HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-06-16, Page 6• ;•l a About Dreams. 'Vie subject of a " dream eir..g .suested to the brain, the next thing to be noted is, How does the brain treat its theme when it has got it I Does it drily reflect upon it; as we are wont to do awake? Or does :it pursue a course wholly foreign to ithe laws of waking thoughts ? It ddag, conceive,- neither one nor the othei, b at treats its. theme, when- rear it is possible to do so, according to a cel;:. to in: very important, though •riiscure, law of thought, whose action we are to apt to ignore. We have been accustomed to consider the •myth -creating power of the b uman •mind as one especially belonging to the earlier stages of growth of society ;and of the individual. It will throw, 1 think, a rather curious light on the subject if we discover that .this instinct exists in every one of us, :and exerts itself with more or less' energy through the whole of our lives: In hours of waking conscious- -nets, onscious-•nets, indeed, it is suppressed, or has ioQtiy the narrowest rmge of exercise, ;as in the tendency,- noticeable in all persons but of the very strictest veracity, to supplement an incom plete anecdote with explanatory in-. agents, or to throw a slightly -known Story into the dramatic 'form, with dialogues constructed out of our own •onoseiousness: But such small play (of 'the myth -making faculty is no- thing compared to its _ achievements •during sleep. The instant that day light and common sense are excluded, the fairy -work begins. At the very least half our dreams (unless I great- ly err) are nothing else than myths formed by uncousdious celebration on the same approved principles, where- by Greece and India and Scandinavia give to us the stories which we were ,ohne pleas d to set . apart as ." m . ytho ogy " proper. Helve we nett, here, then, evidence that there. is a real law of the human mind. .oaltsin;g us constantly to compose in- gem.ous fables explanatory of the phenomena around us, --a law which - 'ally sinks into abeyance in the. eking hours of persons in :whom the reason has been highly cultivated, and which. resumes its sway even over their well -tutored brains when they sleep i Most dreams lend themselves easily to the'myth-making process, but pre eminently dreams 'originating in sensation or in s nti-- m6at do so. Of triose which rise from memory of ideas only, “we s all k by-and-by. One of the ost ting mythical dreams which .. have come to my knowledge, re- inaxkable also as an -instance of dream -poetry, is that of ,a lady 'who confessed to have been ponde;;ing, an the day before her dream, on the many duties which " bound her to life." The phrase a which I have used as a familiar metaphor became to her a visible allegory. She dreamed that Life—a strong, calm, cruel woman—was binding her limbs with steel fetters, whichbhp felt as well as saw ; and Death, as an angel of. mercy, hung lioyeiing in the distance, unable to approach or deliver her. A Cream twice oet*arred to me at intervals of years wt ere the mythical .character almost assumed the dimensions of the sub - lithe, insomuch that I can scarcely recall it without awe. I dreamed that I was standing ou a certain broad grassy spate, before the doer t of my old home. It ;gas totally stark, and I was aware that ' I was in the midst of - an immense crowd. We were all /gazing b � upward into the murky sky, and -a, sense of some fearful calamity was over us, so that no one spoke aloud. Suddenly overhead appeared, through a lift in in the black Leavens, . i bunch of stars which I recognized as the belt and sword of Orion. Then went forth a cry of despair froiu.all our hearts 1 : We knew, though no one said it, that these stars proved it u was not a cloud or mist, which, as he had somehow believed, was causing the darkness. No : the' air Vea LS clear • rt was high -noon, and the siva had not risen 1 That t was - the tremendous 1'E'i15'al why We be- held the stars. -Thu; sun would never rise again !n I this dream, as it seemed to me, a very complicated mythwas created by my L- unt'onscious brain, wlIic1'1 having first by some chances+umblc,cl on tilt picture of a etowd irk the (1__t e .. 11., 'alai a bit of starry sky over them elaborated, a tecl, to account for such_ facts, the bold theoryo1 the sun not 1)•itr ins riser,: :lt Ween or, (if we like it the other way,) having hit oft the idea- of the sun's disappearioace, invented the appropriate scenery of the breathless expectant crowd,.anci the ;apparition of the stars—Frances Power GCobbe a:2 llczcni.illan's llcr. cr�i;tn. A Wonderful Invention Abel's new combination lcona, now on exhibition, is one of the most wonder full and beautiful of recent inFentioils.It occupies but one-tenth the space )� ce o,r , and accom- plishes ten times more work, than any other loom. . A boy can furnish. enough power for seve i. d machines. The old needle' is uteel, but the bobbins al e so free from tension that delicate threads C1 n be knit and v, oven into a fine strong cloth, The entire o e •a :ic I is viewed at at glance. !Th vatic Masses direct from th bobbi . mots are smoothly 'Neared a d ft.sh bobbins are suppled !with v an interrup- tion. The;i a is ne ressin , beaming, spooling 'r warpin , in ct, the old method i • entirelrev iutionized. The ma bine makes twenty-five yards of loth pe hour. It `take its,own :warp o 1 ling from t no sae bobbin, 'as t le weft thread I wean s a do II that cannot be ✓ yelled, of jute ` ax, wool, cotton o: silk, a d can 1 r+deet fine blan e s, stron cat p is ) oo1 sacks, gu nn c oth, .bag fin , ott+n, !lir en, or silt' xtures ince d 1 nything can b Oven o i knit;, operation i ore not ere s• a beautiful tha t at of the ewi machine. Th i i troduction f t'lir invention {lint g°neral use has a ready commenced a e cl it b ds` fair t greatly rednc pricesclr a of r r . ble: h wee age cloth Many pe ons posse sing small water and steam power, h ret •fore unavails able, will , o be e ale d to success fully cot pete wi the large anufacturers, who by the of ocess required r Ica Imore powe a d room..No peri tied description c• n 410 fill justice to Iths invention'` w ich must be see'i to be appre ted • . Funshon's F lrst'. Start. In a litle isotat • d town in th rthwe4tetrn put o ung pre�.�cher m o e nnall•mean-looking e here was riot one s orable to Christta oundiitg irccamsta as a de ndency , opsdale, as inter nd regard d disse ion or politics as t in . • . people na orant aniprej ud am -like building. n seats, to preach i hat despised.' -chapel grit." Men and ould a few wee tiought it almost id t be drawn there by r qr to earthly p id pled before d the you nk blue e, stirred noble ro IA 1? as Cumberland, a his debut in a thogistchapel.' le element .fa- in any afir- e The town the Earle of el aristocratic, either in reli- unpardonable ow -minded, ig- e • a squire, t i plain woocl- But ere long saw another omen who before h ve meat, be an power stpe- peats never e empty now, fo in, with its s • ooth boyish road hearts e tire -seeking d never been it tsopher how-` ch er, however eesed a two- ve so moved dead—only esus. Sav- uldct' have had it that bright ross, by the ficin, humbled Pc veil many a t among the 1.Y_orley Pim- p of the town ns sleep of 3 broke down t away prej u- n, element of ty.--- were lie a fa" lith© des avid f. the col o les ancil andp orldlings as they h s 'irred beforie. No p e er profound, no to "se, even had the p f+Id eloquence, I co ld t at little ; ity o t t e wonderf 1 nage a t and lee urer w+ fe • disciples there, b y+ung prophet of th m ght of its inspir. ni ny a pro.td ;heart, lo'ty head. Not lea' sir ualphs of William sh.n'was the waking of Whitehaven from. ce'turies. His serum ba•riers of caste, swe di •es, and introduced ,pr grecs undoubedly Gy1 riatian Ulmer. it st se • To st we be fa.i Pr' in 3str a b O r m P le k a a ( to r is 11 fz st a alta for croi b It i'. the bra better next sub,•trste of :al •oniising atur•ely P. n old man- among „us uc 'il .v n ea y tho fill nassus by storm,; le h3 'elf in. patience.I • s. on I kuow; ro�v; not rlc wledge that SUc ess is not attain - b] pea <scu � t� � a a b �' a o� t r step 'al] cl 1 Y l i ji ulp, but , by ardeou ,passages of til ant 1)erseverance) td Isome efforts n' sustained, and, m at of all, by re .ated failures. 11 ib d, ! I know, t iat last word, -; gra if g- harshly lion the ear of youth S>iy, then, wet mollify , y �t alit ] , 4athat «e it of its, outer ca s nceoesness asperity , and ti i tl f ill may do so, my, dear. For these il fres are, as I ha e said, but el pa_nr, stones to sue ess ; grr d?Os c1 Parnassu7)zt, .,-at tri 1 Vurst; noes- s e First Fe,i1 ' es, indeed, if mile ff in us, these failu are grand materia the feeble they 14 mbling-blocks. Tie wretched ikling goes no 'farther ; he lags ind, and subsides into a life of ure. And so by th -s winno\\ing Cess. the numberi o the athletes he great Olympics +f' life is re- eted to a few, and her is clear ce it: the arena. 1Th Ire, is scarcely an old and essful man—wholi ` will not lingiy admit that h e ! -was made his `failures, and ia.t what he e thought his h«fir fate was in ity his good fortune And the i, bright -facet], brigh witted chil 1 1 that thinkest.thc' cadet early. rrn to possess of easy the heerillg the e the right s at the out, for 'uccess.. •e, of ' courSe, tri:i sari and we innleuts of the de. thy tithe.; :7f 57ucc,es n thine efforts now, w he great sucicess of t i es9l u h irrle " 1 tl •tt 1 real gree reputat o destroy good s tp into: f e l h r, dend be - were to )re world ]e hereafter n to <" do las the t ess. Many has _been try; early • i a u», s oat of'15tiogts e' ilaicl d scijSline of rated. I repeat that nt ; blit Nrhen thou artiness' Of the edge, ho hay : gone before 1acl• t -,l in like Js of an a e pre). success. Th fron -or s. the it is feel thin het man the true lckers. nife is w not ')leas st • the sl that all. have be +?.r.—E c THE HURON EXPOSITOR. NEW ARRIVALS .Bon.thron& Have a large stock Spri NEW \\ large stock of FRESH RCF of on Which they will sell ve ch ap. Call and see for yourselves at Shop lately occupied by WM. ROBERTSON & O J. BONTHRON & 0 169-tf the CAVANAG4'S EW BAKERY & CONEECTI i N STORE J. CAVAN'A 1 preps on hand ALL Ki. DS > OF B , Biscuits, Crac CAKES; AND CONF+�CTONERY.. WEDdiNO OAK S Made to order. 1 J. JAV ANAG-E, 174 Main street, Sea'or h. 1. RY BY-LAW. NO. ... 18' 1. To raise by way o loan to Rum of ten th us d dollars, ;for the pure see therein contained. Whereas, The Cou til of 1t�he Corporation of he Township of Steph u, of the. County of • ur.n, have revolved to extend the Gravel Roads nn . g westward, vlz., the Centre oad running t o gh Crediton,. the North Bonn art, and South Bo in- dary Roads, expend g on ach of the Iso n. - Roads the sum of an;• ,500, d on the Centre Ro: d, the sum of $5,000. And- whereas, to carry in effect tho said foci ed object, it will bo necessary f r the Council of ho said Corporation to raise th sum o1 $10,000 in .ho manner Ihereinaftor xreutioneda And whereas; it will require the sum of lo en hhndrod dollars to be raised annually •hy pe int rate for the payment of the said debt and In or st, as also hereinafter mentioned. And whereas, the amount of the whole r tea.lo roperty of the said Municipality of Stephen irr s- �octivo of any future increase of tho sante, an 1 e- epeotive of any income to be derived from th. te• . porary- investment of the sinking fund, here' . al er Mentioned, or any part the oof, according o ho last revied assessment roll - of the said ..un'ci- pality, being for the year on thousand eigh ht . . ih•ed and seventy-one, is 've hundred an f ur thousand six hundred and s venty-two dollar . And whereas, the amount f tho existing d bt of the saidu � unicilinlity.is as f llotvs : principle no h - fug, interest nothing. 1 And wherry s, for paying t e interest r�nd e tt- iny au equal annual sinking f trier for paying - c s 'd sum of ten thousand dollar r and interest as he •o - 'palter mentioned, it Will re uirc au egtiol s icc til ate of two mills and five-tn nty-eighths of i ill ( mills and 5-28s1 in the do lar ia addition to ill the'rates and taxes to be It vied in each yea Bekit therefor/1i enacted b • the Council f t orporation of tho Towushi of Stephen, 1 t o bounty of Huron- 1st—That it shall be lawfn for the Reeve 1 rt • o time being of the said lastest entioned crpo ati n tto 'raise by way of loan, nunany • ors .r 1 warms, bods- or bodies •orporate, vho m y f 1 e willing to advance the ses re, upon the aro lit of t e debentures hereinafter it entioned, a sir n . vice/ling in the whole ten housand dollar., a d t cause the satire to be paid into the hands t f t ra 'reasurer of said niurricipnli y of the Township f , to 1 P leu, for the purposes nd with. the bj et WIC recited. 2d—That it shell; be lawfu. for the said t r cause airy nnnlbar of Glebe e rt r• 6 n r to be ata e f it s eh snows of stoney, not le s than ono hu rdr al. oilers each, ach, and that sued debentures t 4lttlrrt,K Rhfi ua z R .Neil with the seal of the as d. corporation; aid : o s fined by the said Reeve. 8 ', r,d—.Chat the said debentures ` shall bo neer pa -- a le in twenty years, at furthest, from tri cit y er` eruaft r r- 1 e mentioned thi • it) --]sew to take cffe t, e ther in toittlon, Ent landl, o:• some place in ettr - ria sob ,r,.c e do rat •t 1 in said. debentures, and sh 11 b ye attaehepl to them coupon s for tho payment i t u interest rnlf-y. arty. 4th—That the said debentt -es and coupons sh 11 b Wade out l ither in sterliu• money or the curve r c - of this Dominion; at the option of the 6a c1 1 eeve, so that the whole arm lunt of the tab .d bintures shell not' exceed . he be fore•:r rent•trne d, Kinn of ton thousand dollars anel they shall be r interest at the rate of six is r cent. per an urm, which interest shall be lntyab e on the 1h•st d rs if� 3 cnnzuy nod July, in each a'.1' every yens d t toon c trnuturce of the sail 'debentures, a t p ace where the said del/main es 're nettle pay bl nth—T t hat for the purpose forming t rut o:,c of f, 1 7 utun{, t s• 4kin 1 incl for the payment of the said debon .arc•: t e 1r terest at -the rate nfciresnid, to become c tie t.+ort oh, an poral special kntc' of two mills and flit twenty-eighths of a mill (2 in. 5-281 in t e e all , shall, in addition to all other rates- and taxa •, n heel, levied and coldoetc•d hi each year, repot n 1 111 t e rateable pr•operfiy ' , vithin the stria To sus •f S � ip ephen, d ur the 1 mfr ,. th c(rntinnr>Jue,e of the sale d bentnres or any of -thein. Rh—That this by -.law shall take effect nd one into operation upo;n•tho fourth day of illy or- thousnna ei•,ht hundred and seventy-one. 7th—That the votes of the mttnicipa ale:tor 'within the said Township of Stephen on this by law shall bo taken at the duty and hour a d 1 Rae as follows: That is to s'y, on Saturday, t ie t en ty-fourth day of Jure. A. D. 187x, to commen !e a the hour of nine o'clock, in the forenacr, and the trio poll shall rennin o ,er urrtil Are 'o'elo,:k it th afternoon of the slue day, a they Town II it (`editor, and that C 'STI PBO1>T be Re turning Officer. ei Zie The above is a true copy of a propose( by law r .rrr-i •ipa hurt o ilio tion to be taken into taus 41 1/3- the Council of the Town nip cf Stephen,' C Enron, after one nront7 hip the first pu• . of the said be-Inw in true Herr is*Ext>osar >n n •urs Fairer, the date of whidh pub ictttxru was Fri lar, the.Kc•cot:d day of Sant., A. Di 17i, and that the votes ofthe electors o the slid nnnicip slily will 1n tak,•n thereon, at tib aforesaid Isnllin•; pine , in the said Township of t(tephen.1 on SATURDAY the. tw t nt -fourth day) of Jt nc S^ Al ,l, D clattu ytdixcm , 0 of the clock in the r>?orftin;r run Fir five of the look .in the afternoon. . • C1.1E '1 R PI',OGT , I,e11-lt • 'ownship Cle TLD FLAG. H 0 z V) SIN 'H.T,'lIO.IVIS 'Jamas NIVW OF THE RED FLAG. `SObB W�PAIddOH • LLI `JOAO LIMN I[dVII-IO CMOS ?q p Ai"tiaqm. "NO "OW `speahij `s5tlt is `1i2a>rllaAtoti `spuhlioR `SU01400 (4.4Itt,64.put; Sam ''d 'SLUMS HaYlkaA.1,ValI amv `sDmJ TINS ` IiWYHS' 7zItLS1l'I G'NV [ova `SNIvlhflO :NI1Sf Vi (INV' 30v7 'SaVns s -ata a fl1O1Od GNV ff,ZIH1Sci ,s HIg2rAT [2 h `S2T tLlsr2TIrTr r VY O721:12 til ( 'am aso Tl1') ` ►ss'3°ies rTIrIaoa `s IZI`S 1iovZff io fwatisISK.Oa ISU000 1 SPR E. Beg leave to A,ag eco sorz V pdgdddj 481114 Gan an L` AO NOIS INGGOODS. 1 KSCN CO. 1 1 ounce that they are now opening up AN IITRA LARGE STOCK OF PRING GOODS,. partment, and invite an early from customers and the public In every d inspection fn;; general. The goo OME 0 Hick 175 2t s will show for themselves, so 0 8 n's Emporium, EAF0RTH.!> JUNE 16, 1871. S. WIL.SO 0 MH p !PINTOS!' & MORRISON'S J SEATTER,,. EXCEL CHl i\ r -' E G B O KER nd dealer in Pure. H DRUGS 1lI G ,c GALS AND Y�STUf:FS, T PERFGIIEPLY FANOYA D TOILET RTQCLES r Agent fo Sewing llachi es Money to lend on e sy terms. 1-05- Pure Vines and Liquors for medi- cinal purpos >s.' J. SE T. ER, Seaforth, 'ov. 3, 1570. 59-tf. BA -YE s invc tme T .L c 8 and J1 er S EAFORTII MONEY ! ,000 TO LEND. above suns en hand for t On good Farm Security, at eitt.,-Private Tu cls. S. JJOHNzSPORTER. my 25, 1870. 1139.— HINTING. JAM ES WILLIAM Begs to intimate to the pudic that he has removed from Mclntbsh & Mor- rison's Carriage Factory, and has rented Mr. Williain Grassie's Paint Shop, Where he may be found at any time 111r, Williams is prepared to execute, o the shortest notice, all kinds of Carriage Painting, Sign Pointing g )rnamentaI Work. call. Remember the place, ay's Stables- 170-13t and Give him opposite Mu AVOID indiscr ity, premati in vain ever simple mean seutl free 3. -x. TUT York, UA CKS.—A victim of early tion, causing nervous debil- e. decay, etc., haying .tried. advertised remedy, has a of self -cure, Which he will iis fellow -sufferers .1 Address 'LE, 78 Nassau st.; New 162-6m e CARRIAGE FACTORY MAIN STREET, 8EAFORTH. The subscribers feel thankful for the very liberal patronage theyhave received 7 since commencing business in Seaforth, and wish to intimate to their customers and the public generally that they keep on hand and are manufacturing all kinds of whey, work, such as. CARRIAGES, OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES,. DEMOC€ .A.TS, WAGGONS, - SLEIGHS, CUTTERt , &c., i Made up b-ST-Em.X. PERIENCED WORK- MEN, in the very latest styles. We Do No Horse -shoeing, }fiat pay all our attention to the above class of business. Parties who- favor us with their orders willg et good satisfaction. We keep a first-class Carriage Painter. PAINTING Done for country shops, and. old work repainted at reasonable rates. Repairing promptly attended to. Cordwood, _ :Lumber, Shingles and Lath taken in exchange for work. McINTOSH -& MORRISON. t67-tf WM GRASS E, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Goclerich cS'treet, Seaforth.. SLEIGHS, ., CUTTERS, CAR R IA GES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, &c., &c., Built in a superior manner, to order, on short;. notice, - Particular attention paid . to' Itorae 1 Shoeing and General Bl acksmithing. 1631 t HARNESS, ADDLES, BRA) -c.., &c., MAIN STREET, 'EA FORTM. Come all you good folks who want Har- ness, Substantial, low writ u, goo( and crew, At WILSON'S, Main s reet, Eeafortb, An excellent stock y u may view. The stock is owned by.MEe l W) IL N Whose work is so hilly renowned ; The shop is on Main street, Seaforth, Tis a place may easily be form. Here are plenty of bits, bridles and curb Sursing,(es and saddle- so iiu There is nothing can eqaal their maks . They are just No. 1 and 'rime. Here are lots r•f good bl iiketsor whiter That will keep fron> your horses the Bold ; = And the fly nets, so graceful for Am- mer, Trimmed with blue, : een, yellow and Mold. Crack np whips of even descriptio For the stage coach, arriage or nd At JA ES WILSON'S shop, 'Seaforth, May always be had a command Here are sponges and co nbs and rosettes. A11 Useful and good ' their way; With Ing and short tri s in abundance, And Harness that dont break in a c:';`y,. ortmrnteaus and Truln -s of all kinds, Valises of a, quality s icy and rare, f you should desire to purchase, To the shop of J iIES • WIWN repair. Now come, and that delay, Excellent bargains can, t.the "Saddle and Har And remember JAIN the man, vithout fuser ke while you ess Einnothim," ES WILSON'S I keep constantly on h . nd a stock of R'(3NKS, PORTMAN- EAUS, VAL- ISES AND NI' HIPS_ Horse Collars and Blankets, ery article conn cued with t1i business. TRUNKS, VA '. ISES, SS, SADDLES lad BRIt LES, Made to ord r. J. \ ILSON. and ev tuatii 165-t li ec ti ec SEFO TH l‘ili S s, Doo Li D FA CHE the )eral minez ust t ntinu ,and TORY. Subscribers beg 1 it numerous cost atronage extende ting business in at they will be nce ofthe same. Parti ,s intending to b N 11 to give them a call c ntinu to keep on hand ojf all inds of $MIY PINE LUMBER BOO S, BLINDS, I+ • • S MINGLES, LA ev fel confident of givi ir.to th se who may favoi th *ir patronage, as first Blass workm employed Par a ieular attention p I PIa ing BRO ADEOO ave to thank niers for he to them rSeafrn•th, nd fac3redwlth a iild would de as they will a large S och SASHES, �j ULD NGS, fir;., g satisfarcton r 110111 with done but CERT M.4 ;11 are cid to Cusbom & GRAY. IN PRESEr VAT ON OF THE SIGHT R. C OU T E R TATCH3 AKER,A?tiD V JEW E. ER Seafoth_ Ont., sole Agei t for the salt; of our Cclebrat SPECTACLES, wearer, c improve as well 29 el PERFECTED Vie Lenses of which are groin d by iii, froli material manu'actured espe- cially for Optic pi rposea. It is pure, hard, a a dbrtllant, and as near Achrom d tie as 'can be produced. The peculiar io,.tn and scientific a curaey attain- ed by the aid f complicated and costly ma thinery, war- rants :ls" c, ting them hem n as � tc be 1HHE MON ' PERI -11M T SPECTA Az✓L�S LV1•>ly UFAGTUtED. They assts' the sight n(stbilliantly, eon fer easeand u infort on tb, use a continuou .and. abidinf 'ent of the eyes, and Lista areas HAT sFplOendiRd. ISIOAtell-"talind on the Mar et Square, Seafo th, known as go }nisi ess. To an (Int noising man, h som capital, it offers exeenciat ins dupement , being 071 one the laading yerix, and several Town L is, Terms— eafor h, Jan. 23, 1S71, 16441 JI NE 16, 1871. DaifeThelrecnitiinW:ay-risi,)ouftzlYtk]; 4aatherruktisp:oeiire: li.:11:0:tIssill:03esorpffaillEinOiep.al 17:tawn:ht:elginftri .neracproetaT . inc alseee triturates the leavO 711a Ba:(1)krien:iteade:st-e‘ 1°-: s:::: pot, f.0-41 fill up with. ailit' small bag of tea about In tain tpeantity of which, over to the booth •keeper h him. The Bokhariot finds 1 deamilrinker does! to go 1 SchitSehj, that is, tea, flavo milk- ream or mutton fat ! time, vgarlees green tea mannere to cool. the hot ett with the breath ; but the is overeome by fill. pporting elbow in the left h tral,'?a circular movement to the a long the tea takes to dr; lated to e, second ; and. whe is emiotied, it is passed aou, to take up as many leaves 11dd between the thunib --the leaves being esteem peeial dainty. 'When Mr. traveling in Asiatie Lisa to claim the hoapitality tent, plating a large kettl fire, wiped it carefully with tail, filled it with water, a in SoMe coarse tea and a Ii When this was near tIl point, she tossed the tea at a brass ladle, until the lig* very brewta, and then it '% off into another vesael. the kettle as before, the w it agatta on the fire, in o a pas `re, of meal and free Upon this, the tea and s ,eream.1-weae then poured, , put lift° requisition, and time the whole set aside Half-pint wooden. mugs m'e' a tea forming meat and d satisfying- leoth hunger al However made, tea is a, h vention for the Weary ti -ohambers's Journal. How Treason Pa' A blue book of money in regard to the North Wt tion lies before us. It tel story. • Rebels and murdere ens and. abettors fatten. ii. hellion, but loyal men re Look at the account : Sco and Blade, doubly dyed s get $3,784, for what T Tt expensesfrom Fort Gal ry and back again,' as dek, rthels. Priest Thibault , claims for travelling exp Proveneher gets $4„19,6 ; and all last nothing. la other eide. Charles Maki large store pillaged by' 1 he claims $0,000. ThiJ be high, but think of it, ht for all his property lost---• sufferings and hardshia Dr. Lynch, who was tin, .of resistanee to the throughout—who lost h „ rebellion, who was expoa and dangers untold—gets, believed 1 Nothing. Ma a money freeler to aid lot the conntry, fed them sepplied them, 2.$ far as- veent, with the necessart claimed outlay to the - 85:5,000 and was` pe -1 That is how treason is' loyalty treated as a yet Conservatives ; e ciumay trail of ignomii out for the sake of a 4-o-osi. save the quee It-hula:re condone the hia Mr. Itobert Bonner ' a new equine wonder '1) ediase of the ICentuekv ei Dr. Herr, of Loa Hearing of the perfortint colt, 'Mr. Bonner went ton, and after due ins]. ehased him from' Da . very' large prim. " Ma tie '''1 is an inbred and is the son of Dr. R f171.1 ,bro"t131-eiarniobfrintl°ie In).' eye icomse 1•;,t fall, o .'atable day and rough avithcnt being taken ofa in 1444-, and in twentt 7,4:118e.4-inw.1410-1u, taanndy th. tseoore.81.41sTfabsit8er Li:: writ tut& -From th-is rec.