HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-06-16, Page 3PAN)/ their Mr. MeMULKIN ne a the choicest StockS to Seaforth, which, awing on, they are enabled ta oahl say that from the .fht since the GOODS, vOrabie positioii to oar ith arty PILES OF OfJ) YVE THEIR PRESENT' faeihtiesio bun:4g both e eomectjons with game thorough knowledge a sspeetion a their stocla„ he Market this Sea.son. MERINOS, AUK .BARATEIEAS, Clothin ifIN4ENT a cheapest goods, which aiees. plied -with allthf yourselves. EA. OMPANY. 176-tf. onemommormearovrecummmo DWA11 CIRCTILAR SAW. (Sc CO_ OLS, VIZ. Nulty emit -leg, .&e, g,-.xsenz tutd prieett. _ -:CIRCIT_LAR SAW, MON & CO. H LaLa COLLINS hat he has opened N -EW BLOCK, !ROCY.M. the hall FOUR TA - Mays ...Manufacture, accommodations for -als- ra. rill be on hand at all tea - R. W. (OLLIN'S, ' Proprietor. ;141 OF STAGES), *forth ana Wroxeter. rsigned, beg to inform setaorth, thr public aenerally, that STAGE, tot) each ava,y,as fotlawa rch ; leaving p. ; leaving Wroxcter vii Ainityville at 3 v. a with nun ning and ever - eat and saeat, also with f arriat staaea. 'aria awl fast time. ' Liwry fert h. J Calf ."•:TS )NE, %Jeri' storas LINE 16, 1871: amomemmmme• BRIEF NOTES. An plinths postmaster gives no- tice as follows : "After this date everybody must lick their own post- age stamps for my tongue's given out. e --The Post -office Department has an increase of revenue for the present year of over $1,000,000, and beasts that it will soon be aelf-sustaining. Virginia editor has received a communication from Miss Anna Matilda Sophia Electra, Dolla Ann Potter Bell. It's a treatise on -what she knows about baptism: —A desk ,Benjainin Franklin is suppoPecl to haVe learned to write on was put up at aue.ion in Newport, R. L, and knocked down at the - princely sum of ten cents. —at is said that the New Jersey watering places are rapidly filling tap with mosquitoea, and never be- fore were they so thoroughly organ7 ized and confident ofsuccess. ---a-The editor of the MeDuffie Jour- nal, Thomson, Ga, has received a 1 branch broken from an apple tree, containin.g forty apples within a space ofifour inches. --The San Antonio Herald esti- mate § tile amount of money ex pe nded in the cattle trade of Western Texas during the last three months, at one niIiion dollars in gold. . Londen comic paper has an - illustration wherein a sheep:faced officer of the Guards is rein esented as indignantly exclaiming,"By Jove! Promotion by mcwit. What a deg - wading ideaw !" —The fish in -the liver at London, Ontario, are dying by hundreds, and lving along the shore. . The Free.Press attributes the mortality to noxious drainage from the gas Works. ---;4 A foreign nieCical journal re- marks nat the most warlike nation of modern times is vacci-nation, be- aause it's alwaya in Arms. We always thought on the coptraxy; that itvs a cow-ardly• affair. pious son in Kansas City, has manifested his reverence for his father's memory by having a com- plete set of furniture made from the tree on which the old gentleman Wriii hanged. • —.4h, Peekskill man writes to the editor of the local sbeeathat " youl gtt yur bed puncl+d if vou print in your paper that my yt'hadtwins." To be made a plural father at one fell swoop is enough to give any man a " bad spell." • —.Recruits. for the Britishinfantry of the line must now enlist for 12 years, neither more nor less, and: it is acondition of the engagement that six years of this period shall be passed with the Colors and six with the Reserve. the expiration of the second term of service, the soldier will have no title to claim any continuous engagement as -of right, nor will be have earned any pension, unless .by casualty in the course -of duty. —The early -commencement of the hot. season reminds ats of the dangers of.gun-stroke and the precautions to be used. Leaves in the hat are com- mended for those who live in the country. Anything moist: over the bead, whether cabbage leaf or a wet handkerchief, will serve the pur- pose, while those with venture to "carry bricks in their hate will be surest to succkimb. • —.Sernion-manufacture in England appears to be on the increase. A writer in the St. raul's magazine thqs that there ate now a dozen per- sons engaged in the trade. They fur- nish a half-guiliea article when great flights of eloquence are desiderated, but the erdinary supply is on much lower terms, averaging is. 30. to is. 6d. a sermon, postage paid,. Two sermons a week at this rate would amount to £5 4s. a year. In other words, an annual sum of twenty-six_ • dollars gold would secure to a coun- try parson. all needful sermons, without any wear or tear of brain. —" What the thing is," said ]'Jr. Froude,"'which we call ourselves we ' 01 • know not. I may be true—I for -one care not if it be—that the des - mat of our mortal bodies may be traced through an ascending series to some glutinous jelly formed on the rocks of the primeval ocean. It foOt, the color of, the eye, the shape. of the finger nails, and theform of - nose and chin, are all supposed by some investigating persons to reveal something of the individual's peculiar dispositien and temperament. One poet is of opinion that A gray eye Is still and sly , A roguish Is the brown, The eye of blue Is ever true ; But in the black eye's Sparkling spell. 1 • 1 AMnydstegischief (1we1] 1 We haa.re- known, however, these sin d to be'false in many iestances. GAIETIES., ' I Cincinwiti stationery a4 Pig -pen. Deadly Weapons—Girt slings. On the trail—Luxuriant whiSk- M. Woman's Kingd ner'S shop. A Melancholy IW lk—Going dow hill. Early Training—Leaving town by t e morning express Domestic ma.gazinesal- 'Wives who bloy up theirbus ands. 'Do write and f a not," is wha the girls say to t er corres- po ents. ' "Well, there is sqm thing in that" as tbe man ,sai 1. when he tri'e to put a bootk_Onairith a kitten in it Lv test Railway Mar el, ----Gent, "I say, porter, when does the next ,trai start 1", "Irish porter—" The nPx train / Sure the nixt train has go n -tin minutes ago.—Punch. "I declare, mother," Said a pret y little girl, in a riwetty little way ," 'tis too bad. you always send me to bed ,when i I am, not slee and You*always -make me get up hen I am sleepy. A young miss in a recitation in geog •apliv, informed he astonished tette] er tiaa,t, "the matrimbth caravan in entucky, is the gi4ea.test living curi sity, and has been xploded ten mile from its mouth." I • "You must not i'lav in the stree s with the boys, m dear; you are even years old," aid an old lady to her little-grancic ild. "But, gran lma," was the inn cent reply, "th older I grow the etter 1 4ke the oys." . A youngster, whils er of Genesis, tu er, inquired if th days used to •do d. It was discov ecu reading the pas ns of mai multipli f the earth." everend Gentlem come to church as sed /to, Mrs. Ch —"Ndi sir, I but I °tighter, I'm as a deal- o' mea 1 chap mot thos 6arou had the s face don't you Chop don't you Pune Bedf. woul Sund. gave love throu oally will. thos our • 1 • perusing a ning to his people in urns on the red that be age, "And d upon the 11— "Yon ften as you ps." Mrs. knows I sure, 'cause of us"— he Rev. Dr. We t, of New rd, once beard- that the choir refuse to sing' o y. When the d ut the hymn, "0 the next v came be me. ye who he Lord." Afte • reading it b; he looked op re 'y qmpha,a- at -the choir, and :aid, "You egin at the second verse, "Let • efuse to sing who is ever knew od." The choir s ng. *low - The Tunker 11 • Tbe Tunkers have o book- of forms of faith. They have and use only the Bible and the iyuna 'book. In cases of offences cols !bitted by -members; the accused is Tied by the Bible, and .su,ch punish sent nieted out as is suggested by the New ,Testament for the offe 1 ce named. We have no idea of -the number of members connected wit the Tun- ker C:iurch. In, the val ey of Vir- ginia they are anion th most nu- merous of the ie1igioits denomina.- tions. Their ministets labor with- out remuneration. Thy ha.Ve no paid officers in the Church. Churches are. erected an 1 other ne- cessary expenses are met by the vol un t ary contributions . of the membep. They„ have o paupeis. "WheneVer a member- be omes help- less and infirn4 and 11I1' ble to take care of himself, the Churc1 maintains him. 'Thus .a Tunker )auper has is nothing to me how the Maker of -never been kndwn. The Tunkers me has beea pleased to construct the are almost aniversally ag iculturists. , organized substance which If call my They .gienerallyi aie go • d farmels, body. It is invine, but it is not 9n,eand aa-thlotedfer their fr galicy and The intellectual spirit, being an industry: As a matter of course, assence, we believe to be an itnperish- they are succes fuI farme $. * Their able something which has been children are br tight ui under the engendered in us from another most ,tringent rules of morality, source." Hence the Tunl -er boys .nd girls, as a generat- thin , are e arnples pf sound moralit and pia; jriety. It would be a, wo der to si a young Tunker drunk, 6r to record a viola- tion of the proplieties by the daugh- teis ef a Tunkel.. They ,t le opposed to litigation and lawsuit Contro- versies between the br hren are settled among themselv without referring them to the Ge tile world. --The Ruasian authorities are hurrying on their preparations for the campaign against the Khan of Khiva. The soldiers are , being rapidly practised in the iv of the breech -loading rifles on th t -Berdan system, as well as bieech-loading aamon. The central point of the Rnstian army is the town of Djisk. Troops are being despatched from Orenburg- to attack Riva on the side of Usturha, and other divisions are proceeditig from Krasmowdsk. Great. excitement prevails Bokhara. —Various. personal peculiarities are thought ta be indicative of character. The color and fineness the hair, the shape of had and HOLISE,AND LOT FOR SALE. "rpHE snbscriber offers for ale a large franle cottage, 30x40, ne d_ a cor- ner Village Lot, opposite t ie Baptist Chureh, Seaforth. Faria property woull be taken in exchange Apply on the premise. 172-12t f ALEX_ Me lhaUlt. mT E H U famommi ON EXPO8ITOR. LADIES 0 1R, ir And surrounding country le Stock is now complete T. KIDD' 'VIPORI :VI — OF — FASHION et; rd r6 ri:S CAS tA 'CA 'CA '14 t4 tP AP tP tf, tP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 vs5 s -a sa'A Q. se te) 1'6 yk•A 'r; CI)P NEW MILLINElkY In all its branches. pindid Trim. ed ATS AND BON ETS. From 50 cents upwards. SILK .AND VELVIlTE N MANTLES'I in all -styles, and at all -pric s. aseaaa. WANTED! 1 O0 Canadian Volun For the Red River Territory, to my Hats, Caps, Clothing, Boots before leaving. ItEIVIEMBER I 1eep the bast and largest Stock ce es, Crockery. Liquors, etc., e • in Seaforth. Bost $1 Tea for 90 cts. eers, rchase Shoes, of Gro - c. kept lb. r‘RICTLY ONLY ONE PR CE THOS. KI 175 ers. Se forth, April 12, 1871. arranted by the Ma TIELE RUISSEL 1,VA CH For Darahility, Quality) Finis and 'Neatness, CANN0TJ BE EC-411,1LE i . ew stock Oi the above Watch s ju t I receivecL In A COXPLETE STOCK OF 7E GOLD AND SI JJIWELRY ALWAYS ON HAND. atches,, Clocks and Jewelry des ription repaired with neatne dost atoll,' and waftanted to give fact on. -$t ,000 worth of Old Gold and wan ed, for whrch thehighest p cas or trade Will be paid. M. IL COUNT 179 Main street, Se ER every s and satis- Silver ice in forth. FELLOWS' YPOP'110SPHIT S. As Cong thealiseases overcome et the nse f • - Fellows' Compound Spirit of • ypo- . ahosphi tes, • Are -Constipation, Asthma Con ump- oti 0 p, Laryngitis, NervOus Debil:ty, Dyspepsia, Chronic Bronchiti Chronic Diarrhwa. Melancho y. ‘bility resulting from Typhoic and °the low fevers. Diphtheritic P ostra- tiOn Hysteria,' Hapochoxidria,, men- norr oea, Chlorosis, Ancemia, Le corr- hoc , N ervous Excitability, Maras' us or was ing of the muscles, Aphonia o Loss • of \ °ice, Chorea or St. -Vitus' ance, Sin 'sinless of the Liver, Interr ipted and. eeble Action of the Heart, Su ocate ing eelings caused by mucous ob true - tion of the lungs .and air 'passages lead- ing . hereto, and debility from v lions cans sarnany C6,SOS ofwhich ap eared hop less. Sold by apothecaries. 'rice, $1 5 ; six for $7 50. . JAMES I. FELLOW- , 180. 6t Clienaist, St. .JOhn, N B. le BU .11 FARM FOR SALE C EAP TUNDERSIGNED offers fo sale, heap, Lot o. 30, Con. 15, tem • ship of G ey, Co. Of Huron; about 70 ac es of this lot are timbered' with 'hard vood. four acres of which are chopped, tie bal- ance is timbered with cedar and p • e of exce lent quality. There is suffici Tit of this atter timber to pay for the hole lot. The lot will be sold CHEAP FOR CA II, or on time. Title inclispu able. For rther particulars apply (if y let- ter, repaid) to Adam Gray, Pla,nin rMill, Seal rth, or to the amdersigned p oprie- tor. RODERICK GRAY, Thamesford, P. 0. ameeford, Nov. 9, 1870. 15 -a-1 LOOK. Orr, YOUNG- . MFS. NEW COLLARS, 1\1" IP s NEW SCARFS, RECEIVED AT K. A 1\1) E S 0 S CLOTHING AND FURNISHING HOUSE. FIVE THOUSAND OF THE NEW PAPER 1DOLLAR, EVERY BOX CONTAINS A .P1UZE, (Soi very valuable.) COLLARS --Franklin Great Western, St. George, Dead, Shot, Bishop, Eureka. TIES—Elite, Bon Ton, Sappho, Lothair, Clipper, Crown. SCARFS—Cabinet, Grnd Duke, Vim Moltke, Bismarck, Crown Prince, Con- queror, Pall Mall, General, Marquis, Correct Scarf, Standard. T. K. ANDERTON'S Noted -Furnishing House for Boys, Youthd altd Men. SEAF011111 May, 1871. 179 -ch CHEERING PROSPECTS FOR .&N' ABUNDANT HARVEST The present favorable Spring weather warrante both farmer and mechanic in making timely preparations for the com- ing harvest. THOIVISON ILLIAMS While thanking thei patrons for the lib- oral- encouragemen accorded. them in the past, would cordi ly invite the atten- of Farmers to their choice assortment of Harvesting Machines for 1871. Our Ohio Combined Machine, 1 'With Johnson's Improved Self -Rake, has given complete satisfaction for the past owo years, and is now offered to the public with the strongest guarantee for durability and perfectwork.. 1 /The Cayuga Chief, Jr., Mower, Which has gained for itself a world-wide reputation is again offered as the most durable, handy and best working Mower known, being constructed in the body of the machine entirely of iron and steel, and with it we defy competition. We also offer the Joh,nscm,'s Self -Raking Single Reaper, w, hich took first and second prizes atPro- Vincial Exhibition, 1870. This reaper is cknowledged to be superior to any other attern now in use, as it cuts perfectly, akes up lodged or tangled grain better t an any other rake Or reel machine, and ‘:1 u cuts equally well from either sid.e of the field when wind is strong from any di- rection, can be -raised or lowered when in motion and is very durable. We invite inspection -of our machines and mode of manufacturing by pur- chasers before giving orders elsewhere. We guarantee satisfaction in every ma- chine, or no sale. TERMS EASY. The agriculturalists of Perth and ad- joining counties will not (we believe) be so bhnd to their own interests as to give their orders to shops more than 100 miles east, when there are first-class works in their midst, building largely the best machines, equal to any of the sine machines made in the Province. Call and see Ira. -send in your orders b mail, or deal with our agents, as in e -ery ease you will get a perfect ma- chine, and on the same terms as your neighbor. Our larinciples of business and prices being established and uni- form: All other kinds Of implements con- stantly on hand. STEAM-ENGINES BUILT, And all kinds of MILL WORK done promptly. Address THOMSON 4S1 WILLI A MS, MITCHELL, 10 -ch Ontario. 1 UR) ITER E CI—TE.ZK.173 A 'I' HOS. BEL THOMAS BE Is now prepared to manufact ture As Cheap as the Ch Parties -wishing to buy who be supplied. at , Toronto Wholesale WARE ROOMS OPPOSI_LE KIDD'S. WORK SHOP, CORNER 0 KET SQUARE. TURNING done Shortest Notic 1Sa re's farad- apest. eeile can rices. HOMAS MAR- 11- the • COFFINS kept constalitly on hand.P. 0, 'A HEARSE FOR HIRE. Arrived tq-day 500 NEW •SPRING DRESS JS, -AT S T. C1- 1•T riiB- 777. A, G. MO DOL. GALL: LOOK IIERE SUTHERLAND BROS. Are now prepared tosupply GENTS' CLOTHING Cheap and Good. Parties are requested to call, compare prices and judge for them- selves. Those bringing th.eir OWN CLOTli, will have every attention paid to them as formerly. We Warrant all our Work, And are bound not to be beat, either for PRICE, FIT, or FINISH. Men's and Boys' CiaOrriiii\T Out with care and economy SUTHERLAND BROS., 171-tf Opposite Carmichael's Hotel. MILLS FOR SALE OR TO RENT! -0--- MHE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR 1... SALE or to Rent, on easy terms, THE VARNA MILLS, Consisting of a Flour, Oatmeal, and Saw Mill, all of which. are in gcod running order. - The Flour Mill contains Four run of Stones and the interor is well finished, and all the machinery M first class con. clition. There is in connection a good Dam, and an abundant supply of watei to run all the mills the year round. These mills are situated in the centil of A splendid Agricultural country, and a rare chance is offered to any penon. desi- rous of embarking igthe mill.ng business. There is also an eteellent opportunity of BORINC FOR SALT on the premises, all the works for which co-uld. be driven by yTh-aeabovetrproperty is situated Six miles from Clinton ; Six from Bayfield, 'and Eleven from Seaforth, with good -gravel roads leading to eaehplace. 1 For farther particulars apply to the • proprietor, on the premises, or to Varna W. TURNER. ; 170-tf Vis..taTA, August 11, 1870, 140— 177-1- 3 liscormanniazzome GU4PH SEWING MACHINE CO. 1TH OSBORN - -.<---'''' • •-"T4Mr...- 11--•-j:' , . ..- li • ' ....., a naci..4....,......41 1 4N .: ;kie'APte • •-• 0 --Stitch Sewing MACHINE. T °used) s throughcut Canada are no using these machines. They have bee teste beyond all question, -make the favori e lock -stitch, alike on both siths, and are pronounced superior to any other machine offered the publie. For wide range of work, perfection, bea ity an 1 excellence of mechanism, ada, tabilily, strength and durability, Th Osborn Sewing Machine Has Ho Imp ovements have lately been maa e, en ling the manufacturers _to claim it as the ne plus ultra of Sewing ma.ehines; Hundreds of testimonials are being reeei -ed daily from old as well as new °per, tors attesting its wondertul . Mill do all kinds of do - medic sew ng, from the finest -cambric to the coarzest overcoat or upper leathelr. G UARANTE D TO BE AS REPRESENIXD# OR N SALE, WARRANTED FOR THREE YEARS. The 081 orn Outfit is complete and reaaily- comprehended. Is sold at one- half the p ce hitherto charged. for ZIA- elliOs doi.g a like range of work, the manufactu ers being determined to place it within he reach of every family in the ,count TRIAL YEVOitt PURCHASE W1li conu vin e all hat our Inacith,es are un- tqu T E G 3 EIPH REVERSIBLE Is Tire-emii ently the best Single -Thread Ma hme o fend to the public—hence its rna4velous uccess Will do allvarietiSs of dornesti sewing. PaliiEs GREATLY BEL UCED. Hand M chine, with full outfit, $r2; Treadle de ., $17. Car Each machine guarantee CAir A gen s wanted everywhere. Splen- did induce ents to make money. Apply to GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO., 'ELPH, CANADA. W. N. ATSON, Agent; 180-ly SEAF0111:11. 1 TO THE w. PUBLIC AN LARGE! a OLIVER, SIGN ole TILE SCOTCH COLLAR. 094 A !choice sortment of light and heavy harnass, wh las, bells, horse clothing, etea kept eonsta tly on hand. Repairin promptly attended to, and char es /110( era,te. Remember the plaoel sign f the Scotch Collar, Main Street, Selatittfil. W. IT. OLIVER. • ESTRAY CATTLE. STRA.YE from the premises of Mr. Robert iettle, Lot 7, 3rd Concession, Hullett, ab ut the 8th. of April last,- two Steers, thre years old, one red, the other spotted, bo h marked with the letter IC on the left ide ; ,one 3 -year-old Heifer, with dark s des and white back and. also - marked: o e red Heifer, two years old ; one yoke ,of .wo-year-old Steers, one spot- ted and Wi h a white face, the other nearlis,,, whit with some red around tho neck.i Any person giving information about, them will be liberally rewardei. ROBERT KETTLE, 1S.4* Lot 7, 3rd Con. Hullett, LIME. milE Sub criber is prepared to furnish 1 parties uilding with a iirst-cIass ar- ticle Of Stoi e Lime, at 20 cents per bubh- el at the kiln, M cKill op,- near Thom - son's saw -n or 22 cents per bushel deliv red. in Seaforth. Ordeis left with Mr. BULL, Main- _streq, Seaforth, will meet with prompt 17 -tf JAMES DODDs, atten McKillop. THi1i Gill AT FEMALE REMEDY, ) JOB MOS S' PERIODICAL Thfs well known medicine is no -impo- sition, but a sure and safe remedy for Female Di ficulties and Obstructions, from any ea Ise whatever ; and •although a po.4erfu1 emedy„ it contains nothing hurtf Ito ti e constitution. T� t o Macri sui on t e Mon and a, thong 4 Ladies it is peculiarly vill in a short- time bring, My period with regularity, 1 very powerful contains no- thing hurt/ 1 to the constitotion. In all cases of N rvous and Spinal Affections, Pain v th Back and Limbs, Fatigue on sligh exerti m, Palpitation of the heart, Lowl ess f Spirits, i1vstrics, ick Head aches, diseves oc tem, these all ot Th fail Page ier in se Ptl here t f ia • full free, )f the OB 108 ES, $1. )0 an close to N Ont., gener .will nsure pills y ret C Sold i Co., and 3L Lunisclen ; Stephens, Mite 01 ; T. S. Coombs, Clinton, and all cdieiin Dealers. NO' THR iP & "LYMAN, Neweastlt, &le .gents. 160-9 Whites an*i all he painful a.sioned by a disoidered sys. 'ins will effect a pure when ans have failed. s have never been directions on phlet are well ob. )articulars, get a. pamphlet, gent. N ENV YORK, SOLE PROPRIETI 12,1 cents for postage, en. irthrop A.• Lyman, Newcabtle 1 agents for the Dominion, bottle containing over tiO rn mail. Seaforth by E. Hickson and • known to lie second erred, a ; ▪ ,