The Huron Expositor, 1871-06-09, Page 1)1 • SiNt 2 1871. NOTICE ) the person into. whose wag- ce ant:scriber put, by mistake, ate,: a piece of th for overt and a, martingale, at ttea-: ;Anratty last, 20th, instant, n the same to Mr. J.A,ME.i Seafarth, and oblige i7ts --WCARTNEY, .Mt.11 Roads Tuckersenith; RS71. - 1814f. FOR SALE., ;eraser offers far s4e on liberal hia thorough-bre& Durham three years old. Having -et having no anit to the mi- tes) near a kin to mine and in the vieirsity. :BERT Tuakerens'ith, Seaferth P. Os NOME*•s :t3 -wanting wok fur a few itt find employment on the ;R-silimNr q-AGEs, k.‘,71 2:5 per f the foreman on this Work, agent at the office,elas. ; Contracter. ey 12, 1871. 18-0Ltf !RAYATTLE. ;It from the premises of Mr. Kettle, last 7, 3rd Concessioa, oftt the 8-th of April lasts two Lie years. old, one red, the esther :th; marked -with the letter K one 3 -year-old Heifer, e.idee arid white back and also. -1-te red Heifer, two years old ; f tw(s-year-ohl sttteers,one spot- sithth a wIute faee, the other te with some red around the o ta person giving information, Cs will be liberally rewardeti. RO;BERT KETTLE, _Lot 7, :3rd. Con_ Hallett_ TENDERS - 6). TENDERS for painting the 'a • Peesbyteritm Church, °Sea.- ; be received by the Building t tdl joins I4th, et'elock, p. be Tenders will be opened A aenfa Drag Store. -Tenders to eat to the undersigned, and to '-er workmanship:alone, and for aaip and material together. tins may be seen at Mr, it. e, at all seastatable Ileum istektee bind thomsedveh the lowest er any tender. EDWARD: CASH, Chairmaae B_ C • NOTICE - atria of the Corporation of the ky Huron, will meet in, the Ons,in00(Iericla upon Mestasse, an of jfINE twat, PETER, ADAItISON, to.‘wanty Clark_ llerks'n Office, eh, 2,2i al May. 1S71..la 1 -c.t. Potatoes ! FROM Ttle.` UNTY OF OXFORD. RECEIVVD — ktYrr ROBERTSON'S-, RLY: Gogmacii, ELY HARRISON, An) 0.E. ALBERTS. IP SEED! of choice Turnip Seed, differ- - ent varieties, 181 4.f. CHEESE -MAKERS, ITCHELL'S PRIZE A,nnatto AND FIRST-aASS tTSII RENNET'rS, SALE Al ROBERTSON'S, MAIN STR-VT, SEAFORT.H. SE A 11 LOT FOR SALL beeriber offers for sale a 3arge. e cestotage, 3,0a40, uew, aed a cot- ilage Lot, pposite the Baptist Seaforth. Farm property - taken in eiehange. pply °a. raise. tt MoskItTlITTR. LIME- subsoribtm is prepared to furnish, ies building with a first-class at-- - Stone Lime, at 20 cents per bush - he Isibas AlcKillop, hear Thom- gt! cents per bushel: ed ilLSeaforth. aS left itit Jr. BULL, Main- Seaferth, will meet with proniptl on JAMES DODDS, .McKillop - Willimomizimnienrirsorersavolellis -NZ-14-1N BIZOTHEIZS, PUDLISII14tS-.- • " _Freedom, in Tratle—Liberty Religion, ---Equality in Civil Rights. ." 81 50 A YEAR, IN A DVA CF. . amis*a••• "Matft..M..•...11.,1,10•1•11•••.••••••••40=10•111•It VOL. 4, NO 27%.. , atiomeentotelmeamseramenallgernig. • MEDICAL. IL W. IL SMITH, Physician, Sur; gem, eta (Meta -0 pposite Seott oberr,Son's Resi Innen — Main -street, - North: 7 Scssforth, Dec. 14, 1863. 53-13T "T't C. 114)()11 P., Al. 1)., C. M. (Graduate SI). of .),Its( 'I. ill University, Montreal,) Physician, Surgeon, .0fliee and resi- daiee Zurich. Ont: Zurich, Sept._ -7th, 1870.- 14.4. -T A.MES STEWART, M. D., C. M., Graduate of MeGill 'University, Montreal, Physician, Surgeon, &c.• Office and residence—Bructneld. • Brucetied, Jan. 13, 1571. __ VE*OE, D. C. M., Physi- ciao, Surgeon, ete. Office and ilo- ienee,. corner of Market and. High Sasret, immediately in rear of Kidd's - Store. Sas:ft-sail, Feb. 4th„ IS7.. 53-1y. TAR,. CAMP BELL, "Coroner for the /County. ()thee aryl- residence, over Corby's, corner store, Main street, Sea- fivth. Office day, Saturday. 159 LEGAL,. VOA EY er.. Ho LM6TE AD, Z_L Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Sol- icitors in Chancery -and insolvency, No- taries Public and. Conveyancirs. Solici- tors for the R. C. Bank, Seaforth, Agents for the Canada Life Assurance Co. . N. B. —$30,000 to lend- at 8 per cent Farms, Houses -and Lots for sale. Setsforth, Dec. lith, 1808. 53-tf. DENSON & MEYER, Barristers and _Uk Attorneyat Law, Solicitors in Chsn- oerfand InSolvency, Conveyancers, No - arms Public, etc. Offices,—Seaforth and. Wroxetei. Agents for the Trust and Loan CO. of Upper Canada, and the Col - oil Securities Co. of London. England. Money at 8 per ,cent ; no conunsision, charge]. JAS. IL EF:XSON., II. W. O. NEYER, Setaforth, Dee. 10th 1868. 53-ly HOTELS T7- -SOX'S HOT EL (LATE SHARP' S) .11 The nmlersignecl begs to thank the public for the liberal patronaoc awarded to him in times past in tb.e hotel bsisiness, •and also to inform them that he has again rwramod business in the abaft stand, where he will be happy to have a call from old friends, and. many new ones. THOMAS KNOX. Seaforth, May 5, 187a 126stf. THE JA3fES AFORTH, FRI AY JUNE 9, 1371. God makes Emil )ic hts, all \\-lute an' still Fur z you can look or lis ;en, Moon bine an' si ow on tick- '; Als ileac° an' all glisten. Zeklc step' lip, suite unbe p An' peeked in than the A hider ; An' there sot Hi hl di alo 10.; • 'Ith no -one ni*li to hencl'i. A fiplace fine( the rciotre one side,. th half a c rd o' woo( The e wasn't ne toves tell nobfort died To bake ye to piuld n'. S I The a'nut logs shot s leoturtl 1.1 -anis thel ooties , An' ldet.le flame dance 1 al 't t out r.el 011 the dresses •s • A ' moos ',em jrus e Arri Chimblry crook -n ' rho ole queen's arm thelt gi Fetched back ran Celle The 8 An' 'Tw A d -fie A Noi e He' Fus But A The , B -She My s An' Fel The 701 1$ hung, ther Young busted. r lery room; oz she wa eVned warm from:goer ceilin', • se looked ull ez rosyiagin the apples he Wa L$ kin' o' ki i gdornscome to look sech a ble sed cretur -ose blus in' to ti broole 't modest r nor' SWeetetr.' -linamsit EXCHANGE HOTEL,GodS eriah„ Oxr. „ CALLA:WAY, PI:Z.6RK- ; J. S. WILIAAMS, (late of Arneri- 'eatt Rotel, Warsaws_ IN. Y.) Manager. This -hotel has recently been -newly • fur- nished, -and refitted throughout, and is nowone ofthe mast cam f astable and cons- modions ia the Ptovinee. Good Sample ROOms for Commercial Travelers, Tesans liber.al.• Goderich, Apra 14, 1870. ;- 123-d. MISCELLANEOUS,. & W. MePHILLIPS, Provincial .."„ Land. Surveyors, Civil Enbineers, `este. All manner ef Conveyancing done -with neatness and dispatch.. Os Commissioner in B. R. Office— Ns.ct door south of Sharp's Hotel, Sea - forth. Sertforth, Dec. 14, 1808. ' 53-ly. TA. SHARP'S LIVERY and 't-1ALE .8 -tables. Offiee—At Murray'sHotel, Seaforth. Good Horses, and tirst-Class Conveyances, always on hand. 168-d 0 HARP'S LIVERY STABLE, MAIN 0 Sr., SEAF0RT11. First Class Horses and Carriages always onhand at as reons- - able terms. R. L.Srlaur, Proprietor. es firth, May 5th, 1870. 3-tf TEETH EXTRACTED WITIIOU1 PAIN. CARTWIZ (GMT, L. D. S., Surgeen .Dentist; extracts teeth Without. pain lry the use of the Nitrous Oxide 14as. Ctilioe Over the Beacom store, !Strat- xrd. Attend c e iii Seaforth, at Knox's' Hotel, the first Tuassday and Wednesday of each month; in Clinton, at the Com- mercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- datys and Fridays. " Pzirtjies requiring new teeth are re- tanszsed to call, if at Seaforth and Clin- ton. on the first day of attendance. Civnr 54,000 patients have had teeth • extracted by the use of the Gas, at Dr. Colton's officea, New York MN, JORN •BRIGHAM, Exashasge Broker, and. Railway Ticket Houghton's Hotel, , apposite “. T. Railway Station, SEA.FORTH, ONT. Throcush Tickers issued to all points in the Western States., California and Rod River, at reduceol rates, affording the ereatest facilities to Emigrants. _UI neeessary information git-en re- sPsctsing Land Agencies; etc. •(l-REENBACKS, Brrads, Coupons and uncurrent ta;toi.i,sz-aL:sesii.ver coin, bought and sold • 167-tf as six foot o' maai., A 1, an grit an' human n, or ..,. k couldn't c nicker pit h!aton, dror a fi rrefil st aig ster; sparked it with full el squired.' m, dm this one, n' th is, he cou dn't 1 wenty gals, • ced'em, druv 'ern n thet, by spells-- ve opg 0' her his ve us jeould run crinkt '- ke curled Isnaple ; ide sh, bteshed felt [till. is' sun a sontli slope in Ap'Ll. hoL cLi gilt no v ice hed s1ta swing hiSsi in the choir ; whenhe made ring Hanthed" e leautaid the Lord. * nigher. prOl mptly and is -melt -ally ;destroyed, the (I eri p may be saved. • Soon after i$ first en ergence from thI 'ground, it begins to. de iosit its orangelcolored cogs on the under side of the pertato leaf, Corn twenty to Iforty in a cluster'. These Shoold I at Mite be destroyed. It - is the CritiCal m4-ment with the; farmers; and., lif ne- glected, ;subsequent labor willbe hi vain. :Mt Hecker says hP has in live days- de- stroyed fifteen thousand - ;eggs. ;From this statement one may -infer the • pro • duntiveness of the insect through the two remaining generations. He would have a law compelling every farmer t6 de- stOy the eggs on his potatoes, for the neglect of 'a single iritlivitinal is sure I to prove disastrous to. all the potato' fields in: the nt ighbotho od. 7 Inc inse.et also feeds upen all plants ' belonging to the same familys; inctudino t* ton ao and. egg -plant. As ' to tlfi best manner of getting rid of •this pest when fall grown, the writer is not speei- list but depreciates the • use of Paris. • green. It does not destroy the eggs,, mid. poisons only such bugs.a8 are foolish -enough to ' eat it, while it injures the plant, and all who have anything .to Sdo --w-th it and. actually makes the eatiog ot p tatoes - dangerous. In ease the first (sop is destroyed, he advises that the • gitound be planted. -to Some atop. that wsll require a frequent plowing and stirriug up of the ;F:iod. . Potatoes should t be planted. successively on4he- same s il, and. where straw is: used, it; slieuld n ver be used twice, but should'be cate- ft lly burned, :together with the vines. e thinks a crop of some thick -growing v tiety might be raised from seed plant - el - the last .of June, after the hug sea4on is fairly over. . . ' Some farmers 14rve covered their ' pa. tate vine S with straw, in the belief that i this would rot ct them against the ravages of the ins .et. But the bugs are very cunning, and as innsquitoes through the straiv on hearing the a 11 have as muchbrains have. They crawl en to the vines ; and, Vsoach of footsteps, will run back tor (iScape detection. It Will be seen, therefore, that our farmers have no Common enemy to deal with. Mr. Hecker's condemnation of Paris he blush s6ar1it, nighta prayer, green " has the emphatic endorsemeat of en hers new meetio! Onnet. ti,e. Wayne County Agricultural Society, somehow thru its crown a pair Which earnestly protests against ;the use blue eyes set Upon it. ; of this poison for; the destruction of the bug. It does no good. and a great deal night, 11 tell ye; shelooked sams I of harm. n I There can be no -doubt that the potato e seemed to 've out new soul - She felt Eartin-sure ht ecime, 1 , . . crop of the North-west is in imminent Wu toher"very- shoe -i le. ! - .1iIrl L danger, and it is difficult to realize What She eerecl a foot, an' kno pd '.t tu, al serious blow its loss would. " inflict. With many of the laboring classes thises- A raspise on the serape -1--. ', i All I ways to once her fee ' flew, culent is the "staff of life," and its I a b - Like sparks tis burnt -up aper. I ; Ile -in o' l'iteted on the . cloubtfle o' the se His heart ltep" goin' pity- at '1 B t helm went iiity Zeh, 4. 'An' tit she oin her cheer jerk E7i; though she Wished. hlani ferder ; n her apples kep" to ivink, rui away like anirder • . , "T4 A Tod, 'Me u want to see rav Pla I s'posel s Va' al..., no I come (las i see my, Ma? She spri kiln' clo'es *in to-Morrer's i'nin ' y why gis acts so or don't, 'ould be presu by to meari yes an' sa mes hate' al to -worn He stood a spell on one foo lust, ' Then stood la spell on h,er, . An' on which chie he felt th wust He couldn't ha' told yernither. liays he, "I'c better call'agin ." eys else, "Thiftk likelv, 'Mistert" 't last word pricked him like a pin, 1, he up a I List her. When .11a birnebyupon ' Slips, 1-1,111dy sot pale (lz ashes, All kin route th 11115, tea,ry roun' the las] For she was jes the quiet ki \\ hose naturs never v. Like strea,Ms tha,t keep a Snow -Win Jenooary. The blood clos rosin' her 'Too tif4 t f� expres Tell mother' se how met And gin 'ens both her le 1(1 mmer mind eart felt glued er stood, Then her re& ome back lik the tide Down to Hy, Bay o' Fu d ; An' all k no is, they as cried In meetin' c nex' S inday. . THE POTATO BIM. • atinues the ab - The potatd-bug still co sotbing topic of conversstion among farmers, who nd the stud Of his habits a necessary bn rather eat nsive branch of their eduea ion. In h pes -of shedding some additional light on • 16 subject, ,we glean from .the ilauts Zeitung a fow facts that May be * to most of 'written by fie farmer of ided as an an - thont3-- in neatly all ma pertaining to ail icultiirP. so,calle 1 Colorado tato-bug, he says in substance, is a n tive of the can- on of the! R cktr Moms ales, where it fads on the ss ld potato called solanzan, )1 tt ori rifle,. haunts in 18 '4 an 1 IS t avellin east[waid at the ear readers: he articl Fred. Ile ker, seie Belleville, ill. who is re - Mr. E. Rodgers, who lives north of eupied one of the best businesS sites. in I Kettle Creels, near St. Thomas, . has a :the town, andeommenced there with a : field of peas zdreatly tit for, table use bankrupt stock which he obtaineas at a ; very easonable figure. The. adage, that This ;is early f r our latitode. . .r: 'llat Listow )1 -salt well has now reach- ed. a depth of )00 feet. Boring pregress- i. es slowly, owing to the extreme hardness hand . v ',. too s of the rock, a d the continuous changes sue and N'-aiiety 0 t110 tbli a. in buMess is a ery costly eK.pernnent. In th s instance the wholesaletrade ha,ve Sniall pox s still spaid riany thousands of dollars for _the_ sivalent - ns the • • , I township of lenheim, sounty of ,Oxlcod. died (.4 it. ..na privil ge of selling goods to Mr. Harris durin 'his business career.' a precarious con. a -test ess should always be considered y vere a standard, and oU the other :retention of unsecessful men of merit" regardet. bsome as WHOLE NO. 1S3. I. Rea ,•• Those Bluevale Ges,s3ip. .11a. Ennots—Yial will hasse CN, short space in the E. rosrrots to &ills a few remarks on a 1 atter which. ri the nom e n is m the in - Mention in ta arrive et the meaning of the anrnyiwMs na)ralist, -who takest this cowardly t 1 ( f lectur- • i)ig he gotal people. of Diu vale. But,: notwithstanding the hieli ietoral statel- poitt upon which this vera ions ea:nth:- mar elevates himself, to de core -se upon NOTES BY THE VMY. strongest bond. of society, ae," we do seri:. beautiful traths " rruth is the ug Senforth—The 30,imey to not for a moment suppo,,e, t his only mime_ fk Railway sizzrudb.t.p___ objcet in writing such a le ter, wes to 'ht-eeing alontk-nl— The give the gossips of this plac a piece of S advice to profit lev. If sue 1. tealla atis •ops Along the 14.ne—Fellow. - ro, &e. hIs dessin he took a ' yes.) injudicious Traveler mode of Accomplishing Inc purpose, for Corr :spondance of (he IL r°71 ExPas'ilor• surely he is not en foelish t- to imaeine QUEBEC, June 3, 1871that a communication of that IZind request, and would have any beocticial effect upon ow send you the n. Grathitous ad\ ice t„ssen through Notes by the the columns of a hew:Tape]; in such 0, and of Heath- per :omit manner, (as Veraeitt- hae p01- 1. suppose you hal s learned 113" this time instead of - -nest throegb les ening the talking prove eities, has ia U ce of things m Peeming on our_ old acqtiaintance, and mo caws quite a contrary ffect. Now.. appear: riled to h's farm inLondsn keovring also that I had .sort of poi- mi village, like other s mill villasses, . • ?J)n»L for stamping upon p per the fleet- ha-, we admit, a. few of th Ise prat -dime- ' Several have, recently there are othsis still i The Kin1. understood th early visit to • . ents at Kings liver, an adds visions of the ton at the his; 'friei on, and ss, expla, Treaty ( n says: - "It is emier pay an RIS and. ecinstitu- vhile here will de- tatory of ;the pro- f Washington. !- Rcbert Pei per, a fa met of the town- / ehip of hlala iide, ove •heated himself at work on Tuesdays' and drank a quantity of cold water from the he expired tl o hours Sad Warning. . Mt. Teller .has lat( f Red lti in 460 miles if his de!: the general, reti township. 46. appeared.twose-tette ago ore )4it we of• VenteitY." • Fr dethsite nature of the comm question. it is rather ditticul effects . Which Enhron At your after. This is a tweet (ling to prOmise, 3 the fret 'instabinent of ` ly returrica from,' Way," in_ my trio to the er, y isative Scotland. 'er. He gc t -with- was ed. to make the re tinatien, and not ing houghts of, the Trio neut. have, bre y-bodiee who mind ever -body's bum- • le, of ri kering, had on the ther :fore, no *lout° efer the readers ness better than their own, anti whe do of nine acres • of of t e EXPOSITOR for thus coming before oft ea cause troubles by th ir eoseipmg, eaded out. Mr. then ,s -that is a, qUestioil for their con- asn judging from Veracit 'iekering, had on sides ation and. for yours. 1 mrst be seffering, or imagn _ inches. d of wheat which th bidding 3rourself attd. many other be --affixing from their att kin( friends good-bye, in Seaforth, on peistm who poesesses a fair ei-e visitor in the the °venoms of the 300, -a' reached • an - Ontario, was h an ted Stitt ford in due time, And after tne wo Pickerinis one day usua delay of two hours And a -half, we in Lancon Vale also of 20th Of May a field splendid ty well 1 meastred tw sity-fom the 1.7th of i lay, a fie from the thwnship of County ,of oouth On last week. 'Che aiiii al was chased to the village ., of Coln nbus, • and back IshrQ01118.1i-1:° 1.E;)011611 twain -to :ne. r Brook in, irlien Captain - t. • M,r. Ira V, .A, large 1 ear, • a 1 ht hi. tu down; with a rifle aitrage was perpe; ichw-ood Connty of Oxford, ago. -.:\ r. W. P. Cochrane, it of the neighborhood, dis- a two yell! old colt belong - ad. been -tabbed (baring the reaching Toronto between 1 and 2 P. M. pc( e.misct ant, who it is per- The weather both at Dun .as and Toron- pc ometer mark.- pm se of vindi•eating them - a a court ot . spite r de. 3 We were . las - -when traduced or maligned. They la3r of n of Me. e a much better way, that is, they . A most di. trate(' near I about a weal an old reside covered that ing to him night, by so sumed had a. On Thurs s average supply of co Ad take. sisch -a puerile . it as to inah into in -- speed -on to Paris, 'bound I for: Dundas— gri. ,,vances. lf his limn aen. ate 'char:later - ! havi ig business there -td atop all night. - ha suffered. , if esmile _old. woman,. has - This ugh. "the ill -feeling'. wnieh. exists be- ret lly robbed thie ;wise in ralist of - his - tweets the -(7:treat .Western and Grand get a name, let 11 111 'take ti . e propel- ..trea , -Trunk. k, it was nearly 7 P. M. When we. leg timate way of - clear ng it. rea:o f our' comitry trais e• is net the ates - „ , is' there ads- • :3 o' 't as " Yens -a- tlas' a eel:dont that ralchatacters sble and - este ' s letter, he c himself to • elss, but ao haracter, or ninon :sense, ray ()I: • clear- nt with his ed Paris ; if the tltreat Western cm rts are open; the laws had been detained. only fifteen mita pr c vide a remedy, and the WC could ha-ve readied Dundas by • sla htest doubt but justice lock. Business done, we lift Pun- mi nstered B about 11 A. M., on Wednesday, ity is probably aware, it pia whopoetets stood m themeelyes to the tro •nst ham. • to ast -week, Henry leg J. R. Campbell, of sorr ii accident in the riv as very hot, the ther bout 90 in the sh s to reach Toronto to - steamer, as we w ectory, -which came ferr el that route, both f His arm was safety ? Our little comp ny had rallied "r3-uth is mighty' and. -wi aud broken a,bOve in Toronto, andnow mustered Mr. Rat- ; tid. end. Either of these as whirled around tenberry and. daughter, of Brumfield, -e been preferable to a s mg severe bull, of Hay; 1 th " Bonds of Society," umble servant, 1 tio ty more farmer - bound for Qat?, 1 nu ourselves. We Strat iroy, met With' Strathroy 'very near pr . caught in th oollens oving facal belting the: elbow, and he w several th-n4, inflict abeut the head. .4. fatal accident oe -Bence for a ..single year miould entail al-" ship ot Dow le, on I' ost as great distress . as the failure of Jelni Hayes an ai cathe to his fletttla ,4 rfl. Ur tent. C 1 • ( g ra, e of about ene huiire4 and. fifty miles a . ear. It h s &treacly r aehed the Al- leghany lloun ains, and vill soon spread all over the 17 ited Stat al The line of its:, march is et .i. er Iowa, orthern Illinois, Intliana, Mits igan, Ohi , I &:e Where - ever most pot toes are roduced, there' _ th Color -ado 1 lig is form 1 in the greatest ' al) inclauce, - nd there it ' will be most likely to in (ke a per • anent home ; itdioaetsesi.lot t irive in 1 re southern crin• The insect is knownst ienee as the -ists iu three season. The aheat itself. Leen in acomercial point of view, this Colorade VmiSitOt IS about seventy-five y ieg some 1i'iT off a st likely to prove more troublesome and ped, ami fel on the j predg ucina fracture neck, and c. using to costly than -all I the savages oh • the frontier. . In 1809, the five States, II-. hnois, Indiana, Ohio, . Michigan .and 'Wisconsin, produCed thirty-four I million dne hum -feed and fifty thousand 'bushels An infant 'us, atten fatoily was ately int -ef potatoes, valued in the aggaegate .at wale diabol eat pers - fifteen million dollars. _Michigan alone , el eese in, the cellar bushelh, valued at two and three-quarter- Ti*: cheese 'vas foun fot the tabl , but as II:educed seven and a. half millions of 1 eu tn. olo -iphora gei 't continue.. ilwatnean erations 00 about tw li eillions of dollars ; aud the pi:outlet of sts ange Ibal £71 Woula doubtless have been still - celition to t e . . reater. . A potato famine, such tii,S, is 51111111 portio. hreatened, Would. be severely felt by all rites the animal Wed lasses of the community; and_whatever pcasene Ti e family I done to avert it, must be is -no substitute for -the! po Into, her daeght a-, and - -done At once. ftnless it ' be ' rice, wineh • fonn : , a 1 toThey are an ong the wn, and Widely Tcohn;aratively meagre and. inipoVeri • ing- , have. bnen ! tuna of 1 - ,.• entered the cellar b late for the ; tal uld have pre- 1 sin r pleasure and. th ply let -the gossip and slandeeer do ir worst, knowiag in I well, that 1 prevail" in plans would_ go lecture on Latin oplota- s, (for the benefit of gotsaps foreootre) 1 as a finale the egotis ic pseudony- ns of 4 Velacity." • n coneinsion, 1 AN -0111(1 a lvise him for ore he again of his gliev- injuries Messrs. Mason an Tu ' Mr.! J. Fisher and. your tog the): with about twe • likc bee sussed: •in the town- itla,y last, by which a respected. settler, Ir. Hays, who was ars old, was pitch- tek „when he slip- ba'le of his ; head, of the spine in the al paralysis. pt to poison a, whole tie in Ingersol, by n who put poisoned. of Mrs. Carnegie. men; apparently, all on -the same errand a left Toronto about 7 o'c oek, and made 1 fu ure, to ponder well be good time through the night, the road rushes into print with any not being half so rough s we expected. an -:es. whether imaginary )1.- real, and to ole of us who haa ba i little faith in m ditate deeply upon the Grand. Trunk arramgemei te had even he- an}l effects such a mode of grtn to think that Brown had been too lilstely to produce, and to hard on Brydges, after all; But fate whether ittoe la not be had ordered that st eh!, charittible srah matters to p, thonghts were to be suddenly seat- ft) . as the Scripture says, ter al. Just as day broke, when th api roaching a small stet) nacalled Lynn, th cut up in readiness a fiw mite s west from Brockville our' it came there in a tra n, not intending. to s Op, ran into a nen 31r. Carnegie had the freight train coming We t. which should T its ti mEty by giving a ea\ e given the road to t le express. The . ft to the consequences procedure is ink scrim -lily better to letss• unnoticed, " Who is he it can harm you, if ye le followers of it which is eolal a' (art Bono. "Veracity" Catches i'; Ag'm.. i the Ed;ttit of iiif! 1 faron,E.(7,oy-. n your leen te of the 26th ult. appear - at In a few min: consequence was: a tren a letter mnler theehsna -are Di " Ver- - with sy mytoms ot e ' -e s sio 1, smashine the faces ty," relleeting rather d severely en consists of a widow, brcakina eOliplings and laying the mas- in liscrinmately upset all tlic elderly te- '1 crippled brother. , chi :f creTierallv. The see c may be. image m des residt-nt at roles:yak. : Now, is it a ldest settlers in the ' Me la --I will not attemp to deseribe it. le sth that the females of phievele, as a . Traces It vashe tfirst, anh d 1 pe it will be the • w iole are eiseu to gossi a lraeltbitine, Les.P sneecotnee(i'''s ha -ring i las e011ision I will eve witness. On sa ti talking t We think in a and we eon - b a window. a , -- • ee rig oft the tram, -we found that ear si ler it a very tftos 1313sistee so to re- haa been brought ni. Stanaing Tight p omit them pualiely. If (met or so, nt the centre of a 'Mite, underneath . of lave offended _ , eet below, ran a y •correspondent iver. A sbeht a 0 demarcation, equences would : as a not brand the whole i1 omiscuously. it was, nobody , It or our part, We can say f Om expeeienee -1st 1)111 508 and tl at we along with na at ot iers, that may satleman beine ' 1: termed (ad women, ha e too nmeh id shiag, bakinee ending to a of the house- cti ve and oar ave any time, attend er teal - thing as your 11:tweVer, in what yoer suepect that it wiee There endoue cOneuss f both engines, ac The barn of Mr. Terket Bender, of the 1 , I ea Another writer on this subject says :— townthip of, \Vallee !, Was destroyed. by I tip " They are 1i, thousand times wersethan a tire on. Sunday, the Sth ult. • The barn ; waieLe and some thirty 1 aid Of Feitians. They will eat crops was a new (1)0, hay natch after. ;patch. Last summer, in the laSt summet, and. - i vicinity ef :%.'agin_aw city, I saw a large horses, 01 e celt, patch of potatoes completely destroyed, hundrea- 1 : 1 ill els • ,i they not ha; left anythirog greca as '1) ti all of Whiel ove. Thanktul intide work, !Arch as tv, large as a dime ill the field ; all that ap- 1y101 11 Was s tt on ii .peared above gro nul ---------1l)lack- about 17 y ars of tv, e. the aaugliter of a : th few on 'iny po atoes, ,in Tiuron ! Co., Behnicr, :fad revel gad. herself in this ; an 1 what with pulling a id wedeing and . li ad, •to make home attr Michigan, last simmer, but I hand- way. Sh has )een artcated, and i dr vine-, we were ready for the road again • f: milks tienaertable, to l fora jail . to aWait : ill aboht three, hem's, re; ching Mentreal 1- h el we the inclination to picked them and ng 1Seert bruit S 1)1 :ontained three • fine to: three calves, One ; ha -e been fearful. As f oats, awl other was. heft, save a few sli • were burned.: The sci atchess—nne g es by a Young girl o pi clied clean .0er-the s rigs were no woree, pet' to clear the tin els. and deep -looking eh more and the con the elderly females ur tonehedeto-the-quick should ttrike the line turned ire and c verabbing,at • enecl stems, coYered w•ith beee. " I had a neighbor,' n 110 had aken a .saite at Mr. ; he of the ler;a, ' tl ontand and one duties censigned th ein* to th e cosuuntted e state, consequently I trial. rider. I believe hand- A sharp to Stra rick wa • • . I w41),,nt furihet misbPp 1)out lio0)11. stove in the larv4 d :scend to saiell a mean kept them well 1 played. cm a couple 1 3eints soinewhat dem walized, we con- , c larespondent iesinuate- picking is the 0 el. When • yosi Ibid. a of London hrokela e'ss- days ato. A i ch ded to lay over till liglit, and t•tpel.A. S ,on.ld there be any ti brood. nip off the *al they are attached steanger wl o mama, ed to ingratiate 11) 11 the interval., in seeing thie siehts.of Mon- c !I -respondent states, we to, and the seatt red on that ;arcs ina- self with s le bush ess men of the city, treal. It is some twenty-seven years n ust have arieen on fii. tured- shake into n old tin. 'The instant : prefessea t rim sla rt of cash, and was ; since I saw _Montreal fittt and last, aml aett a, number of yenne n en around bens - they are shook o they play -i--)essum, and; introduced )y 11110 hhant with whom he ; deed: Barring mho pretend to be tonati inge who make the changes are great in remain so for em. se time. I would. ur- had 'some dealing to a .miaborhig ; th„ 01.1 rashion Of tether narrow streets, : 0.itte a little flourith a quotiag the, eently advise ths public to ' be vigil:tat btolzen• who nithe...-,' toting'," cailied 1ns , it is sa substantial, evell-bnilt tlourielii). I 1 rii, an41 who go mai r the lir,1:14.: Of ' b .. 1 and do all in the r power to keep them draft for $1 100. A sect4na broker een- : citynecintaiaints many noble and eestly 1 )1 -respondents to Various MCI '.3' in, ilar fat Jr to the extent of - be flaws. I had to tr al. . myself away •.a id 0-1 tsitl. e ef the county The:it are eat, under, and they can only do so by• tek- fore they matur to enter the arclund to oni the city, nor that ' ...teto 1 0 •---P. hf., we wtre aealn undo, t Ihest aestips that can b ionnd. Every- fcirred ein SOO,. It ie not wo strange -r vanished f re' and become a wing- Jrafts were rat care should bc) -taken forgeries, hildren, .the bug "being Tee ate T Mg them when t ey first appear, and be- th ilddiug that the 1 from the erand ,catholfm. Very 01iess. sonle of then ,, who are th .,- oily tFeeLtis t%iine In tor a ahare thee • still further ina.t reed in due time as I aml reached Quebec alma 0 clock 1 . ed insect. Grecs deadly poison. lean hl :Laren, a well-to-do . faktli in the Grand. t'-hui Is 1/1141 hot been the com-ion that they States coal oil,- t irpentine,. lithe ashes, termer of Ale town hip of Orford, who ' set rudely shaken, we would have. *en- at some high inetitistiea, -used to destroy. them, but of no. avail. has been litine -wit 1 his son-in-law, in ,! if tyt::11. the ride (:11ati:leet111,0:7rsi'til:)t:Inie'l t'ilia'(*tei and -several ot er things. have la,e1,1 ; -York ittata2 . for a year past, returned * As to the appearanc , of crops &tons t se* la 4 homewara ny way of this t0Wn. a few 1 tl e lines we 0.1 '.T nothillg to ettlial the dint it turirtnigana Writ ling male) stales of tlunro Ir. hIcTsaren told us ell farmer, the :count v between here 1 elittly reeeivea item_• s ene of per nee - Crops of all kinds • in the vicinity of , the fereyea laidy inatpais, ;0;o ha' e certain preei- istovel look well. . - • Ftitites int :riling. • The _road • i meth Thier toagues • -Where there are homes .1: onle Jour*:.7 says :— sntoother east of Monelle:als fold 11 our e ready. Yoe Wo1,114 n several parts of the o: mi.. Du :111d pellA ahnost (time to had graduated ma had obtain - 11 work. -star• cerrat (lavs aro. Canada. • Among • ig abon -a champion ox he ' heneston tt a very poor one intlecti, and short title before leaving offers but little ancourt -ement for either tome other wonders . ci ops ia Huron. To • th : eye ot precti- r ke tliat lie may hat e recentle• and . - TreaSUrerS eon:Mittel to their cal,t — • . had Seeu a e guard end tram no, Da who ere de - Mist Fanny Pruishola daughter Of the : It is ()wine Lev. Wm. Morley Puashoh, of •Tor ato ; is seven, -:,- by a a r. William Fellows ; Ir_s:industry or enterpri -0. airs old ; •. • ten feet :our .arrival here after, neetstary from r ose to buttocks- and nitt, asel refreshment., ve set 1')I-th to e back ; and weighs n. look at the old • . the Durham breed, atraneements to sail 01 says is as neat in - stearher ...\-f-40r;on nr 1 1 find 1 have no tithe sateetaiens of Quebec, 1beard 1 es 0 o'clock. rtadv sense thirty anef. ler the fathe ClAttry rlit.CS says : ihr pleas re or for prelit ; .rmined to carry out a more strict dis- was ma.rried to itrofessor Rayn r, of ; six inClies ipline than suits the wishes of roar 'or Coburg tuiversity, on Friday las , , ity, ana to make .eepontient. We jildge bis is filo steret . . board the Allan t f the -whole matter- , Al we bave to say Mr. Peter B. Eobb, of the towns' on to (11.1 1:now is, that when " Ver lefty" wiehes tAi 11 ollin, has six y sheep, the cli eral figure as he has to give you nly ort0,71: an al in1.--e, .1irst s e to it that his from -which avelarsed from 5 lbs. fitting up the atimal i. ai We hare to lye oW11 Si,l'iirfs are elear. " ' 'hoe that teatan lbs. of wool to e els sheeta t two tons. What t: I have 111ade mit at another :not to s eat -that: thou The Woodsto •; three teet cross ti ip of :3,000 lbs. He ie o pint's ; and Mr, MeLare 0 ; horn, End) and gel seen. Th -owner i lenge the crocin ion. to play a k croquet 'players chat- to weigh the- lie t players of the Domin- saY ou-1* C`niu'llan tiendly game for the : an ("x, ? The Toronto the Donsiaion. attic breeders to such a )ntario farmers, teal Anti in the mat place, to be a.and„—teale. :r championship 'of aoods houses were 14 We have Peek. we ex; eet a good. time. was rnther sur rised tl * "Some o the dr A Mrs. Serrke.. of Belleville • severely bitten tin the • hand by 'a large ;' the failm- Jo.] Newfoundland dog, while in a , rabid : mese:ha/ye cop di time ••: long bee • At Wolverton, township of Blenheir,e, trade of 0 . Freneli had, some days aeo, Lasky .. an extern grown on his fn) a three feet high_ and trhere he f clays, and, if 'well headed o 't of (; ode I know 1 to thr- dry goods terenn)etenees, ant it -tr, tario, 1 avieg fermerly done eliely l'es of iniereat, yon ere ire Iiesillets in Jiamitton, weat toe. My Xt fr 411 I,011- ailed f(t a large teeeritt fame etelerry, rata- ea- or saserieta. -). hlr. ari is 00- e other day to hear of I sse tendc•r-com ng and mesz n E.arris, dry goods 1 line Don't erp :et aat-thiles very las Mr. Harris has flue is the way of '06* ing,.111141er me extraets from , nine (sr tc.11 -years 11. LaYst Sr. more enanhel in expres, lelen a whole villave li r 4(1,,tthcr has effend -ether toe setsitive nets :r the preeent we wish vill kin011.3- insert it, I s O r Many OT 118. t1jone,11 1101, thn413. the EXr0:-II ..132er. 3 ourbrpectiU Bluessa'le, -slay 23, 1S7 14.01, not to c11) - e0.1180 teme d, ir0al0ly a re., TI.is is all to say., if you lie thationl, WO are ,11,1 WO' 11 IV, $Y NE. • s