HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-06-23, Page 7• tfrNE 1, WILSON, te. • tad .17,4 TS,S, SADDLES, tI)LES, a:e„ tke., TEET SeiZAFORTH- 417 -••••••"'"-. •Of 1 want Hare .1 gu.I mai new, „Vent saner, aesferthe tut eteck vu inav view. t owned la- k faz1/X a 'ai.so- rebowned it Sezaarth, a easy caadee. 1-e fieetet. eitv of lit. 1ri•1lt s and curbs • ;set se, t etest N. 1 A antl i f "anal 1,1zaila fs fer winter isece free.. :ens horses the , rues, cgrace. fel for SIMI - Lfrtt11, ye 'now and , • .f every Fl...rter:ptice . eacreces. or emd te,e ,at iec'a shale seafortit, Is..• had at eteetaittet. s seal r „: reel rosette: - alit! seed in V. ay ; sei teas iit (tt lirt :lit a day. e1 I'm-ail:at of ell kinds, L.'t" mid rare, tear.t. eei cease. - ..kalki Es W IfsSON aui that without further -.edits. :take while yea t awl lit le S-4 teller J ,.%.:21,1 ES - W LSO -2,r -•‘• ran. adantly liend a stock of a'1PIZI.-tcNTEAUS, VL - ND and I'datikets, connected with the qusinkaa • *.:a laS, VA antl '.Macle tit order. etea,atete k Kill, am, FA.01 OF1 Y. - - - zi hea It ave to thank- . eeeraus ettateinc la for "the eats it *ail to them since et -ea in at. aft ea la and Lev vL ht, favoredwith a el the same. le.ite.• to le LI •would (le ahem a cell, as titsy will el, on halal a large a tock Lilt:17E111- SASHES, 1‘ it, ;_.i%iflt,atisfaetior. etay favour them with ereteee-, ice nape but ' elasawc.rklut.n UO. 4,tttiltit)11 paid, to Ctitit0I17:. 1:1ZO.k liFOoT & ttRay. IIELSERingff Of -NE s1 G 11 T °LINTER, et. 'I.( k IC. ER AN I .1 ENV 1 E Lt Seafeth, :t., suit, Agent for the '4-a1(. 4n1r e ira eti PERFECTED acusos et eett aro groutel by use irom =vial InalttlfaCt cd ;tie a; rp 16ea. It iekre. hard., awil•retlant, and elver Chrttitiat it* C;an ro Neubar • st.ieutihc rt -rut acv attaii- . hy the aid er camplicated e'tIy rzltJltnirv, «r-. assert them te "!U E ktosT l'ERFEC1 1rt9'AcLE4 EVER MAN. 1.1.1). They ds' aml ci,mfort (el ch., cantinuotte tind abitinq tiaaevee, awl last a greed eesititent le (letting aiti ithev are the CHEAk EST & tae it e Dame sta et,iup stairsi, 1ik r. SALE; Fietei atentl tin the ,et1are.enfortle knkavn ate NC, E. awl (toile.; a - • To an ilea rprising man, tetal, it effete; excellent in- -}Ift" tf11 Mit' of the leadieg 6 : ti t It tLea'aii Willa. einfertahle ta,TTAGES (11 (-eel% rich, rental at iaeati a 'aid Test ti Terme-- beer te WM. MA 1..111M .At the Markus. 15,71, teet•tf- JITNE 23. 1871. A Street Show in London. One singular exhibition_ I witness- aere, which is wordr recording. The veteran clown announced that his friend had coin Muninated to him that he would throw up n monster pocate, "the height of that 'ere ise," and allow it to descend upon las skull, a feat to be perfortned entirely:in compliment to the high- caasa character tf the present audi- eaec. I" said the veteran eown, lost in reverie and admira- tion."Thi a potato On your head ? Why, sir, it would kill any man !" . - A grunt intimate s that his friend is q u ite sera) US. The veteran clown looks e$adly round. "Ho will do it, then gentle-. rnen.. I)o yea mean Sir, that you Mill ?" and so on. What .follo wed was raore worthy of admiration than the feat itself. The veteran clown, resigning him- self to the stern purpose of hi a de- ve'eed,friead, theu only thought how to make it as Cay as possible to his feelings. - Conscientiously he could not allow tile .sacrifico until a united contibution ef at least a shilling fell into tite, arena. This rather, cooled public ttrdor ;. it s'llte wed F:(3 vast a sum. The acts by which it Was r deed woeld have ht.lped him. on in the diplomatic profession. He en- treated, li sooke with adorn, he made a F-1. though he would,pack his effecas and go—this when three- pence had beeu subscribed. fliend cnieti to ()pease him, as ho would be fontent to do iu from his lino feelings and wish to oblige us; " No, air, you shall not. I am ashameit to hay:- to as SU ch a thing sevenpeneo iaere !" This was a fiction; Much more -we a -.testi:it ed. Titikle---chink— ta-openee more. it advwanted threerace r oae , had waiced su long, lost so much valuable time fel I 0 W let us have done ht '1 'CI Ef,0 s ! Aft er • all, to see suels a f -at _was worai -a few half- T.Late. 'Tell split an apple on his child's head, bat latia patriot would split one on dwn, and without an arrow. When the sum was inacte up, T. _blush to say, there were sig,ns of 1. went of faith in the veierau clown; he seemed to say that it was um.easoriable to expect humau life to be put in peril for thaa ridiculous, su m. A few pennies :no -e. surely. Loud and angry mur- murs wc.i•e lieard, and the denuncia- tees o the crowd became so hostile Ozer-, he felt he could not push the nia,cter farther; so he gave way, and with a pleasant effrontery, as Ite had waived part of the bargain, that he was tire the gentlemen da make it up to them after they hal see:i the fe it." On this the f tigi t hill] Self together.; atal alter mava/ flourishiogs, sent his. potato aloft to a vast height, tht foldina his arms, prepared to rec6ve it. Dowli it came, and witk a meat disagreeable crunehinc, sound, de: 4emled on his bare forehead, wheae it was Rpl it Into a, dozen frag- inents. It W 8 really an unpleasant exaibition, ;.ind intkes us understand the case of the neg,ro recorded by Hizaton, who, for a SM1Ill Sum, -wee id allow fitly on� to hit his lie4d with a tout cudgel.:—All the Ithr Old Maids. .A -i old maul, if she is -a cross ola lar'd, is the most miscraye, aod, it 2n et be eonfessoct ate niojt disagree- a'elc il` human beings. ...Vy e associate alt sach Nv it li a/tarp lecti res OD de - e -taste), s t raigh alaced 'a ndiff-backed idta. s abort G a ai u sc m en a u achari t a ble rat rugs of her neighbors' best ac- tioas, prying into their seca.cts, pub- lisl,; na, their .1.1ealcaess, glorying in th.eie follies. Surely, dear to no one is the slander -loving oid maid. But, then .there itee 1 ery few such; they at' mute jbe_ exeepLie a Then we have -the vairi oldni:.kid, whose affec- t '--;an of the iutan ners mid customs af youth, whose silly contrivances to con. -al a Wrill kb e Or cover a grey he i whose pitable soifts to look liar 4aomer than she ise by the aid of p0 der and puff; falsi hair, false teel e... l'ilse bloom, eaceae our ridicule a.e,l eontempc. Bat On the other hand, is there any object in creation meee loveable in .charaeter and dis- ilo :. '; o n than -the woman V fle having 6otl -ed both the For •ows and dis- apec intaieuts Of he, youth. and bay - no home ' ta look forward to, ellee rE d by a - husbo ad's love, or b. eye iened by the smiles of c'rild -e.n, - SCS be NCI f patiently, eheerfully to do 'nor d u i:y, with a. full , trust that 4 araafever is. is light," and timi-. One ., • wa : zinc} Lett.ec than: se saw sow it to deprive Ler of these lalss'aigs 1 Sae .;.‘; known as the "gond 'old me:1 ' And She rejoices in tips title ; it , . ings no blush of w)unded vanity to 11 er clieek, or tea, s of mollification to_ ler E v 0 ; .sh 6 4 Wel COMed w here., eVer 66 e goes, as fanie'sferiag, an°. W1 e sits bv the, side oc Vie drng bed and comforts the b. duel •Ii >arted meainels bv her sate pethy an'. Cal asel ; w•ho is the reeipient o° tho tim: 1 tirl's : first love '. ale, • whese , • , , „ :a.rne. pane rove3 to (1 `SfliblatA tO l'Os'- cl:dlth-eal the swneiineafci and the t ys t ey delight ; who is: love living and mournedand wept for dead, i ore than good old maid - suit of Dairy Farming. W atev r may be the success of Cheae Fa tories as carrred. on by public con panies, it seems beyond doubt'that they are very profitable when eirti d on. by priaute enter - w1 re milk, fe ding and actu ing cheese are all under pert ision of the jircprietor. ruler an of the minty of . ha.. an establislim nt of this and e give below the results open tions for the year 1868 : r th year, lbs 242,252 mad E itherefrom, lbs. '028,479 in 0 sh, at 1e per lb $3,417 48 re fo th.c year of mi_k I)11). of heese, lbs 8i Avera nu lber of cows.. .. . .. 34 Whole numt(T of COATS 57 Butter :303 114. at 15c.. $45 715 Calves and f Skins sold30 00 Av'ge irodu ,4iu cash, Rer 61 25 prise, MILL111 the s A g Huro kind, of his Milk. f (Jir"ktes Resul Avera A go.d de 1 of speculatin has been indul ed i. with regard t the pro- litabl hes of making *hese in winte -. -The gentleman above allude to makes cheese he 'whole year roun arguin; thht as the capita i i \Tested it shoull not be idle, and a feeding must ')e done, a little extn will abundOatly, pay. For ti e pu pose of testing this, he resolv )d to keep a cm'reet account-ef the pi oduce, every mouth in the year, f a cow that calved on Christ- mas e -e, with the_ following resuit : Pounds of Milk. Ja nary 1,201 . Fit )ruary 1,111. M reh 13140 AL 904 y. 970 Ju e . 896 Ju y 907 August 770 September , 695 October 533 November 339 'ember 188 ota/ for year, lbs... .... .9,704 From this it will be seen there was pr duced daring what is -called the ch ese-making season, from May to Oc ober, inclusive, 4,771 lbs. of milk, bile in the other half of the year t are were 4,923 1bs-r-162 lbs. more— and be assures us ;that the December cheese was quit, as 'good as an; he. made. From,May tq Octob , the cow had the sante ,feed- ing, k .,as the. others, but a little better, care in winter. From the expel-beat lid also concludes that it 18 120 isadv ntage to L. ve cows calve 11. win er. Practica experi- ments of th s kind are of great advrint go to the fanner. _Farmers Advocate. Lo ek Upward. ge eeted for the Exxosykon b j. A. Look ipward, for the heavcns mirror our des in. 1 here is .no WIG thing as a .i'mezzo- i, n na ,ure. Nothing has been created, uoth' g destroyed, ince God ilaslaed "gilt th -ough the air, and "Saw that Hi work s 'asgood. The a, mosphere is but a continuation of elements; a little higher an use constituti a• Water, 9 , in thcs elerue is life is germ* ated and , , , we cxis All 1 Teation is "co ptised of contiuu us -lin.' s, forming ne, great 1 . chain, a circle estmg as a ha o in the firmanie t. This ircle as :brokku wh n Adam fell. Fl ating ut, these severed, frac- ture1 en1s rise nd fall, ivasalei ng; seek- ing to t lath, t cement. SiL vibrating with thi terril le Plow, thcsq broken, crtimbli . e ends, rise and fall, approac,li anirece e, as hey seek to n et over the daalt Valley, into which .Ai.Iaui fell. Life, once splen lid, immortal, e ana.tion- from. G ( , now angsdilee a rai bevii over this -Val ey, w (.4e the- shad.ow never moVCS. ' . .Down he pr cipitous sides gows no litAng er eping Tine, nor insects, seek a nook. ... 0 win • stirs teneter grass, nor flowers',.led t eir sweetness. 'Vale of iropeuetr ble da doles's, whodare descend iuto thy lyster `I Who carry .a thread to bridge this awning chasm ? Christ descende 1:! Bending, looking With eager, e rinest yes, his dollow rs saw Iiim god wu, ei til at length,' lost from 1 their sig t, they cried, Ohl give a faith, Heavenly Fathe , to illuiniuethi g,looin. 1 As the tmosi here presses on the face of the g teat deep, litikinglts 6 ements into its ael " g bosom, is t e light I penetrate theand with mus cal ino- 1 tion, play arou cf. the great glob . The spirit Of God Ibolds and links us i* ceeation. Co!thtn scaled fishes s iort bg aeath.the urfac of the water, aid with brilliant .Ia.uccs glide upon its gentle und.ula,tio s, a rainbow°dthey catch the British ee fa m above. Distinet in their ele ehts, ut united by indissolu- ble ties. 1 , Are we weaker in the faith than the fishes ? Gild we live, mo e, a d 4ave ourbeing. Asthe s'hes in the water, we in the air 13ass o another: It's Waves bear our words to each other. Our thoughts link us to 'ed. I Ohlir en life chain, floating out in infinity, p sating, throbbing with desire, lift high ts y broken links, that the light of God's ercy znay fall into the dark valley Wh n we die. ---Dime ;EloeUtionist. Morriib June 5th, 11871. e LUM ER1 LUMBER! TH and SITYNGLES. dersigned have son baud A their ill, one half mile North of Ainleyvill a large Stock of Dry Pine -Lumber, p (about 35,000 feet) of wbieli is Dressed let and 1-i Flooring. They have also on hand 75,000 ft. of Strip Lath wblii is warranted first-class, - and no slabs. ; TheirS/ain le Machine will start about' the 18th i taut„ after 4ich date! apleu- tiful suppl of 811INGIALS will be kept on hand. ' Prompt attentioa given. to orders from a distance. I - M.&T,SMTT1L Dingie, April 12, 1o717 6-tf- e ON EP SiTOR. S P itiN7G eg leave to amibunee t AN A.X.TR SRI' every d part spection i-orn n general. The goocts will COME ON. Hickson 175-2t OD et CO. at they are now opening np LARGE STOCK OF G dOODs, mat, and invite an early u.storaers and the public; show for themselves, so E F 0 mporiram T H ciNTOSII & MORRISCH'S IN J. SCATTER, EXall NG --E BpK A.nd dealer in Pro ODU S CHEMICALS AND YESTUFFS, PERFUMER FANCYAND TOftETfiRTJC ES Agbrit for Sewing Machiiiies. M nay to leud ou easy terms. Pure .\\ mes and Lici ors for edi- cinal purposes. J. SE TTER, Seeforth, Nov. 3, 1870. 59- I o R2 1111 0 74 Y I 0;000 TO LED TD 4VE the above, sum n han for intestmeht on good FarSecurity, at 8 and 9 per eent.,--Privato Funds. jOHN S. PORTE. Saaa nru, July 25, 1870. 139,— Begs his rison' PAINTING. JAMES WILLIAMS intimate to the- pu lie " tha emovecl from McInt sh & Carriage Factory, aa has re VVilliarn Grassfo's Pa Shop, he for- ted Eut N% here he may 1e found at any time. Mr. Williams is u'epared to execute,' of the shortest noticfe, all kinds! of Carri ge Paining, Sign! Paint ng and Urn' mental "Work. Give him a, call Remembeir the pl co, •oppoSite Murray' Stables. 170 13t T E GARDNER PATENT Se ving Machine 4$14NUF.A.OTURRD 33Y TUB Gardiner Sewing Machine CO?APANY, HAMILTON, ONT., TU9 Is the best fam y and marinfacisa machin now mad; willdo all kinds Fancy Vork. The general works a attaehnitents are so simple that any p r - son can learn to work them in half hour, ailors an shoemakers use it in prefere cm to an now made. Pr co within jho reach f alL • 1 Has o gear of any kind and S are .;Ib wo1ulcl be w-11: for int,endina p r. t qaasers to call ou ny of tho underm tion4d parties and see this machine, fore purchasing one of another • ‘e. The above machin,e can be se4 at wor , at a y time, at William Graasey's T. Jj. Andersen's, Seaforth; F. Fitton s, Ex er 5, Mr. 1Pierce's, Rodgerville ; tra Foil Bayfibld ; Fishleigh ; & Garr Ainl yville,, pR. tTEGRAssTR, Generil Agent for the Countrof 11 179-1y Seaforth, Ont. CARRIAGE FACTORY mAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. 1 e subscribers feel thankful for tho liberal patronage theyhave received -0 commencing business,in Seaforth, wish to iutimate to their customers the public generally that they keep hand and are manufacturpg all ds of wheel work, such as RRIAGES, OPEN AND TOP 131TG DENIOQR ANS, WAGGONS, SL IG -HS, CUTTERS, (Sice, Ma le up by EXPERIENCED WORK - M ,N; in the very latest styles. e Do No Horse -shoeing, Bu pay all our attention to t e above clads of business. Palties who favor us with their Iorders ,-will ,get good satisfaction. Ye keep , n first-dass Painter. ve sin an on ki GIES, a Carriage PAINTING Done for country shops, and old work repainted at reasonable rates. Repairing promptly attended to. Cordwood, Lumber, Shingles and Lath taken in exehange for work. MoINTOSII S.; MORRISON, .1.671tf WM. GRASSIE9 CAJR1ACE AND WAGON MAKER, Goderich, Street, Sealorth-. SLE ' s, - CARRIAGES, WAGONS, &e., &c., Zuil in a superior manner, to order, on sliort notice, Particular attention paid to Horse g and General Blacksmithing. 163 TO .HE PUBLIC A..T LAlk.GE! LME. flIE nhscrlbei is prepared to fu parties building with a firstaclass tide:of Stene Lime, at 20 cent e per b el at the kiln, MeKillop, n ar Tho eon's, saw -mill, or 22 e,c.sts jer bu deliVered in Seaforth. ordel s left with X[r BEJL, Arai street, Seaforthe will meet, with prom atfciition, jAmEs DoDDs, 0 ouvEri 6IGN OF TKE SCoToR •COLLAIi A oice assortment of light and heavy Immo s, -whips, bells, horse clothing, etc., kept onstantly on hand. Re airing promptly attended to, and qhargt s moderate. Iiemember.the place sign o the Scotch Collar, Main Street, Sea.fo h. 1 163'f W. II. 0.LITER. 0.1-1. OUL.L, AGMs T FOR LOOKMA.Y'S SEUT,LVG 3f4 Telegraph and Eixpiess Companiee, CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE . Issuer of Ma riage Licenoes, merican Money bonght and sold. particular attention paid to . JOB PP INTING. °incr.—Elliott Armstrong's Reok- Store, Seaforth. 17.4 -a •• • .• • L DIES —oF-- 0 Tt And surrounding celery t The tock is now 4omplete ;.. —I.N— KEDEVS MUM — -AS1-1101`\1. )-6 •ro N-6 ,r4 ••••k t- r" 000000 e 0 t?) -A sac; re7*-.6 si..A 0 tp c• A Vt. '411 t-"fr ti) )NEW MILLINERY! In all its branches Spl ndid Trinithed IIAT AND BO,TTNETS om 60 cents upwards. LIL AND VELVETEEN ANTLE 1. al styles, an4at all •riees. 1,000 WANTED ! anadian Voltnteers, For the R d River Territory, o purchase my Eats, Iaps, Clothing, Boets & Shoes before leaving. REHE'SIBER best -And largest Stock- of Gro- kery.. Liquors, ete- , etc. kept in. Seaforth. - Best $1 Tea for 90 cts. lb, STRICTLY °IS-LT.0XE PRICE ! OS. 14c Di keep the clerics, Oro Seaforth, April 12, 1871. 175 Warranted_ by the AlakPrs. THE RUSSEL WATCII For Durability, Quality, Finish and. Neatness, CAN -NOT BE EQUALED. A new stock of the above Watches just received. A CAYMPLETE STOCX OF FINE OLD AND SILVER JEVIEZRY A WAYS ON HAND,. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every description repaired with neatness and despateh, and Farranted to give satis- faction. a.'5,000 Worth' of 011 Gold and • Silver wanted, for which the highest price in cash or trai e will be pai(1. M. R. COUNTER, 179 Main street, Seaforth. FE LLOWS' )PHOSPHITES, e diseases- overcome by the H P• Among t use of Fellows' C .mpound .Spirit phosphitee, Are. Consti ation, Asthma," .Consump- ton, Larengitis, Nervous Debility, Dyspop ..tt, Chrome • Bronchitis, Chronic Diarrirca. Melancholy. Debility aaulting from Typhoid and -- other low evers, Diphtheritic Prostra- tion, Hyst ria, Hypochondria, - Ameue norrhoea, hlorosis, Anaemia, •Leucorr- hoca, erVO IS EXCItabIlity, A16,11181i1US or wasting of i4ie muscles, Aphonia Or LOSS of Voice, C torea or tit. Vitus' Dance, SluggishueSs of the Liver, Interrupted and Feeble Action of the Heart, Stiffocat- ingfeelings caused by 'fleapits obstrue- tious of the lungs. andeair paSsages lead- ing thereto, and debility from- N -3,11.0I18 causes, man1r easesof which appeared hopeless. -old by apothecaries. Price, $1 50; six 1 a- $7 50. - . AMES I. FELLOWS, 180 -16 t Chemist, -St. John, N. B. - of II MO N Farm at 01., p suit the bor or to JOHN January 1 EY TO LEND. or tlesirable`Village.Property- ir cent. Payments made to =ower. Apply to :Niel/01;G ALL, insurance Agent and. Coramissioner, Seaforth, S'EATTER, Exelaege 13roker, Seaforth. 3, 1871, 162 -cm A VOID -FACK.S.—A victim of early indiscretion cansing nervous d.ebil- Av. primati cleca, etc., having tritla simple Meet s of seif-cure, which he will in vain every alivertised. remedy, has. a cl send frke to his fellow -sufferers. Address J. IL TUITLE, 73 Nassau st., New Yerk. DANIEL kirGREGORs RULLETT, JJAginst received a\iarge Stock of the - :materials usecl in tlto business, and is no -w fully prepared. to eXecute on the shortest notice and in the ktest styles, all orders he may be favoured with, Registers, Led ers, AND * 131.-1.A...1•Tir DE3 0 0 Ir. • OF /1.:1' XIND, Ruled, Printed and Maw, - To ordPr, on the shortest notice, and a prices -which defy competition. LADIES' WORK BOXES AND FANCY CASE • • Made to order. OLD AND NEWBOOKS. BOEND AND REPAIRED .At city prices. Persons residing at a distance by leaving their books at the Signal Book. Store, Goderich, or at the EXPOSITOR office, Seaforth, or at J. R. (rant', Ain- ley -v-0-, stating style, may rely upon then3 being well hound. All communications addressed. to filo undersigned, will receive prompt atten- tion. DANIEL McGIIEGOlt, ,Couttance, P.. Rullett. Seaforth, Nov. 9, 1870. TO FARMERS. FARMERS. IRON HARROWS. THE DTI\ TDERSTGNED has on hand . , a large number of IRON HAR- ROWS'hich he is prepared to sell on reaSonable terms. These harrows Were manufactured at Ganamique. and are The Best .Yozo in Use. A Guarantee will be given with each, that if it do not work satiefactorily, it may be returned. by the purchaser within thirty days. 0. 0. WILSON, Agricultural Implement Agent,. 169-tf SEAFORTHe ONT. THE 0-REAT FEMALE. REMEDY, JOB MOSES/ PERIODICAL PILLS. This well-known medicine is no impo- sition, but a• sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and Obstructions, from any cause whatever; and although a powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To Married Ladies it is peculiarly\ suited. It will in a short time bride; on the monthly period wah regularity,. and although very po-werfal contains no- thing hurtful to the constitution. In all eases of "IN:Terve-us and Spinal Affections, Paine in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the heart,. Lowness of Spirits, Hysterics, Sick Be.adaehes, Whites and all the painflul diseases occasioned by a disordered sys- tem, these Pitts will "effect a Care when all other means have failed. - These Pills have never been known to fail where the directions on the second. page of pamphlet are well observed. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. 30B MOSES NEW YOP. IC, SOLE rnorniEToil. 81.00 an'd 121 cents for postage, en- closed. to Northrop s: Neweaetle Ont., general agents for -the Dominion, -will insure a, bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Wield itt Seaforth by E. Hickson and Co., and R. Lumsden; A. Stephens, Mitchell s • • S. Coombs, Clinton and all Medicine Dealers. NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcastle, Selo Agents. 180:9 NOTICE. TABORERS wanting work for a few 4 weeles will find employment on the GoyERNMENT DRAINS, In Grey, /WAGES, hi ,25 per day, - Eneuire of the foreman on this -a-,orke, or apply' to the agent at the office, 'Jas.. T. Mehl: , G. BLA IN, Contract6r. Grey, May 12, 1871. 1801-11 NOTICE TO DEBTORS: N-OTICE is hereby given that all par- ties indebted. to De. COLEMAN, either bY note or book, are requested to call at his office, at the Salt Works, and.. settle the same inanceliately, otherwiie they will be sued without further notice. Seaforth, April 11, 1871. 175 -ti THE stitrIon exycatort, IS It-BM:MED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING,. BBAPORTIL TERMS. $1-50 or annum, in advance ; if not so paid $* .00 will be charged. No Subs- cription taken for a shorter period than three mo iths. ADVERTISING RATES. TRANSIENT. Per lin, first insertion, 8 ets ; subse- quent ins --rtions, 2 cts, each time. Ad - "venison uts measured by a scale of solid brevier. less than One Cole. .16 t Half 6 I i .1 QUalter ( t , Eighth No :advertisement taken- for ne ')TRACT RATES nn for One Year. - - $60 00. Six ninths, - 3.5 00 " Three " - 20 00 One Year, - - 33 00 " Six Months, - - 20 00 -4 Three " - - 12 0e " One Year, - - 20 00 "-Six Months - - 12 00 44 Three " - - 8 GO " One Year, - - 12 00- " Six Months - 8 00. " Three 4' - • 5o0 Advertitements, without specific direc- tions, will be inserted till forbid, an& charged accordingly. MeLEAN BROTHERS, =DO MeLEAN. - Publishers_ ALTAIT Rie.LEAN 3, •