HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-08-04, Page 5kITGUST 4 1871 le track- for a distance of eat of Omaha were much No trainscan leave here fay.. tialaa Explosion - Ie steamboat explyrit n Sunday at 14`64e- Yorks ;ra perSO/IS "Were Ifildeet. As the Staters Tregfiela was starting ek at the foot of White - Sent theeBattery, bearing 's party 'of na persons, karst, 'th a tremendous,* nvermg the whole upper • boat in pieces, and ;the whole forward part from the very keel - the explosion is un- .ara ferward part of the- ifted fifty feet into the t '!e &tack falling, and fras buricId in the hold, der poured out a dead - f steam. .Many person :t overboard : Sarno cf to the I *firs till rescued, nnk before they cotall The drug., stores in the wese tilled with the - A number a the scald - aced in ambulances aridhopitalwhile others to their own reaidences. hanee was filIad with aose eyes were closedr irhele faces were swollen sriition. Their feet an !oeked. and thetender' bare. Seventy wound. uoaning and groaning Sere -sent to one hospital scenes were most heart - Is as the wounded :•ed from the hold, they o the deck of another toved alengside. Med- • was promptly brought of the disaster. S promptly administered and ail was poured alma as they lay in tile S-esael. The dead and lying around - intei- fl directions. Aho - probably one a the ing and disastrou.S. plosions that ever °G- m York waters. aes ire Kincardine. lay 2ith ulL, grave ap- were felt at Kincardine- arhood, owiog to the tapect of the fires that . ring in the woods there .e great tires whieh de - hash. A little wind -'eled to bring about a ;the eoeflegiatione, and 'Se vieiniv of the clan - 'aced to [remove their i vziluables to places of smoke was so (lease on, heieliwavs and in the , Cancardine that travel and it looked as il kld prevent the plate° -ravaas°ed. Fortunately rniglit and following fellin 1}1 e atifu I showers. the present the danger- s' that section of the ,--........_ Ulantie taatae. E A ti intic cable was k attic] on the 5th of. and ceased to work: ,eptember of the same 'which time there were pre r it exactly 400, rhe second cable was, 18.GO ., the third • :e :Ind Of Aueust, 1865,, We -thirds laid, and ie - u.1 of St'l tember, , :ipleted an the 8th of 'lout's. The fourth' Ie was completed on Lt: Jule", 18G9. During 3Iarch, 1871, there- : ed across the Atlantic ',sus, or on an average, A day. About seven heats were fur the press. Italf rates. The come -fe the past year; paid i nine per cent. (livid- 4side no reserve fund i renewals% Gernaart Bravery E li-ini editor of the Cue - !slit, 1 who.lately visite(i ,'..triye-ra.,_ has Just pub- azint of his couversa- '4- tx he bays : " After we ibout the political and 'ton of Italy, Garibaldi s'aftair at 'Dijon (Jan - 'Fare me some particit- combat. • doing justice • , ..ae te the heroic cour- lase of the Prussians. 1! the Cieneral, c-• thirty- nnon, and yet iti spite - ti the Prussians i_et- 1 lt must be confessed Mans aec the best sole erld. Never have 1 .1:aarrew space SO Mori V _ io.. ( at myna "L au may t' it whert I tell Vou , , ele area of this- chain- s sa. ,T 4t ill CV-iti nee c Onroes." - tilto jainnsent, SittIntiOL. [tailialdi added : ' la - Zi. be 1.1)7.1g. tooluou Oki, 4.1 AUGUST 4, 187L t. • i French pardon the ;Italians :for com- ing to the aid of the Republic. For iny part, I separate the cause of the French people from that of the Chauvinists. The selfish rabble and the Chauvinists both required, a les- son, and the liar* it -was the more salutary for the country. As to the manner in which I have been treat- ed personal'r in the French Nation- al Assembly 1 will say nothing; at Bordeaux I was not allowed- to speak------butI did not complain. I am old and infirm,, but4 should be glad to see that fanatical thirst for supremacy annihilated which always - was,- and is yet; the m ource of the, misfortunes of Fre" With regard to the Italians, 04 must not lose confidence in themselves, what- ever happens, for if they -again fail in the task set before them they may take a sponge and wii-)e out the name of Italy, from the map of Europe.'." wit -4 90, The Power of Littles. The enormous amounts that can be collected in small sums are well exemplified by, the result of the half -penny postage system. In thos. first SiX months of the change in the rate in Britain, fifty-eight million post carda aud about a htindred ande fourteen Million half -penny labels and .stamped label were issued. During the three months that have followed, and of which we have not yet received the returns, the nam'ser has been increasing. The exact re- turns as given for the six months, are: postage labels, 77,215,680 : duty £160,866 ; post cards 58,185)- 9G0; £12I,845; wrappers 33,018,- 420, £G$,850; total 1351,561 ster- ling, all -collected,in cents at a time. "seas. For cheap ladies', gents' and ehildren's Preraella Boots of every description, go to T. Coventry's. 46,41 e. - Unaltered Characteristics of the • Negro. The negro has altersd less; per - baps, whether mentally or physi- (Idly, within the historical epoch, than any other equally numerous section of the human race. We see his portraiture Gla the painted Hi42-2111- malts of Egypt, and` we recognise it at a glance. What the ancient travellers, the Greek and Arab chroniclers, found him, we findisim. still, with the same easy good ten - per, the the same indolent indifferece to the brain -breaking problems that rouse his white brethren to sorma eh feverish activity, and the same !child- like aptitude for being qUickly elated or quickly depressed. Those who know the black man best, and who have learned to be fond of him, are often the least sanguine respect- ing his ultimate future. It is thrift, forethought, the powere ar..,d the will to provide for the future, that are inost deficient in pour Quashee's often amiable disposition. As mat- ters unfortunately stand, the black race, diminisliinabbut too fast even. in Africa, is dwindling pore rapidly in North America, as the forthcom- ing census of the United States will proaewith the ghastly distinctness: of figures. Yet that the genuine negro under favorable ciicumstances can work, save, and prosper, ithe instance of Barbados wifl sufficesto show—All the Year Round. -• • se 1' The latest styles of Boots and. Shoes of all kinds cheap at T. Coventry's. Ver All Hickson & Co's. 'SuM- sner remnants will now be sold off et great bargains, to make room for Fall importations. _MARRIAGES. LAAVRIE—HANNAII.—At the residence of the brides father, on TuesdaY, 1st August, by the Rev. Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. John M. Lawrie, of St. Catharines, eldest son of John Lawrie, Esq., of Port Dalhousie, to A daline, fifth daugh- ter of Samuel Hannah, Esq., of Mc - DEATHS. Fall eat, . • .1 @ 110 ST 141ARiS, Angina 8, 1871. Spring Ivies 1. 1 lt «4 1115 0 40 «4 0 42 Peas, • 0 60 @ 0 65 Barley, Butter, . 1?ggs. - Come and Boots, J. • 04C @ 0 50 , . 0iS 017 O 11 @ 000 et year c oice of 500 p its of Pranella u.ncan & Co'a, Seafo ONDON, UIIit 8, 1871. Fall Wheat.. 0 95 @ 1 20 Sluing Wholt 1 00 @ 1 15 Barley. . 0 4€ @ 0 54- Oats. < .... . . . ..... 0 4i3 @ 0 46 Peas, .. . .. 4 ... ..... . . 070 @I 075 Blither, ' 0 14 @ 0 17 Eggs, .... ........ 0 11 @ 0 13 A large ass rtment Ladies' aud C 'Idren's Fall Wlient, Spring When Barley, Oats, Peaty. , Hay, Wool, ..... A Full Stqc Leather at J of Prancing Boots, Gents', at J. Duncan, & Co's. RONTO, Anguet 8, 1871. 11 1 to 150 to 112 •0 .1 to '0 47 . 05 to 058 101• to .0 80 10 to 15 00 O 8 to 088 '1 1 of all s rts of Boots and Duncan & Co's, Seale tho Shoes, in • MO TREAL, A gus 2, 1871. per b / 58• to 540 58• to 540 ,West, 6 1 to 6 00 Wheat,54 to 6 50 .. • ., 4 7 to 480 ▪ . . . 2 2 to 240 1 to 134 0 to 000 1 to 1 82 0 to 045 0 to 000 4 • 0 1 to 016 peeked 101 to 015 6 rf to 17 07 O to 100 O to 010 FiStilnrctIn' , Caned " No. 1, West "- No., , -Bag Fl )UT....... (Can da PLli " Spn g, " West wn, Oats, (per 32 lbs.) Barley, (per Butter, -(Dah . (Stori Pork, (Mess) oPeases, hee1/2 8 lbs.). • .... • • 4 • ce• • 'I. • BUFFALO LIVE StIO • Thurs ay, Augu t 3 1871. .. ATTLE. The mar et is ather quie a d a little off from ti e rang of last we.'t prices. Sales ligh , corn irising on ST 57 head • Indiana a a Mic igan steer at $4 65 to $5 50. T e ran e of price for the past weekndi g Fri ly last w re 4 60 to • $6 30 for \rester steers a d "4 25 to $4 50 for Texas. The rec it during the period since last Frid y ere 259 cars, 75 qars consigned th •o ;IL The receipts -for the Eame perio 1 L st week were 234 c rs, and for the lent re week • me -lin *to- lay 48). Cars aaa a 400 cars lur- ing t e sa e time since Fri4a t5vhee's:- esk, id for revious. The sh p ents dur- the enti e ast were eek 417 cars, gai st 448 cars the we . erevious. Sal s re orted ' Ke ned to Tompson GARDINER. Usborne, on the 11.th nit , after a short illness, Peter Gardiner. ALLEN. —On de 27th ult., Isabella Reid, wife of Mr. James Allen, Township pf Hay, aged 75 years. (1.nAnAitt.—At Airdeyville, on Weanes-, day, the 2nd of August, Minnie, be- loved wife of William. Graham, M. D., aged 24 years. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH• s. AllallEt 3, 1871. Fell NTheat. .... ........... . . .... .$1 10 to 115 Spring -Wheat •1 05 to 1 10 Barley. 0 45 to 0 19 Oats. •0 95 to 0 48 PULL'i '0 60 to 0 65 Batter ..0 14 to 016 Egos. ... .... .... . ... ... . ......... 0 11 to 0 12 Ilides 600 to 7-00 Sheep 0 50 to 9-00. Hay ...... ..... 7 00 to 10 00 lour 25 to tl 00 Potatoes, (new) . •0 70 to 0 75 - 084 tu 0 -On Lamb Skies 00 to 035 l'elta...... . ...... 0 12, to 0 20 Bark, per cord 0 00 to 3 75 \Vool, per lb.........., Special attention paid to all orders- for Boots and Shoes, either sea -ed. or pegged, at J. Duncan & Co's, InalOwth. •ICLINTON, August 3, 1871. Val I Wheat . . $1 05 on 1 10 s!rring Wheat • . 1 00 @ 1 15 too o 040 to 014 •loots 0 60 el", 0 65 rs•,.., .„, • Kirk:. 045 et, 0 50 Ll•a a Butter • . 0 14 et. 0 17 E4nts . „ 0 10 so; 0 11 d steer , 'av 958 at $4 65. Ha ard to Doty, 19 ha ic steers, ay. 1, 56i• at $5. _ Lo ere 3i to Gillespie, 21 h I In . stclers, av 91 at 5. Sa le to same, 73 hd . s eers, av .1,230 at $ 50. HEEP. Tbr m rk-et hill and trf light. Sa es co prise 200 hea0 The • -nge of pie • s last wee en day were f om $4 to $5 70 fi r s $651to$T 15 f r laimbs. 1p since Friel y last ere 9 car signec thr nigh, id for th ing t, -da 61 ca s, agaiist week pre % ions. Tlie shijj ieiit the p riocl since rielaY 1st w and, f r th week 54'cars,!a the eek ererio s. Sa es re rted s folloWS Bow n to Barn sact ons at $4 Cling 'eep, rec ars eek cars 80. Fri - and ipts on.. nd- the daring e 8 cars, 't 35 cars 200 hd ii*Ii i, sh ep, av 81 at 80. ' i naelit , an 1 for t e Week 10 cai , against $5. - rhe -tinge 1 st week va $4 99 to Sales com rise 1 223 heaid a $4 7- to $5 1( . T ie rec ipts 4sine. 1* idn.y last were 69 c rs,- 56 cars thi-o igh consibm- M rket a shad lower ajinc ep.ti. teac ive. OGS.' 1 120 c rs ti e We k previouv he ship- ment sinse Fri ay were t2 'ars, and for ti e we k 99 etis, agairast 10 ' car the week pre ious. Sa es re sorted as follows 273 id av 282 lbs <lit $4 80, 101 d av 241 lbs , ht. 4 87i 101 d. av 267 lbs t 4 87A 118 id. av 259 lbs t 5 00 , ' 116 a av 224 lbs t 5 00 136 d \ 260 lbs -- av 254 lbs t 4 75 t 4 87 233 lbs 11/ 37 d \ av 120 lid av t 4 824: 99 id ''' 122 hcl av av 216 lbs 205 lbs t . 4 871- 4 80 :LE! 'IV NG :JP BrSIN 6 . ON .9.n ed intend giving op p, sinesB this and they will Queen e OLE OF THEIR n-AT— I- T RICE, , FOR, HE OATN, WILL STA TE) FIRST OF A will c latintle until the who e .4 sold out. secure Ba galeis • • t TO K GUST, of the Stock Ca l. ea ly The higherit prl e paid fo - AR settat artieto owin em, and s 41 BO Sea4orth, Angus a count e will I• themselves f tter, dire. • pie se call and arth r trouble. PON. 169 • IEST AY E (1AIIiE into the or liaises! of the N-.1 the 29th of Jial last, a Ewe er is r ,quested to ... And t ke he& awry. 191t1(. prove prop ALONZO Tu igned, •on r . The own - pay chargee, ONG, Seaforth. - Matt's hand- dr- Rip Boote, for .$.3,50, at 5-- 1)auttuo t CVE. eaforth. GODERICH, Angrist 3, 1871. iali Whes.t • .$1 05 el. 1 10 •..-prit.g 'Wheat -1 12 (Y, 1 15 t loot 0 40 et. 0 4/3 Peao 0 60 yo 65 0 50 ye U 59 Letter 0 15 0, U ...... „.... .. . . U 11(V 0.0 • a ,Salt tion. Associ- . THE Sal Miami eturers of (hit wit., having +fon ed aii Aseoeii Lion, under ttie Itt eve title, for the sale of salt, noti e is hereby g ven that all salt will, u itil forthez, n tire, be sold Vo the Associa- -titre o dr. Uon.xth icationa to le a -wised to the Secret try S. lt Asejbttion, GO1urekx TH0MA$ 5 ORT, SAMUEL H.. DE LOR, President. etretary... 1274 Vq)0 rron. G. F. BAILEY & CO. Nowhere to TH T E SHOW OF • AT SCOTT R - • 6 GREAT CiR-CUS! e compared CHEAP GROCERIES! BERTSON'S. i • • 200 Biaxes Scaled Herrii ,s at 40 cents per .1 200 BOXES LAYER FIGS .AT 25 CENTS PER pox, -- AT SCOTT ROBERTSON'S, - _ . •"MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTII. ALT! ALT .LV A KEE CANAD The 11 G of the Board of Trustees o the . . SALT ASSOCIATION id July 25, 1871, dersigned was appointed •SOLE LOCAL AGE T SA, E OF SALT kat -TEE —AT --- • Parties requiring Salt will lease call on t dersigned, ae none will be soI4 at the Wells wi his written order. • Seaforth, July 27, 1871. , nn hou OBERTS•N 1.1-2 FARM FOI SALE. -BEING Lot 6,5th crams ' on Tuakersmi h, R. S. containing 100 acre4, 88acres cleare u.nd well fenced, good buildinge, a fine large or hard; two wells of good spring wato the land is f the best quality:perfectly clean nn1in good orde . The bush is hardwood and .has n t been culled. It i'a situated on a good gravel road, and within three miles of the Village of Seaforth, one of t best grain markets in the Province. For figther j artie- ulars apply to the proprietor on the premise., or if by letter to Egmondville Post Office. 186-t1 : •G. M. CHESNEY; BUILDINCS FOR SALE IN SEAFORTH. OR Sale, Cheap, two comfortable frame DWelling •-• ,liouees, situated on tue most pleasant st 3eaforth, adjoining the Good Teinplars' Hall )1.. the houses, is nt preSent -occupica by Mr. Laidlaw, and -the other by Mr. D. D. RON. lousea are adjoining, and have attached to sood lots, on whieh are all necessary convent inch as soft and. hard -water, out -building For further perticulars apply on the premi it '..(11.5 EXPOSITOR Ofiice. • Sien.forth, July 12, 1871. • ••1.4 001 ii One Tann s Bot the neje , :, et . es, r tf. 1 -FARM FOR SALE' ,6R SALE, on reasonable -1--. .10, Morris, conteining 64 ire cleared, seeded to grass balance ,is well timbered with Oituated on the 'Northern Gravel i half from Blyth, and 18 There is no waste land. There i new frame house, 20 x 80, ant -buildings. , A good spring For further Pio:tillers ap DU the premises, o o (if by letten) GEORGE 18.9-tf. • - •Propititor. IN MORRI `'. ternao Lot No. acme, over 20 of. and well fence hard -wood. Road, 1 mi Miles from C is on the Pr with good. cellos on the- prconiseS. Oy: to the Prot to Blyth 1. BUTCHART,.. , Con. which ; tlle It is e and into . naiads and rietOp, 0. . FARM OR Sale, Cheap, 'A: Township ing 100 acres, balance well/timbered waste laud. water running eve miles from through which Railway will shortly perty is not sold, years for the improvements. tars, apply to July 18, 1871, FOR Lot No of Bruce' County about 20of N with ijeeob There is a n .through it. the flomish the Wellinkton, be running.. it Will be THE EXPOSITOR 'SALE: 80, 6th Con , of Bruce, cc hid. are ole / end mapl ver -failing stroom It. is situated g village of Grey and, If the abb lemma for a t For further p OFFICE, Seaf •.1 tenon, ntaiO- the No of • ithin .isle, Brute e pr o roe f rtie - rth. 9-tf. T 1-4 Any will , 190-4 OST, /ova Wilton ii person le be auitablfr • COAT LOST. f the- 2nd arlj-uly instant, 1/1,Vcr -.1 Seaforth, a Writer -proof Ov ving the same at Chamberri rewarded. ' o WILLIAM WA oEll. ' rout. 14 ott , CAlm4 about The pCeoLlts,estwaon3a,etaa Exeter, STRAYED into 15, conceeSion the 6th1of owner is Rd 1 1 . . !• the premises .., TownshiP July last, a equested to prove s_eohlde,;ditivtlia):..wiolT7 • 25, 1871. of dark COLT. the subscril of Stephen iron-gre_ star in tin, property, p • !r, 11)t on or Mare face - ty er 41' AM litITCP • 193-441 'LL. , I TEE -"- ing consideration of c 4th Mo for qn co Morris, • Mtmic Township after the riginal ro and 5th ;is, and '''' that pnr sted to ta lingly. 4u1 1 NOTICE. pal Council of the Corporation of Monis intend, at their firs 8th day of August, 1871, to ta the propriety of selling the 3 d allowance opposite Iota 23, .oncesaions of the Raid townei deemed advise:tele, to pass a ty-Law °se. All pertiesi interested I e notice aud goVern thorned • 1 - THOMAS HOLMES 1 1 Township 2i, 1871.. - i i , 1 of the Meet- into ortiqn 'n the ip ol re re- es ac Clerk. 90-4 TIAT qupied kntinvu Si Ba fer sir as_ lo ac splendid wells, and on an1 qu mt . , HO corn at as the --- tutted on O field and ol for sale ms of reti he dwell 32, in ;it() ,er flat an es of lan gare two at baru is he above the main in a goo ntots—T ed down uts. Ad. • EL FOR F SALE ROT DRYS k," miles a Seeforth, is undersigne frame b seven room There au house,. in There aro t • a ban.; one shed is 3242. a aplendid I and parchtme nu annual prepaid, DRISDAL Bane P. 0., ! , . - . .., • , T., ne. • ALE nth o raw of I is de Udine in thi fon. o goes stabil , )(Nag's' .:arnia ney rc .instal n Ont. ....._,... Minns and well-k7eown present by ROBERT "Royal Oa e Sable Line, eight eventeen west of nt a bargain, as the Oig from hnsinesa. ng is a two-stpoy d repair, including seven in the tipper. I attached to the en and orchard. bles, a shed and 0x20, one stable end hotel ie situated in rerul betwt en Cseeletich 1 farming dietrlot, osthinla of the the bpi:once in equal 'toss., if by letter. ROBERT . , GIVING IJP BUSINESS. R. P. UTHERLAND BEING about to leave Seaforth, will sell off the remainder of his stock, consisting of a few ends of Tweeds, black a d blue Broadcloths, below cost. Parties requiring a ything in that line had better call early, as, owiiig to other engagements, the whole numb be cleared out before Three ,Weeks. Having only last Week received a full supply of Boys' and Youths' lOresees, in all the latest styles, ineluding the Jollk Tar, Knickerboeker, Tunic, Blouse, etc., etc., he will supply patterns of any of these, out to measure, for 40 cents. He will also eupply Shirt ',atm s, cut to Measure, upon the latest and most ap roved principle; they combine th,e yoke and sack hirt with an improved, sleeve, they are well tested patterns and will be found to. produce what is not easily found, a good and at the same time an easy fitting shirt. Patterns of shirt, 80 cents. 1 N. B.—These patterns being offered at less than half the regular prike, can be had for Two Weeks only. Also on ha d, a few of Deans' copy -right Tailors' Tapes, of t o best quality. t . , ALSO, 1 A HOU E AND LOT, • On comer of Wlham and Goderich Streets. T RMS, EASY. The Shop with fit ing, stove, machbae, etc., etc., W be sold cheap. 1 Parties indebt .d. to subscriber are regtested to call andt settle their accounts. , • R. P. SIITPT,RLAND. Seaforth, July 2 1871. , - T.G. TJ itNiss 9 ILOR. Late Foremn I'vith E. Illickeon Alk Co., Begs to ann unce to the inhabitants of 8Ekl?ORTL A.ND VICINITY, that he has taken rooms over • MR THOrIAS KIDD'S STORE, in which he purpo es carrying on the making up of CENTLEME S' AND CHILDRENS' CLOTHING! Also, that he has reccived from England, an entire NEW SYSTEM OF CUTTING, whieh -works at ably, produciog beautifully fit- ting garmentuj combining ease and comfort. • Some excellent P tterns for Children' and. Youths' Suits. Patterns supplied or garments cut out, at rnoderat charges- Seaforth, July 7, 1.871. 190-tf. P ARTICU LA R NOTICE. JOHN LOCAN Has a Lot of SHAWLS, MANTLES, —AND— 1 DISS a-oops 1 Which he is anxious to Sell Off, at Gust, •YES, BELOW COST, Or any reasonabl price that a eustomer may offe Therefore, L4ies, you will pledse tall at the Manchester House, MAIN STREET, Soon, and get yotir pick of the Goods before the are all sold. • Seaforth, July 55, 1871. 190 REFORM ASSOCIATION OF TEX S Ij 1-1 RIDING • OP THE COUNTY OF HURON. f th oho e hn NIlil tat e •;0A i; lnage •4EAFORTH, n MOND\Y. the 7th of Angus A. D., 871, at 12 o'clock, noon. A. fall atter...lane/1 is requested as important busi- ness wil1 come before the meeting. • I. 8. 00.11.rith, July ta,-1k71.. CLY'rlsOic-117 NOW'S TH TIM FOR STYLISH C ODS JUST • CEIVE T. K. A DE RS OZ.\ CLOTIIII G STORE! A nice assortn nt of Fall Goods C0 SISTING OF Scotch and Canad and an T Does eeds, Broadcloth ins. ALSO, GEI•1TS' FU NISHINGS, Of very descripti n, All of which have been parchised on the most favorati terms, and LO FRIO S. t. A GOOD F Call and see for yourselves: T CDA will be sold ai remarkably, ANTEEIL T. K. ANDER ON".. AINL.EYVILL NEW GOOD AND NEW PRICES. CHEAPER THAN EVE.1 JOHN LEC_1( e, Has jnet received a large consignment DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, COTTONS, 1 COTTON YARN, HOSIERY, ETC, These- geode having been purchased with a view to sorting np former stock, and thereby make, it sell more rapidly, and will be sold cheaper than call be purchased in Seaforth or any other nuirket- Try for yourselves and be convinced. Now is the time to genre Cheap Goods, s the stock mina arid will be cleared out in two in nths. 100,000 lbs. of good Bu4er, Wanteain exchange for goods, and the hi hest • cash value given. All other kinds of Produce also fasten in Exchange. GROCERY) HARDWAI READY-MADE CLOTHIN& PORTANT' TO OUSEKEEPERS. GOOD FLOUR t AT ALL TIMES. A. SHEARSON & CO., Proprietors of the S AFORTH MILLS Are now Manufacturing the best FA 1LY & PASTRY LOURS,' - In the Dominion. Intei ding purchaaers in Sealer'. can re upon getting our Family and from he following Dealers, ONLY: • M. St ong, John Welsh, James C. Ault, homes Kidd. S. MeGinnia, & . Jaekson, Egmondville, and. Mille. Orders left at our offilse, Mark reedy prompt. attention. F «ers desiring to exehange for Flour, at the. May ways rely npon getting- our b Past Flour in exchange, in quant. to the •alue of their wheat. Ey T I : BOOTS AND Emus, 31:11.1.1NIEVY; , BPst 1 . 1 Agen , . I And all oth.er kinda of good's sold at pricee to snit , eagtomers. •1 I REMEMBER! J. LECKIE'S, -AINLEYV1I.-LE 1 i IS THE PLACE. • 17943 -W. A. SHEARS f. •and vicinity Pastry FlOurs Thos. Le, A- aidlaw, Alex. Villiam Ault, t tllo Serif wth t Square, will Izmir wneat. st Family or. •'en according N & 999 si-ivioN POWELL Waal take this opportunity of ret ming for t.. liberal patronage extendedto him damn. ,ncing business, and begs lea. e to Amy no effrt on his- part shall be wantin to iT113 centini once of the same. He has nojw reeeiv opene up a nice stock of FR SH FAMILYCR CERI Sk compriBin eas, Sugars, Co ees, $pic€fs, Raisins, Currants, &c S Liam value in NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. NTOTICE iohereby given, that all parties/ found trew.pasSing en Lots No.. 18 and IS, in the 8rd concession of Morris. -will he prosecuted with the utrnotit rigor of the mew. • 19e-tL ALI:LINDER clurmir... TOBACCOS.. SPIRITS. rands ont of. bond, on drangl t and hottird for CarlinpOis s.ntl. Spencer's Eeer and Perter els, quartos barrels and bottl -s. ss ur,, Feed,. Pi. visions, In till their branches 'oar, Oatmeal, Corn al, &C. Oa meal, Cornmeal at manufac trs' price. Try the 75 cent Tea. 999. 01) site Carmichael:8 store, SE ORTH. 01Ms 2oNs1,LL. • • •14 11 ; • -