HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-06-30, Page 7rTI-NE 30. 1S71. KEW( & CONFEGTIONERY strotiR,_ PAVA NAG H Iceeps or hand ALL KINDS OF uits,..'Crackers, CLKES SD \ I _LC TI ON EIIY EDD ENG CAKES 14eler. 3. CAVANAGH, Main street, Seaforth. TH Door, and D FACTORY. EIA,rriller.s beg leave to thank .mintereus cuetomers for the Tolman extended, to them since na business in Seaforth, and t -they will be faveredwith et. of the same. intending to build wauld de ive them a call, as they wit] H, keep on hand a Iarge Stoat 4s Of ME LUMBER, SASHES, BLINDs, moLDINGs, iNGLES, LATH, &e., -,.einfident of giving satisfactior. who• ma.y favour shem with E patronage, as none but rst class workmen are exniIoved. uiarrstteution paid to- Custom BR OA D FOOT & AY_ SEWING MACHINE CO., RN KA- C:f2, e•-:2 )--I2 ea- Laa itch Sewing rifiAGMNE. ids throughout Canada; are these machines. They have rI heyand all question, make te leek -stitch, alike on both are prenenneed superior to. nachine offered_ the public. rtinge c -work, perfeetion„ A excellence of ineehanisre, strength aad durability, &win!! aaritine JJu No Rim& i meats have lately been Iia g the manufacturers to ,the ne pius ultra of Sewing Hundreds of testimonials are .ved (laity from old as well as tors. attesting its. wonl derfu - Will do all kinds cif do - aa. from the tiuest cambric se4 overcoat or upper leather, 4ro nis as REPRE-figiuEr), Y sA,LE,:. A.v.A.v.R..A-N-rto VAL THREE YEARS. orn Outfit is complete and .prehende.d. Is sold at one - lee hitherto- charged for ma- g i like range of work, the rs being determiated to plaae he reaeli of every family in RE PURCHASE willcon- t a our machiana are -un- TELPH REVERSIBLE en:fly the best Single -Thread. Venal to the publie—hence its access. Will do all varieties sewing. PaicES Git.F.ATLY chine, with full outfit, $12 ; C -a -e Each machiue Itted everywhere. Si.fien. a to make Inoney. SEWING MACIWIE COL,- Ii-ELPI17 CANA.1).A., -VATSUN, Agent, S EA FORTIL LOT FOR SALE. East half of Lot 2.9-, Tenth culrose, County of Bruoe, 'anise. Eight acres cleared. kddress Ex rosuron, Seaforth, Iat A;AN, Esq., Teeswater. -1-;•74-t 173-13t MONEY! 000 TO LEND. above sum on hand for exit on. good Farm Security, at cent. ,—Private Funds. JOHN,S. poRTER. - - July 2, I870'; joTE 80, 1871. awm....aamommumeno THE HU ON EXPOS' TOR. Don't Tell Betsey Jane I" And for your life, don't tell Betsey Jane !" Mr..Nicodemus Harding, having uttered this caution. in: a, low, ear- nest tone of voice, alighted frau a Concord wagon in. front of his own farmhouse door, anci stood there at few Minutes in u, brown study, -watching the figure of his brother - /a -law and t1U lawyer, as he drove beolt. towards_ the v cre of W h wence the two menhadjust come. "Don't tell Betsey Jane !" Now, Betsey Jane was Mr. Nicodennis liardino.'a wife, a, stir- ring, notable soul, wlio made More butter and 'eheese, and took more egg8 and fowls to market in the °cause of a seasou than any other wonutn. for miles around. Strong, healthy and hearty, she made the) house work fiy, to 1180 • het• own energetic expression ; and if Nico- deceits larding owned hi a farm tnat day, ivnd ,aais well -to do, in fact a rialt man o boot, it was owing in no small measure to, the skill and energy 'and general go-a-headative- ness of his Betsey Jane. What was it, then, that the ungrate,ful man was not, about to tell her It would never do, never !" though N icode le us to himself, shaking his head. She'd' be want- ing a new carpet,. or a new silk gown, or the house all painted over, or some such nonsense. No, the woman is the wealser vessel, it won't do to trust one too far. Their heads won't bear it." So Mr. Nicodemus passed through the house, and out toward the barn with the "(Jae -occupied air of a hen who has an egg to lay, and 'don't kaow were she can hide it from the c; of mankind- to the best advan- tage_ The kitchen was empty and silent as he went through it. But oh ! if he could have seen the buxom, good looking female who stole silently out of the pantry, and as silently followed him ou his way tward the barn. Mrs. Nal:ding came back in about twenty minutes or so,- with a face rod from suppressed laughter. Don't tell Betsey Jane," she .said, giggling into her gigham apron. " You are a -very smart man, Nicodeinus, and my brother, Tim :Noyes, is another, and a lawyer_ in the bargain. Don't tell Betsey Jane, indeed ! Two wretches, you deserve all you'll get, pretty soon!" Betsey Jane said no mote, but bided her time. A xeek • passed a- way and then brother Tim's wagon drove up again to the door, and .Nicodeunts stepped into it, and was off to the village once more. Bet - soy Jane had asked ia vain to go. Nicodemus was bound on buSiness —" business whiah a woman could Dot understand," he loftily exclaim- ed.. He, laid and master, well out of sight, Betsey _Jane went -about that business a woman could not -uaderstand, with ai merry twinkle in her bright black byes. At 4 P. M., Xicodemus returned home again, looking quite as im- portant as before. He • tip -toed a- long through the kitchen, Betsey Jane watching him from the corner of her eye all the while. He pass-. od out into the shed. A fragrant small of smoke came forward to greet him -a --an oder of burning 'corn cobs gradually cnring ham. gicode- intas turned deathly pale, and ran frantically forward to a large fire smoldering in the ash -house and a - large ham or two covered over by blankets, hanging placidly there. The yell he gave brought .Betsey Jane from the house instantet, to find Nicodemus groveling before _the ash -house door, weeping and wailing and tearing his hairand uttering yell after yell of despair. Why, bless .; me 1 what's the matter? Are you, in a fit ? Let me run for the camphor," shrieked Betsey Jane. i . " Camphor Bring arsenic 1 Bring poison of SO1/1,Q kind—poison 1" yelled Nicodenius, frantically. Woman , you've ruine4 in e Twelve, tliousand dollars in govern- ment bonds didi put in that ash hole for safety just a week ago, and iicaw you've gone and burned them to wok that cussed. bacon. Pison ! Pison ! Pisan 1 And let me get out of the dreary world." . "0h—so that was what you were not going to tell Betsey Jane 1 A rn't you. ashamed of yourself, Nico- &anus Harding ?" Nicodemus could not answer. He laid prostiate in the ashes and bowled. "Get up and don't be a fool !" said Betsey Jane, . amiably. "1 heard you and brother Tim conspir- ing at the door that day, and I • watched you. go the ash -hale, and soon found out what you had hid away there. Woman is the weaker vessel, no doubt, but she don't put twelve thousand dollars where the first match that Comes handy can burn it up ! Here are the bonds,' Nicodemus--for ten thousand. I've kept two for my honesty." ' Poor lgicodemus ! He gathered himself up out of the ashes, and took 1 -iia bonds -'a --what was left of He rat -her ihiaajt payi best, on the Betsey Jane. New- Yor whole owj to tell Jimmie 17, 4c2er. •40. Tricks of rade. Street fruit peddlin is precious business for huiabug. ti principal dodges going .just, now ar " facing loading down OU SQE.., a ul of appaz ell tly mag 0 ill- cr3 eF With a arucl sign 011 -' brown paper " twenty fin a quarter," and two pairs of st i tor an lungs bellow;.c. the Arne refl. am, vitli va- riations. The orangcs go fi',rapidly to trustful eusaomers ‘11110 '1,it to no- tice, as•you at.; I I do, tlhat the only decent fruit ie. the W 1 gon, is care- fully aid over the e -I, ose 1 surface cf the pile, onc deep, AI die he paper bag is de -trotalyfille ron beneath with nais ;rabk and of n i ro t.en speci- mens, -,v1ii ch o 'le wou h Ally tak-o knew in,y aft x pure a sin.'. Load- ing clMvii is p a,etise n .his way : , Fruit sold by weig t paarti.l(t ictilla,arelsy7 grapes in. thei • seas 7 may cfteh be een in AN51a0 s offered for sa e *t. ssa) three mittens of a fair prie . Ti all •aes._ the little 1 pair of c unte. scale vhi h ds the weighin, are oaded A id) not less than half a. po End of o cea ed metal, while the pou'id lveia 1) is ept care- fully in lilace ready f r ' he rapid bnsinasa twhich usual y ie ards the; dishonest dealer's en ei pri e Not a purchaser geta over 11. tlf a 1 und for a ilound. I ai ce the 1 $ 1I.b lelexperi- meat on_ one of the. e Met •haats by pro eosin for ve po a rifts o ' the dates at the low intim, knowittol. that I should get foul. and • Lalf pounds if weigled all at o ce. Of purse my holiest frliend vas no 1;1j.;1 ug there. He cc uldonly weigh o ielpound at a time aav,iiag ni bth er N eiga , and on my declining I) it so of trade, be- trayed the mot! sirw re i1t°m ( iration - - at what he i g rded a • an ' attempt to cheathim. ift on , of those pound weigt ts and t y the_ b lande of the scale, some;ay in 1ew York, if you aspi .e to ear So n tal cursing. 1 . , • Ch p er as tNai1. . Evaay arm i W110 Si011 to drive iai1 Oto a seaaoned oak pest knoitfr its rabili y to bend and break. If tbe point. b Moisten- ed in th mo it it - ill generally drive more It. c ly. 0-1 i Wil bet- ter, but then i is neon -enient to dip ez ch nail ,e arat ]y in-' it. An- other point oIJsrved i, tf la t boards becon e loose rven r llv rom the .. rustit g if nai1 s whi lic munica- ling to t e w mcl,cadJos rio on,Tya,n enlar en ent o be 1 ho!, butthe weariag • way o die n il li -elf, ren- derin tl 0 fen or bui!1djd rickety and insecure.i his y e prevent- ed by heating a y r u h j ease un- til it smokeS, ncl h n ) uring it over the nails tt 1)I us d. le grease will renal:ate tle prso he iron, a,ud ,cause the n ils tio la without rustir g, an it'd° nitre p ri. Besides this, no trouble .will se ierienced in driving thein in ti 6 ha, st wood. The reason is hat t o ating of , greastaprevents con - it 1iy ir, and , consequently o idatio xygen is the great des rope of ion, and Hi OiSta re ia the ndu 1 g c use. Any- thing which is kep fro • cautact 1 with the air is p •eser e i definitely, and if it is ke A d y th effect' is nieasural)ly the sam . I' int upon build ugs prevei ts t e contact of air and moisture. If th vho e fence or build.ng cannot be Tx. i itec the heads at least, of the' ails dLould be touch- ed therewith.--- ar e 's 0771,8 Jour- nal. , Up" and wagon lo cent era has liad occa- New Way o In a convers an intelligent g( ested in all fart tically familiar taimilig, he rel making, .or r t pract- sed by woman. skilled and famous for former ILlet1IcU each mornin the third day,' and no curds them into the Her )ractice i cuad and put it theImoti being bou The lie 4t mornirig ti is ru. up, that. wh. hoop was taken out, ed, p i:Lced iii tIi ho of it lien scr t bed nd he seco M tio ntle pro ith bad er, neig • haus ier i as t -eep hen oget hoo no in t ie ec esae an he •ess OP, ho e c run ti 13 a for whe, -wher morn ehees • the s and brin of th su ffic the c the away duce as fir in th tis a in pia it rem ins all • y. is curd is ti ei r ken from t e rfice hacked IX an o pr ne se t e a p ag r b lit heese. ly with ti ie nter- nd prac- aln)anretrs ooff cheese, o his ---a d economy eese. Her p a curd ra until old and putting pressmg,. up the • at once, ird full. nd curd • in the oth chang- , the top -en with put, in, he piress he third up, the turned, a fork, liced on, e middle n •pressed placed in if. process cleared all se is pro - and one ere placed • 1 he 111 01 0 third curd the irst cu eese. It tly, t ken 0 groom. each morn d. a ,good-si superior d solid as oop at once. pr ain in th an ti thi 11 oh Jit 11 411111111.11MII INT° OWnor remoNie . a STR A premie s of tho bay Et Arse, with uestea to can same. ROB ()ma Jaw 14 Ism snbs on the 4th ithitof strip on face. pro e property and LAW, otJ2A 0013•4884.0.16 -ray. LADIES — OF— =iP P 0 13, rr I 1 And surrounding cOuntry ! The Stock is now con191.ete — IN -- T. KIDD'S MPORIUM — — FASHIC)N. A.•••6 'A•6 5-6 'ed Is4k 1*.t.At t74 te) tA 'e4 a?, co ef, cr.. al CP C?6- cr)4 eCir-')C:C=r6‘o VA 0 '‘Y -A ./A VA A '16 ° C11 Ye) 0 EW MILLINERY! In all its brame CS. plendid Tr named II TSAND BONNETS From 50 cents upwards. ILK AND VELVETEEN ,.. MANTLES! In all styles, and at all prices. WANTED! 1,41 00 - Canadian V-oluntocrs, Fe the Red River Territory, to perchaSe my Hats, Caps, Clothing, Boots & Shoes bef re leaving. • REMEMB B, ! I k ep the best and largos Stock if Gro- -cer s, CrOckery, Liquors, etc., et kept in Seaforth‘ B t $1 Tea for 90 cts. Sf RICTLY ONLY ONE PRI THOS. Seaforth, April 12, 1871. Ki Warranted by the Ma_tqrs. 11 -IE RUSSEL WATCIT Fox' Durability, Quality, Mali and Neatness, CANNOT BE EQ1UAI.AE A new stock of the above Wate1ie just received. - • g035IP LETE STOCK OF FINE GOLD AND SI ITER JEWELR ALWAYS ON nAND. Tatehes, Clocks and Jewelry o every des niption repaired. with neatness and des atch, and warranted to give ,satis- fac ion. -,000 worth of Old Gold and liver wa ted, for which the highest p iee in or trade will be paid. , M. R. COUNTER, - 179 Main street, Sea, ortla use FELL() WSt YPOPTIOSPHIT mong the diseases ov rconie -of lilows' Compound- Spirit of pb osphites, Ar: Constipation, Asthma, Co t on, Laryngitis, Nerveus Debi Dyspepsia, Chronic Bronchit hronic Diarrinea, 4Ie1anch ebility resulting from Typho oth r low fevers. Diphtheritic P tio , Hysteria, 1 Hypochondria, no hoes., Chlorosis. Anaemia, Li hoea, Nervous Excitability, Maras wa ting of the muscles, Aphonia, of Woice, Chorea • or St. Vitus' 81u gishness of the Liver, Inte and Feeble Action of the I-Ieart, Si ing feelings caused. by =acme o tio ing cau $1 180 s of the lungs and air thereto, and debility es, many cases of eless._ Sold by apoth 0; six for $7 50. b JAMES I. F LLO .16t Chemist, St. John, S. y „the YP0- sump- ity, s, ly. dn is ta and o.- ncorr- nus or r Loss 4 nteeea frereuact-- t passage • lead - from rious "ch ap ared. aries. rice, MONEY TO LEND. (AN Farm or desirable P A Artar l to A. G. McDOUGL, k) at 64 per cent. PaAlnents e . to suit the borrower. App Insurance Agent an Commissioner, Se1forth, or to SOHN SEATTER, 1 Exchange Broker, Seafort January 13, 1871. 16 6rn A VOID QUACKS. ----A victim f early indiscretioia, causing nervou debil- ity. premature decay, ete.1, havin tried in vain every advertised remedy, has a simple means of self -cure, which Ipe will -Send free to his ellow-sufferers. Address J. 11. TUTTLZ 78 Nassau sti4 New York. 16 -6ni TO THE PU W. Hi. OLIVER, SIGN OF THE BLIC &T LA.B:GEI JAS. WILSON, t:d t:J t7J A choice assoi harness, whips, 1. kept constantly Repairing pro charges modcrat sign of the Scot Seaforth. 16:3tf tment of light and heavy lls; horse clothing, etc., n hand. ptly attended to, and 4. Reinember the place ! uh Collar, Main Street, w. oLnrER. 0. 1-1...CULL,1 A LOOKMAYS Telegraph. au -CANADA LI Issuer o American I Particular atte 4ENT FOIL 'E VING 1. Express CoMpardes, ssuil AliccE CO., arriage Licences. ney bought and sold. ion paid to JOB PRINTING. t 4 Armstrong's Book - Sore, Seaforth 174 P IINTING. JAME WILLIA S Begs to intimat to the publi that ho has removed rom Mclntosi & Mor- rison's Carriag Faetory, and aas'rented Mr. Willia Grassie' Paint hop, Where he may be found at ny ;time. Mr, Williams prepared. to e encute, of the shortest n11 ice, all kinds of Carriage Pai ting, Sign Painting and: Oriliamental Wo -k. . Give him a +Ill. Remember the place, opposite Muni, 's Stables. 170-13t THE GA1 DNER PA ENT &win Mac! ' Gardner 1, • C7E:RED BY TEE 1 ewing Machine MPANY, LTON, ONT., •IANU• HA Is the best fa machine now Fancy Work. attachments a son can learn t ily anti manufacturing de ; will do all kinds of The general works and so simple that any per - work thein in half an hour. Tailors rd. shoemakers use it in within the reac i of all. 1 Has no gear f any kind; iis STRONG, and SIMPLE. preference to lly HOW made. Price It would be well for inten ling pur- chasers to call n any of the ndermen- tioned parties nd see this mo. chine, be- fore purchasiri one of anot er Make. at work, sey's and 'lle ; Mr. & Garry, The above magi inc cau be see at any time, at William Gra. T. K. Andersok 's, Seaforth; Exeter; Mr. P eree's, Bodge Polley, Bayfi; Fishleigh A iuleyville. P1 ER GRAS General Agent 179-ly .or the County Seale». TE, of Huron, h, Ont. GRAS 1E, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER Goderi Street, Seaforth. SLEIGHS, CUTTER. GAR Built in a sup Particul Shoeing and. IAGES, GGIES, WAGONS, 4:c. &c. or manner, te order, on ort notice, attention paid to Horse neral.Blacksmithing. 163 F R SALE& THAT spie lid Hotel Stand on the iCMOaRrketS are, Seaforth, known as he NE e-BANGE, and doing a good business. To an enterprising man, with some capi I, it offers excellent in- ducements, bel g on one of the leading streets and do e to the Salt Wells. Also, two co fortable COTTAGES on Elgin Street, 'ederich, related' at $200 a year, and seve al Town Lots. Terms -- moderate. Ap1 ly to WM. MALCOM, At the Market. Seaforth, JaL 23, 1871, 164-tf HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, &c., &c., romN STREET, SEAFORTIC Como all you good folks who want Har-: ness, Substantial, low-priced, good and new, At WILSON'S, Main street, Seaforth, An excellent stock you may view; --. The stock is,owned by JAME!1 WILSON Whose work is 'so high:y renowned ; The shop is on Main streets Seaforth, Tis a place may easily be found. Here are plenty of bits, bridles and. curbs Sursingles and saddles so fine, There is nothing can equal their make, They are just Neal A and prime. Here are lots of good blankets for. winter That will keep from your horses the And_ theeel(fil; ynets, so graceful for ` Trimile linerA with blue, green, yellow and void. Crack up whips of every _description, For the stage coach, carriage or hand. At JAMES WILSON'S shop, Seaforth, May always be had at eoromand. Here are sponges and. conibs and rosettes .A-11 useful and good in their way.; With long and short tugs in abundance, And Harness that don't break in a day: Portmanteaus and. Trunks Of all kinds, Valises of a quality spicy and. rare, If you shoulddesire to purehase, To the shop of JAMES WILSON repair. , Now cdoenliaey,, and that without further Excellent bargains make while you can, At the "Saddle and Harness Emporium," And remember JAMES WILSON'S the man. I keep constantly on hand. a stook of TRUNKS, PORTMANTEAUS, VAL- • ISES AND WHIPS. Herse Collars and Blankets and every article connected with the business. TRUNKS, VALISES, HARNESS, SADDLES and BRIDLES, Made to order. J. WILSON. 165-tf McINTOSH & MORRIpON'S - CARRIAGE FACTORY MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. The subscribers feel thankful for the very liberal patronage theyhave received SillCC COMIDencing business in Seaforth, and wish to intimate to their customers and the public generally that they keep on hand and are manufacturing all kinds of wheel work, such.' as CARRIAGES, OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES, D EM 0 CR ATS WAGGONS, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, Made up by EXPERIENCED WORK- MEN, in the -very latest styles. We Do No Horse -shoeing, But pay all our attention to the above class of business. Parties who favor us with their orders will get k,rood sat isfa ctio n. We keep a first-class Carriage Painter. AINTIN Done for country shops, and old work repainted at reasonable rates._ Repairing promptly attended to. Cordwood, Lumber, Shingles an d Lath taken in exchange for work. MoINTOSH & MORRISON. 167-tf LUMBER! LUMBER! LATH and SHINGLES. THE Undersigned have - band at their Mill, one half mile North of Ainleyville, a large Stock of Dry Pine Lumber, part (about 35,000 feet) of which is Dressed 14 and 1-4 Flooring. They hare also on hand '753000 ft. of Stip Lath which is warrantectfirst-elass, and no slabs. Their Shingle Machine will start about the 18th instant, after which date a plen- tiful supply of SHINGLES will be kept on hand. Prompt attention given to orders from a distance. M. & T. SMITH. Dingle, April 12, 1a7L 176-tf. DANIEL M'GliEGOR BOOKBINDER, HULLETT, inaerials nsed the TIAS iust received. a ia 't CI cic is now fully prepared to execute on the shortest notice and in. the latest styles, orders he may be favoured with. Register, Le gers, AND T.3171-A-1\TI-1.- 130 or ANY KIND, Ruled Printed anL iIc , ToPIr, on the shortest notice, an prices which defy competition. LADIES' WORK BOXE AND ,FANCY CASE Made to order. 0 IA) ANI) NEW BOOTi 130 ('X1 ASD REPAIRED At city prices. Persons residing at a distance by leaving their books at the Signal B wiz Stor a Goderich, Air at the E.irosi -on 1 office , Seaforth, or at J. R. Grant's, Ain - 'eye Ile, stating style, may rely upon being well bound. communications addre sed to the Aigned, will reCeive pr mpt atten- DANIEL McGRE ;OR, Cone- ance, P. 0, 'Hullett. 153-tf.— then A unit tion. • I -Seaforth, Nov. 9, 1870. ROI rens( T1 Gan. TO F.A_RMEI S. RON FI—A—RR WS. E UNDERSIGNED has on hand , large number of IR HAR- '5, which he is prepared to sell on nable terms. est) harrows were main factured at noque, and are The Best ltr-ow in, s A .;uarantee will lit given that if it do not work s it 111 ay be retained by the with thirty days. , O. C. WIL .Agrictiltural Implem 169 tf SEAFOR with each, isfactorily, purchaser ON,1 .1).t Agent, 11, ONT.. Ti E GREAT FEMALE REMEDY, JO -:B MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. TI is well-known medicine is no impo- sitioia but a sure and safe remedy for FemPe Difficulties and 0 astructions, from any cause whatever; a d although a powerful remedy, it conta ns nothing o hurt ul to the constitution. Tc Married_ Ladies it i peculiarly suit d. It will in a short time bring on t le monthly period with regularity, and. dthough very powerful ontains no - thin hurtful to the constitu ion. In all case. of :Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation a the heart, Lowhess of Spirits, Hysterics, Sick Headaches, Whites and all the painful dise ses occasioned by a disordered sys- tem, these Pills will effect a cure when all 0 .her means have failed. Ti ese Pills have never been known to failhere the directions on the second. lf page of pamphlet ire well observed. I?or full particulars, get a. pamphlet, free, of the agent. . JOB MOSES, NEW YORK', SOLE PROPRIETOR. $1 00 and 124 coats for postage, CA - closed to Northrop a: Lyman, Neweastle Ont. general agents for the Dominion,. will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. C --ii Sold in Seaforth by E. Eickson and. Co., and. R. Lumsden; A. Stephens, :Mite iell ; J. 8. Coombs, Clinton, and all .*:.1 edicine Dealers. NOR,THItOP & LYMAN, Newcastle, Sele Agents. 180-9. NOTICE. IABOREPS Wanting work ,for a few N1100118 Will find_ einployment on the GOVERNMENT' DRAINS, In Gey. WAGES,. $1 25 per day. Enquire of the forentan im this work, or aPply to the agent at the office, Jas. T., B ain. G. IlLA IN, Contractor. Orey, May 12, 1871. 180-tf NOTICE TO DEBTORS. icT )TICE is hereby (liven that all par- ies indented to ''Dr. COLEMAN, either by note or book, are requested to call at his office, at the Salt Works, and settle the same immediately, otherwi they will be sued without further notice. Seaforth, April 11, 1871. 175-tf - THE grrin ex-proifor, 18 • P111LISHED • EVllY FRIDAY- MORNING, LAT SBA FORT11.• TERMS. ..,31.1pc) per annum, ha advance ; if not SO pahl $2.00 will be charged. No subs- cription taken for a shorter period than three months. ADVERTISING RATES. TRA NSI ENT. Per line, first insertion, 8 cte ; subse- quent insertions, 2 cts, each time. Ad- vertiaements measured by a scale`of sohd brevier. No advertisement taken for less than One Dollar. CONTRACT RAI ES olunan for One Year. - $60 00 " Six Months, , - 35 00 " Three " - ' - 20 00 ' One Year, - 35 00 " Six Months, - 20 00 " Three " - - 12 06 " One 'Year, - 20 00 " Six Months - 12 00 " Three " - - - 800 " One Year, - 12 00 " Six Months - - 8 00 4 g Three " - 5 00 Advertisements; withontsfecific direc- tions, wil: be inserted till forbid, and charged aceordinly, r McLEAN BROTHERS, ICURZO Y. SicLEAN; Aiblishera. , ALLAN IticLEAN. One g 4 • Half LA t t Quar ter A 6 t C Eighth • C t • 4 -