HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-06-16, Page 7-eTiTNE 16 1871 WILSON, cESS, SADDLES, LziDLES,, &c., &a, STREET!, SEAFORML Oa good folks who want Mar- mn,l, iow-prieetl, good and new, k'N'S. Main street, Seaforth, lent stock you may view. ov ed, by JAM ; WirMON 'ark is sa 1ig-h4 renowned ; an Main street, Seaforth,, ee may easily be found. ['enty of bits, bridles and curbs s and saddles so tine, .ithiug n.n etpLuil their malt:a?. just No, IA and prime. if good blankets for -enter fl keep from your horses, the net; so graceful for SUM. - with blue, green, yellow and hips of every description. 'tage coach, carriage or nd WIL:iON'S shop, Seaforth, 7ays be had at command. ?Juges and combs and rosettes a and good intheir way; and short tug e- in abundance, :ness that don't break in a day.. his and Trunks of all kinas, a quality spicy and rare, dd desire to purchase, SIO p of JAiVIES •WII1gON kr. and that -without farther Yr it bargains Make while you dale and Harness Emoerhau," neraber JAMES WILSON'S - man. yristantl3r on hand a stock of , PoRnIANTEALTS,„ VAL- ES - AND WHIPS.. Cellars affd Diankete, article connected with thee businesa. t-CNKS. VALISES,. SADDLES and BRIDLES„ Made te erdee. • J. WILSON AFORTH., 1 Door, and D FACTORY. iseribers beg leave to thank kumerons customers for the enage extended to, their' sinoe Et- business let Seaforth, and they -will 13e favoredwith a a of tile same, 'ntending to build wo-u1,1 ds theta a call, as they will keep on hand a large &Joel' l.'s of NE LUMBERy. SASHES, 1'40 LIYINGS, N'GLES, &c., lentident of giving satisfaction [-who may favour Lhem ,atrouage, none- but -t class workmen aro eirsoloyoi, lar attention paid to Oustom "ROADFOOT & GRAY. PRESERVATION OF THE SIGHT. COUNTER, rrAT(iI M Alia:RAND JEN‘ ELER, Seafoth, , sole Agexit for the sa our (`eIebrated PERFECTED li:tECTAGLESI. Lenkaes of sluch are greets' by u -s, from nateriat manufactured espe- ially for (ptiepurpo6Crii. s pure, hard, andlnefIant„ and ks near Achromatic as can he roduced. The peculiar forni lael scientific accurary attain - 1 by the aia.4 complitAtod. nd costly machinery, war- wta , them. t< '111E M( -s`irI1 RFI '1 YECTA CLEs EV E MAN FA TURE1 'Chey assis. Ie sight mostbrilliantly, eon er ease ano. comfort (JD, fib 3. centinuous and abi.dir4 Ft of the eyes, and last a great without requiring to be !o they are the CHEAPEST M( )RR On_ l'otre- Dame Street,(un stairs}, Montreal, XXO, rediers. 011- SALE knitid Hotel Staad on the Square, Seaford", known as XVIIANGE., and doing a. •.To art oitrjrising man, *tale it offers. excellent in- i'being on, one of the . leading ;se to the Salt \Vak, i. on& ,rtal t aTAGr.‘.4- on Goa -rich, rented at. $a)0,n. [-e eral Town Lots. Terms- - ply to W M..14,1 A I. COM, At the Mare Jn 23 Ic..71, 144ett , - jusE161 1871. DIATererel-; Ways. of Making - Tea. The Chinaman puts his tea, in a our, pours hot water upon it, and drinks the infusion off the leaves ; be never dreams of Spoiling the fie- . Yoe with sugar or cream. The J ap- ee triturates the leaves before putting them in a pot. In Moroc- co they put green tea, a little tansy, end a great deal of sugar rn a tea- pots and all up with boiling water. Bokhera every man carries a mall bag of tea. about him, a eel:- tain quantity of which he hands over to the booth -keeper he patro- evezes, who concoets the beverage for The Bokhariot finds it as dif- ficult to pass a tea -booth as our drain -drinker does to go by a gin - palace. His breakfast beverage is Schitschi, that is, tea, flavored with milk cream or mutton Tat, in which brad is soaked. During the day- time, suearles's green_ tea is drunk, with the accomieiniment of °ekes and flour and mutton suet. It is considered an. inexcusable breach of manners to cool the hot cup of tea with the breath ; but the difficulty is overeome by supporting the right elbow in the left huid, and giving a circular movement to the cup. How - long the tea, takes to draw is calcu- lated to a second.; and when the can is emptied, lc is passed. roun.d among the company for each tea -drinker to take up as many leaves as can be . held between the thumb and,finger -the leeves being esteemed an es - *jai dainty. Whelk-MrBell was traveling in Asiatic Russia, he had to claim the hospitality of the Bur; atsky Arabs. The mistress of the tent, placing a Ierge kettle on the Ere, wiped it carefully witItla horse's tail, filled it with water, and threw in some coarse tea and a little salt. When this was • near the boiling pointeshe tossed the tea about with a brass Iadie,until the liquor became very brown, and then it was poured elf into another vessel. Cleansing the kettle as before, the woman set it again on the _fire, in order to fry a paste of meal and fresh butter. - Upon this, the tea and some thick cream were then poured, the ladle put into requisition, , and. after a time the whole set aside to cool. Half-pint wooden. mugs were ha,nded round, and the tea ladleGi into them, -a tea forming meat and drink, and Eatisfying Loth hunger and thirst. However made, tea is a blessed in - vendor' for the weary traveler.- Cheynebers'e Journal. - readily be I seen tl at Mr. has added to ])ex Posaiha-ata.s " another wonder, and one. who in , tie will probably eclipse -both lpis ee • ee Stinday. 13 .; I think, with a! shudd times, of what lite Sunday, -if day af wheel of the world its ceaseless clatt in motion, never a These are mere secidar ess do not aspire even to the lay sermons. Wh t am 'I should dare to wri e other* as a worlding 'I speak Sabbath Duly iu its rigmal ening, as a word that sig i5._es rest. , And in this sense it,- is y mostme and t ought to be by em ells esteeed, ti the very greatest of all the bilesings which tie Aluiiihty benevolence mild be. r day th went r ui r neve ,.pause i Griner ind Dt lug t ine als. erne - bout teat d with t rest and. they ty of 1 at I than f the has bestowed upon 0-uui. Ti Sabbath -breaker of all is the _whois not thankful When. - 'bath comes round. He ma .church three times s, day, austere, in all outward obsei tbut he breaks the Sabbath heart if e rejoices when it i There are many *kind's ofi and I am -humbly dispose that the giving of thanks least acceptable of -them, true that laborcure est orm e, we . are th e week, to praise. s his day of rest lives from morning to .night in a sta of thankfulneSs to -the Al- mighty, the, incense; of praise is -46 411 How Treason Pays. - A blue book of money paid out in regard to the North West Expedi- ticm lies before us. It tells its own story. Rebels and murderers and aid- ers and 'abettors fatten in their re- bellion, but loyal men must suffer. Look at the account: Scott, Richot - and Blacleadoubly dyed scoundrels, get $3,784, for what?' To -pay their expenses froin Fort Garry to Ottawa .and back again, . as delegates from rebels. Priest Thibault gets all he claims for travelling expenses, $3,- 000. Bishop Tache gets $1,000. - Provencher gets $4,106 ; all rebels and all lost nothing. "Look at the other side. Qb axle:Nair loses every- thing, Tet$344. Dr. Schultz had a large store pillaged by .Rid & Co ; Ire claims $69,000. This suni may be high, but think ofit, he only gets for all his property lost -for all his sufferings and hardships $2,131. Dr. Lynch, who was the backbone -of resistance to the usurpation throughout -who lost his all in the rebellion, who wits exposed to cold and dangers untold-getswill it be believed Nothing. Mr. Boyd spent money freely to aid loyalists out of the country, fed them in it, and supplied them, as far as his means went, wieh the necessaries of life, claimed outlay to the amount Of ,..55,000 and was paid • $3,382. That is how treason , is fostered - loyalty treated as a favx pas, and yet Conservatives. are expected to follow such a _Governmeut in its cinnisy trail of ignominy and cry out for the sake of appearances, " God. save the Queen," when the leaders amdone the highest political mimes. --L- Woodstock, Review. e 'worst it grate Sab- o to d be ye noes, i his $ over. arshi p, think ot the it be praying duiing sii days of end may devote the sevent He who thoroughly, enjo confirm 11 y rising ram his heart I do no envy the Man who does not hail the advent of Sunday, and rejoice iu the Rest which it vouch- safes.- assays of an !Optimist. The with th going t papers: The Yorker afterno farmer Mame, are so h .0 0 OP. Too Poor. odel Farmer is follewing story, \ e rounds of the agri redited hich is ultural ditor of the 1?urid .New . , vas sitting in his ofico, one I n some years ago, jwhen a ame in and: Rad + " Mr. I like your paper1, bat times rd I cannot pay for it. - "Is hat sos.friend JiciiiPs T I'm sorry that you are SQ po r ; , if you are so aed run I will g,ve yea my peper." ' " Oh not 1 -can't take i't as a gift." . " W 11, then, let.'s see hov we can fix it. You taise chicke s I be- . lieve." 1 , e y a few, btit they ,don t bring any thin . hardly." ' "Doe t they? Neither does my paper c ist anything hardly Now, I have proposition 0 mak to you. I will continue your pa er, and when you go home you ma select from y ur lot one chicken nd call her mi e. Take good care of her, arad tiling me all the r ceeds, whethe • in_ eggs. ar diicke s at the end of he year and . we wi I call it square.' "Ali right, brother Mo r4,'and the old fellow. chuckled at a hat he though a capital -bargain. q kept the con ract strictly,. and a the end of the ear found that he 1 441 paid about f P ur prices for his pai er. He often t;lls the joke on lain sel , and says he never has had the fl ce o say he was teo poor to take a pa er since that d. y. THE HURON XPOSITOR. all yeti‘ had to do, after hooking them from: the cold spring, was to pop them directly into the boil- ing. The company all xpressed .astonis men tuaclincredulity at this monstrous a sertion, wit1 the e- ceptior4 of laeridan. " know," said 1.e, "o a phenomenon yet More s irpris g .: J. was fikhing one day, when I came to a plane where thete *ere t tee springs. i The first was a ,cold ne stocked *ith fish, the _sebond a boiling spring, and the third natural fountain of m,elted butte and parsley. if 1 "Melted butter and p rsley 1" exclaimed the first tory-t ller, " ropo6ible !" -- Bench, dind ar, by. 1 J. Bigelow. 1 THE ROL ER. --Of 1 all he imple- ments used upon. the f rrn there is none mo e necessary than the Roller Th first and pri cipal of- fice of the r ller is to pre s the soil around the roots of th growing plantsthus moldir efirm the eelI bed and sect ring what moieture is iln ground o the rootlets. When uSted upon gra spring it levels all ineq the sod; and if stones obstacles to the progress of be renioved, many breaka machine will be avoide Bonner's New Tiorse. Mr. Robert Bonner has secured a new equine wonder by the pur- ' obese of the Kentucky colt " -Main- iteino Dertic," formerly the property d Dr. Herr, of Lexington, Ky. Hearing of the performances of this colt, Mr. Bonner went to Lexing- ton, and after due inspection pur- (+eased him from Dr. Herr for a very large price. " Mambrino Bey - tie " is an inbred Mambiino,". and is the son of Dr. Herr's famous horse " Matiablino Patchen," the full brother of the noted "Lady Thorne." He trotted on the Buck- eye course last fall, on an unfav- erable day and rough track, a full mile in 2.42?;-. He repeated it -without being taken out of harness itt ancria twenty minutes he treeted a two-mile heat -the first mile in 2 44, and the second in 2.4 ---without any apparent die- treiss. This time is seventeen seconds faster than was ever before enade by a two year an the trotting tulle ',Feam. this record it will A.nedd e tes Of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Sher dan was once stayirig at the house of an elderly maide dy in the country, who wanted ruTe of his company thau he was willing to give.;Proposine one day eke a stroll with him cthe excused h mself to her on account of the badness of the -we then- Shortly aftet Weird she met hi n sneaking out alone " So, Mr. heridan," said she, " it has cleare up." " Just a lila ma'am ; erioug for one,' but not e Oa h for two." . Asherida,n was enter n court one d1 y, earryirtg his l)(X)kS and briefs u a green lag accorcIui to the custo of the tijne, S011iC of his brothe barrister, thinking to play a joke on him, t rged son I ys to ask hi • if he had old clothos t r sale - ime. 'When used upon ne and, it packs and preven ape o certain valuable s in tle alities n nd oth r he mower cs of that in hay - ]y sowed s the es- ases. in reen bag. -"Oh, no," i Sheridan; " the Tho e who ar tenni: prodigiou have iood ately, their me short. Richard dealt ith these a man er would never all done y a verb ever a monstrou his p sence he P outdo it by bne and c nsign the Sion. by a fals a than us owfl. a spo aing adv "1 as fishin certai cold spr trout, and soon But A 'hat was r a foo was when from th e of boil you sea 1! stantly 013ded are 41 ncs suits." o in the habit of • stories ought to oriesbut, fortun- nerally heridan is se pests in fl)e olinte- h toldr itt vor to coinage, 1 confu- glaring heLtreinsg: in a elicious s mess. i n, not there that, ur fish, ories t4 -e g Brins y menda ir to lii w hituSel 1 prodig story w wo id e •f his nar a hoOt • ntnre one cr ful aught ally s Cold rig w d to c, ES SP \\ SIIOVEL\S, HOE CU+ NAILS, PRES'D N ILS. 13A ; ING-ES, N -DOOR 1111 TGES, (Blacksmith made.) D YBURG'S PLANE 'Al RICAN WATERLIME • eAl,GINED PLASTER. cscrews, to Hire —AT— JO NSON BRO ETERS'. E ARDNER PATENT ftrTg • Ma liine, MAT.T1TFACTURED BY TIIE Ga dner Sewing . COMPANY - HAMILTON, �NT., Is t mac Fan atta son hou pref wit 11 and Machine e best family and thaiufacning me now made ; ,will do all kinds of y Wok. The general works and hments are so simple that any per an learn to work the in half an . Tailors and shoem Ors use 't i rence to any now *de. Jrric in the reach of all. s no gear of any kh4I is S ONO- imPLE. would be well for i tending pa- ella ers to callon anY of t e unde en, - tion d parties and s e thi machine, be- fore purchasing on of nother make. The abOvelmachine an bd seen at work, at a y tirab, at Wil iam irassey'a and. T. • . Anderson's, S afort ; F. Filton'i, Exeter; Mr. Pierce s, Ro lgerville Mr. Fol ey, Bayfield; Fishl igh. & Garry, Ain eyville. PETER G SSIE, 1 Gel oral Agent for thb Co nty of Apron, 1 9-ly S. aforth, Ont. You an get the P-Oaff_.4 NEFIT oF— EliCCTIOIN COTTON -AT- AY, SPARLINC &. OPPOSITE THE GREAT EGG STOItE. 177 I4VMSDEN Has just receilved a Fresh Stok of , PURE DRUG AND [. IVIIOALS y Soaps, Com il Brushes! Fr and American. PERItTJMERY ENUINE YE STU FS. Guaranteed to be of the best qnality: OHE T ilet and. Fan Tooth and N English, ch, Iorse andiCattle Med Conditi8n Powdei eines Physicians pr criptions caref 1.1r and ecurately dispensed. - R LUMSDEN+ SEAFORTH FurnitureWarer M. R IBERTS0 Importer and. minufacturer OF HOUSE110 D FURNI Snch as S, 1.1.1E TABLES MATT _ASSES, EAKFAST T LES, IRS, and BEDSTEADS, In Great Variety. eat con %len c in offer - the public, as he are Seasoned Litm r, and. 'orkmen. SOFAS, LOUNG CEN DINING &B 13.U.KEA CH Mr. R. has ing his goods to made of Good by First -Class 0111S ds URE, • Coffins made to 1 rd.er On the Shortest Notic wool? TURN! Done with INeatness and Des atch. Wa.Ferooms TWO DOORS SOUTH 511 P'S HOTEL Main Street Seafarth, jan'y 21st, 1870. 57 -ft TAVERN FOR SALE T i -LE well-lenlavia and. old. e Hotel, "The Roxburgh H uated in the thriving village burgh; along with the house acre ofland ande good stablin opposite is ' Rock's Mill," largest gristing business in th To a party witli a small capi one of the best stands in the Huron. Apply to the propriet WILSON`,.W on.P. .0.. tablished tel," sit - of R,ox- one-half . ' Right ioing the County. al this is 'utility of r, 171 4f 'uI ad RIM , rn 0 11•11111 - F QUEEN Insurance Cora pany OF' LIVERPOOL & LONDON. —0.—. CAPITAL - a2,000„000I Sterling - CHIEF OFFICES—Queen Buildings, Liver- pool, And Gracechnrch Street, London. CeReaeBRANCHIOFFICE--Ex:chuge Buildings; Montreal. Beene -Wm. Mortomr, Esq., 'Chairman: Henry Thomas, ESq., David Torrance, Esq., andthe Hen. James X'errier, BAKERS-Molson's Bank. LEGAL ADVISERS-- Messrs. 'Ritchie, Morris & Rose. Sea ZAP ort t Foundry! FE Would desire t grea, est CARTER call attention to tke.h- ly improved. 'SEPARATIllt mEnxoALAs—WiT,Fiam$utherland,- Esq. M. D. Suevenoe,--Thornas S. Scott, Esq. .A_ufirron-Thonaas R. Johnson, Esq. RESIDENT SECRETARY AND; GENERAT., AGENT,—A. Mackenzie Forbes, 13 St. Sacrement Street, Montreal. The undersigned having been appoint- ed. Agent for the above Coinpany, parties 'desiring to insure against lses by fire can do so on the most favourableterms. - Life Policies granted on as '11,d.liantage- ous terms as any other respeetable Coni7 pany doing 'business in Canada. JAMES H. BENSON, .; Agent 0:17/./CE-BEN SON & MEYER'S Law Office, Seaforth. Seaforth, Nov. 8, 1870. 153-tf.— - Whieh is able Mac Among its ma tention to the Cylinder is con power THRE NINO NOTICE I s HEREBY GIVEN to all Parents and Guardians ; in the Township of Tiackersmith, whol refuse or neglect- to give notice to the Division Registrar of said:Township of the Birth of a child, tt within thirty days' from the ate of such birth, that they are liable t a fine of from one to twenty dollars, with costs. All such persons will do -well to comply with the requirements of the Law, as the penalty will be enforced. . WILLIAM.i.'dil ER, 1 INN -ism!' Registrar. Tuckersmith, 18th April, 1811. 176 -ti competewith any othcr- me in Canada. y advantages, we call at - following -the way the. trueted-it requires less and is capable of MORE AND CLEANER THAN ANT OTHER. The great complaint among Threshemi always *as, that they could thresh mote - than they could clean, our improved. dritti• •,,.: does away with all these complaints i it- is so construet d as to regulate the wind to keep the riddles from choking, without. blowing any grain over. We lia.ve„, alge-.1 improved our Mills to prevent the grabs. going over with the straw. We would. itvite Farmers andArega- ers, generally, to give Us a call, 'and. exe- c -amine our stock before purchas ng else -- where i we can sell as -cheap as a otlier- Establishment None but the best Material used, and OW very best workmen .employed. , The Nla,chin s we sold last year enabb3, us to say that they gave better satisfap-- tion than any other ever sold in this; county. PITVS. HORSE POWER 1 • kePt ou hand at all times. We would also desire to direct tlip attention of farmers to our - SAWING Ai-TACT:TINES!' NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all person s not to cut any timber or trespass on lots. N J8, E. 19 and 20 in the 5th concession Hay, as the ownet, l'AGL 1). BELL, is determined to punish to the utmost ettreme of the law al so doing. 165-tf 'Whicb are ca to fifty c Superi Gan Cultiva, or, S beam Ploug _FARMS FOR SALE. 111011. Sale Lot No, 22, i3ti Concession ji Township of McKillop containing One Hundred Acres, for y-fi e of which are.cleared. well -fenced, and a never fail- ing stream of water runs through one corner. No buildnigs. AlSo, the unex- pired term of eight years of the lease of part of Lots 27 and 28, 12th concession, with the privilege of purehasing at any time. Purchase Money $1,275, to extend over a period of ten years. This lot is all wood land. Folitfurther particulars apply to the undersigned. • THOMAS STEPIIEN-S, Seaforth. January 11, 1871. 162-tf able of sawing from forty' rds of,.wcocl per day. Ploughs; Straw Cutters„ 'eters. Wooden and Iropr-- , Scrapers, 1Cettles, : All of hich «c warrant to give satisfac- tion, a d will be sold as cheap as at tirty- othe Estab ishment in the Province. REP RI G AND GA TING !! OF it Done on th ,re 14.3-1 'ERY DESCRIPTION shortest notice aid moist sonable terms. ZAPPE & RTER., Fa The WO D'ARDCASH. De er in all kinds of in and D rodface, HOL ALE AND RETAIL. est Price in Money - FOR L AND BUTTER.. Pay, your ees and drive up to Idea store, ODERICII STREET, SEAFORT11. BU'liTER IRKINS for sale and to exchange. 180 -ch No Armistices jiC). . TIAS decl red war against the nie.- cltntile pposition of Seafigrth, a largo and. v tried stock of am nition oat hand, * the lupe of R GOO -AND -- GR CERI SY• Whid for q ality, 'style and cheapnesa, can ot .be conquered with fair play. Th folio ing are special lines :- PAN 1Y RESS GOOD, WIN- CEY (P1 in and Checked,) LUS- TRE .1) PLINETTS, FRENCIL MEI INO, PRINTS, POPLINS,, GRE C TTON, :BLEACHED, DO., FLA 'NELS, BLANKETS,, CLO DS, HOODS, HOSTERY, TLE QLOVES, FINGER- ING) YA eN, READY - MADE; CLOfHI G, HATS & CA TWEEDS COTTON AND FLAN- NEE1 SM. TS, DE.AWERS, SU- GAIiS, ' EAS TOBACCOES,. R A ISINS, .0 URRANTS, &c., Too timorous to mention, AT THE anaillester Use! MIN STREET, MIT ov.. 15, 1'870 152-tf. CHEA LOT FOR SALE., ACR S East half of Lot 29, Twith. Oki Con.,Pulross, County of Bruce,. with Log- use. Eight aeres clear&d.. Pate ted i iddress- Ex Posme , -8'eafot3a,,, or Jea.N. LOCrAN, Ttieswater. reh 31,i 1 Fr 1.. I 1234311 N LOGAN re,