAKER, GodericStreet, Sec -flora. 0 SLEIGHS, ; - C I,TT'TER S, G AIII;IAGES, 13TJG GIE+S, W -AGS0, Ns, &c., &c., Built in a superior manner, to order, on short notice, &� Particular attention Haid to Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing. 163 :* 61 E . THE Subscriber is prepared to furnish parties build ng with a first-class'ar- ticle of Stone Lime, at 20 cents per bush- el at the kiln, 1McKillop, near Thorn - son's sawmill, in. 22 cents per bushel delivered in Seaforth. Order s left wlith Mr. BULL, Main - street, Seafortb,i will meet with prompt attention. JAMES DODDS, 174 -If \lcliillc►p, .1 LADIES And surrounding couttry 1 The Stock is now complete T. KIDD Eik11)0 RITTiki FASHION. NEW AITTILINERY In all its branches. Splendid Trimmed HATS AND BONNETS From 50 cents up wardst SILK .A ITELVE7EN MANTLES 1 In all styles, and at all priees. WANTED! 1 600 Canadian Volunteers For the Red River Territory, to purchase my Hats, Caps, Clothing, Boots & -Shoes before leaving. REMEMBER ! I keep the best and largest Stock of Gro- ceries, Crockery, Liquors, etc., etc. kept Seaforth. Best $1 Tea for 90 cts. STRICTLY ONLY ONE PRICE ! THOS. KO Dog 175 Seaforth, April 12, 1871. Warranted by the Makers. THE E',USEL WATCH For Durability, - Quality, Finish and Neatness, CANNOT BE _ EQUALED. A new stock of the above Watches just A COMPLETE STOCK OF FINE GOLD AND SILVER JEWELRY ALWAYS ON RAND. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every description repaired with neatness and despatch, and warranted to give satis- faction. i-:,5,000 worth of Old G -old and Silver wanted, for which the highest price in cash or trade will be paid. R. COUNTER, Main street, Seaforth. 179 Among the diSeases overcome by the use of Fellows' Compound Spirit of Hypo - phosphites, , Are Constipation, Asthma, Consump- tion, Laryngitis, Nervous Debility, Dyspepsia, Chronic Bronchitis, Chronic Diarrhwas Melancholy, Debility resulting from Typhoid and other low fevers. Diphtheritic) Prostra- tion, Hysteria, Hypochondria, Ainen- hoea, Nervous Excitability, Marasinns or wasting of the muscles, Aphonia or Loss of Voice, Chorea or St. Vitus' Dfince, Sluggishness of the Liver, Interrupted and Feeble Action of the Heart, 8 u ffocat- ing feelings caused by mucous obstruc- tions of the lungs and air passages lead- ing thereto, and debility from various causes, many cases of which appeared hopeless. Sold by apothecaries. Price, JAMES I. FELLOWS, 1180.16t Chemist, St. John, N. B. 4, 1871. Seaford', Fonindry -Would desire to call ttentio to their greatly roved THRESHER & EP/4 ATOR- achine nada,. Among its nany advan ages. -we call at - Cylinder is onstrueted it req ires less THAN ,ANY MEP - The great lcomplaint niong Threshers lways was, that they e nthl thresh mom ban they cm 1(1 clean, r improved (ham keep the riddles from -licking, without inproved our Mills to p event t foing over -with the stra We would linVito Fain ers and Thresb- ; mine our st Ick before urehasi else - 'here we c, n sell as chleap as a iy other e ,grain one NA the est material used, and the very be t workineni employ d. The :Niacin es we sold !last yea • 'enable s to say that they gave !better .atisfac- t on than an other ever sold in this kept o hand at a 1 times. We would lso desire ollireet the attenti n of fume s to our SA -WINO- MA ich are caps,ble of saw to fifty cords of woo S perior Gang Ploughs, Cultivators, ScUtiEters. Wo beam Plough#3, Scrapers, A. 1 of wbieh we warrant tion, and will be sold. as cl other Establishment in ng fron forty lper da r. Straw utterS, den and Iron - o give satisfac- ea.p as t any he Province. REPAIRING .AND CASTING ! OF EVERY DESCRI 'TION, Done on the Shortest no ice and m st re onable ten s. FARM FOR AL IN TUCKERSM Teen Sale, on re4onable term , Lot 22, Sorond -1- Concession, Totlfersntith, H, S., eta tabling. 100 lief es, eighty or which are red, unfit: fence, ani in a good state of cultivation and a ecnsider- abl portion of it underdrained, The buildings aro all good, abio, a go(id bearing or hard, two never.- failng •wells and a 4iving spring. The land is first ela.s, and will be 8 Id OD easy t MS,- as the pm - f retiring frt farming. For Seaforth, or to the woprietor, on be premises. 1 041. 1\1 R THOS0 BELL/Su THOMAS B ILL is now prepared to manuf cture f turc As Cheap the heap S Parties wishing to buy holesal cam be supplied. at Toronto Wholesale Priee& WARE ROOMS OPPOSIT THOMAS WORK SHOP, CORNER OP MA L- KET SQUAR T RNING done on the Shortest Nati e. CO FINS kept cons antly on A HEARSE FOR HIRE. 17 -tf EDWARD CASH, Dealer in all kinds of ow and Daii y Produce WHOLESALE AND RET'AIL. Th Molest Price in Money OL AND BUTTER. Pay your fees and drive up to his store, GODERICH ST tEET, BU TER FIRKINS for sale and to excha e. 180-c A Rich Nan Burieel. The Ohio ,,5tatpsmr-oz ! has ,an aceount of the before the Probate Con lin 0/I an mit to probate, the a Joseil VC -Centric LaCIIPtUr, large ilMOn DE of real e-ste lin and lit d Cowl other property, the wh. four brothers, eile Between these two tlier4 dose alliance of frier -01a other brethers appear t AT in like. manner. f he, received a ffecied has mi was in.ule to tilts t• Tefusi,e1 to in Ike the no somi -on bOSine:45;1 111111 dered to New .t hieans, without means. 1 t while New 9i leaiH efforts to procure bus with whieh to return from 'some unaceom it ed. He ,was steLl leans as a vagrant on octoher,, 1870, and take' corder nougliton, who to be sent to a hohpitid, pital authorities refused him because he was der be was minovell to an where be died on the leer following, On the r ember he WaS /tense of the city of .New 119-w to Learn. One Suppose a Dian Al(^11)11.., -boiling, and blazin,, day, and round an old Duteb harbor, and the next day see him, like a magnified `lug up and down the and you should ask him doing, and he .should have beard that this shi; sailer, and r want to look see."--Coidd be ever find 4111{). spread the canvas, wind and bear a way know how she sails. So, if a Christian -would true state, let bim not r and round the hull of scionsness, and crew), up ; the masts and spars of and affections ; but let h the sails of resolut ion, and on the ocean of duty. Ther know whether be be a dull sailor.—Beethe_r's Li le TIM Opposition to Great Inv Tiadition says John of the three inventors o was charged with multipir by the 'aid of the. devil, prosecuted both by the pr the people, The strong -es tion to the press, bits, bowel presented in Turkey. T, printing bad existed three years 1.)(!fore, a, printing established in Constantino]) 1726 to 1740, that press isfl then stopped and aid not its issues until after an more than forty yeam AlrJ a press vms established at and between 1780 and 1861 forty 1,-olumes. Again its tions wore susp.miled, ail resuined until the year I :1 whieh time it has worked fettered with the paternal o of the, Turlosh gov(rnment Tbe rit,lani-Ioom is an of the sixteenth eentury, lintna 011:at iiitre:dtaepil-ri;sedpzi121 Holland, in Gerniany, in t Ill01143 of the church, and countries of Europe, At 111 shared the fate of the riblu In England, the patronage o Elizabeth was requested for -venom', hut it is -said that ventor was rather impeded t ist,ed in bis undertaking, opposition to the stocking- ) of the most base and eruel Frenehman who had a 111111111favt tired loom a pair of silk steekil Louie xvi. They were preW the monarch. The parties, h who supplied hoisery to the caused several loops of the stl; to be cut, and thus broug :'istuoacrktinrgs.-looin into disrepute a v Table -forks -appear so nem .t of the furniture of the] that the tables of the sixteen' ry were destituW of them. were not, however, introducel the commencement of the century, and they were ridiel Superfluous and. effeminate the person who introduced t nkeenegltlxid;:andike) dnLa;iifnse were invented in Italy, and l; the