HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-07-28, Page 5%MY 2R, 18L 1011111111•11111NIIIIIIIMMEININullail lit which are stored r arms was considerably tetslate roof for a dia- early three handred • theugh it had been -Irregttlar furrows. All were shattered, in not tt in other neighboting The ice louses wete iy to the ground„ and stripped of their bark, es broken and life per- cI ear es trid4-,e• r Ssion, were scattered all One of the guards a quart4tr tntle front ;he extrlosion states. that -ea ao severe as to rcm hia bed and break 4-s of his dwelling. Al- faroiles live within - t he side a the magazine n mist:titled aay injury L They Were, however, alitented by the pelting eks against their frame t was thought this morn - e fire was ia progress woald be a- million nce that time an offiaer hasty sarvey thinks. • r below half a ea tort -helve, destreyed Ir C1V Yal 011 er museum, tuany relies of 1111.11- PODdern and arteient ling ancient weapona of or of the middle ages, ell and colors from the 'a- -war, awl specimens of tifortus of alutoat (-verv- e past and Present, form - ion which (stn never be - )f,' the curiatities etered xut few can be faun& also models of guns, (1•II, and in. fact nearly USE'd in war in our awn ✓ ....7.'"titttlmipt. _ ottL. Murder near Strata -: ford. °- the Beacon E;rt-ra. idway between Stratford 'ravine, On the Buffalo :Huron division: of the tk Ilailwayis a crossing, that:dim One of these ; occupied by David 21e- -scam bcss.'' A little to "s -est lived a man Wig> .der him, named Cartia, s sduth of MeGowan, Me The character given of at of a qeiet, ineffensive, Ifagarty is described as the waa always ready to , .. Tel and get up a fight, sit of threata towara's his athe bully„ in fact, of . settlement. On Satur- g his passion led hint to the dreadful crime of or Curtin being the -vie- ariin, McGowan and his .4•;_ Fitzgerald, and a Air_ tent to Stratford about n the evening of Si tun- e-417dd seem shortly after - u, who- had been about g at day, came home the tuor. He went to Hag - and after a jocuhtr - !att takiaa Haaarty's life- , e rs ite said to him (Cut -tin) -?eforsi, he good-naturedly ' eap, and produced some 'altiek he and Hagarty ,ivet a I times, A fte rwarda rtted to tile railavay track, ilghltering worrain be trd , eniethina aboufighting-.r t , - , „ In Sun tripped 11 e party arty got up wed chal- rtin to fight, which Cur- d, and Hatetrty knoekea I After a struggle, the ta parted them, and get - to tlai`r respective shan- Hagartv, full of fight, be restrained. He at Red with. stones and at- tua across the fence. ete, hoWevet, the women partieg them. Pres- eey was raised that Hag - gun. Curtin said if that s would take his lyonet At en t rust ed to liiin as (rind Truak volunteer.). •tted in, but eecaped by and ' Ifaeartv cestrain ' - zs s guts, they met at the Hap/ ty pointed the gun -4 gun): two or three times and probably would have t -been loaded, which it pear to he Curtin, how - Lr liftecl the bayonet, which, side. Notwith tt a ndirtse a akin g hold of the barrel t dealt Curtin a terrible the jaw, which felled him trid, and he was not after - rd to speak or seen to !etrtirt's little boy, NvisCs °CI -Vince' he addressed the .. - e' nark, "Your fathet will ad to -night," and taking and bayertet, walked Ita- ly into ilia s hitnty. Who - or alive at the time, the te Curtin was allowed to tering in his blood until the towoship, returning i Stratford, heaga at the tf the deeadftel tragedy, 0 of to town to_ebtain as - 1t WAS ft -My nine &clock i, Shaver and Chief-Con- JuLy 28. 1871• stable Hanison got there, and Oen poor Curtin was stark and 'told. It little later Deputy -Sheriff tbessie, and Constable Wilson, artived. His murderer, who lead made no at- tempt to escape, was at once arrest- exi in his own shanty, and conveyed to Stratford gaol. The expression he made use of on the way,—" mon fixed the showed that be was still animpressed, as we iselieve-he is yeti by theawful crime faith which he stands charged. The Coroner's Jury on Tuesday ntatrned a verdict of " Wilful Mur --- der " against Cnrtin. - soon. _ A Lively Loaality. I spent a night with some friends on the top of VeSIIVinS, freezing on one side and broiling on the other. We kept ourselves awake by the turtusement of dodging the falling tones. About once in. ten Minutes the old Mountain gave a.shiver,then a burst—like foaty thousand muffled cannon, if ever there was such a thing. At each burst a cloud of black smoke, in the shape of an in- verted hay stack, and about thirteen times the size of the Galt Honse, was driven into the ail, followed by a mass of livid flame that lighted the country for leagues around. Then, boys, look out for the stones. Millions of tons are thrown hua- dreda of feet into the air, moaate, of them failing back into the 'rater, but many of them, varying in size from a pigeon's egg to a- tobacco hogshead, and outside, and you must dodge—generally easy enough, as they are of a white heat and, shosi as plain as rock -et stars. They tum- ble down the steep cone, hissing and steaming in the snow—the big cnes LPeaking into ftagments and flying ike a, bu rating shell.- N ow, boys, ie- the time, ten minutes' interval. 'We rosh up to the -very edge of the abyss and look down to see fur- ther particulars—see "Dante's In- ferno"—bet you spoil your boots; I did. Yo a singe your moustache ;' I did, And you wish you was safe out of it; I ad. You tuna away sneezing as if you, had. accidentally ignited a boz of locufocos under your nose; tor a moment all is dark ; then the long twinkling rows of gas lamps in the 8treet of Naples aeem to sitting out of the ground under vour-feet, though miles -away ; then you see the lightin the little toWns about the base o;f. the mountains; in all save one, and that one the larg- est. Pompeii—with its great ord temple, mefgnifi 3ent theatres, close - built street, and vast arena, is dark ; the grim skeletons lying in their ashen beds alone ekeep vigil there; their eyeless sockets need no light. No night that ever I wit- nessed can equal a clear vintise from Vesuvius. No one can im- agine its grandeur, but you must try to, for I dare not attempt a des- criptien. As we stood gazing down on the roofiess houses of Pompeii, the sun lighting its gray-eoloted wall—Torre del Greco, with its mrth u alte shaken tve 11 said : We have nothing like this in Arneric:t." " I'm glad of it, -said one Of the party e " It's awful shab- by ; don't think it pays." That young man was from Henry county, Indiana. With a pretty general destruction of boots and clothing, and the aforesaid loss ot one of the hansomest Mustaches in Naples, by your linmble servant, we got down safely. Not -so with another party who aseended" from the Nola. side. One of them had an arm broken by a falling stone ; tmothee a leg, in getting dow how to get guide -book, or, -uetter, try it. If -you wish to know how to get down, let -go your hold, and you'll come" down.—Letter to Louisville Courier Journal. TH POPE GGI G T CO Specia dispatch from Lo the P pe may I ave Re day. Preparati ns are b for hi reception at a Corsic There is a move on in France to gnarah Pope temporal sovera COrSie . The Pope ishe lish a syllabus in re a occult. tion of Rome y t G ovet n m en t, declar ng Withhold'ng rom ral powers a e v lave bee en xt pope.1 tbe to nrepat one Who as and no this mea ith •the al Carvil sures temp sures Rome the n choos Ids id arid b wise Cardi L4 ta for It s p may be unfiiendy s effect- a talian G v (1.6 Pie yo tionet . For cheap la,die Prune la, Boots o every de to T. 'oventry"s. THE HURON iXPOSiTOR. STCA. don says e at any ing anade Itatatt at en gOing ee to the niegi over d P the ieItalian that men - hint all .1 Mea - heady in . c iince of 4c4sed to erate in to Italy, compro- rn m en t is mea - 11 400. d children'w cription, go , - BUILDING I • MANI 0A.—The isN1 town of Winni eg ma a a rapid Frog. ss. Son e ts ent uildings ate i ,course of , erection t d others are alder cont 'mplationt ut wait- ing or a -mote liberal Is ipply .Of mate fills., Thi state , a th;.ngs, I belie (., is near at ht nd.- 1 % Sch u] tz has b trntea kil of excel e t brides, and wo,' of t e latest improved mach nes for he. ban tacture of 1 ureseed inicks 1 ave. rriv d and will be put in opera on at o eG. From this t'ine out ti e probab Hey is that tew lailidings o • anythin else than brick will be er cted. Tit lady rise in the price of t wn 1 rop rt is some- thing rentarka le, and ep Ciliation therein is rife. Globe Por. Theiatest styl s of Boots all kinds cheap a T. Covent land Shoes of ea 8, • • • BrRTHS. 1 FI8 II BR. — At atford., on July 26th, the wife of M• r R. B. Fis ert, late of Seaforth, of a sOn. DIELLE.-.—At Sea orth, J 21st, the wife of . Diblle, a, daughter. Sem E.—At Seaforth, on ly 23rd, the wife of Mr. Scobie, miller, of a son. DEA.THS. Jcniis .—At Seaforth, on July 24th, Ili's. Jacobs, releet of W. Jacobs, Esi., London, aged 68 y4rs. 0111111111M THE MARKETS. SEAFORTII, July 27, 1871. Fall Wheat ^1 10 to . 1 15 1 05 to 1 10 Spring Wheat. • 7 .... 0 45 to 0 48 Barley 0 45 to 0 48 Oats. . 060 to 0-65 121enatster 0 14 to 0 16 Eggs. 0 11 to 0 12 Il ides 6 00 to 7 00 -Sheep Skins 0 50 to 2 00 Hay 700 to 10 00 Flour 1 $ 25 to 0 00 Potatoes, (uew) 0 70 to 0 75 Wool, per lb , 034 to 035 0 20 to . 0 35 Lamb Skins. 0 12 to 0 20 Pelts 0 00 to 3475 13ark, Cr)cord.1. Spa ial attention p "id, to all orders for Boots and Shoes either sowed or pegged, at J. Duncan & Co's, 'Steam th. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats. Peas Basle_ ....... . . ... Butte • • E„ogs , Wool, per lb...... CLINTON, July 27, 1871. . 1 $090 0 100 100 gsl 116 .. 0 40- sse 042 0 60 (se 0 00 ... 045 0 050 . 016 Q..,4 017 010 all 0..11 ..... ;o86 OS '0 38 Maa Duos" 's hand -made Kip lloote, for $3,50, at & Co's, Seaforth. CUMB SUGA PROVISIO N S . RLAND OUT AND MESS P ORK1 -CURED HAMS AND SHOULDERS (CANVASSED.) CHOICE MILD CHEkSE. PAT INID CORN MEAL. BRAN, SHORTS AND OATS, AT SCOTT R013ER SON'S, MAIN -STREET, SEAFORTH. against 410 cars the we k previous. - The shipments since Friday were79 cars, and for the we ending •to day previous. 448 ears, against 349 cars the week Sales reported to -day as follows: Briggs to Woods, Sp lal prime Ind. steers, ay. 1,495 at $6. I . 4 Same to same 16 lid good Ind. st ers, av 1,348, at $5 '75. Dankin for Renick t? MeCaffere , 66 hd Texas steers, av 1,118, at $4 25. Same for Moore to oon, 67 hd eood Ill. stters, ay. 1,315, p, t. McElroy to Coon, 1 hd. Ohio st ers, ay. 1,25, at $5 80. Taylor to Coon, 15 h Ohio steer, av 1,474, at $5 75. ' johnson & J. to BL chard, 18 0. steers, av 1245, at $5 io. Church to Mackey, 21 lill Mich. st ers, air 962, at $4 60. SHEE . The market is quite and sales li ht; 233 head sold against: 1,031, on Fi iday last. The range of prices for the past week were $4 to $5 tor step, and.. 6 to • -$7 50 for lambs. The receipts since Friday were 19 cars, 6 .cars consigned through, and fo the week ending to -clay 57 cars, again t 53 cars the week previous. ' The shipments since Friday last ere 9 cars, and. for the week eliding t -day 35 cars, against 55 cars. for the week previous, 'ales reported as follows : all & Kammane 110 hd Alich. ay. 82, a0t111$4 75. ----- I _ tAbbot & Co. to Dorman, 123 hd Ind. at $3 25. , , , 1 HOGS. ' Sales to -day range $4 ,921 to $5, and for the past week $4 871Ito $5 25. The market to-d4y is a. shade' dull. The receipts ,since F iday last wore 78 cars, 63 cars being ti rough copsign.- ments, and for the week ending t -day 12 cats, against 101 cars the week: pr -vious. - The shipments since Friday we e 65 cars, and for the Nieek ending to -da 108 eats, against 95 cars the, week previous. ales reported as follows: , 67 hd av 188 lbs at $ 0-0 ' at 921 112 lid .av 205 11.4 - • GODERICII, July 27, I87L Fall ettt.. .. . . . .. _......$0 90 .01 1 00 _ Sprin .. 1 12 se 1 15 0 40 scA 0 42 Oats. 0 00 0 65 B1) elxar - • • 0 50 0 0 52 Butt r 0 16 QS 000 Eggs ..... . ... . . . . . . . , . 11 (Ifs 000 1 . 30 0 0 83 Wool Leat ull Stoek of all sorts of Boots and Shoes, in or, at 3. Duller & Co's, Seaforth. 1ST. MARYS, Tidy- 27, 1871. ' 100 Q4 100 110 115 • 0 40 SD 0 42 0- 60 (3 O65 040 Qs 0.50 . ..... . . ....... 016 ((o 017 011 te 000 Q80088 Fall eat, , Sprio g Whcat, 1. If you wish to know oats, ' Peas, up Vesuvius, consult a Beet, Butt, r,.. , Eggs * Affairs in Manitoba. A correspondent writing from Winnipeg to the Globe says :—"Dur - mg the last few weeks, the, tide of immigration has decreased every- where. I fear that the ieturn of the large numbers of disappointed. peo- ple, aforetime spoken of, has had a deal to do with this ; in fact, I know of one instance, in which three re- turning teams met nineteen coming in, and by their representation of matters led the whole party,to return with them to Dakota. The feral ity of our soli and the salubrity o out climate are points upon which agree , but these do aot avail NO c set off by such governmental trea ment as has been the lot of Manit ba. . The hopes of Manitoba rest, to a large degtee, in Ontario doing her part at the forthcoming election in ousting theAdministra tion, at whose door all our gtievances are laid. The -Indians on Nettly Creek, a sec- tion within this province, near Low- er Fort Garry, have prohibited set- tlement therein, and in fact have compelled settlers, already- located, to leave. The public are not dis- posed to cetisure -the Indians for this, because, they were given to un- derstand that long ere this the Ca- - 'Italian Government would have treated with them and the obliga- tions not being honoured, it surprises ao one that they are becoming un- easy and troublesome. Woo Co -Boot LO end get yoar choice of 500 pairs of Prunella , at J. Duncan & Co's Seaforth. LONDON july 27 1871. Fall .. eet • 1., . 0 - , - do ly ''" 0 i 05 slpiiri rviieet; . ... ,....... ...... 1 00 0 1 15 i 1• '1 e 48 0 0 54 Oats - '0 _46 0 0 48 Peas 0 70 0 0 75 Butter, 0.14 0 0 17 1, 011 6_,4 01'1 Woo, ' ' ' • 1/4 ,. 0-&8 0 040 , A arge assortment of Prnnella Boots, Gents', Lath El' and Children's, at J. Dune= & Co's. , TORONTO, July 27, 1871. Fall Wheat, 0 00 to 0 00 Sprig Wheat, Barley, Oats, - Peas 1111.3" Woo 1 13 to 1 15 061 to 070 0 51 to, 053 070 to 080 11 00 to 15 00 037 to 038 MONI:REAL, July 20, 1871. Fieu (Extra) per .... 16 40 to Panel-) i 590 to up fine No.'1, Canada West,— 6 45 to " No. 1, Western Wheat, 5 45 to No. 2, " 1 5 15 to Bag Flour, • ' , 2 50 to Whc t, (Can Ida Fall ) . . 1 89 to 0,00 to 44 Western, 1 28 to Oat, (per 32 Ths.) . Bari y, (per 48 lbs.) But er, (Dairy) (Store packed) Por, (Mess) . • • • t 16 50 to 17 07 Pea097 to 1 00 hee, s. 0108i to 0 10 6 75 600 6 00' 6 50 45 20 2 '75 1,84 000 1 82 044 to 045 ' 048 to 000 014 to 016 014 to 0 15 BUFFALO LIVE STOOL Thursday, July '27, 181. CATTLE. 11 n he Market to -day shows not quite as = ful prices as were obtained last Wedncs- da3,, but fully as good as the average of the past week. The ran e lot prices to day on a sale of 250 ;head iwere $4 60 to $6, and t34- 25 or Texas. ,I The range of pri es during tite pa,it weekwere $4 87i the lowest to $6 30 the highest, and $3 75 to $4- 37& for Texas. , he receipt since FridaY last were 2 cars, again t 232 ears for the same pe :od the eek ' previous, 82 cars thr ugh eonsi ments, and for the week eu g to clay be recopts were 400 cars, I MU hit av -.2.3], 11)81 az 99 lid av 246 lbs I at 1.00 hd. av 242 lbs ' at tlil .00_ 00 1. FINANCIAL. !Bank of Montreal„.259. 1 Ontario Bank, 110. 1 Molsons' Bank, .1271. ' Bankof Toronto, 195: terehants' Bank, 1334 • . .toyatl Canakian Bank. 106. il 'Canadian Bank of CM 'pierce, 13 Gold. in New York, 11.i. smesse, sonors% : , NOTICE TO TRE PASSEFS. NOTICE is hereby given, tln t all parties trespassing on Lots Nos. , and 19, in 4:to co cession of Morris, will be rosecuted with at neat rigor of the law. 90-tf. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL. . found 8rd the COAT .LeST. LOST, about the 2nd of •Stlyinstant, Walton anV,d Seaforth, a atm:Tree' 0 dt y person learn% the same t Chambers' will be suitably rewarded. T-. 190-4 - WI LIAM WAL , etsveen °moat. Hotel, rfl. STRAYED AME into the premises o 15, concession ..) Township al out the 6th of July last, a . Colt, two ssears old, with a whAe T e owner is requested to pro's° *Res and take her away. • - . WII,LIAM Exeter, july 25, 1871. COLT. the subseri et, jot of Stephen on or dark iron -gr ' Mare star in. t ,o face. property, i ay ex - ' MITI LL. FARM F014 • IN TUCKERS1VIITH. , ! VOR Sale, on reasonable terms, su Conceesion, Tuckersmith,e1A. 100 acres, twenty of which tor and in a good state of cultivation, a do portion of it unelerdrained. a I good, also, a good bearing 1 iling wells and a living spring. 1 csass, and will be sold on easy prietor is desirous of retiriug farther particulars apply to THE Seaforth, or to the 'proprietor 190 tf. .ACEXAN 1 SAL°' Lot 22, R. S., co otaining cleared, und ,p and -a., 4 The built orchard, tw The lan terms, as from farm . EXPOSIT° on the prem ER CAMP Second fence, nilider- ngs are never - is first • e pro- ,. For Office, a. LI. HOTEL. FOR SAL FTC 1 -DRYI:DAT.F., mils; Seaforth, i• uncleisi. :d frame ) seven soca There house, rt There aro ta a barn; o and shed. is 1 in a splendid au purchase . equal annuli prepaid, ' DRYSDA Peme P. II . s1.4, ors- nth of now of- is de - ilding, in the re four king a o good ' stablc ta42. ocelots-, i Sarnia, 6ev re. instal. s Ont. 1 THAT commodious and well-known -1- copied at present by ROBERT k OW11 as the . . , "Royal Oak," flitnated on the Sable Line, eight 1 ayfield and seventeen west of fered for sale at a bargain, as the bosons of retiring from business. 'The dwelling is a two-story 45x32, in. good repair, including limes flat and seven in thensiper. stres of land attached to the lendid garden and orchard., Wells, two stables, it shed ern and barn is 80x20, one stable' . The above hotel is situated' on the main road between Goderieh and in it good fanning distal ct. TERMS—Two-thirds of the quire(' down, the balance in melds. Address, if by letter, , . ROBERT 190-tf 1 NOTICE. THE 3Innicipal,Counci1 of the Corpomti -L• Township of Monis intend, at their fl ing after the 113th day of 'August, 1871, to consideration the propriety of selling th Of original road allowance opposite lots A) 4th and 5th concessions ofsthe said to - Morris and if deemed adviaable, to pass , for thiat purpose. All parties interes quested to take notice and govern them cordingly. . THOMAS HOL , • . . • Towa Morris, 3111; 21, 18716 I of th, t Meet ke int, portim in th ship o By -Las are re lyes ac ip Merl 1 190-4 GIVING P BUSINESS. R. p. UTHERLAND , Nu' 'G. about to. cave Seal nth, will sell off the remainder,of Ills stock, consisting of it few ends of Tweeds, black and blue Broadcloths, below cost. Parties regniii,ng a 3 -thing in that lino' had better call early, as, owing to other engagements, the \thole must be el ared• out before Three: Weeks. Having only last'eek received a full supply of Boys' and Youths' Dresses, in all the latest styles, including the jolly Tar, Knickerbocker, : TnniC, Blouse, etc., etc., be will supply pattbrns of any of these, cut to me sure, for 40 cents. Ho Will also supply Shirt patte4ns, cut to measur, , uPon the latest and moat ap roved. principle; they pombine the yoke and sack shirt with an imprioved sleeve, they are well teatc4 patterns and will be fOund to produee what is no easily found, a good mid at the same time an easy lting shirt. Patterna oi shirt, 30 cente. N. B.—These patterns being offered at less than half the regular.price, can be had for 'Ply() Weeks e best quality. only. Also on ha ad, a. few di Deans' cOpy-right Tailors' Tapes, of 1 ALSO, A HOUSE AND LCT, On corner of Milli= and Goderich Strets. IL ERMS, ,EASY. The Shop with fit ince stove, machine, • W e. etc., t sold cheap. PartiesTndebtcOE to subscriber are reqUested to call an4 settle their accounts. 11. P. suaaranamses. Sesiforth, july 21, 1871. T GRMSS, , T ilLOR, Late Foremaia !with IE. litickloa elk Col, 1 Begs to ann once to the inhabitants of SEA.FO.RT .AND VICINITY, - that h has taken rooms over 1 LOOK .001..Y.011..)0.. .MEN. NEW COLLARS, N "NAT 'T 1 S, NEW SCARFS, RECEIVED T. K. ANDERSON'S CLOTHING AND -FURNIS INC HOUSE. FIV) THOUSAND OF THE EW PAPER CO TAR, . 7EVERY BOX CONTAI riS A PRIZE; (Some very valua le.) COLLARS—Franklin, Great Western, St.. George, Dead. Sho Bishop, Eureka. TIES—Elite, Bon. Ton, Sappho, Lothair, Cli per, Crown. SCARFS—Cabinet, Grnd Duke, Von Mol ke, Bismarck, Crown Prince, Con -4 queror, Pall Mall, General, Marquis, Correct Sc rf, Standard. • T. K. ANDERS() 'S Noted Furnishing ilous for BoysaYouths an Men. SEAFORTH, May, 1871. • 179 -eh MIINIMMIS1111020111111111BINIS MR TI101,A.S KIDD'S STORE, in which he purpcIsc;13 carrying on the snaking up of Al N LEYV1LL E. .CENTLEMEINS' AND CHIL RNS' CTJOTIII G ! 1 t 1 Also, that he haslroceived from England, an entire NEW ETSTEM OF cuTiiNp, which works adm bly, producing bfit, eaut ally - rn ting garmentE, Combining ease aud co ort. I Some excellent Patterns for Childrens and Youths' Suits. Patterns supplie or garments cut out, at moderate charges. Boo.forth, july 127, 1871. 190-tf. P A_RTIC ITLAR NOTICE. JOHN LOb SHAW Has a Lot of AN S, MAN'TtES, • —AND— IDEM S G1-0 PS 1 Which he s 1131X1.0t1S to Sell OL, at Cost, 4s, BELOW COST, Or any reasons le price that it ells roes may offe Thareforc, Iladier, you will pleas cal at the Manchester Iiouse) AIN STREET, Soon, and get y u.r pick of the Godds before they are all sold. Seaferth, juIY 25, 18'71 190 REFOFiM ASSOCIIATION • OF . SOUTH RIDING OP THE couN-ry OF HURON.. : , A MEETING of the above Asseelation will take -L3- place at Oslo TOWN HALL, * the Village of 1 ° SEAFORTH0 On MONI)AY, the 7th of August, • A., 11), 1871, at 12 o'clock, noOn. A full attendance is requested as important busi- ne66 w1 COIL1° before the meeting. J. S. SpiCLAIR, •, • President. Goderieb, Zulg 21, 1871. 120441 EW GOODS, AND NEW PrOCES. CHEAPER THAN EVER. JOHN LECKIE, Hail just received a large consi,grintent of DRESS GO ODS PRINTS, COTTOIqS, COTTON YARN, HOSIERY, ETC. These goods haying been purchased with it view to sorting up former stock, and thereby makeit sell more rapidly, and will bo sold cheaper than can be purehnsed in Seaforth or any other inarket. Try for yourselves and be convinced. • Now in the time to secure Cheap Goods, as the stock must and will be cleared out in, two months. 100,000 lbs. of good Butter, •'Wanted in exchange for goods, and tho highest cash value given. All other kinds of PrOdice also taken In Exchange. GROCERY, HARDWARE, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, MILLINERS, And all other kinds of goods sold at priced to snit • c.ustOmers. REMEMBE J. LECKIE'S, AINLEYVILLE, IS THE PLACE. 1 179-113 \fIPORT NT TO OUSEKEEPERS. GOOD FLOUR! AT ALL riStle.S. W. A. SHEARS -ON & Proprietors of the S AFORTH MILLS ! • Are now ManIfacturing th boat ILY & ,PASTRY LOUl?S- In the Dominion. Intlading purchasers in Seafortji and vicinity k can re y upon geg ttinour Family andi Pastry Flours i from he folios -Sing Dealers, ONLY: Thos. Lee, A. M. Strong, John Warsh, James C. -Lability, Alex. Ault, Thomas Kidd. 3. McGinnis, William Ault, G. & H. Jackson, Egmondville, and t the Seaforth Mills. Orders left at our offices Mar et Square, will 'seethe prompt attention. Farmers desiring to exchange for lour, at the May always rely upon getting our PastrtsFlonr in exchange, in quasi th value of their wheat. • w. 4.SHEARSr & CO. 18 tL COW STRAYEO. STRAITED from the premises of dae undersigned, Egroondville, about the 15th inst., a DARK BROWN COW, with white spots on the belly; eight years old; is bard to milk. .st liberal rewari will be given for such information as will lead to heErgnrecoviouaryyme. Jab, 201 18741.0Hli STODDARD. •18941 0 their Wheat est Family or ties according -999 SIMON POWELL' Won d take this opportunity ,of returning thanks - for t e liberal "patronage extend4 to bun sinect corm • encing business, and begs leave to say that no e ort on his part shall be +wanting to insure a con nuance of the same. Be has now received and open up a nice stock of FRESH FAMELY. GROCERIES • comprising • Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Spi es, Raisins, Currants, &c. s landid value in TOBACCOS. • SPIRITS. Bes brands ant of bond, on draught and bottled; Age t for Carling'a and Spencer's Beer and Portst itt .. els, quarter barrels and 'bottles. • Four,. Feed, Provisions, In all their branch,. Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, &c: pri atmeal, ComMeal at manufatturers' ixtolesale s. Try the 75 Gent Teta. O. 999, Opposite Carmichaers store, SEAFORTIL EMON BOtELL