The Huron Expositor, 1871-06-09, Page 8•e• e.s --•• -2 xjitoi.• DIS TR ICT MATTERS. SALE OF G000s.-Messrs. Smith & jacksoa have botieht the stock in trade of Mr. Griffith Davies, and announce in our adt ertising columns their intention of sellieg, it on', within the next two weeks, at very low prices. . ao()D TEmrLARS' CdevENTION.--,4 Convention, composed of representatives of the various Good Templars' Lodges ia this Centety, connected with the Indu- lt...Ink:eat Order; will be held here we Thursdey, 15th inst. S.ae- t: .)J fAc1I1N ES. --Mr. Peter (lone -ie. is general agent in the Counter of I Citron foe fiardocr'S Sewing Machine. iiie Gardner is a gooti mechme'and Mr. raosie driving a thriving trade in the : e eenfilig enseldne 11110.. 'esoreeetaisi.:ns.-We are irequested to state that the volunteer 3 of the Seaforth Gotopeny will parade at the Drill Shed oe Friday ilext, at howl, preparatory to ',races -ding- to Goderich to perform annual .1611, where every man must be at his poet. Rttret- Sreaw E4, were ehown by.Mr. Thomas Downey, of fine village,. Some von fine'large, ripe straw - berme, winch he had picked from a patch ia his geaden. - These are the first ripestrawberties.we have heard of this . Season, arid were cereainly an 'excellent specimen. AtInT(...r."[..TURAL annin remind the Directors of the South' 11111-o:I A orie.0 tur al Society and the beak- ersue zit Branch AgriculturalSoeiety of the union meeting of Directors 0 be held at .Tceippen on Wednesday, for the purpose of makine arrangement's for the Fall show at Settiorth. „.„ TAvw )1C:4 CUED fr.t.TCH 1•ROUPE.-7-Gur readers UMbe glad: to learn that Mr. Taylor and hinetalented troupe intend givinean. enteetannent in the Town. Hall, ele0oreh, on the evening of Friday, June I Gth Wo might mention that Mr. Geo. Cline will favor the audience with some of his beet .songs,Ttis _alone will be sullicitot 0 draw a Crowded house. V.cry.T: [4RIMO EON. --Mr. Churchill, OTaduate ' of the Ontario Vetmiuery College, has commenced the practice of bis profession in Seaforth.. Mr. Chu reh ill comes well recommended, ahdt as he is to take up the practice at Mr. Cermiehael, will undoubtedly do V. 'direct attention to his card. which appears elsewhere. FZ, A N.D CONCERT. -The pupils of Miss McDonald., assisted by several distil:1'e guielted amateurs, intend giving that lady e benefit Concert in the Town Hall, Sea - forth, Oa the eeening of Monday, 2(ith_ instant. Our readers may rest aesured that a rare musical treat is in store for them. and we may safely predict that the tahnted performers will be greeted by an unusually- large audience. . resent BALL. The "Stars" go to Mitoi,_eil to -day, (Friday,) to play the Mitehells" of that place. The fol- lowing are the names and positions of the Seaforth nine :-J. W. Maloney, ; McMurray, catcher ; J. MeAltin‘a,Y, first base ; J. D. Sills; second base; H. W. 0. Meyer, third levee ; J. Lamle short stop; J. Clutter. - hant, right, field ; W. Erwin left field; II. A. Cameron, centre flad. learn that crops do not leole6opromisin Until 1 ast Tuesday the e,bas been littl or no raiii since early in the spring, an I as a c< nsequehe the si ring Tope are e ceedinelYback 'ord. Hay, especially, s likely to be a ) ght crop. ' 11e rain o Tuesdey, howes, ea con idera ly inipreve 1 ,the appearance of eve thing and wh, t before looked- I unit i nd. pa ehed, 'no r wears e greenl{ d hea tIty al 1-raf . ance. . TE, OffEnS' I fEETIN t.. --A: i meting teaela rs- was told in elin o 4 Celan Schee Heuse„ on 8, turd a lait.;11N1 Turn all, of th Grammar 8 1 eel, 14 ti e chair. The raliditY of et ti fleet s . . . granti d by t le - noe e 1 t °entity (xt 1 i Boar( s formed the su tject !the for - noon' discus§ on. Ti e coftciuioq a •- rivedl1 t was, t at the are valid intil they t x)ire, en ,ording to thc tciins •up te wind they we e gran ed, if i t re -call ad by Ue uncil of I ablic i!liStitIct.L0ii, Toro{ - to, b t this, t ough not; likely to eta e place ery soor , Might take plaoo at at y time. The old Other busine s done Ay- s to re rganize t le Huron Te. ch r's A s - socia ion. Mr Millen of t eoderioh Cent al School evlas appoint cl President., and s r. ream soli, Secretar 3 Set: raTfeeos'r Rentearteerroh:-. - The following is a correct statement of the several amounts of extra; remuneration peid to the sereral Division Registrars of the County of Huron, fel" services by them in 18',-0, under the aet for the reg-. i. -ration et births, deaths efral mar- riages : .Ashaelsts $3 Colborne, $10-; Clint:oil, none ; Goderich, $13 10 '; God- eriett Township, 86 ; Grey, $15 : Hey, ; Hallett, - $20; Howick, Sig 1:0; Morrie, $13 ; McKillop, $4; Stenley, none ; S tephen. $11 73; Seaford), $9 40 ; '1 'Itekerem i , $3 ; Turnberry, $5,1 10 ; 1 'el'orne, $10 s East Wawanosh. $7 50; West Wawanosh, none ; total, $156 93. • Seeer.---AVe are glad to learn thet the et-Liz:latent...tee is beginning to brighten up. meiderebly. The deman&1 is now great - e: -lima it has been for some time, eitliosig'i prices are yet lows We are aeon 1. that Messrs. (Nernst' & Go teal - leek h eve recently shipivtl a very forge to. hetet to Montreal, where. owing to its and the high etandirg n. has attained in the market, it meets -Se; th ready sale. The -..\.lerchants' Com- p my have now their works i full eTeentieri, bat we Ileac notheard whether or not they have mede any Shipments. 'Arm.t.TIT ScHo(H. CoNvENTions-The e Ad meeting of the London th • tSol Convention will be held in t ethoiliet Episcopal Church of this Ail - on 'Wednesday next, commencing -ht t tee o'clock, P. An interesting dis- t-La-stet on subjects connected with. Sob- ) Sehools will take place, in which et v. rat cl'ereymen and others will take p tet,J 11 slit: evening a public, meeting Ned'. be held in. the interest of Sabbath efeleole, and will- he addressed bekj. Reynolds: and J. N. Elliott. 1 Tit . POTATO learn that this pest h, once n large autuber gard n and --pi tato ft It is tet neces ary for print on of destru WC d ulet not t come too famil deser ption. Mac damage but etely pet vatic d to be ei ers k ep a wat and mak may &eau prob seaso to be and prept tiue the Wo sorry o s mad 1iit appe, r - in ,1 deb eve k. in t1c count . us to 7. ‘16 a five i new, s iat aTI utere ted ha,Se e- ar with it to require any Ve have no hear& th t las yet bona one, a,s no le toes are sa fidieutit a 1- dangered. If otato ord v- htul eye upo their Imo p, ets ts sooithay lila -re y e To ne -t us `1,9 e, Mti ti.0 CI 1 - or 7 estroy tii: se ins their &Mara ' e prevented, aul b1ie to a great extent his, biiity is, bowe rer, e they Will becoeoe. so very troablesome and would be.well for fa etetions fcr the ran e f beans ,or some other sefu1 potato. d, rca ni se on. esbrNo 1.yt: i. er0 t Stitutc :W ME KILLET . --On iinlay dterno i last; as a Mr. "G ,eem, Of the !township iof i1.- Usbrne, was e "gaged in. i noadmg a i. Ton' tity'of 'grad i - at 'Mee (1' f tete ito e- leoue s near 1. e railwaystation,-- s hors. s becam. • frightened t{ a . tr he labic t. 'was e t rine{ . th.e sla,ion, „a id backed - over{ h • pratform; JILpOIl whi h they were ste d ng. kesccnt t e fore - art,pf the veva bee I detach - d frone the roan e, id the hot,becomi te eunmenegee,be e .d getting 'afere.°1sul• t e drivers -ran olo the . read. mon lyilla unt 1 they get a • tdista ce abos e-'' 111eBr'd ,'e ,' lio•tel, v en th ere tled into' h ' ditch .:at li ide of t. low , one of t horses:: fa into the i the top wet r, and .th ther Nib of • rim. - Wh 1 relief -a 1 it Was feu- , d that the 'medof th ver hose was under the voter .se0 4)1 f ur ci in 1. 1.11-O BS, and fnpi 1 theposi in Which he as lying 1e 'could eiot ¥ 1 icate hipi self' even wlieh the other io 'eWas • e-. in o • ed from ov e • him. A a as. Os- sibi- his head as raised, ncl he was lee got out of the e 'tch, but { i fit e to sav his life, , ifroni the' unes cei ed he (lied le short, .ti , ftere ar s. Th, animal evi a Very ,ea 1 ble 0110, thid his' death will e. e heavi des, to -.1N r. GI ' rm.-{ ' . - ..A Gernee Mat:ear-en --We feeve re- :ved in en the publishers, Nicholson & se, of Tm-onto, the first number of An Late !h('el, t The Gee].) a handsome and teettly prieted magazine, iii the Gaelic _ngttage, devoted, as the prospectus en's, to raiseellaneous Cache literature, 'told to she interests of "Sliochrl )ant praril generally. There is a large speaking population in the Domin- i . , 'toe] a]thc,uhthe la tigu age is failing with the risme generation, en- 1ton e there le patriotism enough au ong them to susteen the new ma- ,ziee. It is issued. monthly at $1. a t ‘!,,oree -The neops generally, through- Ol• the Sou th ernipart of the County of lieron look most maguificent. The fall wheat still contiones to look as promising ee it did early in the spring, and spring pante of every kind have now got such a seert that there is little danger but an a feted:Int crop will he reaped. The hay whieh at oae time looked any -tieing premisina. 15 HOW, owiug t.3 the- ire- ' ou -.let and. refreslaiher showers with which WL have ream* been favored, picking up wonderfully, aod the prospects are that there will yet be a good erop.in =Neal Hurorie howevcr) we are sorry to e' foe 6t1 ye ne foe TRANCE ted that Coneessi e. old heife er had. a about a spi ing. Du mi ked- twice •of 1 Ir. Youn as Itch milk steeply comm up milking h .er to give ABBATU S 'of he Unioii'. in. end holdin Nt w • Conn•ec th• 20thihst. th Purpose'o ibrary an So ,crel able clr ss. the co 813 ejeets. • T. pe -ted tohe 111 tsie. Atin in der ten fye ob 'oat is a la• fit ble and in Ileinnink Nomeesio_ r. -.Miles of How , which,- al lf;1 gave nth duri ng ithat 'day the s s eews, a s any of t eed to d i except er relief. ooe.Soer. abbath Sc a social il son Chare at 5 -o'cl { • , raising m 1 appropr akers ar regation choir fro esent, to sten 1 5 s.ladmitt leble one . . (resting.:ti L. 'moot, P1 sc ool No. 2, pi •-nic, mid Gauntly, the te dice, who the school fot ai (1: who is f tools be •inging and useinlent tc ed Milo evi 1.. eroqu ft ie No. 2 am v( Ty healthf for both se la lies engdg T -tete were - present. • Blad.urp Nice -CO iddulph, the lei very abl las had tit the past •t nia,king i •i.6 • town eensic, 0.1 Ohl -and e h C11tI1U5L 'cry/ popul rightly so, I and 1 ple es se, Some in it wit rem: four e are ung, of has a two stole she has Ik regularly he present el, She was eias the rest gene nearly 1, but as the ase, he gave in , The friends 1,1 Orangebill, ce, Methodist 011. Taesda,y, , IP. M., for y{ to procure • periodieals. pected to ad - I appropriate Ltskelet is ex - cOurse sweet ts, children feee. As the expeet a pro - ±Com, flf he THE HURON [EXPOSITOR. *ram L ing of a old -vett, on the sideline beitweep. lcts 25 and 26, 2nd'Concession, L. R. S. erried.-- Moved by Mr. Dells onasec, al by Mr. Sproat, that 25 role be 't ri piked. between lots Le, and 1 , 3rd Concession, L. R. S. -Carried. • loved 'tbierIr. Dallas, seconded by Mr. Cousins at , David Sproat be directed to let the fouo wing jobs, viz :-Turnpiking- im the s"de lino near • Elden Bridge, le2th Cot - c ss ion, not to exceed $8 ; turnpikiag on , t o I2th Concession{ Line, ocar id,r's not to exceed. I0;$and a ditch a °lipid° lot 10, 4th Concession, net to eieeced $3. -berried. Moved by Me. alias eceoncled by Ali-. Sproat, that the s (4810 be granted to Daniel Clark, f r litching, on the 'side line between 1 ts 10 and 11, 10th Concession. -Car- r ed. Moved. by, Mr. Sproat, seeennled y Mr.- Walker, that this Council -do ow adjourn, to meet again when notifi-: el by theRceve.-Carried. Mune, C erk. 10 2nd inst., 1113.4 its annual sp eies of Mise nd energetic. anagement of a' -and a Waif, of the first Croqi-tet, eg agreeablc g, were en- s . , The- gime 4 re the vicinity r it furaishes ii n!b recreation the young OCfl relish. hundres1 • "he ColoradneBug has Made ts ap- po ranee On thei.potittoes in• this NriCillity. u-sIXEss is rather good, having un - pr red s'nee fermateeot through . with • e tie • ir SCC ing, and since the wool mason tennenced. There is a large =omit of oil in t ie country this Meson, aud the qu, lity o the crop is much . superior to th, t of f rmer year. • This is doubtless ow ng to the fact that the sheep are bet- ter cared for, as well as, to theinttodut- fie of i iproved-breeds. As high, as 31 ee ts pelf pound. has been paid; - : un Seinnyaries are still in a bla, con - l 51 on. The other eveniag a mMber of ee( ies were pi-omen'adiag, and. in order to go over a bad place; -were obliged to get Sol c b ards and i repair the breaeli, lor en la lies have to do road Work I' th'nk it , s about time something ehould be done bout it. TEAPJ + J' -E.43]1 Friday fast, a pa t of he Shelving in Mr. N. Livs m stone s rtore, with its: load of tobac ' . m and natchee, fell to the floor -With a - . Ort sh, e an earthquake or an exPlo-. Sian. The Matches en striking the floOnf ii st, and. went on fire, but they. were n ext nguished. Had this happened m the night-time, there would have been J1, 1 ad fie but as it was there was little d, nage lone. Lena actE oN SHORT NOTICE. -,---This to k pla e last Week, at the "Gretna -0 0011 Htc1," (better known as Delson's • kery.) The circumstances of the ease ar as follows: An old man, whose hair )1T-' silvered with the suns of nearly{ 80 au mere, mel .at the above • place a uncing widow -f` fair, fat and forty." A ter participating in a few drops{ of P Isou's Dew, they began looking and 0 tiling at each ot1ier. The hostn of the 'retie Green" n ticine this, a So d of a joke, surrgested matrinionef to •t1 e loving couple' which': they at once agreed to. A parson was sent for, the cessary docunieuts procured, and the t die went home man and wife. . BASE Bant..-eThe " Shoo Flies 'I of roxeter, and the " Maitlands," of 4in- 1 yville; are to play a, match hero' onathe lit of July. 1 THE PLACE to bay Dye Stuffs; best ,and cheapest, is.at J. R. Grant's, Post Office. Drug Store, Ainl yyille. A freeli supply of Madder, OochiieaI, Fustin Logweode ete., just receive( , quality guaeanteed. Dyo Recipe gratis. ST -41' WV'S Friday, estie, son illop, was 6 glanced ot, inakiag length, 'au lerable, 111 ood jetted nsiderably M.eKill vIDENT.- le morning: 10 ‘211.1 Met: slate John Mr. Jarhe 1 astie, Mc - to aired in felli a tree, his nd stru, k ti - top of his ni incision of about 4 inches bsevering an artry of con- gnitude from which. the freely; and alanned• him - Coiencae, o ithe 25th e o Egmondvi e put - el 9, member 1st meetin T riders wer j bs Of road t roughout li ring exam weee aceepte g ring bonds ti e work, ac ti 11S, were s verel jobs I alias, seem eLeen Bro, paid, am( loved by 11 Walker, the to let by ten uckersrciith. r I ,s: 1liI EETTGN.- Tile L le tIttnel met May, 18711 in the village e, at the hour of 10 o'clock taut to adjournment ; all preseut. The minutes . of were read and appro 'ed. received for the _ses eral -orks, atIvertlised to be let ie Township., The C91 ilCil nod the spite, the lo -est , and the outractors f ter for the du Iperforniam e of ording to time and. speei ca - lowed to 140ceed with uheir orthwith. -41doved ley Mr. led by. M. Cdusine, hat hers' accetant for pri ting lilting to $30 30. -Ca ied. . Sproat; seconded by Mr. James Dates be authorized der or otheaVrese, the build- . A SpEcrAL M Council was hel ,the purpose of drafting a By-law to grant a bonb to the London, Huron and Br ce Railway Company. After considera le discussion, the fol- lowing resolutio was carried. on a divi- sion- Moved by P. Kelly, second.ed by W. J. Johnston, that the following let- ter be. sent by th Clerk to the Secretary bf th London, uron. and .Bruce Ran- ey 'ompa,ny, embodying our views: VI am directed by the Municipal Council of fine Township to inform you that they have taken your circular int® consideration, and they 'wish the to intorm you. tha there is considerable probability, na , a certainty, that a bonus of -$30,000, could. not be eareied in Morris. . Fuitheir they desire me to say that they will stibmit a By-law td? the Townehip, granting a bones to your road to the amo tut of $25,009, upon the ions; to he embodted in ely, that the debentures shall be held by the urer, until - Yon have formed a regal' r company, as ' the law directs; ib will lso be required. that 'the By-law shall st te that there shall, be two stations in el orris, and that the road must be actually commenced in this 'muricipality be ore the debentures can be handed ove to you, and that the route of the roal shall be from Seeforth to Ainleyville, . nd thence to BineVale. Yeas -P. Ke ly, C. Proctor, :W. J. • , Johnston -3. 1 'Nays -Thomas Kelly, Reeve e Dr. 1 Holmes, Deputy Reeve. • ETING of the Morris on Saturday last, for JUNE 9/1871. young. We alto notice& several 'games of base ball, nt'' which numbers ,o1 tho young ladies jo nod, Tea was served to the children a 2 o'clock, and to the visitors and patents at 4 o'clock, after which a coll ction was taken tip, by weieh they rea, ized the mum of $11. for a library for tho.i' mks School. An ad - dross was deli \Jared Rev. Mn Hul- bert, aud atter vote e of thanks, the am- usements of 't ie dAy closed; every one evidently well pleamed.-Vierron. •grnb IS committing great the croptie The ground is arched with sa inueli dry in of amount lta,ving ighborhood shiest eeeding- Came -Th ravages among gettine quite weatlfer. No fallen in this n time. abcirne. - SitimAint Sel OOL AN-NIVERSAMr1.--The anttiversary of the Bethesda Bible Chris- tian Sabbath ). chool was held on the 24th ult. The . en rtaiument, which was very saecessft 1, comksted of singing -by the choir, re 'tations by- the. children. and brief asi ressee by Messrs. Logic, 'Clarke, Kenn e and Rice.- • Excellent re- freshments N ere esrovided, • /rho total amount rceliz 1 -was $05 9L • WO are in- debted to M - Richard Blatchferd, So- perintendent • r a lesigthir report of the proceedings, hich we regret we aro un- -.unable to publish in full. .' • A :WARNING TO YOUNG ' 71.110.N. ---,-On the 24th{of May t ' e people of Debortee flock- ed to differoni parts, Seaforth being 'the favorite reser, while a goodly .number wended their way to Bethesda, Chapea in which a Sabbath School •annivernery was to be held. Among those - Who visited. the latter place was a young.gent it whoses percep ive faculties will. probably get 'brighten:et a little ere hereaehes lils " three score ears a•nd ten." Th' crowd. through whicl .. he had to pass, ogether with the fact . that he. has not - et seen the last of hi "teens," may be aken 48 reasons for se. h strange conduct. Having escorted one o the fair sex to the .clialtel, he obtained a, scat for her and 'Went to procure .a ti Ike- but 'unfortunately ou his return he appeared. to have forgotten -- the appearanc -of the real Mies, and pro - seated. •the tic 'et to orte sitting close by, who seeming 1 ot to mind. a joke, provided it at somez other - person's expense, very kindly accepted it, likeveise his company cher-ng the day. Matters thus went on nice y until evening, when the youngster wi hipg to get a partner for . a dancing• part in the -vicinity, put in his arsine his feelings When the reeelyti,estth'inkin Maweuld be expeotinglaer tz hople SOOn, r plied, '" Don't you think, Mr. —, yo have made a mistake." It It was then 1 e began to realizelds true position and he reassert of so inaeh snick- ering a,mong he urchins. Young men, tako warni Ig, .never jump. at s conclu- sionst-Com. following condi the by-law, nan for said amoun Township Tree, Bluevale. e QUITE REF the vicinity dance, and fe sat down on As she sat listening to gently stole came please' and the enc But alas ; but short du quick start, in the water of about t no serious a hat. whiel bine twinet short nap "quite refr upon the eerned.-C Sitor.-Mr. Ed -Ward Tindall is ,'erect- ing a very large and commodious agon shop. WEATHER, & the past Week hot ; . the therm ing as high as 1 taeg very dry .-The weather ( uring as been very dr ef and meter sometienes rang. 00. The ground is get - and parched, ' an1 the. spring crops ale: sufferingsevere y for want of rah?, and I am afraid if' we don't , get some good. refreshing showers shortly, they be ty light, 'eSpecially the hay. BATITINC.-A. young man of this vil- - lage came very near losing his life, on Saturday evening last, by his own rash- ness. It appears that he, along with some others, went to Leech's. pond to bathe,:btit; although unable to swim,- he • was foolish enough to plunee into one of - the ( eepest places, and wou have ieen drowned, had it not been for one of the. swimmers grabbinghold of him, after he had. been down the second time, and dragging him to the shore. We would advise him to be more careful{ in future, at the some time give ft gentle hint to those who can swim . to be very cautions this hot weather, for we scarcely take up a paper in which. we don't read of acci- dental deaths from drowning, Pieenie for the benefit of the •8anday School in connection with Little Zion Charch, Hibbert, was held in Mr. David Oughton's woode, IVediteseley,, May 31st. There was a large company present; the plaeeehosen- was very suitable for the occasion, There were t tree large swings erected, which were oustant1y occupied 1:1, ohil and. .ESHINO.-A young lady in f Lumley, returning from a ling "weary and footsore," he bank of the river to rest. needing over the past and he murmuring waters, sleep upon her, and -with sleep t dreams.of the mazy dance, outing sounds of tho violin. hose pleasing scenes were of ation, for all of a sudden, a she found herself immersed. below. The fall, a distance n feet, was accompanied by esults more than the loss of "has gone ''where the wood. ." We quite agree that the, id cool bath must have been- shing." These facts rest onfeesion of the party coll- et. the race horses which he was ridii% dur- ing the races. The horse be some )nearis or other fell and pitehed t ic led on the' hard gravel. road His isejulies are se- vere, being chiefly in his 1nad, his skull being fractured. He is y -t but there is little hope of his re aoyeey. An- other accident, but a les. serious na- ture, happened to a little g rl, (laughter of Mr. 0, Andrus, eaddle and' harness - maker. She received painf illjUriCS to ono of her ankles. Mr. Jo m Green got knocked down by a span f horses and weggon, but did not rev any aerions injury. Another poor Tel o-ty had the misfortune to have ills • osc broken. These are some of the neief dunes which happen through our pree it :method of t Exeter. A GOOD Ann. -We had the pleasure, a few days ago of visiting the line dalq faun of Mr.' Richard Man 'ng, near Exeter. Mr. Manning cul- tivates about 4300 acres, keeps fifty milch cows, and manufactures he milk into cheese in his own fac- tory. The -on buildings on this farm are so admir- ably arranged for convenience and the comfort of stock SS to ve materially lighten the labor of at- tending to so 1 ergo a number of animals as Mr, Man- ning keeps co stantly on hand. His cow -stable is fitted np to a well is everyt that number i give our rende which Mr. Ma ..now feeding t vo steers, ono of which weighs 1,885 pounds, and i only one year and nine months old, ,and the other WO years, -and weighs 1,470 pounds. They are cert inly the finest pair of steers we have ever seen, andi their owner expects, by next Christ- mas. to realiz by them the handsome sum of $400. He had also Durham calf this Spring, which at -- calving weig ed 108 pounds, and 'one mouth after weighed 190 p ands. This calf was Held. to Mr. S. Cobeldick, of McGiflivray for $30. To raise stoek like this pays commodate lifty-soven cows, and so 'ng arranged that two men can feed about ten or fifteen -minutes. To Ls some idea of the quality of stock ining raises, we mav state that he is celebeafeng th- birthday of her nits y Qaten Victoria -Sew Seafor Municipal .Letter from the Tothq .Witor yf.the fluron DEmz, : ton are del. Affairs- eeve7 lepositnr. btless weary, as wall as yarn. readers, with the non- sense,weitten about Munici id:matters in Seaforth by Dr. Coleman. - In My absence. front home on private business, a second. letter I appeared in _your paper, from the DoctoT'se pen. which nes -Beattie was answered by -Mr. 'fa Ornmeillor, Senforth. That answer com- pletely demolishes the Doetor's charges in respect to Municipal 1 letters. ,Mr. Beattie has taken his . stall I. on the im- preentable ground of truth and facts, and. all the artillery of Dr. Col tnan will be futile and. vain t� overturn that position. I feel, therefore, that I h. ve nothing to - do, assured. that any ate Satione made by the Doctor will be me and repelled successfully by Mr. -Beatii. . Neither, -Mr. Editor, hal e 1 any desire to give Dr. Coleman a fie itious impor- tance in the (eyes ofestfe p blie by reply- ing to his letters. His_ productions in t te s ape of letters aro his oven execution r. Anything more damning than these 1 tters, viewed. as Specimens of compositi n, emanating from a man sunpos•ed to he -re reeesved a liberal education I neve are prolix, involved, full interspersed with inapt (0 the Statutes, that have as upon the points in questio of Mahommed. I defy the most learne. ravel some of his periods. , inon sense ont of his .4 sentences. I shall theref in. the hands of Mr. Beatti not a man of much prete erto proved himself more` for the erudite Doctor. 1 ours truly, S. G. Mt GAUCHE+, Reeve of &dot -tin ' Seaforth, June 5, 1871. Wroxeter. BASE BAILL MeTcia -The "Shoo Fly" club of this village play the Clifford club, on Saturday next, 10th June, on the grounds • f the Wroxeter olula The match bet een the Wroxeter club and the "Mairands," of Anileyeille, will be played on he grounds of the latter ou Dominion lay.- - _ • : THE Lawrie, o specimen found. up garden. so well 1n not descri that has b far as we , LOPADO this place, shOwed us a f this insect, which he had n some potato plents in his t is, unfortunately, becoming awn in Ontario, that we need ie it. It is the firet specimen en found n this vicinity, so re aware. PessiiNo.-This snort is afl the "go -now. A gentle spo ten miles trout have of our vill of discove week, on got Main crew cam fore, unde doing col s ; some of t certain. it me pretty wandering neat many go tcl seek the t at Mud Creek, a stream about orth of this, whore some fine been bagged. To or three ge sportsmen went on a trip y down the -Maitland last i. raft, but their bark having ed or broken to pieces, the * to grief. They re, there - the unpleasant necessity of iderable wadme them pref rrecl swimming ; is that all of , them came h well soake I.. They were iee through 0 r streets "Wit their garments nging like cerementie. Whi st the wave constantly D ipp'd from their clothing." read. They of tantoloay, otationa from ranch beaxing as the Koran critic to mi- nd make corn- -proportioned ire leave him , who, though &ion, has Intl). - than a match Letter from Council or Beattie. To. the Eilitor of The Iho. n, Expositor. DEAR : A third latter from ,Dr. Coleman on Municipel ffairs has ap- peared in your paper, wh eh for garbled misrepresentation and Only come from the With the exception of letter is a repetition of hi ' The Doctor must imagin his letters are very dull when he ieiterates th three tunes to make him He commences his letter I admit all he has said. .Airy reader of the letters self whether I have or n Coleman is guilty of I Again, the Doctor refer of uncollected taxes, Fe bee -a more than three ti of taxes collected since he gives credit for. „He said the County rate of the uncollected teae. saio no such thing, and. tor to show that I did. For som invent:es,' appearanc had chan ments for 'next few time after they were 7107t est nd. when they did make their . it was found that one and all ed their late dripping habila- heir Sunday clothes. For the ays they had- to endure con- siderable chaffing." and we hardly , think the - intend going Practically into the raft b siness this season again. W ng am. ACCIDETNTS.-Several accidents of A se- rious natnre happened here on the Queen's Birthday, and from the frequency of such occurrences it seems a pity that some- thing could not be done to prevent them, The most deplorable accident which took place on the above day. was that which befell the oldest son of Mr. Robert Gor- don, who was violently thrown by one of slander mold octor himself. the above, his former efforts. the readers of apprehension, zame matter elf un ders to o d by saying that No such ilaing. can. see for him - t. In this Dr. llful falsehood. to the amount 14; there has nes the amotmt lute time than. asserts that was paid out of last year. I defy the Doc - ere, again, the Doetor is guilty of willfal and deliberate falsehood. Again, the Doctor char res me with having taken the Treasurer's bookiinto my possession and having kept it ov6r a week. This, a tarn, is a willful and malicious falsehood, and proof is forthcoming, if necessa Can a man be trusted who willfully makes false statements ? The Doetor at great- length endeavors to show that the Council, and thewriter mpartieular, 'lave brokentheir declaration of office. The statement of the Doctor is as false as himself ; serpent hke, he endeavors to give a poisonous bite, but he is perfectl harmless, inas- much as he is not noted lie matters. The Doet fers to law costs, endea seene by making mi tries to throw the bla eron. t was not the thou judgest al filers If." I no tor, 1 oping he h SO m forth for truth in pub - ✓ once more M- ors to shift the statements, am.1 e en M. 0. Cams y -law that was in fault; it was Dr. Co eman's ignorance in drawingup the eons' ction that caused the loss to the Munici ality. He gives an account of certain aweeosts paid in . 1868, but does not sa anything, about 810 more, which they ere indebted to Mr. Benson, and wl loll the present Council had to pay. 'bis and the law costs referred to in a fo marletter aro the legacies left by the D ctor •for his sue. cessors to pay. The Do 'tor speaks about a school debt, and here I think he might hide his face for/fp-ye ame, be being the principal School 'Frust e when this debt was contraoted, and aving taken the obligation of rrustee to transact the business of the school t• the best inter- ests of the sectionW 1 at is the result? That, through the infh ence of the Doc- tor, the money was bo rowed at a rate of ten per cent., and - 1rOmT1 a source in -which the Doctor is lo ely connected, when money cen be oh to ed at from six to eight per tent ne I si neose the Doctor will say he had efa sell i terest in this transaction! No brok 11 vows here! The most of your read rsi will eemember . when he was Reeve 03 Seaforth how he used his endeevors to have the public money spent in dra -fling the Bearer meadow, near Egmo tdblle. No jeer- tiality here! No brie en 1 declaration of offite ! What • say yo a Dr. Colem-an? Still further, the Doet r took the oath of Magistrate, to protect he -peace of Her Majesty the Queen, a d to enforce- the laws of the country. What is the re - suit? He not only fai S lto enforce the law, but becomes a paAy to breaking the law by quarreling and fighting. - I have . already shown some of his ability in dispensing justice. Here is another specimen: A peaty is brought before him for having an onstruetion in the street, the party is fined and allowed to keep the obstruct4in where it was. - This is how the woulld.be Simon Pure conduoted business le hen the reins of power were in his hands. Is false swearing perjury? I.sl a false swearer to be trusted? Look, D-. Coleman, in the glass, and see the refi ction of one -who hal not kept his sol-em4i obligations. The Doctor sets hien elf np as judge, let him profit by the fol owing: "Who art thou that judgest a other ? Wherein. other thon endeshliest take leave 1:- the Doe. - is gained the totoriety he ich ilesires 1)y falsifyi g the ;See -- municipal officers,. JA.MES M *s.W.u, EN, day vetting, 30 under the toitie foot, Jr., 01 Ta elite Chu of tra were neve talee f1110C 01It of ye Alma. ER' NMENT. l ile sersmith, ga taimnept ru the Bibi eh, of thie ' illage. Qui -led and d'ffereitS piece sung tly fie elms, al iy ladies al a t .from the vicinity. ' W0.8 large, but 2111 fount nconiiri a 'ale crowding. eel mash; 1 as long been loco} ity, but p o ftilciaitoltilof 1. tentf idiot foot, te- by the ie who deseeves. gr cher .of eo a1.P111SiC. Blyth. The f011awinr is a het- of the italics of t tone who ree at tl e athletic sports 'here . Mae ea --Best d essed calith ,T, °Taxi* 2 al S. Atulers. Jame - Tem pie. Q uoi Jo hit Sberritt. Whitley, 2m1 Headlc Thr e Stands J. Canninghan J. Crozier, 211d -1 ing ing b'os 2fid. J. r . Headley, 2nd J. Tuel Rae -1st J. ticker, 2nd -On Tues- nging class. ex. Broade e 0. musiteal Chris -aim e ntimber of inrush: assisted by 01 antisical 'he attend - estate with - -Tile walk - felt in thee ney is sup - Mr. Brea - at credit as he names of •ired prizes in the 24th • nupian-lst B. 3rd Wm. Potter; 2nd Standine W. 1. Careol. Poemiag Jump y, 211.1 111 W hitkv., 1St \V- Wh tley, 2rel i. . Throwine Stone --iso A. ..-N.Instard. Foot Rano t W. Rams ord, 211.1 T. 1 ohnes. the Rine 1st G. Theob la. Wrest - Back ITtel 1 -1st A. 2ra1 J. er: Side Hold -1st G sDamphey, M. Carr I. Trottie Race -1st -en Running - Curtis. E \'TERT AIN ;NI fit evening a 24th an e tertaimuent vae given in School Ho ise. by the Blyth Penny ling Soeie y, the Hou, e was taxi seaflowing, Nv1u1cTi speak well for the ess of thi society, this being the.. sec( nd entertainment. Th progrannne wa choice, a 1 coneisted leeattings, Re itatione m - d Singaig, lmost all of which were re dered in a st le worthy of pro essors ; it is almost ne Mess to pan - thee larize -whet ell did so well, yet nee fee the ent als the the Ile. too sue bound to iiention the i rastermeoe of evening, a Recitation b, Mien Oliver, tied_ inburgh aft -r Dodd -ma'. s piece by 11 Holmes, jr., clear ease if cut out," house down. ith a Bona hy ;" and ertry- elighted with xt entertain-- iday evoninv.- a humor() en6 pled.- " A wh ch fairly - Th entertain th Glee el ism ne ne. tel ic ap In y depa entert- t will tan-eVe ted inn be v E rougdit the lent 'dosed se - G ood Nigh apparently (. ent. The n held on "COU TY INSPECTdRSHIP. s we o t press we learn by special it gram, that Messrs. Miller, of Giacier!: and Dewri e of Seaforth, have been, ointed to' the office of county School pectors for the Comity jai Hum). Divisio' s Court -4871- ivisiou Courts 'mil be held as follows: Ar light= ..... me 27 W 4axeter ....... nly 25 Se ',forth nly 27 E eter.. uly 29 B ytield ng. I De ngannon ng. Cl nten ug. 5 (44 aerial lig. 14 -Ai eyville pt. 26 nforth pt. 28 E eter ')pt. 80 D ingannon 3 a RAILyV Trains lea f llows :- 1 T ionto Eress. • 7,52 A. M. Baylle d 4 Clint(n) 0c,f... 6 Oodereek. g AN'ing.betta . Wroxe.tcr 2°Rra. 21 Seafenth Exetei Nuy..2:$ -Nov. 2,4 Barliad.e.—.C.04. 20, Clinton Deo., 1. Gude G. 4 Mixe- L35 r. r. YTLMaTrABLE. e the Seal h station ate - GOING EAS Buffalo Ex pros MLrod. 1(00 A. MJ L35. GOING 1,V14.5T. Exptess. 2_35 r. Ir. 8.50 a, er. S E IAL NOT ° o''caiiisli-re.)10'Grgileilisal': i nel light ma 'Good feed . re same effe een starieed .11 Iron 'out ebilitet el, rtIg! iritietIolss'' erlelna, 4 Sewing tacaino Ctmpany worlefor tmequal to their wing Alex:hi-he for family ufaettiring p irposes. nd plenty it, produces .t upon a 3- e son who bas that the Pe avian Syrup , does upon the weak and 'It makes the n strong and tging weak» and 612Aer. Th and ltea4h BE Waste -Too often a -eild or slight ough is eon edered a v •ry ordheary, rifling a air, just as well ieft to go ae it ame, an. hence systemati ally neglect- ' nntil 4sim4ile curable a action is oone etrted inlo a serious puha ' 'he mo r cold sl ly use Vhich ha or over : icacions, aflame° onary nd. come ier box. Fellow hosphit t exerts ystem, eody. nary disease. prmlent, aware that a, counh uld,not be trifle.l with, prompt- ' Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers," ve sustained their reputation 0 years. They are always et. - and exert the lost beneficial an all the hroi hi•al seal pul-1 eons.: S301.1 by all druggists ry merchants. Pfiee 25 cents ' Compound yrup of Hypo - is an excellm nervous thine. direct infhten e on the nervous ad through it iuvigoratee the 11 Se d. Pot itoes PROM THE CO MY OP XFORD. T REC - AT- IVED W. S 'OTT ROB! RTSON'S, E RIX GOO 0 RICH, EiLRLY HAR ISON, AND P CE ALBI RTS. R.NIP EED Half a on- of choice Turnip Seed, (fieer- ent variet-es, n3 4.1„ Witiffeelea. Vag..101remmorwAsa, X Bill yr MEDI R.. W. IZ. genie. etc. , leereseds had kW- Ni.11,1 Lb. fienforth, Dee, I le -11 of Mei;:11 Uni" C—Mj MIZE PhySki.11), 1l, -deee Z1.1 t uriehs Sept 11 A. -N. I ES TEVAfl A 4, 1 ate I 0." Physiei en. eese res 4Irrt •!. Sao_ 1:I, A 8 r L.VEI Z4 *I J. elan. Surnten, enee, (eviler of t, ienaediately eafortb, e: 4th. Tf1i1. CAMI 111:LIs, k'ount v.. X "kiai alai Corby's. corner Istore, f1ii. (Let, n{ealS LEGA 1- SC A 1..".1 ; 4tf. BarriNters.i Attorn tors in t liancery end. n.1) '0411,-**: toes for the 1Z . C. Ianle, fese the Van -tile Life Ass 'NS 13, -.a:30Am to len F , Houses .tend Lot. ilgeafertha Deoi 14th4 - -- ENSON & MEYER. Attorneyat Law., -a1){1 1n -solvency, 4.. alias Pohl in eta. 4 if r3`,Meter. Ag-ellbS for co. of Upper Cana 6 o' -al fhantrities t'o. of la oery at per ; -fazed. lileaforila The. 10th HOTE .._... Nox-s 11Y1 EL de' Theemdersigned b public for the liberal i to hire ite 'tim1,s. past in and Ids() to inforil-1 thi,ria a 4%1:mod linsimss hk le.re he -Will be hope f esn. old friend, and a • TII0 1 Settiorth, May 5; 1S70 ' —7," ; '.- - -----; . 3..R1 11 1 S II le X4 'II A "lle4, . erieh, ONee , 4. l'AL Ton ; J. S. \VI! LaAm n. note], AVill;SII,W, - " his hOtti has reeently I Weed, and refitted thr owono of the snost =cola ' Modions in t be Provintie„ noon's for Commercial ' _ Terme liberal_ Goderich, April 14, ife ISCELLA W„ McPHJLLI Livia S'urvee-ore, etc. All manner -Cofl. with neatness noel tlispate IJominissioner 11% e.st door Bou.4. of She I‘.&iaforth, Dec. 14, 1 - SHARP'S L Stables, Office -At orth. Good Homes Convayancen always on flA1ZFS Li VE1flS ST., 'SI:ArOTZTII. Arra G4rriages always on ablesterms. R. L.SnArz "asitarth„ Ma.y 5th, 1870 1 ITEM 'EXTRACTED N CARTWRIGHT, 1 ,DentiSt, extracts the we of the Nitr. nee --Over the Beaco It'enzi. Attendance in NO. Hotel., the. first Toesilay of each month; in -Cli/e loercial Hotel, on the f and,1"ridtlys. IlIrtlies requiring ne *meted. to call, if stSc- - an the first day of a 54,000 patiente 41meted by the use of tozifs offices, New Yo 4. JOHN BRIC adliitane Broker, and HoughAtogieicit 41/51yos,itr:GE.01;.):1111.11 s , TIrrertigh. Tick-e.reissn in the Western. Statves,. 445t1 River, at reduced thell liteeesstsfatereyiliitlisifsewtez:, e1ig Land o d anc,i(.);11 A gencies, ixn3 0.1111