HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-06-30, Page 5J mitimam 3€l, 181 1.. except that he was once ance. Nor could he tell ` of the book. A book 'ut into his hand, which e thought had been his, hatexun)riafld's .Atalasncl he said it was possible ight have been reading hen he wrote the words I in a letter to Lady but he could not tell out the history, could not the book, nor his own the French language, sc1;1red that he had entire - L. �•i A Fine Trip. al meeting of the Cana-- Association agan-Associc; tion will be herd 1awrence HGil1, Toronto, ning of Tuesday, July E-1eetion of officers and ion of general business_ the excursion party will to for Montreal by one f Mail steamers of the ; .vigntion-CORI pally, pH's- 1 the Thousand Islands the rapids by daylight, ill arrive a t Montreal on evening, Fare from Iontreal,including meals E75. The. party will leave r Grand Trunk Railway L Thursday, for Lachine, i will take bre2kfast, e they will proceed to by one of the Ottawa l.t.iOn Company's boars,.. )ttawa about 5 p: nim. gals extra. During the va there will be a trip. Rills, and a visit t tentary buildings ana. of interest. The party tawa at half past ten da, by. St. Lawrence Railway for Prescott. 'rescott at 12:30 p. m. nSbsrg ; and return to Milne to take the eve - on the Grand Trunk_ ;he West, arriving in :30 OR Saturday. - o!• 'ects in the United. States. ;o Telegraph: says : We l:r American exchan- v heat crop in the west- ' the States is so far to be quite out of the illi the yourigergrowth . subject.. Complaints, n some few localities, ted extent has failed r,ract attention. The, the west will be equal or, this year than ever l- All other cereals: promising condition,. 'willbe corresponding -- some of the Southern. large quantities o£ - ed, such as Virginia,. d Tennessee, the bar- tdy commenced, and It.hin t%. o or three resent the cotton crop l in all parts of the: finless extreme & - ier, or unusually hot. the yield, will, be lal - uality. The•potatoes, in great danger OIL tato bug, which seems - ed from,: the nei hbor .cihc slope,and which. -e plant, and in some. :rely annihilated it. .-.s :essian Fly. n an exchange that. re wheat field has ap--. Lla ge umbers in, the Lntnan1 and elsewhere- e of the farmers to - heat cions. This fly - wing wheat in the- first ,loin t, were -it . ile, which eats nearly k and then departs,. damage that year._ iotvever, the damage t the wheat, neither nF is € f any- use,. as. )wn gild; the straw l becomes useless.. in greater or less- wheat fields every the first year in ont€rr y that the fAr easai1 to complain ,rtionS.. Their rev- t. t, dl not be 1S ex- ' continued as those r- will they extend. section of country. Ts into a Well, xrung mare belong ttvrey,, which was !172,. J. Parke's- field„ teen feet deep, and breadth,; and re -- time in a cramped dbubtiess much rig discovered, She ek foremost, and on her haunches,, ':enable to move., itiess attemptsto. rty of men were, ale way out of the d by commencing "roma the edge of it, f lc�t�lrenil�g � they: , about two hours:, animal, very sci :: :alt=c1„ r1 E 30, 1871. with the men's apsistance. the poor beast bears many bruises, and appears to be hurt internally. She was valued at $150.—London Free Press. DEATHS. WITAascra.—At the residence of his man, Walter Willison, Jr., in the village c f Kinburn, Huron Couy, Ont., June. • !2nd, 1871, Walter Willison, ` ison, Sr., aged 88 years. Few men have ever maintained a more truly uniform Christian character, as thoee who knew him best, most cheerful- ly testify. And the fact that ho held the office of Elder in the Presbyterian Church, both in his native Scotland and his adopted Canada, for between thirty thee-torty years, is the hest possible evi- dence of the estimation in which he was held by that departent of organized Cori tianiUy. Peace to the memory of one who was thus consistent through life, and to the last was both cheerful and confiding in the immediate prospect of his dissolution. R. T. THE MARKErT'S. SEAFORTI, June 29, 1871. Wheat, (Fall) ? bushel, 0:00_to 1.22 Wheat (Spring) lm' bushel, 1:00 to 1:20 0:43 to 0:45 0:40 to 0:43 0:0( to 0:70. 0:1211°0:15 0:11 to 0:11 6:00 to 7:00 0.50 to 2:00 7:00 to10:00 3:25 to 0:00 0:50 to 0:65 0:36 to 0:371 0:20 to 0:37 0:12 to 0:20 0:00. to 3:75 Barley tai bushel, Etats t9 bushel, Peas ? bushel, Butter, + lb. 1 Sheen Skins, Hay, per tan, Flour, per 100 lbs. Potatoes,- _ Wool, per ib., Lamb Skins, Pelts, Bark, l4 cord, Special attention paid to all orders for Boots and Shoes, either sewed or pegged, at. J. Duncan & Co.'s. Seaforth. ' CLINTON; June By Telegraph to the E Fail Wheat, per bushel, Spring Wheat, per bushel, Oita, per bushel, - Peas, per bushel, t3 • arl.ey, per bushel, Butter, per;, per, lb, Eggs, per doz. Wool, per lb., ' 29, 1871. 'xpositor. 0:00 to 1:22 1:00 to 1:20 0:40 to 0;43 0:00 to 0;70 0:43 to 0;45 0.121to 0;15 0.11 to 0;11 .0:36 to 0:371 TORONTO, June 29, 1871. Wheat, Spring, Wheat, Fall, Soules, Barley, Oats, Hay, Peas, Wool $1 20 to 1 22. 123 to 1 23 061 to 070 0 47 to 0 49 10 00 to 15 00 070 to 080 03-1 to 038 LONDON, June 29, 1871. White Winter Wheat Spring do Barley Peas. Butter, in kegs, Eggs, Wool $1 ]5 to $1 35 1 15 to 1 25 0 48 to 0 52 0 43 to 0 46 0 70 to 0 78 0 14 to 0 17 O 13 to 0.14 035 to 040• A Full Stock of all sorts of Boots and Shoes. in Leather, at J. Duncan & Co.'s. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. Thursday, June 29, 1.871. CATTI L The market is flat, with a decline of about 1 to Vie. Receipts for the past 72 hours are 340 cars, against 340 cars for the same time last week. Sales amount to 335 head ; the lowest average 1,028 lbs. at $5 ; the highest average 1,330 tbs. at ; against 90 head sold last Friday -- lowest 1,059 lbs. average at $5 80; highest 1,198 lbs. average at $6 20. The following are the sales of to -day : Erwin to Doty, 55 head Ohio steers, •versge 1,064, at $5 68. Oldshoe to Becket, 34 hd Ind. steers, ay. 1,330, at $6. Hanna to same, 33 hd Ind. steers, sv. 1,347, at $6. Colt to Redder, 20 hd I1L steers, ay. 1,155, at $6 90. Ramsey & S. to Mackey, 36 hd Iowa steers, ay. 1,028, at $5. Church to same, 19 hd Ind. steers, ay. 1,117, at $5 621. Briggs. to Prost, 80 hd Ind.. steers, ay. 1,268, at $6. Bund to Yeoman, 108 hd _Ill. steers, ay..1,196, at $5 50. SHEEP. The receipts for the past 72 hours were 17 cars. Market dead. No sales reported. HOGS. The market is a little better prices to -day ranged $4 50 to $4 75, against 844 15 to $4 50 on . Friday last. The re- ceipts for the past 72 hours were 76 cars, pit consigned through. Sales reported as follows : 194 hd 127 lid 9(} hd 7 hd av 241 lbs at $4 50 av 137 lbs at. 4 75 av 218 lbs at 4 50 av 227 lbs at 4 50 275 hd. . av 228 lbs_ _ at 4 65 Shipments luring the past 72 hours were 73 cars cattle, .2 cars sheep, 31 cars hogs, by Erie Railway, and 32 cars cattle, 13 cars sheep, 33 cars hogs by N. Y C. 'R. R. DENTISTRY. T (. BUIL, (Licentiate of Dental Surgery,) begs V • to announce to the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding country, that on THURSDAY, 6th July, he will open an office for the practice of Den- tal Surgery in the rooms formerly occupied by George Harris, Dentist, where he will be prepared to do all kinds of work expected of the profession in a satisfactory manner and on seasonable terms. 186 Arca' 'CIE OF DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNEB-fillP. THE co -partnership heretofore existing be- tween the undersigned Jehn George Ament and Philip `ollinar, as stave manufacturers and shingle °manufacturers, at the Village of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, under the style and firm of Arne/at & Vollmer, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, JOHN G. AMENT, PHILIP VOLTA! kJ Witness : OTTO KLOTZ, Notary Public, Preston, County of Waterloo. Seeforth, 20th June, 1871. - The business will be carried on by JOHN G. AMFNT alone, 186.3t O. R. COOPER,* Conveyancer, Commissioner jn Q een's Hench, In- surance and General Agent. Agent for the following Ffre•Life and Accident In- surance Companies :. The Beaver and Toronto Mu- tual Companies, the Western_ Fire �rsnrance Coruparu , the. Re.iance Life Assurance, and, the Hartford Ac- c.:4;:..1, c- 0 :+r Insurance Company. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attend- ed to. Offioe, opposite Ross' Tailor Shop, Veet4 41.N.LENTILI.; .. VET RINARY SU1RGEON. REDERICK' 000K, OF I3ELMORE, World re :ctfnlly inform the ppu, lie that he has , taken up ' s reside ce in the village of Belmoro, where he ill be ha py to attend t all calls made on him , his pr fessional :capacity. Mr. COOK has fatten, ed to several eases of loth horses and cattle whi h were given up by other practitioners and effeo :dperfect sales, which can be proven by certificate . signed by over 200 entlemen. For testimoni, s see posters. Mr. CO K will attend at Ainleyo in the fore- noon and t the Town Plot, in .t a Township of Grey, in + e afternoon' of the first d third TUES- DAY of a ch month. ' 186 F RM :FOR SALE. BEING Lot 6, 504 Concession, Tuekersmith, H. B. S.,`c.ntaining10( acres, 88 eras cleared and well fenced, good buildings, a e large orchard, two wells f good spring water, the land is of the best gnali y, perfectly eleaa::arid ingood order. Tho bnah is h rdwood and !has not ben culled. It is situated o t a good grovel road, aid within three miles of t, o Village of Seaforthone of the best grain mar eta in the Province. F tr further partic- ulars appl to the proprietor Qn tba premises, or if by letter t Egmondville Post Oftl e. 186-.tf G. M. C H x;SNEY. UBLIC NO ICE. ATOTIC is hereby given that Ido not hold my- self .re-ponsible for any debta heretofore con- tracted by PHILIP VOLLMAR, in my name, which have been contracted without my written order or consent. 1 also give notice that from and after this date I w not hold myself responsible for any debts whi , he may contract, nor -ill I hold myself bound by . ny contracts he may m ke, mess either my own written consent or at =of my son, GEORGE AMEN be given. JO fl G. AM:ENT. Seafort a June 6, 1871. I 185-8t S World tali for the lit commend. no effort o continual] opened up FRES 99'9' MON , PO E.L- e this opportunity of r turning thanks eral patronage extend d to him since ng business, and begs 1;Ave to; say that 1 in to i hi part shall n l be wan neuro a u hieg re of the same. He has now received and a nice stook of FAMILY C • Comprising OCER!ES Te s, Sugars; Coffees, 3 Spices, aisins, .Currants, &c. Splendi value in Best' bran Agent for in barrels, Flour TOBACCO SPIRITS out of bond, on Bran 'arling's and Spencer's quarter barrels and bot S. ht and bottled. Beer and Porter les. Feed, Provisions, In all their branch 9. Flou , Oatmeal, Cornmeal, &c. Oatmeal Cornmeal at manuf prices., T - the 75 cent Tea. NO, 99. Opposi 1 Canmichael's store, SEZFORTH. 186 SIMpN POWELL. re' wholesale IN all arts and anufaetures, im- provement is now the order of the ,day, and none hav more fully ap- knowledged and foll wed this precept .6han Messrs. Lazarus, 11 Io ris & Co., Marintactnrers of t e celebrated PERFECTE LENSES. 1,• All: that science cn do to alleviate the distress caused 1�y weak or failing tdsionhas been o efully studied by - them and adapted rn the manufac- 'tare of their oelebtated Lenses -so /la, have they'sncc ededthat all con- fess, after trying these celebrated Glasses, that ins nverdenoe from ..badness of sight is, t once removed. M. R. O [INTER, 186 A ent,- Seaforth. STRA 2ndC STRAYEb. D froin the Premises cif the Subscriber, ncession of Tuckersmit, 9t5 Lot, about the first w •ek in May, FIVE HEIFERS, of the fol- lowing de: +ription :—(lone 2 year ddddddld, speckled grey, red on th neck and back, and with light spots on the shoal ers ; one 2 year old, rewith white star on forehe t d, white spot on rum , white tail and white legs ; one clear zed, one yea old ' one red and white—sp ttted, one year old; and one reddish grey in color, o re year old. Any one 'ving information which will lead to their recovery w 1 be well rewarded. - ISAAC HUM RSTON, Kippen P. 0. 183.4* Tuckers th, June, 18' 1. VIOL T J. SEATTR, EXC AN;G ( T RAKER, And dea er in Pure; DRUGS CHEMICALS AND DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, MERY, FANO AND TOILET ARTICLES Agen for Sew' g Mac es. Money to lend ' n easy. to s. • urs Wines d Licuers for medi- • cinal, p rposes., Seafo NK. ,YLR.p • IN! Parti of Euro and all ing to 185-t J. SEATTER, h, Nov. 3 1870. I 59-tf. 1CKETS ` �iOR EUROPE. JOHN SEATTE has been ap- inted Age t at Se forth, for the N LINE OF STEAMERS. s contempt ting visiting any part e can be s ipplied with Tickets ecessary; information by apply - JOHN. SEATTER. Druggist, etc. FOR SAL1, A : OUSE. D TWO OTS, AD SIRAB Dwelling house and tw o excellent l to on St. John_ street, Seaford, for sale- on reasonable terms. Apply o J HN SEATTER, 167-t Druggist, &c. 1 Y� WIL BE SOLD CHEAP, 0 Rented on Modera1tte THOSE well -know p miser;, Main Street, Sea - forth, adjoining the ost-Oftie,e, ocenpied for the last seve years by. C FIS .D>+vnds, Esq.,, as a Dry G s Store, with welling, having the e 'usual ont-hone, s, stable, gird n, &c. in the rear, and a very nice vacant lot sui able for buildi7ig purposes adjoin$.. Apply by' le ter, to DtTh N Mc) t AN1t, .Aec nntalut, Ilroekville. Zane 7 tail. 181341.. THE HUR TWIN EPP'S P This article is prepare some and invigorating tl mended for LIGHT Su Stant use. N EXPOSITOR. BROTHERS YEAST CAKES AT SCOTT ROBERTSON'S. EPARED COCOA, AT SCOTT ROBERTSON'S. GRANULINA. from the FINEST WHEAT, and contains all its nourishing properties. It is more whole - an any of the numerous farinaceous foods at present in use, and is especially, recoln- ERS AND CHILDREN'S AND . INVALIDS' DIET. Try it. A single trial will insure its con-. SCOTT RQBIEIRTSON, MAIN ;STREET, SEAFORTIL SEASONA3LE GOODS T THE MONTREAL HOUS. O COTTON lc ARN, New; -Brunswick, 'ercy and Beaver Mills. Harvest Mitts PreservIe SUGARS, Butter Jars) y denPots. CROCKERY, - (LASS WARE, CHEAP PRINTS. YVante'd. E. F9ICKSON & CO., MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. SMITH J :A C K, S O H .ARE ETJLING OUT MR. GRIFFITH DRY DAVIES' SOCK .OF GOOD At 20 per Cent. below Cost! GREAT M NTHLY , SALE. THE VJHOLE' STOCK GF` DRY GOODS! TO E SOLD OFF At COST and UN ER, to make room for the,, NEW 1 PORTATIONp. Sala to continue' till the FI `.ST OF JULY. Goods all Ne and will be Sold a BANKRUPT PRICES. alt and examine the goods and prices before purchasing. elsewhere.. _ , NE GOODS RECEIVED 'DAILY AT 'HE. CIEAP CASH STORE, SIGN OF MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH.. FFMAN BROSS '111Fu RED FLAG. Fresh Arrivals f Fresh Arrivals BEATTY & COMPANY a BEG to announce to their friends and the public, that their Mr. McMULKIN has just returned from the Eastern Market, with one of the choicest Stock of New and Seasonable DRY GOODS ever imported into. Seaforth, which, owin to the enormous reduction in the price of goods this season, they are enabled to offer at prices which must ensure a ready sale. They would say that from the fact of their stock being all new, and bought since the GREAT FALL IN DRY GOODS and on the very best terms, that they are in a most favorable position to offs goods at m;nimum prices. They are not encumbered with any PILES OF OL] GOODS, bought at prices THIRTY' PER CENT ABOVE THEIR PRESEN' MARKET VALUE. They Would also say that they have facilities in buying bot r1 ds and roc ies possessed by)ro other House! in Seaforth, having intimate connections with Will of the large4 Wholesale Houses in the Dominion and a thorough knowledge of the Wholesale Trade. They would respectfully invite inspection of their stock* which will be found replete with all the Novelties in the Market this Season. Particular attention is directed to the followinglines, viz.: - - PRINTS DRES S GOODS, TWEEDS, HOSIER i, GLOVES,, TICK.INGS, FRENCH D'LAINES, FRENCH MERINOS, i rr -r -rc ri�T) Lis'' nT A TABLE 'CLOTHS, TO Boots and Shoes, and Rea THEIR .GROCERY D S, BLACK B ARAT EIEA ELLINGSr y..made Clothin, est and cheapest is always well supplied with abundance of the pest. gDods whia will besold at the most reasonable prices. Their LIQUOR DEPARTMENT is well supplied with al/ tlZp BEST BRANDS. Give us a call and judg for yourselves,. TRY OUR 80 CENT TEA. BEATTY & COMPANY. CARMICHAEL'S BUILDINGS, Main Street, Seaforth, April 20, 1871. 176-tf. ROXBORO MILLS ! MSS McINTOSH CHANCED HANDS. undersigned having purchased the Roxboro Gristing and Flouring Mills, increased the Ma- chinery, and put the Mill in a thorough state of repair, are now prepared to do GRIMING, CHOPPING AND, All other kinds of general Custom. Work, on the shortest notice. They would also desire to state to farmers and others, that as the work will be done ander their own supervision, they have no hesitation in guaran- teeing entire satisfaction. A trial is respectfully solicited. B. SHANTZ & BROTHER. Roxboro, June, 1871. 184-tf. Piano 'Sr. Wall Paper. WHO= WANTS A FIRST-CLASS PIANO' Now is the time to bay ; will be Sold at a Bargain.. •: The Telegraph Bookstore I xs the Place for 1 ER �-AL.L P;AP . RMSTP..ONG & PRUDE. Seafioxth,, May 18,, 1811.. 180-ly Wishes to announce to the ladies of Se forth and surrounding country that she has removed to The FARMERS' STORE, above the 0 POST OFFICE, ire Where she will be mosthappy to recei orders_ in MILT4INERY, DRES' AND M NILE MAKING In the atest and. most approved atyiea the season. She also keeps on hand. 'A Choice Selection of Flowers, Featlii- ers, Terry Silk, &e.. STR : W AND HAIR W&1t cleaned on short notice. - ' 171-tf Ei GS! EGQS! TH Subscriber begs to. intimate that b is still prepared to purchase E ga at his St • re at the Marketk and to .pay tile. HIGHEST PRICE IN OAS* t lo all fresh Eggs that may offer. To. erchants in Town and Country with hom he has done Business in the past hree years, he returns its best. thank and hopes. for. a continuance of Buzau' ss relations. 'V'M_ MALCOM. Sea orth, March 3„ 1871. 168-tt HORSES STRAYED GA STOLEN. �' TRAYED or Stolen frotn,the pasture field of the. boat a fun McKillop, nd aces subscriber, Seco Concession 1!i Miles from Carronbrook, on Sunday night, ltlt Jane, a pair of large heavy light -grey HORSES, ell_ matche 1. Any one giving information that ill lead to :heir recovery wi l,be suitably rewarded. 18 16 AI3i'rHIBAT RON