HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-06-16, Page 1St -NE 9, 1871. :nether th ost contlemeest ay tele lease of the Doc- eas gained the notoriety he ea Ivy falsifying the 1 officers. jANtEA DEATTI.E., ,inr.threithnENT,-0-11 TtteS-e 00'4111" --. the singing dean 'en ctf Mr. Alexli-oad- Lelsersiatith, gave a inuesitall ha the Bible Cluisttaa: eilLese. Quite a number ditfeeStet itienee Of mueto ti elase, al4y aesietea d yeenleaten of musical eteinity. Tue attend- , but a1 found ecats with - 3,140 crowding,. The WaLt,- ICU; long been felt ia thia ea that detitieney is stip- ,etructione of Mr. Perteast-; !e- thetne-ne areat credit ase 1 mush-. Blythe - in is a list a the names of aese who received prime eperte here ou the 24t11 teen a calithumpian—let 'het Andersoe, :34.el Wm, 1.s..s• • let Jamee Potters 2nd. ; State hue Juinp-- lea 1,V. Sump thid NV -Wiese hitlev . eelet W. Whitten, Shed n.l'arossiees enennetee IA. Mastard. Foot Rat* z,ford,ud T.Ifolmes. Tilt - ht t1-Itectledd. V\ rt- M-- lst Yuji, 2nd. .!1 told Dumphty_ `Cro t Uhl!: Race -1st; s stela 4. Tucker: Running ;--tteker, 2ad W. Curtie. tnt the eveniag of ntertainment wee v.:. yen iu slue hs the Blyth Penny sty. the Itouse NMSttlkxl - Wild& Spt.,a.,k$r Well for the via society, this being the drunent. The programme nd ceuelsted of Readiage,, ad Sinews-, ahnost all tvf adered M. a style warthy of rz alnent needlees to raj- ne all del eo yeii, yet we ii the hicesterp;ieon of s Reeitaticsur by Mies iiiaalairgh after Flodden," :yas pieta: by R. IT:green jr., '‘ clear ease of eat ; brought the house down. nient dosed, with a on by heal_Night," aud every- pparently delighted with ait. The next entertain- s held tor Friday evening era. ...essase INSPECTORS:RP. ttrei Iwe learn. by special 3t esers.- Miller, of ander- str, of Seaforth, hare betas. the oilice of Conaut3x Sehool r the' Cctuatty of Hama samaaasesse. 00-untss--1871. • te sten be lica..(1 _Jima27 Bayfit4t1 Oeb. 41 Illy 25 Clinton . Ovt.. _July Ciotterieh. (kt Withsitant (kt. „Aug_1 iVrom•t( r nes 21 Svar"rt1.1 Le -ter ;.Aitg. 14 Iniuganntya Sept. Day t1041 - ,•seet. 2:3 Clinton ..I>com 1 (totlerich Deo. 4 AY TIME TABLE5 tve the Seaforth stastion GOING; EAST. DafralaExpresH. Mtrexl. 10.50 A. M. Is35-iss ars WEST. Expres:;. assn. 2..3;:i le et. 8.50 CIAL NOTICES. li Se -wing Machine Chempany le world ft le at equal to their th:witess aeltine for family anufaeturing purpose& and plenty of ite pindueos uct upolt a pereeu who has 11 that the P-ertivian ‘s.."-ynip does upon the: weak and Et makes themstrong altet va-eakne* and suffer - h and health, - Too oft:v.-lea cold or alight aeltned as very exalt -nary, jut as well left teq s it (lea- gyeteviaticaliv neg-Iteett- uplectiraivi-a, affection is ()on- set -lima pulmonary d19ereve. rudent, aware that a odua-.11. not be trifled withpreempt- Twee l'almonio Wafers,' sustained their reputation- -eara. .They are always €.f - exert the most beive5cia11 all tile Ivrouchial and ivul-1 an& vld by all ant ts...ists nierehante 2.1.-;.(;:ente oreestund Kyrup of Hypo - ie au excellent nervons ireet ind uence oa the seneeese 1-threggh it it tuvisetrafass tho Potatoes TILE ry OF OX FORD ItECEIVED...! ROBERr.r.SONI.S.,. A I, reERTS. IP SEED! ,1 choice Tuneip St eds (NAT - else, Yetis tiss. 4 neinesee ,v4! NiLEN BROTHERS, Pi.713LI4TERS. A)-0,1,. 4 NO. 28. **Or. r7a, •=4,4 vormismiwassierrnriftrzwrmlf.L.- Free IA in1 Triide=liberty in in. Civil Rights." rirmarmommmacrorolvroweare.owormr4o441.+4.47.".7...7.7.- atammeommnpOrs.........wownwearrrAr.a...., ow, "1.1.••• 111.M. a•••1.4111.M.dial•31.{1.11.1.,•••••••10.1.1tlillC.IYUCEIMPIONIMOMMORMICIIMP .••=.1 • SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, JUNE 16,1871. $ 1 50 A YtAR, JN ,./-\ .sersa.araserarbarrerwrozarr.arnawansaura, a.marraern, WIIOLE No. 184. MEDICAL _ -FIR. W. R. sm rill:, Physician. Sur - goon., etc. Oiriee,—Opposite Scott R ebertnee's•-• Resi lunce — M ain-strect, Nerth. Seaforth Dec. 14, 1863. 53-ly C:Ni.201tE,.M. (Graduate of McGill University, Montreal,) Physieia,n, Surgeon, &c. dfilue ancl nnis d ee Zurich, (inc. se arich, Sept 7-th, 1870.. 144 AAT ES STEWART, M. D., C. M., IM4- • . Graduate of eGill 'University, N arrtreal, Physician, Surgeon, &c. Office - and residenee—Brucefield. Brucetie!d, Jan. 13, 1871. - e'n . has . IT L. VERCOE, M. D. C. M., Physi- cian, Surgeon, ete. Offiee and -Re- sidence, corner of Market awl High Street, immediately in rear of Kidd's Store.. , ' Seeforth, Feb. 4th. 1870. 53-1y. • TAR: CAMPBELL, Coroner for the County. 01 fice an d residence, over Corby's, corner store, Main street,: Sea; forth. Office day, Saturday. -159 LEGAL. -A, ire -AUG -HEY & IT-OLMSTEAD, Barristers, Attorneys at Lawe Soh:- icitors in Chancery end 1neolvenhy, taties Public mid Conveyancers. Solici- tors foe the R.. G. Bank, Seaforth, Agents for the Canada Life A.ssnrance Co. N. B.-330,000 to lend. at 8 .per cent: Farsns, fro -uses arta Lots for sale. geaforth, Dec. 14th, 1868. 53-tf. • '17EN-SON & MEYER, Barristers andl Attorneyat Law, Solicitors in Chan- cery and. Insolvency, Conveyancern. aribs Public, etc. Offices,—Scaforth and Wroxeter. Agents for the Trust and Loan Co. of -Upper Canada., and the Cole otrial Securities Co. of London, England. Money at 8 per cent; uo commsision, (Urged. JAIL IE. 13EN:ION, IT. 'W. 0. =yens lieaforth, Dee. 10th 1868. 53-ly_ HOTELS 17-NOX'S HOTEL (LATE SHARP'S) The undersigned begs to thank the public for the liberal patronage awarded to hi:min times -past in the hotel business, mg also to inform them that he has again resumed business in the above 'stalnd, witere he will be happy to have a call from old friends, and many new ones. ' THOMAS KNOX. Sealorth, May 5, 1870. 126-tf. 'FISH EXCHANGE HOTEL, God - eribl-a Or., J. CALLAWAY, PROPRI- ETOSJ. S. Wielietteia, (late of Amami - n , caHotel, Warsaw„ N. Y. Manager: This hotel has recently been newly. nisbed, and refitted. throughout, and is nowone of the most comf)rtable and COM- InOdi-OUS /Wilt Province. Good Sample Roams for Commercial Travellers. Terins Goderick, April 14, 1870. 123-tf. MISCELLANEOUS. & W. Mc -PHILLIPS, Provincial U-1• Land Surveyors; Civil Enaineers, ;ate. All manner of Conveyancing done with neatness and. dispatch. . McPhil- Commissioner m B. R. Office— ext door south. of IShaep's Hotel, Sea - forth , *A6afortla, Dec. 14, 1868. 53-1y. SHARP'S LESTERY. and SALE Stables. Office—AtMurray'sHotel, beJirth Good Horses, and first-class GativeYances, always on hand. I68-tf Q IrAitr's LIVERY STABLE, M IN •ts....7 ST., SEAFORTII. First Class 1 rses arid Qarria,ges always onhand. at as reons- eiale terms. Inatrann,. Proprietor. •Seaforth, May 5th 1870. 3-tf • ill TEETH EXTRACTED WITIIDU1 PAHL d--1 CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S., Surgeon NateDelitist, extracts teeth without pill Ly the use of the Nitrous Oxide Gas. Geese—Over the Beacon store, Strat- ford. Attendance in Seaforth, at Knox's Hotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month; in Clinton, at the Com- naextrial Rotel, on the follewing Thurs- day and Fridays. • Pintiee requiring new teeth are re, qtreeted to Call, if at Seaforth and Clin- t on the first day of atttnda,nce. Ostcr 54,000 patients have had. teeth 'extractecl by the uSe of the Gas, at Dr. Colton's offices, 'New York JOHN BRIGHAI4, Enhanstege Broker, arid Radwa,y Ticket Agent, Houghton's Rotel, copooits: T. Railway Station, SE A FORTH, ONT. . Through. Tieli-vets issued to all paints in the Western States, California and ;Roll River, at reduced ratis, affording -the great.st facilities% to Enifgrants. necessary inforanatioie given re- -npecliteg Land. Agencies, etc. ' GREENBACK, , Bonen Coupons and uncurreut Money, 4.;o1d and h:ilver Coin, Lought and sold. at bosterates. " ets7 -tf ITTLE SA y 0 Wye a -he ad. tile 'tell My 'cute, r' blese;m. She were • AO 'ere Pit She's cleac I an mincl 1 up. Twere • i ditch I mint ha )it nen' sup a or narra chaiiee of S F )T the frt trade we then, Joe, As. yer• kn VS the Meani • 33 it Leona(' • have pa -night, For 'twas cold, and a thick So .1 takes t breatbin' And-harri oft home vv And sent MisesHodges' For a 'app th-omillc Well, Toe, y Man, \-71113rt I te 13jt the -bale And she k - _did ! A. 3. I relis night As tho' it ittle bit of what is It a shrines ;that s all, o e night the .LiTiamersty c -Y st. u: Sa a -eh° tc bl pal - I. pichecl -lane, Shore - day, 111.; /nig] ty • a' of whic. el la deter that 0 hii attire quite t!nI1e up, h, it gtuck ; 'Lizabeth out, on tick. may think itBtrange, yer about • id kid ; he scented to tako me, deed, and sl crow.6d, she I my hit o toke- that cl cost me he gr we vier, man, thcy was nut ly, Joe, me her bed A 70 old ein that tis e forrardr Anuissed, s) to speak, r' bless -'e her, Thc wome ad. God. kn enoug Look -in' ar w.purty Sich eyes alk t—tyls book Afore she She. could re were • She read T ere ain't Nor light, 'Twere reall Along o' t She seemed Joe; She were She calledni well 1 christen courted a g Close on f. SE e died—t] - don't • Pm:a silly I had the pea rid 1 -thin Br 'twat N That nay cl And she die head. • A-1eanire. It's hard tO off; And it's at She were world She were Why shoUld I here? Nti.t there 1 1 eihat lived it Stairs vs they oft ,n had r their own aflairs.1 growed up --bless her lid never e she -talket 1 -6 a prited 11 ble 'art re scarcel I like a ,ys regler uch sun in r the mat sight mo t little br hact tter nor g "Daddy- ' her Sally, With that y years a e, don't lo id duffer, h doctor' :that he tt en I sat a - lin' were old pal, on my bre • k that lag° why in' good nted here 't we ha 0 MU st lea L t , afore. y cellar, t er of that! heeri r tt she oe : a 1;) La, hat's 11at 'twere tt1t as know e r %Janne, t me, pa don ni his best o dirt' her, t at r st • ith her 1 t. gon ad to go this gwii and ttle ght ked 1?7. e Some an1geis tl Joe ndon, Fi iarp: 'CO NTY CO cIL II 1 CONITishrAMON OF idFd'ORT. G °DEMME, 8 ub June, 871. ho Council Met puree ant to a puns - matt. Present, the 1, a.rden in the eh ir, Messrs. Armstronl Dalton, Far-- ra , Young, Herten, 8h I} erd, Pa, on, AI 'Donald, Lec.kie, B own,(!ardtck, P rkins, Gibson, Moon, Snell, Shannon, H ys, Kelly, Holmes l‘f-cCaughey, • pson. Castle, Gre nway, early, C casweil, Dallas, M. sser, orttyn, Bi. op, -Willis. Scott, ( iiLyin andiGa,unt. T e minutes of yesterda Were reed over an approved. Sealed. enders for the 0 unty printing were r deived and re- fe red to Printing Coma ttee. Report of the County Engineer o' the Mlaitland B idge Hill was read a Referral to tlu Finance Committee. By-law to pre- ve • t and remove (Andra' tions upon the 0s unty Roads was read tid passed.. Re- po t of the County Eneineer upon the -G a,vel Roads. and Bridge ,was read and ro erred to the.Granel Reed. COnl'Tnittee. following accounts dre read and re- fe red to Finance CQMLni tee. j'egineer's accounts'III. Farrow,: L. S E. Moore, Lancelot 'Hardy. iMoved b Mr. Greenway, seconded by St ,psorte that this Council! do now ad- jO rf1 to meet at 2 P.M. arried. 2 E. M. he Council resumed, iho Warden, in th chair. Petition of Nir. Moore was re d, when it was moved by Mr. Hays, se onded by Mr. Sha non, that the re - la e• tion 0 Wm. Moore a now read, tve to his two sons, w e1are deaf and dwelt be granted.--Caeri d. Mitred. by -M . Shepperd. seconded by Mr. Ferran, th t this Council grant the sum of $100, to he 33rd Battalion Rifle meta Ste take th 06 next falL—Referte to the Finance mittee. he report of the School Cernmittee s read. 111Oved in aniendinent to the 11 port by Mr. Patton, secondedly Mr. ANT'llis, that No. 4 be amended by sub- stituting Mr. Malloch, of Clinton, as Ir, pector of Schools, ` stead of Mr. D wan of Seaforth.—Lo, t on a division. by a majority of five. .-',l ot-ed further in eudinent to the Report by Mr. Patton, SC ended by Mr. Yearly, that the R avert be amended by allowing 130, for travel- liro expeneos to the COU ty Selk001 Tu- specto s.—Lost ona division, by a, :Ma-. jority of twelve. 1 The Report was again submi ued to the Council; - and. adopted,. Move by Mr. Hottort, seconded byi`h. Tr.- ;Farra „that $300 be. granted to each eel the County Grit mar Schools, prcivided an egi •valerit antount is raised. by 1the Munie peaks in which they are situated, or ar. equalm aorrat so tais— ed.Reecreed to.- Finance Coramittees The follkting mittee':-.---;R. Matheson, and Dr Stokes, accounts were referred to Finance Cein7' and also abstract of -estimates -front ja,nuaryto June. Moyedby h Ir. . imp - son, s conded by Mr.- Wilkin,i . that ;the report of the Printing Commitgei tie 'nee ferred back to the Committee '' cr edon- sidera ion. —Cairied. , N ovec Mt', pard, sceonded by Mr. Castle, that the Engin • er be instructed. to eXaraine the Inidge on the boundary line' between Goderieh ' and btinlcy townships, op- posite • 4th .a d 5th • concessionS, • in Stanley, and have the same put . in a - proper state of xcpair.-e-Referred to the -Fiume* Comm ttee. , . Moved by; Mr. •Leckin scconde by Mr. Kelly-, that the 'Enoineer 'be ins nueted. to have an extra, . e . . quantity of gra, :el. put on the County road ;throngli-th ; village 0! Ainleyville, -as it is almost iinpassable it the Spring and fail month. .—Carried.- Moved by Mr. Perkins, seconded by Me. Gibson, that this Council take the -necessary steps to have the orphan' boy, 1John Jackson, a deaf and dumb 'ratite, of the Township of Howick, sent p.). the Belle- ville Deaf and Durnh ,..Institute.' Refer- red to • Finance Committee.: Mo -d by Mr. Kelly, seat ded by Mr. Coitzryn, that this Council grant the sum of 1 $600, to assist M.building a bridge at Marrisbank, on the boundaryiline between Morris and. Turnberry.—Referred. to the Finance Committee: '1.oved by Me. Messer, - seconded. by Mr. Scott, that this Council grant the sun]. of $2,000 to rebuild the bridge: at Zetland, on the boundary line betwceu the townships of East Watve- nosh and Turnberry.--eReferred to the Finauee Committee. - Itloved ; by Mr., Moon, secondett by Mr. Shannon, that the sum of $400 be granted to aid , in- opern I up the boundary line 1 between 1-luliett and McKillell—Referred to the • Financ- ie Committee. Moved by Mr. Patton, . seconded by Mr. Armstrong, that the sum of $400 be'granted to assist in rebuilding a bridge on the first eon - cession of Lake Shore road, leading' from Godshich Town, to the village, of. Bay-. field, known as Hall's bridge.-aRe cited to the 'Finanee Committee, Mott -d.' by Mr. Armstrong, serionded by Mr. P t en; that this Council grant A . snm Of Ina ey, sufficient to complete the Ashfield Gravel Road, and that the Engineer be.instraet- ed to let the same at as early a. date as (jeenni' d-- uneile rrow possible.—Referred to th.e Finance mittee. Moved by Mr. Castle. se ed by Mr. Shepperd, that this 0 do now adjourn. t3 meet to -ria.' morning -at 9 o'clock.—Carried. FRIDAY. June 9, By - Law appointing School Inspectors and Jxaxniners was read and pasted. Report of the Equalization Committee was rad. Several amendments Were proposed, but failing te carry, 'the report was again submitted and adopted. Report of 1'inane3 Committee was read. Amendments were offered., but 'none be- ing carried, the repert was again atibinit- ted and adopted. Moved by Conn. Holmes, seconded by Conn. Carrick., that the-thrbe following deaf and dmnb ehild- ren Of poor parents, living in the town- ship of Morris, be sent to the Deaf and Dumb Institute, Stephen Barnes, agen 9 years, Thema, Johnton, aged 9 years, 4irl MeMordie, 'aged. 8 yeaae. Referred te Finance Corothittee. Moved by Conn. Leckie, secoadel by Conn.' McDonald, that this Council grant the 'atm of $800 'to the township of Grey to assist in opening up the road past To-wn, Plot end their imstern boundary. Itteferred to Finance Committee. Moved by Cann. Armstrong, -seconded by Coun!. Castle..., that Mary Ann Black, a dumb' girl be - engine!. to John Black, of the township of Ashfield, be sent to the' Deaf and Dumb Institute, a3 her parents are in oar ciinunistancee and not ab]e to . keep. ten Referred to Finance omrnittee. Moved' by Coun, Greenway, seconded y Conn. Yearly, that this Co ncil grant the sum of $500, to'supplement the large ;amounts being expended in the towiiship of Stephen, for the construction of avel toads. Referred to Finance (Aim- ttee. Moved by Conn. You g, second- ed by (Joun. Dalton, that th s Council allow the expenditure of the Boundary ine a ortionment of the township of Cells° e to be made on the Lake Shore Road leading through C berne connect- ing with the Ashfield: i ade—Carried. Moved by Coun. Castle, seconded by Conn. Farran, that the slim of , $400 be anted for repairing the road! leading from Bayfield to Clinton, through tne ownship of Goderich, to be expended under the directions of the Deputy eeves of the township of St nley and lodeli h. Referred to Fina ce Com- ttees Moved by Coun. Al 'Ca,ughey, econd6d. by Conn. Brown, th t tue' stun of $5oq be granted to gravel t le road in Tuckersmith, frOM Kippen eastward. Referred to Finance Committe 2 e By -IL to equalizethessLEIMMent rolls was read and passed. Moved by Coun. ;MeCaughey, seconded by Coun. Young that the Inspectors •f Schools for th4 County be allowed en school days after the beginning of th ir terin to close their school work. Ca tied. Re- port of the Printing Committe was read and adopted. Moved by (Jon.. Patton, seconded *by Coun. Caste, th t Whereas the County of Huron has been •unctually paying its indebtedness on account of the Municipal -Loan Fund, until it is now nearly paid up, and whereas the Govern- ment has not taken an steps to cornpel other _Municipalities ttrpay their in- debted less to said Fund, who re largely in arre rs, resolved that this Council pay no mole of said indebtediles ) until we see what action. Government may take with rega- to the municipalities that ate so mach in arrears. Referred to the Finanee Comnlittee. Moved by _Con -a. /denser, seconded by Coma. Moon, that this Cormc 1 appoint:two or more County Assessors or this County, and that such assessmen s be the basis of Equalization by this 0 uncil for five years. Moved araend ent by Coma Simpson seeond- ed by Cou Scott, that Court. Messer's. /notion re atiste to appointing C'ounty Assessors be laid over for future cpn- sidcration. Amendment carried by a re as env' o sevdn. Ai eyed. by Mr.Cress- well, seconded_ by Mr.. Patten', that this _Board is f opinion that in , future the most just nd equitable mode1of equaliz- ing the ass ;,ssetents Weald be by allow- ing acb i.lunicipality to here one re- presentatit e on the Equalization Com- mittee. ost on -division by e majority Of five. M wed by Mr. Shannon, sscond- ed by Mr. Moon, that this Omuta gent a stun of ,,, 200 to be expended ou the town line 1 etween the townships of Me- lulliop litillett, on condition that the above townships grant each ,$103 ; also a furt er sum of $1.00 on the town line betwecu slicKillop and. 'Logan, tett condition that tlac -County of erth grant shnilar e un. Referred t) t e Finance Committee .1.11 eyed. by Con . Simpson, seconded b Coun. Patton t at the sum of $300 be granted to improt e that por- tion of road. leading from Vrana to Clin- ton, the said. road being a leading road throngh the centre of the townships of Stephen., Hay, Stanley and G'oderich to the Clint° market. :Referr3d to the Finance 0 mmittee. Moved by Coma. bippson, conded by Cousi: Carrick, that the si m of $20.0 be granted towards assisting gravelling the boundary line between t e townships of Hay and. Stan- ley, said. li le being a leading road to the Seeforth arket. Referred to the Fi- nance Com ittee. Repert of the Gaol and Court lieuse Committee, was read and adopt 10th June, 1871, ,Report of the Road. and Bridge Com- raittee was read and. adopted. Suppli- mentary r port of the Finance Comn3it- tee was re, d. Movecl in amendment by Coun. rec tie, seconded by 'Coun. Mc- Donald, th t No. 89 of the Finance Re- port be a nended by grantIng to the Ton aship )f Grey the amount asked, as they have et -received their equivalent of County oney granted in the past. -- Carried. loved by Conn. Greenway, seconded b Corm. Yearling, that No. 91 of the rep rt be amended. by geanting the sum asked for by the Township of Stephen.— arried. Moved ay Conn. Gauntasee nded. by Coun. Girvin, that Igo. 105'ot the Finance Reporthe amend- ed by grai ting the sum asked for the West W anosh boundary.—Canded. Moved b Court. Moon, seconded. by Conn. Sh non, that No. 104 of the Re- portbe a ended by granting, thp sum asked for 1 e town line of McKillop and Hullett— 'arriede Moved by Coun. Patt NI, E. nonded by Conn, Simpson, that No. 1fl7 ofthe Repor's be amended by grantin 7 $20 0 ta assist in gravelling the botmd rv of Bay and Stanley.— Lot. Mo ed b Coun. Brown, second- ed. by Co . ere swell, that No. , 94 of the Repor be a3hended. by granting $300 ts gravel roa4 in Tuckerstuith from Kippen e stwa . --I, set. The Report as amende was again submitted and ad- opted, 111 oved by Coun. Simpson, s sconded. bl Coun. Carrick, that the sum of $200 1 e, granted towards improving the bound, ry between Hay and Stanley. —Lost. laved by Coun. Greenway, seconded .. Conn. Young, that the Treasurer ee instructed to pay over to the Treasn sr of each municipality their portion of he $20,000 as soon as the Clerk furn shes a list of their respective amounts him.—Carried. 13y -law to raise Coni4y Rates was read and passed. Moved. by lCoun. Leckie, seeonded by Coun. Gre nwa,y, that as W. - T. Cox, Esq., late ditor of the Ilitron, Signal, is about to lejave this County with a view of starting business in the County of _ Bruce, and as his past connection with the Count Council, as County Printer, has been la norabie and straightforward, we would iecommencl him to the favor- able consideration oi the ratepayers of that County.—Carried. Moved by Coun. Perkins, s8conded by Coun. Messer, that this Council do now adjourn, to meet again the first Tuesday in December next—Ca ried. ea so OP Canada. Rev. John Scott, of London, Ontario, t has been el cted. Moderator of the General Synod. of the Canada Presbytelian Church, ati present in session at Quebec. —Mr. -GS imam Smith, Registrar of the ti, County of Perth, died at his residence near Stra ford, on Friday last, after a long and p, inful illness. —Mr. john Baker, fruitier, London, has some strawberries whieh measure six inches in circumference. They were im- ported from Cleveland, where they were grown in the open air. 1 —Mr. Isaac. Pettit, of Grimsby, had new potatops,peas and strawberriee of his own raising on hand on the 6th inst. - - Mr. G. Tracy, formerly a, prominent resident of St. Mary's was drowned about a fortnight ago, in Wisconsin, where he owned a, mill. e —The Brockville Town Council have granted 8200 foi the celebration of Do- minion Day. —Hamilton has now subscribed over $1,800 to the Wimbledon Team Fund. —.The Halifax Brit -,&h Colonist, the speeial Tupper organ in that city, has been xnalcted in ..;6,000 damages for li- belling Mr. D. W. Dickie, an. ex -legisla- tor. —An Ohio farmer has found a speedy method of exterminating the potato bug. He put a pair of Muscovy ducks into a patch which was swarming with the genuine Colorado and they scooped them down with such avidityj t time there wasn't a but I patch been troubled wi The, ducks did not apr e ill effects frem eating t, at in a short ft, nor has the thil pest since. ✓ t5 suffer any bugs. • —A. correspondent o he SI Mary's ridette writes that one light last week some scoundrels entere 1 the Blanshard drill shed near Mein c s Hotel, broke into the armory inside, nd stole fifteen tunics and pants and ot i r articles. —The Paris Star sa 's the rains have done the spring crops . st benefit, but fears it wiU have to c noniele a scanty, crop - of hay and fall -e heat. • Potatoes and Indian corn heel )rospered, and, large quantities of woo re coming into market. —The Ontario Depasti Works have advertise papers for tendernfor of a building for adult it ed on theLunatic Asyl at Toronto- or London. - -Du Tin g the last thr e ports of the port of Sa h $262,191, against $41, ponding period of last ye for the last thrse nsontl. s against' $118,-385 for t e period of. 1870. —The Military Dep the tenders for supplie Camp, as :follows. M Larkworthy, Stratfor Smyth, London. Fere *men- do. Groceries C4Jd.ericlk. Fuel—Abr oriel'. - —The Hamilton Tia owning 700 acres of township, 6ounty of B personal property„ imbecile chid, and. also a mihor, le, ring to inc „from 82 to .l 0 for drat did not nia e one; co , pending Ch ncery snits —Rev. W, M. Pun lengthy trip westward, past 2 months visitede couver, attended to his dent of Conference and of the Pacific Coast. La time to marry his o Professor Raynor of and now he is , presi ference at Belleville. —The Bishop of Hur Synod of that Dimes Wednesday, reviewed past year. Be had. tr. year 3,353 miles, de and exercising spiritu diocese. He referred. to and stated. that under he would. be compelle such arduous labor, an bishop was necessary. —There are now kn different kinds of insee the Colorado beetle in Of these, seven are tole Canada, and some of honed, will follow in t destroyer. It seems t years for these natural take the pest in num cause any appreciable ravages. --The Reform dem takes piace at the Agri West Branbford, on t promises to be a grand the two leaders they ex of the Bon. George B Currie, Hon. D. Chr -Young, llymal, and so ty more M. P's and ''general committee" hundred names on the eeutive cokumitteeu e the neighborhood of fift Ou Sunday evening a ed lady, dressed in bl eel into the hall of the I residence at Oakville. leaving the premises, Jailed-. The parcel *a the halidsome sum of stating that the don that the Red River s in want of funds, gave that object. The note for whore the Lord things," No oue has who the lady can have • mit of Public in the Toronto e construction ts, to be °rect- o -rounds either onths theirn- a amounted to for the cones- . The exports were $1.24,98E, corresponding itment has let. f r the Goderich a ---1.Tbelacker & Bread.—J. 33. e do. Straw for enry Horton, ra Smith, God- s says a man a.id in Oakland t, and. $12,000 • haying an child who was the ea -pease of g up nis will, uenee- :several on has bad a allying-dming the -Hernia andVans uties as Presie en the wonder;$ we& Le blind dr. ghter to ctmia, College, over the Con - in opening the at London. on labors for the ‘11ed luring the ating churches care over the ▪ ailing health, edical advice, to desist from hat a coadjutor to be fifteen s that prey upon various stagen bly common in e others, it is alewake of about this two ✓ Medics to over- rs sufli cient to heck on their nstration which eiltural-grounde, e 20th instant, affair. Besides pct the presence ntyn, Hon. J. G. s ie, McKellar, e fifteen or twen- . P. P's. The , over nineteen ills, and the "ex: - en numbers in out -dusk a e Ar • threw . tvt aePear' She waa seen mit was unrecog- found to contain $264, and a note r, having heard sion tva,s sadly wasteseit,nglelpease,d,Ofpopr has done great he slightest idea den. —Care is being tak ict that the use of the postal cards shall not degenerate in- to abuse. There are certain conditions. laid down by the Post Office Department in respect to their use, some of which are the following .—On the reverse side, anything of the nature,p a letter or other- wise, may be -Written o printed. Noth- ing 'whatever may be at anhea to the card nor may it be folded, eat or otherwise altered. There must be no words, marks, or designs written,--pri rted or otherwise placed on the cards 0 an obseeue, in- decent, immoral, libe due, or grossly offensive character. —Mr. James Gloyne, Of Downie, has a healthy, thriving lam six or seven weeks old, which has ve legs and six feet. There axe thre, front quarters, the fifth leg s ringin 'from the rieht• shoulder, and tJie two xtra feet depend - isle from thin leg. The animal is firm on its numerous limbs, ' and is pa frisky as the other you hful members of the fleck. -,—On Saturday the ni inst.'a yotog man mulled J. M. Fowler, while bathing in he Mitchell mill d un, took cramp; ami would have been drowned had not some of his companions dived to the bot- tom of the water, and catching hold of hiin, pulled him to she e, --It is feared that t e bay crop in tbe County of Perth will e a failure this year, owing to the ext emely warm dry weather which preva ed. there during the spring. --;theriff Moderwe , of Stratford, brought to the Beacon office, on Thurs- • day haat, a week ago, tine epeeinsen ef like cloven from. a crop which has. a ready attai ed a growth of 5:i iuche)s 1 ithout artili jal means. l'armers groves i g this clove vvoulcl iinl itpruftabM, a they could. get two crolis 'in the yea? ; a d heavy at that. —The Mo treal Witnesa thinks that t e att of s ehould be made an. a most comp Isory portioe of the eduei- ton of youth —An igen of the Jo •epli Hall man- ufactming C rapany, Os awa, has been t Scotland t put up a n atter of water heels sold t parties in 1 at country fox t e Company —It is'Said that Sir John A.MeDonald to make a sneeeh in 'Jerome ; on the Tashington .1.'reaty, witl in a fortnight. I e will also trcaton the Nova Scotia aid New Bru sada.- ques ions. DiIfesngslios iia rr in —Rey. heology oronto. u—e blh el e e v an. —The We leyan Conf c tied to . end two additio tiRed. R ver. —The 1 or to, Grey a way Com )3.n. have mad o the C..inn y Council aey will construct thei le Conn y, entering at o Kincardine, ick to Walker MIS of $250,000 .y maintain -n onneetion aid they expe 'nish the line a s a more feasi rdine Breach of Brace. We hay etion the Bruce is da the has ,00 de e li Wi bledon te 'aturday t .nding fp oiivne Ca abr t Th s stance, e nment t iem to his seen toe Kine rey an el What t e matt ent of alilwMtr? ty, s um of $ e has rn his sme a—till\tlr. Br 1 rs on e trance atl has ell. The • The e 1 enders been e14ted a •-tiox College, m sailed from the ahn //dines. .renee has tTea. al missionarini "C d Bruce Rill - a proposition. f Bruce that lin e throe gh anick and eat - with a branch on, if they re - from the Conn - hat such m- .1,1 the Gov- t, will enabie an early day. le scheme than he 'Wellington, not yet learn- ouneil took In he first Prest- Grey & Brute the handsome for the elibravi -the Company. Brown, Wellington been . vote( as a reeven n behalf of e a job. nw F. Gaul 3., $lontieal, w N1111 ay, who h int his privet eenl extracted , of the firm of s shot by burg - d effected an house. The nd he is doing ig landers in Canada.. ndi ion of the Scatthsh nigh- th Dominion Of Canada it a sahjeet ell worthyof consideration. They firs appeared there within ninety years, an most of them. within fitty years. i'he4 came either at tbuir own expense holy or with the aid of land - 1 rds, w oo w re glad to get rid of what t ey wer to kI, from high quarters, wan redline mt opulatism ani very elide- s able te an . Beyou€i this, they re-, c eyed n ithe royal Dor rehle patronage emigr tin (often with heavy hearts nd ligh pa ses) to the wilds ef North memo, F ninth and E %fish settlers, N ho had bee aided by heir respective overnra nts, had long aneeded. thene it , ad amo g t lese were everal of high ✓ uk and. wea th, while t e Highlanders • ere nea iv 11 poor ani. were of the 1 iboring and farming classes. withant licatio o o other ad antages. Yet ti tereau ts re highly - favor of the iter. illere are now abou one hundred. c -arches be ween Upp s: and Lower Carada itp.1 which services are conducted LI the 0 Aerie language, in d. about forty si,iore in: Prince Edwar 1 Island, Cape Irreton, and Nova Scotia, while the sa.roe 1 uguage is spoken by in n of all ranks ia every i. art of the lam . Highlanders nd then descendants ar found occupy- % mane public offices o trust and -ye- s mtesibil V. The Pret iers of Uppar 'anada, ial also of the Dominion are majo ha, of the Milt ials beim); to 1 loth Hig datmers, and in some counties t e t ie same race, as do seve -al of the most, minent ministers, d ctors, judges, 1 wyers, and members of tnli,,anele.i legitlrisa;um. rte n looking over the Pii- ords, w :.•, find eleven co atitnenues re- resentee. in the aiffeaat t branches of the _Dominion and Provin :ial Parliamente 1 y Oamerone, ar d. feu" by Campbells, white ttlt, Macdonal nine by tosses, five by several are represented 1 y Frasers, Me - Pherson, M c D =galls., :1,1e..Fae1anea, alunros, Moirisons, &e., c, and all with f w if aay xeeptions a -e either iii4h.. lj.nders or a ighland d scent. A large nu iber of the lost prosperons f niers, iner -hunts and mechanics, are No 11 igalanderl ; in fat so much se hat it is fie InsWy rem- rked that they ale the 3ou try l: and it is certain that properties to their nu bet- {which is fereat) they p stess more power and. in- taftueeneesbait eiaeld; fill more of the principal any other race, notv,vith- standing th diffieultie they had to surmount, lost of the Highland emi- gyants kne little of iany ' but their 1 other tongue; as nota few of thcm do o this day, while their poverty prev exit - red them from haying an e land chance tat 1 Otainnig a good educatit n. They tines i furnish am i istruetive 1 aveon regarding 1 he powerI of energy cononay, t. Ulperanee, Several 3f tiem no douls 1 - a- none sf ti eee - but a I have bean m ted. for their , ana indeed, 1.0 1 his alone t1 ey owe the high and liourhh- ing poeitien which they now 'occupy - throughout the Dominion, and we might Aay throug;naut British America. ; for -thir status M Manitoba and the Panifie eolonies is not inferior to what they held in the older settlements.—Froaa •rrhe Gad, the nen, Uo4;e, .3.1agaz.;,,e,. perseverance, and in dniitTy. pOSSeSlit:d ft7or a class, they For stitching, hemming, braiding, ruining, on Ilting, frimeing, gathering, 1:112..i.ig. tucking,. light avid heavy' hewing, " `2he °shore 0neespiailed 4