HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-08-04, Page 171MM FOR SALE.
.) Lot 6, 5th concession, Tnekersmith, tr,
eontainin;rI00 acres, 88 aeres cleared, and
tee(L good bitiblings, n tine large oreharat
(If ,:04sfl, spring Nvater, the land is of the
dity, j44. t etly eican mud in good +•rder. The
hardwood. and has not cultea. It
4flgood gravel road, end uithin Omen
-Village of Seaton:h. one ()f the le•st
kets itt th.• Province. For farther partie-•
v the ; roprietnt on the Frteutises,(pr
Kgruouth Hie Post oftlpe.
_ •.. -,:t
ale, Cheap, two comfortable frame Dwelling
tea eye:weal ett tbes ietta eleasene en tat in
:taigas- t. kiood Tt-to_plars. 1.41,11. Ono-
n-tes is at • 4}ecupie.11, by 3Nfr. ,Tarn,
c-tl.,-21- by Mr. I/. Bowl_ .11.t.).),
tr., sal.:0.2i;t1,:, and ltwic attachel to thou'
int which arc all 1.-cessary conver.Uncies.„
mrft and bird uater, out-latildings.
r ly on the-l•reuuses, or
Es.rc-t.trott (Mice.
,thz Sutv 188-4G
t1 F ctr IPrin113
tLIC cnrtasonable terms. Lot N. S. cou,
c: t.taittiegt4 macs. over 2.; of whieh
.1. e. I to grsss and well f.liet el; Cho
14 Wt 11 ti118.-n-.1 hard -...00d. It is
_en 14Nortle-to Road. 1anar_
(rom anti 13• ruilcs from Clinror;„
, -so w-,-.1sZt Itt rrL itU th? nti5(•l-c
:11 x :a), with ;',4,4*4 ce'lar auti,
the vectisee.
irtikr rartientits al ply to tie. Pteprietor,
in.anis..e. or, tit 14 , ter, ) to Myth, i'. O.
4.CiataP. 7.‘ t No. 6th C met.:•:siort,
ttf •. renoty of Bruev, co4Lt14in-
(11 ultle h an4 cleared, the
in: b... : n and le. No
siza.l. It• xe 1,74, team of
it. it i ; situated v•Ititin
"Lir ‘111..ge of P:dshy,
. -Wt (lay mai '5;r1tee
• s.lortly . If the :vb. rce it L. N....I I for a. t-rra
tGC•.: •.•s. or further -,.artien-
. ifir; • u Ori".I,(1', )774.f trt,h
▪ 1..71. 1W-tf.
:salt •,..Iart-tfart*trers of Orttarlo,
..°..-••.f.;:t.:* .44, cluster tin :••• tit3c, foe
•t•-. • 3.- ntrtii l salt.
r 1... . tt.e
• .. ( tr:-
! Salt.
Till. H. DETT.OT:„
- - - 4
W TIT_ (YA rsoN
(Late of tien.fi rtlat
t -s• info net Cu- luthlic that ho has
d a Grocery Stere, in
s occupied by 21r. John Liertee_
NEAR THE lartfix“:,
E If .x 1 L LE,
Ie wilitke:p eat hand
A comm,nTE 81OCK: op
resh Groceries,
• 1.1tose oi any nth:. r hoiete.
in the trade.
ihcst ( -1\
66,, TT1 t 4,t-
" (`-‘
0- 17 D JiD!
\V r.ls
F Lereteteiviile.
s 4.
.q3EF. SOLD .
at- iterat,2a on. No:la-mt.)
• -e Ise ie • t • ee dee
• • essaiie
• 1-1 :Iva a
••• ••••.:0),eti
*.•. • •
ft _
ainet Maker and
I) ndertal-r_er.
' Prlreha-od Nr. 1-{(111..‘!-;
i t<1 !i••,4•1.641
ti rt. et, t r in t....•-•( CI
"koi.t eoh-tantly ot. hand.
Waremorns :
r. f • eti• juitt ite
" • 1 M. -2( •Main
IM. iwF:TsoN
"Freedom in l'rade-Liberty in Religion-EquaMy in Citil _Rights."
VOL. 4 NO 35.
$1 .504. YEAR, IN ADVANCE:
Zite *inn 6ximator
Trtults.-$1.50 per year in advance, or. .S.2 at the
end of the year.
Advertising notes.
Filst insertion, per line, 8 cents ; uhsquent
8erLiou$ 2 cents each time, per line.
One cohutrn one year -$60 00
•" " 35 00
8 months 20 00
'Ralf " one year 85 00
half " 20 00
LC " 3 months . ....... .... : . 12 00
One-fourth one year 20 00
half 12 00
- "3 months
:One-eighth one year
" • half ......
" 3.inottilis
8 0(:)
12 00
8 00
5 (fil
,13“--1111,...•1/1•L Nlkli., ..”.••••••. • • • X • .... • • , • • --- - - - - ,
•LC. .. half I: 5 00 '
" " 8 months 8 (-•-0-
Advertisements without specificclireetions will
be inserted till forbid, tual charged accordingly. -
iNleLEA:K 112.0.11-1E1iti,
Mtntoo Y. Ment.tx, I . Publishers.
ALLA:: MeLsAl). - j -
il.wg) 1 CAI,. ' ---
7')ATII) miTeirini, lw. D., Graduate of Victo-
u.-' lilt College, Pity:ski:to, •Surgeon'etc.- etc„
er of e County of Huron,
KFX111'10, ONT. -Coronth
chliee and reside:ie.., -e,t Thompson. & Stanley's. • .
t)11- 'W. R. SMITH, Physician, Surgeon, ete.
-I-' 011lee-Opp4site Scutt Robertson's Grocery,
Main, street, Seaford:. , •- 58
. .
_TAMES STEWA43T, M. D., C. 3%I., Graduate o-
'•-' McGill, University, .31-1-l11trenl; Physicitm, -Surf
gt.con, c:tr. 011ice.‘ and Ilesidence-Brucelichl.
I.. YERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician, Sur-
• geon, etc. (Mite li•nd Residence, col:nor of
Market and High. streets, in relu. of Kiztd's store.
rill. CAMPB ELL, Cormier for the County. Office
-1-' and Itesideuce, over Corby's corner store,..111tin
Rtreot,Sea-forth. (Mice hours, -.from 11 to 4, each
rlay. and a11 day Saturday, • ' : 159 ,
Law, Solicitor
g-....7.-:. Money
el) 0 N AID, Barrister, Attorney -at -
in ChaucerS-, Notary Publie,
etc,. Exwreit, Out. .
to Loan at Low Bates. ' 188
t40liciter4. for
the Camula Life
N. B.-1;410,000
Houses and
at Law, Solicitors
Cenv( yancers,
forth .trtcl IVt..e:cter.
Co. of Upper.
Co. of Loudon
contmission charged.
it. HOLMESTED, Barristers, At-
at Law, Solicitors in Chancery 10.141
:.,.:otalies Public and Couveyaneers.
the It. 0.13fmk, Settforth. Agents for
Assurance Company, .
to teed . at. 8 per cent. Farms,
Lets for sale. 53
.. .
IIEIER, Ilarrister:$ and Attorneys
in Chancery and Insolvency,
Notaries Public:, etc. Of -flees -Sea -
Agents for the Trust anti Iman.
Canada, and the Colonial Seettriti(ss
England. Money at 8 per cent. : uo
. 53
It. Nt. e. MEAT:IL
- orriEt4s. .
-1(1\,ZOX'S noTEL, ( T,att._ Sharp's.) The tinde'r-
-1.- tiiglItql ili:i to thank the public for the liberal
patronage awarded to him iu times past, in the
hotel busintNs._, and also to inform them that he lots
(.gain. rt.:mined business in the abovLi stand, where
he will be happy to have a call from old friends,
and man,y 2.1.LW 0114:44. . -
. ._ . _ .... • • - -
B:AT-U.:II EXCHANGE EQTET/, Goderich, Ont.,
•-r- e.t..1-TAXWAV, ProPritt441,,_L ..T.- S. NVILLIAms, (laic
Of, .t.k4 i It Ticau Ift tt el, Warsaw, N. Y.,) Maitager. This
hotel has recently been newly furnished, and re-
Ilned throughout, and is now one of the mo'st coin -
f, yi 4.1.1414.• alld coniltiodioltS in altt_ PI'd4ille41.
.$14111141.e 44.447413 for Commereial Travellers.
t.....-s.e.rIeruls libentl.'
is t scut sti iA N Et) Its.
i .
ce.00laiss-o•s ntseitue and Exchange Chive, in
l•-•+.1 W.- S. 1;t1net1r1i4i4's St.cre, Seaforth. (inset: -
hacks, Anteltictu. S il v. r. and Drafts bought and sold:.
(:0o41Elillit4.1*.b 1•*4.41,4.:s 4.114447.01 latql iLtd 1.1111tI1tibe4l.
191 Agent. -
. .
Otlice-At .3\,111rray'S Hotel, Ststforth. Gooft
31. rtes. and first-elas-tConveyances always on hand.
t.,. 1:ARP'S LiVEllY
always ou had
Horses and Carriages
n :IA reasonable terms.
It. L. 'SHARP, Prpprietor. .
yr t -. I' 1,....1.......m 11....1-n, 4.mi MI cl-
The follis*ing fr
appeal against -the
taking the, waters c
SU p)1; their team.:
and tint ra wtittea at:scrip- ble into bed. about 11 o'clock, as tired a
-ready for parade. A sergeant kindly
man as I ever waS in my life.:
ing,) I am up the Castle Hill, to &lin-
rock. The Castle is full of 'soldiers, and
all is bustle and •excitennent, getting
jewels, Queen Mary's room, Margaret's
the castle, with a, kindness and urbanity
which is gratifying % I next make . for.
burgh Castle, which truly stands upon a
takes me in 'charge, and I ani. shown the
where a Week- mightbe spent to good -ad -
made a life study alone.• I was some-
crotvie sword of state, sceptre, crown
Chapel, Mons Meg, and all the sights of
vantage. The Antiquarian Museum
fl gentlemen, who happened topassdown
upon alot of very ancient helinets, one
wish to. have it understood that he was
potatoes with." And o they continued,
the Industrial Museum, Argyle square,
comes next in order, and could almoSt be.
the hall a little ahead of Me. 'Coming
what amused here' at the remarks and.
ejaeulations of a ,cotiple of American
those weee?' the other, who seemed to
better posted, replied that ',`-they were
had cooked their victuals in' live or -Six
hundred years ago." A very olcl war
of them enquired "What the D ----..I
darned old pots the folks in these . parts
opinion that . it was a " pot -stick to beat
club next attracted attention The post-
ed gentleman at • once gave it as his
Bright and -early, (a beautiful morn -
inot much to my editiM tion, iut greatly
to my amusement., Tlias is allowed to be
the best collection of antiquities known.
I next -made My way to t le- National
galleries of painting and set lpture, and
lost myself 01,011 and Over ag in in con-
templating the beauty and richness of
the doloring of the, one, and the grand
and. bold conceptions of the -other. I
finished my day of sight-seoing in ram-
bles through East and West Prince -
street Gardens, ' - . .
The Glasgow people Say that Edin-
burgh is all very well to look at, &e., but
that they have the wealth tu d. progress,
or, as a Glasgow man put it, "'Edin-
burgh may have the blood, 1 ut we have
the, tallow." sil believe . t ie Glasgow
folks are right, but, so far a • 1 am con-
cerne,d, if 1 had wealth to • spend., and
. wished to enjoy it, 1 would prefer "Auld
Reekie" for my residence: - .
Although progress in its march and
the exigencies of railways la torn down
and altered many old houses and streets
rendered dear te me by old associations,
.yet 1 was rathes - sorry, I mut cOnfess,'
• to bid adieu to Edinburgh. So much of
Scotland's history, its progress and tri.
umphs, are associated with it, that. it
must forever replain delis t the heart
of every true Sclotchman.
"Min MELROSE '1'
AS 1 had made up my mind -to have a
look at England, going by tvayof Ber-
Wick, Newcastle; York and LiVerpool,
and haying friends in the neighborhood
of Melrose, iti Scotland, I took a ticket
for the latter place, going I y Dalkeith
and Galashiels.. .On leaving the valley.
of the Forth, a' rathet• stcr le tract of
country is passed till you rea h the -val-
ley of the Gala Water and Tweed. 1
caane Off the cars at the toe rri of Gala-
eldelS, a, bustemanufaeturini place with
some' 10,000 inhabitants. ,nd walked
to within a mile of Melroee, o the home
of an aged relative, a nephetV of Sir Wal-
ter Scott's famous gamekeeper, Toni
Purdie. My a,ged friend, w 0 has been
-a fisher and a keeper of fish ries, on the
Tweed,- for some fifty years, gave me a
hearty wercome, and 1 made p my mind
to rest and be thankful for a few days. ,
• Melrose Abbey is the great •st curiosity
here, .and 1 has e spent a -ileasant day
among the oldemine, and in and about
tilt cicala, sat g, 'romailtic old to wn
of Melrose. , In Melrose 'Abbey . lie
buried many f the old. 'notables of
sco timid, amp. g others Mi. shad Seett,
the magicime• • many of the 1 hmit-
laeees, &G. Jill heart of 1 ing Itebert
: Bruce is also it terred here. The varied
riel ness of th s enttines and carvings
ant statuary of the old :tali 1 is almost
past belief and is a standing wonder of
'entre:1y a ittliblit, like an ade- the age. , -
, .
se ppree a e ans. um e. itood. , 41)130iST ORD.
1 also spent a half day .at _Abbotsford,
. T . the creatiott and. home . of Sir -Waller
ne in, ht in Glasgow, and I move or,
per rail, f sr "Aid( ilteeleic," the capital Scott. it IS kept in beautiful order by
Sir Ho ie Scott who married Sir Walter's
m the Scotsman, is an
ieople of Edinbargh,
f ,Sts Mary's Loch to-
t .
1 -Ant is it irue ? And will they•oome
V ith pick and s 1
aee endow •ow,
To lig a grave ben satit the hill
For thy dear wa srs, Yarrow ?
Where Stott az4 A tnalsworth. .sang the
songs .
• Who'se echoes -hi -el axe ringing;
The valley where " the Shepher" heard
His deathlesa ". -ylark " singing,
' 1
Oh,' touth. it not; i fills the heart
With emories Oat harrow,
To think that we s tall hear no more
- Thy babbling me tic, Yarrow.
1 1 -
Anotletv ry step
tusk 1 ed in Bo
Here, sae ecl to a 1
Ainetthe ,e, to
1 Wahlehie•el
, iest-kni• h t in Yam w
vn by Bcnchar'sdowie 110111111S,
-I '0.1.1 figh, lag on the bloody sivard,
411 foi .i.s " witherne marrow." .
W.4ere Ceeklmi n's vid.ott- sat beside
, .
Her murdered et -ii sveeping,
" 1 he mear upon 1 is yellow hair "
Her :weina•n's, firesers heaping.
holy ground,'
ler story
.er's Vows,
W ere Mitrgaret and.; her lover fled -
On ;ringing hoofs behind them roared
ielaek .1 Oughis *lithe seven
-9 heir Mad apoet Vto heaven -
, e ,
WI ere no a sticam that glides between
(Iry so .lis and his sses lwary,
But sewn to bablte to the air
The bill den of its to *Y.
The Lake ! oh, let . litot that be made
. • thing,of tiipes -and sluices ;
Let somet ling L r beauty's -sake,
minx d. with 1 a er uses. •
Still let it livein fel Cy s heart,
• Ai haun for hap Y fairies,
Au 1 mak .1 no -Wre el ed. reservoir -.
lone 8 ▪ Mery's.
f level
Dis t thbit ia• silent deep,
a or yet its glcanlieo Shall ay t
0 ,
Th heilv illy rest on its breast,
r he men:epos h thews.
Th plaee 's.more
. \\theta ve been
Fol we have 1iYed
Its win era and ts
Oul Lathe s', Mot].
p us than you,
>nett, °diners ;
Ir. lives in
graves are there,
nd th se aro ti ings:that bind us •
law as the rs, onr ,and it shoula be
k or the e we ea e behind. its.
We keel- t vh Nip were young,
ud t4. t setsllai ory sighing,
For now; vith bate about our knees,
` he val ey aylim ve'ae dying.
Oh, touch i not ! 1 hit it be
• ,
s inti. re has a r yed it,
As oftem g time sanctified,
ad' pc ts' tam; ade it.
A N ale wl ere word 1 -weary feet
1\ ay col us to res eroaan. ;
WI are lov as found so much,
ed we have 'loll 1_ a home in.
- A. 'Visit to .fteot a 'id After Twenty-
ili inist, 3.74! IS' abseasee.
CO7 respon. Jena of fr le .11uron. Expositor.
Nr._ u mimeos , sseo tans, *tete II; ists
ii . " ' •
. A y las' left ins a long the Garrick
-Hi S. N sx1;day, I keit for a trip among
the Highl ad Loel S 'au lavatering-alacea,
toil skim; • t Roth say, Exiled', Dunoon,
Kiln, Itil Min, Go treek and Dumbarton,
fiai :Mug t p a. long il Ly. s• sail at the great
Bal 1 of t Tele, Oh ros T-. Of the. rugged
gra akar ,, lid sublini beauty seen in twit-
lon g slumber day's sail, 'I have not time
to peak .; in fact, niy feeble pen is very
--•e i- -
far from itapia et nal to the taek-, even
did time permit ; Suffice it fur me to say
it. is etsnera y tinderstood that p.0
11 seen ry can bd 86(11.1 anywhere in
t Can
qui te idea of it -"---it mudt- be seen to
I t (1. ' 1
• itha
.) 4. 6
may Tiok AgenH
t, oughton's Hotel, oppoitc
,t4.4444 4444. 1.0
G. T. Itailw tv Station, Seaforth, Ont. Through
Tickets Ishii( cf. tO 11111.44illt44 ill all, WettL4,171-1 .Stiat
aeolitrilia Rea lira River. at reduced rates, titian -tit;
tbc grt.atest facilities to 1:;Tnigrants. All necessar
information ,:i.vetc. ressoecting Land Agencies; etc
Grocadatrks, Bonds, Coupons and. 1111C11111.11A )1wiey
001,1 and SRN tit Coin, bought and. sold at best:liter
-17TIENTISTR3.-3'. 0. 1111 L, (Licentiate of Deo
ttti gurgcrv,1 begs to announce to the inhalti:
tanfs of Seaforih and s.urr aulding country, Putt hI
Itts opened au (Alice for the practiae of Dinta
).44nzery in the room44 fermerly occupied .by ()coll.(
Harris, Dentist, where herit1 be prepared to do :d.
kinds (yf work 'expected. of the profesSion in a FldiS
faCtury MILLIIIt'r 4411•11.:11SolltklAil W111114. . 186
(--t CO(IPEll, Conveyanwr, Commissioner it
• Queen's Bench, Insurance tuul General Agent
Agt itt for tht. following Fin., rife and At..cidelit
surano. Compal.ies : Beaver and Toronto -Mu
tnal and the NVesteru Fire lusttrative Co,utinutivs
titt. Itolitutee Life A,,,:urtmee, •the Hartford. A.0
cM.-11:- helix:Mee Ceinpan.
.-NloIN EY Tit 1.0.1.N on reel (-slate st.eurity.
Allot lers i)v :nail or otin rt promptly attentl
DDIN;331:1:0 I.
esti_ ie, th B •itish I.tailroad svill giant -( mtg. ere . p easan
. g
ear y you the distance be-
: able geettleman ts in attend. eee to show
'tNV th
r a
1.44 euty Minutes sixpence is thaaged. _To gis e idea of
SODIG' 413
t WO ,eit
011'e 110
I thiek,
stett aud 11
five ot
th uola f ee: eall the aparthnents to visitors, for whilih
a 4.• Me twelve differ- how mauy visit -n.4' come lune, I am in-
s o pale,
ina -nod connee- formed. the -En ranee mone e amount to
. 4-4
r . somethi.ne like .'1", itl0 per al num.. There.
tio s e • r wiways. At Silt; 1 ,•
o snuld see
b 1it
. is a. line colleeti 111tof an tiq
lace,oc4urse, 444 4",
.L.ii had etonit of illeut 11
f hieote amI.soee
(lONV Mand was more nerested
timei 111
44 '44S4
a f hot es 111 til ( ld histotie towns of family pictures presents to
and. especially ivith the last
Fa kirk 4 nel isinlithite 4, but the passing
ies here, but
the libra ry,
Sir \Vatter,
)en lie used,
nee 1 ..btained tC1tiIine .that this mit the last paper le wrote 11 4011 and the
a rte4' Tailor seet 'etts• h nies t1 l.
nd narrow - st"
tsto.oe;:Teeterlistsrets rMainasot e
clothes he wore. Amg toe tires-
• -186-tf
1.10V'S pUrSc, Flora Mae -
n clue time,' NV ' are Whislte:1 into the NaPoleon-,
-it: Princ, st ieet, Edinburgh,' and. snuff-liox -hich belong -el', to 1 tobl e
„et ma dap leA•to .Buriie. The gi ()mule and Jawns in and
Ile vine- tut t
ATETE111.N.AltY SI E() N. -FRED. COOK), If
Y 11FI.Alcit:1•1•would f-t!ly inform tie. ;told:
that b.c. ha-) taken un his :c•nre. in the illztg.•
lieboore, where he will be happy to at tiaid to al
.4'0114 1.01.1V 011 hill& ill 41:44 prort•sr44111411.vartriTs.y. Mi
Coon has attended to $e..eral t.ases a both. horse
and eat ale u Web were .0: tat up bv other practitioner
t•itt•eCe. I perfect cures, hich can 'he Ilroven b.;
certificates signed 11:-. co.er gt alletnetn. PO'
4 set. po-zuer4.
Mr. COOK- will attend AinIeyville in the fore
etea aue it the Town 1'3.tt, in the Towitsitio
4r' -y, in th. latter:loon of the first and third T1.-1.38
-DAY of tacit month.
• (Mentla r (4 the Ontario Vt.terilutry College.)
begs to intiniat,• to the inhabitants. of iStatfort
_ sot -rounding 1'0111.01T, that he has opened. tt
Oniee -s•-afeettli, when- he may ltu cabsalted. pe1-
.. nally or by Iczt. r, the Oisleitsf !,=1 ..ttorses, C:,•_ -
e!... tr.v. 144-44 a regtflar and prartie. 1
Ineation. and Lit4 14en 11141 Diplom
of the tel ittarv Co:1•,0. ot Ohtani), ,f. hurcht 1
ircc every' conildt-tief• f. 1-,tAlefactIon to 1: 1
14 • • 1,
cen.su F., --A. :fluith, Y. S. Principal 0119 -
; Profe.sor Ducldami.
rilarit. Dr. 1;.- v.. 3. and - Vc't M. D., Ls.: V...
.Vet- keit.e•-• r<.r.s-ttantly c•tt hand.
prohn,tly att, col...1 to.
uu nunte its. Th v:a‘i ne-xt , Cheviot !till ralpre. Al lost direetiy
- 1 (1.1"M1.-;iril 88
(tonal(' s sock tboele c
t in A N orbit Britien 1
sp: cenie s ate
. f about ak.libotsf( rd, down to
Sp nel, in the city i omens. a matter o
time are kept bee itiful
801 le cid ulation
e, ,
as eo oe apy it -ems best auvantage. It BORDER SCENE
• COVIC usimi ar -tel at is to spend. oue To get a go . (1 -view of the country, I
the Tweed,
(la r t streans na !the ether in the ; up, on.. fine clear • fternoma on
118. )11. go for IBA"- the braes on the north side of the
- a , a ion •
sti• et, t Cow e' ;b1.1e Ciumoueate. - t htlf wt.y •tween Mil
k .1 1 1' Ie. a• 1 • • ,
Ike e, dly tent t taeate A rth ar s front, you hav s the 'Tweed 111 it narrow
tal inG- -a 100 a he root as., te, • e. /est: aiill Gal, shiels. At -our feet, 111
8 1 I ire ne lot anie ; up the Cal- • 11 • rttl to the left Nielrose • ;to
LAC, )11 ( 1 , N (.( , ,
to' !fill, erminel er ag a the right, Galath iele. Ate, in the fill.'
Scott, i
you has
-Wealthy manufacturers, of Galashiels;
then the town itself, nestling in the deep
hollow, and in that direction the eye is
lost in -6lie distanee away in the valley of
the Gala. In short, the valleys of the -
Tweed, the Ettrick and the Gala, are all
before; . This, with Nature dressed
in her
ow in nutes' at eleon's. end. Burns" "distance, to the South, you see the
re• cited; awl P '1 IsOs,•s-street paraded e oppoeite, with 111 elrose. at teeir feet, and
from on end t 'Other ; then tlei aee almost, you thine, withine ynur grasp,
Ce t the top cf alter 'Nel 11Z.
lin Mune it, frOth. sph,in!id
is obtai (ed. Nk hole cite. Other
pa -ts ot the pent town are seen ; then
utett Leith. :Ind ;
I, -}i0; eithstancliee-e0;eeiderabits tels
• • . . aniltsev" r i`e. te -
t'111, r:..e.chat 'lute! rSt;aft.:1111. 161 eh, an e J= Z .*
stand tbe Eildon trills. T the r g
:thew, and. low dosvie slanting tie the
1. weed. as it gruws 1:13-.4er, haviii•;.;
by the Ettrick, whi 'It' has eonie
do \N it the 4101.P glen. far ii-ethe s
•leferd, ei ver. d grism plants:,
weeds, laid (Jut by siir Waite r
n growl*, as the. British and
troops stpod on the field of Wat-
Further round. yet, to the right,
e the splendid residences of the
ayest attire. and a trails of tars
r, now and then, along the Valley,
out here and there among the
trees and folia,ge, make up an exquisitely
beautiftil picture. -
I hakre been trout -fishing in the
Tweed, and have -tried intf hand a few
times a shooting on the 'eying, on the
Moors, but I am not a success at either.
I must now move on, although 1 think 1
would ahnost like to remain here all my
days. . 1, ,
The weather has been a litIle more
broken Of Pate, and there has &ea a se-
vere thUnder-storm and! heavy ram and
hail to the north of this. The farmers
.are all !busy making hay. Crops look
well. Them ,are soine beautiful fields of
wheat down. the Tweed. The general
()pillion, however, is that 'hay and oats
will be ight. Roots premise wellt-
He LOVE; .Sr,
ChmIch Union.
To the ilitor of the llama Expositor.
- Srla, Under the above breading, I no-
ticed I your iSsue of the 1 4th of July
au arti le purperting to opine from. the
pen of "A Wesleyan Mothbdist," in Hal-
lett, am being jealous for tie fair fame of
the W sleyan. Churck 1 ani. unwilling
that sh should be maligned, even. y a
profess 1 member.
"A Vealeyan Methodist," after his
well de. erved mice:Muni on the zeal and..
success of our Presbyterian friends,
turns with 11111011 jtidieial assumption to
the Cat rch of which he professes to be a
membm, and. proclaims iti"his very first
statern lit' his titter unre iabiltyt as an
expone: t of the sentimen s or doings of
that Much either in its clerigs or
laic rep aii:entatives. He saVe : " Buethe
very. 41 st step taken by the Wesleyans
product al the. hope of obtaining the eon -
sent of ninors to a, union."' The first step
taken b the ,Wesleyane iv s the aepoitit.
inept o a Committee. Wthout restrice
tion to onfer•with sithilia y appointed
Commi tees of other branches of the
Methoc ist Church, on a, basis of Union.
ioe. 'OW, if "A -Wesleyan ;Utithe. '
dist" lad comb out in his , • true
eharact a- as. the representative Of the
miners, I should. ha -tie asked him whether
his pro egos were so extremely dignified
as to b s incapable of entertaining any
proposi ion except its origination was
with th enselyes ? But as he is a Wes-
leyan A cthodist 1 must forbear.' 1 -lis
next st tement is '"fhe programme init
forth b them (i. e. the Wesleyai s) as a
basis , t once destroyed all hope, and.
howeve • auxions many of those persons
:Welt: .fa union they could not sterifite
for it t le privileges- and advent ges of
laye re]; resentation." Now, sir, I am
eonvin ed. that one or other of two
things s true. concerning " A IV sleyan
Methoc ist." Either he is a pitat , sail-
ing: Under false colors, or the purse-
qtrings Iso feelingly alluded to by 1 im are
in hisAse kept se closely tied as to pre -7
il-entlin from takiiiii thee. organ Of his
eywn Ouch; or owning a copy of the
disciplite of that Church ; as bis rtiele,
from prolegmnimary to peroration,
evinces the most colisurnin ate igt orance
of botl the latvs and 'the -preccei ings of
the Wcsleyan Methedist Church. .As to
the: pu ting forth of a program 0 br
them, he Wesleyane havo put fir th no
progral ime yet, cousequently they . can -
114)11 hey e 1.1. 01111(41 coneemina ion so
ardent y desired by " Weeleyan Mah-
dist," • nil as for lay repreeeittatir In, the
Confer awe to a man voted for it hi be-
come a
part' of the constitution of the
. . .
-t 1 ethodiet Church of Canada, n the
only;e niclition, that our people should
give i p the veto power whic 1 they
now' i ossess, giving them the p wer te
pram) - the enactnient of any law in any
way changing or al tering the constitution
or doet rifles iif the Chnreleto th disad-
vantag s. of the laity. This, how e eer, let
me say for the information, of a •" Wes-
leyan 1 ethodiet," was se highl prized
by the lay Menibors Of COMMitt (4..s who
-were p •esent (men who know the•i power
and. co isequently do hot prate ab mt the
-want ( f it,) that they positively d selared
they 1 'Mild 11011 give it ep for th myth
of Rep neentation ill Con femme. And
if " A Wesleyan Methedist" will only
epen his purse stringe suffiCiently m-ide
to astrr it of a few cents creeping( nt and
will in :est them in a book, (of tl.e exis-
, teoce c f wbiell he seems to be un: ware, )
' called "The Deetriees and Discilline re
the AV sslevitu Methodist -( "hri in Ca-
na( a, and will. read. mark, le:
inwari ly digest- ite eentente, - e will
have :to in -'le such crude and um
netiont troth him as th'oec whie lave
: 11 s 1 for the administration of t1is mild
remon •trance. as ho Will fol'l thi
things eunnt ctral with the Doetri les and
1 ii,FA.tip hie of the ( liureh no eba lee can
be ma e by the f 'onferenee, 111114.55 two, -
1 thirds Of the Quarterly Boards •oneist-
• ing me an average of at least ten lavinvn
to one minister) consent to that ihangis.
And, t 118 consent is given where clerieal
know nothing of the m tter personally
or otherwise, only as I find. it in an ar-
ticle that has- not one other accurate
statement on it. and consequently I
put it down as a &tic brother of the
"big brothers" that have wane before
and offer. no explanations or com-
ments, inasmuch as pan too well ac-
quainted with the geittlemanly char-
acter of the Chairman td believe that be
would. snub anyone without pretty good
Ainleyville, July 31st, 1871.
The Chairmanship. -of Boards of
At their first meeting, then Board of
Examiners of the County of Perth had a
slight breeae regarding the aPpointment
of their chairman. The following, is a
repeat of the proceedings and discussion
which took place, as reported_ by the
"The question of the chairmanship,of
the Board. came Up. Rev. Mr. Macpher-
son moved, seconded by Rev. - Dr.
Waters, that Rev. Mr. Patterson, who
was chairman of :the Board. of Public In-
stiaction, be chaitman. Rev. Mr.
Qroly moved in amendment that the In-
spector, Mr,. Alexander, be chairman,
Mr. ()rely stated that he made this Mo-
tion, inasmuch as clause 22 of the in-
structions of the Council of Public In-
struction to inspectors; 'declared that
'the Inspector shall aeit as chairm au. of
the Board,' and because also 'that by
, virtue of his office he -was inade the
ienedium of communication bet -Ween the
Board. of Examiners and the -COuncil of
Public Instruction. Bev. 'Mr! Crely's
motion had no - segonder. Rev. - Dr.
Watei•s replied that. the -position assign-
ed. to the Inspector by the School Aut,
which governed. these . Matters, was
simply that of an ex-oilieio member of
the Board, and there was nothing M. the
Act which. could be construed into mean-
ing that be should. be the chairman.
Hitherto tbe ExaMining Boauls had ap-
pointed their own ,chairmen, and for the
Council of Public Instruction to assume
to appoint the inepectots chairmen was
to net vitra, Vire. lie Wished. it to be
distinctly ;underetood; however, that
there was nothing personal in his objec-
tion to Mr. Alexander,- and that they
were simply asserting their elahn to a
privilege which belonged to them as a
Board. Thu motion was thee put and
carried, appointing' Rev. Me, Patterson
chaitman, ana the Bou adjoutned.
After the abiourement, -Ir. Alexander
telegraphed Rev, .11re Ilyeason tar -infor-
mation how to act, and received a reply -
calling Open him to act aceording to his
instructiens. Accordingly, on Tuesday
morning, he took the c; rant Whereupon
the folloWing, minute 'was directed to be
entered -upon the records e---
" Mr. A lexaaider having submitted to
the Board ra telegram from the Chief
Seperintendent in the following terms::
--ts No chairman legal bat the Comity-
4eetor, -according to regulations- and
structions euthmized by lame No other
will be recognized. -You are the only
member of theboard reeponsible to Gov-
ernment for care and use of its papers
Aid execution of its instructions.'
The Board having , considered the tele-
gram, declened to recede from the poei-
ton which it had taken in 'regard to the
appointment of its chair:Man, but in order
that the :examination might not be
strueted, they agreed to est the 01(2111111184 -
tion proceed, after a -denting a protest,
-which hes been forwarded to the chair-
man of 'the Council of Pubile-
tion." •
A load of new wheat was gromia
Brantford this year on the 17th of July,
-The Brantford Fall Races will talee
place, on Tuesday and 'Wednesday the
1 91.11 and 21Ith of September.
-Mr. Itobert Keen of North Oeford,
has corn, the stalks of: which measure
eine feet ten inches,
it,oy,:if Areh eemis, of 811.
Marys, are about lb petition to have a
Chapter established in that town.
Dining the wei:k ending 2611h Jnlit,
8,113 barrels of crude oil, 56:1 of refintil,
and.600 of distillate Were shipped from
Flaiiherty, of Lietowel, has a
C1841) apple tree Wiii1;11, has on it anii e
a lave; quantity of liol.14 bloseonit and
fruit. Itatlier astraiiees pheneniellon.
' -Last Week' a vonne: had, son of Mr.
Thennes Adams, of \VItt)azioek kic'h-
ed on the ]wan let a herse, which • was
grazing on the road el 10. 1.113 Skill]. Was
1 tat_lly ‘fraetrtri .
_A ba -e nieteh was played in
Granton on floe 2tte, between the Venlig
Bitneieks of that piece. and the A lb-J(131s
of Lucan, resuaine in favor of the latter
by 1St rune.
- -The 000 deben tures lately ieseed
by tlie :County ef lewitioten have bet 11
11s:rel.:es:ca1 by Blivitie & Ahsxamier,
t iri all Torente, at a premien: Of p• r cent.
1 The loan only bears Si). per cella
-Mr. William E1.gle:4 01
commenced to CAlt hPai-, 0)1 t lit: 1 1.P:11
of .1111V, and it turned out. epteelidlee
Tie thinks it di:tile:IA if any f trnier ii
Cams -la comment:Re (taping- so ea:ly,
- -11 is rum, mad that. the towesirire
con iin is ing t he est li Riding of ?.‘: icidiesea
eloqn nee ,is least, likely to •sw
nulem int, viz : in a Ceurt wh
Mints er is CI:airman. -The
1 he wi 1 find that on all on
unites of Fnianee there is 01
man each neiteiter. , And as
; appal tment ef 1-11
1 1 1 t find that thr liniztter
1 ,)
1.1f1A 11'0 or)Wer ill) more nal' noini-.
nate, wet that it it elaiiie eith
the e:oss. to appreve before the 1-11 peeit-
• ment }-ail lie mule.
eein; thie nese (-4 the Londesb 'l'o 'ir-
.,: eau ieni tee fel- 7i-rinstn, let 1.1.1 say
streets of that towu until the water sup.'
iallintpreorye.ed. and a steam fire _engine
-There is a report in eircniation in;
Toronto that Mr. Sandlield ltlacelonahle
is feeling his way, with the desire of
calling the subject of his old dislike, Dr.
Egerton Ryerson, to the Government, as,
Minister of Public Iestruction.
-Mr. Benry Baker's carriage anda
blacksmith's shop, corner of Wellington'
and Patrick streets, Stratford, wa.'S.
t.alI3aoi od;.estroyed by like -(.)11:N1 outlay nig-ht,
the 241111 ult. Total loss $i000, insured
-OA Wednesda,y night, the 261111 niter
as a man named Lancia was attempting
to crosset,he .Ititi,gara, river to Navy .f.se
lend in a. small boat he was carried to..
woad the falls and swept over, and. noth-
ing kas since been heard -of him,
-Mr. William Icirk, of the township
of Caradoc,•ollered for sale in the London. -
market, oh Friday last a quantity of
oats of this years' growth. The oats were -
of the white potato variety and had been
cut on the Monday previous.
-An influential resident and= official,
in the -township of Norwich has been
charged by a young gid whom he had
working for him with attempting to com-
mit an indecent assault upon her. rhe
case b as been tried before the magistrates,
and the official' committed to stand his'
trial. •
--The Coroner's jury on the Stratford,
murder case returiied a verdict of
lid murder against Morris Hagerty, and!
he was accordingly committed to gaol tor' .
trial Two of the jnry refused to agree
to this verdiet, as they contended that;
it should be mansleughteri
--Mr. Charles Artiohl, of Paris, has a
cherry tree which yiehled this year over
nine bushels of chetriee. The profits from
the fruit of this tree sold this year,
amounts to t w en ty-fiese dollars. It is
now sixteen year's since the tree was
planted, and during that time Mr. Ar-
nold has' sold over ,S1 50 worth of cherries
-1'he. St Mary's A seas Iearns that on
the evening of Wednesday the 26th nit.,
as the express was pr 420011111g to London,.
and While passing nude • the Queen Street
bridge, that a stone w s thrown by some
person on the bridge, enterina the ear
,Ivihdow and striking a lady, 'who ready -
ed severe injuries ther sfrom.
--One of the most remarkale feats
in the history of ra Imading was ac-
complished by the stair of the Great
WLstern ltailwky, on Friday last. In ono
hour and fifteen minutes the gauge of the
Galt and Guelph bruuel.l and the W. G.
& 13. Railway, 60. miles in extent, was
I changed from the. old 3 -feet 6 inch ga,uge
to 4 feet 8 inches.
--Anthony 1)11 113' was caught stealing a
bottle of whiskey from the bar of
Steele's: hotel, at Alma, last week, and
on being eindlengvd with the theft he
threatened_ veneeance. A watch wee
tkept on his movements, and he was ob-
served to go to one of the stalls in the
stable, btrike a inetch and set fire to the
straw. 11 e s as immediately arrested
and committed fur triel.
--In the township of Orillia, a few
days ago, a youlig man named Banks met
a sudden death. 1 le :had been aseisting
to Clear the lel for r. Edmondeon'e
new sasamill. The 1114•11 11)111 just droppe(l
work and started for luene, when a par-
tially burned Aro; suddenly Id, and
killed. Banks and the horse which heaves
ridiog. Deceased was about 22 years of
--The following is a stateMent of tilt
Vost (=flies: Sas Mee Bank a.ceount for
June, 187 1 : Is the hands of the Re-
ceiver General, 31et May, 1 87 lett2,3 -
307. e Itiseciatel horn depositors. during
nue, $1 90.3'17. Aestrued Wrest in ad
principal on the 3 -0th of Jaw:, $74,09. 50,
WithdraWal elieques paid during -lune,
$1 1 1,0 1 5 46. • in the hands of the. lie-
V(':iver Geltural on Inc 30t1 -t of dil310,$2,-
.()-tha, 22114 ult. ,a youth namedMon.
tidal), lies the employ rof Mr. Andrew
Griffin, of Eranotea, vault to a sudden
ticath whiletibetieeing with a !iingieborsto
met harrow in a 1AlI43Viii.:14.1 lLioI),Iflg t()
that gentleman. It appeitrs from the aii-
.cmint iaven- titI th-tt ithe lad was on thi2.
ba youl4k colt of fiery tem-
perzonent - and en a toile:tine, to gt:t eir
1)..cao..e t nlitugled harue.-'s, and was
throe n dies when the barna- pastsed
over and so Illyircoi g.i to CaUSJ 1111-
t1:;tart;11:1; and h't*,113 of t ir. James
1 it.b1ron, of 1:11.4•!/,h. foiwnship, -Awe
I •
11; _;.• 1,1.1,4 1
11 :1,1el,;,3•;(2:11
a• le a ein. eli ego, 21 t 1 gii•keen hail no :es
tanttein t 4 • the aSair tili ri ttlf
41,11141' 34 1 hie 1)11n
a beep • 1 141 1 th tt 1.11.- • 11..!:14 1.1 the
ere is a 1,1 cry, i..111.4
to an me, ncjar.:.
born. uh:Y:i
1:11e Yow.r, w]til 4" qi•N;akralilit
WC) it
lc 5110.yeci,
• --Tot nrttla *ors
1,111.4, 414 114:(3e 1-
; 4.11 1:1,.'t I V4 1121.• j
and tae
tine: I 'fleet: en le 4.1 • re •eiier to eat
a ilea:ell r.t!ts 1.r'11
meee: ialei4114 hi • vvr, it so !r8t
a.' re tO 140 Set apArt for regisrr2, jell ;,-)...vN.,
aflain • /13 i 1 ; t . T - '1- li w • 14-
:mi. t:iat the (Ake will he im...sto'wv,..1 , , .
e lay- . 1!,,-.; 3)4110'.1 .ti)i:%.i (1!:...1.,, Teunti. 7:3 St)
te tee . --(*,11 Zr.:•.:ty ...t.-, .1., ,..,...ei !.....,.. 4:4,1-.1 ten • ..,:„4:1.....,;11,,,-.
1 1 ; 1 1 t• 1;ti1 ; 1
.”1_ -1 f. : V'8)''. steeekter (if .1 %nice - Beet awl 1-, (If - ','*.i- nnt.,Ir`,1 -1 1. he. i t ni:n;i,..1 f!..r
it : , •
is .% .
V4.":1,1-: 1.1.r.lr L.:. • on 1:•.: rigtil Ls
:•11.1.:1;1.1Lx 1..../2 .4. „Itt At (.1,10=
• t • . • • '4. 111,:ntf{ird
V; lilt w.. 1.4,•
x 1..41 j)
.*.i.!.) It .1 1 .44 4 •
a a.6 a • . 411
• ))• 1. .),111..))• 1)) it t..l• 1 11")):4 •S
C(1111- - 011. .Nir. W. (;.
NV: Oanird, had her ell. ess Sitste ea •
and her artt: broken a
C.o'i\V 14013t by ieseeg
ree 4141.33 ,4/F.-' 14
othc r (
to their 84_f.)) 11 Pete
;on e and
:rom bee
• Pro • itt
' 1 1 , V.4-3 1.11P \'8*144 (11 ;e1
ttW the ; (i):: y. et - 4 13. i.e.. nei•gei
I it.
• v :••:9 (N). Th.:
(,•• 1) ,• 1111)(1.
.11 f • . t : MAI.) 11 4:1
3331111,1:1._Q311e aey let ee, '