HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-06-23, Page 5trIT E 231 18 1 Yezd, the wretched suffer- vor to support life on glass which they may find ►borhood, and as might be pestilence follows hard on .eps of famine. Between. half of the kingdom of becoming rapidly depopu FAIRS IN FRANCE. lea of the terrible nature of attending the etam_pin; Commune, may be gather - ie .fact that 18,000 rebels i_ shot since Paris was the Versaillists. M. 1 his associates are evden.t- n reaping vengeance for foul outrages perpetrated r, Eommunists, and OR the section, of the " red," ele- t troublesome portion of colitic which has been the Fiance for generations.. national Society-which °diluent of Communism.--- tee to protest against she t of those of its members rn open arms against the int, but its rmia.il%iestoes at '-th silent contempt. In atis organization is a. war rereigns, aaristocraacy land - all classes designated by, I demagogues as, leg r Ckes°.. k against religion, priests, nristiaan systeulof education -es have always encouraged 'a teach the youth of the respect such Iaws, divine rthly, as can: alone hold. -ether.. Perhaps the high these infernal doctrines lived they would have Lcepticelal opportunity of their Grimes as ' was about by events winch a unlimited ammunition, Led Paris -hundreds of of National Guards re- m, , the lowest classes of Ed taught the ase of a The course of evenus has at is meant by communism.. 1 of international -red re- m. Every European state Merest inn attacking this. est The destroying disease rn itself in • England,_ u, in Spain, in Italy,; and ermany, and had the Com- •amphed in Paris, many :ea would have doubtless Joifling in the popular L Fevre is urging an luiry into the power of arnreats which held conduct 4th September, and lata et of the Imperialists, who,; have led Prance to her ria. is begnning to prosper E is making a harvest out wds of visitors who are the city from all parts of The republican journals y opposing the monarch - are working with great correspondent says that i stf when a body ofColn uttered Minister Wash - Fuse with the intention of depredations, the to the Icern- the Prussian it5's .a 'n forces 1 of Paris said that if Mr. ce !baa not in person and thecity inviolable, c % scmmbarded within to enty- The warning had its tt Paris was at the mercy erican Minister, and at his hotisand gunswould have e en the city. The Datil at eh says that instructiens given from Berlin to stop € f the German troops from el to discontinue the stir French prisoners. et let - se Duka de Broglie to the sicenta . in London says ated liberty, a firm gov d free institutions will tho greatness. and domee- city of France. Prince has accessed the csndi.da- ro Assembly norm Corsica, -etion is thought certain, e daily discovered In the ases of Paris. An explorer-- is) xplore.-ie sewers has been con- ' Many bodies. were found a horribly mutilated. 'mn- buried at night in the t Montmartre. The work 5tozation of Paris, and the Bola de Boulogne is e1y pushed forward. The 1 presstear the union of journals.. A committee formedformed to return to the r the fora] er representa sate and Lorraine. Gam - declined the nomination sseiznbly. Denunciations iimttrii is are made daily, s continue to be of a ccurr epee- The idea is a second chamber, to be gene! al council.. ars Peace Oelebrati.au.. hitt of the entry of the Berlin, ell the lith til- inst. passing through the erg Gate the Etnpercr received an, address of Eton from a bevy of ea;, and kissed the speaker,. Bhisar The 1. roc e scion ie -r J 23, 1871. pesaealong "(Inter der Linden, under the symbols of victory and between the captured cannons, flanked by a sea of human beings ming in billowso the tops of the houses. The procession passed the Palace, the University, and the Opera House, to where the statue of Blucher stands in bronze, where the members of the Imperial Diet were also assembled. Here the Emperor wheeled hishorse around ; aid with the Royal Princes, general's, and members of his staff on either side, the. troops marched past in review. The troops formed three sides .of - a squareln the Lust garden. Around the unvailed statue of William the 111,, and in front of the fighting mens stood musicians and trumpet - era in three ranks. Fronting the Schloss were standard bearers with oaptured trophies from hall and museum- Behind all were ,full medaled veterans, invalids, old warriors, yeomen of the palace ancl Royal Gen d'Armes. The seats fronting of the Schloss were packed with officers and guards of the garrison, ae d around the statue gradually collected a deme group of. ministers, counsellors of State, municipal officers, •and clergymen. The• Emperor and suite and princes entered the square and took positions under an atoning between the fountains. The troops presented arms and the bearers of the trophies laid them at the foot of the statue amid a load and prolonged roll of drums, wile the cathedral choir burst into a hymn of praise ; and the. Chaplain -General, standing . on the steps of the monument, after= wai d offered a short prayer. Bis- marck then approached the Em- peror, and asked leave to unveil the statue. The Emperor bowed, jand 1 'Bismarck moved his hand, ween the etinvas fell from the statue, while the drums rolled, thetrumpets blasted, and the standards of tlie- ruards were lowered towards the statue. The troops presented arms and cheered loudly, and the salate was fired by 101 guns. The Church bells broke into instantaneous ring- ing, ineing, while out of the turmoil the atienal air resolved itself.; Whi Spri Bart Data. Peas Butt Eggs, Wo Gen Dun LO ON, Jun 2, 1871. e Winterl, heat $1 0 to $1 25 112 to 130 y 048 to 052 O 43 . to 0 45 075 to 0.78 0 13 to 0 15 O 1112•- to 0 13 0$id to 037 are assortment of P a{uello Boots, s', Ladies' and Chil }en's, at J an & 4Co.'s,• Seaforth. TORONTO, June 22 1871. at,, Spring, $ 120 to 1 25. at, Fall, Soules, '23 to 1 25 Y, 50 to 0 55 0 47 to 048 ib00to1500 0.75 to 0 85 0 31 to 0 37' Wh 4 'h Bar Oat 73a Pea Wo A Sho F1o1 Sup Ba r, in kegs, 1, Full Stock of all sorts of 3o in Lest r, at J. D ` ncan MONTREAL, Jun: 22, 1 6:40 ots and & Co.'s. 871. to 6:50 (Extra) per barrel, Fancy, 1 5:90 to 6.00 fine NO t Canada W. 5:45 to 6:00 5 5 to 5:50 5: 5 to 5:50 2:50 to 2:75 6:100 to 0:00 11 ;00 to 0:00 :29 to 1:34 44 to 0:45 065 to 0:70 16 to 0:17 15 to 0:16 6 15 to 6:25 7.15 to 7:20 1'6:50 to17 :00 0:97 to 1:00 No 1 Western Wheat No.2 Flour, eat, (Canada Fall) Spring Western Oa s, (per 32 .lb.) Ba ley, (per 481b. Bu ter;. (Dairy; (Store packed! As es, (pots) - Pearls, k, (mess) s, Po Pe. Mr. Simon Morrill, one of Lon- don's oldest settlers, died at seven o'clock on Monday morning, from the effects of injuries received by a fall. front his dwelling on ,Friday last_ He came to Londbn thirty- seven years ago, and was'known far and wide as " Father Morrill." R.a.ILWAYS -'The following =paragraph contains in briefla history of the entire railway interests in our sphere The the - worldlength of all the railways an world is 120,000 miles. The cost e`f the same was, in round numbers, ten billions of dollars. Those of . Great Britain are United the most costly, and those of the Un States the least so. The railway system of the world is supposed to "give employ- ment to over one million persons. For cheap ladies', gents' and children's Prunella Boots of every description, gci to T. Coventry's. MARRIAGES., ,STErsENsov-READ.--On Wednesday, 21st inst., by Rev. J. Graham, Mr. John Stephenson, cooper, to Martha, daughter of Mr. William Read, all of Clinton. Damon-- Grans - At the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Oshawa, on the Itth inst., by the Rev. Wm. S. Black- stock, (uncle of the bride.) John C. Datlor, M.`, A., Goderich, to Carrie P. second daughter of W. H. Gibbs, Esq., of Oshawa. THE MARKETS. SEAFOF.TH ne • 22, 1871. 1:00 to 1.20 1:00 to 1:20 0 :40 to 0 :43 0:40 to 0:42 0:0e to 0:70 0.123 to0:14 0:11 to 0:11 6:00 to 7:00 0-50 to 2:00 '7.00 to10:00 3:25 to 0:00 0:50 to 0:65 0:30 to 0:35 0:25 to 0:00 0215 to 0:00. Wheat, (Fall) V bushel, Wheat (Spring) V bushel, Barley V bushel, . -. Oats V bushel, Peas V- bushel, Butter, V lb. F.s*ds, Hides, Sheen Skins, Har, per ton, Flour, per 100 lbs. Potatoes, Wool, per lb., . . Lamb Skins, Pelts, th in su ed ve th bi co itp Ci SPEC " The 0 cheapest fi the mark cess. minemt m that electri oped in th blood. 'ty, losp rson feels w es reduces otoxide of i iron eleme tich it is p culation. ATROPHY UND .SFR asting oft t sted, the m ryes'rega w's Compo ites. TWO QUES by should ey'are a y lungs, a ala ear ryan's P hen used, f f AL NO41CES. bora" Se g Machine is st-classlube ever put t Renee l its marvellous n of science have discover ity and magnetism are de system ,fr ni he iron in his accounts for the de- ck of ener a tal ,element be- ruly an Syru , a e t blood with the my forma in it to 'enter the fits',. and 1 en this . The P on; suppli t, and in ssible for RRESTEP. i F.EtLOW'S COM - T OF HY OPl e tissues f th scles ma a fi, their pow lr!1 e d Syru to o s EAsraY14 men wear ear t, at protect. to the throat d add_ mu h do their ;,pei- s e n pp . nce. W y should we use lmonic l• afers ?" Because r coughs, olds, tickling in t e throat,- hoarseness &c., they act I ke a charm Minister and lawyers use hem, physic ians rec'o #tend them, and vers and ub tic apea ers `'say they. ate he very bes Medicine in existence for he cureof s ch compl rots.. Sold by all edicine de lers, at.25 !cents per box. OSPHITES .- body is ar• , and the y using Fel- Hypophos NSWERED.- s ? Because Special attentionpaid to all orders for Boots and Shoes, either sewed or pegged, at J. Duncan & Co.'s. Seaforth. CLINTON, June 22, 1871. By telegraph to the Expo. itor. Fall Wheat., peri bushel, 1:10o 1:20 Spring Wheat, per bushel, 1:15 1 (lata, per bushel, 0:40 to .0;40 Pews, per bushel, 0:60 to 0;60 Barley, per bushel, 0:43 to 0;45 Butter. per per, lh,: 0.14V o O;15 Eggs, per cloz. 0:340.10 to to 0;11 Wool. per -lb., i Mates hand --made .Kip Boots, for 9.50, at J. Duncan S, Co.'s; Seaforth. - GODERICH, June 22,- 1S71. $1 10 to 1 20 1 10 to 1 22 045 to 046 060 to 060 040to045 013 to 014 011 to 011 027 to 035 Fail Wheat Siring Wheat Oats Peas Tuley Butter Eggs 1% ool FA'-'M;FO SALE. HE -subscri er offers his FARM for sale, being South half o lot 20,`Eig th Cbncession, To',vn- acres, 70 of which consisting , of 100 ac, e lip of Morris, oo,. g Pl� frame ire cleared, T •ere is a good log barn 50x80, a anary, • 113.E , and a 8 log! house 84x111. A •priug Creek 1 1 s through a farm. For partiou- txs apply Id t e subscriber n the premises. 185-5t* 'WILLIAM BUTTON. PU : LIC .NTICE. !hold m t NOTICE is � ereby given t�t II do not f l� selt sespo Bible for any debts' heretofore .con- tractcd by 2 :n ' VOLLMAR, inany name, which have been son ratted withoht my written order olr consent. I sl o give notice that from and after th" i date I will , of hold my se f responsible for any debts which h may contrac nor will I held myself bound by any ontraots he ay make, unless either my own wri ten- consent or that of my son, GEORGE as 1 T be give JOHN G. ANENT. Seaforth; J ne 6,1871. 185.31 GA UT ON. rri3E public are hereby ..autioned against pn •- •i- chasing or n tinting a NOTE OF HAND drawnby JOHN Ii'AiRO GUS vorof AU fi' ego ; in, fn Di . ZAI'FE, of the Village of S afdrth, and bearing date the 12th flay. of June, 1 71,1 for the amount of $60 80, as I love received v lice for the same. JOHN *UNRO. Tuekersmith, Tune 16 ,1. 4. 185-86 TICKETS FOR EUROPE. MIt. JOHN SEA TER has been `ap- poin ped Agent t Seaforth, for the , INMAN LINE OF TEAMERS' Parties contemplat . " visiting any part of Europe ,can be su plied with Tickets and all necessary information by appl ing to JOHN SEATTER. 185-tf. Druggist, etc. 1. THE HURON EXPOS TOR. SMITH & JACKS ARES MR. GRIFFITH 20 Y LLING OUT N DAMES' TOCK F` er Cent. bel - 1 STRAYED. i, STRAYED. from the Premises) of the Subscriber, 2nd Concession of Tuckersm'ith, 8th Lot, about the first week in May, Fi HEIFERS, of the fol- loivin$ description .tion: --One year old, speckled grey, red on the 1.eck ''and back, a d with light spots on the shoulders ; one 2 year old rad, with white star on forehead, white spot on p, white tail and white le ; one clear red, on 3ear old ; one red an white -potted, one year.o';d; and one reddish grey iu color, one year'•old. An 'o a giving information which will Ieii4 to th irrec ve will be well rewar d ed. STON ISAAC hilllER , hipPen P. O. Tuekersmith, .Tune,1871. 183-4* ST. MARYS, June 22; 1871. Fall Wheat, per bushel, 1:15 to 1 20 Spring Wheat, pe: bushel, 1:20 to 1 20 Cath, per bushel, 0.35 to 0 42 0:00 to 0 70 , .0:40 to 0 4: 0:10 to 0 la 0:11 to 0 12 .0:35 to 0:40 Peas, per bushel, Barley, per bushel, Batter per ib., Egs. per doz. N‘ ogle Coine and get your choice of 500 -pair of Patello Boots, at J. Duncan and Co.'s, MR aotiN oMPpoN si ow C o s GREAT MONTHLY SAL Vii. THEW OLE STOOK O1 ' RY GOODS TO BE SOLD OFF At COST and UNDER, to ma `'e room for t e EW INIIPORTATI NS. Sale to coninue till the FI QST OF JULY`. Goods a BE SURE AND GO TO THOMAS LEE'S, Shearson & Co.'s Old Stand,) FOR NO. 1 SEEDS, Of all kinds. All varieties of Turnip Seeds 'viz. . CARTER'S IMPERIAL, the best Swede Turnip in cultivation. SKIRVING'S IMPROVED DO. SHARP'S PURPLE TOP DO. SUTTON'S CHAMPION DO. YELLOW ABERDEEN DO. WHITE GLOBE AND STUI3LE. l New and 2v�ll be Sola at PRICES. - Call and exami NEW. GOO S 177 ISS M� e the good i 0EIVE1 AT SIGN F and prices befo e purchasing elsewhere. I DAILY HE CHEAP CASH STOP'El, MAIN SEFORTH. 1TREET, IOFFMYIAN BROS. . THE RED FLAG. SH • Wis es to a ounce t. the la 'es of Sea- fol th and s trouncing cou . try that sh : has rein°vee t The FARMER' STORE, abo POST OFFICE, Where she will be most hap 'y t receive orders in �Y E MILLI , SS AND MANTLE MA INC, e the OLD STRAY T The Chead, pest Best Teas in Town, got at LEE'S. For SHEARSONS'S No. 1 FLOUR., go to THOMAS LEE'S. All kinds- of -Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods, at . THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES. REMEMBER SHEARSON & CO.'S • OLD STAND STRAYEI1from the premise: of the subscriber, Lot 82, 15th Concession, Torn ' 'p of Grey, a , with white spot on RED Cowfo oad ; one horn broken; a�y persongiving info anon that will lead to her recovery will be suitably °warded. ROBERT ROBERTSON, Grey P. O. Orey, June 14, 1871. 184-3 In t a latest land ost approved, style of the e eason; Skeeps so n1and A hoice Selectioiln of Flowers, Feath- ers, Terry Silk, &er ST AW AND HAIR YORK cleaned on short no ice 171_ f HAN S his numerous customers for, the! libe4al p,tronage ' during the last iaftee yesirs, aald trusts he will 're- ceive its conte tuan He has now on hand a large. assort- ment of ood ount- Gr- e Hexnl.ock ! Which h.. war antsWill give satisfacti so FEN`CI► t ' AND DRAINING -I MBER, KF: ON HAND. 200001 'FEET OF PINE A Mn. • AL 1 E Cur FOR BU'ILDINC. AND C NERAL PURPOSES Whie . bel ofers o liberal terms. Or- ders w' be promp ly; attended to. The of MCK' from the Sea ill is situal lop and Hi Hurn Ro 1T ,�oy.-. ecl on the Townline zllett, 3 and *les ad. 11870. •tf. PRIVATE S --0E--- HORSES A D FARM IMTF E fell° Ing Property Cheap, or Cash, or lib cre 't, viz. : 7 Horses, col broad mare, a good stock r hea y ywor' n ghorse ,1 span and workin 1 2-y r -old 1-ygar• old It. FA M IMPLEME 1 reaping m chine, nearly ma -e, with ood a self ra wo d plough , Grey' make, gan plough cultivator, et pr furth�r partiCu 1ars Expositor (Mice, or to JAMES M. McG 1 1-8 L!I LEI wil ral Isis ise ENTS. be sold terms on ing of 1 , 1 span nares, young food colt, 1 T w, e, Massey's iron and gmondville, at the ppl E OR, Seaforth, Piano & Wall ly�HO WANTS A FI PIAN N ois the time to buy ; a Bargain. T e Telegr tpli .. Paper. er. ST CLASS e Sold at AINLEYVfLLE. THOMAS. LEE. P. S. -Cedar. Post for Sale, cheap. I69-tf IMPORTANT NOTICE. ookstore ! 1 tie Place for WAI.. -PA AR 1STRO a►forth, May 18, 187 ER! G & PRICE. 180-ly nclers Y ins idled ha vin p 1 to c ose up his present a view o operating elsemhe to anno nee that j he has FOR SA :E, A HOUSE ND T VO LOTS. DESIRAB E Dwe ` e gLhouse and two excellen lots on St. John street, Seaforth, for sal on re 'onable terms. Apply to JOHN :EATTTER, 1167-tf Druggist, &c. New Which'. THE determined �usiness,with re, begs leave n hand over $20,000 WORTH F tapie & Fanv Goods, of every kind4 e will dispose o1a a great sacri- 'ee, for Cash or Pr duce. STAPLE AN FANCY DRY GO DS, AND OTR.ING S' OCK Have 'ust been received irec from the ' in -this Manuf cturera in Gr at Bra Spring and will be fou d; nusually well assorted and a r tive. Now is the time for Farm rs and others to get Bargains, as the whole Stock must be disposed of in three months. ALSO, FOR tALE i -A STORE, STO -HOUSE, STAB E A d 11 Acre. of Land, With Or hard, In th = thriving villa ge of Cranbrrok, and a number of ' illage Lots and F = 1tTDS 1 Ainleyville and neighbourhood. ALS ,--• ' HOR..ES, WAGON , 1 CARRIAGES; SLEIGHS, ET(., ETC. . J LECKIE. NosNHor w A. ▪ 1 1 C .C4 itN CD 0 1-4 cp 0 m CJ) • c+ C O 004 O cc P-4 td CD hma CD Zit ttH o' Aieleyville, lith May, 1871. N. I:. -All parties indebted to the sub- s'crib r by overdue Not or Account, are requ=sted to call and settle the same at once, thereby save coat4-J. L. 179-13 181.1E 1-4 `s qwu a 1 Aas. 9 J LIII* D. c111 ° UGHT % OUf, respectful y inti ate to the V V inh itant$ of S afort and vicin- ity, that h still conti nes t carry on Business usual, in he of stand, on the North oad. Jo bbing f all kinds, nd I'I rse-shoeing especially, romptly a tendec to. Terms re - on -ab e. 164-tf DAVID McNAUGHT; T E SEA i ORTH Lu ber Yard. MABE & ACDONALD Beg to orm. the pn Ilic that they have opened a UMBER YARD in Seaforth, near Shea son's Mill, en the ground for- merly use as a Lu ber Yard, by Mr. Thomas LJee. They will keep co e stantly on hand a good alsoent of . LL KINDS OF LU.MBEl, dressed and undressed. Alai, LA H AND .HINGLES, All of whi h they are prepared to sell at the lowest! possiblepr for Cash. Builderand others will find it to their advantag to inspect our stock, and as- cer gain o. prices before purchlasing else _ where, as we are in .► position to offer good indu ements to cash purchasers. Seafo , WM. N. WATSON ALWA S HAS .4 N HAND THE BET SE ING ACHINES IN THE 1ARKET, Either fo Family u e,: or for Manufac- turing p rposes. th single -threaded and double -threads , and loch -stitch Machines can be sup lied. IIsi and Perfect satisfaetro, guaranteed, instructions given tot purchasers gratis. +MABEE &i MACDON ALD. nth Dee. 29 870. 160-tf .. N. liVATSON, G also insure prop4ty against Fire and ' ti arine Disaster, and. Life and Limb 1a ainst death and accident, with the b st Con'npanies, being Agent for he Liverpool and. Lon on and Globe, (English.) he Provincial. of Canad , (Canada.) he Gore DistrietMutu i 1, (Village anti. Farm.) ie f he Niggara Diil'triet Mutual, (Village and Farm. The Travelers of Hartford, (Life and Aec&dent. ) osse. Liberally Ad justed and .Promptly Settled. tit IMPORTkN TO HOUSEKEEPERS. 000D FLOUR l I AT ALI, TIMES. W. A SHEARSON & CO., Proprietors of the SEAFORTH MILLS • MONEY TO LEND t moderate rates of interest. No corn - fission, and expenses moderate. MORJI GAGES bought on equitable arms. 1.60 E• G EMPORIUM. The .4ubscriber is still in his old. stand, and prepared to pay The Highest Cash Price For any quantity of GOOD FRESH EGOS Delilered at the Egg Emporium. Main street, Seaforth. - - To all parties (merchants and others) with whom he has done business during the past four years, he returns hearty thanks, and trusts by strict attention to business to merit their patronage in the future. DAV ' ID D. WILSON. Seaforth, March.16, 1871. 171-tf T. J. CHURCHILL; Veterinary Surgeon 1 Member of the Ontario Veterinary Colle9t, Begs to intimate tote inhabitants of Seaforth and surround 'ng _ country, that he has opened an Office in Seaforth, where he may be consulted reonall3 or by let- ter, on theDiseases of Horses, Cattle, Sec. Having received a regular and practical education, and having been awarded the Diploma of the Veterinary College of Ontario, T. J. Churchill has every con- fidence of giving satisfaction to all who may employ him. ' 1i, imiumcss-A. Smith, V. S., Princi- pal Ontario Veterinary College ; Professor Buckland, Dr. Thorburn, Dr. Rowel, and -Wells, M. D., &V; S. Veterinary Medicines const aaitlyon hand. All calls promptly attended to. Office-Cormichael's Hotel, .Seaforth. 182-3m Are now 31anu1aactnring the best FAMILY aC P4,STRY FLOURS UPAS In theDominion. r : EGMONDVILLE. -N EW GROCERY WM THOMSO N, (Late of Seaforth,) • -Begs to inform the • public that- he has opened a Grdcery Store, in THE .BRICK PREMISES, Lately occupied byy Mr. John.Logan, NEAR THE BRIDGE, �GMOZiT,DYIL. LE, Where. he will keep on band A COMPLETE STOCK. OF • Fresh Groceries, Intending purchasers' in Seaforth and vicinity can rely upon getting o r Family rind Pastry FloUrs from the following Dealers, ONLY :-Thos. Lee, IA. M. Strong, John Walsh, James C. Laidlaw, Alex. Ault, Tiffimas Kidd. 7.. icGinnis, 0. it 11. Jackie n, Egmondvillo, and at the 8eafarth Mills. Orders left at our office, Market Square, will receive prompt attea%gtion. Farmers desiring t6 exchange the irWheat for Flo , at the Drill, May always rely upon n etting our best Famiy or 1 a Pastry Flour in exchange, in quantities aceor. to the value of their wheat. W. A.5 Of every description, at prices as reason- able as those of any other house in the trade. T1:?_e Highest Market Price PAID FOR A call is respectfully solicited. 179.tf WM. TEllgOin-MorthNiu, e. •