HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-08-04, Page 3ATIST 4, 1871. AVIARY! PPODROME. f berate and ..,:paeio 11 e70.14ibt /871, LE Cri LS _ ,•=1 trr • 1\T Tr / IRY !iteStrians, LEES. • ,_ -ill visit Ontario rtr- adittittNI to the LtD11011 4 uxidier 10,. 25c. 4,NT*, 0 with the inirepiol FEMALE: iaeh day, juttt prior to the after - PEN ;10 V' I R, F14 aecompliAted by a lady, is7- `1)1)- EVER YBODY. L-1-1 .'fd 7 P. M. tk ShoWS • with paltry and inferior imr harvest,: and ugust NATION1 IST- IA:1UL 1 AUGUET 4, 18.71. BRIEF NOTES An exchange asserts that forty women of all sexes " are enrolled in A.e Texas Female Suffrage Society. —fovs are the flowers dropped. t, by the hand of Provi- qr. 4.at is too good for g itcrtjA,„ IS- 20 g 90 d for his neigh company. —A pure character is like pol .ed steel—if damned by breatl almost instantly recovers its bri zess. —Value the friendship of 1 who stands by von in the sto swarms of ir sects will nd in the sunshine. —The Mormons of Salt L City are prekaring to give P dent Grant a grand reception his expected arrival. there 'in -A nat. —Chignons, plaits, and curls m now be made of a most anobjecti able smaterial—namely, t4t gic This is the very latest substitute hair. —4an Ohio lady recently pack away her silver ware in an clothes bag, and in a fit of abse mindedness sold the whole. for th cents a pound. — Inviolable -fidelity, good hum and complacency of temper, outli all the charms of a fine fa.ce, make the decays of it invisible. - /laden. — A friend should be one -whose understanding and virtue N • can equally confide, and whose cpi ion we can -value at once for justness and its sincerity, — Cincinnati has ice water thin inct feuntains provided by the cit They work well, ate not very •e pensive-, and are thought to be great -value in checking the for ration of habits of intemperance. — A Pen demon. in In d ian a h cleared his house of cockroaches scattering about a liberal supply old fashioned red wafers. IL supposed that- after gorging the _ selves these cheerful insects reti to their holes and stick fast. — When men are most sure an arrogant, they axe commonly tl most mistaken, and have' then give views to passion, without the pr per deliberation and suspence whie c an alone secure them -from the -gros est absurdities. —.The cholera, is reported to b raging terribly in Persia.. The pe silence has followed, a frightful fau ine, and hence it may be hoped tin it owes its origin to local cause and is not on a march as in 183 1848 and 1865 to desolate a yea later the homes of Europe and An erica. —Writers on health must be careful how they recommend innov- ations which distutb domestic peace. • A country editor, who carries con 7 cealed weapons, is searching for the writer who seat his wife a circular recommending that carpets should be taken up and beaten every month. — The adherents of the principal religious denominations in the world •.1.1.e estimated as follows :7—Greek Church, 69,692,700; the six other ?Oriental Churehes, 6,500,000; Rom- an Catholics, 195000,000; Protest- ants, 98,139,000 ; Mohammedans/ 160,000,00:0 ; Buddhists, 310,000,- • 000 ; other_Asialic religions, 260,- 000,000; Pagans; 200,000,000 ; Jews, 6,000,000. — _Robert Houdin, the celebrated • French conjuror, n died recently i • FranCe. He invented many ingen- •:ious machines, for 1,vhich he received prize medals. In 1815 he began iis public career as a conjuror, and • fov seven years amused the Paris- ians at his hall in the Palais Royal. The government sent him in 1856 to Algiers, m order that he might • enlighten tie Arabs on the pretend- ed miracles of their marabouts., He wrote several interesting books. . The United States produce more grain, in proportion to the population, than any other county in the world. According to the census of 1870, wheat was found to be produced at the rate of 38.3 iaushels to each person. By the census of 1850, the United States produced 36.3 bushels for, -each per- son then in the conntrcy. Roum- ania, one of the Danabi(6 princi- • palities, produces 25 bushals to each person, being the second ih the ratio • of production. European .Russia stands third, producing 23.1 bush- es to each person. In•a church in a primitive corner of Caithness, Scotland, a few Sundays ago, a. minister front a dis- • tance officiated, and in the guileless- ness of his heart gave out a par- aphrase instead of the usual Psalm at the close of the sermon'. Scarcely had he done so when the precentor jumped up, and, turning round, whispered audibly and angrily .to the minister, " We dinna sing ony ssic trash here. "Very well,'.quiet- ly rejoined his reverence, " sing it myself ;" and sing it he did, to the manifest adtniration of the whole congregation ; barring, of course, the d u bfou d ered ° precentor. "The chest of a well-propor- tioned man has been known to ex- yand three inchea; by -actual rest 411111111111k TER • URON EXPOSITORo ureinent, as- marls arrivirte. in Color do.." statement, thong We tire 'the. man. The! a Ter itory is pure an owl g to its great ;ele atio the evel of the sea. -'Inc ✓ and fuller in con, the breathing igthenecl by exerci is' considered chial and pulriaon thot gh an invalid ay manent restoratio a mu pen nutentl Y. A " Boston da silver hs ago. On el one of the aidealawhc el e principal 0' 1 f a., dollar for ✓ looked at tl Ind then, tau- " May I ask ,yo are estimated at weeks after • Such is the id not meas - of Colorado rare, partly above - breathes equence, ppal atus is e. That cli- xcel ent for ry diseases, to .8 eks-per- t abide there visited the not m ttny o. tot t of the men offered ' to be one of the mine ou bl e. The ood fast or's and stre ish- mat 1, bro ght- tint Th ; you Ake res - on ug - ay 011- -'.;ss.for ed old nt, ee or ve ec in- ve n- its X - of 111 - by of is rn- re d ie 11 o -h- e s- s, 1, r Nev 113 113 011 tun the of ti mitt ent, said yo wort. cc _ars,' mad last partr lines coni ian te ns1 his t ie ortey riine o th ho $O bout tweritytfive t repiidd the BostOl • ell," said the mi 't take your ha a quarter of a onth." • so 4, . G AIETLES Fortune-tellers—Ban —Did the horseman tie p ain use soap• l —A pretty hoot —ell ore expensive ho hood. ••equ a. eople who come to f eatly indulge in 1 50118. he line of bus ness some s ron -minded ladies ta e 4—The ix asct -line. at of sight, out of mi t e ad wag said •whe he b irid lunatic. --- Corn bread'?" sa d a,a Itish aite ; we havn't got it an isn't it c ra afe ye inane ?" Vben are soldiets lik fl..tnn 11 When they cl-n't doctor's motto is Tipp sed to 1 "P tients and long suffering." ° ---` Do write, and ie r n1ot," is w tat the girls say te t eir corres p ride its. —Wanted to kn ow man.v s ear rods are co tained in wise - axe - emale • gathering --A uffied S jointaffiir ith Ilut a single r y o it—aIthean atisa cold cut—T e White 4.1oun- a Notch' in wi ter. • ow to make time go U:e ti e spur of the moment. our hart c n 1 ceeper: dis ioora use toLnak ous ian. er, f d cl ho 1D 0113 - donor, m uch e to be nd dol - 1 guess Ilar ; I u here nag. scoured ldho d. A d-1voman- higi3. Words w xpreee- II1 3d," as saw a good ;li rink. ta outpany d th set vauts before mart whom 'wth • A geod hotel- , writer on s : 'Without a,1 it is -inipossib1 su art.' ever oWe any turn- th• ar abl to pay, and tallow no oae you more than. your ab lo e. Willayou'have me, Sarah ?" said ,, oun man to a modest girl. "No, Jo n ; butyou. can have me, if you wi ihy -des a ot get larger en t tken ut of a earl/ t bag 2 Be - se viten you ta i out °all lit in creases ! A sa ro ast-- cting ut up ipline of the boys n you Lan to le to cat fin ru al district on' of he st inc niri4ig if I velopm tits old ady fron ' astonish res a e had ich as "'.is the su.bj ? test compositi,C : e _which spoil' t e orge t- to put i rusty old bachel r say that a, w =etched bu iness, • CM- f alit le sighing, littl , cry - a l'ttle dying, and a deal f ly- tel. in. Sal bo 's la is •sPi if ou A "1 ve sisting ing ing to S Sir, Het- las Th 6 one 0 d a cle days a y did u of thes "Th potat )) the •Ic in - ro o by ✓ de- let - lo tool salt es— r. Post -office man, I want ay Le postage on this le ter." ngl or double, miss?" " Double, " with, a courtesy ; " I was mar - week." s is the way in. whic the the Chi ago Repab/isaws celebrate pur fico ion of the unsavory Ch Ri er - y turning into it the wat rs jf Lake. Michigan iere as once a stream at Chic, io, It-villdnous stench did afar go, Till 4he stream was 'let slip o t e Mis-siss -sip A id th D. there was joy in Chicago. The folloWitag telegraphic corres- pon enc is a, model of brevity and poirlt Regions jane, 24 '71. To Mis Laurayou o to - the stn. wherry festival with ne to nig t'? lease answer quick. Yours. Het b.". Yes. I arness up your mules ; am ixin My curls. Laura.." cago pure • BE SURE AND GO TO THOMArS,LEE Sy • Shearson &' .'s Old St nd,) . 1 SEEDS, FOR NO Of a 1 kinds. All varieties f Turhip Seeds Z. cARTErs imPERIAL the best -wecia'Ictirnip iu eniti ation. SKIRTING'S IMPROV DO. STTARP'S PIMPLE To DO. SITTTON'S OHAIIPIO1 DO. , YELLOW ABERDEEN DO. WHITE GLOBE ANI) 'TUBLE. ' The Cheapest & est Teas in Town, got at LEE'S. For SHEARSONS's No. 1 FLOUEt, go to THOMAS LEE'S. All kinds Of Produce Ta c.en in Exchange for Goods, at THE HIGHEST CAM PRICES. REMEMBER1 SHEA-1,80N ct: CO.'S OLItL STAND - THOMAS LEE. P. S.—Cedar l?ost for Sale, ab:ettp. 169-tif 7-) 0 2 0 1-1 m m CI 0 m •uoaivi, INITHouaN E GS ! EGG -S! THE SUbscriber begs to intiMate that he is is till prepared to purchase Eggs at his Store at the Market, and to pay the HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH for fresh Eggs that may offer. To Merehants in Town and Country itii whoth he has done Business in the past three years, he returns his best thanks, and hopes for a continu ce of Business relations. WM. MALCO Seaforth, March 3, 1871. l 8-tf EG EMPORITM The sub criber is still in. his old June 15, 1871. To Herb. and prepared to pay The Highest Cash Price For any q antity of r M TI KETS FOR EUROPE. J HN SEATTER has been ap- poir ted. Agent at Seaforth, for the INM N LINE OF STEAMERS. Pa ties ontemplatiag vsiting any part of IL rope can bb supplie I with Tickets and 11 ne essary information by a ply- ing, t Q 18t. • tf. JOHN 'EA'TTER. 1 Irtureist e ct 00 , . GOOD FRESH EGGS Delivered t the Eg lain street, Si rties (mercha Emp riunr4 aforth. ts and others) To all I. With whon he has done busines, during the past fur years, he l returns hearty thanks, an trusts by strict attention to business to merit their patronage in the future. - , - DAVID a WIL. ON. Seaforth March 16, 1871. 171-tf tand, 1 Fresh Arrivals Fresh Arrivals BEATTY tIc CO PANY BEG -to announce to their friends and the public, that their Mr. McMULKIN has just returned from the E stern Market, with one•of the choicest Stocks of New and Seasonable DRY GO DS ever imported into Seaforth, which, owing to the enormous reduction in the rice of goods this season, they are enabled to offer at Prices which must ensure al ' fact of their stock bei ready sale. They would sal that from. the g all new, and bought since the GREAT JALJ and on the very best terms that tl goods at ni;ninrom prices. ; They GOODS, bought 9.t prices 1U1-11.1.11. MARKT VALUE. They would IS DRY GOODS, ey are in a most favorable position to offer re not encumbered with any PILES 01? OLD Y PER CENT ABOVE THEIR PRESENT Iso say that they have faeilittes in buying both .G.Elds.1 (-1) crcl OLE -1i si To possessed by no other House in Seaforth, having intimate connections with some , of the largest Wholesale Houses in the Dominion and. a thorough knowledge of ' the Wholesale Trade. They would respectfully invite inspection of their stock, which will be found replete with al the Novelties in the Market this Season. Particular attention is directed to the following lines, PRINTS, DRESS G•ODS, _A.SCDIJS, TWEEDS, 1-liCSIERY, GLOVES, ) TIPKINGS, FRENCH D'LAIINTES3 FRENCH MERINOS, BLACK LUSTRES, BLACKCOBTJRGS, BLACK BARATEIEAS, TABLE CLO+1-18, TOWELLINGS, Boots and ShOeS, and Ready..Inade Clothing. THEIR GROC RY DEPARTMENT is always well supplied with abund, rice of the best an -1 cheapest goods, which • _will be sold at IA e most reasonable prices. Their TvIQUOR, DEPARTME 'T is well supplied with all the RES 'BRANDS. Give us a call an judge for you.rselves. TRY OUR 80 CENT TEA. EATTY & COMPANY. CARMICHAEL'S BUILDINGS, Main Street, Seaforth, April 20, ip7i. You can get the PT/I-AMA BENEFIT —0E— REDUCTIO COTTONS ! —AT ----. CRAY, SpARLING 84. CO. OPPOSITE THE GREAT EGG STORE.' J. 176-tf. - TO FARMERS. IRON HAR WS. rnHE UNDERSIGNED has on hand a large number of IRON HAR- ROWS, which be is prepared to sell on reasonable terms • These harrows were manufacttfred at Gananoque, and are The Best IV= in Ue. A auarantee will be given with each, that if it do not work satisfactorily, it may be returned by the purchaser within thirty days. 0. C. WILSON, gricultural ImpTement Agent, 1 9tf SEA FORTH, ONT. WM. N. WXTSON ALWAYS HAS ON HAND THE . BEST SEWING MACHINES IN THE MARKET, Either for Family use, or for Manufac- turing purposes. Both single -threaded and 71ouble-threaded, and loes.-stiteh Machines can be supplied. Perfect satisiaction guaranteed, and instructions given to purchasers gratis. WM. N. WATSON Cm also insure property against Fire and Marine Disaster, and. Life and Limb against death and accident, with the best Companies, being Ag,ent for 'tie Liverpool and. London and Globe, (English.) The Provincial of Canada, (Canad) The Gore District Mutual, (Village and The ka Niagara District Mutual, (Village and Farm. The Travelers of Hartford, (Life and Accident.) _Losses Liberally A djusted and • P-romptly ettled. • MONEY TO LEND At moderate --iates of interest. ° No com- mission, and kxpenses moderate. MORTGAGES bought on equitable terms. 160 D. McNAUGHT to the W°iYILiallIrttetanPtsecotffuSlealY;fiotrtihmaand vicin- ity, that he still continues to carry on Business as usual, in the old stand, on the North road. jobbing of altkinds, and Norse -shoeing epecially, promptly attended to. e-- Terms reasonable. 7 164-11 DAVID McNA UGHT. CHEERING PROSPECTS FOR AN ABUNDANT HARVEST The present favorable Spring weather warrants both farmer and mechanic in making timely preparations for the coin- ing harvest. THOMSON & WILLIAMS While thanking their patrons for the lib- eral encouragement accorded. them in the past, would cordially invite the atten- of. Farmers to their choice assortment of Harvesting Machines for 1871. Our Ohio Combi'ned faciz ine, with Johnon's Improvcd Self-llake, has given complete satisfaction for the past owo years, and is now offered to the public with the strongest guarantee for durability and perfect 1% The Cayuga ,Chief Jr _glower, Which has.gained for it. elf a world-wide reputation is again offe ed as the most durable, handy and hest working Mower known, being constract d in the body of. the machine •entirely of iron and steel and with it we defy .crpetition. We also offer the JohnoWs Self -Raking • ingie Reaper, which took first and second prizes atPro- vineial Exhibition, 1870 This ..reaper is acknowledged to be sup rior to any other pattern now in nse, as iti cuts perfectly, takes up lodged or tangl d grain better than .any other rake or r !el machine, and cuts equally well from ,ether .side of the field when wind is stropg from any di- rection, can be raisedor lowered when in motion and is very durable. We invite inspection Of our -machines and mode of .manufacturing 1y pur- chasers before giving -orders els where. We . guarantee .satisfactin ±11 evqy ma- chin, or no sale. TERMS EASY. The agriculturalists of Perth and ad- joining -counties wii not (we bereve) be so blindto their own interest.: as to give theirorders to -shops Ina -e than 100 miles east, when there are first-class woiks in their midst, building largely the best machines:, equal to any. of the same machines made in the Prov nee, - Call and see us,. —send in you • .orders byMail, or deal with our agent as in. every case you will get a perf 1 et ma- chin, and. on the same terms s your neighbor. Our principles of 1 usiness and prices being .established a ni form. All .other kinds of implemen con- stantly on hand. STEAM-ENGINES BUl LT, And all kinds of MILL WOR C. done promptly. Address THOMSON & WILLI& IS, MITCHEI L, 180 -ch On alio. 1 LLS FOR SALE OR TO R NT! MHE SUBSCRIBER. OFFER,' FOR 1 SAL E or to Rent, on easy terms, .THE VARNA MILLS Consisting of a Flour, Oatmeal, a ul Saw Mil, all of which are in good limning ° The Flour AE11111118 FOUli am of Stones and thc interor is well ci rished, and all the machinery in first cia s eon- dition, There Ts in connection , good Dam, and an alnindant supply of watei to run all the mills the year round.' These mills are situated in thecentn of a spleinhd Agrieultnral countliy and a rare chance is offered to any peiSo •des"- rous of embarkhiginthe milling b sines There m also an excellent oppo tux& of BUMS FOR SALT on the pr 'wie all the Works for which could be driven by water. The above property is situat Al Six miles from Clinton ; • Six from 13 ylield, and Eleven from Seaforth, witl good gravel roads leading to eaChplaee. For further particulars apply to the proprietor, on the premise, or to Varna P. 0, W. MR 'ER. VAR, August 11, 1870. THE SEAFORTI Lumber Yar 1. MABEE & MACDONALD Beg to hlfOrM the public that the have opened a LUMBER YARD in Se- forth, near Shearson's Mill, on the groin d for- mrly used as a Lumber Yard, 1 y Mr. Thomas Lee. They will keep constantly on h nd a goksl assortment of ALL KIN1 8 OF LVMBER, dressed anci tind essed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, All of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possible prices, for Cash., Builders and others will find it to their advantage to inspect our stock, atni as- certain our prices before purchosin -(31c-- where, as we are in a position tc offer good. inducements to cash purchase 8. MABE,E & MACDON A D. Seaforth, Dec. 29, 1870. 160..tf NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN to Parents and Guardians in the Towns) in of Topkersmith who- refuse or nesket to give notice to the Division Registrar of said Township of the Birth of a child, within thirty days from the -date of such birth, that thuy are liable to a line of from one to twenty -dollar, with eosts. AJ1 such persons will do w -11 to comply with the requirementh of tl e Law, as the per alty will be enforced. WILLIAA MUIR, Divis on Registrar. Tu kersmith, 18th April, l 71. 176. -tf FOR SAL HAT splendid Hotel tand on the Market Square, Seafor h, known av the CORN EXCHANGE,1and doing a good business. To an enterprising man, with some capital, it oifers excellent in- ducements, being on one of the leading streets and close to the Salt Wells. Also, two comfortable COTTAGES ori Elgin Street. Goderich, rented at $200 a year, arid several Town Lots. Terms— moderate. Apply to ‘8-L3,ALCOM, At the Market. eafeetE, an. 22,V11,I- 1 64- tf 1.1