HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-07-28, Page 7Jr LY 28, 1871. NEW ARRIVALS ! .Bonthron& Son Have a large stock of NEW —AI SQ, A large stock of FRESH they will sell very cheap. ii and see for yourselves at the ety- occupied by - 13.013ERTSON & _FJONTITRO.-& & SOX. lut,, TqrPSI f.„ kkh LINKS his numerous customers fore- libeial patronage during the ifteen year, zuel trusts he will re - it ;Ilea now on hand a, large assert- eef Good Sound 3reen Hemlock T. lthe warrantl will give satisfaction. lesa CING AND DRAINING LLWYs KEPT ON HAND, — FEET OF PINE Cul. Fort AND et::\IERAL PURPOSES ib he offers on, liberal terms. Ur- i1l be promptly- attended to. :Millis situated on the Taw -thine and Itullett, 3, and mitea he Huron Road. - kxeth, Nov, 16, 1874. 84- tf: QUEE a ranee Company: LIVERPOOL (Se LONDON. ITAL - $2,000,000 Sterling rFric - -Queen Buildings, Liver-. eed raceehurch Street, London. IDA IkIANCII ot-eice--Exchaege Builditigs, Montreal. =•-Wm. Morton, &el., Chairman Thomas, EN., 1 )avid Terrance, audthe Hon. James Ferrier. eeitis -Meleon's Bank. Ailvesees--- Messrs. Ritchie, Rose. q. M. D. -Thomas S, Scott, Esq.TkL° -Thomas It. Johnson, Esq. PENT SEt `It ETA RY AN » GENERAL --A. 3.1ziekenzie Forbes, 13 St. era Street, Niontreal. nulersiened haviug- been appoint - et fur the above Company, parties to insure against 1 -ss by lice can the meet favourable terms. NAelies granted en as advantage - as as any other respectable Com- plex mem( ss iuC anada. jAMES 11leE.N6ON, Agent ; I3EN8 ON & :NIEY ER 'S Law }Thee, Seaforth, R, -an-ACTED WITHOUT PAIN. eTWRIGHT L Surgeon • , ist, extracts teeth without pain oF th Nitrous Oxide Gas. ver the Leaeon store, Strat- teinianc(- in Seaford', at Knox's e first Tuesday and Wednesday )a-th ; in a. -E, the coin - on the followiug Thurs- Fridays_ requiring new teeth are re-, call, if at seaferth aud first day of att rulaece. .,000 patients have had. teeth the use ef the Gas,-at,„Dre diees, New York BORO MILLS ! CHANCED HANDS. ea laving purchased the Roxboro ;ztFlottria,g Mills, increased the Ma- t th t Mill in tt thorough sttrte o.f. art ctott prepared to CI4OPPING. AN D - d.% or general Custom Work, t E thertsst notice. so desire to strtte to farrne14 cord tht• wort be done Mater their •. they hie nu hesitation in goartra- it..tistaction. a real ectfully solicited. & Trix 28. 1871. Joalceying a- Landlord aawick. - In one 'of the villages of the border not far from jiawick, • a -worthy W'S the other week in- the uncomfortable position of bating no rent for his landlord, and was at his wit's end, while the landlord, strongly suspecting the State of matters, and being unwilling to go to the expe.nse of a warrant, kept.a watchful eye in case he should be done. A number of companions -were gathered to give our worthy a lift, but, the presence of tlie land- lord " Loggling about," scared them; so they lektl to ha:.g abeut the sti-eet --orners lookiog as innocent as possible. At length they hit upon plan to .come over the lendlord, with what. result the secinel will show. One of tie fir . nu reber was presented with a shilling and sorne instructions, so he went quietly up the street till he came to where Mr. --ewers standing, and with a start of surprise said, " Ab, ye're just the very man 1 wanted tae see!" "An what div ye NV al) t wi' me, ma man I" was -Mr. 's question. I -wantailoose, an�l .1 suppose ye hae some tae let." " Aye," said Mr. , taking a good look at bis customer, " A W mi eh t be able tae pit ye up." " Come awa.' in here," said the would-be tenant,- " an' we'll settle it owre a dram." Mr. , falling innocently into the snare, made for the nearest public house, where a gill was call- ed for to settle the house pestion. Another gill was got to seal the bargain, and the landlord, seeing his new tenant so open-hancted, stood another ; and thea over the third' they began co tell long stories, while the time slipped imperceptibly away: - Meanwhile the flitters were at it with handbarrow and hurley, and our wortey's "sticks" were soon con- veyed to a place ef safety. By the time the third gill Was finished, Mr. and his new tenant had a misunderstanding, -when his new tenant gat up and -went out, telling the landlord to "keep tne house!" When Mr.- got to the house, he saw by the litter lying that he had been done—done, as he said, "by drink and rascaldom ; " and he declares th t before the next flitting -time he will join the Good Templars.---.ELp7'CSS. _ Popularity of the Princess Royal in Germany. Tne Crown Princess of Prussia (the Princess Royal of Englend) re- (eived quite en ovation during the triumphal entry of the trooes into Berlin. The Ernikress, the Princess, and the Grand ruchess of Baden, and several other royal lauies odcupied carriages in the procession immediately following the Ent perces staff, and were all heartily cheered. "But heartiest airong these cheers, (writes the correspondent ef the J)azlj .Yu «) are those which greet the right royal wife cf the Crown Pricce. - She is the evident favorite of the hidies as well as that Of the gentlemen. " Thkit is Victoria," they exclkkire with delight,. while testifying to their feeliegs by Wit V- i np; h an dkerebiefs and shouting "Hoch." The Crown Princess ap- peare to appreciate her reception. Her face is wreathed in imiles— with those inexpressibly ainating smiles which the late Lord Drounik- ton_noted as the special- a three tion of her rov‘d mother.. The popularity of the princess is not a thing of yesterday ; yether noble and praise- worthy conduct during the late war bas doubiy endeared her to the not very impressionable people among whom her lot is cast. Many a wounded soldier owes alleviation of his sufferinge, if not his life, to the zeal and devotion which the princess exhibited when superintending the hospitals at Frankfort and Hamburg. The last time I saw her -was when visiting these hospitals. . She was then dressed very plainly, and had none of the trappings of royalty about her. To day she is beautifully attired in a most becomirg- muslin dress ; but sbe does not gain , any- thing in interest or excite a warmer feeling- of admiratien than when she spent boers in -visiting and nersonal- ly caring for the sick and the dying. At the festivities on the occasion of the return of the garrison troops to Potedern the princess won g-ol den opinions by a gracious and a grace- ful net Before the troops entered the town, her royal highness rode along in front of the first regiment of guards, and with her own fair hands affixed a laurel wreath to eacb battalioir stand a rd. 4 11-1 K. f.NDN'ESS TO RSES. —The horse can be reclaimed from mi.ny vicious habits by the law of kindness. When George M. Patchen was irk the zenith of his glory, and matched \\rib the queen of trotters, Flora they chanced to- change grooms. This was disgusting to the old hero of sf allions.. He feught the new comer till they were forced to restore the old groom. When his oldcherished groom, who had slept 11 t!u3 stable for Years, returned, the herse resumed las former quietude, and trotted thatseaou same of his lizsrtaie.elebrated races. —C e Western, H A R OF TH HAYI Solid Cast 5 teel a A col KIDD'S ' .741-1E HVRON,-.E.POSITOR.. /VP II O. 04,4, DWAR;.E.Y. H A RDWARE! Of all descriptions, Cheap, at the CIRCULAR SAW. Rpi3, ivrpfol\T (Sz 00_ Just roc vell a splendid assortment of Q•84. HIFVEST TOOLS, VIZ.: I other Scythes, Smiths, Iny Forks and Rakes, Morgan's & Mully Cradles, &c., •' Also, Spades, Shovels, Hoes, &e. • plete assortment of Builders' Hardware. American Water Linie and Calcined Plaster. ACK SCREWS TO HIRE. member the spot, and don't fail to call and examine goods andmices. RICK BLOCK, SIGN OF, THE CIRCULAR SAW, Seaforth, Ont. W. ROBERTSON & CO. L PIA GOODS I: A T THE NTREA L HOUSE. COTTO New-B-Unswick, Pere Harvest Mitts, reserve J rs, Jellr- Pots. SUGARS, Butte •• • YARN, and Beaver Mills. antec ECKSON & CO.,, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. SSWARE, CIIEA.P BILL R. 1, Begs to state KIDD BILLIAR There are BLES, and excellent itors and play Attendants Boilable hours 1 66- tf ARD ALL tha fl COLLINS he has opened m EW BLOCK, 01-t. in be hall FOUR T & May's Manuf ae on -In -iodations for vi ers. will be on hand at all rear - P. W. COLLI,N., Proprietor. NEW LI Between. We, the u the inhebitan Wroxeter, an we are now rtt der s of the ni OF STAG -ES, th and Wroxeter. HH igted, beg to inform Seaforth, Ainleyville, public generally, that a De IL I STAGE, _ (Sundays exce ted ) each way, aa follows. Leaving Sea& rth at 11 m.; leaving A inleyville at 3 p. .; leaving Wioxetet at 12 noon; le yin Aifileyville it 3 p. m.;—connectii g- th nuirriing and even -I Mg trains, gob g e st and west, alao with - Walkerton a. nd 11 rriston stagee. Com -1 fortarble vehicl d fast time. 1 Livery in connection t 6 aforth. R SS & JOHNTSONE, 167-tf proprietors. SALE, A FIOUS eke D. rr WO LOTS. DESIRA• )LE Dwelling -house and teve excell ntlijts dn St. John street, Seaforth, for s e easonable terms. Apply to' J 1 He SEATTER, 167-tf Druggist, &c. 0 LOCKMAN'S Telegraph a CANADA LI Issuer of A m erican Particular ittel JO Store, Seaferth C LL, GE- 1' FIR SE -I I 0 MAO gIN ES, id Dxpr se Companies, "E S URANCE Ma ria, e Licences. oney might and sold.. tion p • PRIN ING. I tt & A nistron's Book - 174 'ABOREI: Leweeks will G -OVER In Grey. WA Enquire of t or apply eo-the T. Blain. Grey, May 1 OTI E. W a. tin work for a few ind enipi oyneent on tile MEN DRA NS, JS i 23 per day. i• e foreman -.On this w rk, agent at the office, as. . BLAIN Contract° . 1871. ! '180- f • ATOTICE is 1 en not to cut lots N. 3 18, concession Hay BELL. is dote' utmost extrem I G5- ef arlICE, 1 ereby giVe to all pe ons any timber or trespas on 19 encl. 20 ie the 5th ,as the ov er, P UL D. mined to unis to the of the a,* all so doing. LUMBER! LUMBER! LATH and SHINGLES. THE Undersigned have on hand at their Mill, one half mile :North of Ainleyvile, a large Stock of Dry Pine teumber, part (about b5,000 feg) of which is Dressed let and 1-1 Flooring. They hare also on hand 5,000 ft. of Strip ath which is warranted first-claSs, and no slabs. 'heir Shingle Machine will start about e 18th instant, afte which date a plen- ul supply; of SHIN e LES. will be kept , on hapd. 0 Prompt attention given to orders from a distance. ' & T. SMITFI. Dinele, April 121, 1. 71, 176-tf. LO FLO UR! AVING purchased and •()reliably re-Etted the mills formerly owned b) the Idessrs. SCORIE, now Prepai,ed to iurnis FAMILY S cond. to N LOUR, NE IN ,EAFORTH, And that _will 0 mpare favorably wi h any in the Do- minic> f you want A 1 WILOCII, go to the fcjillowing D milers and talc for MARSH4k f.T.'$—Ite limber RSHALL'S FLOUR: • • W. SCOTT ROBERTSON, WILLIAM AULT, J. WHITESI SIMON FOWL' eL, JOHN CAVANAGH, WM. THOMSON, Egrnonclville, Or at W. MARSHALL'S.Mills. rders left Aslith W. S. ROBERTSON will be raptly atteucllA to. arties who wish to Pr Excha ge Wheat for Flou certain to re ive proper quantity, and an arti- el tlurt will del) competition. W. MARSHA 1 L. 1 tf EAUTIFUL WO3IEN.—This country i justly proud of,its beautiful women; but ho many di annually,or rematurely lose their hea th and yo th, for want f a remedy euitable to the r pecu- liar ailments. That remedy ts found in Ton MOSES' FEMALE PILLS. We know hundreds of cas s where they have been used with the gm test succ kss. In • all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, ain in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness. Fatigue. c 1 slight rtion. Palpitation of the Heart, Lo ess of Sp Is, Hysteric s, Sick Headache, 'Whites, and all th painful dis ases occasioned by a di ordered sy tem, these Pi Is will effect a cure when a othgr mans have fail d, moderati .g excesses ant rernok- iv obstruction, , -whether fr m cold or an other ca se. - Suffer ni more anxiety or low spi its, but tr) them. ForI full padre ars get a p mphlet, fr e, of the agent. ob Moses, Nov York, Sol Proprietor. $ .00 and 12 cents for postage, enclosed to Northop &Lyman, /s;e castle, Ont. eenerttl agents for the D minion, wi I insure a bottle, containing over 50 ilia by ret ern ntail. .1 --5-- Sold in ,, earth by E. Hickson & o., and 1.... R. Lumsden; A Stephens. illitchell; J, S. oorubs, C • ton, aed all Medicine Dealers. lti7-9 */1/11141111 . SRRAYED HORSE. QTRAYED from a stable in New Hamburg, on the 14th of jnly, n. SORREL HORSE of medium ago, with dark brown mane; about 5 years old; its hoofs had been tarred only a short time before; to all appearances, it has unfastened itself and taken the road to Stratford or Seaforth. Any per- son giving such information to the undersigned as will load to its recovery will receive a libertil re- ward. JUSTUS ROEDDING. Zurich, Mu% County, July 15, 1871. 189-3t STRAY CALVES. STRA.YED from the premises of the subscriber, Lot No. 26, 4th Commotion, L. R. S., Tucker - smith, on or about the Oth of ;Tilly, four Spring Calves,—two heifers, one steer and one bulb—one nearly white, one spotted read and white, and the other two all red, A liberal reward will be given for such information as will lead to their recovery. JAMES FORSYTIIE. Tuckersmith, July 18, 1871. 189-4* NOTICE. 1/1-11. 13.13. SCOTT hasl this day been duly an- -LY-1-thorized to collect the outstanding notes and. accounts dne Mr. DAVIES, and all Parties indebted to him ere hereby requested to make immediate settlement of the same and save costs. DUNCA.N McVARLANE, Accountant, of hrockville, Trustee. Mr. SCOTT will meet parties on the kat SA:1MR- DAY in July at Mr, Money's Hotel, from 10 o'clock A. M. to 5 o'clock P. M. 137-4t c -i )11:1 0 e...4 1..1 Pt CD CD 0 -d ...-1 -• CP 0 y . .<9 -H-Cit til,, td iiimi 12.1 ? t'l ilmt 1 C* CD 'el P4 174 1...1 i•Ed• t7J CD '--4 ek:t 0 r -4- I-1 1051", 0 :J 1...dier1 04 0 0••• cr) )-3 H 'a •••) 1-t e,.., ?-1 r --J• fro O cf'.. • .... (D tn t -i eee 0 0 CP 1" O E4" r ..E... — it 701P .1 ':3-4 til rni..4, 5 5. i--1 ti.4 0 )--1C4 cr-nf. Zo .id. . *4 *..4 1--1 h, e> 0 1---( H -I 1--i t?1 )rnedi • Omni tij leel• 9UOItT FARM FOR SALE. Tile, subscriber offers his FARM for sale'be'ng -a• south half of lot 20, Eighth Concession, Town- ship of Monis. consisting of 100 amea, 70 of which are cleared. There is a good log barn 50x30, a frame granary, 1824, and a good lug house 34118. e spring Creek rims through the farm. For partien- lays apply to the subscriber on -the premises. 185-90 WILLIAM BUTTON. TN all arts and manufactures, im- -i-provement is now the eider of the day, and none have more . fully ac- knowledged and followed this precept -.him Messrs. Lazarus, Morris . & Co. Manufacturers of the celebrated PERFECTED LENSES. All that science can do to alleviate the distress caused by weak or failing vision has been carefully studied by them and adapted in the IIILLtIllifte, tare of their celebrated Lenses -so yell have they succeeded that all con- ess, after trying these celebrated 3 -lasses, that inconvenience from badness of sight is at once -removed. 1 M. R. COUNTER, 183 Agent, Seaforth. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IM pLEMENTS. Mr. Fowler's Sale of Farm Stock and. ImplementO has bun Postponed until further notice. FARM FOR SALE. The subscriber -will also sell by private sale that superior stock farm being lot No. 1 Second Conces- sion, Hullett, containing 100 acres, 80 of which are cleared turd all.under grass. There is on the prem- ises a good new frame barn. The River Maitland runs through theafarm. The *hole is well fenced. It is situated on it good gravel road within three miles bf the Tillage of Seaforth. For b. stock -rais- ing and grazing farm, it has not a superior in Canada. Terns—One-third of the purchase money to be paid down; the balance on time to suit the pur- chaser, with interest at (3 per cent. For further particulars apply to the proprietor, WILLIAM FOWLER, Seaforth Post Office. Tackersmith, July 0, 1871. 1874d 7. AnTramoussemmourtme CAVANAGH'S NEW BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY J. CAVANAGH Keeps on hand ALL KINDS OF Biscuits, Crackers, CAKES, AND CONFECTIONERY. WEDDING CAKES Made to order. J. CAVANA.GH, 174 Main street, Seaforth. GUELPH SEWING MACHINE do. THE OSBORN Lock -Stitch Sewing MACHINE. - Thousands throughcut Canada are new using these machines. They have been tested beyond all question, make the favorite lock -stitch, alike on both sides, aud are pronounced superior to any other machine1 offered the public. For wide range of work, perfection, beauty and excellence of mechanism, aelaptability, strength and durability, The Osborn, Sewing Machine licts re iiieet Z. roe Improvements have lately be n raade, enabling the manufacturers jo claim it as the ne plus ultra of Sewn g machines. Hundreds of testimonials afe being received daily from old. as well es a:pa.bilities. Will do all kinds of d - t new operators attesting its wondert 11 c mestic sewing, from the finest cambric to the coarsest overcoat or upper leathe GITARANTEED TO PE AS REPRESENIE OR NO SALE, 'WARRANTED FOR TIIREE YEARS. The Osborn Outfit is complete a d readily comprehended. Is sold at on - half the price hithetto charged for in - chines doing a like range of work, tl:e manufacturers being determined to place it within the reach. of every family .za the country. A _TRIAL FEFORE PURCHASE livill co vince all that our ina,chiees are u equaled, THE GITEIPII REVERSIBL Is pre-emineatly the best Single -Thread Machine offered to the public—hence its marvelous success Will do all varieties of domestic sewing. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. Hand Machine, with full outfit, $12'; Treadle do., $17. OP Each machine guaranteed. Pr A gents wanted everywhere. Splen- did inducements to. make money. Apply to CUF.LPH SEWING MACHINE CO., G 'LT ELPH, CANADA. W. N. WAT8-UN, Agent, SEA.FORTH. SEAFORTH laniag Hill, Sash, Door, and BLIND FACTORY. 0 THE Subscribers beg leave to thank their numerous customers for the liberal patronage extended to them since commencing business in Seaforth, and trust that they will be favoredwith a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build -would dc well to give them -a call, as they wil: Continue to keep ohand a large Stool of all kindsof DRY PINE LUMBER SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOLDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, &c., They feel confident of giving satisfaction to those who may favour eliem with their patronage, as none but first Class workmen are employed. Particular e.ttenlion paid to Custom Planing " BROADFOOT & GRAY. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. AtOTICE is hereby given that all par - 1.11 ties iedebted to Dr. COLEMAN, either by note or book, are requested to call at his office, at the Salt Works, and settle the same immediately, otherwike, they wed be sued without furthee notice, Seaforth, April 11, 1871, r'; 175-tf MONEY! 5,000 TO LEND. T HAW:, the above sum on hand for investment on good Farm Security, at 8 and 9 per cent.,—Private Funds. JOHN 8. PORTER. SEAFoRTII, July 25, 1870, 139.— Seaforth Foundrii • ZAPFE st CARTER Would desire to call attention to their greatly improved THRESHER & SEPARATOR Which is able to eompge with any other It.tachine in Canada. Arrieng its Many advantages, we call at- tention to he following—the way the Cylinder is Constructed—it requires lese power and is capable of THRESHING MORE AND CLEANER THAN .A2'TY OTHER. The great complaint among Threshers - always was, that they could thresh more than they could clean, our improved drum. does away with all these complaints ; it is so construeted as to regulate the wind. to keep theiiddles from chokieg, without blowing any grain over. We have also improved one Mills to prevent the grain. going over With the straw. We wouitll invite Farmers and Thresh- ers, general] ', to give us a call, and ex- amine our st ck before purchasing else- where; we en sell as cheap as any other Establishme • None but thtzi best Material used, and the very best workmen employed. The Machines we sold last year enable us to say that they gave better satisfac- tion than aby other ever !soid, in this HORSE POWER I kept an hand at all times. We would also- desire to direct the attention of farmers to our 1 SAWING MACHINES Which are capable of tawing from forty to fifty tords of wood per day. Superior Gang Ploughs, Straw Cutters, Cultivators, Scuftiers. Wooden and iron - team Ploughs, Scrapers, Kettles, Sze., All of which we warrant to give satisfac- tion, and will be sold as cheap as at any other Esta,blishinent in the Province. REPAIRING- AND CASTING! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Done on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. 143-1y— ZAPPE & CARTER, ITRNITURE 01-1M.Zseelz", A T THOS. BEL1L S. THOMAS BELL Is now prepared to manufacture furni, ture As Cheap as the Cheapest. Parties wishing to buy wholesale eau be supplied at Toronto Wholesale Prices, WA.RE ROOMS OPPOSITE THOMAS KIDD'S. WORK SHOP, CORNER OFM A R- KET SQUARE, TURNING done on the Shortest Notice. COFFINS kept constantly on han 1. A HEARSE FOR HIRE. 170-tf .EDWARD "CASH, Dealer in all kinds of Farm and _Dairy, Produce, • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, The Highest Price in Money FOR WOOL AND BUTTER. Pay your fees an(i drive up to his gore, GODERICH STREET, SEAFORTH,' BUTTER FIRKINS for sale ancl to exchange. 180 -eh FARMS FOR SALE. TIOB. Sale Lot No. 22, 13th Concessio:n ju Township of MeKillop, containing One Hundred Acres, forty-five of which are cleared. well -fenced, and a never fail- ing stream of water 111/3.3 through one corner. No buildings. Also, the unex- pired.texert of eight years of the lease of part of Lots 27 and 28, 12th concession, with the tnivilege of purchasing at anv time. Piirchaec money $1,275, to extend. over a period of ten years. Thise lot is all wood. land. For further particulars apply to the undersigneu. THOMAS STEPHENS, Seaforth. January 11, 1871, 1c4eti eeee