The Huron Expositor, 1871-06-02, Page 8,
-Ju gg 2, 1871,, _
Bow Bell's for June, at Armtrong &
Teel l;ERA NCE S OIRE e.—A temperance
soiree will be givenby Huron Temple, -
I. 0. of G -.T. ir. the Wesleyan Methodist
Church, on ihursday evening, 15th inst.
Anumber of excellent speakers will de-
liver addresses, and the Temple choir will
furnish music. 4.•
—A Meeting of the Directors of the South
Haron Agricultural Society, will be held
at Shaver's Hotel. •Kippen, on Wednes-
day, 15th June, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. A
fall meeting is requested; as business of.
importance will be transacted.
BASE BALL *FETING. —The members
of the Star Base Bell Club, of Seaforth,
are requested to meet at the Council
room, Town Hall, on Wednesday even-
ing, June 7th, at half -past seven, sharp.
A full attendance is required, as there
will be busmess if importance brought
before the meeting.
- PERSONAL. —The Seeforth correspon-
dent of the Goderich Star leftlast -week
for Goclerieh to recruit his failing health
and wasted energies by a brief estivatiton
of teventy-one days. The, popularity of .
our County tcovn as a summer resort is
becoming well 'established.
A LITTLE MIXED. —The Toronto' Tele-
graph, -which has of late been devoting
considerable attention to sporti g mat-
ters, in its issue of Monday last, rinade a
curious mistake by publishing a report of
the Seaforth races, of the 24th, under the
heeding of " Goderich Races." We hope
the sporting editor of the -Telegraph may
be able to attend the Seaforth fall races
in person, and there will be no danger of
his mixing things again.
Council, of the village of &drat -10
met on Tuesday eveniug. All the mem-
bers were present. The minutes of the
last meeting were read- and adoptede
The Auditor's Report was receNed and
adopted. The statute labor by-law was
passed. Geo. W. Sparlino was appoint-
ed Collector, in place of Mi Watson, who
declined. Thomas Stephens was given
permission to open e drain across Side
Street. end not to obstruct traffic on
said. street in so doing. • It was :Moved,
seconded and resolved, That the sum of
thirty cents be paid for each permanent
shade tree planted in the 'Municipality
• according to By-law No. 10, an& to be
boxed. to the height of seven feet, the
Rides of the boxes to be made from lt, to
2 inchee thick, and of a proper width at
the bottona, sufficient Slats to be used to
guard the trees from harm; the above
, bonus not to be paid. until the trees come
out in leaf the second year, and are
approved of by the Street Committee.
The Council then adjourned. 1
p ocess of -construction
liege aclditioiito our car
factory. Leonard, of h
has built coinmodioits
and is now prepared
ereature coinforts '' of
beast. _ ,
1Friend Arinstro g,
erican, . is about tar
our to _Manitoba. A
ourney to him.
• TeteamoetetreR ust
he shade, and your
eeds to regale with -a
STILL THEY Go,=—The rush of visitors
to the old country during the present
season from this quarter is unusually
large. We have already given the names
of several who have gone to view once
more the scenes of early days, and this
week we have to chronicle the names- of
• several more. Mr. Charles Mason and
Mr. Bingham. 3tarted on Saturday.
Messrs Love and Turnbull, on Tuesday,
and Mr. Rattenberry oa Wednesday.
We believe it -was the intention of these
gentlemen to ineet in Toronto, and form
into one party. They intended leaving
Toronto on Thursday, and doubtless
ere this they are comfortably ens,consed on
board one of the ocean steamers. Mr. Love
has kindly promised to furnise our readers
with notes of his tripsa8 he proceeds,
and we expect that his first letter will
be dated from the ancient capital of
Canada. Mr. A. Halley, of this village,
also intends to start on Saturday next.
Mr. Halley .has already crossed the
Atlantic !several times, aud this time he
has some idea of1remaining on the other
side. We think, however, that we are
sate in predicting that he will soon tire
of the land o' cakes," and that ere six
months pass- round, we will have the
pleasure of welcoming him back once
nuire to Seaforth.
among others a
g and spinning
-leeeping fame,
ins and sheds,
provide for the
oth man and
. •
he North Am-
• on a pleasure
e and plea ant
w marks 90 in
• espondent pro
1 lemonade.
THE WEA.THEA.=—W so approp iate
n a gossipy corresponc ell ce as a re ark
bout the weather. L i e kn o wu w I iole
amilies who hive by oiie strange i tu-
tion discovered that t was a. wet, y,
old, or het:day. andhave even h ard.
ome estimable yoang 1 ad ies—with oith
ar above, the vulg., r ties of .broo ot th t any kind efea
•ay, alinget, wee ery nice." The
cachet, then, ohere, ,h s . been extre ri ely
lot for severalldays P et.; the groui d. is
arched up, and our poor gardens ar
sadly in, want of a n od shower.. Ou
mouths watered—or-iv uld have don BO,
butfor the clouds o dust—he w
heard that y-04 in Se forth, had a fm
shower on Monday las .
Fnue..-:—.The pro ee of a magni teen
crop of fruit in this t and neigl bor
hoodwas never greate t an at pre ent.
The Canadian Fruit- 're . ers' Ass Ma
tion meets in (Roderic th :s year, aed i
our farming friends n1i the am ten
gardeners of this !Owe wish to do e
to Huron, they shouldf lok carefull af
ter tker trees.
AT VORK.—The Harbor contra
have been biisy at woiFk for a Week
dredgi 0.,! preparing vol material,
ting mit tone &d. it i their intm
to get miles rapidly as! pessible.
Tem! Mire 114E I i hed to speak of
is about three-quarter , of a mile long, on
the Ashfield road. -bet ve n Goclerich and
Kineardine, No mailro cl in Huron can
boast ofa, mud -hole of greater leegth
breadth r depth, and rtain1y no Set of
men so thoroughly de er Ei the maledic-
tions of the travelling ablie as ;those
who should have men ed it, but fell: Short
of their duty. Sorneththg should be done
a,bout it et once.' I o I
, -1 emeaue that Mr. Gwatkin of t4 old
! establishedPeinters' imporiirn, Bay, Ste,
Toronto, is in town, ad am glad to hear
that the firm is doing thriving busi-
ees. ,1
OUT AGAIN. Tt imost pleasing to
note that the popular b ncliiiaster.of the
. 3rd Battalion Bind Lae so far recoVered
roue his recent serid4ls illness as to re -
mile his place as of yore.
THE SCiGERS,—Grel I preparations are
being made. by all p tties interested to
revent the largeforce of volunteers ex-
hectecl here oirthe 16th from starving to
death. • .From the la ge, consignments of
champagne and vin. d C1juo1 laid down
et grocers', doors, one • meld think that if
Canada expects every nan to •de his du.
-ty on, the oacasion, he officers at least
are determined not be in the "rear
Arcerbei which r
Wroxeter that the
!cargo of Huron etni
in Lake Superior ere
I is hoped that,it is
SEVERAL America s have arrived -7,0
remain all summer. Nodoubt they aie
but the forerunners o the grand rush that
is expected. ,
PoletcE.---Our ma a es have advertis-
ed for an able bodies( en rt to act as"mg t
,policeman. Besides! getting a done a
!•night he will have t e honor, in propria
pasonete of being a tain, lieutenant,
noo-commissioned ofiicers and rank and
file of the night police force of Goderich.
, Night prowlers a aghast at! such
!a combination of civic terror all in one
, man. Barney .Bra igan says he " has
.heard shure that the: spalpeen is to e
Idrhest up:wid a. br goat and blue het -
!tons, bad cess till hi J," I rather think
. B. B's. ideas are a little mixed about tee
Imatter. ,
I HEAR that the fe
dent of the MitchellA
stopping with Mr. C
QIJEEN'S BIRTHDAY. —As is usual the
people of this village and vicinity could
be seen at an early hour gathering to
celebrate the Queen s birthday. The
amusements of the day coMmeneed by a
display of Callithumpians, who _paraded
the principal streets, this was fellowed
by athletic sports, horse "'racing, &c.
The &flowing is a list of the successful
competitors :—
Running— 1St, A Muir's "Fanny
F.ern ;" 2nd, Sheridan's "Black Torn;
3rd, J. Laird's Fly." •
Trotting • 1st, J. Va.nstone's "Black-
bird;" 2nd, J. Laird's "Fly."
Scrub Race—lst R. Chapman's "Grey
Bill ;" 2nd, J. Venstone's Farmer." o
Men's Feet Race—list, Peter McAr-
thur; 2nd, Wm, Ainley.
Boy's Foot ellace—lat, T. Dunford ;
2nd. Ydrbes.
Three Legged Race—lst, Ainley and.
Stratton; 2nd, i Roberts and Roddick.
. Sack Race---Ist, Hempstone ; 2nd.
Wheelbarrow Race—lat, Cardiff; 2nd,
Cooper. •
Running High Jump--lst, Wihian
Ainley; 2,4d, Yearsen,
Standing High Jump—lst, Ainley,
2nd, llogen.
Standing Jump, --Ist, D. McNaugh-
ton ; 2nd, Aluley.
Three Standing Jumps—lst, D. Mc-
Naughton ; 2nd, Auniey.- •
Running Jamp—lst. D. McNaughton;
2ud, Cardiff.
Hop, Step and trump -1st, D. Mc-
Naughton ; 2nd, Cowan.
River Race -1st, Peter Ferguson
2ud, T. Vanstone.
C al I ith urapiane —1st H. Chapman
2nd, J. Mooney ; 3rd, Aiuley.
THE W EA THEO. has been " ntensely
warM and dry fot the past £w dayp,
and in consequence the crops are suffer-
ing. 1 A is expected that the hay crop at
least will be rery light, but grain crops
look well, particularly fall wheat.
SALT WELL.— Work is progressing
very 'favorably, under management of
Jr Dihney. Now down about 700 feet,
with indications of salt.
Busneess is somewhat dull just now
but as the wool season has arrived, we
are looking for a change for the better.
Messrs. Leckie and Livingatone are buy
ing large quautitiee.
BUILDING if; the order of the day
Qaite a number of new buildings ars in
by —Way Of
CeJwenaw her
eta had been sunk
tecl seine talk, but
.rititely unfounded.
accustomed to hard work, and are pre- 1 but it wa
pared to meet and surmount those ob- i
stacks that are generally met with by
settlerin a new country.. As a- class,
they possess - many of those qualities
that are the meansof Canadian work-
men being so highly ealued on the
" t her Side,," and it speaks well for the prosperity of Manitoba that it is
being peopled by such a class.
11E; STORE.—The Ontario House/ is
being fitted up -for a store., We unclr-
staijid that the occupant is to be Mr.
Yo ng, formerly a nierchant in LisadeL
ueee's BIRTHDAY. —The celebration
he Twenty-fourth passed Very quietly
Troxeter, but at Mrs: Day's Hotel,
vel, Read, there Was quite a crowd to
ess the games, horse -rates and a
base -ball match that was announced. to
co off on the occasion.. The match
wa played between nine merried and
inn single members of the " Shoo ,Fly"
Ch b, Wroxeter. It resulted in a vic-
tor for the bachelors, as may be seen
by the following score:
etc/tam-8. . . W. 'Benedict,. R.
R. alton - 12 W. Conboy. 7
W. Black - 12 A Yeal:., 9--
W. Paulin 9 J. Doubledee. ... 9
J. • orsyth... 7 D. R. Wilson 8
W. 5 R. Kerr ....., ..... . 9
G. 8 • y R. Carroll 10
C. 12 ..1-. Jackson 8.
J. 11 R. Pauline... . .....10
I?. 10 J. Showier... . . . . .. 9
• 'otal
1-. S. B. Smale acted e .,umpire, arid'
won the good opinion of b . e sides by
his prompt and just decieim . Messrs.
J. - 'nider and D. Blick acted as scorers.
forth correspo
?locate is in to
paints. No dou
he is having a good e of it, for it is
known that Mr. C. s a most takiipg.
way with him, and h is never behind
when the tole of hoet as to be played,
86 To . .. . . . . .....79
pleasure of visiting
tinie ago, and can
many to the proficiency Of the pupils,
though laboring . under a di sad v an tage,
in the shape of very small,. illy -venti-
lated room, whi h vras actually aro-Wiled
to its utmost ca," acity. The pupils, not-
withstanding these drawbacks, seem to
be in a state of progress, and apparently
have been carefully and systematically
drille(l in the different branches. Mr.
Wilson appears to be succeeding well in
his onerous though - honorable work;
and when the new school house is ready,
will, no doubt, be able to push matters'
Still more briskly The new school'
house is a large and handsome frame
. building divided into two compartments.
It will, we understand, be, ready for oc-
cupation shortly. The people of Leech-
ville, certainly, deserve credit for their
enterprise in educe, nand "matters.
oonee-We had the
this school a short
hcerfully bear testi-
Wroxe eu.
• -
Fen MA:terrona e have had to
cord, through the:Exr #SITOR, during t
pest year, cinite a num #er of departu
e -
for the new Province of Manitoba fr m
this section, and apparently we have not
got to the end of the list yet, as we hear
of a number of other e who purpose going
as soon as they can inake it practicable.
It -is interesting to notice thedifference
which has taken place in the current of
our emigration during the past year or
two. !Before the Iteeqiver mania led to
the spread of informat on regarding the
resources of the "Far 'West," north of
the American boundary, those who
were dissatisfied lk_th their lot here,
or who thought they Could do better by
moving, generally pitched their tents in
some of the Western States ; Missouri,
Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, &c., each tak-
ing a share in our surplus or rather our
moving population. 1 But now the gen-
eral try is for Manitrobae The great ma-
jority of those Who are Moving thither_
are young nien, mostly farmers, who go-
with.the intention Of 'settling down o11.
farms when they geL there. For this
class—according to a.
just the place. Ther
young men, farmer '
able andwillingto
settling on bush fa
their whole lives in
state fitfor eulti
after cliorring and
that, atty or
are old en—broke
ble either of cultiv
• enjoying the fruits
try. :This is the hi
dian farmers, as we,
testiniony, and it is
the prospect of sue
their soes from foil
steps. The conseq
flocking in large nu
of the West, where
lying reedy for the
the trees and stone
drawback in this c
Ontario appears to
this emigration an
tinue favorable, ma
arrange their affairs
this season, will do
lees the .difficulties
very much greater
expected, there is little doubt but that
they will suceeed. Most of them are
1 accounts—it is
are numbers of
sons and others,
k, but averse to
to spend. 'leerier
fting them int e a
in, and to firid,
ging and clearing,
ears of age, they
own, and incapa-
ti g their "farms or
their past iaidus-
ry of many Cana -
ow by their own
ttle wonJer that
life should deter
ng in their foot-
ce is that they are
ers to the prairies
n illiOnt of acres ere
1 ugh, without the
which are such a
try. ----This peat of
el doing its share in
should reports On
y others who cannot
so as to go adray
so next Spring. On-
o be encountered are
than represented or
Day of Her Maj
here in a very b.ect
ner by the inhabi
and sun ounding vi
the sun climbeci it
of the trees before he streets were liter-
ally crowded with "bonnie. lasses" and
"hraw lads," interepersedwith groups
of old men and women, who lead -come
to, witness and perticipate in the sports
and festivities of the dry.. It is estimated.
tbat the crowd was composed of about
1000 Persone. The sports commenced by
the appearing of the Kalathumpian Chief,
with his baud. in the streets, but I ac-
knowledge the performance was rather
inferior to those qf other years he fact
it seeing to be gro worm every year
and beautifully less.
mes were well con -
of them the entries
Ali the exception of a
t noon, they extended
•ning. Theljnion Pic-
uccess. The ground
condition; and a num-
erected for the enjoy -
n and thoee of maturer
cloths were spread
gth of the ground up -
ed all the delicacies
fully believe both old
ample justice. After
ad been satisfied, the
veral select piecae,
nenev...—The Natal
sty was celebrated
ming and loyal men -
ants of this village
•inity. Scarcely had
'way above the tops
' The athletic g
tested, and in mos
were large, and
short intermission
until late in the ev
"lie was a deeided
was in a splendid;
bar of swings were
merit of the childr
age. ' About noo
upon the whole le
on which were p1
of the season, and
and young did. the
the inner nature
children sang
ch were well xecuted and reflected
at credit upon those by whoni they
w re taught. Nee 340 children were
The following is the prize list of the
games :—
Quoits—Four Entrie .—G. T. Brown, lat ; James
-Mitchell, 2nd; Frank 'atterson 8rd.
Mile Race (for pair of "$6 pants)—Seven Entries.—
Dal; Diamond.
Men's 1a1 /lace, 50 yards—Seven entries.—
William Harris/ lit • J hn Moore, 2nd.
Bo's Flat Rade, 1o0 arde—Nine entries.—Henry
thanker, let; John Itt lierteon, lind.
Men's Three Legged Race—Three entriesr—john
Black and F. Scott, 1st ; Charles Stuart and Alex-
ander Gordon, 2nd.
Hardie Race—Four entries.—Peter Diamond;
1st ; John Moore, 2nd
Standing Junip—S
1tI; Frank Pattereon,
Hop, Step, and Juni
Orson, 1st ; John Po
Standing High
SCott, lst; Frank Pat
Three Standing J
Jobb, 1st; William Se
Pole Jtunp—Five en
John Diment, 2nd.
Wrestling, side hold
1st; George Harris,
Wrestling, back hol
1st ; George Miler, 2n
Boy's Wrestling, ni
Thirteen entries.—W
King, 2nd.
'Boy% Wrestling, un
entries.—James Harr
Tossing Caber—Fo
ist ; Alexander Ross,
Throwing the Sledg
terson, 1st ; Alexande
Putting the Stone,
—Frank Patterson, ls
Dimwit, 2nd.
The Tuckers
ourt ex
hat the
et tope
incl in
head of
ihere w
ian pro c mon w s a marvel of Mean.-
uities ne-w, lau hable and original.—
nd excited the ri ible faculties of the
rowd tc an exilent almost alarming.
'hen came a number of games aud ath-
etic sports, whichin many cases were
knly a4d ably c ntested. :By the kind-
less of the Secrete y,James Gibson, Esq.,
%bled to give a list of those who
prizes in Ithe different sports:
ist, Hugh Beattie, 10 feet
eTavish, 10 feet 71 inches.
Wm. Moffatt, Walkerton,
ames Collin:11y, Carrick, 16
oPff8.a—tti,.Fhti fle.etI9nginlil1foot
ei 36.'
ore than
a rather
mith, M
to me, from the way
One member of the.
emselves, that they
slender knowledge of
ere Whicb they had
eurs respectfully,
y 30,1871.
Tee water.
BIRTH AY.—The celebration
ueen's B rthday in this, place
thee ah ad of anything of the
ormer y ars, and in fact was
anything else in this vicinity_.
a very large cravvd present.
0, it is aid. The Calithum-
e are e
Flat jump
a inches ; 2ud, John.
Running Jump.—lat
18 feet 8 inres ; 2nd,
feet 4 niche .
Three *Standing Jur
10 inches; 2ntl, Win; Ti
1 Running Hop, Step 4.nd Junip.—let, Wm. not -
fat, 89 fectl 8 inches ;1 2ud, James McTavish, 37
Standin Ifigh Jinn .—let, Wrn. Moffatt, 4 feet
inches'; ' nd, James i famish, 4 feet 3 inches. -
Men's Fe t Rage. -1 t, P. Haffron, Walkerton;
nd, Wm. ' oplet, Ter water.- .-.
0 yards.—it, G. Menzie,
Lean, Teeswater.
.—let 3', 31eliinnon, Tees-
, Walkerton.
1st, Robert Balingh, Tees -
'env Carricla .
ven eutries.--3dmes Jobb,
—Five entries.—Frank Pat -
ell, 2.ud.
ump—Five entries.—Frank
erson, 2nd.
ps—Eight entries.—James
tt, 2nd. '
ries.—Frank Patterson, let;
Ten entries..---jo.rnes Jobb,
—Ten entries.—James Jobb,
der 15 years, side hold.
am Garrett, lst ; Georg
er 15, back hold—Seventee
s, 1st ; Charles Henderson
entries.—Frank Patterson
Five entries.—Frank Pat4
Ross, 2nd.
eight 18i lbs.—Eight entries
; James Jobb, 2nd.
• ,• Gordan, 1st; William
"th Assessment
Boy's Fo Race, 1
Teeswater; 2nd, A. M
Men's flltce, 1 mil
water.; 9n, Rearm
Wheelbs, tow Race.
water; Valt trillUCS Col
Thrown' , Stone, 25 lbs. -1st, Inglis, 94 feet
11 `4nd P. MeN Lughton, 23 feet 10 inches.
Tossing Oaber.-1st, Alexander McKenzie ; 2ud,
s nAciso.
Trotting—Mile heat. -1st, MeKee's " ffay Bess ;"
nd, Dr. Fieniming'e "Dilly."
Running—Half-mile heat.—Ist, T. Stephen's
Gebrge 2nd, j.1111Iingues "Shoo Fly."
CONCERT.—Wa d held one of his ju-
enile concerts. in the TONVIt Hall, which
was crotieled to it utmost capacity, as
rFM. Ward's wide -spread reputation was
the means of dra ing a bumper 'house.
It was a d.ecided uccess in every respect.
Feah-Wohics. There was a grand dis-
play of fire -work in the evening, and
this "wOund up" the day's proceedings.
Altogether, the c leoration of Her AQ-
esty's birthday in Teeswater was a great
success, and great praise is due to the
Managing Committee for their excellent
arrangements and the admirablonianner
in which they were carried out.
-- One gratify
proceedings was
sence of the dru
that are so comm
There was only
derly," and he w"
beak atql fined $
Teeewater and vi
To the Editor of tl
SIR,—In your
you remark that here wasonly one ease
of appeal before the Revision Court of
the Township of Tuckerimith, which
spoke well fer the competency and im
tegrity el Mr. McConnell,' the Assessor
Now, sir, I happen to knoW a goodly
number who complain as , well as myr
self—and 1 think justly—of the assess-
ment as taken,by the above gentleman
And when an overcharge or impropeie-
assesssment is made, it is a hopeless case
to obtain redress in the Itevieion Court,
which is held for that very purpose.
The Councillors exhibitanunaecountable
reluctance to try any complaint which i
brought beforethem. I appealed las
year and could obtain no redress,
again appealed. thie year, and the Coun-
cillor who resides nearest to me, to .satis-
• fy himself, inspected the property minu-
tely. When the Court met he 'Repose4l
a red.uction: of $150 in my assessment.
Did they honor the judgment of there,
brother Councillor, who had made a
through examination of the i premises!?
By no means, not one of them would
second his motion. • After a long delib-
eration, they resolved to deduct $50
from the assessed value of pmy property;
Huron Expositor.
ue of the Inth inst.
g feature of the day's
the almost total ab-
kenness ancl rowdyism
n at these celebrations.
ne "druelt and disor-
s hauled up before the
. This speaks well for
An Earnest all for Protection
1 ,
Ag inst Fire.
To the i ditor of he Harbn. Expositor.
SIR,II wish too draw the attention of
propert - owners n the village of Seaforth
to the *retched ondition of their village
for pro ection a mast fire, If the vil-
lage of 1 Bradford, which consisted of
many fi st-class nd fire -proof bmidings.
was reduced. to shes in one day,, ean we
hope to share a etter fate if a fire really
was to get und r way in thie village,
built of such stiff as favors a general
conflagration? NVe catne.oefirly haning
several Ifires of 1. te, which werefortunate-
ly chec -ed in thie to save serious con-
sequenees, I mclersta,nd that among
the occepiers of 1 louses generally, there
is culpfflele carel ssness, in neglecting to
protect the floor and wood from the fire
•of stoves; which can be easily done by
using z nor bri k for that purpose. To
obtain this pro ectione it• is absolutely
necessary that here should be a public
officer paid by he Corporation, whose
business would e to inspect fire places
in everty house, nd enforce the etrictest
regale ode reou ed for public safety, as
an oun e of pre e-ntion. is better than a
pound lef entre. It is amatter of surprise
that our Counci has ov-,erlook-ed the mat-
ter so iong. W have no fire engine or
water tanks. he Hook and Ladder
Compaily orgaa ized some years ago—
where are the ?—Defunct? r cannot
admirel that pi licy of economy, which
rather taan spe d a few hundred dollars
leaves so much property a temptation to
the devouring lements. I trust this
matter will not be put off until it is too
late, like the m n who would not get a
lock fOr his st ble till his horse -was
stolen: •
liarti for charity, as I
very needy circu
1\ oved by James H
Thomas Murray, that
'lls in the dollar, be
1, over and above all
ownship, for the imp
c., and a by-law pas
fiat the sum. of $200 b
each of the followin
wards Nos. 1, 22 and
co. 3, and $150 to we,
he following. Comicill
e let and superintend
ii each respective w,
lurra,y, for ward No.
rarwd.aNrao N.
3 7J2e;h1illi
; James Hays, for w
y John Horan, eecon
ne, that Doeald -Mc
itt of $64, for his se
r the year 1871.— C
ays, that this Conn
ponsible for any plan
1hrclered by some one
at eaeh Councillor
arious orders,* to
hom obtained, and
ave it inserted in t
'arried. Moved b
econdecl by Thomas
ennelly be paid $1
1 1
appeal% he i in
373. seconded by
the sum of two
evied and collect-
ther rates in this
overeent of roads,
ed therefor ; and
appropriated to
werds, vlz :e—To
5; $250 to ward
d. NO. 4; and that
•rs be authorised
e work forthwith,
rd, viz :—Themas
1; John Malone,
m J. Shennon, for
OULD the person into whose wag-
gon. the subscriber put, by mistake,
two straw hats, a piece of cloth for over-
alls, a saddle and a martingale at Sea -
forth, on Saturday last, 20th instant,
please return the game to Mr, 'Jet.'11.1.ES
LA1DLAW, Seaferth, and oblice
, Mill Road, Tuckeremith,
May 25, 1871. 18141.
an, for ward No.
rd No. 5. Moved
ed by John Ma-
regor be paid the
vices as Assessor
rried. Moved by
shomas Murray, seconded by James
d will not be re-
ei lumber, unless
f the Council,' and
cep a record of the
hom given, from
the amount, ! and
e Clerk's boOk.—
Johh. Malone,
Murray, that P.
for repairing! the
. pproach to -the bridg of side road 15
nd 16, 4tli Co icession.—Carried.
.., loved by James I aye, seconded by
John Horan, that w' h respect to the
tommunication frornfthe Tuckersinith
"couneil, relative to repel dug the Huron
Road, west of .Harp eh y, &c., that no
fiction be taken th reon at Deese i .--
Moved by John Ma one, seconded by
John Horan, that th ill of McLean
rothers, for printin &c., be paid, viz :
—.$13 40.-- Carried.. Moved and car -
Ted, that this Cc Onci do, adjourn to meet,
t Murray's Hotel2 .. eaferth, on S tur-
ay, the 27th inst.— Carried.
that Jeff Wright, wi
this place some time
eioney belonging to
pany, was arrested o
elhicago, and is no
that city. It seems
ome of the South°
returned to Chicago
when he was ‘'nabb
Seafarth, Ma 30, 1811.
COUNCIL .14u TING.—The Council met
at Chambers' Hotel, on May 20th, pur-
rsuant to notice) for the purpose of hold-
ing a Court of Revision, and to transact
other business of importance. All the
members were present. The minutes of
last meeting were read and adopted.
The ciirrespond,ence between this Cor-
poration aud Messrs. Harrison & Patter-
son, harrieters, Toronto, relative to a
disputed line on side road 15 and 16,
conces ion 9, havine been received an
e Clerk, and after bein
and considered, it was
n Horan, seconded by
hat with respect to pas
for establishing a dis
e side roads 15 and 16,
at no immediate actio
n at present, until this
e to consider the impor
ments presented to theml
nto barristers, relative
d. The Council then
examination and. rei
oils, in accordance wit
n thereof, ancl leaving n
tigate, it was moved b
ded by Thomas Murray
Aleut Rolls of this Town
being carefully examie,
this Counoil, constituti
vision, be now receive
d that the following petal -
en the :Non-resident Roll
refrom, end assessed on
Roll, to the followin
same valuation, viz :
for the West half o
15, 13th Concession, 27
10 acres cleared; Daniel
carefully read
moved by Joh
James' Hays, t
sing e by-law
puted line ou. t
•concession 9, t
be taken there
Coune$ take tix
tance of the doc
from the Tel
commenced th
visitant of the BJ
the notice giv
appeals to nav
J. Hays, seco
that the Asses
ship,rif of 1E71
and lased, b
as Coint (A 11
and pissed ;
be decillOte,d t
the Resident
parties, at th
Tonia Clar
North half Lot
acres, 8350.
enefnee—We earn
0 absconded. from
goo with a sum of
the Express Com -
Tuesday last, in
lying in prison m
hat he had been in
States, and had.
to look for work,
Joe Certain to please everybody filet
stiteh _made by the " Osborn ' ;Lock'
Stitch Sewing Machi e. Alike on both
BE WISE.—Too of en a cold or slight
cough is consedered a very ordinary,
well left to go as it
emetically neglect -
hie affection is con -
pulmonary disease.
are that a cough
'fled with, prompt-
uhnonie. Wafers,"
d their reputatice
hey are always ef
the most beneficia
trifling affair, just as
came, ancl hence sys
ed until a simple cur
vetted into a serious
The more prudent, a
or cold should not be
ly. use "Bryan's
which have sustain
for over 30 years.
ficacious, and exert
lufluenee an all the bronchial and pul
monary organs. Sold by all druggist
and country merchants. Price 25 cent
per box.
Smith, for the East half of North half o
Lot 10, 14th Concession, 43i acres, 8351)
—Carried. Moved by James Haye,
seco4led by Thomas Muriay, that when
the appropriation for • wade is made, th .
parties having the superintendence
these parts of he Township referred
by Mele1ssrs. rling, Hiller', and Kem --
hill, iexamine 1 these parte respectively, :
and 'glee what is required.—Carrie
Movdd by James Hays. seconded b
Johialloran, that $15 be granted to hi
NO. ...
To raise by way of loan the sum of tent
dollaixi, for the purposes herein coutaintd.
Whereas, The Council f the Corporal°
Township of Stephen, 0 the County of
have resolved to extend. t e Gravel Roads
westward, viz., the Centr
Crediton, the North Boi
dary Roads, expending. o
Roads the sum of $2,500
the sum of $5,009.
And whereas, to carry i
object, it willobe necessaiy for the Council of th
said Corporation to raiNi the suni a $10,000 in th
manner hereinafter ment
And whereas, it will x
hhndred dollars to -be ri
of O.
Road running ihrougl
ndary, and South Bonn
• each of the Bounder,
and ou the Centre Road
ito effect the said recite
riuire: the Sum of elevexi
ised annually by special
rate for the payment of he mild dellt and interest,
as also hereinafter menti med.
And whereas, the amonnt of the whole ;rateable
property of the said Mainciplility Of/Stephen, irres-
peetive of any future Inc ease of the same, and irre-
spective of any income t belderived from the tem-
porary investment of th sinking fund,.hereinafter
mentioned, or any part th4eof, aceoriling to the
last revised assessment roll of the said menici-
polity, being for the ye ond thousand eight I
dred and seventy-one, s five hundred and fo
thousand six. hundred id seventy-two dollars.
And whereas,lbe amo int of the existing debt
the said municipality is s follows: principle not
ing, interest nothing. !,
And whereas, for pa g the interest and erect -
ing an equal annual sink • g fund for paying the said
sum of ten thousand d 11ari and interestias here-
inafter mentioned, it wi I require an equol specip
rate of two mills and Inc-tWent-y-eighthe of a rinll
(2 mills and 5-28s) in th dollar in addition to all
other rates and taxes to be levied in each year. ,
Be it therefore enact .d hy the Council of t e
corporation of the TOM ns1up of Stephen, of t
County of Ilnron— 1
lat—That it shall be •wful for the ReeVe for t
time being of the 88111 t-mentioneAl corporati
to raise by way of lo n, from any person
persons, body or b es corporate, who m
be willing to advance t same, upon the credit
the debentures b.ereinaf r mentioned, a sum n
exceeding in the whole ten thousand dollars, a
to cause the same to bei aid into the hands of t
Treasurer of said muni ipality of the Township
Stephen, for the purp ses and with the obj
above recited,g
2d—That it shall be awful for the said Rea
to cause any number of debentures to be made
such sums of money, n t leas than one hundr
dollars each, and that said debentures ahall
Sealed with the seal of t e said corporation, and
signed by the said Reev.
8d—That the said de ntures shall be made p
able in twenty years, t farthest, /rein the d
hereinafter 'mentioned r this by-law to take effe
either In London, Eng rul,=Oclionae 'dace in Ca
ada, to be designated i
have attached to them
the interest half -yearly,
4th—That the said a
be made out either in s
cy of this Dominion,
Reeve so Quit the whol
bentuies shall not ex. •
sure of ten thousand
interest at the rate of
which interest shall be
January and July, in
the continuanc? of t
place where the said de
5th—That for the pn
fund for the payment
interest at the rate ao
on, an equal special
twenty-eighths of it =-
shall, in addition to
raised, leviedand colle
the rateable property
Stephen, during the cj
bentures or any of tile
6th—That this by -
into operation upon
thousand eight himdr
7th—That the votes
within the said Towns
law shall be taken at t
as follows: That is to
ty-fourth day of Juno,
the hour of nine o'clee
the poll shall remain o
afternoon of the s
Gre.diton, and that C
turning Officer.
mHE subscriber offers for sale on liber -ii
terms, his ethorongh-bred Durham
Bull, HEBEY, three years old. Having
bred him, yet having no fault to the ani-
mal, except too near a kin to mine and
ether stock in the vicinity.
I81 -3t Seaforth P. 0,
LABORERS wanting Wotle for a few
weeks will find employment on the
In Grey. WAGES, Si 25 per day.
Enquire of the foreman on this work,
or apply to the agent at the office, Jas.
T. Blain.
G. BLAIN, Contractor.
Grey, May 12, 1871. 1S0-tf •
TRA.YED from the premiees of Mr.
Robert Kettle, Lot 7, 3rd Concession,
Hullett, Omit the 8th of April last, two
Steers, three yeere oil, one red, the other
spotted, both marked with the letter K
on the left side; one 3 -year-old Heifer,
with dark Sides and white back and also.
marked : one red Heifer, two y ears old ;
one yoke of two-year-old S teers, one epot-
ted and with e white face, the other
nearly White with some red around the
neck. Any person giving . information
about them will be liberally rewarded.
181-4* Lot 7, 3rd Con. Hullette
. •
saki debentures, and sh itt
QupOnS for the payment of
bentures and eau no shall
rling money ortbte curren-
t the option of the said
amount of the said 4e -
ed the before.mentioned
oilers, and they stud.' bier
ix per cent pe annum,
ayable on the ibjst days of
ch and every yeir during
e said debentur s, at the
ttires are mad payable.
pose of forming a sinking
t the said debentures the-
esad, to becoute atm thete-
te ;of two mills j and film-
(2 in. 5-28) in the dollar,
other rates and! taxes, be
led in each year, 11P012 all
'thin the said Township of
ntinuance of the said de-
shall take effect and .e
se fourth day of July, • e
und seventy-one.
of the municipal elec sis
p of Stephen on this y -
LO day and hour and p ce
ay, on Saturday, the tw
A. D., 1871, to common at
In the forendon, and t at
n until five o'clock in e
day, at the Town Hal in
EALED TE.NDERS for _ painting the
0 Canada Presbyterian Church, Sea-
orth, will he received by the Building
Committee till June 14th, 6 o'elock, p.
in., when the Tenders will be opened at ,
Mr. Lumsden's Drug Store. Tenders to
be addressed to the undersigned, and to
be made for workmanship alone, -and for
workmanship end material together.
Specifications may beseen at Mr. R.
Luensden's, at all seasonable hours.
The Committee do not bind themselves
to accept the lowest any tender,
Chairman B. (1!.•
HE TCouncil of the Corporation of thc
County of Huron, -will meet in the:
Court Room, in Godelich, upon:Moe-neve
the 5th day of JUNE next,
County Clerk.
County Clerk's Office,
Goderieh, 22nd .May. 1871. 181-2er:
Seed Potatoes !
Tabove is ft true 7:'copityCoEf .
hea proposed by. w,
tu lie taken into cans denitiin by the Municipal
Council of the Town •"p• of Stephen dount7 of
Huron, after one mon d, from the litsepnblicat on
of the said by-law In. t se Ifintox Exposixon n we -
paper, the date of whi publication was Fri y,
the second day of J. A. 1).1871, and that the
vOtCS of the eleotors • the said municipality ill
be taken thereon, at 11 e aoresaid polling lilac , in
the salil Townsnip of tephen, on SATURDAY, th.e
twenty-fourth day of ne 4 A.D. 1871, at and fro tO
of the clock iu the morning until five of the e ock
182-41 •
in the afternoon. CIIESTERP
Half a ton of choice Turnip Seed, differ-
ent varieties,
Liquid Annatto
subecriber offers for sale a hag
fame ,cottage, 3kx40, new, ad a .or
ner Village Lot, opposite the Baptist
Church., Seaforth Farm propertit
would be taken in exchange. .A.pply ott„,
the premise.
172-121-t ALEX. McARTHint.
MITE Subscriber is prepared to furnish,
1 parties building with a 1irst-c1a,e8 ar-.
tiele of Stone Lime, at 20 cents per tomb-
esltzarit:etithise8eafikeoifitInt p, near Thom-
Sd°enlivserierldw'iniudi'Sea,;92. eentS per 1311811a
:with Mr.
Mali -
:114LEAN .1; -;
i R. W. ifl. SN01:13,-
111.d.)eig-17,1311*.setc-ilit:(.11%'-'1.71; -.
' N',..) t2xliortli, Pe.. ; 1
' of Me--f;i11 '.l."nii-
t..:'*_ :M , M. 1).
J et fl,t E
e-eildan, Sur- en., zee,
me V.curiele, ina.
,wrich, Sept, 7th, k.71t.
. tlradtiath id MtiU
litreali Physician, z-nr ,42
I residenee- - flrut-A.lie11.
.111itelie ' (I...Jail. 1:1. I s7 1
TT L. viaft-oE M. I)
._ ,,thi.,
.511 eiA nceei,alLcortr,; 'of: Mar
$".6 vt, illinl.:.liately in
".':' Iv.
rail, Feb. 4th.
County. f Vine: an,
Corby's, owner N tore.
ferth. Office ilai-, Sat»
irri,sters,, thirm
ieitors iir tlianeery end in
tarni lie and etn1e-t-p9
tors for the R. C:llank, se:ol
for thc Canada Life Aesne
0,090 to 10141
Farms, Houses and Lote,
Scafortla, Dec, 14th, 18.6
Attorneyat Law, Soli:
entry end. firsolveney. Cone
arts Public, eta.
Wroxeter. Agents for I-
I:ere-ea Co. of Upper Vaned:-
coital:Securities e'o, of Lon
Money at- S per cent ; ne
_11j: 11
;1:1:nt_11171Zi. 10th 186
NT(1)1e eEmeL
pe-blic for the liberal patrt
to him in times poet in the
niedetiso to inferin them th
.rtesumed business in tht
where he will lie happy
from old friends, allzA;
Soo:forth, May 5, ISM.
-erieh„ ONT., J,
uron J. S. Will LIAM
can Votel, Warsaw
This hotel has recently b4.
nishod, and refitted thro
nowone of the novst etimfei
ine.aliousiii he 1'ru11e?.f,)r
• Tonans
• Lana Surveyors.
)4Ars.e. All manner of
.eith neatness. and diate
Commissioner in 1
-estert door south of Shari
Senior:0u Dee. 14, 184
Stables. - At;
seaforth, ;mei. 11.1reete
•eemiveyancee„ always on
iz liAizr8 LI VF.,IZY
ST sin:11411:TH". Fir
. 1
and Carriages always on n
lile texene.
R. L $um:j
S'eaforth, :May •Fith, IS7It
\111 \\
•Dent i st, 'x-tracti ti;
the u: -,e
tElioe---k)ver t1:e }Iva"
feed. Attendan't' in
Metal, the first Tnee.eao
iitttah month ;.
en the
deo and. Frida.p4.
_Pga-tivs rtijuirine 11
eindeeed eall. if at se
too, on the first day
! (1-t-nr 54,n00 pettielits
extracted by the inetnf
Colton's office's New
3011-N DM(
,th,thaece Broker, and
.A enut,
elst# mee il
Oeepoeite t T. Rail
Throueli Tieltere iese#
in the I'Vestern Statet
Reel River, at rtilizee.-
the greatest facilities t.
Afl 31t•yestary
;IX/diaDif,1. t itt Aeeneit -
Ninds, (hinpens ae 'e
Gold and ether Ct,i31
t‘vrt Ya: -if