HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-07-28, Page 121„
reposed, of their Me
t. number of wealth:
ican capitalitte, whos%•-
the completion aV
torgian Bev, and put au
from there to icv
a the great througi
pet to tile Atlaritiet
• Chiatukle notee the
ortentock this_ season,
ear aid thoroughb-reel,
• _ calf. and a that--
!It-elesalttle. mare. They
ef Mr. John Miller, Ot:
by hie son in Scott
erage. d about $600 each,
al and fifty machineg
ictultural implementta.
:tition at the compett-
took place at Par,,
-Itietler the auspices- 4
tatthral anti Arts Age
'tel ones feil on Satin-
couree a construe-
triebarg aect Brantfurd
teat Weetern Poe:Away,
clue injury, from whieit
te fall wass nearly severe-
-and correspondent of-
. itdrocate rdportg
the district net so good
k little time ago.. owing,
E;(1 drought. The Suogt
• ta some extent the
bean erops.
'fan wheat is about over
Lincoln, and the OtOIP.
Eesex the farmers ham.
ty well with their fan
ma,oU reeiden.teo the.*
hat the fall c.rop this yew/
[:•ever saw'.
Shaw, one of tho
eltilIen, died at Petrol:4;
his forty-tirst yeas -
;.he Taa,11 who struck thet
of the intraenee
iskTen famous.
in the vicinity of Gal-,
heat growing section tte
tarnmg out much better
time aratieipateal, Manta
-from 30- to 40 ltuahdel'i
ot' craps a every cleserin-
be Tette an exodus ot'
e• hortty from their taid
l• ower portion el Yennta
I, several warehousee theie.
eme following firms ate-
st /fate new premiaes etn
it the south. side, west
tordskt : Metiers, Charleit-
hebbie & Carrie, Jennings
1. Thomas Walla• & Cope
at street.
rted that extensive bush
he the vicinity of Brad-
erthern Railroad, and. at
O of Lake Stmcoe. The
in many instances have.
Ly destroyed. Some stepa
by the Goverement with
ing a stop to these frequent
Instructive contlegratems.
Lay afternoon, as a mast
-ta Darcey, of Peterboto,.
tad little girl, about seveu
were amusing themselvets
ka a str.all boat, when a.
sprang up, ani the boats
Wale a the stream, and
thewrt with. it. The woman
A -reviled, but the man. -was
nte by-etandere.,
relay last, as a youta!r, Ltd,
; son of Mr. Low, who re -
:s• 'teeth of Brampton, watt
tying e mowing machine,
he seat while the meehirte
ditch.and. landing uste
front of the lenifee had both
a above -ate elbows_ The
cEU ,amputated, and. it in.
kty will recover.
1iytlesnetive fire occurred
ttiktu on the Northern Rail -
t, Toronto and Collingwood,
-)rttiettt Peet, at Mr. Henry's
Ite Mine, atable, dwelling
.1,004,0130 feet of dry lum-
temde of weed were corn-
tyed, The loseis eatimafed
Iftettry, the Fetpfietor,
New York at the time.
Ppestel te have been censed
Lea a patesieg engine. light -
Of lumber andihrtitinkr itt
hasatteemotstotra ..4.ttososett
et. the Seaforth station as .•
Buffalf;1pr.. Mixot1-
W.:A) _N.. AI. 1.35 ie tx.
1'. M. S.50 P.
Cons Courts ---.1.371.
bt. 'to ld aq 6.31 -ow-;:
.3./ne 137 1oyal.1.1. —.0(.6. 4
. July 2'5 eli•!tott oet.
. _ 2 rielt Oct. 9-
,J ally
1 "Wro •:er Nov Al
%arr. 2 St a forto. _ • _Nov.. 213
F.- tt-r Noy. 2.1
• 11 Intl _•raluol Nov 214-
, .1!eld. 29
, t. 2S Clinten _Dee_ 1
Coldt rich. - Dec.
- teal
7 PI
2,17 soLD 0 H -EAP,
,at•ed, an Bic -Aerate Te=e.
4fl.1f , S1wct, Rea.
t 1.1e.-. w.f.-RI F.! •I fur Lite
ot ey (=tartlet& 11
att lug t.l.e usual
var I. t‘.••. tbo rear. and Is
z itable fur builetin,g IT/post:a
.I.J.••,^1.1.:...12„ 1' ,O'k,.•;•:'.k11*••-
- • •• 44.4,4
VOL., 4, NO. 34.
Freedom in Trade Liberty in Religion—Equalit'y in Civil
ah -uvn(i_xmoitor
EVERY FR 11)_iY M 1.1 G,
$1.50 per 'seta in as1yatice, or $2.a.t. gra
eRt of the year.
Adverttsing "Oates.
First insertion, Dr,r .1. -ate,. 8. cents ; subsegnt-in-
sertions, 2 cel.t:, caelt ti.ne, per line.
coNTR.ier itAT.
One -column 01.0 yvitr ..... , 15:60 00
" '• btaf " . _ .... ........... 33 00
" " nualtIts 20 00
Ilalf " coit.• 35 00
" " h.1:111 " ......... . .... 20 00
" 8 ream the .. ; . te ore
tonettoulth enel•ear . . . . ....... ....... . 110 00
" " LI 00
" • 8 60
fgne-cighili one year
in " ... . .... ......... 8 00
Int/er‘as... : .. ......... 5 00
orte yosr 00
-- half " ... . .. . . . 600
" " 3 )....Iortlias - 3 -0
Advertiocinonts withonu apt_eifie direetionswiU
Lured Zurbid, and ,..harged ace, rdirtgly.
.1de.1,EAN.1LQ.1 11
Mrron MeLT-,•Azz, I Publishers.
TaeVin trrrettfiliLL, D. Graduate of Vitito-
-" rill, College, ;11.1:,nielau. Stirts-en, eteetc.,
limucux,( of the (kr.utty of knron.
'4)flice and Ix ‘,.if1111(.1.!, at T1.10:71114144...11 tStaailey's.
W. E. STMIT.IT,- Phy:ieian, Srirgeon, etc.
Scott Robertson's G-recery,
street-, 8,..afttrt.t. 53
TAM.1.31-1 STV..WART, M. D. C. ,11., Graduate
jj,jjPUINersity, Surf
goon, etc". Orlive and Residence— ruettiold.- •
L. VI3ROOE, M. D.; C. M. rbysialau, Sur-.
• tn•on, ite. Offiee tiod. ItesPein e, corner of
-)4.1.a.rIcct and High streets, in rear of lUdtt's store.
C_NMI'BELL, Coroner for the County. Ofilt-e
11.4,:dtitutze, over Col_by's coruvy t.tore, 'Main
stre&t,rtla. ()taco day, 1-eat11rday. 3.59
1.3E.'44 AL.
Mc1)ON41-33. Attoi-ney-at
Ltw, Su/leiter itt Chtu,ccry, /Notary Ptibhcl,!
Calvty,tueer, etc.. ExtITE-I}, Ont.
11.7Money to Loan at 4ow Rates. 18S •
tivTececotanY. 'HOLlIESTED, Barristers, At -
"7'3' tta....eys at Law, Solicitufs in Chancery and.'
Ittsolven•:y, .1,:tAeries Public end Couveyt.nuers.
for the R. C'. Dank, Staforth. Agents for
the Cintaa Life Assakance (loreptuiy,
N. B.—:-.10,(100 tD Jew" at 3 per cent. Farms,
Suabos and Lots for sale, 53 ,
TI,ENSON J3ER Barristers and Attorneys
at .Law, Solicitors in C1f4noory and Insolvency,
3coladieq ote.
14;1:til v,-roxeter. Agents for the Trnst and TAN...a-
ct!. of I'i.per C't_roola, 1.13,1 flu. Co1odi.!.1 iteni 011
Cil. Lt-telon, ilughtutt. ht 8 por -cent. 110
1.101.1114i1o,q!on, charged.
c. 1.111:V.E1L.
12-Ne.)X-:-.1 HOTEL, 'Laic Sharp's.). The Ruder-
-1,1!-- ;drae i ro ilia:LI: the put.l....e for the Ii•Jeral-
Intr.one a‘.*-trtl-'1 to him in ;les: ;It' the
loaki 11t-htes-4, and a: « it. . ti th..z! t 1," Judi
egain lot141t1=4; iu 2,3; :41.11-41,
Iti• Will 1.0 3./..pry to lune a caul front old filt.nda,
od.d /deny 1.111'." 1,11015.
1.26 : '1th:watts nettaX,
-pint 1 _HOTEL, (ludi.rich, Out.,
J. C. Pronriuu ; T.S. IA ILL1A:•'s,r..;ttia
of tuai Thei
hotel: h- a reef -wily 1.4,-111 13eWly farn;t.hed, and re- -
urntt tfateestote, eat it etre one of /Le ult./ L com-
fortable ;aid cox:duo/dime' in 11.. Good
1'n.r. for 'Commeicial Trmilets.
1.11-24"1;4'1oa; 3.23
1- •
rlA. 1-11.1.k1Z.I.."1-1
• ...rr_y.4: 3 ot el, 1 -4 -forth. t
unt-clacs 1111,,"t1y.; t.n
4.;41f.1.1.S 1• 1i 11Li:, .7...1A WI' frir:ET,
ficl...f,,rt.e. Car!, -/t4;: -Ls
always on hand. ai.rettsol.al-le fe/':na.
R. Proprlet,or.
Toux 1:1HtilTA:II, :1--uker, and -nail.
tt wet 1:1i,•' A -ton -A 11,41. 1, Opini•ate
(1-.. T. Through
lok 44- iq,../e -to :al Lilt' rn
J"... r, ',Ince I rat. o,
the go at -»: ies to I•l!..fgrents. AU nezek,:etry
f -I. • -irst- Land !teem1 1. te.
('rreenlo/C-,.. :4tn.;-1, 1 el -1.1%4 and untoirriot
Gold amt. 1L1 1.U1, 1,...0../ret.and sold t.a. la
4.1 •
T • G. EFTA..., !Litt Taiftrtt. of ran' al Siagery.) begs
• to ;;1L.7!,.ie: to /le. kJ/6 if: of i -o aura/ and
(.,•'.e.D. try, that b oi,t1,-:,1 an office'
fur tft p '1 »t' 1.4411'M 1UY 13 it' Ode ruora._.;
1 y Geor1-;• 3I 1.. 1IUItjSt, where
he will he Itl.1J /..;Tio ad kinds of expetn el
of the prt-l-!.--.1.-t1 ia a :g.tik-,fttetory inauntsr anil on
reabonat•l- tertna, 180'
0. r-:. COOPER)
ettaveyanece, cocain ittioner iT1 Que,-ns Bench, In-
stir.T.nee fani Ot-nural Agent. .
Agtqat for the foll„.wing 1 ir, 1.ilu ani Aeeident 1-11-
6111:811(*0 r,1pr'i 1 The Beaver and Tortaila Mu-
tual an 1 /h.! NVi.-.1,41-n Fire Insure...Ice Cumpaties,
tile TtIiIU3. Ll_fe A.;,:uraitee, and, the liattlerd...1.c-
eider t EILS pftay.
_MONEY 10 LOAN un real estate Security.
order4i1y 11:a11 thtrwise promptly rittera-
e 1 01. crp 11.o..,1' Tailor 1:yhop,,
t ...1.1NLEI VILLE.
If we, as Mr. Darwin say,
Prolix -meek( ys are dase meted,
Old:Time, in changing tliings, hath not
As yet-Itlie it -leiter mended.
Descendants' of oer a.ncestiors‘
11 ave eo skid.' tunee s they, -
IN -rho had no reit of h use or tax
Of goverinnent to pa'. 1
No tailor bil s came in Dame Nature
Clothing ea ve-a .
And freak of tailtioe the]. net make
Of monkey -girl a SlaeLe
So the old -vit.ay's the happiest way ;
The new Condition f tilS ;
And, Darwi , if you Can, my boy,
. just give is back the tails.
-No hurryin out of bta hid they
.66 butte, ,realefaetItiowit,
.No hasty w• k to shop in fear
Of sonte o tl. bose's frown.
The lady -monkey -sat not up
Till clay the eight did rout
In waiting for the lodge to close
And. let fier husband out. -
hey had no' v tes, 'tie true, but they'd
No °flick is to heep, '
ind o'er' de a lter's eath account
They het- r ad to w3ep.
o the olde \ 'ay's the happiest way;
, The new 0 hlltion reills ;
ncl, Darwi 1, if you. can, my boy,
'Just give a back the ttitilt. -
I , .
ey had le feshio!n''S promenade, •
Where buy t,..;.e feet coeld. stray ;
ut then th. Idi boss- tokakey had
ttio millin •r to pay. ,
hey had M. fine, the Monkeys young,
Through I tillt to levet) a-sterming ;
hey sayed thereby (tim keow yourself)
A h.eaclan telin the o unig.
peaceful 'nee were 1-, e , !who ne'er
To war's , n teal did.' y ;
hey saeled hi treby oe es`on for
A johlt Co :mietiott I-1 gh.
.k. smarter r. e were tlp.e3 than that
`Which fr( m them le th cleseended,
And Time, y cliteigin Y things, hath no
As yet ti 2 at ,t:E -I' ii ended.
or . the oh e - way's .1 -al. happiest way
The new to dition fail- ;
o Darwite,if you pan,. My, boy,
Pleciee grit e 18 1)4ek he tails.
111 TAILS.
Tilt t
011111;11+i° Brothren to
• ' 1
As- we es mintneed last week, the re
'eption etc Ned the Odd. Fellows ofj
trot:trio by leiir bit tion of Cleveland:,
ni the (feces el Of their late visit t� tha
tity, WaS st iiiatt-ilitiarint affair. Th
`Lurie Bre h. en rendezvoused at LOA.
loll. Oil y mbrning the 17th, dele-
eationsito• t. Olt:Wine places making.
kip. the la 'party' : London,. fit`,-.
eke:ince, artintott, B.antford, Inger-
Goderie. ), t on Se-fr,rth, fi tette'',
teatford, S. arys, '-LLQ in, Mds0r, .
Bairn; ',. W flu •y-,
nth rot 8 ,1 homes, Poll
turwell sent) rgh. The whold
tarty m inher-rd yer ix hundred, about
act -half le3i ig lac They left London
ty -a tpeeitt. rai 1„ half -past eleven
Voek, arti -e t 0), Port Stanley about
alf-pest -er end. embarked on board
he steamer Northwest, which left the
harf with on boatel for Cleveland,
thout one e'dc Thck ;splendid ntilitary
• tud, coesh. tine of . twenty-four p.icces,
It the Thirt `tett alien, stationed: at
I am if ton, elec. tei p iet th ei _party. Fee
he follnwitk e at:60mA of the greeting
riven, and audretses delivered, we
e indebted to the Cleveland. papers ;—
early as five !O'clock a crowd begs.
O assemble t the wharf • and 'on the
ners. ett hi 1i -past six the reception
eommittee, wi h large number of • the
_let eland Itteeliren, marched from Odd
'ellows' Jinn headed by tie Cleveland
:Irate; , band. When they reached the
vhatf the . ;tweet had jOst arrived in
:he offing, was rapidly nearing the
tuft. 1. he. teal:1113 Lady Itranklin came
n, having
Itj t
leen. Sie t
o their titre s
:0 meet the
-even &chic r
earing diet
n ted
he (trainti
bolted anfearrof the exeut-
Was greeted with loud
g -s • were Speedily loaded.
capecitte .Iand started out
No At w est. A tr half -past
the tteamer cattle within
.3 of the tugs. The Grays
ely: 'struck lup "God save
e Hamiltoti band respond-
applauded, the assenablage was called to
me:et by
Chairman Of the Executive Committee:
He said::
Brethren, of Ontario, of the Independ-
ent Order of Odd_ Fellows. The Odd
Fellows of Cleveland and Ohio warmly
and cordially Welcome you to Our shores.
I trust you Will net receive these as mere
empty words, for we not :only • welcome
you to our -shores; but to onr hearts and
our homes. It in out sincere desire that
your visit may be a pheasant one to you,
as we know -it be 'to muscle -en, and
resulting beuefit to us all.
Amiest the most enthusiastic cheering
he introduced the Mayor,
who was g,reeted with loud applause. He
Ladies and gentic-men, through the
courtesy of my brother Odd. t Fellows
,have been invited to meet with you. nu
this occasion, not to trespass upon your
time by a set speech, but to joie, which
I cordially do, in extending to you a
hearty welcome. Though, indeed, we
owe allegiance to separate and distinct
forms of government, and. our hemes are
divided by the waters of Lake Eric, yet
we are bound together by common an.
cestly. We have the same social tastes,
and net doubt the same reliish for social
enjoyments and the . •good things
of this. lffe generally. -I 'sin-
aerelit hope .you • will all entet
into the spirit of. the occasion, during
this reunion, Las freely and. heartily as
sound morals and geed_ government will
pertnit [Prolonged applause and eries of
Hear ! Hear ! J. We are a band of brothers
united. by the indissoluble . links of
fraternity, and I know the brethren here
will see that -every facility is extended
to yen to make your stay pleasant and
agreeable. As one of the officers of the
city 'government extend to you a_ cort
dial and hearty -welcome to (air' Forest
City, the Queen city of the lakes. [Loug
continued applauee.]
Ain Earl, -Grand Secretary of Ohio,
was then in-trod:need.
I know how futile will be the attempt
to Make myselt heard by mere' than a
few frt. my immediate viciuity. If I had
the eloquence I might desire, I wouldbe
moved to inspiration by this large as-
senAlage of people, linked together in a
comniOn brotherhood, united, withtut
regard to nationality Or locality, _under
the banner of ' Friendship, Love And
Truth. [Great Cheering.) We 'aspire
only' to emulate each other in the good
thork of elevating mankind. Onr Order
has .strugglea' tlirotigh great dlitieulties
and. advereitiee, bet the sun now tItines
only:the more brightly all over the Nod.
The -spirit of Odd_ Fellowship tills with
ita lentelleient teachings the hearta of
hundreds of thousands who never knew
thorn before. We meet as brothers, al-
though many of us are siren:tern to each
other, and let us carry baek to thos.e who
were unable to CODIe With DS the story of
our reunion.. It is for us to say whether
our•Order shall gain the respect and ad-
' miretion of the world. Its destinide are
in oer keeping. Let us. by our liven
show that we lOve its teachings and. its
practices. •
of Ontario, was then introduced, and in
behalf of the Visitors said:
Brethren of Cleveland : It is with
hearts fall of gratitude and. brotherly
feeling that we accept the generous hos-
pitality you have tendered to ut. Vvre.
have for a long 'time heiked forward. to
this occasion with high anticipations -of
pleasure, but we did not expect such a
fieen t reception. • A dhoti , as
has boon said, we live under (lament
governments, assembled on this occaSion.
we know no eoverementexcept "Friend-
ship, Love end '1'rtith." • [Proleriged
cheering. It is p]easttnt and benetteiel
for us to meet tints fere to face, and be-
come better acqueinoed. It will pet:duce •
an effect, that can be secured inam other
way. and. will seread the principles 01
our .0td.er, -showing to the world what
we are; Again I thank you, in behalf
of the Odd Fellows of Ontario, for this
cordial and generous welcome, -
. Tarney then announced that ar-
raugemeute had been Made by the
Cleveltual brethren for the entertain-
t of all their uests directing them
. 8 =
to an ante-ruom where the committee
lug -with Celttinbia,'" both national would . esaign them their respective
ire Iteing
vhich iorr
'Liter elleer
hose we 1 01
°artily res[()
lewd - that
va•ilable epot
iItyed with ad the vim of plaeee. 'The assemblarrethen dispersed
1 tugs were ctipable. Cheer for the night.
welcome went up from On the iollowing (lay a grand prows -
noon ; a banquet
11 the tugs., and were, Sion took place in th e fore
ided to by the immense' in the afternoon, and. a ball in the eve:il-
ia:rally thronged every ing, at which there were over 500
oil the iN-Orthwest, from couples. The foliowinn *Twat
VETERIN'A RY SURGE ain to huriecane de ‘lte. Tho ladies dress was delivered. at the banquet by
ON. aved. their h uelkerch efs in_ kindly re- the Rev. 11. Meredith, Of Cineinuati :
. •
01.!' 11.E1.4110I1.E,
ogenion, nit 1 swung hiir hats in the He .stated that the order was a secular
-1 ost _enuberat t enthusiasm. and indeed. sortiety for mutual benefit, founded upon
tithing could. e.reeed. tl e corelia ity and a ) .
Would respectfully inform the public t?uit he has
tuktu up ILL.'. residt-nee fit the village of Delmore,
where hd will be happy to attend to mado
on him ht pr.fehsiottal. capacity. Ur. C001
• has attenfie.1 to several cases of both horses and
cattle which were kiven up by other pmetitieners
and effect_ed rfoi't curcs, which can- be proven hy
ceiiiticates by over 20 gentlemen. .'or
testinionit,14 see poKters-
Mr. COOK will attt././.1 Ainleyville tbr;;AcTre-
noon and at the Town Plot, in the TO1r1.11•1114) id
Grey, tho afternoon of the first and third. TUES-
DAY of caeh munth.. - ltti/
1 1 1 asis of beno titmice it ea mutua
eartiness of the greetintr. The steam- relief society, not mu; of mnthal
r1 stopped. h
aeg-boat of ti
pondmous wheels. the Deice as it has been called. It was be-
e. tug to uadron stea.nied ne.volent, for it took young Men and sur-
the reccption -committee roundel them by every good halm:nee.
ttent'on. board. The st *airier then made One of its objects is to meet youngmen
r the harbor escorted by three -cues on as they arrive in a new city and throw
ach side. TI e tegs themselves took a, around them every sentiment that will
and 'in. the' greeting, bluiving their do them good: Ile did. not -heeitate to
histles almost !continuously, which, call on all young men to jQin this eoeiety,
. — . ombined with the mum of . tan s or g
• bothl d f it tau lit thein something of lasting
T.. J, 11-7, R C Fg LA.;
Veterinary :Surgeon,.
(Member of tla. OutaAo Vtterivary-College,)
Bogs to intirnate to the inhabitants of Seaforth '
tuidsurronudini country. that he has opened an
()face in Seift;rtli, where lo.! Juzis be cunmal/ed
it, trolly or by let tco , on tile.Diseases, of Horses, Crtt-
tlo, etc, Having rcceived a regular -and practieo.1
ell/ration, ad haring het'lL awartled the 1/i3i101ni1
of the Vettoinary College of Ofttruio, .T
T.. Churchill
- • I
loot t.very cosh:it nee of gyring sat/a:Le...on to 11.1
11.110 I1111:: entploy '
A. V. S.. Principal (3nta-
Verori,-.1;try College: Prt4f..-.sur 11,acklaii/1, Dr. •
Titurbern, Dr. Rowil, . d — M. 31., 61 V. S.
Vete.::inary te,iititci rot-stat,fly 01 luutd.
. rallq proloptly att. fuled to. -
Gilled,- C,u,'.:./fielowl'e Luta!, 1.r.fortla 1313-ftm '
.! 1 • el
Ocent Wave,' and `lieetiton "Yankee xievolence and Morality—the highest
Doodle "—and the unceasing cheers of kind of moralitya-tor thii3. comes from the
the jabihint multitude; whose VOCal Bible, tied the Bible is the light of the
rgans seeined to be titeless; made .such Odd Fellows lode. Referring to the
Life on the benef t o em. aug
let-ela le playing
• •
11 '1'.. (lin as is seldom heard. ancient origin (131.1 31(1. for Free elasonry,
Mayor. by an officer of 'the Grand Lodge
of Ohio, "and 1," said the speaker,
greet yea in the name of the United
States.' Odd Fellowship i too large
for a nation; it stretches its armsthrough every nation to bring them all
toget er in love and pciace. Odd Fel-
lows' ip means three hundred thousand
men bound together for the advancement
of morality, and. it is on the side of
truth, benevolence and.morality, aimiug
to bind all together in one fraternal em-
brace. The Christian churches must
takeit an an ally; we cannot
it until the golden age will
d0. without
ave come,
when the disappearance of ielvery forth
of evil shall have rendered retorms un-
necessary. The respontibili ies resting
upon every Odd. Fellow, e declared,
were very great. The Ori er teaches
temperatice, and if oue of yot gets drunk
you give me the lie. I .ha -e a: right,
stending here to -day, to c arge eyery
Odd Fellow that gets drunk evith being
false to his obligations and c uttes. Tho
then whnjoict should be care ully choect
so that the Order should no be cursed
by an unworthy member. re have, .an
obligation also to the woi d, to war
against vice in all its ferrite. You must
recognize, the conflict going o , and. 1 3a11
upon you ali to join with us in the great
contest. The chmeist has bis solutiou
whieh needs bet a drop to hring out its
crystal; yet he leaves it amt finally the
crystal shines out brighter than it -would
bad it come before. The world is grow-
ing better, -and- by and. by the 'crystal
will shine forth brightly when God's
alkali shall have been. dropped het° the
Trial of Agricultural Ipiple-
ments at Paris.
From the Paris Transcript.
The trial of Agricultural Tniplernents,
held. under the auspices of- ihe Agricul-
tural and Arts tleeociation bf the Pro-
vince of Ontarie. commenced OD Wednes-
day, the 19th inst. Some eighty odd»
entries had beentmade. ef a hich nearly
two-thirds . were fur gettiee farm pro -
uets into a marketable st• te, the re-
mainder _ being fer tillag* purposes.
Wednesday opened gloom and with
rain, whelk probably deterred large
numbers of farmers .from_the surround-
ing townships from attending, although
there were large numbers present, moist-
ly irem a distance. Among' others, we
noticed the Hon. George Brown, Air.
Rpm], M. P., and Mr. Stirton, M. P.
The trial took place in the fields of.
Mesas. Hiram_ and. Horace Capron, aud
as far hs the fields were coocerned, no-
thieg better could be desired in that
line. III faet, the generally !expreb..ed
opinion of every person present was that
if machines didn't work :51.th imetuilly on
that ground, they were )oor affairs
Owingto some mismanagenhint in head-
quarters the trial hid not commence len-
til 1 P. .m., and up to that- time no One
seemed to have any idea of what was
gni/3g to be done. The judges did not
arrive until -the 10:40 A. M. train, and,
tut definite preparations wine made un-
til altar tiltir arrival. Indeed, duriug
the whole day it was impoetible to • ob-
tain :my information on -an} subject, no
oee setening to know enough about the
matter. 1. h e trial coainienced at (me
o'clock by the starting of tle.: single
mowers, which -were to cut a tiltrip of
mixed titnothy and. clover, 30 feet wide
ahd 260 yards long. Out of twent3,-
entriee, only the followieg eight compet-
ed: 72.1essrs. llroWn &. Fut:el-ton, of
\\ hit with a. Cayll"a Chil-i MoWer '
Mr. Masey, of Newcastle, with a tt. on _ -- The Hon. At, m. Mcatlastei; of
patent , Noxou Brothers, of ingertoll, Toion'.0, and member of the [-pp, r
with an Ohio Buckeye ; t -Ir. .1. Wateon, Nome: Of the IfonthRon Parliamenti, wtte
14 Ayr, with a mail compact machine, on Wednetilay, 19 - Ce inet. mem. -11 at
altogether of iron, which he, ua mem the Newburnh 'N. th to the \' 1(111.131 lady.
11 tun 10 ie tre 1 ii rd, and another mere .ent, destrue4:it'e lire eceurred 111 the
pewee fit!, called the hlipp.er ; _Siarsc-(4). frIti 0 (If Kin.:, on 1] t, afterine
O,- 'Whitelaw, with a light an 1 very cow- Sat-mil:tee the 16th ihstby whiel
pact moa.er ezdle.d. the. Sprat ue Mower, ; 1\ 1)),1I eete-ninheenwe, barite,
Bell t.: Son, St. Ceorge, with a Buckee a; ; weds, of -vane', and a laree eueuti
\\ ood s patent. rater tho, strip Wari $30,0011 of - propt_rty was de:ern-red
cut—Mr. ltioxon's linishin4 first—the Fome fifty men thrown out uf CM
judges eubmitted eaeli. matnine to the moot
test (It a dvnamoinetcr, dri %to; t it "nee -- The electien flf a (109.11.111t01" Bialmp
across the field for that pun pose. *Ibis . for the dieeese of Heron, wet: 'Aztec on
operation e-xeited the* inter= st of the Wednetday, at the Bishop Cronyn Hall;
acting as judges—with the following' re-
sult :—A. Harris & Son: width d (Mt 4
feet 8 inches, draft 205 lbs.; Oswald. At
Patterson, cut 4feet :3 inches, draft 275
lbs. ; Binghaan, both machines cut 4
feet 3 inehes, draft 2)0 lbs. ; Grant; cut
4 feet 3 inehes, draft 240 lbs. ; .Noxonte
Standard., cut 4 feet 6 inehee,
-draft 230 lbs. ; oxonto Buck-
eye, cut 4 feet 3 inches, draft, 220
lbs. ; Watson's Clipper, eat 4 feet
inches, draft 225 lbs. ; L. D. Sawyer,
cut 4 feet 3 inches, draft 2$0 lbs, ; For-
syth Buckeye, cut &feet 3 inches, draft
225 lbs. ; Forsyth 9Itio, cut I feet 3
inches, draft 240 Masse3, Hub-
bard, cut 4feet 6 iehes draft 275 ;
Eaetwood Buckeye, mit'4 feet 3 inches,
draft 250 lbs. ; Eastwood Ohio, cut 4
feet 3 inches draft 250.
About half-yast live the ploughing
match commtmeed, but all iutereet in
these iMplemente Was centered in the
double Scotch ph:nigher. This plough
was long M starting, and went seemingly
by lite: Some pronounced it a failure ;
it was drawn by three horses, Which
being tmused to each other, was prObalt-
ly the cause of a good deal of delve The'
following are the plough entries
son, with. a plough with wrought -hon
beam, steel mould -board, and caet
side ; Morley, ..of Thorold, with his well-
known iron plough, so well. adapted in
ordinary cases -for sod ; Chisholth, of
Paris, with an iron plough:
of Gormley ; and Gray, of Edinburgh,
Scotland, with an iron plough, -
the trial �f the following implements
took -place :—Combined end Single :Reap-
ing Machines, Ploughs, Cultivators,
llarrows, Threshing Machines, Straw
Cutters, and Grain Crush r ' . -
ning Mills, Wood Saws, r Pea Harvest -
ern were on exhibition.
The following are 'Same of the awards
made :—
Single Moteers.--lst Fin, Brown &
Patterson, Whitby; 2nd, B. Bell & Son,
St. George; 3rd, .L Wateon, Ayr.
,Ssingle Reapers.—lst Brolo. &
,Patterson, Whitby ; 2nd, -A. Harris. &
Seal, Bcantsville; :3rd, L. D„ ,8awyler &
Co., Eamiltoi . - •
Tuck judges added the .follon-ing note
to the •Jast named. awaald :•. "Th ma-
chine exhibited by A. Harris k 8 n, to
which the judges awarded the !Ind rise,
is partly an. American m nufatitur the
castings being three:veil f ,01r1 U iited
States. If this disqualitids it; the -11,G;es
recommend L. D. Sawyer &Ce, 1 the
ftud 'prize, and the Masse Marmfa Aur-
ing Co. for the 3rd."
*Combiverl,izowee.-7-ist, .1..shn. For
.1Dimdas ; 2n1, :Noxell Bros., Inge
3rd, A. Harris &- Son, BetLmsvill
Sulky Rake.—Six entridse 1st,
Dav1s, Marden 2nd, Jas. So
Chatham ; itrd, J. Watsmi, Ayr.
---4111,011! I
Mr.. Peter Ilobb, of -0 e towns4p of
Marybore sold a bull calf a few 'days
ago, for ft100 cash. - •
.Teanie Watson, and Mr. T. F.
Hardy, sadied from New iYork, for Scot-
land on Monday last, • I
T . B. 81-etwe the, pionc r
man of Oil 8prings—the !fames " *hew
Weil" proprietor - of 1862—died at Pt-
trolia last. week.
-a Joseidt Readin " has 'ree
'801 j
the anisssintment of Clek a the toweahip
of llibbert, piece of Mr.' Thomas Ireton,
resigeed. .
—Tbo fourth annual .Conhentic n .of•
the Ontario and Quebee Young ;NI-en'e
Cheietian :A:sec:elation, will be held. at
-8a Catherie 01) \\retinal:4day aod •
day, the 2nd and. 3rd. of Anguish
n • of
t of
and L. th Sat, yhr, 3iialhilton= wail a. lumber were sneerie!y eenetinied. b011t
, and
spectators, who billowed in iwds eaeh London. 'nit ballet re:tutt(d 3510)
inachme act subjoeted. This test 111 1)1 -
as follows The average draft of the lhem Hi ilmuth, 131 votee ; Rey. J
Marsh, ef London, 72 ; Rev. Mr. 1
Brow -n & Pattei•eria single mowers was (..r, of Galt, 8 ; Rev. Mr. Fareuln
180 lbe., the width of cut 4 feet ; Mat- Zerra, 4 ; Rev. Mr. Sullivan, of 4
sey's, dii-aft 190 Thse, wideth ( 1 eat 4 feet 1 •them llellmuth ie coneequentle-
2 351.1)05 ; Noxon'e, draft „I 93.1, lbs., cut ed. to the =Alice.
4 feet ; %%ration's, draft of Humming- _ _ t
k .M
. .- r. Smith, of Widdem
r, et
-yr; th
01i'U, , 3 lbs., t..av.,_
4 fei-t; i 4 souseatit
of Clipper, 1 75 les., ent 4 feet 6 hichee ; a serious oncident npmi Monday tie 17th
intt. Ile aa, tessustieg 'Mr.- William
M'Ixwdi & WhiLelaw' arairt 3 4:5 1118'' Williameon, to httrveet hie Fall Wheat,
tut 4 bet, Sawyer, draft 23.1t
1118*' •""lt ' and whilst drivinro
g the .aper w.ls
3 feet 10 Mame ; Bell & thee draft 2i10
threwn from the scat ie frout of the
• ; •
lbs., width of cut 4 feet 2 _inches, Thc
-knives. and feerfully lacerated, hisslcull
were-Nt'"'-rs' A. "°()drelluw' *being literally ecalped, his farte •ekit in
-of uelph ; amee Audenson, Itednes- steel:al aces ewe me collarabone
ville ; Bell, Roduerville 1 =
The trial of the coml)iiied inaclii,einiiejs, (Iirac'ilt'•:,1,1``a.111,11rt.elitii'e'ct r37,t1e3 ji:.(t)le:els
f0110Wed, and numbered fourteen,
owned ae follows :—E, EastWeed; of are enteitained ot his recovery.
gersoll, with two -machines, differiug ! — On Friday morning last, the. nude
chiefly inthe rake to which they -were' ; body of a young hirl was found lioatile
WHOLE NO. 190:
eight children, eix daughters and two
Seim all well provided for, as be was ton-
Sidered to he one of the Wealthiest men in
the township.
— The Kincardine Rtrieir eaye that
the -new propeller, A. el -:rale llorten, nt
t=oderiele ie now maki1ig regelar tiips
11,etween Sarnia and Sinnthninpton, stop-
, lig at ell intermediate poinee
— Bears ere unsually plentifel in
•Ctlonceeter this emihner, and comma:tieing
o destroy throerean oats wherever they
d.3an linal a fielci in the TiCinity of the
--A young men of highly respectable
•onnections, .clerit in. the lienalton Post
hhee, wee arretted i'2Itturtiav, , a
rer?, of approprieting- mone,y be`longing
-a the:ailice to MS 0•Wli 118f!.
—The. prOpen-dr Ohio is DOW
T,',,s11.1Arly between Goderich and sagioaw,
Axe a 'Week; arriving ata. Code:rich -on
rrirlay :morning, and leaving the same
Tenders will be called for immediately
or the removal of the bank in the cut
if the Weiland canal, for which en ap-
tropriation of $200,000 was made lest
—A railway deputation from New
York State was in Ottawa, on Friday. to
tree the improvement and extem ion of
11.z:tile with the United' States via the
Rideau eintil.
—There is eaid to be a good deal of un-
pleasantnees lietWeen Sir -Joh it A. Mao-
denald and Mr. Lan -nee -in. 1 he cuebec
speech on the Wathington Treaty te eald
to be not the. only elute of the dieieulty.
--A rumour comes from tttawa that
!Sir Frazicis flincks is about to retu on
an Imperial pension and that he it; to
'take the Presidency of a Bank, of which
his eon is to be caehier. Mrs Tilley is
Ito be hie succeseor.
I —The woollen factory of Mr. :Murdoch,
'at Paisley, was -burnt:, to the giound on •
the afternoon (if the 14th Met. A large
amount of menufactured "(RAS 11.1141. Wo.:11
War; (test:toyed. The loss is nearly thhh-
tatt and. -very little ithsurttnee.
• —The Ate:airs. Howell, of the town-
ship of Jilenlieini near Itrumb.), took a
grief. of nee wheat to the tioectow
the other day from which were mede
RJt-ty-tfiree pullet's of excellent flour •
the bushel.
Messre. Clare & Co. (,f
:1\T0nt1eed, have rk:ceived from &me uu-
keotvii. poison, by the handl of a leneen
Catholic. clergyman. the emu e. of
which. they Lad. been wronged_ ien te. years
—Mtuly fit mers in the County of Kent
heti tie ir fall a heat ail ealtly how al by
the middle of la.ssi •;.1 th.2.111
'eel alert their harlot eat mid meter co; er.
Tee Ian 'V% 110.1U 11113 110,1 1.10%;11 11
ceep bir .11.1any yuaro.
c/ilt3 of the atteu•lants
1. I cry eudettely a key eyelet. -5 a .
• Wits,, appartiii; p,od
er c1.117 11;11:1. ouzu c,•Juid 411: a,
-3111 head, alit"
111 the to witehipe of Watt:110.i, WU-
111 )t, • 1,,v i::: I' r, .
itll wheat litteytet is the le Lie; a ier
;eel v e dte the b v•
:'1 1). 17 r:1•••1,;•). • g
r,r,4111.,t 1111-, 1. 113
:eve let n het 11 41.• 1.,!"
• - \ V-, tit 1•jili-'14 111
11.0uit for ).v -i-
:,!,- :s11.. ,;
11-1D if. '4'41) rat
C tI 3,L1lii 11 St.JttJ.
toA 11 01. i'ld'41i; 1.4.1s
3. 1: 3131< .a.'
"N 4.111-
1. 5, !,51-
V :a
t.,,. .41 ff.
;4! 31 (Iv
• 4.3,', h. _:./ , 31/44; 1. 1. 31-
I $ •, c,44.141 13-*
- 1.4t. 4.`1 IA..?
411 t .0 t.11 4. :44 . --------'t3 ra..1
I. I. a •: -.11., .s
.or ei-
"• , . :
1*- • <1' .s,
„i1:".„ tit
4.1 $11.:. 1 11-1.1. 144 • 11 14 t o'er re et
ph -t...•1 • = hereit =
ra lt I. 1.1. t .41!'s VILA
r-,-,.'-'-*i1%;A it • :4
et,),e,_•. • et
1 ; • 111.
r 1 .1111.1—, .t -)i 1-1) g! • ..•••••n to .1.t.)
- I !," ti.1.:44., "-L.;
1*.ek Lase eia. rl a, 11. tee. ;eat
I,,.411131 4.... ten e te,.t
e nee _et r 1
:11 ea) !ha. or
I in
• it 1.i. 1,1i
ItS V.eil. 11::;
(2.4: 1:1•X, ci 7,j1 t
23,1-ele2l tee, g• e1:111k. ;lief
toe •t;etre ,i11 e. 01.3
19'1 the : .telen the
he' = ktee -4 • .e. aid ens
adapted ; Noxon Brothers,' alert mete . in the Cfinal. llear Ogilvie. s mills, Mon - 1 rid te.., -In ..•1 te e. , ..= 1 .! ita 1..•'• •L. 3
a fearful gath across the. I I e• 41 i ..-• • 71- 1.441.` -1,*- 1 V4 l' " 4 P .• -1•'' • r;
two machines, one a Buckeye, the other i tie'll= tIlt•li
a titandard ; J. H. Grant, et tteeneeet I. throata stab in the arm, and many Ile:. Ire r 4. :1- ;-• ' 3!•• t le: t*. hte -' 0
horrilde bruiees.. In eouhection 'With 1 kl.!...1., ti. L.11/ "1''..; 11 ":' 1! li l': .4i 't '":.•'/
with an Ohio Buckeye; Massey, with a ;
Lubbard mower • L. I.). -121W% el., with a, , this it is repotted that a young ladh has lee; ee. he 4:-.- 1.33 e. -.;:i. fe
iee n, ,. -•
. . t
Bull, Ohio ; J. Bingham, of But ferd, ' Leen missing from Valleyfield. for minei sfee. et
with two machinee. lioth Ohio lmckave, elaY6 .I-"reVi°111t13r- . , • . ., * I.: 1,.1 1. ' V.!.......1 -3
but one with dolineon.s self -raker at- -- Mr. Foljambe Awtv, of Fultarton, ' ale t.,-:1_ -.....i. . i. .11 t .. 1., ,...-
-cached, anti the other !uith tile '-‘,.1 3(1(1 .3, * died. suddeely at his rt ehlenere in ar re e= 3 . 1 • . . fe .te i '0: • 1 = e --)
i. .. i
* Immediately upon the 1133111(1of the the speaker eaul Odd Felloteship was the i rake ; Harris & thet, of Betensville, with ; Mitchell, en Sunday, the 19111 hest. 3 tie ..-: c . . tee 1
1. 1 •i•-;
exeurttoeists. ad. ntheir E.,,,eorts,- a pre- , fruit of an advtinced•errilieation, thasth- 1 a Kirby mower ; J. Foret th, of Handl- I Mr. Awty baa 1,ek.n. &Heeded with a
. . ,
-cetsion wits formed and. all utarehed !to ing the most adyancea lienevolence mid ; toil, with an Ohio ImProved ; J. Ntrat- I :spit tal affection for some `time, '1/111; Ito
&Uteri-1AV, alld it/CI:death/ r4- the belief in I sole With his CliPPUl. ; anti U, tall. & 10) 01.,S results were eh-brit:Med, On
the -one groat Fath -kr. The fraternity, it ' Patterson, of Woodstock, with au Clio ; Friday and Saturda.y pi eViens, he Wa,i 10
Itaught, was 'mended neither by party Ilucke, e. These ina.ehines !Iff,t r eattiug Mitehell, attemthie to Intsite40, al: metal,
nor netionai lints. The vi-itors wete : their allotted portioit8 Wert: 111-‘2t) Loth:it:en 1, 1.3411 l) sn'eltaih afte: noon, abeata tin
!levee ed to the tit (if the t113 (13)') 1 oreIeek he 1-0,1; fieliori,ly!ii1 -and t;i1'1.. in
I greeted by the odd Fellews at (
1 laud, by the city of Cleveland, by the liteers. 11ytea1, htirtau, and Daweon ' anent two heurs. lie hetyce a V. ire and
t he Central Rill k, where the formal re-
ception took place. Carriages had been
tovided for the dad ies eccompant Mg the
arty. . The ex:excites at•the Itink were
1 ref. After a tine piece of music by
lamilton baud, which was vociferously
1 • • . • il-
1 ::1 he•e r'i 1'•413, thety =1.
1 enleen fete t
in! 1.. 3 -i1 •1'; 1 !Li 114.111. 11-4..-
1.• 1: 1.t3; 1214.441,.111 to1:4 it a
lart. As a - teeeeece:ell, ietle;
sertlh.e.131 1.21i1=-1 nt'i' 1.111.*•,; `_.1
4.1Atta1.1.1.1:14.41:..1 U ••,11i L.1.1.