HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-06-09, Page 787 SADDLES„ )LES &e, EETt SEAFORTH. good folk who want Her- w-pricea, good and new, Main street, Seefmth, stook you may view. anal by JAME1 WILSON k is so high.y rertowned ; n Main street, Seaforth, may easily be found. enter of bit; bridles and curbs a anet paddles so fine, thing can etinal their mann at No. 1 A and prime. ef good blankets for winter keep frem, your horses the - nets, so graceful for Sum- 'th blue, green, yellow and -hipe of every description, sage coach, carriage or hand S WILSON'S shop, Seaforth, :ay s be had at command. onges and combs and rosettes and (rood in their 'way; Del short tugs in abundance, mess that don't break in a day. wets and Trunks of all kinds, of a quality apicy and ram uld desire to purchase,' shop of JAMES WILSON e and that without fnrher t bargains make while yeti addle and Harness Emporium," member JAMES 1YNS man. constantly on hand a stock of S, PORTMANTEAUS, VAL- ISES AND WHIPS. Collaes and Blankets, article conneeted with the business. eUNEIS, VALISES, 5, SADDLES and BRIDLES, Made to order. J. WILSON. -rt a OTORY. Subscribers beg leave to thank numerous caistontera for the atronage extended to them since _cing l)u$ ieS 111Seafertle, and at they will be favoredwith -awe a the same. s intending to build weuhl de rive them a call, as they -will to keep on hand a, large Stoeh nds of NE LUMBER SASHES WANDS, 1‘.1OLDINGS, .INGLES, LATH, &c., • confiaent Of giving satisfactiort 'hose who may favoar them with Iheir patronage, as none but first class workmen are employed. rtiealer atteation paid tee Custom thug - • BROAD -FOOT & GRAY. TAM PRESERVATION OF THE S 1 G HT. R. COUNTER TXT ATORMAKERA.ND V I, JEWELER, Seafoth, Ont., sole Agent for the sale of ouivelebrated PERFECTED 'SPECTACLES, the Lenses of Winch are ground by us, from, Material manufactured espe- cially for Optic purposes. it is pure, hard, andbriilant, and as near Achromatic as can be produced. The peculiar foe= and scientific acettracy attain- ed by the aid of complicated and cnstIy machinery„ war - rats as in asserting them tn be 1HE1OT 1'ERFEC1 SPECTACLES. EVER MAX 1:FACT15RED. They assist the sight moatbrilliantle,o011 fer ease and comfort on the er, cause a continuous and abidine, ivement of the eyes, and last a great years without requiring to be ted. So they are the CHEAPEST en as the BEST. LAZARUS. _MORRIS & Co. 295 Notre Dame Street, (up stairs), Montreal. N'e employ no Pedlers. FOR SALE EAT splendid Hotel Stand on the Market Square, Seaforth, known act L:ORN EXO'HANGE, and doing business. To an enterprising mann some capital, it offers excellent inr mente. being ou one of the leading te and close to the Salt so, two comfortable 1( )TTA GES-- on e Street. Goderich, rented at $200 a and FSeVaUl. Towa Lots. Terms - nate. Apply to • WM. MALCM At the Market. aforth, Jan.`23, 1871, 161- tt • .Tutzn 5. 1871. bluttital Insurance of Live Stock. eommittee of the Ayrshire Agricultural Association have been considering this sitbject, especially with regard to the insurance of dairy stock against disease and exit:lents. Their report contains a number of 'interesting facts, and eloees with the recommendation that a system of mutual insurance should be adopted, as preferatale to the orgmaization of a stock company, and that it should be -confined at first to 'insurance against deaths from plettro-puennionia, but sub- sequently extended, after coming • fairly into working order, to deaths of dairy stock from any cause what= ever. It is estinaated that the rate necessary to ilistire against this disease would be from Id. to 2d! per pound (say from of 1 per cent. to one per cent.) on the -v-alue of the stock, according as the system was i-iore or less generally entered into by the farmers of the Tway. For- tunately out -dairy farmers have had very little ttouble so far from' the particular disease above referred to. But •the reading of the repot suggests the feasibility of a system of mutual insurance here, against losses from abortion in cows, which has proved such a scourge in many • of our dairy districts, occuring, as the elaborate investigations conduct- ed by our State Society show, so uaexpectedly, Ivith so little apparent cause, now on- one farm and now on another -often where every reasonable precaution seemed to have been taken against it It could not be diffiCultt'for an associ- ation of practical dairymen to ageee upon a fair sum as the limit Of the insurance to be taken upon a single animal; to ascertain. the percentage of cases of ptobable occurrence; and therefore the tate neccessary to be paid for each cow insured ;earad by liaking-- suitable provision that insurance should not be paid in cases of evident negligence or ill- treatment, to perfect a system which could scaicely fail, it strikes us, to be a source of great relief to the unfortunate without _praying very. burdensome to any. 18 not the subject at least,worthy of discussion One other point in the report is of interest The deaths froni pleuro- pneumonia among cows in Ayrshire were found by statistics collected in 1852-3-4 to be about one and one- third per cent., (1.329,) while the statistics of 1870 showed that it was reduced to about one-sixth of one per cent, (.173) and the reduction is ascribed mainly to the act .now in. force as regards contagious dia -eases in animals, -which compels the isolation of diseased herds,'the dis- infection of stables, &c., Or itApOin- plishes, in other words, very much what our Cattle Commissioners would undertake to do in case of the outbreak of any •dangerous 'epidemic. -Country Gentleman. The iron Bar. A bar of iron, worth $5 worked liato horse shoes, is worth $10.50 ; made into ieedles, it is worth $355 ; Made into penknife blades, it is worth $3,285 ; made into -balance eprings of watches, it is worth • $2507000. - • What a drilling the poor bar must - undergo to reach, all that. But, haniMered and beaten and pounded • and rolled and polished, how was its value increased! It might well have qnivered and complained under the hard knocks it got; but were • they not all necessary to draw out its fine qualities, and to fit it for ;higher offices I And so, children, all the drilling and training to which you are sub- jected in youth, and which often seems so hard to you, serve to bring out your nobler and finer qualities, and fit you for more responsible posts and greater usefulness in the world. -.le • A. SPENDTHRIFT.- aarpong the singular cases which have come be- fore the Court of Bankruptcy in England lately, is that of Mr. Vane Milbanke, a young gentleman and • spendthrift of twenty-two. Although scarcely out of his teens he ,had managed to pile up liabilities to the tune of $150,000, and 'aging unable to - discharge them sought relief after the manner of insolvent tradets. Mr. Milbanke, it appears, will be entitled on the death of the -Duke of Cleveland, whose dukedom. will then be extinct, to property worth $70,000 a year, and on the death of his father to estates of thevalue of 8500,000 a year. The prespect of his creditors is therefore not • hopeless. For some -years past the young man has been leading a wouderfullv " fast " life, anclat .one time, according to common report, be was on the eve of contracting marriage with one of the most notoriously disreputable characters ef London. GETTING RICH BY FARMINC:.-J. Garetsee describe, in the Ameri- can Rtiral Home, his visit to the fartn or E. B. Root, well known as nterprisiug farmer living west RMJeSter._ He began farming when eighteen years old, en thii ty acres which his :father left him. From. the products ,of his farm, as he increased it in size, he paid off all the heirs, bought and ttimproved on 400 acres more, then worth 00 an acre arid now More than double; put up some $20,000 worth of build- ings, and now lives on a fine estate of 701J acres, with thousands invest- ed besides. Re has never made a dollar by any onside epeculation. He takes hold with his own hands, or is alv, ays in the midst of his bus iness. • He adopts the following ro- tation ; One fourth of the plough land in wheat, oneshalf of; which is on fallow and half on barley stubble; one-eighth in corn, and the other hoed crops, one-eighth in barley, one-fourth in pasture and fallow, and -one fourth in meadow lover always after wheat -and the fallow deeply i verted:clOver seed. toc -Stit6h Sewing MAO1111 IN E. Thousai now usin . been test the favo sides, an any othe For wide beauty. ai adaptabili The Ob cls thro filicut Canada are these chines. They have d beyond all question, make te lock -titch, alike On both are priiotuici superior to Lnachine offered the public. range bf work, perfection, d excellence of me anism, -, strength and durability, , Sew 3fachiite Has .Aro eto- rovement have hitely been made, en bling the marinfacturers to claim. it a the ne plus ultra of Sewing machines, Hundre le of testimonials are being rec ved (tail roue old as well as new oper tors at tine its wonderful ca,pabiliti s. Will do all kinds of do- mestic se ing, frora the, finest cambric to the cop, seet Overcoat or upper leather. GBARAIcTEED TO BE AS nErntsenrine OR r0 SALE, WARRANTED PoR . THREE YEARS. born Outfit is.. compl te and preheiq ed. Ts sold at one - rice hitli to charged for ma- g a line range of rk,, the rers bein detcrrniind to place the reach of every fhmily in FEFOnp 1PuncilASEi eon- ; , that a our machines are un - The 0 readily co half - the chines do] manufa,c it within the count •A TR1A vince all equaled. Tin .0 Is pre -e Machine marvel& of domes REDUCED. Hand Treadle EI;PI. REVER 4tBLE eatly 016 best Singl read ffered tip the public- nce its successl Will do.all arieties io sew g. RIUES BEATLY adbine, Iwith full out o., $1 . ar Each guarantee J. I PP Age ts wanted v-erywhere did -Millie aieits tb makemoney Apply o • CUELP SEWING .MACHINE Q8., GUELP CAN:ADA. • W. IsT WATSUN, , Agent 180-ly SEAFOH. t, $12; a,chine Splen - ES RA TR -AY ED fro Rober Kettle Hallett, bout th Steers, th ee year spotted, eth Daar on the lef side; with dar sides a meaked ne red oneyoke f two -y ted and ith neerly,w ito with neck -.A abcet the RO 181-4* lY Pets will h 0 CATT tie premise f. • L t 7; 3rd Co lc ssion, of April last, two oh , one red, the other -e with the letter K ne :3 -year-old Heifer, d White backtand also • elfer, two years old; ainold. Steers, one spot- hite face, the other some red around. the n giving int rmation liberally rew rded. ERT. KETT E, ot 7, .3 rd Con. Hullett. L!ME . muE S bscribe is prepared tt furnishpartie buildin• with a first classnt- ticle of S one Lim , at 20 cents er bah - el at the kiln, Mcheill p, nea Thorn- - son's sae -null, or 22 lc 41t8 per bushel delivered in Seaforthi Ordets left with Tr. BULL, tMain- street, Se forth, will ni et with prompt 'attention JANI S DO DS, 174-tMe pop. EAT FEMA E RElvf-RIDY, ES' ,PERIObICAL • THE 0 JOB M This w bu Female front any powerf ll -known medi Me is a sure and afe re iffitulties anee what 1 remedy, i a ve Obst ictions; lthough nothing milady e bring arity, is no - In all eetions, tigue on tion, Palpitation of the. heart, , of Spirits., Hysterir, Sick Whites and all the painful ccasioned by a disorde e sys- when eans have failed. ills have never been. n wn to the directions oil th econd. mphlet are well obser 01. particularsget a p mphlet, agent. JOB 310sE.'NEm- SOU PRO RIETOR. $1.00 e Id 121 cents for pos ante, en- closed to orthrop 'di' Lyman, i eweastle Ont., gen ,ral agents for the D will iesur a 'bottle containing eVer 50 pills by r turn mail. . ler Sol in Seafortli by E. Hie n and Co., and 11, Lumsden; A. ,"'te. hens, Mitchell J. 8. Combs, Olin , and all Medie ne Dealers) • NORM. 01' L'YM AN, N wcastle, Scie Agents. 180-9 ; and ntahis hurtful to the constij4t cn. To Ma rind Laclids t is p suited. t will in a short tin en the nu uthly period -With re and altho gh very powerful con thing hu tul to the constitution cases of 'en -oils and Spinal 4 •Pains in t e Back and Limbs, slight exe Lowness Heade& diseases tern; thes Phis will ,effect a cu all other These fail w her p tge of pg For fill free, of th et HURON Sec;fortlt Foitndry ZAPFE & CARTER Would deeire to call attention to their s greatly improved . THRSHER & SEPARATOR Which s able to compete with any ot er Machine ireCanada: Among, its many advantages, we call t. tentionl to the following -the wily he Cylinder is constructed it requires 1 ss Ipower and is capable of THR SH1NC MORE AND CLEANE THAN ANy OTHER. The great complaint among Thresh rs always was, that they could thresh in re. than thy could clean, ourimproved dr m does a ay with all these complaints ;I it is so co etrueted as to regulate the w nd. to keep the riddles from choking, with ut blowin any grain over. We have ti1so improv4d our Mills to prevent the gr4dn going ojrer with the straw. • We ould invite Farmers and Thre h- ers, generally, to give us a call, and x - amine our stock before purchasing el e - where ; we can sell as cheap as any ot er Establi hment. None bit the best Material used, and he v ry best workmen employed. The i1achines we sold last year ena le us to sa, that they gave iletter satisfac- tion th n any other evet sold in this, county. . PI T'S HORSE POWER! eft on hand at all times. We ould also desire to direct the ttention of farmers to our SAWING MACHINES! Which kre capable of sawing from fo ty to fifty cords of wood per 1.atr. suoerio Gang Ploughs; Straw Cutt rs Cultiva ors, ScuMers. Wooden and Ir • n - beam Ploughs, Scrapers, Kettles, &c • All of hich we warrant to give satis c - tion, a &will be sold as cheap as at ny • othe Establishment in the Province REP- IRING AND CASTIN • OF EVERY ,DESCRIPTION, Done on the shortest notice and,mo t • reasonable terms. „ 143-1 - ZAPPE & CARTER.. •EDWARD CASH, Dealer iu all kinds of Farm and Dai. Produce, GLESALE AND RETAIL. The °lest Price in Mon FOR , WOOL AND BUTTE • Pay your fees and drive up to his store, GopERICH STREET, SEA.FORTH BU TER FIRKINS for sale and to exchan e. • 180-c o • Armistice. J HN LOGAN A• declared war against the • c, ntile opposition of Seaforth, a large and varied stock of amunitio hand ia the shape of IVY"• Cle0ODS GROCERIES 11 Whia for quality, style and cheapn calm t be Conquered with fair pia Th following are special lines :- FANCY DRESS GOODS, W CEYS, (Plain and Checked,) L TRE, POPLINETTS, FREN MERINOS, PRINTS, POPLI GREY COTTON, BLEACH DO., FLANNELS, BLANKE MAN ES, GLOVES, PING- CLOT.frDS, HOODS,LHOKE], ING YARN, .READY - M • CLOTHING, HATS & CA TWEEDS, COTTON AND FL NEL SHIRTS, DEAWERS Or- ith on GARS, . TEAS, TOBACCOES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, SPICES, &c., &c., Too numerous to mention, • ATTHE . 11VIanchester HOUSe MAINSREET, S 0 1/, 111 _ SEAFORTH, Nov. 15, 187e • 152-tf. Cl-tEAP LOT FOR SALE 5(1 ACRES East half of Lot 29, Teeth U Con., Culross, County of Bruce, with Log house Eight acres cleared. Patel tee.. Arildress ExPOSIToR, Seafer.h, or JOials, LOGAN, Eq., Tees wa ter March: 31,IF, 1. 1;313b r,i()S IT OR, 7 You can get the ErC71-31-1 BENEFIT ---0E- REDUCTION -IN- TTONS! -AT- GRAY SPARLINC & CO.S, OPPOSITE • THE GREAr EGG STORE. 117 R LITMSDEN , Has just received a Fresh Stock of PuREi DRUGS D CHE ICALS Toilet and Fanc Soaps, Combs, Hair, Tooth a.nd Nail Brushes, French, 'English, 4nd. American. PERI' MERY. CENUINE DYE STUrFS Guaranteed to be.of the best quality; Horse and Cattle Medicines Condition Powders. Physicians prescriptions carefully and accurately dispensed. R LUMSDEN, SEAFORTH Furniture Virarerooras M. ROBERTSON Importer and manufacturer of all knda ; OP HOUSEIIOLD! FURNITURE, Such as SOFAS, LOUNGES, CENT4E TABLES, • .MATTRASSES, DINING & BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIR'S, and BEDSTEADS, , In Great Variety. Mr. R. has great conidence in offer- ing his doods to the public, as they are Made of Good Seasoned Lumber. and by First -Class 11 ?rkraen. 1 • Coffins xnde to Order On the S ortest Notice. WOOD TURNING • Done with Ne tness and Despatch. Wareroorns : TWO DOORS HOTEL, Senlarth, Jan') SOUTH SHARP'S Main Street. 21st, 1870. 574t TAVERIl FOR SALE. rpHE well-kno nand old established I Hotel, The ooxburgh Hotel," sit- uated in the th 'sing village of Rox- burgh, along wit the house is one-half acre of land and good stabling. Right opposite is " Roek's Mill," doing the largest gristing business in the County. To a party with a small capital this' is one of tho best stands in the County of Heron. Apply to the proprietor, THOS. WILSON, Walton P. 0.. 17.1-tf VM. CAMPBELL, MEROHANT TAILOR. ILV DNIILL0r1D ch QUEEN Insurance Cor many OF LIVERPOOL & LO DON. - —0 CAPITAL - $2,000,000 terltng CHIBP OFtICES-Queen Buildi gs, Liver- pool, And Gracechurch Street London. CANADA BRANCH OentoR-E change Buildings, Montreal. BoaRD-Wm. Morton, Esq., bailsman: Henry Thoma,s, Esq., David Torrance, Esq., andthe Hon. James • errier. BAIsTRERS-Molson's Bank. LBOAL ADITIBERS - Messrs Ritchie, Morris & Rose. Meencee AD -Time -William 8 therland, Esq. M. D. SuRvEncen-Thomas S. Scot, Esq. AUDITOR -Thomas R. John on, Esq. RESIDENT SECRETARY AND GENERAL AGENT, -A. Mackenzie Forb s, '13 St. Saerement Street, Montreal. • The undersigned having beei appoint- ed ,Agent for the above Compa y, parties desiring to insure against loss y fire can do so on. the most favourable lenns. Life Policies granted on as dvantage- ous terms as any other respec able Cons - pally doing business in Caned JAMES H. BENS N, Agent OFFICE -BENSON & MEY Law ffice, Seaforth. Seaforth, Nov. 8, 1870. 153-tf.- NOTICE TS HEREBY GWEN to a Parents and Guardians in the To nship of Tuckersmith, who refuse or eglect to give notice to the DiTim'im Registrar of said Township of the Birth of a child, within thirty daysfrom;the date of such birth, that they are liable to' a 'fine of from one to twenty dollars, ith costs. All such persons will do well o comply with the requirements of the aw, as the penalty -will be enforced. WILLIAM it UfR, Division Registrar. Tuckersmith, 18th April, 1871. 176.-tf NOTICE. NOTIcE is herebygiven to 11 persons not to cut any timber or respass on lots N. / 18, E. 1 J9 and 20 • the 5th conceesion. Hay, as the owner, PAUL D. BELL, is determined to pun h to the utmost extreme of the law all so doing. 165-tf FARMS FOR SALE. FOR Sale Lot No. 22, 13th Concession Township of McKillop, nentaining One Hundred Acres, forty-five of which are cleared. well -fenced, and a never fail- ing stream of water runs through one corner. No buildings.. Also, the unex- pired term of eight years of t e lease of part of Lots 27 and. 28, 1.2th oncession, with the privilege of purchasi g at a,ny time. Purchase money $1,275 to extend over a period of ten yearshis lot is all wood land. For further iarticuIars apply to the undersigned. THOMAS STEP NS', _ Seaforth. January 11, 187,L, DAIMIEL 11,17GREGOR, BOOKBIND RI HULETT, As just reeei- ed a large Stock °Jai& materials ET in the business, and. is now fully prep red_ to execute on the shortest notice ant in the latest styles, all orders he may tbe favoured with. Register, Ledgerss ND 13001 -Ks,. ay XIND, Ruled, Prilted and Made. Toorder, on the hortest notice, and a prices 'which efy competition. LADLES' ORK BOXES Ni FANCY CASES Madet0 order. OLDANDI EWBOOKS BOND A.4 D REPAI.AED At city prices. Persons residing at a distance her. leaning their book4 at the Signal Boole Store, Godcrich, at the EXPosITOR office, Seaforth, or at J. R.. Grant's, Ain- Ieyville„ statings yle, may rely upon them being -well b und. All communications addressed to the undersigned, will afeceive prompt atten- tion. DANTE.: Seaforth, Nov. 9, LUMBER tAni, an MIIE tinders „I their Mill, o Ainleyville, a lar Lumber part (abo is Dressed 1-I am laTea -which is lwa 75,000 ft. and Their Shingle M the 18th instant a tiled supply of SII :Prompt ° attentoin iV distaniee. Dingle, April 12 MeGREGOR, Constance, P. 810. 153-tf.- LUMBER SHINGLEa eel' have on hand at e half mile North of • Stock of Dry Pine t 35,000 feet) of which . 1-1 Flooring. They - o on hand )fStrip Lath ntecl first-elaess, o -slabs. me will start about. er which date a len- NGLES will be kept hanct given to orders trona M. & T. SMITH. In71. 176-tf. MI!. JOHN HANKS his n their liberal last fifteen years, ceive it contniu .He his now. on ment of Good Sou Green Which he warrant FENCING A THONIPSON merous eustomers for atronage during the nd. trusts he will re- ce, and a large assort- exnlock! vein give satisfaction,. so TD DRAnsuNq LU BER, .AWAYS KPT ON HAND. - LSO -- 200,00 FEET OF PINE FOR BUILDIC AND C NERAL PURPOSES Wich he offers n liberal terms. Or- ders wiill be prorap ly attended to. The Mill is situa ed on the Townline of Mclylop and 'Juliette 3 ad miles from, th 0 Theron ad,. Seat° la; Nov. 1 1870. • 84-V: UWE T1 DEBTORS. ivriDTPJE is her by given that all par- ties indebted. o. Dr; COLEMAN,. either by note or b °It, are requested to call at liis office, at the Salt Works, and settle the same in mediately, otherwine they witl be sued ithoirk, farther notice.. Seattoph, April 11, 1871_ 175-tf 0.11. CULL) ACEJ. T FOR LOCK1TANW 8E KING AIACIIIN ES; Telegraph an Dxprese Companies, CANADA LIFE kSSURANCE Iesuer of 'pla riage tipenees, Anterican Mon y bought and sold. Particular attentioi paid to .10B P INTING. Oneithre-Elliott Armstrong's Book - Store, Seaforth 174 fiqtrit EVE Y FRI BE E xprottor, tastier) , AY MORNflGi FOR TM. TE MS. $1.54 aimu4i, in advance ; if not so paid ,72.00 Will 1 e charged. No subs- crip eion taken for shorter period than three months. Ik.1)11ERTI NO RATE'S, TRAe STENT: Per 1 ne, first in ertion, 8 as ; subse- quent iesertions, 2 eta, each time. , Ad 'vertiseilaents meas red by a scale of solid hrevier4 No adv .rbsement taken for less than One Doll' r. i CONTRA "T RATE. One Column for 0 Year. — $600 " 8' Months, — 35 00 , , „ I 4 - . , " Th ee " - 20 00 :, Half ‘ •' On Year, 4 6 L Quarteii n Eighth L 35 00 Months, - 20 00 ee - - 120& Year, - 20 00 Moths - - 12 06 ee " - - • 8.00 Year, - 12 00 Si Months - 8 00 "Tree _ 500 Advertisements, WithrintsPee fie direc- tions, wi3 be ins rted till forbid, and charge accortlingl ' McLEAN BROTHERS, MURDO Y rgcLEA Publishers.. 411113.11 111cLE.M.. -64