HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-06-23, Page 2t y ft.Y.0 1 TH • • A BOHEMIAN HOUSEHOLD The hoar of 2 P. M., and all was still as the grave at 21a! Suddenly a tall, athletic figure stole on tip -toe from the kitehen .8tairqse, crossed the corridor, and halted at the closed oaken dbor op- posite. Then •a ,heavy bullet-heade surrounded with; a mop of {rowzfr hair, bent to,the key -hole. " Ala'aut !". said Bridget, in a sten- torian w hisper. Not a sotind !" said Bridget,a little louder. No ar swer. A flailing color slowly ascended front the nape of Bridget's beck to her forehead, and a. IOW emphatic coonostvllaables escaped front her By itatimmense effort the descend- ant of the O'Harasgoverned her tempea Stooping she picked an from the hall a jagged hair -pin. In- serting this in. ttlle key -hole she drew it to and fro with a low, rasp-, ing, sound. - Once in awhile.she varied the Monotony of this ear - torture by scraping on the panels of the door with her nails. - In abcut five nilitutes there was heard a groan, "Ba gorra," said Bridaet. thought I'd fetch her ;" and kept on with h cr music. 4. louder, more agonizing • groan, a rustle of drapery, and a. decided stet-) across the floor. "Imbecile wretch!" said the voice of a woman, " what is it you desire 7" "Can't ye open the door 7" said Erldget. "Not the seventeenth part of an inch," replied the 'voice. " How dare you; come jabbering 0 me at this flour of the clay? Get away as quickly- as you cant' "If you'd only open the door on a crack, ma'am, it 'd be all I'd ask. It's mighty inconvenient through a dale boord ; it takes the Ileart out 0' me ma'am, it does ih- dade ; a,n.d I'm just nate out intirely. Ceme, honey open the door—there's a jewel 1" The key Pi -caked in the key -hole; the door opened an inch. " Speak, then; speak _ quickly firtid the voice, " and begone!" I ;"aiouldn't bother ye for the world, honey, if it wasn't that I've the greatest bargain on handeand- if .1 wait till the night l'ut sere afraid 111 lone it. Sure. Miss Polly, tilnw to death ! There's nothin' lef o' rite but skin an' bone, And here aroun" the cornetthere's a jewel to to be had for the askin'. Oh; Nliss Polly, ift ye could only know hew the j'ints o' me knees and the very toes o' rue acbe wae.enid the scr 1rn,1 dqvit.L? from till night ; an' for three and sixpence a day— just think of ite----there's help to be had! Splendid help A fell - grown crelythur, able to fetch and to. carey, from mornin' till night. Thank. God I ain't pattiekler abont his. hide So. long as he'll work shape!" "A negro?" said the voice. " Bo gorra it's wore," seid Bridget. It's a yellow haythen nagur, wid eyes like slits in his head, ate ye could hang a geidirort en aich of his cheek -bones ;.an' divil a name bae the blackguard but just 0meg—only, as I'm a Cheistiau !" A Chinese ?" 1•wouldn't care thetoss of a -pin if it was the (hied himself, 8°7 long as he'd eome for threeLead sixpence aa „ The door opened an inch further, the t-oice softened a little. " afraid he'll be. a nuisance, Bridget, We can't have any Peep-. iii, Toms about, babbliue the affairs of the, household. Suppose he should talk to the neglibots !" "Talk, is it He hasn't got a word in his cheek, I tell Ve. He's a hat -then, a savage! That's the beauty of him ! Do ye think, now, if he could talk he'd come for three and sixpence a da.v ?" " But how :can he be of service then, _Biddy?" . Niver, iee mind :,tbout that, Jolley. Only szty that 1 can have him, Lust be gorra if he ain't of serviee it Won't be your fault, nor mine lett thur. 1 re can scrub and weth ae like a human Cr avtliur as ve'd mitt to see. Au'. ifi_te don't get him a-e'll lose a jewel, Miss Pulite" II - • 7 Tln, door closed ail inch. " Do as- you like, Bridget ; only tt no alone. But, rerneLuber, watch! the city. His nephew and heir had ceased hilit_a deal of anxiety lately. He had purchased his -place in the _country to suit Fred's romantic taste. He had given juP his cent- fortable quarters np town, his. early newspaper, his, social chat at the club, his peep at the new pictuies, his opening nights at the comedies ; had beeh content to set- tle down for the rest of his days among these lakes and mouutains,. just to please Fred. ;Because, be- sides° beiug his nepheiv and heir, Fred was the only child of his dead sister, -and his uncle's -And 110W Fred would not be con- tent in the country for a week at a title ; .he was always coining -ex- euees to go te the eity, -and the house_was like a tornb Withont He was dreaniy and abstracted. Something was the mattf3r with the lad, and this somethieg Was con- nected with these altogether uncall- - ed for raids upon .the city. Mr Savage wroteto his lawyer to lind Oubt reply: "..Scdontoe inystery, and got this Savage, Esq.: DEMI. — Your nephew.. spends the Most of his time at No.. 219, Blank street. Can't tell much. , about the house or As inmates. Should suppose they were a queer set. • 'ones respectfully, osEPEt FERRET." "Queer!". What -could the man men by " queer ?" Mr. Savage, be- coutine thoroughly alarmed,' deter- mined° upon solving the mystery himself. All the way down in the stage and jolting along in the cars Mr Savage repeated to himself the Word "queer." At about the hour of two P. M., an old gentleman might have been seen walking down Blank street. He we're a shining' suit of broad- cloth, a broad-brieutued white hat, linen of the finest material elabo- rately ruffled, unexpectionable boots and gloves, tortoise shell eye- glatses, and .carried a golc-h-headed cane. - His face wore an expression of rnilcl, tenignity. Good nature heaned from jii's blue eyes, good health from his smboth, florid • skin ; good family from the arch of his nose and' his foot, and good sPirits frbri the merry crow's feet about eve •y comfortable- wrinkle. Alto- gether he was about as winning looking an. old gentleman as • one would care.to seeIjc walked slowly,scratinizing as he went.the street and the passeia,byt A t last he came to 210—one of theta old mansions on the east side of town that weal. so ponderousso subehtittial, so spacious a look, and yEt flout wn1 1 glary liael par t?.d. 219 bad the appearance of possissing at One Mese ,a _ romantic history, but that time had long gone by. Now it might be an in - &miry, a boarding house, or a pritette asylum. Still the street was broad, houses and shops seemed comet CM plaee eneugh, nothing " queer " that he -could see. . . The ow: gentleman •walked -slow- ly up the 'steps; his color rose a litMe, bet his face wore a look of determination, such as a soldier wears -entering action. ! took from his pocket a heavy 'silver card - case, and pulled gently the bell handl e. No, answer. Five minutes passed, and he pain- t -min this time a little lese ye Then he - waite$J. . Five tes more passed,' anl the shag - white eyebrows • of I the old* emaa drew' closel together; (aid face redden ed ilatiently ; died the bell rotighly ; a loud •esounding sepulchrally through lower regions of tilt) housc. ratly a shuffling step 4pproadh- e door, a heavy bolt Shot back, was heard the clanking of a . The decri 'opOrted an inch half, a broad, flat nose, the tip rowzy head appeared j a capa- etous inouth o.pened. :coin t mint gY gent his_ he p . peal the Pres ed tl titer chait and 4 -of a • tt Vhat is it ye.want 7" it said. ITT e old gentleman looked disap- . stengly at this apparition, and ex- telldc d a card from the silver card- cul&alebe card was sniffed at uriously. Vhat m it ye twant?' was re - 1) l e"i.ve that card to your master, , and tell—' " I wouldn't for a bundled pound , go mar the masther ; it 'd be as ire 11 Cl as my life WaS Wart 11 i!" " eive that card to you hnistress and telt---" "5 Pother the card ! Tell rue your business, and 1"11 see 0 A." "itly dear woman," Said the old gentl .man benignly, "rny business is nct with the 'sert;ants of the household." At the same time Mr. s avage extended a gold piece,. as a s p to this .00durate Cerberns. hll.im we1 Divil a. fear, ma'am, he's as in- noeent zes a baby-. Then I may bd him at three aud sixpence a. I titt r -The door elrael, the key turned't win ia the ket -hole. t " -t.t three and sixpence a day r h ;spew: 1 Bridget, b iiu sely. No answer. Bridget u tteretl- anttt h er em - won )syllable uuder her : breath, and went down the kitchen t_ stairs. The next day Chang,. became one ef the hausehold at 219. t)it Ora very werning Solomon :started in the early stage for 1, e your deult him get along to the divil wid cards atid your moray, • an' be takin! petit le's time -wid ver el at!" •Th I . , . doer Closed heavily with,n an incli.cf the old gentlernae's nose. Hee re anted, • th un dens truck u pon the sil: He looked about ltim ap- pealingly ; then he slowly descend:, ,H ROLIUOSITOR; 1.•••o• JUNE 23,, 1871, eat the steps. -His face lost its loo )f mitd benignity, a #ani f ane°e 'arted from his blue ey s, t11 erow's feet took a fierce ex ression Loudly resounded Ilia gol heade cane upon the pavement. Plainl the old gentlethan felt hi self in stilted. - It was hard. ap earanc certaiealy calculated to win re pect ; but the neble -blood of th 'Hares was at that time ou wit ages She had be n che ted sL uuces in the meat. If St. Patrick imself had appeared at the door • e would have met with a_ grim re- e'P"t'il.Z.careful :of the d. r," she .ud, five minutes after, to her hinese confrere, an' d n't_ for iiour life let a soul rar the house! 'm gain' to that bas e of a b z n' Ph be back in a iffy." Chang loOked up ildly rom his ork. He was mop ng the kitchen mopping it in a way t at de- ghted the breas of Bridget 'Hare,. • "Go on wid ye work man," e aid, "and don stir t •oinethe itcaen whilst I'm gape!" Chang suiiled vac' tly. "The divil take t e nayto an! he on't hear a word I sa ," said ridget ; "but Ids e to 1. ve here tr a minit two. Tiler( niver ras such.savin" in sett) and Slop be - re i3a the honse. hat a j wel he te, to be sureeat thee and ixpence a day! Be gorra, if he was a (Ejhristhn I couldn't be fo der cf ! Other folks c in ha ,e their ts—rin sure if here's a divil 1.1) rn it's Toffy—and why s ouldn't I, have Mine? Go o my y," she Said, absolutely pattiag, his, Agtail ; 'you're doin' fineijr, me man !" d - off went B adget to the tr b itcher'e. Now as sho crossed the corner aa old gentleman saw her fr the )poste side of t e way Ile started. That bul et -head that b:oad, flat nese and ca acious mouth, were familiar to hitn. Was it pos- s ble the abusive Cer erus Ind left r post? Swiftly h retra ed his s epe ; qnickly he reache 1 219. a gain he ascended t ae step e rang t e bell, and waited. Rang again, m. .Vercely, tuggec at the Wh, d waited—and age 1 udly, desperately 11 b 41. No aesNver. Heavens and eartl O people lived" here W d at and dumb aeylu With one last, dest airing • scended the steps. Defeat his downcast look, d,spair in his slow footfall. This IS absolutely, then denie T ere was no getting for 1 m ney. But as he p: ssed tl m ,nt window, deject clly, h fate that attracted his attent w is yellow and in dancho m 1d -eyed. The che k -bon hi h, the eyes were 16 t'cle and The fingees that res ed up w etdow-sill had nails f a pro length, but setup lusty There was neatnes about the ertature, and humility. H . pig hi 1 was nicely braidec , and lut up oi t of the dust in a r und biU On th top ofhiS head. Mr. Savage went own th area st ps, • and looked itt the w dow, s iling benignantly. Chan( also st ed. Mr. Savage smile still m re benignantly, an.fIl poin ed . to th-, area door. Chang smiled, but $emed derstand this par tomine. va.2,-e walked to tie doo ()eked gently, lo king idow appealingly. He ,re a while and krocked losed, t • t ltind •itz• ull he w18, itt • as in house him. ve nor e base - saw a on. It y and were arrow. n the ligious clean. uD Sa kn wi tb The doorremaining tt rued to the windoa Chana was there, still smiling 111and1 but vaeltutly. Ni- Sav4o sai wdril in a low tone. He was ifl?Iver, profane—he ci nsider vu g:Lrity—but the wbrd ce sot nded like profanity Can't get in," he said. ' f r love ae• money'!" Suddenly it occurred to hir that he had not shown his bit of old to Chang. It was the co or of h s skin ,ven of the halls of his e CS • it nil -tilt please 111111 st mehow He to k it front his pocke , aucl held it ou to Chang invi ly hang looked at it curiously, s ithe never ore had seen any t ing hk.e it. Th -n he extended hi. ong-iailed En ,eis toward it. Fin mg th pane of glass between them, he drew ba k reluctantly. Mr. Savage point- ed o the door, COaXi -ly,' 8 he woolcl to a child. Ch: ng loo -ed in not to anal b tho vaited aaa.in e • e re - 11 - - th direction of the.d r and miled in oeently. Mr. Sat age - wnt to the door, and knoeked -very g .ntly. Ch ng followed Softly, mocha ically unloosedthe chain, nd, Mr. Sao age passed into the hall, ha leek - ed after him abstractedly,. h Wing the bit of geld in hi- long, alini hai d. "Poor fellow 1' said ' Sat age, "it's almost take advantage of sue • As Mr. Savage went kit hen stir, Chang p thi g under his pigtail, dor • and commenced titt \Then Bridget. re ,shoue marvelously,. " a shatie to . simplicity." softly ep the t his play - relocked the tolishing the mated they that she could see herself itt every inch o the dish -pan. " Och, ye jewel!" she said, again patting his pigtail. How chape ye are at at - three and sixpence a day!" Chang turned a yellow -white when se touched his pigtail. The Chinese have reverence for this portion of their toilet that, perhaps Christians do not undeistand. Tn the mean tirne Mr..Savage had reaehed the wide corridor that ex- tended the whole length _of the house. A circular staircase was be- fore him, at the top of which beamed a strong light. Upon One of the uppermost, balusters in the full radiance of this light, there was a black object. It was not a cat nor a dog. What was ib? A. chicken? a jet black; chicken? No, for , two fierce black eyes shone furiously down' upon him with mitre intelli- gence andmalignity lthan ever f Fred was young ancrlovable and in- terestiug. Fred had money, a watch, diamond pin and studs. --GreatHeaven ! could such a thing be possible 1? 'Ferret, the lawyer, had said this was the only house Fred frequented, and the inmates were a ilueer set. Ah, the word queer was too mild! Mr. Savage leaned back, in his closet, plunged in this painful va verie, a door opened on the upper floor" • he raised his eyes, and there, by the side of the malignant creature with the black eyes, stood a man. A loose dressing -gown hung about him in awkward folds, a scarlet cap rested on the back of his head, from nuclei: which a mop of reddish hair fell altneat to his shoulders. THis face was flaraing red, even to the tip of, his ruCse, and across his cheek was a deeper stain —a smear that was hrimson, yes, blood -red. gleamed in.', the eyes 'of !,a chicken. The house was frightfully" still. On either side of the corridor heavy oakeu doers remained --I hopelessly closed. Mr. Sava.ge paused and looked up again, fa.scinatecl by those fierce black eyes. Suddenly ho heard a groan. It came from the room ion the left. Then a low, sobbmg souud, aid a heavy fall.. The old geutlenatu stepped hastily forward, the blood in his veins.-. ' 1 _" _Murdeted! Dead !" -....ied a tvo- nian's voice'1' "And I alive!" Mr. Savaae paused at the heavy 1 oaketi door—paused ant'll collected his wits. I ! "Oh, misery!" repeated the ago- nized voiceOf a woman. "Murdered! Dead! And 1 alive !" ' Mr. Savage remembered that he VMS .. alone and ai-marnied, anct prudently stepped into a neighuer- ing closet. Almost +sing the door,. ho remained perfectly still. Evidently there was fad play in this house, and he could do nothing, situated as he was, but listen and wait. Besides, the criwo was com- mitted. •There could be no help rendered now. . Sobbing continued, and at inter - vols he heard the heart-rending complaint of the woman . " Murder- ed ! Dead! And I alive 1" It might have been a biluarter of an hour that this continued; and .'whenever Mr. Savage looked up ho 'found theeves peering curiously and savagely down. Then the door on the right opened, and he heard the eilken iustle of a woman s drapery. There passed close by hint—so close that he entailed a delicate, sweet perfume—a -woman of thirty or hercabeutt a blonde, with pale yellow hair drawn back from ner forehead, eyes of a deep lustrous li -iolet, a small sensitive ntouth, and oeautiful chin. Her hands were White and slim, the nails rosy and marvelously shaped. Mr. Savage noticed the hands particularly, for sho clasped and unclasped them -vit..h a movttwent of sorrow or golly. ,She stopped at the door on the left and tapped softly, " Estelle!" she said, "1i tne in for a moment." A light footstep approached the doer—it opened, and the womau en- tered, leaving it ajar. Estelle," she said, in tone :of grief and excitement, "1 h ive killed voice—"dear Polly, don't ba' - of it in such a light. . It had to be, you fear- ful ! .It'was too, too pa ul. the sacrilege of it. Oh, it w s fear- know—we needed the money so jahinu„eihB11:1styeoltile,dtohne,tdeed is c one; but oh! oh 1 how sorry 1 am. Isms . ee inc that *I shall never get over " Dear aunt," •replied- girlish know, Estelle---. foil can't tell how wretchedly I feel about it. I was so fond cf Fin -1---I had just begun to be so int ieSted in him." i "And I too, Polly. I d idnaire him so much!" "A31 I could have nsa Estelle. If I had only h could have let him live! Compelled to do it irnmedis now he is dead! Let me Estelle; I must be alon heart-broken.1" "Dear auut--dear Polly, I am slip sorry for you. 1" - The drapery rustled by the closet again, ,the sweet petitume fell under his nostrils, the doott on the , right closed, and Mi. Si4vage re- maieed terror-stricken, belwildered. before he could even co ect his faculties the, voice of thje giki ill the rostri on the left w s heard 1 ag;,in. : Murdered!. Dead! alive! * l Mr. Savage felt cold to e mar- row of kis bones. What c hue had ,been. commit -Jed by these •wo deli- cate woulen7---these reatures, whose neareess was to ss a 'charm itt spite cf himietf. Whom had this pale, passionate blonde -k- led, aid Whom did this girlish Estel e lament so pitablv 7 A question s aped it- self in his mind,. but faltered on hie lips. The oae word, "Fred,'" eecaped them - Then he satik back, lit -id, and, teemblinee in. Ls_ closet.. aied it, d time 1 ut 1 was tely, and o back, I am i I "Polly," shouted this new ap- parition, " Polly, Polly,! pretty Poll!" 1 " Ca.w-r cried the discordant voice of the bird by hi i side. "Shut up, Mephistepheles 1" said the man. "Polly, Polly !" " Caw, caw!" cried the bird. "11 you don't shut Up, Toffy, I'll wring -your neck..—Polly1 Come, t'elly, come. Why drive me to no- ceseity ? Como, I tell you, Poll -e -e -e 1 Now, Poily," he continued to shbut, "if' you doa't C017.10. out,. I'll com- mence to count! Polly; will you 7 --- one. Polly, will you ?—two. Polly, will you 1 ---three I" 1 Crash, bang, came an immense billet of wood buinping dowa the stairs. The door on the right opened, the blonde appeared on the threshold. No longet pale—twol angry spots burned on either cheelt. "Idiot 1" she said, ien a voice of slippressed rage. " W, retch, of In- famy, -what do you. walit7" " Loyelieet and best,' he cried, leaning over the balusters," I want a leg! You'll find One iu your room there. Polly, beloved, don't bring me the leg of a boy this time —oue of a man, sweetest, masctilar and well for w ed." / "It's just like your carlesness, leaving them lying about in that way! There all rotting away, and the rats have been. nibbling them." "Never mind, charmer, there's plenty more where they came frow." '-Shiftless imbecile ! Heaven knows what will be the result of your criminal carelessness. If I coined my very heart'S blood iuto money ib would all go the same. way!" TO lif: CONTINrED. -wit ell. CrATETLES. W hen is a man, like -a 'spider 1— When he -walk -s into a lily. — What is everyone doing at the same time? Growing older. - — What; letters naMe a foreign watering place?—M's (Ems). -- When is a wan thinner than a lath7—When he-ish a ' aving. ---- tWhy is a cast)tinter uglier than anyone. else 7 ---He is a deal pla_ine whr. y is a, letter a, e : a fiock of , sheep 7---Bwause it is penned and folded. 1 ---- Why is pa.ying a bill and in- tending to pay it the same thing7 —It is pay went. — What . creatures took the least luggage into the ark 3 -,The fox and the cock, for they had only a brush and a comb between thein. . --- Why is swearing like a ragged coat?—It is a b -Ad habit. ....... The fashion wears out more apparel than the man.--Sitaktspeare. --: Thou canst not joke an enemy into a friend, but thou mayst a friend into an. enemy. —Wet sponge an green leaves worn in the hat are a gOod prevent ative for Sp n stroke. .- — Why should yone ladies be r.t., subject to conscription!? Because they are aceustoined to lre afrmS. — A credulous person is like a pitcher, borne by the &airs, empty of itself, Int apt. to hold !whatever is put into it. . — Solotuon's wisdom is said to be due to ,the fact that he had seven hundred *wives, whom. he caresulted on all OCCOSi01.1S. R. LUMSDEN If.as lust received a FreSh Stock of PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Toilet and Fancy Soaps, Combs, Tooth and Nail Brushes, French, English, and American. PERFUMERY. CENUINE DYE STUFFS. Guaranteel to hoof the best quality: Horse and CattleNlediaines Condition Powders.. Physicians prescriptions e"arefully accurately_ disnenseal. a. LT;MSDEN,, Y -LAW. • 1871. Townithip of Stephen, of the Comity of Ituren, E o raise by way of loan the Sum of ten theugard ao ars, for the purposes therein contained. ,I "harms, The Council of the Corporation of the lutive resolved to extend the Gravel Itoads running ; westward, 'viz., the Centre atoad running through Cre' diton the North Boundary, ens South Bonn - alt , Rouils, -expending on each of the Boondary 13 ads the tium et a2,500, sea on the .Centre Ihiad, -th"iIm°!arij°°9 lwhrett, to'can-y into effect; thi' Sttia recited of) ea, it will be nocesFdry tor the I t,,,I..11.4il of tho said Corporation to raise the sun, 7): :740,000 in Ihe manne.r hereinafter mention7,41,---- , ..ikild -,,vh,der,7:aii, it will require the F!1/11 of eleven a..nbarea onars to be raised annually Ivo 17pecial i for the payment of the Atkiii dCbt larfiliterCtit, :ps.18a.:',1114,:rtineliatafs,,,,,,,tte)irltil:Ai(lli)lui‘tniiin7ra:itilittil•,e,1 \SI l...!,il.iiit:La,ttlathl: pet tive of any future increlve of the satoo, and int-- sp. eLive of any income to he ileri,ed filim the tem. porary investment of the sinking, fond. le erinafter nuntioneci„ cr any part thereef, aeeor7linl TO Thlt lus revised. asses:ltient rill of the salt ninnici- pi ity; being for the 3 -ear one 01,1,4447nd eight l du 11 ani seventy-one, is ilvt‘ ium-inTa ona Anu th zisanit six hun.thvo Anti St:Vt•Itt V•••••:•• t1011:11, . .: II Whell'AS, the amount of tlit es:stiog dent of th said immicipulity ;Was follow 7, : )4rinciide Loth- . in, , interest nothing. 71 whertas, for paying the iister:st and .•reat- in an equal:nine& 4.iii 'Ale; fuod f/ r oziying ti.7) win of tet thousand dbilars :,1,7' int7•,.e.4 7 V.3 here- inafter mullioned, it will r). Tiii 7, an / ,11:741 . ieeial rat 7 o: two mills nna ii -v, --cw.. 1.,y-1.-igh,lis of A ItIll " qr11$ and 5-2e,'7 in th,... doilar ili addition 7, all ot or rates and taxes to he Ievie.' i 4 ...,.-i) it therefore enact, 11 by toe Council of :no co oration of the Township of gtephen, 7)1 too 07)7, ty of Tforon--- 1st-Tliat it shall be lawf91 f/ a th' iteeve for the tin..e being 73f the side 1ast-1.! i1 0114.71 corporation to niise by .77-11y of hien, from anY persoo or 'alms, body or bodies- colperate. ,v1.77) may be dlling to advance tile same, 7.41,7ri .i.e erediv of ti Lb e ilebenture.7 hernaf eiter nientioned, r limn n.it tr.te :Ailing in the wholo ti 11 thotisen•I ttoilars. aml. to Arnie th A F:1,1))e. LA 17t; Pahl iiiLI) the (”1:1418 0:( t•l'A litt !glen, e -7 Tr7 usurer of said ninnicitialty of the '17,-,vusinp of • for thpurl 04,7 s and ,11.11 the obJect 111)1171.-e-i-il'l2Liitty'lli shall be lawf441 for the -.411.1 I -erre to lanne any im miler of 4'o-i,-ortiires to 14,', 7- IlsIe for louihmona.,. oi money:, not, lr: s emu; or,.- hundred • $14):3 lit --:-I Th.satt 11114,314(ithilt'd.tol'(,:.r, 1 on :-.7 thall be n ad ? pay - .1.1 ,17,4* ars 7.itieh, 4ind that sahl a a;fillr ••••1 shall ho se: vil with the seal of the .,ia?...t.' e.rpia-atio.), anu be her 44147iter mentioned .r.n. 1}j-. :4:--1-tv.-1 n take effect, aeliitlLe in twenty 3-ear4,, st fi•rtm-s7, fro.. 1.--, day er in Lon,17,170., .e.:11,1:.,221 1, or so!! te p',471.4. i7-1 Can- ada, to be lle,i;_natieti hi mii:I.4'.., I i.,1-t•i‘v.., anti ri.m1,.1, LAVO ZI-Ctellt•tt i 7 tIll•In Vig1j.411:4 for i'm, ;,ayment 7,f tlie Liter. .i. half-:,earli. . , s 4 II-A:Lit tho said iltbriti mos an.1 conoons ..ball be nal! oat , io.,..i., ;17 7st.,1).; Int .....y .,,r ilit- ?oriel:- ey .if th:s 'Nonillion, 4,.t., the opt1.._ of tie 4--717I . ltt't VA, No the, the WhOle allt.101`. 1... :.I!•• :49.14 •••.,- 1)t,10.111%••.4 1,h:.1.1 note.7.7., ,...1 the 1 . : ,.1 7 -.rentioned slim of ttli thom:and ao11.,:s, _14 a th...- skull bear int.i.re4 at 111..4 ra.-..4. of !AN l• I' if 11,-. 1,,kr anmini, whilt•IA int,r.qt shall ;.);? p.i,vai,1,. ,-11 th•-..irit days of January :ma July., in 7,,..-il r-,71 •; I :y .„47,:a during the! continuance 14 C. 4,.7ill 7'71., eter,-, at, the plasi.o where the 4,4071 debenture:- ..71.,. 1.•07a. „layan,.... filit -Tina for th pornm-y .1! Joro:i--or A sink: g fun 1 lor Om nolu•nt of tho 4,471.d. ,17 91,•iiilirc-4 * it inttirst :it the rate afores70. lb lii!`4.,41414. din ronr, - on, an equal speeial re,- ,1 7 -7., •:011114 Arid 11•:t - 'Arc Iti-eiqhfli -, of a mill ill ni. 5-71 in the dollar, aa 1, in lel Ii",,11 Vs all otlx-r rat ,; :aid t1Ncs. 1-.1 1ai....1, it--vioti anti ro1ler:J:1 in V:it I; :i*, ,,ii. Ispcm all t1...1 ratohillt prop( rty wit ..iri ,ho rai 1 %.'ottin.hili -of Sit: ihenfoluring the c7nithilii0111. la t I2A. 13:111 al:- hen A..1.VS or iity ill 7 71em. C 3i--,2-nrit ti i , 11P.I.LW'Sh.q1 Like , '7 lit and eome hit .opeinti,,i 111 fl I.140 :Er ,rth 7,1:, (4. grub , Wii.1 ti....t, t,...na ti ,11t 11:111ttrec1 Tad -t..;-,;1!.1.. 7' li -The, th„. yob...4 Of 17m• ine"ieipal 037-elorr; within thi, srill To-• nsbip f J : i ° '7, 11 , n this aby. law IL 1.ball. beak ton at 1.11,• 11.17- i.i....i h....if nd Oiler.: as 1 3/ : That ic to sai, ....1 .-iater.I.4y. the twen- ty -f until day of .1,,,-77), A. 17. 1$7, to conmunce at Our of nine 'eloek,n.f.,-,4, on, and -that the 07711 2;11,711 r..7471.1,1 open rin 7i iiv,- o'cloel in the tote .tabou of the 2,41417. ,141 7-, az 0,- -,.orn 11/711, in th4.7 oNitliiii:. thetinomidha tt .....1101.TY be Bo- hn, ing 011it.er. oTt. To above Is a trne :copy of a propoAea kotyr, to be taken into confii.l7 rati,-• by li.,.. Mnnieipal CAI mil of the Township of: SO 114- 71. Count: of Uill iii, after ono month from tho t',1 _it public:aim of t is. tkiltt liy-law in t he -irret.e E.:• , Aron news - pup r, tho da17, of 711eh pitioliearit.21 W....S. FriallY4 the ,liecon41 day of .1 1 ne, AA). 1871, 4:11.1 tbri the vete 7 of the isectors of tho •,•:41,1 niv.,irit,ality will bo tt.kun th •,..-,!1, at 110 if-':. -71-1 IN e '411:A Aare, in the .aid Towinhip of Stephen. on S.‘-fi"11.1)AY, tht• twenty-fourth tlity.of ,Itim-, A.J7_ 1.,7 1 , st vial from -9 of the eloek ht the inornintt Moii th ,. ot iho clork in 'nip afterittion. C-IIESIT,11.- P14)1.7TT, 182.* Ttrrn7't.i3) Clerk, NEW ARRIVALS! J. Bonthron & Son HaVe a large stock of N EW .03 A large stock of FRESH Se ROCERIES, 'eh they will sell very cheap. and 'see for yourselves at tho Sho lately occupied by TM .ROBERTSON St CO. r BONTHRON & SON. 16 tf CAVANAGH'S NEW BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY J. CAVANAGH Keeps on hand ALL KINDS OF EEAJ7 Biscuits, Crackers, CARES, AND CONFECTIONERY. WEDDING CAKES Made to order, J. CAVANA.GH, 174. Maill street, Seafortha 23, 1R71 Fanner -Ftseedaven ..----...._ . to (?1;ltd ft jet:iiilenr, .1-*rl' i.teed •in‘1.' f paritii,?ifAilt•riti:Ii•17tnt. ..etonist,1 )sebe, two sens, Ai seed two daughters, : 11.111.(9.1CIP) (NN 111.1'11 Wel, f/ri-Oir, 'AS illti•• eider iinodel of re3,1:kzi1ql .al iii Ildetiee I•erWItilit;( <31.....:;.T1:111(13".:':;t it.it::' tt:liati:14.c-iii boring farmer, a. i n. ,i-lier lx;t:;*. in -A . ' 111 timse d42ys th (IT I ibi• to 171i1t! frpsli nv 1 s at thu lieet-Ilt lif-i to rely qn ,... ir ifo.. diimi.r. ,( )3 4,4').,t11s our stry- 'Nict.ii iviti propo. pudding tilla It lilstItitlIffttiS.17.1 11;1 ;4:111.4:N-11:fa:st, NV;:i ..):11..11') 1.Sis!).4T17.11:;.7 ttob 1 VVI 1 1111 71 lai'4' Si ,i7 t, WI'Ll el t; gi !..i.tdd. t ii1C:T III lat•-qii* tintivS.. 3.,..ii%.1 ti it,.]:Lytr1, :!: .rtfin rl -Ito slit it ...vi.A11., ZIS 4, 1 Vq1d rikvd a good Jt.zi it oaer tlfe ili4., ;unti to rut the xvititr IN:11-.11:11;.: ..:t1: ent i1" 11 t:cAl flore Reliance ;ti and knowingi thet :PA to l'orgett t.,1:1, , sti handful and :.i-ii1 iv. her Thther 'would hat to fillet fault.; tiomi aft,aPi n - the same 11 8 %'1.711:17'11 a 1'011;2,11 tile i ' i ase rtit,ctil((leilttl ilat.3. „1!N‘1.1,14111 -1111 0f 1;4:4ra 13,fOrt; long AMOS? I tt jug of wolesses nte soon. after J i ea Ise h :i handful of. salt, est, sloom faith in tleiti• toe e sterittg it than 110 Ilea i Just before din tteell returned fitsa - ite SIM the lititidillrf "That )aull'aig .s.z. lood, but Ili bet. a liorgot to sait it, IIS fill ' I -Used to 7_171)t'lla upon' t4he got her bead ebote young man e" her m. reekoit on her thinkii and as to P2 ndenee, eh' she a-ouldiatlare lo si so I f,rtIf';--i 1 11 S:1147; it suiting flee aetion to put in a handful and stirring it well in. Twelve otelock ,teere 1111 seated at th Fee:nit r tt,saelweli 4 goo 1 ehare pook :k nenitltfa Lut t:11.,tpa ut than.- -saitea 1h tn t- hinute 1, he :left th Iti N% -4-'1511(t)111'.71,:i111litionSkizix! barn Th4 nvxt:who tr-ied -who ioapil ijp Aso, Nvbat hat colt was do, Th(11 itillolited 14,1 ie and wilo eada n fit 1.01) .1)1'14clive, peed well ii mazon1 iflie ti uth of the '00f of the putiduig Al3 • -Ea** Moralit Tb eXeeptional wicktduess as a for *film ,itnnowitrato, tent lire of the titi iJoPul 1.1" 10\ els, IttitwA ihe bey may be ft point of view, are rig tate el morals. From eray, all the wa meanest pi teluctiOnS fiend_ press, virtue, 111 ed. The re1resent:1.4 life tuay be ititelleetu• but the " mrd" ia g, It s euntins also reallt enjity this roine They may 1,e thlrit, Ind 1 uuavisb, but a cuica ed senettality a Motites of aetion w out 0 their houses NI indig aton then Iti anion pui-e :trid hd Bent c ,tof one eratu •e is not only nit Virtue is alms tin th 1jt/: day 4.1 ght, This general svret est; , e I 1 es ) II -less ,?es, proves that t have not so 1111 It'l 14 tieriti.)nents 11=> their E tv,T)), ?-.la Fat Mc It is a striking fao sons m -ant to weitkit do, and inotsur their weight, AS if 12, vaTuable ia proporti, The racer ie