HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-06-02, Page 5lfrf mon••••••••••••=0* may one of the I defy any one to books, the ex- • es, or their in the Treasur, . hours, this week, Mr. Beattie took, ssiari over a week in possession yet. at, for a Village er we distinctly sserted there .was $149 paid for dis.- upon the Council had the distinct .tincaa opposed to frewt of the Colin- uditors. In- tItese questions,. tike to raise side scene. -We pre - it is very galling; vound. T made , a (Iee1: )1lo\b 1, J. 11, iise •and declare 'aithfully and. im- oest of my know-, execute the office - .en etected in this - that I have not not, receive any ra or promise of 'eise of any parti- Mt or other undue office, and that I or partner either y any interest in or in behalf a honestly kept se. Is false swear - f -tie: swearer to s. • Mien, Mr. Beattie, e the reflection of kept that saleran - t of thine own lips Singular aeknowledges Connell let jobs = Declaration tarok- aw from the bank, m n discoant con- ttiow from the sta.- : letter, While they r they will to tha ffledge- and ability 4 &c. Decl ara ion- ae Council does not aunts as made out There is no true,a tial execution of :Declaration broken - a By-law was sub - pe for $4000. It a/ out of it four or voting by a resolu- t)n which By-law Yte, as in either case o necessary publica- ided By-law. This- ar debts are n 17, a the bank ;$2,6•00„ aool:purpoes about now acknowledged Does that look like ionest execution of Ltion broken again, by his own confes- ;ear up the ow side-, Oets ; pass a- resoln." given over to- . to be laid down ew sidewalk ; they nails to re -lay - the expense of the IfaS been done -fatties stieet. Mr_ rrossing bet -ween the and his garden, I there any [it By a by-law of no individual with- . of he Council, in Iy can commit tt:: ba Mr; Beattie?, iIor had no sucli. et lk id the crossing. it cost the, Cor - We see no RC- -fICe accountof Mr. ey paid for the. - ;was money to be• ie see HO account of from- parties to E sold, to till in the !eir places of busi- kyt.' tilos& sidewal1ts. aterly built by prt-. 48, gravel was put any partiality in. (4t1 sidewalk„ south. 4ce Hal 1, was worth. ;street, north of the t not worth re - WS more especial - lig and nails were ense of the Cm - lay it? Could not tils be given to_ re - which .was built ,rivate subseriii- impartiality ? The the habit of making 4ints. For instance, elytOr gide of side- of they 'zit-know/v(101Kit of 1 account is not here ate many ae- description, so that uts are audited, wc, ;-,e extent of the re- 'Arsenients of the Core Beattie carries on a one of the Market ppose he has no in- : centract is through with whom be iias directly or indirect, Mr. Editor, were all the petty accounts of the Corporation of Sea- ford' rendered in full, as the law contemplates, instead of being 9 feet 6 inches, they would be :nearer 15 feet long. The closing advice of Mr. Beattie is prettily put :---Come unto me all you that are weary and heavily annoyed with those letters, and want to know the transactions of the Village, Council, and I will sotisfy your -anxieties. Don't 'go to that billiard pld.yer of a -Coleman, for he is ignorant. We'll justify our own accounts, even to stultify- ing and disobeying the voice of con- science, and 'breaking our solemn proolise and declaration. Yours truly, T. T. COLEMAN. May 30th, 1871. (We will print no more commtmica- floes on the above subject, which exceed one and a half pages of foolscap in length. --En. ExPosrron.1 A Piature of Paris. A Paris dispatch of the 28th says Paris looks completely cowed. The shops are all closed, and even tbcse of vital neessity, such as chemists, remain shut. pestiturants, bakeries and grocery stores have also suspen- ded business. I *alked across Paris last night, and never saw anything so desolate. 1 saw no human beings) 'but sentinels every hundred yards, and one shabby civilian. There were no sounds but the footfalls of the sentinels, and the thud made when they struck their muskets en the flagstones The old revolutionary system of denun- ciation is going on with terrible ferocity. Nadar, the teronant has been. arrested, for supposed sympathy with the Commune. Nobody is safe even in the presence of the most intimate friends. At, rash word or imprudent gesture by a man or woman insures instant death. Men, W ow en, and even children are seized by the brutal soldiery and - -shot. The saddest feature is the -conduct of the women, the female insurgents having in many instances been detected firing the houses ,Of innocenti!personswith petroleum. Flour, (Ext Van Sup. fine N No 1 No 2 Bag Flour, Wheat, (Canada Fall) S ging Western Oats, (per 32 lb.) ark, (per 48 lb.) Ater, (Dairy) (Store packed) Ashes, (pas) Pearls, Pork, (mess) Peas, TREAL, aind 1; 1871. a) per barrel, 6:60 to 6:70 6:20 t� 6.30 1 Canada W. 5:90 to 6:30 estem Wheat, 6:65 to 5:70 .5:40 to 550 2:80 to 2:90 "nor 1:5.$0 1:37- 0;00 to 0:00 1:28 to 1:32 0:44 [ o 0:45 0:65 io 0:70 0:17 to 0:18 0:16 to 0:17 6:15 to 6:25 6:80 to 6:85 17:50 t18:0O 1:00 to 1:02 NOTICE THE B • Ot FARMERS. R, •E 101.4LS. THE undersigna riving purebtlsed th , BERNE -1" GRIST MILL, a e mi.:pared to do GI SOng and ChopPing on the shortest Inirtipe ' The latest styles of Boots and Shoes of all kinds cheap at T. Coventry's. DE ATIIS: Molltm-Krtr.—At Ingeisoll, on Wednes- day, the 24th of May, Mr. John Mc - father of Mr. James Mcikaul- kin, of Seaforth, aged. 89 years. - AUCTION SALE. - Great combined. sale of Faxtri Steck, Implements, Household Furniture,- &c., OR Thursday, May 8, at the Union Hotel, Haspurhey. J. Dill and H. Colladay, proprietors. J. P. Brine, Auctioneer. No. 1 Flour ke Also, Bran, So t coast is and tly on hoppe Stuff.. As the sub eribers are first-eloe practieal millers they will gn antee o- give the Emost entire satis- faction to who fa Tnir them iwith their, patron- age.- , Berne, Jn e, 1871. smslria & AR. • 182-8in . THE MARKETS; SEAFORTH, June 1, 1871. Wheat, (Fall) tl bushel, 1:15 to L 30 Wheat (Spring) Iii) bushel, 1:15 to 1:25 Barley f" bushel, 040 to 044 Oats ti. bushel, 0:40 to 0:40 Peas 1g bushel, 0:70 to 0:76 Butter, I/ tb. 0:12ito 0:14 Eggs. 0:11 to 0:11 Hides, a 6:00 to 7:00 Sheep Skins, 0.50 to. 2:00 Hay, per ton, , 7:00 to10:00 Flour, per 100 llis. 3:25 to 0:00 Potatoes, 0:50 to 0:60 Wool, per lb., 0:30 to 0:33 A BSTR TREA MU Special attention paid to all orders for Boots and Shoes, either sewed or pegged, at J. Duncan & Co.'s. Seaforth. IJRR'S ACCOUNT THE.- PAL -01 For th ear 1 RECEIPTS: • To Bal. i han at last Audit, " A.r M Ross County Trea- sure , non resident tax, - "A. M Ross; Legislative and. Mi ioipal School Grant, "A. M Ross, Boundary Line Ap opria ion, . . ..... 187 24 "E. ood, 0 ergy Reserves, 207 90. " Seve [ Tavern lacendes, 140 00 " Thre Shop ditto,. . . 1. ... 92 00 " Taxe from Township Col. 17688 50 Taal,' 12,741 49' CLA INTON, June 1, 1871. By Telegraph to the Expositor. Fall Wheat, per bushel, . 1:15 to 1:25 ['..-ipring Wheat, per- bushel. 1:20 to 1:25 Oats per bushel, 0:40 to 0;40 Peas, per bushel, 0:70 to 0;75 'Barley, per bushel, 0:40 to 0;44 Butter per per, lb, 0.121to 0;14 Eggs, per doz. 0.11 to 0;11 Wool, per lb., 0:28 to 0:33 Men's hand -made Kip Boots, for $3.50, at J. Duncan & Co.'s, Seafortla. GODERICH, *Tune 1, 1871. °81 15 to 1 25 1 15 to 1 28. 0 40 to 040 0 70 to 0 75 0 40 to 0 44 0 12!zto 0 14- 0 11 to 0 11 7 00 to 7 00 Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats Peas Barley Butter Eggs Pork I TY ARTISTS ATTENTION. OR SALE, my Photograph Gallery, in jthe flourishing Village of Ainley- ville, q ite new 'and fitted. up With goo lights and operating room, over (100) on hundred feet sky light, will be sold with or without stock and fixtures. Satisfac- tory reasons given for selling. A ply a once to D. STEWAR, 182-3t Dingle P. 0. T. J. CHURCHILIr Veterinary SurOon I Member of the Ontario Veterinary College, Begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding c untry, that he has o encd an Office in Se forth, where he may be consulted person lly or by let- ter, on theDiseases of Hors", Cattle, &c.. Having received a regular nd practical edricatiOn, and having been aWarded the Diploma of the Veterinarr 0ol1ege of Ontario, -T. J. Churchill has: every con- fidence of giving satisfaction to Tll who may employ him. REFERENose—A, Smith, T. S., Princi- pal Ontario Veterinary Colle e ; PofesacIr Buckland, Dr. Thorburn D. Ro el, and — Wells, M. D., & V. g. I Veterinary Medicines const antlyqn han4. All calls promptly att nded.i to. 1 -Office—Cormichael's Hot1, Seaforth. , f lp-3m 1115 56 388 29 922 00 BY Cash and By Cash g [ and By Cas A Full Stock of all sorts of Boots and Shoes, in Leather, at J. Duncan & Co.'s. ST. MARYS, June 1, 1871. Fall Wheat, per bushel, 1:16 to 1 25 Spring Wheat, per bushel, 1:25 to 1 29 Oats, per bushel, Peas, per Inishel, Barley, per bushel, Butter per lb., Eggs.. per doz. DISBURSEMENTS, • aid for repairing R oads ' 1 Bridges, .,......... :...,. $2493 33 paid Fees and Salarie i 577 10 Schools, ..1,....[.... 4000 95 County TI.x, ..... 3635 55 charity, .... ..i.... ' 112 13 Printing, 1)ostage Stationery,. ... .. .... -, ..., paid Incidental, Expen- -ses, By Bala s ce in Treasurer's hand Total, $ 2,741 49 55 61 868 61 I 998 21 Audi d the above ACcount t4d Vouch- ers belo ging thereto, and find aU correct, Treasu [ ls 0.35 to 0 40 0:70 to t) 75 0 :40 to 0 43 0:10 to 0 13. 0:11 to 0 11 Come and get your choice. of 500 pairs of Prunello Boots, at J. Duncan and Co.'s. LONDON, June 1, 1871. White -Winter Wheat $1 15 to $1 30 Spring do 1 20 to 1 32 Barley Oats Peas Butter, in kegs, Eters ott 0 50 to 052 0 46 to 048 0 75 to 0 80 0 10 to 0 12 0 10 to 0 13 A large assortment of Prunello Boots, Oents', Ladies' and Children's, at J. Duncan & Co.'s, Seaforth. I TORONTO, June 1, 1871. Wheat, Spring, Wheat, Fall, Soules, ':arley, Oats, Hay, Peas, $1 28 to.' 1 36 I 20 to 1-30 0 55 to 02 0 46 to 047 10 00 to 1500 0 76 to 080 McNitIR, A. STUART, er'S Office, Grey, Aprili 1871. ' uditors. 182-3 "7 - UNE IN SEAR) i3TH. ONEY.— artioulars 182-3t ,MALL SUM = OF [1‘ wiaer will please give sitor Jffiee. at Exp T_TS, IN SEAFC)RT FOI SA E OR TO OT ENT. TIO Sale or to Rent on (atly terms, a c rner 1 t, with a good ildin,,a, sui- table f: [aa Store Or Tavern, 111 dwell- ing at ached. There is a godd well on the pr raises. This property is situated in a ood hussiness position, opposite Marls e's Hotel. If rented', would be relltes with or Without tip.: furniture. For further particulars fapply to the propii tor, oh the premises, or at THE Ex ros TOR Oflice. THOMAS W ITESIDE. 182-tf. Sea. orth, lune, 1871. 110.as Oicl. a silv r gua be su tably same t Tin Sea orth, TCHI1 LOST. •Seaforthon Saturday last, Country Silver Watch, with d attached. 'The [finder will rewarded upon leaving the EXPOSITOR Offiee. ay 31, 1871. 182-3 c. AUbTION SALE. 0 has received instructions to ell by Auction, on Saturday, June 10, P71,at/ his .. Auction Rooms, Main Stree , Seaforth, one Horse, 14 years old ; one d tto; 8 years old; one ditto, 9 yeari old ; Inc L mber Wagon ; one Buggy one s t ,Do ble Harness; and two set r Singh4 ditto Sale at, two [o'clock. Terms Cash. Als , at the ame place and day 150 P'cture and Frames, Maps and dif feren othe articles Sale at 7 o'clock. 182-1 • ` C -YE°, 'Auctionee H MES IN NORTH CAROLINA. 10 0 cadian Farmers Wanted t b ly Lands in North Carolin Chin te li altby al d not [ hotter tha ORA a. B autiful a ul highly producti -plant tions with good .builclin„,es, app e and peach erellards. Aie offered at pric s varying from 85 to 15 per acre accordin to locato1i. Parties desiring further i form tion, may 4f)bt M it by canine, 01 the u dereigned,H lat Knox's Hotel. Se, forth on Tuesday next, Jul e 6, 1871,- t '2 o'clock, p. fl. 182-1 A. BOOMER, You can get t PTJI BENE 1)11CTION —IN— OTTONS . —AT— LOOK OLT YOE\ G NEW COL1LARS, 1\1- 'V\7- S, NEW -SCA 1' S, • RECEIVED AT AND E RSON' LOTHINC AND FURNISHING' HOUSE. FIVE THO SAND OF THE NEW; PAPER COLLAR, ?VERY 13017 CONTAINS A P1?1ZE, (Some very valuable.) COLLARS -- Franklin, Great Western, St. George, Dead. Shot Eureka. T1E$—Elite, 3on Ton, Sappho, Lothair, Clipper, Crown. 1 Bishop, . SCARFS --Cabinet; Grid Duke, Von Moltke, Bismarck,[grown[Pf ce, Con- queror, Fall Mall, General Marquis, Correa Scarf, Standard. T. K. ANDERSON'S - SEAPORT. 11, Noted Furnishing House for.Boys, Youths am. Men. ay, 1871. 1,79 -ch PRIVIX E SALE! OF— HORSES AND ARM IMPLEMENTS. Tfollowing Property will be sold Cheap, .for Os sh, or liberal terms on credit, Viz. :-7 orses, consisting of 1 brood are, a go d stock raiser, 1 span heavy orkingho ses, 1 span mares, young and wo king, 1 -year-old blood colt, 1 1 -year. Id colt. FARM 11 PLEMENTS. 1 reaPi g machin-, nearly new, Massey's make, vith Wooll's self rake, 3 iron and wood p oughs, Gr y's make, Egmonclville; gang p ough, cul ivator, etc. For urther p rticulaxs apply at the Exposi or Office, or to JAME M. McGREGOR, 181- Seaforth. Piano & Wall Paper. v 0 WAN S A FIRST-CLASS PIANO! Now is the timelt to buy; will be Sold at Bargain. The Telegraph Bookstore! Is th.e Place for WALL -PAPER! ARMSTRONG & PRICE. Seaforth, May 18, 1871. 180-1y EGIMONDVILLE. NEW ROCERY. WM. ITHOMSON, EDWARD CASIi, Dealer in all kinds of AiNLEYVILLE. IMPO TANT NOTICE. Farm and Dairy Produce, (Late of Seaforth,) CRAY SPARLIN 84-00. 3 Begs to inform the public that he has • opened. a Groc ry Store, in OPPOSITE THE GREAT E G STORE. 177 ITIJRE P. THOS. 4ELLIs1 THOMAS tELL Is now prepared. to manufacture furni- ture AS Cheap as the .Cheapest. • Parties wishing 'to buy wholesale can be supplied at Toronto Wholesale Prices. WARE ROOMS OPPOSITE THOMAS KIDD'S. WORK SHOP, CORNER OF MAR- KET SQU RE. TURNING do4e on the Shortest N tice. COFFINS kept co stantly on A HEARSE F R HIRE. 170-tf THE B ICK PREMISES, Lately occupied by Mr. John Logan, ' NEI THE BRIDGE, G 3./ N D -V /LLB, Where he will 3,0ep on hand i A COM LETE STOCK OF Vresh Groceries, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE niclersigned having determined to close up his present business, with. a view of isperating elsewhere, begs leave to announce thatl he has on hand over $20,000 WORTH =OF New Staple & Faney Goods, of every kind, Which h will dispose of at a great sacri- ti e, for Cash -or Produce. The Highest Price in Money /„.\ Fon WOOL (AND BUTTER. Pay your fees and. drive store, GODERICH. ST SEAF BUTTER FIRKINS for [s exchange. il -THE TAPLE AND FANCY RY GOODS, up t� his EET, RTH. e and to 180 -ch Sectforth Foundry ZAPFE •sr CATER Of every d.escription, at prices as reason- able as those of any other house the trade. Th?-11igh NOTICE TO ID BTORS. AI—oncE is hereby given that all par - .1_11 ties 'indebted to I 1r. COLEMAN, either by note or book, ltre requested to call at his office, at the "'alt Works, and settle the same imined ately, otherwiie they wid be sued with& t further notice. Seaforth, April 11,[1871. 175-tf A BUTT est Market Price PAID FOR R, EGGS, &c., &c. all is res ectfully solicited. WM. THOMSON, ,Egmondville. 179-tf Wou1cT desire to call attention to their greatly improved., CL THING STOC ( ! Have ju t been received direct from the Manufac urers in Great Britain—this Spring, nd will be found unusually well kisorted and attractive. Now is he time for Farmers. and others to get B rgains, as the whole Stock must be disposed of in three months. THRESHER 84 SEPARATOR TIIE G Sewi RDNER PATENT if Machine, MANC ACTURED BY THE 6-ardner Sewing Machine COMPANY) HAMILTON, ONT., Is$e best amily and manufacturing miehine now ade; will do all kinds of Fancy SVork.1 The general works and attachments ire so simple that any per- son can learn to work them in half an hour. Tailors and shoemakers use it in preference to any now made. Price within the reach of all. Has 110 gear of any kind; is STRONG and SIMPLE. It would be well for intending pur- chasers to call on any of the undermen- tioned parties and see this machine, be- fore purchasing one of another make. The above machine can be seen at work, at any time, at William Grassey's and T. ,K. Ander o•a's, Seaforth; F. Filton's, Exeter; Mr. Pierce's, Waterville ; Mr. Polley, Bay eld ; Fishleigh & Garry; Which is able to eom.pete Machine in Cana a. Among its many advantag s, we call at- tention to the following -I -the -way the Cylinder is constreeted—it requires less • power and is capable of THRESHING MORE AND CLEANER THAN- ANY OTH R. • The great complaint am ng Threshers always was, that they coul 1 thresh more than they conlkl clean, our does away with all these c is so eonstruated as to regu to keep the riddles from cla king, without blowing any grain over. Ve have also improved our Mills to preVent the grain going over with the straw. We would invite Farman and Thresb- ers, generally, to give us al call, and ex- amine our stock before purchasing else- where, we can sell. as chea Establishment. ith ALSO, FOR SALE ! STO —A— Ey STORE-HOUSE5 STABLE/ AnI 1.1 Acres of Land, With Orchard, In the thriving village of Crabbrook, and number of Village Lots and 1%/I 1.3.A.1•TDS1. In 4-inleyville and ncighbourho d.. —ALSO,— HORSES, WAGONS, CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS,' ETC., ETC. J. LECKIE.. - Ainl yville, llth May, 1871. N. B —All parties indebted to the sub- scriber by overdue Note or Account, are- reques ed to call and settle the same at once, t ereby save costs. --J. L. 179-1 CUEL H SEWING MACHINE CO. THE OSBORN any other ETER GRASSIE, General A„,elat for the County of Heron, 179-ly Seaforth, Out, 1 proved. drum mplaints ;it ate the wind as any- other lione but the best Material used, and the very best workmen e ployed. The Machines we solki t year enable its to say that they gave setter satisfac- tion thau ay other. eve sold in, this county. PITT'S HORSE 'OWER! kept on hand. at al times. 'We would also desire direct the attention Lf farmer to our SAWING MAC INES! Which are capable of sawi to fifty cords of woo Superior Gang Plougb.s, u1C tivators, Scuelers. Wo beam Ploughs, Scrapers, All of which we warrant tion. and will be soli as c other Establishment in 1 REPAIRING AND IOF ET.ERY DESCR Done on the shortest n reasonable te 143-1yPJf — - 1..,ock-Stitch Sewing MACHINE. Thousands throughout Canada are, now using these machines„ They have been tested 'beyond all question, make - the favorite lock -stitch, alike on boat sides, and are pronounced superior to. any other machine offered. the public_ For wide range of work, perfection,, beauty and excellence of mechanism,, adaptability, strength and durability, The, Osborn, &win, Machine 11- . a. Ha *r Improvements. have lately been. 3nade, enabling the manufacturers to- clain it as the se plus ultra of Sewing mac nes., Hundreds of testunomals are: beim received daily from fild as well as: new operators attesting its wonderful' ea ilitiew Will do. all kinds of do- mestic sewing, from the finest eambrm to the coarsest overcoator upper.leather. GUARAINTEED TO BE AS REPRESENPED,, OR NO SALE, WARRANTED Fatt TIIB.EE YEAR% Ttre Osborn Outfit is complete an& readlily comprehended. Is sold at on Ire- alf) the priee hitherto [charged ed forma - chines doing a. like range or work, the: manufacturers being; determined to plaee-1 it within the reach of every family in the country. A If•EPORE RURCIIASE 'Will COD– viitlaiceied_a11 tbat our inachit.es are nu- eciTHE GUELPH REVERSIBLE. Is pee-emineatly the best Single -Thread Machine offered to the publie—hence ita 'marvelous success Wall do all varietka. of domestic sewing. PitteEs OREATLr REDUCED. Hand Machine, with fall outfit, $12 „ Treadle do., $17:.. ear Each matehilna guaranteed.. Agents wanted everywhere. Splen- did. inducements to raake mcmey. Applyto CUELPH' SEWING. MACHINE CO.I. cANADA. V. N. WATSON:, Agent, 180-ly SEAFORTIL g from. forty per day. Straw Cutters' den and Iron - Kettles, Etc., give satisfae- leap as at any he Province. CASTING P1'10X, tice and zoost nafi: a.C ETU, NOTICE Toj parties inclebDt,eAdvtl.Mr. GRIFFITH 1ih business, including book debts and notes, as well as stock, as set forth in an afl rertisement for tenders, have, by 16..1 o'wi free will and pleasure, been placed tny bands for settlement, to enable hita to retire from the retail trade; Dur- ing the next fortnight it is hoped_ that many wili make a prompt aettlement to. Mr. Davis. as after that time otln r aus-['-k[A[F; 1)1 e employed in wain, letatione DU-N1%.AN IleFARLANE, A u otant. [Brockville, May 1, '1871.