The Huron Expositor, 1871-06-30, Page 3.4 rl__E 30, 1871.pailwaamr. TG 1[LN S SO 'S I PAPER. COLLAR,. r. 1ty, 4L reorgge, Dead Shot, Bishop, €`tharck,• lar _ADE Prince, Con- 'ON'S v , Youths and Men. T \.S BELL aired t€i manufacture furnz as- the Cheapest. to buy wholesale can Valhoie}sale Prices. cels oPPOgITI. THOMAS. ft()P=tOB_IE OF MAR- KET EC t CARE., _ done ° on, • the 1 =test :Ouse. 1-ep:t constantly on liEtD(L�. PARSE FOR WIRE: PROSPECTS F€zi A ..ANT HARVEST it favorable Spring weather �lI fari c,r and mechanic haruc in ly preparations for the coin - ON a,. WILLIAMS .ing their patrons for the 1i'b- �(;nierit accorded them in the cordially invite the atter- otheir (li•t assortment of F1 achines fur 1871. Our 'r` ombined J!ac1tarra, r s Improved Self—hake, hey 4,e satisfaction for the past 4n1 is now offered to the •Er r. • S C . � I (k .i t T �t ; �:: �,(. °ttarantF.•e (rr perfect work. tua Chief, j ,• alto es,, 4ins}(1 for itself a world—wide again offered as the most Iy and bestt working Mower etnistructui in tie body of eutirely of iron and rteel, - defy coMpotiticin o 4 !! Ra7 cub nvk J caper Fat and second prizes atPro.- F.tion,. 167(1. This reaper is to by superior to any ether m use, as it cuts pc.rfcetly'_t e(1(r tangled train better er rake oz reel machine, and it ell frinn either side of the tail is strong from any (li- :( raised or lowered when: in very durable. ;inspection of our reaollines • leant' facturiitg by par- e zi\-inz orders elsewhere.. of satisfaction iri every ma c61t;. 11t_I5 EASY-. ltural•ists (If Perth and ad- its will not (we believe) be; their own interests a to Jeri to shops more than t, when there are first-class rr midst, building lily pines. equal to any of the :im.ade in the Province_ IF:, -send in 'your miers al with our agt.nts, as In fit Will get a perfect ni<•i- the same tennis: as your pri(tciples of "stness reizig established and ani, kinds of %nipleiue Jori- ENGINES BT/113, 1s of MILL. W ORK dono ,) -S WILLI A., MITCHELL, t.1 JUNE SO, 1871. BRIEF NOTES, _...-Londoners say that one-third of the population of that city -never saw a grain field. —An Ohio Judge . has decided that the words of a, common scold are not actionable." —Ladies -watches are now made-- in adamin an oval case to look lake dockets, and worn on the necklace. The Duke of Edinburg is com- pelled to rough it on $60.000 a year, not= counting his naval pay. Poor fellow. -r( An autobiography of . Satan," by an English clergymen, is an- nounced. "The History of the Devil" was written years age by. Daniel DeFoe. would give nothing for that man's religion whose very deg and cat are not the better for it—Row laved Hill. —A Western journal asserts that California strawberries are so large it is not uncommon for an ordinary family to subsist on one for a week, though there are, smaller varieties. —Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe is having a fresh burst of popularity in Europe, three different translations of the Rural Abode of our Uncle Thomas, having just made their ap- pearance rance in Berlin. _ —Al Cleveland merchant lato1y re- oeived a package labelled, .` 1 box Torn Cats." It took him some time to decipher the fact that the inscrip- tion meant a box of tomato catsup. Wendell Phillips is to lecture next winter on " The Bar." Josh Bil.lings's lecture next winter is to lie on " What 1 know about Hotels." It will be seen that both gentlemen have selected the same theme, --Me, Joan Hardy, of Spring- field, Mass., had the hardihood to set a hen of the Brahma, species on twenty-five eggs. After a long pull she came off with two -and -thirty chicks. So much for henergy in an oggoellent cause. This ditty hp resulted from a nuptial contracteen.tly entered in- to by Mr. Ebenezer Sweet and Miss Jane Lemon "How happily extremes do meet In Jane . and Ebenezer ; She from. soar turneclto sweet,• And he's a lemon -squeezer." -The Hon. J. Prentiss, of Keene, I� ew Ham pshire, aged ninety .thl ee is said to -be the oldest Mason living in the United States, having trayei- ed; the rugged road "and received his. degrees in 1807. —The Passion Play at Oberam- mergau, interrupted last year by the war, is to be renewed on the 24th of June, this year, by command of the Bavarian King. -1 " None of the chief actors were kijled during the oampaign, as • they were assigned to garrison duty. The! player repre- senting Christ was not permitted to cut off his long, luxuriant locks. -Cincinnati is reported to have strange but perhaps appropriate names lfor its city officials. In ad- dition to Schwindl.er and Stielohf, it boasts of a judge called Swing, and a jailer called Hangmann, who, oddly enough, is opposed to capital punishment. —It is Among the disgustful in- cidents to the Rothschild family- that amilythat they have lost some sixty or seventy millions of dollars by the Fremco-Crerinan war. They all be- lieved at first that France would vin ; but two weeks after the. Ger- mans crossed tate Rhine they saw their mistake, and made other in- veetments, but not in time to get the whole. GAIETIES. . A wag thinks that the latest Paris fashions are—killing. lady being asked what was thellatest -thing out, replied, My husband." -Never have a wooden leg made of oak, because the oak is apt to produce a -corn. . - --.Mary Gary says that if hus- bands generally knew what their wives thought of them, suicides would be a - more common occur- rence. -.Diet for traning base -ball play- ers--Fatter pudding. —an object of interest _Your deposit in a savings bank.. i to resemble ---,A. ship may be said logwood when it's in port. -=--Why is a sword like beer ' Be- cause it's no use till it's drawn. Irishman- who was found guilty of stealing a lot of coffee, was asked by the magistrate what he did with it. "Made tay wid it," was Rh.is rely. _- Horace Walpole tells a story of a Lord Mayor of London, who hav- ing heard that a friend had had the snxalL pox twice and died of it, asked if he died the first time or second. -• What brought you to prison, nay coloured friend 7" "Two • con- stables, sab," "Yes, bat I mean bad intemperance anything to do with it x' " Yes., sah, dey was bofe 'em. drun-. —‘..‘Now, m y littlegirls," No , y boys y and � ," said= a teacher, "I want you to be very quiet—so quiet that you can hear a pin drop." In a minute all was silent, when a little boy 5hriek ed, " Let her drop !" The: question, Does getting, dank ever advance one's happiness ? w IF cl h� it .y g ould seem to be put to rest by the .ishmaii who went courting when .unit, and was aske w at,pleasure fo4nd irl whisky : h, Biddy, 's a trate iutirely to see two of ur purty faces instead f one !' —A country poet, aft r taking a .neral view off life, has once to„the fe flowing rhyming coed ision : 0, I would n't lv fc ever, 1wo'ldn't ifIowl d; - But I n.ed n't fret alio t it, 1"or I oul'dn't if ;...1* ul(l." —In a 1 te speech; Ip Woman's iglus, the la'iy orator, eel away by. e ithusiasm, k own the of to the nother 1 s ill, moved ix trusted N n cs sl is k exclaimed, ' It is w ell Solomon o ed his wis- nunJber of 1 is wives !" cturer ping further that wczhe should be ith comt i sons in thin vy, to which a deep; gruff nauti- 1 voice, amongst the audience re ouded with the . observation that Lot's wife was an old salt, yuu row." I. seease What Did it cost ?. A. professor in one of our theolo- g cal seminaries relates this incident Being in Germany, with a zed - ea vered book in his hand) a German, s pposing the book to be `• Murray" a, ked kinglish if he was an Eng li. hman. ' The professor replied in G- rivan that Fie was not. The con ✓ rsation presently turned upon an of jest of architecture! near at hand, i . the course of which t e professor incidentally raised the huestion of it. d the Ger- an Ameri- cost. " Sir," exclaim min instantly, " you. c• n !" " How ?" "Sir," the German; striking a ad assuming a tone of g nity, " upon the res'arre W ien we stand .before IN kite Throne, the first question of every ,Arnerican in the se bly will be, "How m Tlrone cost ?" Arertca • continued attitud'e, 'eat solern- tion morn, the Great whole as- ieh did the a Paper. Woinen;and. Pol. tics. One of the striking features of, th • late Grand Reform .Demonstra ti n here was the presence of a strong array of ladies. Our invited gt ests could not help n . acing and co'iinienting upon thi fe ture. The appeara da gh tern of Brant drew fr m all An old new co nected with the lead of the Dominion, gave op ion that the worne ex eeded in personal c ge eral "rout -fit," to bo ca tile phrase, any body he had ever seen at a pu in Brant County can to be proud of her "bea ot, ler county, we ventu ti n, can such an w 11 dressed, refined, an la les be 'got together no ice. Bless their l dea ve c.• be r ne th 1 le fa of in j an pleasant ce of the ortlh praise paper man ng journal it as hid, of Brant army and row a mer - of females lic gather - well afford ty." • In na e the asser • mblage of beautiful t so short hearts," a ran politician was heard to ex- im, " the presence df: so many utiful ladies almost unmans me." e best of is the sy'=mathies of vast majority- of fe ale loveli- in our favored Ce my is with great Deform iarty. The ladies, learn, will q ill ibe o tented un - s yearly they can hill/ the satis tion of listening to th eloquence leading Reforin orator at gather:: ,s like that of last Tu slay. The rner sex is sure toyeld to this t demand of the claims of beauty we- expect "this first grand pie - any others ntford Ex - f but the•precursor of m mi s the • rain.—Br po itOr. i. • "Aktaii. I P : otographs - in P -i ter's In$ The New York Glob says it has ood Photo re eived from the Rock: Et graving Company, 8145 Broadwa , N, w York, some specimens of tb in tinphotograph. lie art o� pr g w • th printer's ink on a printin pr • ss. This result h long bee' so relit for iby the • most ` prominent sc elitists, both in this ountry and E ope, and its accomplishment will te d to create a revolution in the art of illustration. Here we have pis to s— both portraits and land - Ea pes—with all the f,el`ty, delicacy a d vigor of photograp v,�with :thea", so ute permanency of printer's ink. N o longer I will the pi tures of our- fr : nds fade from our sight and leave n. trace"bei incl. • The practical tip- 4 cations c f the new en wonderf'�l : ar see to be almost. wildering. 0 rr m gazines will come to us i1- u tratet� by photographic. portraits l r t 'ts hotogg-• of our most distinguished scholars a' d statesmen, and ' Qu- stories of ti vel- may be pictured o us by the ev - r truth telling camera, at no in- cr ase of cost. The process intro- d sed by Mr. Rockwcod was invent- in:- Copenhagen, alis plest and most reiia oer ordinary photon 3 e' sit U ti res, prepared plates 'of glass, zinc, a' d stone are, exposed to the action of light, , and from theeeplates thou-. sae ds of pictures are panted with al the facility of the ordinary litho- gi . ph upon. a press with ink. The e ` ect of the light upon tile sensitized p1. to is to transform it to a verit- a] t e lithographic pl —the parts e posed to the action f light having i t printer's a affinity for fatty o pi to s ink , a d the portion prote tel from light re •ecting the inky ` lid absorbing w tter. So, first a wet blanket is is of the ale nature., aphic nega sassed over -a plate ready for the press, followed by ran inkroller, and the paper then placed on the press and rune though the rollers at the rate of about sixt or :seventy an published excellent eecher. 'Jour. The 'first ticture 'sy the new process was a ikeness of Henry Ward "naacmivo. 0-4 0 READY-MADE CLOTHING AT COST pa m QU EE Xnsu ran ce Corgi OF LIVERPOOL' & LO 0 CAPITAL- $2,000,002 o—,— CHIEF OFFICES -Queer Buiidi pool, And Gracechurch Street CANADA BRANCH OFricE=L Buildings, Montreal. OARD—Wm. Mortoxy. Esq., enry Thomas, Esq., David Esq:,. andthhe Hon. James BANKERS Molson's Bank. LEGAL .ADyISERS—• Messrs orris- & Rose. EDICAI, ADVISER—William 8 Esq. M. D SURVEROR—!Thom£ A. AaTDITOR—Thomas RESIDENT SEORETA iX AND AGENT,—A. Macken e Forb acrement Street, Mo treal. The undersigned ha ing bee d Agent for the above Comp desiring to insure against lass o so on the most favourable • Life Policies granted on as bus terms as any other •vesper Many doing business in Canad Many DON. terling gs, Liver - London. change hairman: Torrance, errier. S. Scot _ John Ritchie, therland, , Esq. on, Esq. GENERAL s, 13 St. appoint - y, parties y tire can erms. vantage- ble Com- • N Agent R'S fuse, Seaforth. 153-tf.= JAMES H BENS OFFICE—BEN SON & ME Law . eaforth, Nov.! 8, 1.87Q. NOT!CE IS HEREBY GIVEIN to ad Parents and Guardians in the To • ship of uckersmith, who refuse or • eglect to ve notice to the Division R gistrar of said Township' of the Birth :f. a child, *thin thirty days from -the d: te of such irth, that they are liable to a fine of om one to twenty dollars, ith costs. such persons will do well o comply ith the requirements of the aw, as the • nalty will be enforcce,d. • WIL1rIAM 11' U [R, Division Registrar. Tuckersmth, 18th April, 187 . 176.'-tf FARMSF.RSA E. OR Sale Lot No. 22, 13th concession Township of McKillop, containing �j � Jr P p One Hundred Acres, 4orty-fiv: of which are cleared. well -fenced, and a never fail- ing stream of water runs through one corner. No buildings. Also, the unex- pired term of eight years of the lease of part of Lots 27 and 28, 12th concession, with the privilege of purchasing at anv time. Purchase money $1,275, to extend his lot is articulars over a period of ten years. all wood land.] For urther to' the apply THOMAS, STEP January 11, 1871. ENS, Seaforth. 162-tf SPR Le; leave to a NEW ING GOOPS. ICKSON Sc C ounce that they are now opening up AN XTRA LARGES TOCK OF PRING GOODS, In every c apartment, and invite an early inspection from customers and the public in general. • The goods will show for themselves, so COME ON. .flick ':17-2t ons Emporiu=m, SEAF,ORTH. HA R DWARE! HARDWARE! SIGN OF THE 01 all descriptions, Cheap, at the CIRCULAR W_ 110:3ERT SO `T 6cC Just received a splendid assortment of SAW. HAYING & HARVEST TOOLS, VIZ. Solid Cast Steel and other Scythes, Snaiths, Hay Forks and Rakes, Morgan's & Melly Cradles, &e., Also, Spades, Shovels, Hoes, &c. - A complete assortment of Builders' Haikiware. Ameri an Water Lime and Calcined Plaster. -i xr-JACI SCREWS T:O HIRE. 1 Remember the pot, and don't fail to call and examine goods and prices. KIDD S BRICK BLOCK, SIGN OF THE CIRCUiLAR, SAW, I Seaforth, Ont. W. ROBERTSO T & CO. ,CHOICE NEW BOOKS. REIGN OF LAW, by Du ` e of Argyle. HUXLEY'S LAY SERJIONS. THEOLOGY AND SCIE;. CE, (Brewer) CRITICAL NEW TES AMENT. EADIES' BIBLICAL CY LOPAEDIA EADIES' BIBLICAL CON ORDANCE. JOSEPHUS' WORKS. EXETER HALL LEC MOTLEY'S DUTC GIBBONS' RISE & FAL URES. R 'PUBLIC: I • RON N EMPIRE, 0, GLAND. MARKHAM'S HIST OR Y OF ! E��IGL�ND, COTTAGE LIBRARY, ch' ice and cheap FAMIILY READIN SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES, HYMN 'OOKS, ETC. —ALSO— DAY BOOKS, JOURNALS, LEDGERS, CA8111300I $5. WRITING PAPER, :r Nti ELOPES Commercial and fancy, t . L UMS D EN'S Drug and B . ok Store. Seaforth; Nov. 3. 187Q. MACAULEY'S HISTOR BIL LARD ALL R. W. COL INS Begs 4) state that he, has opened in KILD'S NEW BLOCK, A. BILLIARD ROOM. Thereare in the hall!FOUR TA- BLES, (R (ley & May's $anufacture, ) and excellent acro mmoda�iois for vis- itors and payers. Attendants willat all rea- sonable be on hand sonable hours. R. W. COLLINS, 166-tf Proprietor. NEW LINE OF STAGES, Between Seaforth and Wroxeter. We, the undersigned, beg to inform the inhabitants of Seaforth, Ainleyville, Wroxeter, 'and. ti public generally, that we are now running a DAILY STAGE, AG E, (Sundays xcePted,) each Way, as follows. Leaving Seaforth at 11 a. m. ;leaving Ainleyville at 3 p. m.; leaving iti roxetei at 12 nood; leaving Ainleyville at 3 p. m.;-connlecting with morning and even- ing trains, going east and west, also with Walkerto and Harristo n stages. Com - foitabl.v�hicles and. fast tnue. Livery in connection at Seaforth. ROSS & JOHN'SONE, 167-tf Proprietors. You can get the FULL BENEFIT – –oh - REDUCTIO • IN_..., COTTONS! —AT-=-� CRAY, SPARLINC - & CO,S5 OPPOSITE THE GREAT EGG STORE. 177 yea .:.o rth . jo a u: ry APP & CARTER ARTER Would desire to call attention to their greatly improved. FIRMER & SEPARATOR Which is able to compete with any other Machine in Canada. hong its many advant ges, we call att- ention to the following --the way the I yliuder is constructed -it requires less power and is capable of THRESHING MORE Ar CLEANER THAN ANY OT 3 k R. The great complaint among Threshers always was, that they could thresh more than they could clean, our improved drum does away with all these I complaints ; it is so constructed as to regulate the wind to keep the riddles from choking, without blowing any grain over. We have also improved our Mills to prevent the grain going over with the straW. ! We would invite Farmers and Thresh- ers, generally, to give us a, call, and. ex- amine our stock before purchasiJg else- where ; we can sell as chlap as any other k:stablishment. None but the best Materit used, and the very best workmenmployed. The Machines we sold last year enable us to say that they gave better satisfac- tion than any -other ever sold in this county. PITT'S HORSE POWER kept on hand at all tinges. We would also desire to direct the attention of farmers to our SAWING MACHINES t. *hick are capable of sawing from forty to fifty cords of wood per day. Superior Gang Ploughs, ;Straw Cutters, Cultivators, Scufiiers. Wooden and Iron- ' beam Ploughs, Scrapers, 'Kettles, &c., 1 of which we warrant to give satisfac- on, and will be sold as chea ® as at any other Establishment in the "rovince. EPAIRING AND1 C STING OF EVERY DESCRTPTI (N, Done on the shortest notice : nd most reasonable terms. 143-1y— • ZAPFIt; & t ARTER. s' .EDWARD CA 'II - Dealer in all kinds arm and airy -Produce WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. he Highest Price in Money ley FOR OO L AN D E:R. up to his lEET, SEAT RTr. Pay your fees and dricie s i re, GODEI:tICH' ST BUTTE. FIRKINS fOr s -change. le and to 180 -eh SEAFORT _ urniture W rerooms M. ROGER Y SQT mporter and manufactu er of all kinds OF HOUSEHOLD FE WIT UR E, Such as OFAS, - LOUNGES, CENTRE T BLES, . 1 ATTRASSES, MING & 13REAKF ST TABLES, : BUREAUS, CHAIRS, and, BEDSTEADS, In Great Variety. Mr. R. has great conidence in offer - i g his goods to the public, as they are ade of Good Seasoned Lumber. and y First -Class Workmen. offins made to Order On the Shortest Notice. WOOD *TURNING Done with Neatness and Despatch. Warerooms TWO DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S HOTEL, Main Street. Seaforth, Jan'y 21st, 1870. 57 -ft TAVERN FOR SALE. HE well-known and old established Hotel, " The Roxburgh llotel," sit- sated in the thriving village of Rox- burgh ; along with the house is one-half Jere of land and good stabling. Might o. site is `' Roc's Mill," doing the lies 4 g largest gristing business in the County. To a party with a small capital this is one of the best stands in the pointy of Huron. Apply to the proprietor, THOS. .WILSON, Walton P. 0. 1 i 1-tf { •