HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-06-16, Page 80
thron txpoitor.
Seeps. -Thomas Lee advertises an ex-
tensive stock of Turnip Seed ; also Fresh
,Groacries, _Floor, etc.
EXasoer & Co'e Mules -Shearson
& to. have on hand and foi sale by their
agents a quantity of vety superior flour.
-See advertisement.
Pt -Axe -We are glad to notice that the
flak crop in this section looks exceedingly
well, and the present indications are
that there will be an abundant yield.
Too LATE. -The advertisement of
Hoffraan Bros., was.received too late for
this issue. They are Belling off at cost,
to make room for Fall goods. Look out
for advertisement next week.
raefe, M. A., will preacli in the Canada
Presbyterian Chorale, ,Eginondeille, on
Friday, 23d inst.', at Il A. M., peepers -
tory to _the dispensation of the ordi-
nance of the Lord's Supper.
. ,
aELLING OFE.-Messrs„ Smith & Jack-
son,- having parchaSed the entire stock of
Kr. Griffith Davies, are 'seiling off con-
siderably below cost. ,The stock is said
to be in good order, and wetthy of the
inspection. of intending purchasers., See
_ FOR MANITOBA. -We learn that Mr.
Lyster Hayw-arcl, late of the firm of Red-
ford & Hayward, proprietors of the
Stowe Saw Mills, in the Township- of
C-rey, left Mitchell, on Thursday last,
far Manitoba, where, if he is suited. With
the country, he intende to Make his
bane for the fature.
• ROXBORO Mersee:-As will be seen by
adveitisemerit, B. Shantz & Brother,
hleve purchased the Roxboro Gristing
anti Flouring Mill, and intend carryingo
it on in the intim. The Messrs. Shantz
axe substantial and enterprising business
men, and will, we haveno doubt, in a_
v try short time establish for the Rox-
boro Mills a wide reputation. -
lave been requested by a number of
citizens to suggest to the street Inspec-
tor that it would be well for him to take
a walk alone several of the streets of the
and order the removal of obstrac,
tiens thereoa, such as lumber, stones,
logs &c. We merely throw out the
hid, and, have ro sloubt but it will be
promptly acted upon.
ACCIDENT -Mr. William Campbell, of
thtis village, met with a rather setere ac -
oil Friday last. He *as about to
proceed clown cellar with a lighted lamp
in his hand, when through some cause
the lamp chimney fell off, and in reach-
,' over to catch it, Mr. Campbell fell
the open cellarway, receiving such
injuries as to incapacitate hiru for busie
ness for some days. We are glad. to see,
he -ever, that he is aroundeaga,in, end
nearly recovered.
7DRYSDALEVA.LE BeaCir.--Arrange-
ments have been made for the celebra-
tion of Dominion Day by a grani beach
pic-nic at Drysdalevale. The anarause-
ments oil the occasion will consist of
boese racing, beating and platform danc-
fres. A good time May be expected,
and we trust there will be a large attend-
anoe, as we understand great prepaira-
times and admirable arrangements are
being made for the proper entertainment
of vlitors.
• 4 .
41EF OX THE MAserroea Sortvev.--On
Tueeday last, oar respected tow -omens,
-.Mr. George McPhillips, left Seaforth for
Toronto, there to join •the surveying
• party which goes to Manitoba, to com-
Pete the surveys in that Province: Mr.,
McPhillipsleft Toronto with his party
on Thursday, and is by this time ea
route for Manitoba, there to prosecute
his labors in connection with his pro-
fess -ion, under direction of the Domimon
•acreernment, with the other members of
-the suryeying staff.•
• DOMINION DAY. -There will likely be
•no organized celebratioo of Dominion
• Day in Seaforth. After celebrating the
Twenty-fourth with such marked success
and eclat, we can afford to- let Dominion
Day pass quietly. Picalickieg wed eex:
cursionizing will be the 'order of the day,
and, after all, We questioa if there is not
mare enjoyment in this quiet way of
holidayemaking, than in. a great +` flare
GOOD TI m PIA RS. -A .County Convene
don of Good Tenn -flare was held here
yeeterday, (Thursday,) and in the even-
ing a SoireeiNvas given in the Wesleyan
• Methodist Church,- lay Huron. Temple, of
Seaforth. We hear that accounts from
the Lodges or Temples represented at the
Convention show there to be in a thri-
condition. Of all the 'Temperance
Societies, the Good Tempters seem to
poesess'the most vitality`, and whei.e a
Lodge is once started, it rarely happens
that it 'does not increase in membership
and become a permanent instittitien.
A NEW TEACIIE.R. -Mr. Dewar, hav-
ing resigned his position as principal of
the Seaforth Common, School, on account
of receiving the appointment of County
Inspector, the Trustees will now require
to make the Eidection of a new Teacher.
We truat they ma -y be se fortunate
as to secure the services of one who will
prove as successful a teacher and as com-
petent to fill the position as the gentle-
man who is aboat to retire for the more
)enumerative and aareeable offiee of
Comity Iuspector. •
the present week another batch of
• -pleasure seekers left here fee. the "old
country." On Monday Messrs. Peter
Lawrie of Usborne, and William Stone-
mau, of Tuckersmith, took their depart-
ure, the former for Scotland, and the
latter for Englaaa On Wednesday, Mr.
John Hickson, and Mr. Millward, of
Swarth, sthrtecl on olt trip to the old
world. Mr. Millward, we understand.
goes by New York, and the others by
fano-bee. • We wish them all a safe jour-
ney, a pleasant time and a safe return.
P itestaTATI ON AND A Dreams. -On
the eve of the departure of Mr. A. Halley
•or Scotland, he was presented. by -the
lumbers. of the Seaford), Dramatic As-
sociation with an address end a very
handsome gold locket, es a mark af the
appreciation auti esteem. in Which he Woe
aid lly them. Mr. Halley :wail one of
t e olginal promdters of the association
cl'sence its forniation has taken e very
ve1yinterest in its welfare, and to his
e -er 1,, ns in its behalf, the association is
debfed in no-amall degree for the -re-
ark4Ible success whichlhas marked its
c reea :Mr. Halley made a suitable re -
y asithe address, and through the Bo -
tar yl conveyed. to -the Association his
anke for the handset e present they
a ncooe him.
, n i
-1 Tc natiee by the minut.e et a late meet
i g of the Wallace T Wrship Codneil
t at ideputation from the Board of Dir-
e throe of the Wellington Grey and Bruce
&illy appeared . bef re the Council,
a kin for an e-ntensior of time for the
c rap don of that porti n of their road
r mmx through the T wnship of Wal -
1. ce. iThis does not loo c as if the effairs ,
oath Company were n as flourishing
a d evere-us a -condition as some of
t ose ecounected with ' i would hate us
b het. Would it no have been more
p olett for the Directers to have ale
p opilsted thei 1-$8', 000 Which they pre -
s nteet to Mrh Adam Brown, towards
pishilin on and facilitating the comple-
ti ntlie road ? Had they done thin
i woill4, d certainly have been more cred-
it bie o thein. then to:be continually
b ggii g of the iqunicipalities from which
t err ceive asaistanae for extension of'
tee e.
PL In'' litre ON,ITES.s--We clip tho l'
f llow- a extract from the Manitoba
A ews ILettet of the 26th April; "The
ti t flat boat of the season arrived down.
t is iforning- from Fort Abererombie,
w th alpa,rty of seven. - The party con-
si ted lot • Messrs. Wm. Gerrond, Robert
0 ark John McKinnon and Thonias
S. vag , all from Seaford)._ County of Hu-
e, I ho Jbhnston, front Dundas emel-
t, , net- Ottawa; Roderick McDonald,
a e ti Akx. Robertssai, from the township
of ,ftenock, County of Bruce. The
p rter left Ontario between four and. five
' w ks 'age.and met at Abercrombie, and
.fi ding that'Hill, Griggs & Go. 's steamer
,ev uld- not start for ten days after their
a eal there, they clubled together,
bt ilt a flat -boat and came down with the
i The people at Abercrombie said
th t Mr. Gerrond and party would never
ge here if they started so sobnebut they
ie't Fort Abercrombie on the 10th inst..
an bray ly1 fought their way through
th• ice, st °trench hardship and fatigue,
an i have •al arrived strong and hearty,
no e the w hie of their rough trip. -
T e whole p rty are loud in their praiees
of he Iona treatment they received from
th inen of No. 1 Ce. of the 1st Ontario
.Ries at Pembina, the' having turned
on of their tieds to let the boatmen have
on comfortable night's rest,"
1 . _
ASE BALII. -A match, game of base
-be I was played on Friday, the 9th inst., 1
at Nlitchell, between the " Star "club of
t t place, anclthe "Star" club of Sea -
f h, which resulted in a victory for
th latter by 72 rues. * The ground on
w ioh the ganie was played was any-
• th «g but good ; it consisted of about
-tit ee acres,, •covered with stumps and
lo s. About thirty yard a' behind. the
'ca cher was ii, small river, into which the
ba I went several times, thus causing
00 siderable delay. Had the ground
be n a proper one to play ball on, the
• ga e would have been played. in less
tits e than -if was. There were about
th ee hundred spectators •present- to
Wi ness the game: The game was called
at o o'clock. The Mitehell club tale-
ini the bat, scored three runs • the first
in tn s; in the second innings they
sc s re three More, and. in the third in-
s -got a; af whitewashing ;" in the
fo rtb, 'fth, sixth, and seventh innings,
th y ad eclohly ten more to their score.
T .Sea betle nine played well, and are
fa ahea 1 of the Mitchell players. both
at he b t Anil on the field. The fielding
•on the 1 art of Seaforth bovs was very
go d, and they made some very diffieult
lay catches. They all play their positions
we 1, and are not easily excited: -The
Se, fortle players made some very scien-
tific dowele play. At th,e close of the
ses enth innings the Seatoeth club were
so ;to any runs ahead, ...that the Mitchell
pL yers gave up the game. The follow -
in is the spite:-•
O. R.
J..A Money, p.... 1 • 10
W. 1IcMurray, c.. 2 9
J AI &Murray, 1st b 4 9
J. 1 . 2(I b.. 4 8
H.. leyer, 3d b.. 5 7
4 9
R. CluttLuhrun, r1 1 - 11
W. erwm, 1.L.. 0 12
11. arneron, c. 0 13
- -
Tot s • 21 88
0. R.
8 2
D.F. Thompson, 0 2 8
J. Honey, K. s.... 8 2
R. Keeler, 1st b.. 2 2
8. Sbaule3-, 2d b... 0 •2
D. McKay, 8d b..8 1
Fowler, c. f •3 1
D. Forrester, r. f8 1
W. Forrester, 1.12 2
- -
Totals 21 16
;NINGS, 1St, 2.1 8(1 4th 15th Gth 7th
• S.:.`alorth, 4 12 88 7 9 4 • 14,-88
itchell, 3 8 0 1 71 1-16,
• F CATcrrr,s-Seafortb, 5 ; S.
C vrcfnis D1Jss8D--Sealorth, 1; Mitchell, 5.
OMB RUNS—Seaforth, 8. •
OnitLE PI4AY—J. D. Sills, .T.,McMurray, and J.
atPIRE.-Levi Latimer. Storers.-P. Ryan,
Son forth; D. McEntire, Mitchell. .
L imc ce game, t,wo hours and liwentyminutos.
Wroxeter. •
• EATHER.-The weather fok the past
we k has been cold enough. for' October,
wi h plentiful showers of, ram.
OBBER Y. -M r. Arthur Veal, grocer,
hac his safe.. containing $i.,300; taken
fro •his beclaroom on Tuesday nicht. So
far no clue lias been found that would
lead to the eletection of the thief.- 'The
bed room wis unlocked, and it is evident
the robbery was connnitted by some per -
so acquainted with the premises. •
EANIE Woason purposes giving one of
he entertainments in Wroxeter shortly.
Sh will get a burnper house.
Gornigtie, ex
-n Saturday
`AMOR, the 'London
hi its in. Gofton's
ev niSnEg.
•ABALL MATCH. A' :Match was
pla ed last Saturday betsaeen the
nions," of Clifford, a 1_ the " Shoo
Fli 8," of Wroxeter, on t41ie groonds of
th latter, The game was a very close
an exciting one, and a large crowd of
Be e -ball players from Blueeale, Ainley -
vile, Clifford, Leechville and other
pla es witnessed the game. The result
of he match was a majorite- two runs
for the " Shoo Flies," with an inning to
sp ra. The following is the score :
• O. R. •O. R.
Co boy, c '3 4 Dolrnage, S. s..2 4
Pa lin, 1. _f ....3, 4 Canipt ell,lstb 3 e
W. Beer, p..1 5 Lavin, ',Id b....5
Da, ton, r f 2 5 A.Canipbell,e.1 6
Do ibledee, 3 b 2 2 'Emsley, hal 3
Lila k, e. f3 3 Brown, n f.....6 1
'Doc d, 2d b 0,,a 3 .1-tuseell,
Vet 1, 8. .. 5' 1 Fulton, 1. f....3 3
Jac -rn, 1st b.5 1 Feathers, p....4
Otal. . . 08 Total 06
oine runs were made by Paulin.
ker, Dalton and D-olniage. George
T. Brown, of Biu val , acted as urnp*re
to the Bedstead° of both si es. Th s.
Begg, of Clifford, aro Georg Eyvel, of
Wroxeter, acted its s orers.
The best of gooc feelin prevail
throughout the game the pia ,.ers see
Mg to recognize ehe f ta tha good
havior is as necessary a quali cation
model ball -player a good, attiog
fielcliiig After -finis ing th 'game -
the usual baseebell -style, ti e playeis
-with the Umpire and corers, °paired
Mrs. Days' Hotel, w ere sup er await ol
them -quite a desid ratunA, thew thine
hours' hard play. The supp r was t
up in first-claes style) and we need only
say that the players o 1 both si les prow cl
themselves to be ade ts in In ndling t e
knife and fork as weL as the at.
0 -
Cloche -ch.
- Several splendid sl
ing the past few days,
for the field and ga
neigh borhood.
Rodeaset is a favori o topic
satame just now am Liget -gr wers • ai
loverof potatoes i 1 this ection
flueon. If • an alert( ed Patl eider, fix
"baste of -a bug" of .ny size br color jh
hie pratie patch, he t once Iruchos
with it to the nearest Kilter tc see .if i
is not ef the "Uo1 lady" jorsuasioi
The firea bog of that 1 ind mot lit aeon
here is: to beset 'upon . y our h rticulti
al society, scene of th membe a of whi
ere prominent buggistst •
BUSINESS in s God -rich jolggs- alo
rather leisurely. .Th re is, re doubt,
good deal of it doing, nit -thin s ere n
going it with so much of a ru h as- w
expected some time ince. ¶ihis is
doubt Owing to the ee loyal of he tax
American salt, which has • co siderab
depressed - the man facture of th
article, ••
ewers of rain de
leave doie -wend
len cro is in t
f OMIT rd
Masao -In -At a vole, full an intere b
. ing meeting of Al aitla Lodg No. 11
held in the Masonic 1 fall, o Tumid j
evening last, the folio ring offi_orsisv,ej
elected for - the onsui g year v.,,iv.• ,
Brother W. R. Squie -; , Broth r
E. Campaine ; J. Brot ier E.
Johnston; Treasurer, Blether 1. Hoske
Secretary, Brother Findlay 13. Mor•'J•
eal) ; Tyler, Brother -1. Hazleourst,
vas the unanimous feeling of he lod e
hat the selection was a spl ndid on
'he 24th inst. is to be eel° rated
rand style._ inst.,
to the mod due a
iou.ncement will be macle.
" THEI COUNTY COURT 18 now 1 • genie
nd there being very little business, it
xpected that -our energetic- J idge w
f•uslt it through in a *eek at east.
riming cases .there le none't ;ere bei
ut five prisoner's in gaol, tses of who
re idiot°. One of these ha Pbeen
ince February last and it is b
ight that the EXPOSITOR. eh uld rai
ts voice in urging that they hOuld
emoved to the propee asylem.
GREAT preparation are being mat e
teers e
our So
a °he p
tnees tl e
can't t ll
&Heim's "
eeping a comm
ard's in the dar
re a g eat tim
Isere, o, by t e
ed up," I me n
or the receptioa of the volu
voted here on Friday first.
orth people ,shoulcl ask fo
pecial train, to come op and w
review and the sham hp -,ht. I
the exact date, as then bby "
authorities persist in
ensign in the Home G
No doubt we shall h
especially the hotel ke
way, are already "fi
h'eir houses.
It is the intention of Mr. El
in, the popular proprietor of
orne'Inn here' • to greatly e
iouse very shortly. 'The Ma
yery large, and, I should say,
larmers' business, and are
by all.
t h e Aa
CT o
tins do a
lucrati e
ell like
G °MAUCH is chock fell of menca
visitors just now. Ai old r Sidetlb 1;
eurprised to see 'hew any L cos the-,
re which are strange t� hi on t e
treets. ••
Home-grown straw*riies a oomi
'n pretty freely, aud 'ay bo h d at tl e
cataurants for 25 cclnts per quer:
retty dear, but they a e so ver nice, yo
-now. When I saw a lot o them i
• ingham's window, I thought of Mac s
tory about the Indi n and the rag
erries. ,Ask him abo t it aid he wi
en you. It is rather `larta,ble."
• Tuckers ith.
SCHOOL PIC-Nic.- he pupils of t
°heel in Section No. 6, Tuckersmit
ntendholding their annual school Pi
'lc, on Tuesday, the 27th ins in a0
naple grove on the blenka of the Ba
leld. 'River, opposite, the res dence -
Ir. James Broadfoot, econd 0 ncessio
Ifuckersmith. • A ;lumber of sp matk;r4he
xpected to be preent.
chool, No. '4 'Tucker mith a d No. -1
ullett, have been invited to A tend.
CRICKET.- -The retutn mate betWee
he pupils of &Fool Sectio Ne. 1
'uckersrnith, am." those of No. 10 Hae
ook place off on. Saturday, 3d net. T
ay boys again came off vide -lieu
Vickets were pitehed about P. 'M
td the game was well contest d by bot
ides. 'Messrs. Thome Brow and
• IcLeod acted as umpilrcs. TI 6 folio
e is the score :
• 1st
ohn H. Potty.
. .
avid Reath '
amos 11.eath• .8
ock Potty 1
oseph Dick.2
4corge Potty •.0
exauder Reath 1 .1
sane Luoker .4
exander Ingraham .. ...
horuas Munn • .0
.• 1St Inn'g. 2t
.Murray ..... .. . ..... .........4
avid Thomson 5
( 'Gorge Mrurny ..5
V. Stoneman ••
• 0
. Pendegrass , , 0
. Murray ' ,.. .2
. Imp:ahem •, , , , .0
). McArthur .0
Benjamin Nowa' ..0
. Fragnear • 1
Runs in faTOT of Hay Cricketers -5.
nig. Tot
in'g. Tot
0 2
boot ancl s oe: shops, One
three bla ksmithle and t
shops, a c -urah and a b
boro has one :characteristi
very credibablle to it, and t
tremely late hours the bu
of the coinmeeity are fo
The feult eeems to rest
tomers, particelarly with
whom I Foidd especiall
pity the serrates of a poor
and get their 'hopping do
waggon shop,
woi carreeter
tel. Londes-
c hich is not
he is the ex -
in -ss portion
oe 1 to keep.
it the me-
th ladies, to .
ppeal "to
• ng man"-
showers. '0 copious.,
cooler of late
• CROPS bok well, partici1a ly the fall
wheat, w licit promises .tri abundant
yield. The hay crop will e somewhat
short, in' consequence ,.of drouth. The
potato brie has made it appearance very
generally. Both the tar( e and small
varieties aro to be -found on the 83MC
plant. •
• IMFROVEMENTs.-Marti Moore, of the
Grey Hotel, has built a lar 7 addition to
his hotel -Mr. Alarming, John • Wynn,
William *Vanstone ancl Air Roddick are
• erecting private resiclone s. -The new
Scotch Church is going a lead rapidly,
ancl will soon be an ornam nt to the vil-
laee.-lamith's new factor) is in COuT80
of erection, and will be qu te an acgnisi-
don. to the manufacturin interests of
our village. ,
TI1E SALT WELL is progr ming rapidly.
A depth of over900 feet has been reached,
with good inclications of s np now
:Restrwevmatters are lo kin
in this locality.
AT J. R. Graserr's get your paints,
oils and varniehes. Dyes ncl dye stuffs,
all kinds, fresh and cheap, at the Post -
Office Drug Store.
ACCIDENTS. -Mr. Merth •MaTaggart,
of .this township, met wit ian aecident
of a serious nature on W driesday, 7th
inet. Rio horse got frigh enecl at a, calf
on the roadside, Mr. and McTag-
gart were iinstantly pitchecl from the
buggy into the ditch, and ie latter was
Beriotiely injured. -A young man named
John Parish svhilo turning hi wagon on
the road ata short curve, w s thrown off,
and one of .the rear wheels pessed over
his head. Mr. Parish wa slightly in-
jured. -A young man na led William
• McArthur had his fingers iadly bruised
at Alfred MeTa,ggart's ba -raising on
Friday last. it will be wo or three
weeks before he is fit for work. •
THE POTATO Boca -Fans rs are great-
ly excited, about' this vora ions bug or
beetle, and devote every s are moment
to its extermination.
Cnors.-Farmers, expect
harvest. •Relying on the e
peas, many of them have
ers and reapers and other i
AlAnalemeire.a.-A young
ly of this township, but no
London, having perpetrate
lately. returned here, last
his bridal tour. In the
young men of the neighborh
for the purpose of charivari
pair, but fearing to encroac
bath, which was close at h
an abundant
cellent pros-
rdered move -
preyed farm
man formai--
residing in
Saturday, ,on
evening, the
cod muszered
ig the happy
on the Sab-
ncl, they de-
The members of Life Bo. t Temple, I.
0, of G. T. of this place nrpose cele-
brating Donn-linton Day. by iving a Pio-
• Nic in the Drill Shed. Sev ral excellent
speakers have been invite for the oc-
casion. • Suitable amusements for the
entertaiment of visitors wi I also be pro-
vided. The neighboring lodges, the
pubnc, and the friends o • temperance
genei-ally are cordially i vited to be
present. We bespeak for o r temperance
friends of Gorrie and vicin y a gala day
on the 1st prox.
Killop, has a field of Fall
cennot be beat. • Average
and a half feet, beautifully
thick as desirable.
• TEMPERANCE. -An intere
anco meeting -was held at
Thursday evening, 81,11 ins
were given by Rev. Mr. M
eas, Andrew Govenlock.
off, of Mo -
Wheat that
might, three
ead.ed and as
ting temper-
Vinthrop, on
Diarmid and
Our Municipal ffairs.
To the Editor of the thron gaTiositor.
DEAR Sna-Section 162 of the Muni-
cipal Act reads-" Every Treasurer or
Chamberlain shall receiv and safely
keep all moneys Belonging o the corpo-
ration, and shill pay out the same to
mica persons and in such antler as the
laws of the Province and t e lawful by-
laws or resolutions of the C midi direct;
but no member of the Cor oration shall
receive any money from su ft Treasurer,
for any work performed, or to be per-
forrned, &c., &c." Caripl* g the above
section with the bill of ite s which fol-
lows, aud the declaration o office, given
two weeks ago, that neit er by them -
member of
ney, directly
I be able to
ity of those
sworn trust
on the con-
rporation, as
: In 1869-
for law, re-
, 8. G-. Mc -
50 ; Dec. 16,
F. • Hohne-
hnested, for
; June 16,
ms'$59 06;
0; Nov. 16,
lm.ested, or
Cameron & Flolmested, $45; 1869 -Oct.
20, James Beattie for W Cluff, con-
tract, $14 50; Nov. 17, $15; 1870 -Oct.
26, James Beattie for NN illiam Cluff,
$48. The items of law coa are made
out in the Reeve's office. he motions
for the amounts passed, the Reeve in the
cbain The debentures ed by the
Reeve or his partner. T e money rer
ceived by the Reeve or his artner. Mr.
Cluff's items of aoaount, as
selves or partner shall h
1 the Corporation receive m
or indirectly, the public wi
appreciate the selfish rapa
men, who, in the face of th
reposed in them, speculate
tracts and acts of the C
administered by tit emselve
July 14, S. G. McGaughey
ceived $7 65; Nov. '3, F.
(his partner,) $2; Nov. 1
Caughey, for his partner, $6
Cameron & Holmested, pe
• sted, $59 54; 1870-F. 11
1 Cameron & Holmested, $4
6 S. 'G. McCaughey, per Ad
Nov. 16, S. G. Mc0. , $53
0 S. 0. McCaughey, $95, fo
0 surveying ; Dec. 21, F. H
OUR Val,L,t.cE.-As there is nothin
ery startling going o in th way o
lopements, marriagesi high ay , rob
eries, burglaries or other local ews, an!.
. s there are some wit() never heard o
ondesboro, and other, who h ve bear
f it, know very little about it, will enl
eavor to enlighten them.
Londesboro is a little' clachau situate
en the grae-el toad which runs n rth fro
linton. to Wingham. It te bout ai
ilee tooth of the former and twenty
tjwo south of the latter place, a d in th
dst of tile of the best agricul ral dis
tricts in the North Riding, T ere ar
ti,vo general stores, a tailor sh p, thr
von lame,
are collected by Mt. Beattie; the deben-
tures are endorsed by Mr. Beattie. Mr.
Beattie's teams Worked .orf those con-
taacts ; then, why should ho not receive
fie money, as the Work was performed
on that famous Jellies stroct, near Mr.
Beattie's propert.Y. These are facts, and
facts are ;their worst foes. 1 They dare
not grapple with the figureS of this neg-
lected corporation, but dogmatic, arro-
gant, self -consequential and vain, hide
themselves behind an attempted spurt at
a litetary effusion-. Shirking the matter
at issue, reducing thenie1ve lower and
lower in public estimatlion, avoiding any
reference to their acts, ar those transac-
tions which they are sWorn to audit. It
limy be tempting to go into a display of
personal vindictiveness, but it is utterly
abhorred. by the public, and gines neither
support nor assistance o argument.- IN e
refrain from it,-thoug i we have plenty
of matter et control t do sof-feeling
assured the readers f a public paper
take very little heed. scurrilous por-
traitures. Such weep ne only detract
from argument, and the majority of
readers abhor them; hey may do for
others, ave will not use them. We only
want to knosewhere th teen ey is goneto.
-And we do know that a large majority
of the ratepayers of Seeforth are bet too
anxious to reeeive expl nations of where
the money is one to. Onr space is oc-
cupied, and Must close. Yours truly,
Seaforth, Jene 13, 18171. -
, •
Forestville --A Toippeiance Vil-
. lage.
Forestville, situated or rather en-
throna, in a 'command ng position, and
adirirably located, bids air for becoming,
at no distant : day, an mportant place.
The topography of the s rrOunding counl-
• i
try s strikingly peen! ar. A ridge of
•higli land, coMmonly lealled AleVicais
Ilills, -with craggy sides) thickly studded
with towering trees, and presenting a
picturesque and rornai tic appearance,
such as is seldom seen ifri Ontario, bends
round its southern at d. southwestern
sides On thenorth,, a no less beau Wu]
prospect is presented. A fertile plain,
water, sparkling jayons y in the brigb t.
drained by a ma.zy strea of clear limpid
nese of a noonday sun, iii a charming and
pleasing contrast to the stern and rugged
battlements at the south. This village
is situated on the dire t road -between
Wingham and Listow 1, half way be-
• tween Molesworth and 4he Gravel Road,
has a beautiful locatio , is rairrouncicd
by a fertile tract of courftry, and should
_the projected railway teem the east be
made, as we have no dabbt it will before,
many yearselapse, it will pass close by
it. In view of these fact, it does not
require the eye of a prophet to predict a
pre-erninence for this village over many
that are at present in ch larger. Its
houses are_aslyet few ie number, bet it
possesses a fine substantial temperance
hall and a pretty little ehurch belonging
to the Primitive Methodists.- Its popula•
don is almost entirely agricultural, and
the magnates of the village area few thriv-
ing farmers who take reat interest , in
inculcating the principle of total abstin-
ence from all stimulants As the have
upwards et- an hundred Members in their
society, it islorident that their labors
are not in vain. We hoe that the peo-
ple of many ether villrges will follow
the example of the peopee of Forestville
in this matter-Cose. • '
• Divisions Courts -1871.
Division Courts will bo hold as follows
Wingbarn -Sane 27 Bnyileld -.Ont. 4
Wroxotor ..july 25 Clinton ... Oet, 6
Seaforth .juIy 27 Goderich Oct. 9
Exeter. .July 29 Wingbam Oct. 24
Bayfield .. . .. .Aug. 1 Wroxetcr Nov.21
Dungannon --Aug. 2 Segorth Nov. 23
Clinton ........Aug, 5 Exeter ... -Nov. 25
Goderich ...„ -Aug. 14 Dunkannon Nov. 28
Ainlcyville .... Sept. 26 Baylield Nov. 29
Seaforth Sept. 28 Clinton .... 1
Exeter Sept. 80 Godorieh Dec.• 4
Dungannon .... Oct. 3
Trains leave the Seaforth station as
Toronto Express. Buffalo Express. Mixed.
7.52 A. M. 10.50 A. M. 1.35 r. M.
. Mixed. • • Eipross. MAD.
1.35 P. m. 2.35 P. It. 8.50 r,x.
The strong points supporting the nse of
Fellows' •Compound of Hypophosphites
are, that while it takesmmediate hold
upon -the system; • in • timulating tlto
liver, regulating and st engthening the
muscles, of the heart, stomach, longs,
&c., it has no debilitat ng effect under
any circumstance; and while its con-
tinued use is markd by the general 'ton-
ing of the ystem, without producing
constipating effects, it may be stopped at
any time without the usilal disagreeable
effect- following the discontinuance of
sorne otherwise valuable tonics. These
characteristics are par*ularly valuable
to consumptives and other debilitated in-
valids, andare peculiar to this pre-
paration. •.
Why should men wear beards? •Because
they are a great protectien to the throat
any lungs, and addmuch to their per-
sonal appearance. • Why should. we use
"Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers ?" Because
when used for coughs, olds, tickling in
the throat, hoarseness,&c., they net
like a charm. Ministers and lawyers -use
them, physicians recomMend them, and
singers and public speakers say they are
the very best medicine in existence for
the cure of such complaints. Sold by all
medicine dealers, at 25 cents per box.
"Their Name is Legion," may be ap-
plied to thistle who die minually of Con-
sumption, although iicience has of late
years sensibly diminiahed their number.
It is gratifying to know that the general
use of Dr.' Wistar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry is largely instrumental inattain-
ing this end.
THANKS his inamerotor customers for
their liberal patrowia,oe during the
last fifteen years, and tilas he will re-
ceive its continuance,
He has now on had a large assort-
ment of Good Sound
Green kiernlock1,
Which he Warraaabs wili lve satisfactioa.
Which he offers on liberal term. Or-
ders will be promptly attended to.
The Mill is situated on the Townline
of McKillop and Hulleta 3 and nuilcs
from the Huron Road.
Seaforth, Nov. 16, 1870. irk tf.„
JUNE 16, 1871.
TiITIJE UNDERSIGNE ) has on hand
a Jerge number of IRON II AR-
IOWS, whieb he is prej anal to eon 031
- re'Ttsre..1:C: 11m.
Th were anu f a ct u red at
Gananaiuc. and are -
s, Th6 Best IV -ow n.Vse.
A Go irantee will be g ven avAli each,
that if it do not wed- satisfactorily,
it may be returned by the purer
within lanty-days. -
O. C. -"A
giiculinral imp ament Agent,
SEA I' *)11T11, ONT.
N Farm or desirable- -illege Property
at 111 per cent. Pas malts made ifo
suit the borrower. ' Apply to ••
A. G. ',NI cDOEll A 1,L,
•• Insurance Agent and
Co) nmission(.r, Seaforth,
Exe-hauge f3rolier,
Jannery 13, 1871. 10631)
.11*,:•1'. •
orLD respectfully iatimate to the
ihhabitaiits of Seaforth and eieiu-
y, thas he still contireus to carry on.
ueinese as -usual, in the old stand, oe
tile North road.
Jobbing of all kinds, andlTorsenshoeing
pecially, pronsptly attended to.
asa- Terms ren.soltable.
164-tf DAVIT) lalieNACGHT.
Lmnber ard,
I3,g to mform the public that they have
o mica e LUMBER YARD in Neafarth,
n eir Shearson's di1i, on the ground line
erly ut ed as a Lumber Yard, by Mr.
T omas Lee.
They Will keep constantly on hand a
ed asiortment of ALL KINDS OF
LUMBER, dressed and undeessed.
.A11i of -which -they are prepared to 'sell:at
t 6 lowcsapossible prices, for Cash.,
Builders ands:Aimee will find it to their
a vantage- to iespect our stock, and ai-
crtain our prices befere purchasing else -
w eke,. as we, are in a' position to offer
gOod inducements to cash purchaser%
Seaforth, Dec. 29, 18701 • l'60-tf
Either f r Family trse, or for M'anufac-
tUring urposes. Both single-threaeca
and do ble-threaded, and locasetibeh
Ma,chin s ean be supplied.
'Perfeet ea -defection guaranteed, and
instructions given to purchasers path.
Cen also insure property a,gainst Yu* end
arine Disaster, and. Life and Limb- .
against death and accident, Wall the.
best Companies, being Agent for
The Liverpool and London and Glebe,
The (1E'rngoviliisikcia)1 of Canada, (Can-)
The Gore Dis•trict Mutual, (Villieee and
e Pllarlianga)ra Dist -4' et Mutual, (Village
and Farm.
Tho Travelers of Hertford, (Life and
• Accident.)
osses Liberall !I A (I:Tasted aid
Promptly Settled.
At moderate rates of interest. Nio
!ftission, and expenees moderate.
MORTGAGES bought on equita.ble,
terms. 160
The subscriber is still in his old titan&
and prepared to pay
•1•The Highest Cash Price
For any quantity of
Delisrered at the
Egg Ernporium,
Main street, Seaforth.
To all parties (merchants and. °there)
Vith whom he has done bushes s during
the past four years, he returns hearty
thanks, and. trusts by strict attention to
biniiness to merit their patronage in the
fit -tore.
• Seaforth, March 16, 1871. 171.-ta
THE Subscriber begs to intimate that
he is still prepared to purclease liges,
at his
Store at the Marketl,
and to pay the
for all fres li Eggs that may oder,.
• To Merchants in Town and Obeintry
with whom he has done Business in the
past three years, he returns Ilia beet
thanks, and hopes for a continuance Of
BU.Sthess relations.
Seaforth, March 3, 1871. Ifnl-ti
VOL. 4 NO 449'
• •
R. W. 11. rrrn 'i
aeon., ay._ A
alobertson's 1si leace
Seafortls, Dee, 14, laa
--r) V.:all/ORE. M. la,
Dn. of 3.ref.;i11 Unr:3z
Physic...12D, Sargent], nee
donoe Zurich,
Zairieb, Sept. 7th, 1Saa
T A.mEs sTEwAirr,-
4.4 . Graduate if Mel;
,Alentreal, Plie-sivian, :ours
and resitlenee - Driteseitla
Brucetieal1in H17
Ts L. VERCOE, M- 1
j, la, elan, Surgeons ete.
sidence, -corner of ,Alarl
Street, immediately
8rOafOrtis, nAL 4th.
T1L-CA.M P11ELL, (40
t Corby's. vo1ni1* :41-.14rt..
itYrth. 'Office day-, Sabin
are, ista‘CGIIE-1- & •
Itfrristerg, AtheilICN
icitors in tlianctry *31111
tarios Pnblie nd'Cone-eya
' tore for the lac. Ilankastees
for the Canada Life-Aseew
N. B. - a30,01ef to lold
Firrms, Houses Alta Lob,
,Soaforth, 1"),,w. 14th,
. .
'`NSON& M1;V1JL 1
Atiorneyat Law, Soll
-wry and Insolvent".k., 'on)
arias Pnblie, eta. 1 fatheen
WrOXel yr. An1g few
Loan ca. of r Ho- 14:mail,
#rAsa Securities 4 'o. of Lou
Money at ,per cent ;-
3A2 11. flh)
Seoforth, 14-e. 10th
7. -No ii( yrEi,
endersientel 1 *4
public for the lilhral :11'1)
to him in tin) gozt in
and also to allele' th;
/vas/lied 1 11o: in t
'W1.1011i Will 1W' happy !
iroth old frivuds, an 1 nil.,
Soalorth, May ;I
• n elide ova, .1. 't
01 S„ WI! eeem
Tine hots' hoe r y li
niebeel, and refitted the.-
no'me if the most
1114Xiinin.; tilt'
Bonus ft)r
Terms liberal.
aoderiele April 14,
A. SHAM'S 1.1%cl
e At
Sonisorth, •i1ood =Hera-
t' iveyancvs„ alWays
ST., SEArou'i:11.
And Carria"t'S alWayS 14111
2b0 tern's.
R. J 11:4
Siforth NI ay aith, 1 eate
fill EXTRACTED 111
CA iznylt ;11 T,
.bentist, C-xtracts
bF the use of the
00---tecer the Ie•at
•load. Atteedaiwe in at .J
Ifotel, the lir:t
oath nmnth ; in I. lint,
1,n the
deleasi ena
• Partil:s 1'4.-.411tiring 1141
aesasted ta eall. if at at
On. 011 th‘'
()vex 54,014 /at lonts
eel:meted by the n -,• t4
aton's taiiene, New
0--01D; 111
Exahaseae I1rok-er, an
icrit 4; T. 1:.ai1
Thrivah Tickets iestit
in the \\-#.:6tern
Red River, at relineet:
the nreatest faeilities
rieccesary- infer
S1 imeaif, Lana 1\tV11i”.4
Thwela, Voupous and
chid and a Aver Coin,
at 'beat rates.
ancEis hill by !...!;
not to ent any tieil
lots N. a is.
eatiooseion Hay. as th
BELL, is deteriniutel
utmost extreme of thel
466 -tf