The Huron Expositor, 1871-06-30, Page 6THE URON EXPOSITOR - JUNE 30, 871. A Romance of California. A tale comes to a from an Francisco so oddly dramatic as te worth recording. It appears that a charming young lady—of oourse the story would lack interest were she commonplace—fell in love with a person, •called by his own class and those with whom they consort, a °sport." in other words, he was a dealer at faro bank, an&as such ex- cluded from the society whelein his fair enslaver habitually moVed; But they met by chance lit a . hall; and just as Claude Nelnotte admired from his flowers and cabt bg,aes, the bagghty Pauline, With was destined to become his bride, so,. from amid his marked cards, chips and- cepperes did the voune• gamester lift his eyes to this lovely girl of San Franciaceeand forgot the gulf between them. So itt the sequel did.she. Somehow they were intro- duced at the ball, zuld afterward! they met—this time not by chance --a at a photograph gallery. They were subsequently described by the sym- pathetic.artist as they appealed on the occasion. She wore blue and had "a \Yeah!'" of golden hair: _ The captia-e "spat' was faidtlessly dressed" in 'fell black, garnished with diamonds, and had "a love of a moustache." The fit st clandestine meeting was followed, AS is apt to Le the case, by others, and, to tell the tale briefly, wound up with a secret marriage. 1 - All went oa smoothly for tatime, great as was the risk, and the.lioney- moon, masked in secrecy, as it as, Seemed to premise well. Bet pres- ontly a tinycloud darkened the skies of happiness. It came, to quote the words of a San Francisco jour- nal; "in the shape of 4 live healthy man of business, occupying businesS relations_ with the young lady's PapA." This healthful and eligiole„ trei4eman soon became a suiton for the young lady's band. The father, -who is represented to be a " mer- chant prince" of conventional pre- , judices, favored the suit. It was avoided quite naturally by the daughter, and 'finally entreaties, ex- postulation, and menance brought on an explosion. All was confessed, and the horror-strieken parent was, dumb with rage and mortification. But this young, Yet astute child of the Setting sun was equal to the occasion. "What's the use," she -pertinently asked, "of making a fuss about it I The thing's done: The only question how can it be undone so that I can do as you wish?' . The father listened in silence, and the daughter went on : " I believe my husband is already tired of me, and I know I am Of him. No one knows of this: Go and buy him of. Make him con- sent to a, divorce. .Give him what money he wants, and then I can marry the rich and prosperous New Yorker." This guileless scheme ap- pealed strongly to the business: instincts of our " merchant prince," raid he Straightway set to work to realize it. Several inter- views followed with the " sport" who proved as fickle as the blind goddess' be followed, and finally $20,000 was -agreed upon as the sum to be paid him for consenting to the divorce. This was promptly carried through. Thu rich New Yorker, none the Wiser, soon came - for his bride to, the golden gate, and their engagement was formally announced. And now follows the pith of this roinantic story. The marriage was to take place in a, week, and the intended bride was all blushes and complaisance. Father and bridegroom -vied with each other in lavishing costly gifts upon her, and the unsophisticated creature had a sumptuous trousseau made ready to bring eastward to New York. But the night before , the wedding a thrill of dismay ran through the househola. It 'W as the story of young Loeb nivar over _again. The bride had fled, and worse than wiah the insidious "sport." The $20,000 and the treusseau, to- gether with the wedding gifts, we need hardly say, bore the faithful P'r coMpany. A letter was soon found addressed to the father. It stated, simply, that the young lady had changed her mind, and that when the epistle was read she would be far on. her way to New York, escorted by her former • husband, whom she had married agsin. Whether the whole plan was arrang- ed beforehand by way of getting a start Wife that faro had failed to' supply, must be left to conjecture. It is eaid; however, that the father has not been obdurate, and that on the accepted condition that the green cloth should be abandoned for- ever, he has forgiven the twice wedded pair, and made hie*, Son-in- law his business agent in the At- lantic States. Such is life.—Ar. nines. French Method of Raising Potatoes. As soon as a cluster of flowers is visible, the stem is topped down to the cluster, so that the flowers ter- minate the stew. The effect is that the sap is immediately impelled into the two buds next below the cluster, which soon push strongly and pro- duce another clu When these are to which, they be down to their lei successi e y. plants b come st not abo e eighte order to p event sticks. = stri horizont 1 y alon keep the 1 lants to this, 11, the 1 flowers, d afte all later 1 what off. . Int. isway rected i t t the fr beaut size a Joined b ther n ,= Fac_s abou ter of flowers each visible, the branc long is also.toppe el, and thisis don y this means th ut dwarf bushes n itehes high.- I their falling over gs re stletche the rows, so at t rect. In addi ion tetial. that hav,; on the *fth topping, WYE • are nipped the ipe sap is di . hicli acquire d'e. cellence unat- eans. Ellishmen, Disr4eli is sal to' b the only ma b 9 speaks bes'; without prer ara- 'on. But even 1 the leader of the ppositien, apt, 'ailliant and epeek- mg as he is, pr pares. more than sost people suapose. All those .haracteristic ple ases of his are, o °Me, thought oit and conned (wet n the quidt little study in Grosve or Gate, ivhere oSt of Lothar wa ratten. utDi raeli doee not stoi here. ile write- out. long passage - f all his great sp eches, his perora ions always, ancl most carefully, ud Lel pIurnes. himself alio articularly as a atterof oratorica kill is th art vi1i whichhe weave hese pr p red p eces of eloquenc nto the t1rcad o his speech, nevet iJipearing to spea Upen the. debate but away to ap ear to be speakin upofl the = point stiggested by th course off t le ,deb te, Auticipatin the line of though likely to be take by his °Pi onentS, h • prepares him self for ti eir cri ac Sms, and whe the criti ms the iselyes come he ready fo beta pa . ,All his phillip ics agab s Peel, were, it is said written os t'and c mmitted to inein •ry. Glat stone h s a Vast comrnancl f -words, nd it is generally though prepares b t very itle except whe out of offi e ; hu ii Iiis late speec gai1rt i'[ s upon the Church on -can e. sily-sin ;,le out several pas - ages whi 1 -are si kli d over witl be pale ast of thought. Brigh wiites al his si eeckes. Cobde ley r -w ri te a sPeech in his life, 11 owe' -speeches upon Reform ere wri ten, a cl. except when peaung upon like this, Lowe ever -sPaks w11. !Bruce, like nos barr'sters, trusts to his re oil ction and 'the spur of the no ent,' nd th Consequence is at he ea liarcllv put three sen- ences to_ether n logical order. s you in, y guess: froin that speech f his on t e Clutch, it is a mere hanice of hit or niss peaks we 1 or veiry b ell k tale plainly' b nd discre ion ancl a re needed he is t whether he ad. He can, Lt -where tact little finesse an above all thers in the 04 in t, who ought ot to be selected' Mr. Gathorne -lardy ne er prepsres a word. Mr. ()schen p Ispares very word. Sir ohri Cole idge is fond of his pen, ut Sir Ro ert Collier never touches t. • Lord Del by Lo d Canarvon nd Lord alisbnrY ptepare a gbod Of Lord Caner - ti. paper Pisiss st c , all in MS. rd Granville, Derby, trusts h of course,' etween tlie smen, ing off -h, rid em a s ip- ner, wh.ch, r, and ow otes, wo lld it with ar- t • ta1.1 That speech ron'e at the , inner ,wa , -it it, i his podia like the la insti here is no t. But IL e Earl j olf cos, al hbu con:teal SOU tyles of he tw� st‘ tyleland' ord Gistievi erby talking in dal hod and 1 esitatin ut for his good nd then h s racy -ut One -ou of all m4ntai y oratory -4116-4b 1 He pless The Can efl that the naland S1flic time. titi is dista rovinces, he action a foreel •otest—an tieprbvH p licy of th n ore, cases 1 ad them o cerup ndency h ts !no d only a ree pe Ile Canada. dians ave just disco pr- canno be governed by d be i ctedendent at he The t e&t at Washi ig- teful o several of he ut the have no reme y. of the mother country sure on their power cf to refuse to carry out ons is to war on the ir own i country. A few f the kind may perhaps a p licy° adapted -to d tion. 14 free, t t eir own ompac ti n of the meric • ree with them f r free rn •kets a d whatev they o r market. - The tl e confine t are n on, and, a far a i terests of he pe • • • ehe ight ple the 0 s. n P ti or ttiI tut ple w1 be pro oted y th rcourse w th the oth all notio that regar de with jealousy. r improv ments and cannot h ld minion in an equ ocal: exch nge o tr tter stop d an si read-eaale ur ti 11 tt 01 aiking 0;0 the glo. It is a worthy of this cotlintr Canada i indej ende chalice to establieh an equal fel-1 d that a e - of its o can asser r own c n - could mac large large r- ople entir ly eir demalid al, lumber, e to sell in interests of al and coin - can see, the cal this side freest in- k. . It is a s Canadian If with all machinery a with the and reci- de, we had t manifest ies of the hildiSh plea, But un- nt, there.eis • 'lowship except "by = a v ry round- abouit process. This fa -that de- pendent Dominion shou .keep in mind.—Chicago Post. - A Key .to a Person'e By the accompanying t ters the name of a pers word may be fonrd out lowing manner : A, B C C 0 11 0 V 0 Na bl e. of let - r any e fol - Q 1 j Let the person., whose iname you wish to inform you ill -% bich of the 'uptight eolumns he fits letter of his name is contained. If it be found in but one I colutn t it is the top letter; if it occurs Lill Lucre than one column, it lisi, found by adding the alPbabetical numbers of the top letters of these, columns, and the sum will iee the number of the letter,r(sought. By taking one letter at- ti time in this way the whole can be asceetained. Vor ex- ample, take -the the word Jane. J is found in the two = coluninS com- mencing with B and H, syluch are the second and eighth 1 qiters down the alphabet; their sum is ten, and the tenth letter down the alphabet is J—the letter 4oug1it. The next letter (A) = appears in but one column, where it stands at the top. N is seen in the Columns headed B, D and H; these are - the 8econd, fourth and eight letters of the alpha- bet, which added give the fourteen, Or N, and so on. The use of this table will excite no little curiosity among those unacquainted with the foregoing explanation. ' SMALL FARMS. ---,, Shall farms make near neighbors ; they make good schools and aurclies, there is more money made in proportion to the labor ;less labor is wanted , everything is kept neat, less wages I have to be paid for help, less time .is wasted, more is raised Ito the acie because it is better tilled; there is no watching hired men, the mind is not kept in a worry, a, stew, the whole time. There is not so much fear of ia' drought, 1 orwet weather, a frost, of= small , prices. There is not so much moneY to be paid out for agricultural impliments. Our wives and children have time to read—to improve their minds. .A. small horse is sodn curried, rind the work on a small farm is 'always pushed forward irt season. Give us small farms for comfort; aye, and give us a small farm for profit, NEW ARRIVALS! 1 J.Bonthron Have a large stock N EW Son Spring Go i d A Ilarge stock of GROCERI s, Which they will sell very leap. 1 I Call and = see for yourselvss at t.,11 Shop lately occupied by WM. ROBERTSON 4 OD. St .1 , J. BONTHRON SON. 169-tf , • LUMSDEN R. Has just received a ,Fresh tock of PURE DRU S AND CHEMICALS Toilet = and Fancy Soaps, Combs, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, French, English, . and American. PERFUMERY, GENUINE DYE STUFFS. Guaranteed to be of the best quality. Horse and Cattle Medicines Condition Powders. 1 Physicians prescriptions carefully a.nd !accurately dispensed.. R LUMS.DEN, BE SURE AND GO TO Tx MAS LEE'S, Shearson & Co.'s Old 8taml,) F 0 NO-. I SEDS, Of all kinds. • All vairietios of Turilip Seeds VIZ.: CARTER! IMPERIAL, the best Swede Turnip in cultivation. SKIRVIN l'S tliPROYED DO. ' SHARP'S PURPLE TOP DO. SUTTON', ' -CHAMPION DO. YELLOW ABERDEEN DO. WHITE CLOBE AND STUBLE. The Ch '.apest & Best Teas in Town, got at LEE'S. For WEARSONS'S No. 1 FLOUR, go to THOMAS LEE'S. All kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods, at THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES. REMEMBER 1 - SHEARSON (.6 CO.'S OLD STAND THOMAS LEE. S.—Cedar Post for Salo, cheap. I69-tf t.. 0 (1) 0 Sd3 H±OIa .04 .04 P-74 *6( r./2 Pwasi s-ao (.7)` 0 0 see e+• rsu .EUs _ atITAOs FieP IM pORTA.INT". iJSEKEEPERS. OO�D FLOUR AT ALL TIMES. Wi A. SHEARSON & CO., SEA Proprietors of the ORTII MILLS Art now Manufacturing thl beet FAMILY & PASTRY FLOURS In the Dominion. Intending pirchasers in Seaforth and vic ty can rely upon etting our Family and Pastry Fl nre from the folio ing Dealers, ONLY 1 ---Thos. Le4 A. M. Strong, ifOlin Walsh, Taines C. Laitllaw, Ault, Thonnt}s "dd. X. McGinnis, H, Jack. on, Egmondviilc lnd at the Seaforth Mills. 0reH left at our o1Lc, Market Square, will receive pro pit attention. Farmers dssitring to exchange theirWhOat . for Flour, at the Mil, 11 May always 1 upon getting our best Family or Pastry Flour i exchange'in quantities according to the value fthoir wheat. SHEARSON Jr, CO. D. McNAUGHT WOULD respectfully intimate to the 'V inhabitants of Seaforth and vicin- ity, that he still continues to carry on tBusineosrtshasronaistii.al, in. the old stand, On heN jobbing of Al kinds, and Norse -shoeing especially, promptly attended to. gir Terms reasonable. 164-tf DAVID McNA &WIT. THE SEAFORTH Lumb,r Yard. MABEE & MACDONALD Beg to inform the public that they have opened a LUIND3ER YARD in-Seaforth, near Shearson's Mill, on the ground for- neorlmyausLee. used a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Tih They will keep constantly on hand a (rood assortment of ALL KINDS OF 'LUMBER, dressed and undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, All of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possible prices, for Cash. Builders and others will find it to their advantage to inspect our stock, and as- certain our prices before purchd,sing else- where, as we are in a position to offer good inducements to cash purchasers. MABEE & MA.CDONALD. Seaforth, Dec. 29; 1870. 160-tf WM. N. WATSON ALWAYS HAS ON HAND THE BEST SEWING MACHINES IN THE MARKET,, Either for Family use, or for Ma,nufac- turincr purposes. Both single -threaded and thuble..-threaded, and = loc&-stitch Machines' can be supplied. . Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and instructions given to purchasers 4roottis. WM. N. WATSON Osn also insure property against Fire and Marine Disaster, and Life and Limb against death and accident, with the best Companics, being Agent for' The Liverpool and. London and Globe, (English.) The Provineial of Canada, (Canada.) The Gore District Mutual, (Village and Farm.) The Niagara District Mutual, (Village and Farm. The Travelers of Hartford, (Life and Accident.). LossesLiberallyAcUusted and Promptly Settled. MONEY TO LEND At moderate rates of interest. No cm - mission, and expenses moderate. MORTGAGES bought on equitable terms. - 160 EGG EMPORIUM. The subscriber is still in his old stand, and prepared to pay The Highest Cash Price For any quantity of GOOD FRESH EGGS Delivered at the Egg Emporium4 Main street, Seaforth. To all parties (merchants and others) with -whom he has done buSiness during the past four years he returns hearty thanks, and trusts by strict attention to business to merit their patronage in the future. DAVID D. WILSON. Seaforth, March 16, 1871. 171-tf T. J. CHURCHILL, Veterinary Surgeon! Member of the Ontario Veterinitry College, Begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding country, that he has opened an Office in Seaforth, where he may be consulted personally or -by let- ter, on theDisea.ses of Horses, Cattle, &c. Having received a regular and practical education, and having been awarded the Diploma of the Veterinary College of Ontario, T. J. Churchill has every con- fideliCe of giving satisfaction to all who may employ him. 'REFERENCES—A. Smith, V. S., Princi- pal Ontario Veterinary College; Professor Buckland, Dr. Thorburn, Dr. Rowel, and -- Wells, M. D., & -V. S. Veterinary Medicines constantly on -hand. All calls promptly attended to. Office—Cormiehael's Hotel, Seaforth. 182-3m EGMONDVILLE. NEW GROCERY. WM. THOMSON, (Late of Seaforth,) Begs to inform the public that he has opened a Grocery Store, in THE 'BRICK PREMISES, Lately occupied by Mr. John Logan, NEAR THE BRIDGE, EGMOHDVILLE, Where he will ireep on hand A COMPLETE STOCK OP Fresh Groceries, Of every description, at prices as reason- able as those of any other house in the trade. The Highest Market Price PAID FOR BUTTER, EGGS, ex., ex. A call is respectfully solicited. WM. THOMSON, 179-tf. Egmondville. CAVANAGH S NEW BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY STOi J. CAVANAGH Keeps on _land ALL KINDS OF BIELL Biscuits, Crac ers, CAKES, AND CONFEC .10.1N -E WEODIN OAk Made to iorder. 174 SEAF lanin Sash, Door, Ind BLIND FACT BY. 5. Main AVAN street, V; Seaforth. MHE Subscribers bag leave to thank their numerous dustomer for the iiberal patronage extelided. to t tem SilleR commencing bUsiness in Seaf nth, and trust that they will be favotedwith a continuance of the sane. Parties intending to build vould cic well to give them a Call, as hey will continue to keep on hAnd oklatge Stoek of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER S SHES I DOORS, BLINDS, 1101a INGS, SHINGLES, LATH, &c., Tbev fed confident of giving satisfaction to those who may favour Ilion with their patronage, as none but first class workmen ar employed. ;a -Particular attention paid t Custom Planing BROADrOOT & :RAY. • GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO. THE OSBOilIN Lock- Stitch Sewing MACHINE. Thousands, throughimt Canada are now mac/ these machines. They have been testa' beyond all question, make the favorite lock-stiteh, alike on both sides, and are pronounced superior to any other machine offered the public.' For wide = range of ork, perfection, beauty and excellenc of mechanism, adaptability, strength nd durability, The 08bOrla Sewing Machine 11a$ No Ri oir Improvements ave lately been made, eeabling the anufacturers claim it AS the ne plus ultra, of Sewing machines. = Hundreds ot testimonials are being received daily frim old as well as new operators, attesti ig its wonderful .capabilities. Will do all kinds of do- mestic sewing, from the finest cambric to the coarsest overcoat or upper leather, GUARANTEED TO BE AS REPRESEWFED, OR NO SALE, WARRANTED FOR THREE 'YEARS. The Osborn Outfit is complete and readily comprehended. Is sold at one- ba,lf the price hitherto charged for ma- chines doing a like range ot work, the manufacturers behie determined to place it within the reach of every family in the country. A TRIAL FEFORE PURCHASE will con- vince all that our inachiLes are un- equaled. • THE GUELPH REVERSIBLE Is pre-eminently the tht Single -Thread Machine offered to the public --hence its marvelons success Will do all varieties of domestic sewing. PRICES GREATLY ItEDILICEdDISIA.e - bine, with full outfit, I2;$ Treadle do., $17„ Orr Each =thine guaranteed. 1 Agents wanted evi rywhere. Splene did inducements to maie money. Apply to GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO., GUELPH, CANADA. W. N. WATSON! Agent? 180-ly SE,A1PoRTII. CHEAP LOT FOR SALE. rn ACRES East half of Lot 29, enth OU Con. Culross, County ofbrace, with Log -house. Eight acres cleared. Pa,tented. Address Exrosrron, Seaford), or 3-01114 LOGAN, Esq., Teeswater. March 31, 1F7 1. 173-13t MONEY! $5,000 TO LEND. T DAVE the above s m on hand far I investment on good arm Security, at 8 and 9 per cent.,—Pri ate Funds. JOIL S. PORTER. SEAFORTH, July 25, 18; , 139,- 1 - 4i Don't Teli Betsey" And for your life ju3teielserrlINTjtalitcni°sed ;IT tit 11 iiffilr( nooesteo,teLweoafgii,41front 741-eaighlt ri, farmhionee doer, and 15'0 few ==14iinutes in a 1brov -watching the figure of hi. in -lam and = the lawyer, ai back tewards the village whenee the two Mini had " Don't tell Betsey Jan Nov, Betsey Jane Nicodeious T111 g, notable soul, who butter end chetels, and ogfo and fowls to ootu-se of a sew,141. elan womtin yz iiI ar01111 ltealtley and ]eetrty, eke house work fly, to use energetic expression ; demtie Ilardnig ewne41 liii ay, and was 11 to do, rich man to boot, it was no snit& measure to the energy and = genvral go -a, ness of his Bets y Jai was at, then, that the man was not alamt to t It = would. never 4. tItought Nicodonres io gown, or the house a11 pa3 -or = some site)). 310112q111W W0111111.is the weaker vas, do to trust one, too fan -won't bear it." So Mr. Nieodemus pas the house, and out towari will the, pre -occupied ai who has an egg to lay, know were she can hide i oyes of mankiml to the 1 tagpi 'The kitchen 'was e silent as he went throngl oh . if he <amid have buxom, gcod. 14)0kines etolo S1IO1JtlV out of the 1 as silentlY'followed hia boiward the ham Mts. Harding came ba twenty minutes or = so, rod frOin stippi-esed ia Don't tell Betsey said.; giggling into her gig You are a Very Si Nizaalemus, and my ir :Noyes, is another, and a the bargain. 3)on't Jane, indeed Two ,wr( -daeerve all you'll get, - Betsey Jane said no bided her time. A aTeel way and then brother T. drove -up again = to tbe Nicodemits stepped into oir to the village once, Jane had ask -ed its _.N,q,iemosdhietensisesAcNilillioauzifto not understand," he left ed,= lie, 101 a and nrastei of sight, Betsey = Jane that business a Wonia understand, with a Me 1 in lier bright blaek eves. At 4 P„ M., Nicol:mu home -egain, looking qi portant as before. -He Iona); through the hitch - Jane watching inin from of her eye all the while, od out into the abed. smell of smoke tain. greet laim—an odor of oobs gradually ming, b nuts turned deathly t frantically forward to . smoldering itt the aelel large harn,or two cove blankets hanging plea. The yd. he gave brou Jane front the house ==I find Nitodeinus grove the.= ash -house door, wailing alld tearing 1 uttering yell after yel " Why, bless me 1 nater? Are you itt =a run for the amphor Betsey Jane. " Camphor I = Bring Bring poison bf seme kin yelled Nicodemus, frante " Woman, you've Twelve thousand lioness - anent bends did I put • hole for safety just a noW you've gone and to cook that cussed' lea Pison ! PiSOn And OLIt of the dreary WOI " Oh—so that = was were not going to tell Arn't yon aehamed of s sienna's Harding 1" NicodeMUS eould He laid prostate in4., bowled. " Get up and don said Betsey Jane, heard you and brothe ing at the door that -watched you go = the soon found out what away there. Wotan: 81 nthousand dollars oIbt'bla rs first match that comes burn it up 1 Here are, Nicodeinue—for ten =th lept two for my honesty P:N Linaelrf upie°douetinonfs Ithe, to his bonds—what them. He rather at