HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-07-21, Page 7AMY 21, 1871. =Tymeszi dh, Foundry 43t' CARTER e to call attentian to their reatly improved TOR ETe tri compete with any other jaehine in Canada. many advantages, we call at - the following—the way the !construeted—it requires less and is capable of _maim Mn. GLEANER IAN ANY (MEM t camps -hunt among Threshers, that they could thresh more Itl clean, our improved than -a with all these complaints ; it 'listed as to reseculate the wind riddles from choking, without v grain over. have also air Mills to prevent the grain with the etraw. ntrmers and Thresh- il, v to (rive us a call, and ex- .. Stoelt befoie. prn-chasiog else- ean sell as cheap zts any other lent. he best Fraterial used, and the hest wasermen employed. .-hines -we sol(1 last vear enable hat they gave better satisfae- , any other ever s1d M this. `'S, HORSE POWER! it on hand at all times. uld also desire to direct the iation. of farmers to our LNG ATACIIINES !' capable of sawing- from forty 1:y cords of woo(1 per day_ 'stang Ploughs, Straw Cutters, s, Settfaers. Wooden and. Iron- earglia, Scrapers, Kettles, ete., nrti we warrant to give satiefac- Will he said as cheap as at any Stablishment in the Province., RING AND- CASTING I EVERY- DESCRIPTION, - t the sdiortest notice ami most reasonable terms. 2:APFE & CARTER. ITtR AT. S. BELL'S. HOMAS BELL sretwed to manafactare fAnna- tp as the Cheapest, iihing to buy wholesale can led - rta Wholesale Prices. rROOMS OPPOSITE THOMAS Kagys.„ K. SHOP, CORNER OF MAR- KE,T SQUARE. .NING done on filo, Shortest Notice. MS keptconstantly on HEARS E FOR HIRE. DWARD: CASK, Dealer in all kinds In Mid Mary. .Produce, 1.1OLFSALE AND RETAIL. 1( est Price in Money FOR AND BUTTER. qmr fees and drive up to his. GOISERICH STREET, SEA FORTH. rET.R FIRKINS for sale and to - 180 -eh FARMS FOR SALE. Lot No. 22, 1Stle Concession ks-uship of McKillop, containin ,attlred Acres, forty five of whiet). red. Well -fenced, andaa lieVEr fail - 6m of water runs through one No buildings, Also, the URC X - L of eight years of the lease of Lots 27 and 28, 12th concession, L, privilege of purchasing at ants l'urehase money e-..11,275, to extenl eriod of ten vears. This lot is Tana. For 'further particulars is the undereigned. THOMAS, STEPHENS, 'Seaforth. try 11, 1871- 162.-tt. = tTp-LY 21. 1871 maw The Month of May in !" • History. The month of May has been, an eventful month in mils of France. :Oil the 3 May, 1431, Joan of Arc*as at Rouen ; the' 14th o • 1610, Henri IV. was murd Ravailhic ; on the 23rd o 1700, the Frena ch were - defe Ramillies; in May, 1756, be Seven:Years' War; on the May, 1774, Louis X V. died;. 1789, was the date openin9: Lf the States Gener the 12th of May, 1794, M ,Elizabeth was executed ; th of May, 1796,•Babceut'S cons was suppressed, and in the month, in the foliewine• year gri-i's-conspiracy failed; on th of -May, 1802, the "Legion of or" was instituted ; on the 2 May, 1803, war wes declared a England; on the 29th of May, Napoleon I., was crowned Ki Italy; on the 5th of May, Charles IV., of Spain and hi abdicated in favor of :Napoleon on the 27th of the same month rnenced the insnrrection iit country. In May, in the folio year, Napoleon entered Vienn . the 3rd -of May, 1814, the &idynasty was resto- red, and XVIII; arrived in Paris; an tne 4th of that Month, in the • year,- Napoleon arrived at th On e 5th of May, 1821, Napo died at gt. Helena; on the 16t May, 1830, the Chaniber ,of puties was dissolved three mo befere the ft bdication of Charles n the 26th of May, 1834, Lafay died ; on the 8th of May, 1 Louis Phillippe being on the thr an amnesty was granted for poli (A -Fences ; and in the same mo Louis _Napoleon published his "I Napolienues "; the 20th of 11 also in that yeer, Thileyrand di on the 25th of May, 1849, L Napoleon escaped from Ham ; the 7th of May, 184.8, the Pro ional Government resigned to an ecutive Com missien elected by n Natioal AsseruIly- of the Fre Republic ; •on the 15th, the peop tittack on the Assembly was 8 pressed ; and on the 16th the p petual banishment of Louis arel his family was decreed ; on t 15th of May, 1855, the Industr Exhibition was opened at Paris ; the 1 21.h of May, 1859, France In ing decla red war against A u str the Empress Eagenie was appoint regent,- and the Emperor Lot Napoleon arrived at Genoa; t 21st was raised aeloan of 20,000,0 , francs on the 26th occurred t victory of the French -over the Sal dinians at Montebello ; and on tl 30th aud 31st at Pallkestro. 0 the 23nd of May., 1864, died th Duke of Malakoff, on the 3rd 6 May, 1865, the Emperor visite Algeria; on the Gth of May, 1866 at Auxerre, his impelial Majest expressed his detestation of the treat ies of 1815; and we all know t well what has happened in May 1811. rench always the an- Oth of burned f May, ered at f May, ted at aan the 10th of the of the al; on adame e 12th piracy' same Piob- e 19th Hob - 2nd of gainst 1805, ng of 1808, 8 SOH , and Com. that wing ; on irbon Louis don same Elbe. leon •h of De- ntlis X 3 ette 837, one, tical nth dees Jav ed ouis on ViS ex - the !Joh le's e p- er- ye he ial on tv- ed he 00 he rci- Methodist Union. The Wesleyans of Canada, at their recent Conference, received the report of the Union Committee, but took no action upon the plan which it contained. The principle of union was, however, unanimous- ly -apprcved. The plan provides for a General Conference with Lay Representation. •The discussion of this feature resulted in the submis- sion of the question of Lay Repre- sentation in the General Conference to the quarteily meetings for their decision. A large coramittee of ministers and laymen was also ap- • pointed to consider the stibject and report to the next conference. All this looks hopeful for Methodist tinion in the New Dominion. The two points of difference between the ` klethodist bodies there are Lay Re- presentation and Episcopacy. We have no doubt that the former will be determined in favor of represen- tatiOn of the peOple. What has been done among us wyll help, what is doing in the British Wesleyan Con- nection will help. The time will soon come when the laity will every- where in Methodism participate in church legislation --,Ifethodi$1. .80•41. - Fatal Aocide at at a Sunday School Pic-nic A sad _and melancholy accident ocenrrecl in Berlin, Waterloo Coun- ty, at three vo'elock Saturday after- noon, by- which an interesting little 3L, years of age, son of Mr. Breitheitur)E, was drowned, while SOrtle eighty or a hundred others had a narrow escape from a, similar fate. The annual pic-nic of the Sab- bath School children of the Evan- gelical Association, representing eatheols from 'Berlin, Waterloo, •":43aden and other i)laceg, with their teacqees and friends, was being held in the grove adjoining the residence of Mr. Breitlieaupt, there, being up- • wards of 400 present, both great and • small. The day was passed very pleasantly by all until about three • o'clock, when, rain coming on, the gathering repaired for shelter to the wuuery now beieg constructed liear. by, a por iou of 'which is roofed i They ati all become comfortab -housed hen the floor bro e through with a tremendous eras , one of t e beams supporting the structure iavitCg given way in th centre, a.i d between 80 and 10 were pee pitted into the vats b neath. I is deseril)ecl as a fearful scene y those who .witneesed i Little hll ken i and grown-up peopl were strti, gling for their lives i the vats which Niere filled witl liquor, bu succour 'was at hand nd thely ere all got out alive, savel Ir. Brei heaupt's 'little boy. A ood many thowevei were more or ess bru'Ised by the,i),11 and f: truggle n the vat,. The poor little lioy zreathee! ly a few 'moments after leing out. Tis- melancholy ccident ha cast a gIoom dyer_ the ntire coIiijnunity nd was a sad t rn)jnat)lon to What was otherwise pleasant a th e rin g. I creasiu DeStit 'pion .Paris 1. lk g eat an mereoing Flish•es9 there. • c. Letter ftora ,1)aris speak of the . A any t4usendslof i ersons are tle- --p ndent On yrivate charity fer , sup - pi et,; and ul e wives nd families of tl e woik1nei who wee enrolled in t e N ati en Guard have su ffe re d gieetly silice the libel 1 pay : which the menaleceived fro • the CIOM- la nal Govern m en G 11.- la wit h d yawn. I Auteuil ilone th re are 6,040 persons.who are ;tont ly dependent o the nthrilcinality for support. It is caleelated that, counting the pr souers and those killed, wonnded, an shot during the in-urrection, no feN er tha4 8 ,000 me have peased to be ablei to support their 'wires .an 1 famir 8.1 On th •supposition tin t there e'e three oPle depen- de t one h ' read-wi er as. a rule, thi would gi e a total .Of 240,000 pei ons who • ave beco e dependent -on iublic ' al ity. H OW A MA R4towtEili---Teeto• tali -m would ain 'few' ebnverts if Sa .uel Duni 's process were neces- ear ,. Eighteen years ago he was a-' hart drink( -r alnd an, inveterate to - bac 0 demi., 1)ut he -wlas moved to ref° .m, and t is is. the way -he ach eyed .that laudable purpose : ,For 18 ' year. he haselaid imbed, never leaving: is room nor having his clothes. an,itholigh he has. not been sia a aS, -Or taken any medi- -eine He is ii w 80 years did, imith flesh as .m1 r as an iinfant'siand just as good la. 'appetite !a he ever , had. • VEOLET J. SATTE EXCIIAN E , Andsdc alor in Pu DRUGS CNEMI6A S AND DYE STUFFS, PERI -MERY FAN:CYAN & TOILET ARTICLES Agent for Sewi g Machin s. Money to leacli on easy tenris.. zrr 2ure Wines and 1 iquo s f.r medi- cinal purposes. J. SEA TER, Seaforth,, Nov, 1870. 59-tf. ER, • .TICKETS FOR EUR PE. 14-R. JOHN EA TTER h s been ap- peinted Aer t at Seafoith for the . , INMAN-LI E OF STEA 'MRS. Parti 3s contem la ing visit' ig any part of Europe can be sup1ied wi h Tickets and all uecessary inf rmation by apply- ing to JO:EN SEA TER. • 185-tf, Drug 8 st, etc. FORAL, A.110USE AND, TWO ITS DESIRABLE Dwelliuoalteusa and lin street, le terms. gist, &c. ttvo excellent lots OIL 8t. J p Sea -forth for sale on reasonal Apply tc -JOAN 81',AT • 167-tf Dru LOOK SUTHERL Are now prepared t GENTS' C' • Cheapan Parties are re cornpare prices arid selves. call, judge fO „them - ii i ' 1 Those bringing the if OWN LOTH, will have Every at -tont on paid them as formerly. We Warrant all our ork, And are boundd not be beatj either t , for PRICE, FIT, o r FINIS • Meh's an CI -JOT Cut with care and eco SUTHERI.4 171-U Opposite C TI\Tp- my.' D 'BR iehaers otcI. 0 ! THE HURON EXPOSITOR, LADIES • OP SEM -1 • And surrouncli IR, 1-1 I g country! The: Stock is now Complete T. Kipp's EMPORIUM —OF FASHION. tn rd Y15 rt;SVS.Ce-Cs4te-ec''rees't ti) tl) 84 8.p P4' CN?sj. fA c) rd ,o A 'Coo 1-.1uP (ft L' ce 0 sci tei.(P .CP Vc":5 • 0 ° CP NEW MILLINERY! In all its branches. Splendid Trimmed ATS AND BONNETS From 50 cents upwards. SILK AND VELVETEEN MANTLES I In all -styles, and ap all prices. WANTED 1 000 Canadian Volunteers, 11.1 ce Se- r the Red River Territory, to purchase Hats, Caps; Clothin oe Boots & Shoes fore leaving. REMEMBER!• eep the bast and largest Stock of Gro- es,. Crockery. Liquors, etc., etc. kept in Seaforth. St $1 tea for 90 cts. fl lb. aTRICTLY ON -LY ONE PRICE! • TH 3. forth, Apiil 12, 1871. 175 1 Warranted by the Makers. TIM RUSSEL WATCH 'or Durability. Quality, Finish. and Neatness, •I CANNOT BE EQUALED. A new stock of the above Watches just received. • A COMPLETE STOCK OP FT E GOLD AND SILVER - JEWELRY 1 ALWAYS ON RAND. W tehes, Clocks and Jewelry of every cleeci'ption repaired with neatness and desp tell, and warranted to give satis- faction': •- $5,000 worth of Old Gold. and Silver svantM, for which the highest price in cash Or trade will be paid. • M. R. COUNTER, 1/9 Main street, Seaforth. FELLOWS' HYTOPHOSPHITES. Among the diseases overcome by the • use of Fe -flows' Compound Spirit of Hypb- nhosphites, Are Constipation, Asthma, Consump- tion Laryngitis, Nervous Debility, • Dyspepsia, Chronic Bronchitis, Chronic Diarrhata. .Melaucholy. Debility resulting from Typhoid an.d • other low fevers. Diphtheritic Prostra- tion, Hysteria, Hypochondria, Amen- norrhoea, Chlorosis, Anamiia, 'Leucorr- hoea, Nervous Excitability, Marasrnus or wasting of the muscles, Aphonia or Loss of Voice, Chorea or St. Vitus' Dance, Sluggishness of the Liver, Interrupted and Feeble Action. of the Heart, Suffoca-t- ing feellings caused by mucous obstruc- tions of the lungs and air passages lead- ing thereto, and debility from various causes, many cases of which appeared hopeles Sold' by apothecaries. Price, $1 50; ix for 7 50. JAMES L FELLOWS, 180-16t Chemist, St. John, N. B. *,>1. Nauaqeaulzetweskiognea I.. .13078. Arrived • to -day 500 NEW SPRING DRESSES, TIIE— SIG-1NT OP 777. A. G. MCDOUGALL. TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE! W. H. 01.1', ER, SION oF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and heavy harness, whips, bells, horse clothing, etc., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, and charges moderate. Remember the place! sign of the Scotch Collar, Main Street, Seaforth. 163tf • W. IL -0LiVER. PAINTING. JAM ES WI L LIAM Begs to intimate to the public that he has reinovnd frozn 'McIntosh ,& Mor- rison's Carriage Factory, and has rented Air. William Grassie's Paint Shop, Where he may be found at any time. Mr. 'Williams is prepared to exeeute, of the shortest notice, all kinds of Carriage Painting, Sign.- Painting and Ornamental Work. Give him -a call. Remember the place, opposite Murray's Stables. 170-13t THE GARDNER PATENT Sewing Machine, MA4CFA.CTURED PP TIIE Gardner Sewing Macilin.e • COMP A NY, HAMILTON, ONT., 'stile best family and, manufacturing - machine now.marle ; will do all kinds of Fancy Work. The general works and attachments are so simple that any per- son`can learn to work thent in half an hour. Tailors and shoemakers use it in preference to any now made. Price within the reach of all. . Has no gear of any kind; is STRONG and SIMPLE. It would be well for intending pur- chasers to call On any of the undernien-. tioned parties said see this machine, be- fore purchasing one of another make. The above machine can be seen at work, at any time, at William Grassey's and T. K. Anderson's, Seaforth; F. MI-ten:3, Exeter; Mr. Pierce's, Rodgerville e Mr. Polley, Bayfield; Fishleigh & Ainleyville. • PETER GRASSIE, General Agent for the County of Huron, 179-1y •Seaforth, Ont. I CARRIACE AND WACON" MAKER, 1 Goderich, Street, Seaforth., --o SLEIGHS, 1 CUTTER'S, CAR it IA °ES, BUG GI ES, s WAGONS, &c., &c., Built in a superior manner, to order, on •Short notice, OW' Particular attention naid to Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing. 163 LIME. THE Subscriber is prepared to furnish - parties building with a first-class ar- ticle of Stone Lime, at 20 cents per bush- el at the kiln, McKillop, near Thom- - son's saw -mill, or 22 cents per Inishel delivered in Seaforth. Ord'ez s left with Mr. BULL, Main - street, Seaforth, will meet with prompt attention. JAMES- DODDS, • 174 -ti McKillaps HARNE'SS, SADD BRIDLES, th., MAIN STREET, SEAFO HARNESS 1 'TARN NOW IS YOUR TO: BUY CHEAT ITARNESS, t TRU-NE.8, WHIPS, _COLLARS, HALTERS. fil j 1•1='• NO. . 187L To aid and assist the London, Huron. t and. Bruce Ilailway.Company by giv- tsi ing $25,000 by way of Bonus to tsf the said. Company, and to issue debene Pa tures therefor, andto authorize the tsi tsf levying of a special rate for payment of the debentures and interest thereon. INTur.nnas, Dy an act of the Fourth Sessinn of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, passed_ in the Ilith year of the reien of lier Majesty,Queen l'ietotia, entithal "An act to incorporate the Lon, ES, among other things, provided and enacted as fol- lc.,1z,3:11nron and Bruce Railway Company," it ie, "And it shall further be laWful for any Munici-. Pality or Municipalities, through any part of %%inch, or near whieln the railway or woiks of tho, suid Company shall pass or be situ:at:Lel to aitl and 'assist the said Company by loaning or guarantee- in, or giving tnoney by way of bonus, or donation', or otherineans Lo the Company, in the construction or equipment of said Railway, or of any of the works anthorizedunder this act, in such manner and to 15neh extent as sueir- municipalities or any of them shall think expedient; Provided elways, that no sueh aid or assistcunee by way of bonus, donatiou or otherwise, shall be given until after the passing of a Ay -law for the purpose, and %lie adoption of such By-law by the rattpl,yers ; Pro, . Aided also, that any such By-law, to be valid, shall' !Ito made in conformity -with, the laws of this Prov, ince rdspecting Municipal institutions, and all • such ]3y -Jaw so passed shall be valid, notwith. landing such rate may exceed the aggregate rate f two cents in the dollar on the aetual value of uch 'rateable inoperty, 'provid(d that tire en- tail rate of assment shall nut in any ease exe hfeedarcotnal anN1'1)LU11111(3)C"';)(1'S the whole Cle on it s e ii•natetahlt3deal=ertmir Within the Municipality or portion of a Municipal- „ 'V creating such debt." And , Wnennas, The Municipality- of the Township -of sborne has determined to aid and as int the said Company by giving thereto by way of bonus the ,I.:iiitdonfct$.2JA11,00(01, under the authority of the said re-. -13}../VEAS, In order to earry to effect the said. rilted object, it will be necessa 7 for the said Mu; 1 icipality to raise the said stun of $25,900, in the n miner hereinafter mentioned ea set forth. And Winntnas, It will require the sum of $2,750 to b raased annu t allsped-ha y by l r te for paying tb.0 - , . . st on the deben- hereinn fter •pro - BY -LAW. TH. SS! Cards, Curry -combs, Brushes, Bits, Bridles, Circingles, ,K4DDLES, And everything usually found First-class Saddler's Shop. D REPAIRS aYE 017 T ,SUORTL4T EDUCE. Remember the sign of the GOLD_OT )3aiDDLE. A. call is solicited. J. WILSON. DANIEL PirGREGOR, BOOKBINDER, HULLETT, L of .;;,,..0,000 and inter tures to be issued therefor, a vided. And VittnEns, The amount of tie -whole rateable p operty of the • said .Munieipal ty, irreallspective nf y further inercase of the and also hat - 81 calve of any increase to be lerived from the te porary investment of the sin ing fund heivin- af er mentioned, or of any part to the lest revise.d Asseesmen micipality, being for the year 9,872. And '11E182.AS, The amount of th 31 no hereof, is, accord - Roll of the -said 1371, the stun of existing debt of said Municipality is as f ;Rows: principal ling, interest nothing. .And rliERP,AS, For paying the interest and creating an equal yearly sinking fund, for paying the prin- cijel of the said debt of $25,000, according to the previsions of the att respeetine• Municipal institu- • tions bf Upper Canada, it will' require an an:anal special rate in the dollar of fonr mills and one-iifth of ' " • to , -.3 inalls,) in addition to all other rates e levied each year ;— • n IT TILEXtErellt ENACTED, ay the Corpora- tio of the Township of USborn in Council 9.18 - sen bled, as follows - II—That it shall and may be] wful for the skid Mu icipality to assist the said CoIt pany by giving a the •eto, by way of bonus-, the Snxi3 of ;$-_.'5,000. 2 I ---That it shall be lawful for t ie purpose afore-, sai , for the Reeve of the said municipality to CU .e any number of debentures o he made for su stun of money as may be reeu -ed for the said pur lose, not less than $1-00 each nid not exceed- ing in the whole the said sum o $23,6U0, which, said debenturea.shall be sealed wit i the Beal of the said Municipality, and signed by e Reeve thereof. 3 —That the said debentures slit II be made pay - E able in twenty yeare au furthes from the day here nafter mentioned for this By- my to take ef- fect, either in London, in ,England or 80100 place. iS 0: nada, to be designated in Said lebentures, and aka havo attached thereto Coupons for the pay- • men of interest at the rate and in the manner here natter mentioned, and said debenture:shall be d livered to the Trust, es to bt• niunet1 in accord- ance with the proVieioni; of the Said recited att. 40 '''' L mid debentures and coupons shall be ni tde out in either sterling money or the enrreiz- ey o this Dominion, at the option of the said Rear , and they shall bear interest at ana after the rate 1 six per centum per annum front the date there f, and such interest shall be made payable half-, early, on theist day of September end the lst day a !lT,n-ch, in each and e‘ try year during the colt name of the 'laid debentures, at the pine° wIter the said debentures are matle payable. bth That for the purpose of forming a sinking fund or the payment of the said debentures, and the h (treat to become due thereon, an equal sip eial . rate o - 111) 11, (four mills and one-rifth of a mill) in the dollar shall 'in addition to all other rates, be raised, levied and collected in each year, epon all the rateable propr•rty in the said munici- pality timing the continuanc0 el the said debar', tures ir airy of them 60h That this By-law shell take effect and come into o teration on, from and after 11,0 Virht day of Septet hr, in the year of our Lord, 11371; 7th That the votes of the elect° s of the said Munk pality shall be taken en 1 his l y -mw, at the 'Towns •;.) Hall, Elituville, in the said Township of ttsbort e, on SATURDAY, the twentyAgeenna. day -of July . D. 1871, Commencing at the hour of 9 o'clock in the morning and ending at 5 o•eloek in the aft namon Of the sante dta ay, ut that M SAUEL P. IIAl LS sluill be the Returning Officer to take such- tes. NOTICI?.. Take ,notice that the above is a true ,'copy of a propos d lb -law, which will be talten into consiller ation b • the Connell of the 310ni8-i1,ality of the - Towns ip of Usborne, after one month ft•oni the first pu diention hereof in THE ITURON EXPOSI- Elimvill t, June 26, 1671. ) TOR, tile date of which pnbli30 cation is the 0.1 day of June A.D. 1b71, and that the votes of the electors of the E lid Municipality will be t ale n there et on the 22d lay of Jrdy, A.D. 1b71,at the Townshi)1 Hall,, Elimvil e, in the said Township of lisboree, be- tween t le hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon aud 5 o'eltiek i i the afternoon, for which purpose Samuel, 13.118111s is appointed Retunnine °elver. Town hip Clerk's 011'6.3:31, 1.6)1 P. HALLS' Township Clerk. 186-5t 'IRIVATE SALE! 11AS just, receiv-ed a ia,rge Stock of t e materials used in the business an 1 is now fully preparedto .exceuteon the shortest notice and in the latest style all orders he ma,y be favoured. with. Registers, Ledgers, AND TIC J30 0=S OF ANY KIND, Ruled Printed and Mad To orchsr, on the shortest notice, and a •prices which defy competition. LADIES' WORK BOXES AND FANCY CASES Made to order. OLDANDNEWBOOKS BO UN I) AD RE PAIRED At city prices. • Persons residing at a, distance by leaving their books at the Signal Book Store, G-oderich, or at the ExPosyroe office, Seaforth, or at J. 11. Grant's, Ain= I leyville, stating style, may rely upon them being well bound. • All communications addressed to the undersigned, will receive prompt atten- tion. 9 DANIEL McGREGOR, Couqtance, P, 0. Mullett. 153-tf. — I EGMONDVILLE. Seaforth, Nov. 9, 1870. —0E --- HORSES AND FARM IMPLEMENTS. mini following Propertv will be said_ . Clleap, for Cash, or liberal terms on credit viz. ,-7 Horses, consisting of 1 are, ti good. stock raiser, 1 span. torking horses, 1 span mares, young: king, 1 2 -year-old blood colt, I Id colt. FARM IMPLEMENTS. g machine, nearly new, Massey's. ith Wood's self rake, 3 iron and: ughs, Grey's make, Egmondville, ugh, cultivator, etc, rther particulars apply at the r Office, or to •JAMES M. McGREGOR, Seaforth brood heavy and Two 1 -year - 1 reap make, wood pi gene' pl For f Exposit 181-8 NEW GROCERY. 1'e' .1 WM. THOMSON, (Late of Seaforth,) • Begs to inform the public that lie has opened a Grocery Store, in C. H. CULL, AG ENT FOR LTS AS'Efriso 31.APHINES,, Teleg -aph and Express .Companies, CANA A. LIFE ASSURANCE CO uer of Marriage Licences. Ameri an Money bought and solde .)articu4r attention paid to JOB PRINTING. THE BRICK PREMISES, OFFIC Elliott & Armstrong's Book- s tore,S forth. e 174 Lately occupied by Mr. John Legan,• 1 NOTICE. ABO ERS wanting work for a few - week. will find employment on the GO ERNMEN T DRAINS, li Grey. WAGES, $1 25 per dly. of the foreman on thiS work, the agent at the office, Jas. L. Blain, G. BLA TN, Contra ,tor. Grey, lay 12, 1871, 1 '0- tf NEAR THE BRIDGE EC MOXDVILLE, Where lie will 1seep on hand A COMPLETE STOCK OF Fresh • Groceries, Of every description, at prices as reason- able as those' of any other house in the trade. The Highest Market Price PAID Fo.R. BtTTER.,, EGGS, &c., &e. A call is respectfully solicited. WM. THOMSON, 179-tf mondville. OTIC 1 tsene.(list! N. I 18, E. 19 and 20 t .p.cBilis rnoet ex Hay, as the owner, PA determined to punish reme of the law all so. NOTICE. - is hereby given to all 8ersons, cut any timber or tres ass on e 5th D. o the: oi.assa