HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-06-16, Page 22. • r N EXPOSITOR: • TIN 16 1871. A CHANCE COMPANION. BY L YIN 0. TEES. " A. rolling stone gathers no moss, is a saying as true es it is trite. It is not a very pleasant tic- ation to disparage one's self, but I am afraid I roust admit that I am a, rolling stone, and, if moss means money, the h finely old saying well applies to me. 3 Well, l have seen a great deal of the world, and a great deal of life. It has cost me many years that no doubt could have been more po- fltably spent, it has deprived me •of reftrieg a numerous family to com- fort me in my old age, though I gru ain't say I mourn much on that ae- not count, and my travels have often coni ;any," been the cause of my troubles. To " Ah 1 Do you thin illustrate this latter circumstance in he 's only your bad some measure will be the occupation shal see." of this article, • e pushed ast the , ervant, and, It has been near] th rt ears telli. g me to ollow him led the y y y since I, a young and inexperienced . way tapering the oor, , w ;entered , aback thro igh d• kharid, youth, gathered. alll possessed of au(! it fitted i t tables good solid dollars into `my money g Y p " room belt, and strapped said belt around at e -ery wind w, whey. *ere seated risen .and�-wvo en air •ed in the nay waist, keeping it well concealed � � under my clothing, determined on height of faShi n, and 1 i1y epgE g- seeing some of the world I hacl ed • t the po ular ga a of cards. e were in a gambliu + ell ut I 'peen but little of the world before J b �'. ver did . of know lit they. was from •Duntry, a d had n r heard of four storey brick house, and was en- terecl by a high flight .f stone steps lead ng to • the 'door .fro the pave - men . The door had a large brass kno •ker appended;, • wit 1 which my cote anion gave a viole • t rap. servant came to th.: door. I My frie d might have bee the masher ou hilt w of• t e house, b t if � h a§ he had not much respect ,s own' him ill 1. 'Pell, Dallis," he it}d to .the seri• int in a friend y I tortilla tory manner, " yob I ` have re turned, old boy. H w is :your mist•ess 2r, " Well enoug n h,` I gal • s's " wars the > answer, but 1 reckon she's particular about aving your so 1 Ma>!y- zimor. We made this decision, hating ne p® laces. a maJ ) y of those bit now I hsur :ad money, and • would damage my character of a stay -at- at t e table were too b with tae horse to that of , fly -about. game to atter . to us, a di not It was winter, tirne, and [ deter_ lift their hea s at ou, • qntr .ncle rained . to see the South, first resew-- but one or twc of, them ne ed ate�l y ing my visit to the Western States ret. dnzecl 'm companio � until warmer weather. In those "$alloo ! you've 3q btck ! good old days travelling had to be said one, in astonish', lit, start - done either in stages, steamboats, or .mg ; lI' i " do ou want tb bi ng tae allips. As I was bcund for Charles- lioli'e'" `sc ton first, I found. it most convenient Hush !" aid m y P anion, to choose a -ship, From Charleston "w eat are _yo talking t I began to travel over towards ° ` Then, takin the m ho had New Orleans; then I found the spo:: en aside, he whi ei&d some- `stages and steamboats the most th' e g in his ar I h:ic lig rt convenient It was while riding enmisR iving tha they wr . taking alae of these stages that the cir- w'e, for I s'lw both .E of -them ahi e cing furl• vel at and. thimstanees forming the interest of b ' g Y y story commenced. Susi icions wet'. slightly ousel. rayWe were nearing New Orleans. . "ou must not think ythiztg of We were taco—a gentleman fellow- a'h I said, to my old l in, here," passenger and myself. If was a . said the man, ad'dressin me " ' f dull time of the year, and passengers com se it wee . my my f Charly were not numerous on any • part of say you and he have galled 1 a the journey. My fellow passenger goo( ways, ani are bot : s hungry was a tall, dignified gentleman, well as oIves , so if you .cep' back dressed and bearing many marks of into the dining' room -e'll soon good breeding, affable, courteous, hay °a comfoirtable sop for von. and easily approached. It is not I was pot reassur- by this necessary to give a detailed account apol. y fio lumsily mad but I did of his personal appearance, but there not -now what else to . than to was . enough about him to ` denote accet. t the blunt' hospital' of 'urine to the South. host -I felt that I hadb. into bad that be belonged b Being a Yankee, of course, I was Com any, but then non • 1 of hem the first to, begin the conversation, kne v I had money on y person, by asking a question. for had corninunicated at feet to " Do . you know how far we nobdy. have got to go to reach New Or- T t.e supper was a very :ood one, loans:, and after it they broug t on smile He had got out a newspaper, and win , _ 1 had never in the was preparing to read, but instantly. habi ' of using spiritu : liquors, gave nue his attention with the ut- havi, g been taught by 1' ClIrisi- ian mother not to taste t accursed most courtesy. " The distance is not much over thin but on this occ ' • i • n I was thirty miles from this place, I °term ted to take 'one' gl as my " con anion pleaded so ha • with me chink, he answered.. I know the thirty-seventh mile -board was to t• ke it, I foolishly E amed of placed at the last station where I n.o d anger in doing so, lift . thinning got in." one lass would affect m brain > + " It struck me as rather' a had lever heard of absin e. drel,try shot," said I referring to the AN el], one glass led tri, wo or E . e;,ation. Afte • that I don't know 11i w many " It is not the most pictt�,resque. I cls nk. I have but • a light re- place in the world, certainly," he colle Eton of being takltr back -to answered .with a smile. " But I. the zoom where they :w gaming, step there lune. I came and being asked, to . I re- did nots 1 P crown fzoi°it. one of the. upper cowl- >xrezuber ti[ze i. tan e about tries." my 'raving no; money, and my :diS- " Are you going to in New stop cave •ing myl belt to show them Orleans 1'I inui eta, had. • After that all . ie indistinct T propose doing so. Doyou stopecce it a motley reme brance of r 1 oath., . and the. grinning aces of the " Well, yes," I answered, after the hum to devils as they gathered aT' un11l fashion of 111 countrymen, " I rather cher} liiey: j think I shall." It was late next mo 'sing ere 1 "t 1 should not tlairtk you were a - in I found myself' lying in bed native there," he said . iticltzil ingly. in a • iaLndsonaely furnish. d chamber, �` A total stranger there 'perhaps `?" and outs oi_e lying be ide me• I 11z15crc1°ed iu the ;alive -ire. raise 1 myself up to look at' him. It He then told methat alt] ;ugh he was ay chance°companion, Charley' was not a regular " resident of the Truman, as he called himself:_ I city lie lied bttsinese that compelled had a clreaclfttl lain in ee,y: head, and bat to live there off and on. He this was heightened• m n d h Y l ` had an establish-wentthere that cut . over what had ha penecl the before. It; seer red like . a. I had - had ins ezd of the y. 1 felt hurriedly . t my waist high, e (1ecia'ily in the -winter; and 1 for my money belt. - .It was . gene. he concluded by inviting me to bel 1 has, had no dream, it as all real- llis guest during my visit to- the -1 ity, sill, sad reality - t retie n t City. I I accused my coxa pan' on- of sav- I thought rdthee. strange of this ` in brought' ine to that house and hos llitc,cble ofie r,-ceoming ,to it did ! dnnz ing inc for the purpose of from an entire strauger whom an 1 i•ol f.lt ryr. He vehemently genie all Hour before I had never .land eves ! such action, -and. furth . r ' deal: red on ; but, as. 1' sztid, I was' s pung and than le had been "clean ,d oat him uneespecting of guilt,, and could ser: I self U the same parties.'- After A no harm in his ,offer. . 1 attributed i tor•reut of condolence which I did it to the famed ho:pit:r.lity- of i clot )etie\'e 'al, 1io d o . he. paid Southerners, and accepted his invi-- he _NN ould not see me want, for tatioI. - - I it he could only rake up enough, to In due time WO reached N'ecv Or- I give 1 iln a start'ai gain at the .gatnicg hams. Neither idler of us held much table he would soon win enough to Lageage to trouble us, so we ilii; pay oth our expense .• If we' mediately •ly stau t. (1 fur in' coneatnioe's i could get enough atone we could domicile.' lie put 11 t al in -through go to Tacksrnr, Miss., wh:re he bad i lou: inline in a f riend l sr ne,is' we ! rc.lati es,rand where- hs .said,: sr..e agar welked throttel1 the sere •t-, explatl- ; woulcl make out 's ell e iugh. irtg to UI( tIR' ,diffet ut objects we d- "Oil, you need -not be fraid," he met. -1 found his conversation very s>iid i 1 conclusion , " yo will never agrc'ezzble, and titiitai- e l my st.u:s fpi /'t.aarve while you have me for a f,uc1i1FT ;u Icica:t4.tnt at companion. 1 if •rit�nd 1 will show you 'low to live f:3ztucl his hawse, when we l(ached it; + ori \ 0111 hits." to be 1'oee t& 11 in at sae y teak(rta(,le I 1 Jit ` was l �:• eor,Solace f r the oss sate t1011 of il:s rite . edging fre111 tilt! - of my,'money, blit it was the be.! e. t 1 bun/Mak/lin oUiltilli l'tll:t iIng:-. It was, a .' could ret.,, 1 wa.s too i served Ilim for a hv°ni.e v; Bile in the nigh city v ithout his troubling the ho- ; dreaar tell, where board was scandalously t e ways of the N a magistrate and gi o what had occurred of getting my n e len enough to pay nses. , I was left P to m hE st st w st _had wo t e da h.dmo h>s frie We res w pi t, ree se gers w o ha inn sla e sla a str turn Lnge city, an to money but companion was e said. it was my on rvatilon. That day we went amen lying at Ne s d rich orld t e info so I oney b necess one, p had my clo a ne' ck, ry to ion no or ex - nil es, oth ng hes. If rnest >nwat y chance from. on board c Orleans t fa rat stirred for Vicksburg, from lace they would take the ge fdr Jackson. . tt si tl t b ing carried to 'plan si •siphi and Arka t ese there • were No w re ging to St. Lou shame , and from the Iy companion considerable money' during and he assur d me that he 'e than enoug .to see us to• ds at Jacksob et with, the usual ile passing up the Vicksburg, a dist undred mile... T were mostly Soutberne been to New es or on othe es themselv ia advert- Mi is of as - vs, Orleans b ty- business, . nd s, who w re nce e '1 b ti w fr a tc fr bi fo st th th ar. a ti be ti al rail. My me at na m a ing t n. I nds 1 arri In d i'g- nd rted ere would not be another u> til t day. Sc I went to .a .II aged rooms for the night. supper, .t:s I was very tir to . bed . leaving Tru an e stairs, he baying he Evan ed a few dollars before he I had mit ` been in bed long was aroused by a knock at of my room. I opened it, the landlord: ng man," he said to e and his. face as seen by he held was s white and agit�at- clviseyto leave—b the u y .r would 'be the best. I Pee I -I t ations in 1lr,l.s- as. i3esi •therners, s s, by -Way ceto theE mpanion. spent most of the card Utile, where onsiderable sum . of mo young merchant who' Peyton, Miss., to buy am afraid he had not m ft to transact business w ed there. te time we reached Vic When we gotthere ve • he stage for • Jackson . ad a short time before, ud es ho of st is he ey as ot- eh en e ne d en Atte went wn t earn pt. fore e doo d sa "Yo seriousl lamp h. ed, " I brick d tel d, y u are a green youngster and in b• d company, and you may et your ne •k twisted bofore you are a • y old r." I;ask him what be meant. " Th man you have been travel' in wit , and whose dupe yen are, cc mit ed a murder in thio State n t lon since, but has managed to el de the officers of the law till co night, when they captured him: in my hou e. If they I nd y have been in his compare ' you ill be ely o be served in th 'sable y But I am inncent' o a y crme," .I declared, vehemently, " and ti 1 aro arrest ,d I will be clelared again by t e judge and Ju -Ty.” ' Hush," said the 1 ndlord, " do not spea - so loud. T. ke my advice and fly i mediately: If you are ar- rested t e only judge • ou are likely to meet Judge-Lyn.h, and yo r chances for life wit him wo 't be strop . The lynch rs are Treacly ga herin and before n hou they N • s�oi m the priso e, and f tI�ze oft}cers place you t ere yo , .will slat re th same fate as Truma o will. So take this money, if yo have no e o your own, and scape se retly rom the ho e, and go to th wha ; there will be a s'eamer along be ore morning chat wi.l take yo to S Louis. On e they: you wi 1 be . fe." coul only thank the la e dlord fo his k'ndness, and romis:d him 1 s ould repay the mo ey he oared m on reaching my friend He toll me not to menti n . tha , but es pe quickly, or ni chances for ' lif were few. got safely from the hotel and r- ched the wharf. The steamer arrived alt the time the landlord said it would; and I embarked f r St. Louis, which place I reach d in safety after a pleasant ride ov r the father of waters." While t ere'I received , intelligence that hiugs • had occurred just as the la ctlor,d. had indicated they would. Ti uinan had been taken from jail and ynch- ed by a and of masked men, . red it is robalble if I had Leen th re. I should have shared the sane f. te. . ' file tabid -hearted _andlor had sill plied °me s ith • enough mo ey, I foal d, to, reach East Haddam, i wh re ilny father. reided. mo e safe in the bosom of my f I o itain4d the means to repa generous Southerner who had W lily life, while_ at the sante res lved that,' no matter whet -gee-nags might be, I- would ntrust a cbance comnani.o .M [ADNE FOR Tyro Ss whi h tie use/ in machines a Once wily; the ved eI nay ever Perry, of Perth. A boy, has. patented, a tub hilIe s•a square k not. It n be cot ection with re tpirg ant f;: will tie the s rulers around sle sheaves as they are Mede', ade', norant of.)i Ulna erarel>iing jthe fareeer to dilense with the services of one man and relieve the team of his weight. The nearest approach previously made to_ accomplish tying by machinery consisted, we believe, int isting the ends of the string or wife together and tucking them under the band. A. reaping machine may now be made . `to deliver sheaves ready tied up. At a mee Association since, Dr. I ing remark its effects He did matically, i fer his opin experience, decide upon mony he col Tobacco. ting, of the Young Men's of London, ; not long >fysclale made the follow- in ollowin regard to tobacco, and. not wish to speak clog- nd only ventured to of - ions as based upon long leaving the meeting to the value of the testi ild bear as to the effects of smoking.,He then gave a short account of he history of smoking, and said that. the substance contain- ed in tobacco injurious to the ]urban constitution was termed nicotine, after M. Nico, cne of the introducers of the customintoFrance. About seven ounces of nicotine were con- tained in 100 ounces of common. Vir- ginia shag. This szicotine was a deadly poison, possessing about the same quali les as prussic acid. A few drops placed upcn the tongue of a dog or cat would kill it almost im- mediately. he human system might be divided i to fout divisions ; first that of nut ition, or .; the power of converting food into nutriment secondly, t e circulatory system ; thirdly, the nervous system and lastly, that of reproduction. The Doctor, -in an able and lucid manner, explained the evil effects produced by tobacco upon these divisions' of the human 'body, illustrating his ar- guments with facts 'from' his own experience.` Many diseases • were clearly attr-butable to the habit of. smoking., a ong them cancer of the lip, paralysis, and blindness,, It was the opinion of a large number of medical men that the smoking of parents was the cause of so many children bei g deformed and idiotic. The Doc&ot concluded by compli- menting h r. Reynolds ippon' the stand he had taken with 'regard to this questioj., and affirmed the anti - tobacco crusade:to be one of the noblest ever undertaken. 1 Trapping an .Audience. Some yeas ago, an eccentric ge- nius, Rev. Thomas P. Hunt, treed to give temperance lectures. bne`nght he announced that he world lecture in' -Easton. Now, temperance was n of that burnot in favorkairongthe ma e portion g. The wo - „ ti , how ever, were 411 in for the' "pledge;" and, consequently, on H nt's first night, not a man showed iniself in the hall. Tjie benches were pretty well filled wlith women, though, and Hunt com enced; hub. i stead of temperance$ e put them trough on the vanities' of dress e c. They wore great !stuffed feat] r .sleeves then. They --the sleeve -caught it, then their• tight lacing, nc1 so on, through the; whole catalog e of fe ale follies 1 not a word a ;out tem- perance. m- perance. And the ladies as eut home hopping fim41, told their husbands about it, and voted old H e t down to the lowest notch. He had amounted that lecture at th night. Lon. pointed the commenced and when Hjint hobbled aisle, the btailding was co well filled With men. T low looked I about, churl muttered : `i Hogs, I've now !" The !audience star hogs, I've got you now !" After the crowd had go little, the lecturer said : Friends,' you wanted what I meant by saying,' got you now,' and I'll tell Waast, the hogs run wild ; • folis get out of Meat the young pig, , put a strap tinder his -ba-ly and hitch him to a y ung sap-- im from wise he when all o see en they •e. Last hurt it a old hogs 1 see the d so he rite vice same - place before the • e -would he next tiro ap- o come, own the ortably e old fel- led and got you 1d, "Aha, quiet a to know [ogs, I've oi. Out nal when catch a ling that will just swing the ground nicely. Of c squeals and raises a rumpus the old hogs gather roun what is the matter, and t shoot them at their leisu. night I hung a pig up ; I little, and it squealed.. The have turned out to -night t fun, and 1'11 roast you," a did, pitching into their fav ith a relish and a gusto. The Climate on the ' acifc Coast. It was given me to say that the t tan of human life in t1 e Great lain of the Coluni-bia was( a hun- dred years, and that it too- whisky or the 'revolver, and genet. Illy both to shorten that term. Wh n I was fill Walla Walla 1 was told that= no Man, woman or child had died a nat- ural death in that town since it was founde, . I "But there are forty-three graves in your cemetry 7" I demurred. " Them died in their boots." As I said it took the revolver to thwart the plan of Pr•ovi lenee to prolong man's life in Walla Walla. to a plump . century.-•.Scrraucl 1F il- • Fresli Arrivals BEAtTY & BEG to announce to has 'u s st returned f of New and Seasonable to the enormous reducti offer at prices which mu fact of thei 0 heir friends and the public, oro the Eastern Alarlket, w RY GOODS ever . importe p in the price of goads thi t ensure a ready sale. Th stock being all zie, and Arrivals ANY tha1b their Mr. McMULKIN - _th ne of the choicest Stocks d in o Seaforth, hich, owing a se on, they ar enabled tt ey ti ould say that from the bought since the GREATFLL D and on the very best terse s, that they are it goods at ns'niinuni price They are not en GOOD, bought at pric •s THIRTY 1.'ER 'MARKET VALUE. ' T e ey would also say t] ods RYGOPS, a most favorable 1>osi :utnbered with any P1L 1E.NT ABOVE TRUE tat they have, facilities ` ion to offer 'S OF OL i'RESif buying both possessed by no other House in Seaforth, ha ing intimate connections with some of the largest Wholesale Houses in the Doni pion a id athorough knowledge of the Wholesale Trace. "hey would res.nctmute inspection of their stock., which will be found repl te with all the „N velties in the Market this Season. • Pticular at ention is directed t; the fo lines viz. � owing PRINT DR1LS PARA TWEEDS, 14081 O RY, GLOVES, GOODS, TICKIN GS, FRENCH D'LAINES F i" EN BLACK LUSTRES, BLACK C6BURGS, TAB E CLOTHS, OW Boots and Sh. es, and R ad s THEI ' GROCERY IDEP, is always well supplied ith abundance of tie best will )e sold at the most ieasona) Their LIQUOR D c PAR-TMENT is v ell BEST BRAIDS. Give us a call and jU+ TRY OUR 80 gef+ ENT BEA TY CAR.M.ICHAEL'S BUILDINGS, ` Main Street, Seaforth April 20, 1871. H MERINOS, LACK, BAR T[IE°AS, LUNGS, xx�ade Cl •thing, RTMENT and.. cheapest le ]rices. • ods, which upl)liecl wi lh all the r yours- Ives. TEA. COMP • NY. - 1i64f. HARDWARE! HA ' DWA Of all d sseriptfo:ns, Ckeap, at SIGN OF THE CIR R.. ULAR. SEW. W_ 413,®33E1RT p Vez CO Just received a splendid : sortme • t of HAYING & HARVES QOLS, VIZ Bona oast Stool sad other seyt Snaiths, Hay turbot Also, -Spades, Shovels, A complete ssortment of Ameri • ' Water Lime and JAC t SL E�S I eenoniber the spot, and don't fail to call KTDD'S BRICK BLOCK, SIGN 0 d Rakes, orgn's & 3tuily dies, &ol, Hoes, & uilc er8' Ilarcdw re. Calcin:' Plaster. de TR Seaforth, CDnt. W. iOB SAW, 00. cxo= HAW BO er REIGN OF LAW, by Du :HUXLEY'S LAY SERI THEOLOGY AND SCIE.. CRITICAL NEW TES' EADIES' BIBLICAL CY EADIES' BIBLICAL CON( JOSFTHUS' WORKS.. T XETER RATJ, LECT MOTLEY'S DUTCH GIBBONS' RISE & FAL ROI MA CAU LEY'S HISTOR. KS. MARrtTTANT'S REST COTTAGE LIBRARY, eh FAMIILY READING SABBATH SCHOOL HYMN B --i.�u-- DAY BOOKS, JOURNALS, LEDGERS, CASII BOOK W ITI t(I • k} Coiumercial and fancy, a -14 Lj1►W Drug and Be Seaforth, ,Nov. 3, e of Argyle. ONS. GE, (Brewer) AMEN T. - LOPLEDI.A 'ORDA1 CE. 'RES. REPUBLIC: -EMPIRE, OE EN GLAND. RY OF ENGLAND, ice and cheap IBRA RIES, OKS, ETC. PAPER, BILL R, Begs to stat KID B LTJ ere a -r and. xeelle itors and p A tendan soma le ho 166 tf RA ALL COLL N§ that he has ope ed the hall FOUR TA- ey & May's Alanufaeture,) wal be on Jinxic at .all mea- s. W. COLLINS, the we are now (Sundays e. Leaving Se ing tiain93, Walkerton nd mid nts ILD rsigned, beg. to inform of Seaforth, ..Ainleyville, mg a AILY STACIE, Ling ,',IiNtisIaetrahrfoisi:0:111thStr.&atneSd. °Cove:- . l'} eaasndt faall mti'L:ns •': al sLisaco wirthy ROSS JOHN' BRIEF NOT, ti-eryltsbodfy°1twisst'li.c"k- t —ale Pa§toflice an increase of ifevenue Tear of over :$1,000,00 at it will soon bs se —A "Virginia editor she knows ebont baptb-1 --A desk 13enjamill supp(ved to have learno N14113 put up at .auction princely sum of ten ces 1 ----It is said that tbel w ring places are. la* with niosqn itoeR, fore were they so thoro iz4d and eonfident of Na :--sThe editor of the 31 Thoinson„, Ga, hal Small hranch 'broken f tree, containing forty a a 'Space of fourineheS. !—The San Antonio' mates t:ie amountof mo. in: the cattle trade of AV during the last three m minion dollars in go,1 Promotion. by inewit. 00tario, are ''dying b lying along the - s Fave Press attributes t to noxious - drainage fa ks. of modern times is vac( cause He alWaye in al ys' thought 0.11. ;ra —A pious ion it has manifested his reve father's memory by pike zet of furniture m tree on which the di hang ----ak Peekskill Ian: Gator ef the local Ace yo* paper that my- y fell swoop is enough t "---atecruitee for the Bri of I the line muet now e years, neither ;iniare noi is aoondition of the 1-1-1.Y,1 84 years of We peris paaSsect with the Colom -4 the Reserve. , Atter th of the eecond !term of scildier will have no ti, ow continuous engags '' lat, nor will be have *on, uniess by easi -coarse of duty.: t ---The early commeno hot. seaeon reminds us (4 -of 'sma-stroke and the be used. Leaves in the mended for thos'e who -wet handkerch4ef, pose, while thOse W 40 " carry bricks in. their1 sures' t to succvinb, appears to be on. the it writer in the A't. Paul sayis that there ale now soh:same-aged in the trad flights of eloquence are but the 6.,(iin-artv supply: (lower terms, 41veragiarl- sermons a week at thiS Idvocfldarss' galalZotlidsusemeni try parson all, it e . 'without any we4r or te Fronde,'" whiehI we ez know, hot. 1 lnay -one care not if it be --ti trieed through Ian lista', to some glutinous jx-11, is nothing. to Me hOw t me has been pleased to s or nized substance min Th intellectual spiriJ eassenee, we believe to be' —.The Rimini' irunTing on their pm the campaign against / Klaiva. The soldiers rapidly- 'practised in- ell breech -loading rifles on .45caIntort a8TNiaveelivanstrilli'l Ruisian army is the t Troops are being desa of U-stm7bas and 'other exatement prevails 110 —e- Various personal ; are thought ta be eharaater. The color ; al' the hair, the shape 0