HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-06-23, Page 6_ a kinoremeemmenemenieme Religious Bigots. _ In, the midile of the ITXth clentOry the people of the . United , State S are hardly prepared forj. the issue. of a decree that would be More in keeping with tbe religious tone of two -or three centuries ago, yet the Presbytetian Synod, a body supposed to represent the •intelligence and toleration of the Protestant Church, in session at the City of Motherly Love, has made itself infamous by advocating and - adopting the follow- ing resolution: Resolved, That the present con- dition of France in general, as des - dated by a k tome of war, and the city- of Paris in particular, as now drenched ,by the blood of her own, •citizens, is a righteous rebribatton for the martyrdoms of St. -:qtrrthielo- mew's Day, and the tangible fulfill- ment of the Divine promise to the ,Church : " That no we2pon formed gainst thee shall prosper." . Have we suddenly retrograded, • that such a, doctrine in the.Christian Cq-inrch shoulfl be not only tolerated but preached 'V In reading the above • re8olution we are obliged to pause and consider whether the wheels of Tinie's chariot have not gone back- ward, and whether•instead of living under the benign influence of liberal convictions and,religious..teleration, • A,e are not inaugurating a spirit of bigotry .which was popular in the ea k ages. The . thought of a so- called. religious body exulting'.in the terrors, the recital of whieh should curdle the blood *in •the veins of •every sympathizing being In the civilized world, be he &dull or sinner; The shining lights of an. ancient and respected denomination bowing be- fore the Throne of Grace, and • thanking the •Almighty for -the - Yidtati.011 which they are pleased to e acknowiedge as a "righteous re- tributioar -for • the persecution of the Iluetenots in 1572, end for. many ex , ressing their sentiments in -Vie shape of a resolution, is almost too unreasonable to credit; their con- viction that the late horrors in Paris was a vengeartee of God ageinst the - niasSiicre of St.. Bartholomew's Day.; — a pronunciamento of heaven against hell, qf God against Satan, is sicken - in its fanaticism and bigotry. ;2 X•ir ho are these men that they should set the msel ves up to interpret the laysterious decrees of Providence?. Werethey seers, sorcerers, °mounte- banks we might overlook their • egotistic folly, but for the represent- ative men of four million- people— Christianpeople, cultured, intelligent . •and exemplary peeple, whoconsider • themselves the " salt of the earth "— • for this little conveution of bigots to presume to pronounce upoa the doings,of the Lord, and to assume tho right to assert that -God - has been t:tking vengeance upon the innocent descenditnts ofe the men eng:egetlia that terrible tritgedy of Lineee ceia, turies ago, is simply pre- posterods. .\ In making this resolve they un- consciditsly insult the 1aster they aro credited with serving, for they accept as allies the Satanic army of atldests and encourage tltene on to . •victory over a 'sister Church. that • kneels at the • same sheine and wor- shipe a Savioar crucified; it is self- cotalemning, for the devilish spirit which prompted the assassinations is - unmanly) even uncivilized.; much lees being saintly -or God-iike. . If these men th us • publicly proclaim • _, their antipathy to co-workers in. , the .CattSe of ,1,-christia nay, what is 1 tili e • nature of the prayers which ascend 10 Ilea V'eal from the. fa mil y ciecle a nd closet ? . 1f these men, who study. Wall their woi•ds before committed, can. thus openly upheld aud en- courage a wicked and most revolting • butchery, even admitting it to be in • the interests of the Presbytterian - Church, s,,hich. is pre-suppo'Sect Cr they -would not be so exuberent ; if theemen, preaehet•s of the Gospel, • whose precept is to " love your • enemies, and pray for 'those who persecute you and despitefully Use you,f'—if the teachere of Christi:in- czui utter such sentiments, what is th feeling in the bOdy of the • Church ? In the fullness of their joy they seem to forget th:Lt, the bleed" of - the martyrs is the seed of the Church," or agun, it it is re- ptetted by these SAIIID Ilien at nearly every funeral service, ‘..tre loveth • Whom Ile chasteneth." They call I • themselves minietets of Christ—of the God of love and inerev—bdt' they prove themselvee possessed of • the S411110 devilish spirit: which pro- yuked the inassztel•e of Sr. Baitholo- fiww_the :spirit• of 1)-1:40try alai fall.iLti.C18111.—Detroit Ditily tritioli,. • Detected. by Chewing Plug • Tobacco. _ Some time ago a registered letter was sent to Chicago which ought to • have contained five one nundred &Alai. bills. But when the envelope was opened the money was missing. As usuai ia such ease:i, the matter was piaced in the hanchl of an ex- perienced and Skillful gentleman aseigeed to the 'duty of bringing ca.ltninals to, justice, 't-ith instruct- ions to make a thoro11g:1 and rigid examination. The envelope up. ' THE H pear• ed to be intact • hut the. office took it, si aked it in ,water, and car ' (f a microscop fully tem 'ed the 1 . ortion where th sealing p •ocetss hal been affectet . By the as istance helound hat small particles of plu tobacco s ill adher cl to the pipe , and. from this fact e ame convince .that who ver wet he mucilage df the envel pe nitit have used that descriptieot the e d. The officer determin di it the i t, ORM, to a certaiii if any one O oneoted with any of th ohaces thtough which th letter hac pa sed Used tobacco 'o this descr io 1. Offlc.e after offl.c i was visit d, froin • Chicago to th locality N her...the letter.. wae. firs mailed, bt t i not pnp of them wa there a sing] , per ci who masti cated any hin.l. bu (inc cut.! , T , the last of ice the p aster Was a old friend ofi bhe d tee ive, and wa. consider& an uprightman. II was linid in Ili den t c ation of th Grim e. T le icagi) filcial had no theeslight st SISf)iCi0fl in the direc tion ,of hs Ilonest `: country post master,put he had 1,s i:ed so man) persons to) a " chew,Oat theliabi , had grow s lip Rhin] tnd addressin, the worth p stma. te •;1 by name 114 said, " Wi 1 you giA a inc a chew oft tobacco 4" "Real] . ' as th it ply, "I don't think I ha -e ,a. y to' CO that •you would use. I never uiSe anything hut plug.'' T1.ie I onlvictien Ives rced upo tbc ofUe mind that As friend wars the! ith if. Acting ipon this Onvi;Li0n 1 e arrested the 1 lestmaster and fourid te five one- aundred d. Ikr Mils i e'reted in a ,,... r laguerreot III easel 1 telt es were ised years erre)' careft :ly folded up . . . ' )ehind- the picture. q he in ys t e ry was solire,c . 1 The p9 tniaster was tried and 'e nvicted in !Heap, and may now I. e fOnnd at Joliet, where he i's workng .out th p naltv of his ., ciime.—Chicayr Pos. i Sugg sti, e P rastraphs. - I ' prot d an makes me • keep y distance he e•tnfort is that e keeps his a th !same time.- 127;it chains di' ha t are generally. 'too small to be fel 'till they are too strong o be iiroken.—Dr. John- son. One of he .'nhlitieM things in tie World ib plain t it i.—Bnhoer. It matteirs not whit z man loses i he saves his soul • but if he loses is soul; it matters not what he s ves.. Conaclan e in, an i onithail num in time of rouble is like a broken oth, 'and a 'foot tit of joint.-- olomon. • Mca may judge u§, by the success o our efferts ; Clod looks at the e forts theroseIves.—Charlotte Eliza, - b 7-1 UELPH SEWING •THE OS ACHINE CO. rel t../ tee- -4 --, e.) • ti> C i• F271 • ciCD I I ock-Stitch Sewing , \ liousands .threuishca t Calvet& are now using these netchit be tested be3-nuel all es. • Tney have • question make th favoritelloek-stitch, itlike •cai both sides, andare prenounced superior to an oher machine ollei ed tlii public. • • wide range: of 'WC perfection, . uty and • excellence pi' meehanism 'Po bei ad,tptability, streligthantli durability, 17 c . Osboili- Sewing liadLine Has .• .•_Aro eY ImproVements havie lately been matte, enabling the manufacturers to ola u - ma hi los. Hundreds of testimonials are 1 t as the no plus -ultra of Sewing bei 1g: received. daily fromold as well as nee operators attesting it wonderful cal abilities. IN ill " doal). kinds of do- me -tie sewing, from the !finest cambeic to on' 5 rea 11 a.l ie coarsest overcoat or upper leather. , ZAN_TEIP,D -To BE AS REPV.ESENEED, DR _NU SALK, WAIZI,W,NTED FOR • ilit:EE YELP'S. , . he Osborn 01.1tfit is complete and lily- comprehended. - ls sold at one- . the ,price hitherto . c 'arged. for ma- chines doing a like rang -of work, the nia.i in facturers being deter -nine(' to place it thill the reach of e -ery family in the Country. ; • , iTeneve iegeor.e i;uncir V4K Win 0011 - vin 8 4t11 that our mac es , are mi- .. e.qu T t GUELPH REVERSIBLE Is p ,e -eminently the best Sinela-Threeel _Machine offered to tbc public—henee its mar eelous sttecese Will (110 alt varieties of domestie sewing.. PRICES GREA.TLY RED TCED. • II laid: Mirtchinc, with full outfit, $12 ; Tre, dle dth., 617. ach inaehine guile itnteed • R, A gens wanteil every vhere. Splen- did inducements to make n_onny. Apply to C ELPH SEWING EVIALinNINE CO. or ELPH, cAN-efinee \.) . N. WATSON, -Agent, 1: 0-1y• SEAFORTH. RON EXPOSITOR. ARDWARE el • t-+ 0 a SIGN OF I DES, SI ON IELS, C.A.LOIN ED PLA Jakscre-ws • to JOHNSON BROT TER, Hire HERS'. You can get ENIEF 41. REDUCTI the T- OT' '0 S. —AT RAY, SPARL1 C & CO OPPOSIT THE GREAT EGG ST( e • -.3NE 2, 1871; - .%.1111=11111 LOOK OUT, YOUNG ME_ NEV GOLL4R13, 1\7" "W" RECEIVE AT NEW SCARFS, ANPk' RS N S CLO INC AND FUR IISHING ItIDUSi. FIVE THOUSAND OF THE NEW P.APR, COLLAR, 11,-11T elr 130X COXT 1PSS A PRIZE, ,t (Some very va uable,) ARS—Prank in, Great Western, st. George, Dtlad. Shot, Bishop, COL Eureka,. • TIE SC qtteror SEIF 3 —Elite, Bon T an, Sappho, 'Lothair, trnd Duke; Von IA 1 Marquis, Correct RFS—Cabine all Mall, Goner NO CC RTH, May, 1 1 Clipper, Crown. folthe, Bismarck, Cro-wn. Prince, Con - Scarf, Standard. A.T\JDVRSON'S Furnishing II use for. Boys, Youths and Men. Ar ived t NEW SP —AT Tirn-i- Co 777. ay A. G. MoDOUGALL. LOOK IIIME SUTIIERIAN BROS. • Are now prepared to silpply OENTS" • CLOTHING, Cheap and God. Parties are requested to call compare briCes and juclIge for them- selves. • Those b inging their will have Ekery attention as formerl . We IAT‘ And are b for P rrant all WN CLOTH, Aid to them Work, mid not to b beat, either 110E, FIT, or FINISIL Men's and Boys' Cut with care and economy. SITTILERLAND 171-tf Opposite Carmi • MILL FOR Sitp.E ORT 0 THE SUBSOMBER 0 . 8AL E or to Rent, on BROS., •hael's Hotel. THE VARNA I Consisting of a Flour, :Oat cal, and Saw Mill, all-pf, which are god running WENT! MRS FOR asy terms, ILLS, order. • The Flour Mill contains Four run of Stones and the intoror is N'0.1 finished, and. all the InachinerY in first class con - clition. There is in conne tion a good ! Dam, and an. abundant supply of watei 1, to run all the mills the yea round. re These mills are situated in the centre o a splendid Agricultural c untry, and a rar chance is offered to an3 person desi- • i rous f embarking inthe ini11ing businesd. Th -e is also an excellent opportunity of 0c1inild be driven the prerniees, a a g • led Six • 3ayfield, :le good y to the ) Varna ?NEB. 140— 179 -ch IG9EERIAIGPOZSPECirS Yoe, Aer A UNDANT HARVEST 'he present favorable Spring weather warrants both farmer and mechanic in. ma -Mg timely preparations for the com- ing hem -est. , ,orilsorm a woLLsAnfis WI ile thanking their patrons for the lib - era, encouragement aceorded Lhern in the past, would cordially .invite the atten- of ?amen to their choice assortment of • Ha -vesting Machines for 1871. • Our Ohio Conzbined .3fachine, wit Johnson's Improved Self-r.ake, has giv n complete satisfa4tion for the past ow4 years, and is noire offered to the pullic with the strongest guarantee for • durlabiity and perfect evork. he Cayuga Chief, Jr., Alower, ich has gained for itself a world-wide rep itation is again offered as the most duriile, handy and beat working Mower knewn, being constructed in the body of the machine entirely Of iron and steel, and with we defy competition. We ale offer the • 0102 807?; Self-Paking Single Reapcir, whi,13 took first and seCond prizes atPro. vin ial Exhibition, 1570. Thie reaper is ack iowledged to be suj'prior to any other pat ern now in use, as it cuts perfectly, tak s up lodged. or tangled grain better thin any other rake orreel machinc,. and cut equally well from 'either side of the lid, -when wind is strOng from any di- rect on, can be raised. oi lowered when in mot on and is very dur tble. A e invite inspection of. our mtithines and mode of manufacturing by pui-- cha ers before giving Orders elsewhere. AVe guarantee satisfaction in every Jim -- chi e, or no sale. TERMS gAsy. T e agriculturalists kif Perth and ad- jein ng counties will n6t (we believe) be so 1 luii to their own interests as to -wive . their orders to ?hops more than 0 100, Inks east, when there are first:claes worl s in their midst, building largely the iest machines, equal .to any of the sam machines made in the Province. Call and see us,- -send in your erders by mail, or deal With our agents, as in every case you will got a perfect ma- chine, and on the same terms as your neighbor.. Our principles of 1)usinesf3 and. 'prices being established and uni- form. All other kinds of implements con- stantly on hand. • STEAM-ENGINES BUILT, And all kinds of MILL WORK done r°e411i (1 re3s s's •. 180- h T .0MSON •WILLIoAntl1alrioS,. MITCHELL, 111 RNITER THtS Mee ELL S2 THOMAS BELL Is n w prepared to ma4nfacture furni- ture As 'heap as thd Cheapest. Pa ies Wishing to buly wholesale can be su plied at • r Tor nto Vv.rholespe Prices. E ROOMS OPPOsftTE THOMAS KIDD'S1 W Pa SHOP, COMNill OF MAR- • KET SQUARE. 1,NING done on the .Shortest NH kept constantly on hank]. 1 A HEARSE Fon HIRE. 1701-tf TIT co JASs ILSC)rd, 5 efeeeer2e 4,11 .5-q- •rei „ t-4 HARNESS, SADDLES, • BRIDLES, kc., &c.; MAIN STREET, StiP.,FORT11. Come all yoagoou folks who -want Har- neSS, •• Substantial, lome-prieed, good and 11 CW., At WI leS 'S, ant etreet, e ir th, An excellent stock yteu may view. The stock is owned by A MD; AV ILSON. Whose work is so higley reeowned ; The -shop is on :Main sdeet, Sealorth, Tie a place may easily be found. Here are plenty of bit:3. bridlcs and curbs Sursingles anti eaddles so fine, There is 110111i13,n' can ee eal their make, They are just No. 1 A and prime. Here are lots rf good blanktts for 'winter That will keep from yourhors•es the • cold ; And the fly nets,so graceful for Slim- • Trimmed with blue, green, yellow and efold.- 1 Cieick up whips of every desertiition, For the mete coach, carmine or • hand At ,TAM WI Lse f.N'S shop, 6eaforth, May always be had et command. Here are sponges and eelmbs and rosettes All useful and good ip -their way ; With lone and short tuns in el,endenee, • And Harness that don't break- in a day. IPortmanteaus and *Prinalts of ell kinds, Valises of a quality epic' and rare, If von should desire; to purchase, To the •shop of JAINIES WILSON Now cZiiitc, jillyail'and that without further • • Excellent bargains make while you • At the can,`Sa'dille and Harness Empoilom,- et'end. rem ember JAMES WILSON'S • the man. I keep constantly on hand a stock of TRUN KS, 1' 0 ll T.)., I AN TEA US, VAL- ISES AND AA11116". Horse Collars and Blankets, and every article connected with the business TRUNKS, VALISES, HARNESS, SADDLES and BRIDLES, Made to order. J. WILSON_ 1C5-tf . S:Eg.FORT 1 'LT018 i Mill,aill 23 Sash, loor, and LIND FACTORY. o , yr' HE Subscribers beg leave to thank . _L their numerous customers for the liberal patronage extentled to them since ! ,ommencing -business in Seaforth; and rust' that they _will be favOredwith a ontinuance of the same. Parties intending to build ler-mild de well to give them a all, as they will continue to keep on hand it large 6toche of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER SASHES 1 I DOORS, BLINDS, MOLDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, &c., _hey- feel confident of giving satisfaction • Lo those who may favour ebein with their patronage, as none but• . --Li•rst class wm-knieu are ee • employed. nee-- Particular Attention paid to Custom Planing BROADFOOT GRAY. CERTAIN PRESERVATION OF T.IE SIGHT. R. COUNTER • opt, sole Agent pfoErRtFliEecsisalDe If our Celein-ate AAT, Ati5E'A.MIEA111.,(EsReLAtoNtil).: SPECTACLES, be Lenses of which are ground by us, ;roni material manufactured espe- cially for Optic purposes. It is pure, hard, andlmllant, and as near Achromatic as can oe produced. • The peculiar form and scientific eccuraey attain- ed by the aid of complicated and cestly machinery, war- rants is in asserting them t( lie HE MOST 1E,1tFEC1 iPECTACLES EVER MAN, CFACTUiltED. They -assist the sight inostbrilliantle, con fee- ease and comfort on chi, w arer, ca -use a continuous and abidine • provement of the eyes, and last a ,ereat any years without requiring t't; be .01 aimed. So they are the CHEAPEST a well as the BEST. • LAZARUS. maErds & oo. 295 Notre Dame Street, (u• pstairs), We employ no Pedlers. FOR SALE% rtIHAT splendid lintel Stand on the Market Square, Seaforth, known a.s the CORN EXCHANGE, and. doing a good business. To an enterprising man, with some capital, it offers excellent in- ducements, being on one of tht. leading streets and close to the Salt Also, two comfortable COTTAGES on Elgin Street. Goderich, rented at i.z2o0 3 -ear, and several Town Lots. Terms— moderate. Apply t\o, Nm, m A Loom, At the Market. Seaforth, Jan. 23, 1871, 164-tf V_ ;1'1'7SE23. 1871. suo.4......ammear=rmag.-A A. Street, Show in One singular exhibiido r 1 ?are, which is worth The, veteran clown annot his friend had Cominnuigt that he would throw up pocatP, " the 11,..ight h. re," ani allow it tode • }yrs skull, a i..at to he C7Itirely in eeini)liineat, •ci -character tf the pre, " No, sir r) said v'own:, lost )'r 81 tiOlt " )0tati,?. ead ? Wiiv, sir, it WOW man 1" A grui t intiniat stbat is In ite eetriuits.-; The NItiVrA13 (-Iowa" rotinA 14 He will do it., tl men. Do yon nit .n will r and so on. What ft)llowed was inoz of •admiration than the 'f The vett‘ran elown, rei Self to tile srt.r:t ilurpose friend, then eulv to Make it AS cuey as pese kings. Con etion tio asi not allow the saerifice =Al vontibution of at heist a sl into tee', arena. Thi„; public ardor ; it ,ieetued saint The afts rai.fid world have helpeti the iii)loinatle treated; 113 si)(,ke • with made as t,hongh 116 1ou1.3 his eiFets :Inc) go—this w: 3)tent ye had been snliserili+ fiierrd eeemet1 to el evese• evoule! ie eontene i.10 feelinge and 'wish to 1Co„ sir, shall no a."313-13rol to h.% to ask fau —only t\ 11,i14 laore This -was a fit.tion, fl Ts,r.s eft. iyiliklu---- twoOeiwn more. It eriv threep-nce, row.•We La ee) long, lost eete munb. value --hitng 412 ft:00W 1, 1(4. US) llerC ! After 4 suvh, a f at -v..,aN iivorth a c 1Z11,1, ;4111z4Iti te I einlit one on his !own, antt WItell. the iiiu 0t, .1 i)i311i (0;1tI sig of 'a wit '; dalVi ; seeino tinfms;a:311.,) n. that, rielieulnue S1111L A fel "fit, rel v. Loud and st,ii IT111TS WPre hear& nud th64, tIPPS 0 1116 Crint-ti Ia1116t /AM 1; Jii iltit he could not. 1 ‘th tlit hi ‘N.N.;_tai:i'Vfsl1ii14:41,11)116' 114) make it nil to them i. ha, I Sven.tbi kit." 6.3. friTend brought hilnself aur many •flotnieha: lis..owato 1oft to a .vahf foblinv: his arms, I11.1 !;te:i(if-;'svi-,((i?;I :agrt:cuat i:rel:Iriale)1 11 de: ?ended on Lis Imre where it was split= into a. (I( the case of the r:Pgro rec.- - Mr, laigston,_...,,who.„,..._for a sn Aar 11011,a4„ with a steue' cudgel.- -w1,114 alloNy any one to Maiti. .11.1 old maid, if, she ia ene'el is the, most inli.4e3 131( "l 1eoufes,eit: the nost a1c',)4' human beings. We aij snoll • with sharp lteeLu:r. coma), straight-laced'ands'..1 idef•fiabout anuiscMCIlt, of her neigl, tors rteilien7 ge‘i- (. the, dear t is the slat der-loviugoid Dla ther • there Ire \f'ry; few stu af-P, 41Tfita 4.1)a (..X.N4,1)i •hal-a the vain old maid, wi en of the iliannere .af youth, whose silly contr;.1 con,•;a1 a wrinkle or eev - he 3 :whose pitable statIF harvisemer than si'le is. ix"-LI.3.111;1)1e1:::ii,, i -r' C fglt teP,o anJ . -contempt. ,I3nt on. Irapri, is there any (Nett in- tn.re chara_tter j' 1on than the woman vi c.tiiled both the ;.er -ows apocintinents or be, yout no home 1..) look for eloP-)rc.11 by t-1. IlliS1/111d'S b,•:;:ii.ened by the $tn;les of- st,..s herself patieokly, ii (ie`3.Jer flUty, with a, full w/>1 -ver is, is right," -saa • : and better tbaq Et to fleprive Ler of b: g}14'' 44 1-Z11.0/V13. AS, the • " and She T-eii,/ier% :.'ins no blu-.1 of w mind to t er cheek, or tea, sof in to ter Eye; she 14 weloom ever t,be goes, as a min er .1110e7j7ain!Itessonlbj:rtheyrittt!...ied'eb.fi