HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-07-28, Page 8e
JULY 28•, 1871,
mon txpooiter.
Agricultural bhows and Fairs.
The South Huron Agricultural Soeiete-'s Fail
thow will be held at Settforth, on. Tinu:sday and
Friday, 21st and 22nd September.
The North Riding of Huron Agricultural soetete
Pall Show will be hold. at Clinton on Tuesday and
Wednesday, the 19th arid 20tti
h ne's of September.
The Stephen and Usborne Agricultural Society
Fell Show will be held. at Exeter, on Monday and
Tuesday, the 2nti and 3r4 days of (pewees.
The Pall Show of the Howick Branch Agricue
tared Society will be held at Gerrie, on. Wednevidaen
Out. 4,
The Central Fair will be hold at Hamilton, on
the 4th 3th and 6th of October.
The Western Fair will be held at Loudon, from
the 26th to the 29th of September.. •
• The Provincial Exhibition will be held at King -
ton, on the 25th to the 30th of SePtember,
The North rea•th Agricultural 8ociety's Fall Rhow
*ill be held at Stratford, on the 5th and Oth of
Octeber. •
The South Perth Agricultural Society's Show
will be held at St. Ilarys, on the 3d and 4th of -
torer. •
The Halbert 13ranch Agricultural Society's Fail
Xter iu be held at Steele, on 10th October.
T- HANKS. -Mr. Nathaniel Cousins, of
tuelcei smith, has placed us under obliga-
tions to hint for a present in the shape cf
a basketful of very fine cherries. Many
thanks, friend 001-1SiDS.
CRICKET. -We learn that -a Cricket
match will be played between the See -
'forth and Brucetield Cricke-ters, on Moa -
day next. Wideets to be pitched at one
o'clock p. m. An interesting game is ex-
exicted. -
Gook) Wanx.r.-We were shown a few
days ago by Mr. Duncan, of Eginonh-
ville, a very fine specimen of Treadwe 1
wheat, grown on his place, adjoining the
corporation of Seaferth. Mr. Dunce
intends disposing of this wheat for seec
Ttfe BEST YET. -Mr. William Welke
of Seaforth, left with us ,on Thursda:
last, a peck .of Early Rose potatoe, ,
-which aie certainly creditable to In
gardening skill. They were planted -di
the th of, May, and are the largest zin I
most handsome we have seen this year.
meeting of the teachers of the Count
will be held in the Central School, God-
erich, this (Friday) evening, at save
O'clock. The object of the meetingeis_ t
re -organize the Teachers' Association,
and appoint delegates to the Previa& 1
-We have been requested to state tha
• during the absence of Mr. Love, Secre
tary of the above Society, all parties re
•qeiring to communicate with the So-
caety, will please do so through the 8ec
retary pro tem, Mr. G-. Kdevin Cress
wells Egmenclaille Post Office.
. .
amination of eteachere in this County
under the new School _Ace, commenced a
Goderich on Monday last. 'We und.er
110;alla that ninety -Si( applicants preeente(
themselves for certificates. Of this num
bee only unto were for second class, an
eighty-seven for third.. The papers ar
said to be pretty difficult and it is ex
pected that more than one will have th
misfortune to be plucked."
Ietehees-g OF SALA R.Y. -We are please(
to learn that the efficient end laboriou
services of M. P. Bays, Esq., Manage
eaf-the Seaforth Branch of the Royal
nadien Bauk, have been recognized' awl
rewarded by the authorities of the
institetion, by a. substantial increase n
salary. This is the best possible evie
taco that Mr. Hays' services in behalf o'
the inetitutiou he reptesents hate: beci
duly and. juistly appreciated:. We fee
cenfideut that every bueinees man
S'eaforth will coincide with us when- we
say -that the respect and. esteem cam -
tained for itly. Hays- by our citizen
generally, i3 quite equal to that in whit.: it
.he is held by his employees.
Fee x. -Flax- harvest has DOW co
- 'acetic(' in m.zely parts. The arc
e.x.relleut, and farmers who hava
this yeter tried it `or the first time, pro•
_11 oweee the experiment a profitable •-eee
For the guidance of those who -have no
yet, hareeeted their Rex, we eublieh the.
followiag directioue :---" Flax :. is • ripe
when the first ceptedes of the pleat turn
yullowidi browI1 and the lower leave
fall, anti should thee be palled. In
health y-gootl..erewth of flax the stalk _ f
• the plant es it-japproaches ripenese turn-
, a whitish yellow, and you cannot fait t
know when it is ready fur harvestieg ;
but iu poor gravetli the eleille remains'
green keg after the capsielatsaIitui I
brewah t'lax ehould be pulled before it
• gent he ripe that the -cepeeles make
reetkiee ze,eiel as you walk among 1
It elent Id li hound iii buneles four Welles
in die:tete; under the t.aud, kept even.a t
the litateeed, •aud iiet in. round thoe„ke c f
tee c lee leuelles each, anl. left. oe.
the .(.41 011 DA UtlUIfalfilidiellt,ly OAT •ft'r
• three:ewe ; then ae mauy ef the ..ernit
sheavt s tied iheo one laree one tis e
come:Ins for handlieg ;. haul in as soo
et inch:idly dry, xi Jone-centinued. net
10-'1' meth' iejure. it. -lit Wo.t
keel) litt3e Well :Atli bee • th;Lti, IA t;
e, ands do not get clueely. matted t -
gether and. .mould." -
Board c f Examiner3.
The Board of Examiners forthe
• ty et Been met at lioderieleon Alontla
last. Present J. Re chairmen
Metern Deaver, Nay and Preetou. Cott
nmateetien fiaon D. .11 Ritchie. Esq
resiening the Seeretate-sh;p of.the Boar
was ea[, IS hen it WaS .111041..11 1 •
•-Ray, seconded I iy Mr. inewan that 'Al 1
A:Sig:it:thou be accepted_ an 1
- fyled,
Moveti li;ef Mr. Preeton, seconded b
. Mr. Dewar, and. reselved. that th
Boiled at its Iiretenentieg desire to recor 1
that Itieln aeureeiation of the )(mg' an 1
• vahlablo. strviee6 -of Woh Ka)", Esti-, 1\
A., Chairmen, and, D. If,
the Secretary of the late Boierd -of Ruhr
anstruetion of this Coutity.-Catriet
Alueed by Mr: Dewar. seeeeded by Mi.
Printer, tied iesiolved, that as • le 1.
[Ritchie, Esq., the efficient Socretery f
tho late Board of Public Instruction,
intimated_ hie- desire net to be iteappein --
ed, tee Ada-in:sone Esge, be appoint(.
Secret:try of this Board --Carried. Th
'Exammers subscribed the eccessary d
aeration Of office.
hawed by Mr. Kay, seconded by M .
Preston, and reeeived, that the holioe-
ingbe e rule applicable in the exeinin•
: Any candidate who may spea
aleitit any matter whatever to, any othc r
ceeditittee, after the commencreent f
the iseenenatiatie, ,hall be ubliely
prpmanded., and if 'the candidate repeat
the o• ence, he or he shall at once- be
e, cl ded from the eitaaniitatiens.-C'ar-
ri d.
Qtir D N DEAT1Li--We learn that on
F id y ast, an olt1 gentleman, named
G lb rt nderpon, Who resided on the
n lin , between Hay and Stanley, died
v ad lolly at his residen e. . It seemes
th wlliile Mr. Anderso ' was eating
su per iii Friday night, he suddenly
gr.w slightly [ unwell, and raising from
th eeble, he lay cm a lou go, and eon -
tit tied to grow rapidly wor e. In a •few
li ur4 after he firat lay (low 1, he breath-
e( hi last. Mr. Anders m was aged
e utt 70 years, and was a an of marked
abilit.y, and intelligence. He was a
cc dons laborer in the Reform ranks., and
frequently took prominen positions at
political and other meeti gs. He was
held in the highest estee • by all who
enjoyed his acquaintance and by his
ki Idly !and genial disposi ion, had en-
d ler thhimself to all with m hehe had
co le h 4ontact, either in - business, or
so ied apacity. He will b much miss -
et in the neighborhood wh re lie resided.
T e funeral took place on Monday, and
w s very numerously atten led.
are vie Teenirehe_Tir Stare vie -
primp, 16 to 0-21. seh imp eeanne.
An interesting. and hi hly exciting
g, me of base bali. was play el -at London,
o Friday,. 2Ist inst., on the Cricket
S flare, between I he. Starsl of Searforth,
atd. the Tecumsehs, of Iioiidon, which
re ulted. in faeoel'of the Stars, by a score
of 16 to 10. The clay was hiie, with the
e •c(J)tion of rather a higl wind, which
in offered with the batting. The game
W ts Very sharp and exciting, and WaS the
b st match game ever play el in Canada
b tween two Caneclien chi Th:e field-
ne and .throwing • On bo h sides were
od. Several iteive deub e plays and
diffieult fly catches Intro made by the
cumsehs. A. good dm hie play was
in, de, on the per of theeters, by Hill,
S'lls, Lamb and A.IcAluriay, and
it fly • catches by He ry Cameron,
B• ird, Hugh Cafneron an 1 Me,Murray.
. E. M. Alooi e was c osen umpire,
aP d filled the 'fficult osition -with
st ict • impartial; y. Seaf rth may feel
p tut . of its ! b 11 player The Stars
w tate a poeit on amorig the first-class
al tbs, having, b a spiceid score, de-
fe ted one of the best club in Canada;
A ter the game, which 1 ted on/y one
11 ur-and fifty -1i minut s, the Stars
w re entertaitice at a lun h, in the Old
B. rracks. It is expected that the re-
tu n match will be pla.yec at Seaforth
eithin- the neet three we ks. The fol -
ug is the dco e : [
• 0..
H...4... Cameron, LI. 5
S' 41, 2d b..' .. . 4
eE iefurray, 4
8. .. . .. 5
rd,r. ..... 1
barmy, 13
Cameron, 1. L.
•er, b2 1
I -- , •
0. R.
Jury, e2
'Planter p • 3 1
Websto , 2d b.... 3 2
Thoms an 1st b.. 4 .1
Pledite ad b.. :... 3 1
P. Lovc, 1. I , ... 3 1
F. Coot ,rf.. 3 1
Steed, s. 8. A . 0
t South n, e. 1.... 8 1
Total 27 10
efinecoa, 'let. 2d. 3 . 4Lh. 5th. 6t'. 7th. 13th. 9tb.
0 8 . 1 1 0 2 0 6-16
niseh .I0 2, 5 0 1 •1-40
M. Me re, Ilondon.•
corers -W. Mclu oshe $tar e W. Strong, '-'6-
°11` GatiThe41 h ur 55 Minn Oat
-We unclerst• di -that t Tecumseh
go to Geel h durin the present
GR, to play th •Maple L 3af Club for
siilitivoen.rhall a id nship of the
m •
• Wrbieter.
, . .
Poomenee ni. 1[EA !..., LIFE -.A gennine
17 teikee, ' who II :rbi0(33 in the. *name of
Et tward Francis 1 eraliam., a ad who h ail e
fr. an the town of Flint,- M'ehigan, came
ON er to get unite • in the b nds of maeri-
th my to : a. you
Clinton. a [His t
th e. same place,
vi -it to hiseeresi
et e-, before cons
h ppiness with t,
fe -times. ' .Lilee 4
p. eked his nio
st ice, ore Saturd
st weed. ler hie.
w ill and [good so
co es ie. Said
w om IIward
first-time ; a mu
-in their euscepti
re lilt is an Billet
es lady ceiding near
de, Who resides near
advised. im to pay
who live. near Weox-
mutating he wished -for
e dear ob ect of his af-
defile' y he obeyed,
veables, tree in on tee
ty eyeni last.,.aud
ousin's r sidence.
az- ; but r ow the laugh
waste. ha a dzingliter
hetecie ir sr for he
eel, affection sprang up
e hearts, and the re-
eition of he truth of
• "Aran to rzi n so oft' ntrne,
alWae-s sO to wo nate"
O the Thursday following they ceme in
co npany to A. ie Sanderson's etore,
NI rOX0k. , antl if (jtfl of the oblieirtg
el •ik . i i attee li nee if •` they eold
ense- s
of re
lel: of
at it e
eel E
•W• th: th
li ppy ae
ti ant the hex • Zilorning
• eiz 7' 4/ti! .f01 ihnikeed
le st[liet iheble p eft of the
•t tea
' is
ga lie be
and the
1 9 ill Jul
the " 81
the seer
" Sit
ete?'[' • repliet in the bland -
lee that it, de pen( ed upon the
•"Attired. Ou finding
thine lice se that. wes
•hey were in
documeht ;
aheie but( ly rtmarkede
4.7•Thfinn )aying[the
.re Were duly provided
paper, andeleperted as
T'he knot was duly
they depert-
m. 3.N.hit. the
story Is the
ario is emit -
le •of Jett3.
dr to know
'NH a 11111
1 ill thil it 1(1 that
of filet • emelt
tweed 1?
311111, t'n
two dol..
fa the he a tietsh Lotl
w n the }lady si
It rtahely old • enou
•wecii th
•. Th e
ei Ply
0 FLY."
• O. It.
:1 1
hie: IL• The return
Onion " of ch
lies 1' of heixeter, was
, We lnesday, the
omit was a victory for
dub. _PI e following is
Witt. Cote y. c... J. Doh ,it.! :%r1iLI, ed b. :3 e
e. 1
4\V\ .,. C; -::,-:111
11Bleck, 4 X. Bro
J. t eatniet ..e, 3 b9 13
W. Pantie 1. f2 1:. Felt
1). t. '.1.SII. en, r. f3
A. '' 870, s. k ..... , 6
R. 4, Dalt n, c. 1. 2 6
J. . aeksou 1 b2 6 J. Feet
'otals. 27 47e Total
Ilze g me was ilityed we 11 the best of
feeling iroughta t there lining no dis-
puting. o • quarrel, ieg among the. players.
Ill e \ Vr xeter bo, s speak N'ery highly of
the man er in eV dela they wind treated
by their 'lifford 1 iNFMS, Who are thorou eh
geetiene n in their ie.:Lions. After the
game ea 11 of the el die gave three cheers
fol their ()elements, • and cheers for the
umpire f lid setn•ersi e -e iirsb-clazie dinner
Wz I pro hied'for the playens at Brown
Hotel. I
'Tree BASE Ile ..r., Mtge- IL"- As the
Ai ilreye de correspondent of the Kee
ro rain sec MR 1*011m1 to 3ifit1C to llizi
lin mei- 1 ervereitnis and mit-statements re-
[ ge. ding
withstanding the best proofs to the con-
trary, 1 will allow to have his own
way -in the matter. There is no :such
thing as cornering or convincing a writer
of hi S stamp, Who, when caught in one
falsehood gets out of it by telling others.
Some members itif the Ainleyville club,
and tIleir representative in the Ex POSiTOR,
haveleneceed in [getting the whole base
ball (le -immunity to laughat the ridiculous
figur they cut, attempting to wriggle
meanly out of a defeat, instead of own-
ing up to it. Fr instance, one • of their
teaml told a gentleman Wingham that
the game was "sold, sir -completely
sad -I -all the Aieleyville players were
drunk.". Altogether we cannot imagine
moit laughable picture than some of
the ` bould boy'.' of A hileyeille trying
by writing and talking to get the public
to believeany abel every story they like
to cook up, inetead of [taking the real
. facts of the case, viz:, that they :were
•beaten on a fair' and square game df base
ball, and being beaten have acted very
meanly inetrying to get out of it. • This
is my last let -tut -on the subject. the
Ainleyville correspondent desires to
satisfy his cacoethes scribendi„ by writing
any More OP the subjeet, he can "go in;"
the ittrteral public enow the facts of the
. case, he to the contraryenotwithstanding.
ma le no assertions in my first letter
which cannot he proved, but "(inc •of
the Maitlands 'I- last -week seemed to
think that such la thing -as prefer was en-
tire] out of the quest' 71, and totally
mine -essary. The pubh are not such
fools as to take !all asser ions from him
as faits without', any pro f.
DkIern SE treeI.-The
of Se forth, is eepected t
Epis opal Chul of this
bath next, at h f past:4
BE E BAI.L.-IA game .
tween the Ainlenville,.
(Aube, will be played on ithe groneds of
the f6ner, en ftiaturday ext, wind add
weathea• permitting. I, .
SP11.1 WIIE T. -Col plaints are rife
in this quarter mong farmers, about the
destruction bein done to the spiing
wheat by that oild pest he weevil. It
is considered. that on th 3 aecount, the
crop I will be mach de aged anti_ the
geliolal yieldleeliened. 0 her grain such
as oats, Peas, and ba rey, pees nt a
magnificent appearance, nd the " West
inhOttant " eitneot call -0 Mind, , year
iu wi ich crops of this t escriptio , pro-
niiset a more bountiful 3 ield.
RAILWAY'. -Tile Ainle ville corr spon-
deat of the Signal., give expreesi n to
the following, to all of wl ich we heartily
say amen :-" The peopl around here
are again. gettiug in favor of the L mien
rout', as they see that the Ha ilton
men seem rather' " shalt; ." Also some
think_ that they are otferi e to tr at us
too Niell as they have con e and offe acl to
give s give Les their route if we rill help hem,
well lenowing -at the sihne time tha if we
help thcim weinust 'withdraw our si pport
from the London. • They also •ft rake
poor ‘Vroxeter which has been :NAT. fill to
them through thick aihal thin and. offered
as mech. aa we can give and without being
.a,sked. _ They ale° go a longer route .and
in doing so gain very- litt e. Now they
have -a -something in view, and until some-
thing satiefaetorie is done to show their
reasous for sucheI woul I say try and
strengthen the London route and help it
on." [
• ..--.1-
iev. Mr. Starr,
preach' in tho
village, ein
'clock m.
t Base Ball - he -
and Listowell
0. R.
age, s. s. 2 5 .
e. 4 ;1
pbeil, 1 b. 4 3
-n, rL... 4 5
In. 1. f.... 1 5
S. Sin it 1, e b..... 4 5
3). eft e: Rb 3 4
1). S tee tu•t, cf. . 3 4
ene p.... 2 5
- -
; 27 49
" thet ba:I.c ball inetch,"
The Railway Situation:in .South
TO the Editor ophe liurlExpositor.
The, truth el th3 old a age, "'It never
raine- but it piens," wr enever more
staliliinely 0rnm eeteated hen at the pres-
ent time by -the flood -of ailways that ia
now threetenine to irate ate the North
llidieg of Huron, and it eie amusing to
wiethiss the strujsgles of thadifferent va-
le -bees' whieh arelanxious, each and all t f
them, to liavh-if they ea IRO t olitain the
full flood- et leant, their . Whin hs wenhed
'hy the spray of the br ad or narrow
guage. This railway , egitetion ale°
• prodeces Some strange at oinalies. Ain-
leyville, fur histance, the greet foster-
methei.. of the! Londm , Buren and
Bruce line, forgets its cern progeny be-
fore it is half wqu1ed,amJ opens ite arm
to tho changeling hvat • of Hamilton.
If owick, that pi:land an I 'crammed the
1 f :unlit,- 1.1. read, giving it. mein lin e ;320, -
' 0130 and visiting aed-int rviewing about
its Branehdine,-----getting all manner of
promises, made' not to 130 kept, -has
eeeneeeered- its, lave to Toionto, the -re-
selt, [ doubtlese, of havieg experieneed
"how :than ter than a serpent's tooth it
in to have a thank:lees chicl."
The present railway coeteet appears to
have , rcsol Yea itself,, to a great extol t,
into e, war for supremacy between . the
dieheent villager; that are scattered
thrtilehout the Riding. Each viaage
seeme &hi -anima to have the road, and.
the map-elate:8 Wilb Dltly own a few mills,
Or run a boot end elm mac.hine, or have
a half caddy of tea and some -groceries
belind a countereer write. J P. to their
niunnt. ie thene villages, imagine that, if
their ietereets are attended to, the e01111-
• try welt prosphr-not a dhulit of it, for-
gettiog that they areonly the client, not
• tile eateee,..of. the physieal prosperity of
:elle country, --aa, prosperity that is due to
its agriculeneal interest and [capabilities,
it is the energef LO, hard-working far-
mer who pours the alone V 11/10 t1:10b0 -61-
lageS i Wh 01'0 ' 'NV eal th acetimulates and
men dewily," and -who will pay the lion's
shareof the bonus' that ply township
• may 'grant to rine't of the lines. It is
therefore the interest of the farming
community to - eecure, if possible, the
. .
ime which nuil giTe them a competing
. .
market, and so fit -thee their own and
the etouritry's welfare. This will be done
by the London line, the. prospect of
which being:built is far superior to that
of the • Hauliltoe road.• The Hamilton
gentlemen, reprelenting the Wellington,
Grey:and. Bruce and the tercet Western,
• have gone over the line, no doubt,
praised the country, and, I understand.
have 'steeured the service's of some of the
Reeves and Deputy -Ileeves, as a depitta-
tion to. interview the Governmeut for
$2,000 per mile. This journey will, how-
ever,: be- fruitless, as the Government
have [already stated. the act does not al-
low them te give aid to Branch lines.
This scheme of •the Hamilton men has
been undertaken solely to block the
London Toad, as they must have a
-monopoly of the country:for two reasons.
'First, to enable them to charge any
tariff they pleese ; for instance, a gentle-
man from England exteneively engaged
in the lather beeieess in the Counties of
()xited and Middlesex hale that he is
charted 90s, sterling for delivering but-
ter at Liverpool, shipped at ‘Voralstoek,
white lean London it cost only 77s.
he therefore takes all his butter from
\comli..tock. tO Lotelon, reshippine there
for Elighted, and at a prof -In --so much 1
for Great Western [ Monopoly. The
Wellington, Grey and. Bruce Road is the
Great Western, all but the name and the
cash.. From .Alma to Guelph they charge
13 cents :a bushel fez wheat, and • team-
sters take it for 10. • i
The seriond reason- is, [unless they get
all the territory the Great Western Di-
rectors will drop them [ like a "hot pa -
tato.' . It is evident that the Great
West rn has Rot taken firm hold 'of the
exten ion, or why did the President
neverj produce the agreemen t between the
two lines, promised by M. Ada _ Brown-,
at the special meetieg of thq, County
Council ? , . •
My reasons for supposing ' hat the
London road will bebuilt are theee
The; Directors 'were 'introdeced to the
Govermaent on the 30th" June, by HOD.
John Carling, and scoured the premise
of -the. GoVerlInlen t bOlittS_ of 82,000 pet
mile; they have ale° 'secured the bathes
from Ueborne, and if as suecaesful in
their . applications to other townships.,
the road is a confirmed fact.
The people of Huron should think
well .[ [before they pey - eway monhy to
build' a road through' 'the County of
Perth, simply to bereetit, the village of
Listowel.' 'I here will :be at lest 15
miles to build throtigh Perth. This, act
cording it,• Colenel McGiyern's own
showing, will [-cent $90,000. To meet
this, they may piissibly get $10,000 from
Waliece, (this is doubtful :) 815,000 froth
Elma, and. [Listowells .50.060, which,
When it comes inte fhe Market, Will
dwindle down to 811[,250, as its deben-
tures may safely be pet at 75 per cent.,
this would sum np to $36.250, leaving
the nice little sum of $53,750 to bo made
up by Huron, before [ever the road will
touch it. Now, the [ London Directors
will build the line- through :Huron ami
never ask a cent of money to build. A
foot of the road out of the County. • It.
Id an excellent thing to be endowed. with'
a benevolent nature, and to be always
trying to benefit our neighbors, but that
`• Charity begins at home" is evidently
the mottle of the Listowel men, and it is
also that of an • OLD FARMEle. - P
.Morris, July 26, 1871.
• REFORM "i%eletETTNele -A meeting of the
Reformers of McKillop will be held this
(Friday) evening, at Hannah's Hotel at
0 P. M., for the purpoee of electing deli -
gates to attend the Blyth Convention.
MEETECO.-A meeting of the Reform-
ers of this township will be held at Londe -
borough on Saturday next, at 5 o'clock.
P. IL, for the purpose of electing deli-
gatee for the Blyth Convention. • A large
attendance is particularly desired. -
•'Local and Miscella,neoaa.
The first Orange procession ever seen
in the North-west marched through the
streets of Winnipeg on the 12th instant.
They had banners and. wore theregalia
of the Order, but had no band.• About
one hundred membermustered.
• -Charles Mathews, the celebrated
English comedian, has been engaged. by
Mr. Deltar to play , in Toronto a few
nightt , coramencieg cet Monday next.
--A ise• Chaalotte ' Nickinson. (Mr.
Daniel Morrieon) is About to return to
the stage, and will play a week's engage-
ment in Toronto :next week.
-The various base ball dubs of :Loa-
don; Ontario, have emalgamated unclo-
the :pane of the "Athletics."
• -e-- Au office in connection with the
Dominion Telegraph Company ie shortly
to be. (Timed in Mitchell; what about
- An immense reiOlering of Orangee
men fi[oat all parts of the Province is ex-
peeted to take place in Hamiltou, a.beat
the 'dale of Auenst.
• -The Detroit FiTe Pre.9.9 tells in e
highly emisational style, how one Walker,
ef the:township of iTi wick, while on hie
Way 6 Manitoba wieh hie family, was
victiMized by a clerical individual, to
the full extent of all the money in his poee.
-A full meeting of the Dorhinioe
Cabinet is to take plaue in Ottawa next
week.. The subjects for. colieideratioe
are thought to be changes in the personal
of the Cabinet. - .
--A magreficent nev drawing room car.
now rens daily on the Great NVostorn be-.
tween Toronto and Buffalo dire& It
• was constructed at Albany for the Waet
• ner Company, and i.t believed to be tiTe
most Iloetly and eleg uitly furniehed car
of the descriptioa yet 1 roughtout Itis dit-
Added into compartments, with entrances
at the aides, sonethin t in the style of the
Englieh coaches, tho igh Much larger. [
-The Goderieh 8;po-d, _says :
liberal policy •uow exteuded to our town
by the Grand Ttunk. Railway, the rapid.
develOpment of the ealt resource:3 of tine
region, to be. greatly' stimulated by the
taiticipated.reductien d the Unitaleitates
duties and the expeessed intention of
ectverid Americans to locate their eminnee
reeidence here, have combine -1 to induce
Sir A. T. Galt to advance the price; of
tha property .on the Net, and others
are inclined to 1)1. firnier in their execute-
tions.I Mr. Wm. J. Waterman of De -
troit,- the most exteusive real (effete ape
crate - in the State of. Michigan has been
in toWn the . past week. Having spent
two seasons here with his family he is
enthusiestie in his edmiratien of oar
toW11 and recommeading it as a IS
placei Our tenni will ere long completu!.
ly etherge from the lethergy eo long ape
parent, and exhibit [ the prosperity so
many would. accord. to h -r."
eessaiateeveseeses,_ eeeseesessitseet
The "Osborn" Seseingreachine niakels
the best stitch,' alike on [ both sidle.eiki
cannot raveheut, will work en alin
of fabrics, [with coarse or tine threads. [
Pl r Wetter ee -- Clergymen who were
obliged to withdeaw from the pulpit ea
account of Clergymeh's Sore Throat,
have revered by using this invaluable
preparation, and ere now 'preaching
egam. [
I .
, •
ii 'M
-Everybody who has travelled. by rail' -
road has heard the alieve .announcement,
and ha's probably suffered from eating
too hastily, thereby eowing the seeds of
Dyepepsia. It is a comfort to kuove
that the Peruvian Syrup will cure the
worst cases of Dyspepsia, as thousands
are ready to testify. e
FELL051.-8' HYPOPTIeSPITIT 138. -Yr. Fel--
lews wishes ns to state thet he lute no autherized
agent, lent that hie Hypophoephittes may be obtain -
('d of all respectable druggista end apotheearits at
his priet s.
Twenty years experiencee in nine
Bryan's Pulmome Wafers have proved
them -to be the most effectual remedy fur
coughs, and irritatiL • of the throat,
caused by cold, or unusual exertion of
the vocal orga'
ns public speakers and
aingers will find them most -beneficial.
The entire freedom from all deleterious
ingredients renders Bryan's Pulmonic
'Wafers, Or -Cough and Voice Lozenges,
a safe remedy for the most delicate ner-
son, and has caused them. to be held in
high esteem by all who have used them.
Sold by all medicine dealers at 25 cents
per box.
• Trains leave the Sea.forth station as
follows :-- •
••GOING E.1511.
Toronto Express. Buffalo Express. Mixed.
7.52 A. X. 14)-.5() A. -et. 135 P. M.
el. Express. Mail.
1.35 it. et 2. e. et. 8.50 e! et.
DivI ons Oourts--1871,
ineetionnesarts vi1i beheld 1141 1011OW8;
Wingleun . ....Tune 27 Beyfield ...„Oet. 4
Wroxeter Jule- 25 Clinton_ .... Oct. 6
8e:tenth elute' 27 Goderich Oet. 9
Exeter.. . .3 uly 29 Wingham • ()et. e4
........Aug. 1 Wroxeter Noe. 91
Dungannon .....Ang. Settforth ... „Nev. e3
Clinton Aug. 5 Exeter` 25
Goderich ..Actge14 Duemumon eel
Ainleyville .. Sept.2f.1 Baytield. 20
Seaforth Sept. 98 Clinton .... _Dee. 1
Eeeter . Sept. 30 Ooderich .......Dee. 4
Dungannon Ont. 3
BY-11,AW. ---76
To aid and assist. the London,. Huron
and Brace ftailway C'ompany by gr
0v -
int, SI -1. 500 be of Bene to
A / ^ ..1 , way ni
the said Company, and to issue deben-
ture..s tfterefor, and -to authorize the
levying of a special rate- fer payment
of the debentures Mad interest thereon.
Wu-rev:ale Ily an net of the PI en-th lieeleon of
the Legielathre of tint Province, .4 Onierito pseetel
in Coe eelt n year of tho rtiett of Ifte Mejestreetteen
Vie. tleie, eriti t Lel inle eat to inece peen e tie. Lou-
don, Huron mid Bente Beilway 1eeelp.:07yit
amengother th3nge, previtiee and (elected a.; e..1-
lotee: 4 _
"And it _shall furtheehe leevfnl for 'any iereneei-
pality or efineteetitit s, thiough nny pint of
wbieh, or near weleh, the reilwey or evorIce ei the
said. Compeny :Melt peee et 1 - bit tatto41 to fti'1 ;sad
atifii: 1 the s..411 Copipany be enseee 01' f544.1,--.14,1N.1-
big, ov giving metaei bv vele et. 'Nana, or enualens,
or oil -term -a tee tn tfee ieentretenee in tin-t•Gor.‘atrtiet ion
or erenipment of 14.1.1. liath..sy., or ef amy ef the
works anthoriz el untlx:r then nee in eneh ereaneer
and to such eztent as each inenteipalitiec 1 r any
of them eliall thir.e: eeptenieet; Paraded: always;
that no =eli aid or ateuetalee by way of boune,
• dowel -en or otleneviee, tentli be given until alter
the pessieg of a 13--1nee ref the purpeee, end tbe.
adoption of sech inetlaw be the reit:pep-re ; Pro-
vided eleo; that ;LAY such Ly-h,w, to he N1t1i4, ehall
be made in conformity withthe lawe oi Cele Pu.-
ince, re :nee( leg Hutneipa3 ie...titntietne ;eel ell
•11(h 1.33te'l1lwe • an •peeerd :than lee -mite, netwith-
ettnelieg imeh rate may eeered -the neer. eete tate
of two conn; in the dollar cm the actnel value of
such rate:al:le property, previcied t in.t the. an-
nue1 rate of esseeltracnt eleall not in eny ease ex-
ceed fer all perpesee two gilt a in the donee- on
the actuel %eine of the. 11411.014, r,:14.4 al& ploperty
within the 'Mueicipante• or portion of a Municipal-
ity ersatene elite teat!' ni1
a. .
17.41:44n.7.1-1, The ern retell.,. bey ef the To•enehip of.
Stephen hoe delerreitied to aid and cietit:t the seitl
0milpiine be te-vine i 11141T1O by wey ef bonne the
sem .1.f $17 ;34;0,'antler illo i uthority of the 78714re-
cited. )78t. • ;en1 •
'We eitnae, In order to c.irty into effect thee said
TCTitLa 7111j4 et, it Will b4.4 14P14:3 ..11y 1-'r -ow ,,...1,1 Mn-
nieipality te ralso the said ettin et 7e17,e,tee. 117 the
manner hereinafter mentionei and set forte. ' And
Wirinteas, It .will requir . the enee of e11,925 to
be eeised annually by epee al rett. fir pee 'Re the
vaiti debt of $17,300 and interest on the tieben-
tiudce,71. Andt4hissued therefer, as hereinafter 1.1.0-
WIltRICAS, The amount of the whale rateeble
.propeny of the seiti illueleipality, kneepte-tiee Of
any further 1/14?4148,4 01 110 74.7481.4, :7)1a 7.414,0 71174.7-
44114.01itT 01 eny inereaee 1. ita .1-.rive.1 f::,411 the
temporary iLieitn.t-nt of tile teething feint in rthe
a it er meet i..iitel. or el an; ; u 3-7 ch..reed, I-, nevord-
ins' to the Ian- revietal Aeece I....I...Olt Roll of the said
MonicipalitY, being for the yt air 1671, the 1411111 0/
.714.1,17i2. Anti •
Yetrieenate The anionnt a the existing' debt of
the vaid linnicipelit e is at. follte7e7; Welcieel„-
Dt•beenteee for get; vel .rtettle, eelteetee heerieg a.lie
tith •Jely, 11;71, pae-abi... in tee .yeele, beeline inter-
est et. the rate of 1-i:i. per e*tottnit int' anuern, \vill:h
interest il 1a,*.7714113 halftymuly.
WIT14141: ee, rer reelee the intert it mid ceeatieg
7171 1:41118.1 TIM r:3.- eineing feed. -for jeteing the Kit.-
cipal of the said. *tea of 741 47..1.1, le, eenlieg i.i the
prerivitee; tvf the net reep-etiee nee le11a 1 ,inelitt-
tiolet of Upper Cantela, it win re., .._. aa ta.-..n...1
epeeiel rite in 1111' 1141111.1' Of 111.14 ,'-1'3i!1'4 aril% -
sixth ; of a mill, 713 5-6 1eir...4,1 in aleition teal! ceiver
ratc.a to lee 1c:1 ..a.; la ytete --
Be IT 1114-.11-.N,0 Or: eeseceenLy the ('07-1,1)1'.
tion of the a ownehip of '.1itt1li1en ht Co:Intel 7t.-
1 1( ft,1141W71.7. i .
1111 —11111.1. 11 7737)11(1:771 :Ivey le: lawful -fer the :776 1
"..NInniell eli-y to aseiet, the 717 1t1 0 ettineny he- gising
thereto, hy way of bonne, the eine of
etl-rha c it elutil be hie 1. lb.'. the le ; ape: e afere-
said, for the leete,e, of in
8-7;71e: eny number of 'debt.
such Him ei meney as inity
7 777.1 meitieljetlity to
!ir,(1.:) let le,.' rer
a:v.:aerie fes tee eaf.'
perene. ere hee than $1tel ea -11, 11,711 Pet
ing in the whole tie. 81.71 741171 0/
se 71'ee 1171)2110-et.:.1.4 3 •...7111a tit teti et' the
Saiti eluniceetiliv, mid ser7.-.1. by teat Reet To V.,14.4 VOL
:3(14-1119 t 1 he :edit deltece;711 7 ../•all 11 etter.' 1 13'
able • in tWt et y y447113 11( 184.111 tie. et re
herviarif1,.,r ntlened for 1 1114 Ly-lew it. 1 13 : 71-
1 13 her lit 1.o8eitm, eieacti., or lime elate
in 1 tea, to be 71,..„-L4zutttAl. 4-11t1.41-:1,e11.P.**.i,i1ii-1
1-1;1)-1 :caw atenteluel thereto tee• pees fee tbe puy-
men!. of intereet tbe reel .111.1 7.1 .111" mut:ear
h••reheif ter neon: jetted, am' .1-ai1 4.-1.7744+1111.% 141:411
1717 (11j .41'tl 11) to be 11834.'41
lo aceordtmee wtte neilael theedam-
4th-ethet the 71e1.1 4c43enter3 ehall lacer •
i114871-8.1 9.7 - .11,7111 /114) '1'711.e 44.1 81x 181'
etenuni per 8.2l171111 . fa 474 . 11'4 1111.4l 077- 41-
Of, 711141 7771e:1 14,41 . 4-11 Lk 11447. 1474: aitl..
1.1411'-ve,:aly,.on 1.'1** 14*. 4•3y .;73:41, Eat th'y 1
OC 15:-.....mberein each ea171 tre •vy -year thu-hte ehe
eteitinnauee e? tho ea! 1 et le n •-eve at the edere -
tele 77777 14171 • et ire.;
54 11 - '1 hat far the emit et: fen ., I.:elem.(
inlet for the 1..tr;.1.;,: (.1 el Letet 11••1.. .11 r
41, to Le3.t11.1."114717 71- (-rise p 7 iel '
tete te 73 eet; rrelle ILO. • milli ei• 1 fit esei.e.liete
LIR; in tlet deller s1et11 1 -le Rio n te :el other 1 0
rune, be rtteeel, le :het 17:143.. I in tee -it lee-. i• et• --4
` • 1 -
upon 17'.1 the re, 70 J1 0 bl1413111y 111 the 7-17144 14134,114 4- 8•"`
pality, thiring the cue-tine:evict; of 11.3 said. et,ben.-
turee or any of them. 0
(3h-Thet this iiv-law sh 11 take ifi el am' e07110
into operatien on, from teal aftee t10Flee day of
December, in the year et env Lord, 14.371.
7th --That the votes of the eleetert; et the said
Mutecipaliteeeliall tie taken en this leyelan, at the
fellowieg pface, thet is -to elle; : M tic Too tehip
Ilan Creditan. in the 98111 Teeetrellip of 744 phen,
on tit° 1961 day of Are i UST, ;D. 3 eel, teetteetne-
ing at the bent of 9 o'deck in the moreiee 4,714
BEIN IA 6, 5t11 concession Tnekereinith, 11.
, omit a Ming 100 acres, lit•i atree cleared anti
Well fenceel, good bindings, a fine large orehard,
two wells of good epring water, the len71 ie of the
best quality, pet fectly &emu end in good order. 1 be
bnsh is hardwood end has not been cnibel. •It is
-situated ona good gravel mall, end within three
miles of the Yilinge of S'eaforth, one of the best
grain markets in the Province. For further_ panic.,
eters apply to the propriteor on the plinths...sew- if
by• letter to 1731,,montlyille Poet
186.t1 G. M. 0111?.3NEY.
-FOR Sale, Cheap, two comfortable frame Dwelling
-e• Houses, situnted on the meet pleasant settee in
• Ste:forth, adjoinine the Good Ttenplarte Ono
of tbe 'houses 717 1(3 present occupied. by Mr. Jane vs
Laidlaw, and the other by Mr; 33_ 0. Rohe. Both
houses ere adjoining,• 81141 114.V4. 8.118.814.44 to 47:111.
gooil lois, on which are ell teeeessary convelAt neiee,
sueh as 4701t, and hard water, out -buildings, ete.
For further particulers apely on the priametee or
at Tule Eeroetron Office.
Settforth, July 13, 1871.
— _
et •
Te011 SALE, on reasonable terms, Lot No. $, Con,
10, Morris, centainime 6-1 aciee. over lei of which
are cleared, eeedee to grass and well 1. teed; the
ewe is well timbered with herdeeood. It is
817. 144:1 871 011 1110 NOT118,711 1.14841.,1 lai18 11.114.1
a hell' front th, and 113 -miles frorn •Clinton.
There is no wtiete Iand. There is tat the 1.111'r444587.1
11. 114.W frallw 14481.78, 1.3.) x 140. with 110o4 eer.ar ana
ma-buil/liege geod epring eu the premises.
For further partictdere apply to the Preerrietor,
ou the premiete, or, if by e.ztere to .133!tit 1'. 0.
• GE0.1101: BU1'C1IART,
188-tf. •Proprisfor‘
VOR Sale, Cheap, Let N. 130, 6th Coneession,
1.enenehip of ileuee, Conitty of 137-r.ei7-, tenttein-
1ia0 tierce, .114rett 20 ter which ere (]_r 71, the
beleee0 well tiniberal witll 1)41,444 r.71,1 Inople. No
wee.te land. `1 here 114 )7 teNt settenn of
77 Jeer reviving chroueli it./ it 3.7 sit:la-eta veiatin
le miles froin the itteiriehirg yillege of Pitidicy,
tl.rough 11i1eh 1140 (41e7- o7141Ilrueo
R.,i;sgay s13ortly 4.1.1 ...log. 11 the aliove pro -
pt ley is not sold., it will ,Ite i'4.17774 fOr 17 1117(31
yeitra ler the impr. V ieents. l• or itirther reaatiea-
hire, apply to Tim Eeeoerron Oeeecte.:, eteeentle.
July 1b71„ 1S2'-tf.
Canada. Salt Associ-
• ation.
Till?, Salt Mininfaelitrer.i of Ontario, /teeing
formed an Iteeoe:e7ien, rirelt.r tbe 4,ite• title, for
tl-e. sale of sal:, not no is lit rc by 7ivi7t tt 411114.411
41:31 furtly,r 114 11"?, eitil let etee reeeteee-
lien only. Commeitit 1.10014 to he ari h-elt =ea to t_L-L*
eleeretary Salt A14:,0e11771071. (Joderich.
Seenstery; 1374
NEWmcw tr41 ,E.,,N,"te-ART7.41-te
- (Late Of Seafortia)
Begs to inform the nubile that he has
opened a Grocery Store, in
Lately occupied by Mr. John Logan,
-Where lie wi1i :Veep on hand
Fresh Groceries/
Of every description, at prie•ce lis reasrei-
able a,s these of any other been.:
• in. the _trade.
The al 1 r St YL.Irk.et Pnco
• PAID Felt
A. call is respedfully .
014' .D5 -1•4$40.3 .:1,,trir 7A'
to -virtu( rsltie lter it.1.-e•74 exiel g 1777.
tweet) the t -net anal
Phrep 'VG-11111er, les 1.7.11:-....etet v. -4 ; e.:titteite
1. ?lir...Li:It:* 7) 7'1,1 tle 1 '-4 •I• ;7 4. 711,1113
Co7.11.7.2- Of 11131017, 7:4,714:14 1.1.4: -d. fine o!
eaneett A; Vardar, lute this dee; 1 • ..1, •3 by
u.uttial commit. , .14 311 ei cf. A ai r.
1'el.L111 1.41.1.L21114:11.
Veitnees KT.OTZ, •
near.; -, 14411, of \Vete
SI efortle :3 7/11. 311411-, 1°,;1.
lae 41** :la will 1.e earrhal
eliding et 5 o'elnek in thi aiteerearm tte the eante
(3ay, and Oita CI1E117H3t Pilt) t" TY, shall be the
Returnhag Officer to 143.1(0 suelt vott4S.
NOT 1,1.1
Take notice that the al ove true cop's' of a
proposed By-law, which eV he telt n o eon.Ver-
Oh)71 by the Conneil of the Muniteetslity ef the
Townettip• of Stcp)au, aith one reenth from the
firrt publieation hereof in raw nultos ..F.-s.po:-,1-
T014, the (ien. of whieh eublication is the e'oth
of July, A.1).. 1147 1, aud that tho votee of tl:p elvetori1
of the said Mtntieleelity well be tele n thlr on on
the nth ilar-y of Arign!tt. _N. D. 133.71, the
holm of 0 0 eloelt in the 1e1e710071 and 5 ri'elock 177
the afterntem, at the Towel iii, Ilan, tert diem, for
whieh purpose Chester Prointy an/tented nem -e-
ine Officer.
Township clews offleoCE .3STER PROCTY„
Township Clerk.
Stephen, 911,1 July, 11771. f
undereigned pnrchased the Ble113eE
O-ItIciT MILL, are pi. 47.1 thistieg anti
Chop•ping•ent the Abort; et •otice.
NO. 1 Flour kept colastantly on hand.
Also, Brae, Shorts t.nd Chopped Stiff. '
As the enbveribere vier. -eloss ,ierrictiettl
they win gietnettee.te 7.1.1Vt Intti4 entire 7717174..
f,7. -(;,,fl to ail who faeotte ra With tht.ir 1,111.11/11t•
smr.ra a 'WEIR.
Betree, Jr:nee 1:371, •lde-am
Ox Rented on Tnecleeate Teesere„
hf(5-SE, ateheitoeu 3)7-1 0188', eeee ate. is
adjeieing the Peete weeet '131 eir Oen
last seven yeirs b Geer: !TIC
Dry theads $tore, whit tlet lie fe, 31711 0;! ; 71 eal
tint -heuses, etaLle, eerdep. eze. 1.7.• reir, tied, 3
Ty bite V111111111 107 77t4717414141 `44.1' bei14111:7; 1.111319.4441
11.71.3Oining. A17 -1y by let.er, to
• DCNC.1.3C ,
Ace...elate:at, 3r74el.vielee
771110 7, 187/.
Cabinet Maker and
T_T ITINO pnrchateed Mr. THOMAS Ble
e•I iel1lel331-IE, 3 am prepsIva 14, 11171 -Pd fao'i4
on the shortest melee, either in teen or vendee.
ALL SIZES, kept constantly meant'.
Warerooms :
Two anent eeeth r4 371..x.e Het. 1,end reeve 11-0I4,t4etil /11.41 eforriteei's tarriage deaetory, Mahe
street, beaferth.
VOL 4)
e 11, irtm
• First hateedien, per 1:1
.eertionee ctates eaen :et
0118. 017111 1 013t'
11 44 4411
13 .3,014*814
(wt., 5, tr
3 reelehe
<3n0-14air'h **lie ie:tr
" LuZi "
" 13 In**ttilts
-One-twelfth tea seer
44 4. 1144.1 * •
" 30437331444 .
Ailvert le:elute:I-7
be insetted 14:1 7.7-3,7 1,
Menne Y. "leviLeee, ;
-'\T111)111t 1333.1,
-.' 114 4 474 1
li1N4:1 ;1'4.4 IN 1. C-41,4 1
011-44114.177 '-711)7 711
-01 1,.,te
- _
-sisten. ten . lean.
en, ie. ()en,- 17:111 13
L. V1-:11-;
371.1441., 4L,.. lin,to
:%34-irkt-t an 1 111*.711 $nu71
11. (
aral nicr
stn***ts seeferta.
tine 171711 en *lay Sattn'al
-/ 7 Law, 8 di,eitor
eet11ivi:e7:teer, 47t.. 337
libsieNto 1,01111
TecArGints1 11
1,411.4-37.; 74 1,4177-',
Iltsolvi N';1.,'j,77
-1.e• the le te, 1
1111. ceenatla Life Aesur;
N. 1..- t.)ho
114.41,A a' and Leis toe sai
tEN1-4IN le11.3Y ER.
at JAW ,iii;14..i.t.ttrs ji
see: let emitters, Neterieei
eeeth vale Weeeet.r.
tif Upper 4%448748,
?CO. of 1143;1711111) 1:1:,-.718,114-.:
.connuletetai 1.1..71eit 4.
• JAS. 17,131.;N:474A.
3-- legated le thee
. -
pa-trial:1ga levectelod to 4
hotel lineinteee 70..1 0.3.7te
agaie resmetel ltneinesei
le. ham to heti
..und Malty In *44.1 47714 4,
.1. CALLAWAY 1.71..44ij
tif Aintiie4o4 Ifeel, 11 eel
betel has recently lee
111114 three -bout. elle
1.7111141. 171141 41411114,4t411441
74,)• ft141
enes tile :eh
ce(113:13:13"71 118111
•X "Ve. S. Itteeet
barks. Aimee -at eett
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