HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-05-26, Page 88.
itron txpooltor.
TuitAr SEE -m -800U Robertson h
on hand a fine lot of turnip seed and see
potatoes of various varieties. See .adver
Wool. St./ism—The wool sea,son:ntit
now soon commence. We have heard o
several. farmers who have already wash
ed -their eheep.
FOR RED RIVER.—The Sarnia Observe
of the 19th says Luxton, late o
the Ooderich Joartzall left this place o
-Wednesday last to Fort Garr), we be
lieve special correspondefit of the Lon
don Advertiser.
GOOD HORSES.—Mr. William Chesney
of Tuekersmith, sold a splendid team 0
working horses, ,on Tuesday last, to
American farmer, for the handsome sera
of $300 ih gold. This is a geed pricep
but the beeses were well Worth it. This
shows the benefits accruine from raining
good. stock.
chants and. business men ot Seaforth
have unanimously agreed. to discontinue
taking American and British silver at
par. This is as it shoeld be. The neigh-
boriag towns and villages have long since
- token th's step, and the result was that
Seaforth has been flooded with uncurreut
money, much to the inconvenieece and
loss of our businessmen.
Daniel Gorsifitn. Their requests to e
eon, 'Henry Lane, Mrs. McKinley, and
tomplied with if they do not get other
dogs instead. Moved by George Castle,
seconded by Thome Keys, that the As-
sessnacnt Roll, now revised, be con-
firmed.—Carried. he Court edjourned
•a;nd after one hour t e Coond met or
general business:
The postponed petition Bayfi
School Trustees was taken ute Mo
by Dr. Woods seconded by D. W.
Youll that the 'Reeve and Deputy Re ve
be requested to use their beet exertions
to procure from the County Council a
speeial assessment (it the Township, for
the School Sectio' t No.. 8, which Section
covering only aboit11,200 • acres of mild
and farm lands, has -a school population
of about 150 children, and' is now rated
for sebool purposes, annually, at more
than all the other aggregated municipal.
taxes and fully double the average of ,
the assessment of the whole School Sec-
tion of the Towns-hitd - Moved in ainefid-
teent by George Oastle, seconded by
'Thomas 'Keys, that the motion askieg
the Reeve and Deputy Reeve to ask aid
from the County Council for the Bayfield
school be not granted.—The amendment
was carried. A circular was ,read from
the Secretary of the lsondon, Huron and
BrieseRailroad Company, requesting the
Council to grant a bonus •of $15,000• to
said road. t Moved by Dr. Woods, see-
ded. by. ()Age Castle, that we do not
feel disposed to grant $15,000 to a Rail -
read to Brumfield., feeling that no
equiealent advantage cans accrue there;
from.—Cerned. Moved by George
Castle, seconded by Thomas Keys, that
the sum of $4 b*. granted to George
Rua, to put a gate at the field at 'the
-gravel pit for the use Of the rate -payers
of several lines.—Carried. Moved by
Thomas Keys, seconded by D. W.
Youll, that Dooald Fraser be allowed to
-work his statute labor James Forrest's
beat. —Carried. Moved by George
Castle, seconded by Dr. Woods, that the
Council do noW adjourn to meet on the
first Monday in July, at Mite Drysdalc's
Hotel, Sauble Line, at 2 p. in. —
WI -emelt KIneneeirr, Clerk.
Varna,. 19th May, 1871. .
Bustesess.—Within the past few '<lays
business has much revived, On Satur-
day last the streets were crowded With
teams, and a rushing. businese was done.
The wool and bark harvest will now
ebortly mimmetice, and. Our merchants
may - anticipate busy times for son,e
weeks to come. There are but felw
places which can boast of better bu4i-
ness patronage, take it all the yea'
round, than Seaforth. •
Voted. to intimate that aa meeting of
Teachers will be held in the Central
'School, C!inton, on Saturday, the 3ed
day of June, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the
purpose of discussing certain pointa- in
the new School law, Affecting the i
tercets of teachers, each as expiri
certificates, the formation of a w
Board, and the appointment of Inspec-
tors. The attendance of all interested
is respectfully solicited.
'Concert given in St. James Cath ' ic
Church, on the 1.8th instant, was v
euccessfult ThS attendance was lar
The singing and. instrumental music as
good., and smell as is not. often hoed at
nniscal entertainments in this locali y.
Miss McDonald presided at the org e,
and was accompanied by Mr. (Jollies • on
the -violin, both of whom acquitted the
selves in their usually efficient mann r.
The Re -v. 'Father Darrah, of Irt h -
town, delivered an excellent addre s,
taking for his theme the words " y
House shall be called a House of Praye
The entertainment throughout was an
exceeelingly pleasant one.
• A very fair audience asseinbled at 'he
• Town Hall, on .Friday evening -last, to
hear Rev. Mr. Starr'8 lecture on
" Switzerland and the Minn" ' he
lecture was descriptive of a brief tour on
the Onneinent, made by Me. Steer, last _
year. The lecturer pictured to his a •
once in a graphic and •vinid manner, he
beatiftel seeeery of. the Rhine, with be
- quaint towns end,ancient castles . which
dot its banks; and • describei the *Ad
mountain, lake. and glacier 'scenery • of
, Switzerland in *eloquent. languages On
his return from Switzerland to Engle , •d,
• the lecturer passed through Peels, evl ich
was at that time convuleed by the n ws
• of the first victories of the Grown Prio ce
over the Imperial .forces, and his &atoll
.of the gay Capital. or& its
curial people, then wildly excited,
very entertataing. The lecture was
of the most interesting that has 1
given in Seaforth for a Leg' time, an
Invp6dby every one of the intelli
audience present that it may not be
eintil they may again have an opportu
of hearing the reverend lecturer. •
fi urtON EXPO8ITOtt.
affordeol by a railway, even if looked it
in a social or commercial point of eviet.
Mr. Piekark also 'coincided iiiith- the
former Speakers; and stated hi fi readiness
and willingness to support the measure.
Several others, vie : Messrs. Eiterett,
Willis, and. Manning, expressed their
Views, which were :entirely in. favor of
granting the bonus required. After
some discussion and deliberation, the
followihg resolution was moved by ;Mr.
Pickard, seconded by Mr. Is. Drew, and
carried unanimourly '
/?esoincd—That this meeting, having
been informed its to the amount of bonus
requirea- from the village of Exeter, in
aid of he Lonilon Huron and Bruce
Itailwa , hereby expresses its willingness
to grant euch ponies, viz: $6,00, pro-
vided he other municipalities grant the
overal sums required by them.
To the Editor of the Huron, Expositor
Having seen nothing in the EXPOSITOR
from your Ethel correspondent for some
time, I am at a loss to make out Nvilat
can he the matter, that he does not keep
, the growing importance of this promising
village before the public, through the
coltunns of your widely -circulated paper.
, The Village of Ethel is. situated on the
banks of the Maitland, en - the seventh
and eighth concessions of the Township
of Grey, five and a half miles east of the,
Gravel Road leading to Seaforth, and
distant from Ainleyville about seven
miles. It is surrounded bk:a good sec-
tion of country, land well 'cleared up
farms. The Population of the village is
fast increasing, and buildings are going
up rapidly, there being five new ones"put
up this spring already. Business and
manufactories are carried on to a con-
siderable,*extent, there being a first-class
saw mill, plaining machine, shingle and
lath machines, all driven by steam ;and
in constant operation, where custceners
'ned lumber, shingles
supplied on the Short-,
reasonable rates ; one
wo run of stollen pro -
ed doing a good grist-
iving general satisfac-
tion to the public two blacksmith shops,
carriage and wagcn shop, carried oe at a
brisk rate by good mecha cs who do
then week in a style and with a despatch
-satisfactory to those who employ then..
The ,ma.nufacture of earthenWare is car-
ried on to a good extent, the ware being
made from the very best material. One
potathery is in operation ainsl makes a
first-class article. There is a good 'open-
ing for a. ehoefnakm here, the want of
one being -felt very much by th in -
habitants. There is one geneeal tore,
where the post office is kept, and 'here
a large number of ExPostras are dis-
tributed every week to subserilsers. M.
William Patton, from the ToWnsl ip of
Vaughn, has lately opened a hotel and is
making large, additions ta the old estab-.
lishment In se doing so he has an eye
to the accomodation of the ' peblic and
-no doubt will clO a good busi e
• • '
is a good school house, with a
tend.ance of scholars, Mr. John
is teacher. There is a pais
railroad coming near the vil
Lnaronn.—Rev. George McKay,
is about to proceed to the Foreign:
sion field, in connection with the
Presbyterian Church, delivered a lee
in Duff Church, (Mr. McDermid's)
the various objects of interest which
come underliii notice while on a vis
neotlaud last winter. At the des
the lecture, a. collection was taken u
assist in procuring a library for the
bath School of the Chureb.
Gilpin, an old pioneer of the town
died last week, and was followed to
last resting! place by a large concour
sorrowing friends.
Accrn Ea T. —Mr. Anderson, bf
township, while chopping in the v-
ial' on a. log and. broke his thigh.
BOUND TOR THE OLD Cotessran.----
George Brown, Presbyterian Minist
this place, purposes taking a tri
Scotland for the benefit of his he
which has lately been rather bad.
wish the reverend 0-entleman a sof
plea,sant trip, •and. hope that it, ma
&tit in his restoration to good. healtl
A ceiDENT.-L-A • young man n
Alexander McDougall, of • the towi
of Howick, got himself Severely in
in wrestling, one evening last Week
is, we understand, likely to be eon
to his bed for a week or two yet,'
its effec.s,
t to
e of
Le is
r of
requiring dry pl
or laths, can be
est notice and at
grist mill, having
pelted. by water,
ing business, and
and ex
on Sat
of Sell
and th
game as played in a, field belonging to
Mr. Bell, adjoining this place. -About
11 o'clOck the Wickets were pitched, and
play eemmeneed in earnest. After a
hard game, whiah lasted a considerable
time, the Hay boys were ,deolared .the
winners by four runs. The Tuckersmith
boys geacefully accepted the defeat, and
challenged their Hay. competitors to
play another ga,me• on Saturday, the rd
of June. This challenge was readily ac-
cepted,. We hope inns young .friends of
flay a id Tockersmith, may have a jolly
the p
KET Ma-rone—A very interesting
iting game (if cricket was played
rday last, between the scholars
ol Section No. 1, Tuckersmith,
se of Section No. —, Hay. Thc
awe on the 3rd, and that some of
vill send us 'a good report of it, tee
with the sore, and the names of
ayers,-- for publieation in the En-
Mr Beattie : in Reply to
Editor 'of thr Exposito
R Sinen-Two letters have a
ed in your paper,' signed " T. T.
man.' T. T. Colehian must be a si
man, for he writes both in the si
and plural numbers,. half of each
letter's he writes himself, and the
half is written by the assistance
other I perstimes and yet, selfis
betakes all the credit to hims
signing T. T. Coleman,- alone
letters- (I Will -call them his) refer.
Municipal statement tor the yea
and for ignoran
only be equalled
Ile calls the Trea
.did not receive a
as stated in th Auditor's repo
then again he Makes the Treasure
that he did receive the said a
The doctor makes' meny grevious
a,geinst the 3.1unicipal officers.
time'he charges them with pocket
funde of the CorPoration. Anoth
he charges them with taking cha
baby, and throws out an insinuati
some of them are related to the 1.1
fortunate. There pright be some
for the insinnation„ if any of the
were famed; forthe actions of Dr
man, throughout the County.
fact, beyond dispute, the baby lat
the doctor's own door than that of any
of the Councillore. Better for hi to of-
fer no Titlarks at all, - than to et up
Stratfor Council as a pattern. e tells
ns that they would leave the 1141 child
• to perish. The doctor makes a g eat ado
. about le municipality payhigei. to the
bauk ore money than it got sf :om it.
If he had looked as carefully into the
statement of 1869, as he has that of 1870,
d have found that the Minna -
ad drawn from the bank $1,650,
O would . add that amount to the
he gives," he will find t right:
liwc °thuladt
uncillors are throwing away. the
of the , Mimicipality. Another
is that the Treasurer has not paid
unty rate, any rate -payer can
receipt from the County Trees-
ing on the Treasurer here
ess hours. It is tree it was
he time the Auditors' audit-
s, on account of the taxes
being hard to • collect, and the Muni-
cipal officersnot being disposed to -use
harsh. means so long as they could
avoidBe charges the Council with
not keeping the books proper shape.
Did he keep, hooks when he was ill the
Council? Isio, nor do think he would•
be worth his " salt " at it if he did. The
Councilemploys officersto keep thebooks.
and pay, them to do so, and if they fail
in performing their duties, the Council
have a remedy, -" .
Another change, he says the -Council
have been eouttacting with themgsienlvoense.
rAe Ivy ietrhy-
g one of
ik from
ose of
uired. I
eeing it.
uet t. any
To th
Codr.ccu, MEETING.- The Counci Met
to hold a Court :of Retision, at Mr.
Caing's Hotel, -on Monday, the 15th int.,
at 10 o'eloele. aem. All the me ibers
present James Thomon's appcel to
have his two sons out on the roll fo part
of his lot as Complied with. J seph
Harny'e appeal to have his issenment
lowered was not entertained. J seph
Higgins'etppeal to have his son at the
roll'for part of his lot; to stand ov r till
he notifies the Council of what p rt of
the lot he wants him down for. *The
following parties applied ti have tIseit
dogs taken off the hill as being -Med;
viz --James Theinpach, tubed; 'der -
s. here
large at -
Melia tosh
ect of a
will greatly add to. the importance of the
place. : •
Ethel, May 20, 1871.
CHEESE.—Messrs. Callender, Seat, &
Co., have got their Cheese, Factory in
operation, so that it will be ,eptiona with
the femora whether they sell the4.-milk
or convert it into butter, and thewill
also have the means of asceitaining which
method will realise the most
ladies audgentlemee left here, on
day morning, the 18th inst. on a
e or deception,
y the doctor h'mself.
urer to prove t tat he -
certain sum of money
t, and
t one
ng the
r place
e of. a
n that
tie en -
Cole -
t is a
• The above, with the exception of two
by -Jaws which received the sanction of
the ratepayers,is all the lave costs
charged. He onjects to thc printing ac-
t.'ount. The Council have had no print-
ing done, except what was necessare and
called for by the law. The Doctor, with
a great deat of trouble, attempts to show
the ratepayers of Seaforth how unfit the
present Countillors are to transact the
business ef the municipality. The Coun-
cillors do not make great pretensions- to
ability, hut the poorest of thein cannot
do worse than the Doctor did when he
held office. They give their time and at-
tention to the affairs of the municipality
when required, instead,- of playing bil-
liards, as one of their predecessors (lid,
when he should have bon attending
Council meetings. The Doctor com-
plains that the Council pays too much for
the work they get done. TheNtvork is
let by puldic tender, oand the Commit
generally gives it to the lowest tender.
Sometimes the work may be high, but in
many eases it has been let below its ac-
tual cost. Why does the Doctor not
contra,ct himself for some of the jobs let
above their value, and thus effect an im-
mense saving to the municipality, be
sides making a good thieg for himself ?
Or wby does he not assist the Council in
letting the jobs so cheap?
The Doctor thz eatens litigation to com-
pel the Council to do something which
he wants done,—but does not seem to
know himself what. I don't think the
Council need be afraid, knowing that the
Doctor is such a generous indiviclnal
Th D t • , to have a good
_oogtgoCfftu ah1111:neeierrs--
I like,
lf, by
to the
The oe oi appeals
deal more to say, but does not for want
of time: He might havesaved time by
omitting to copy extracts 'from the Mu-
nicipid Manual, as the Council knew as
much of the law he refers to before as
they do now, , .
It would not be using your readers
iI t t t ouble thei with all Dr. Cole-
man's .blunders, but 'Mae or two are so
glaring I cannot. avoidtreferring to them
before closing this lettk. in his latest
production he ;says "Imagine 400
acres of land. as4essed $8,309, every acre
payieg $20 in taxes, or will have to pay
it. Such non4nre The 400 acres re-
ferrecl to were assessed $135,000; not
$8,309. Then again, he says,. our gross
collections werei$8,309, which left. a de-
ficiency equal to an. amount sufficient to
make $8,309. Such a. statensent is ab-
surd, as there inno deficiency at all, yet
Dr. Coleman has the audacity to make
such a charge.
In conclusion, I would. say, if any of
the ratepapers require further informa-
tion any of the Couneillors will have
mu:it-pleasure in giving, explanations.
The Colwell has no fear of investigation,
as the village is financially in a safe con-
dition, free from debt,. exeept the $1,900
of debentures which were sold, and the
debtion the school. There -is about $500
cash in the hands of the Treasurer' and
some .outstanding debt, which, Ibe-
lieve, is to be .placed in the Treasury
shortly. With these remarks, I - drop
the subject, for the present at least,
wishing prosperity to the municipality,
Whether under its present or future of-
Seaforth, May 23, 1871.
pophosphites restokes tone to the mind
the nerves and the Muscles. In this wa
it overcomed liseaSe.
Life has few chenille for the DysPe
tic, which is not to be wondered a
when we takeinto the account theamatin
of bodily• and mental suffering that tlri
distreseing malady generates. The Pe
uvian Syrup (a protoxide of iron) 1r
cured. thousands who were suffering fro'
this diseasie.
Is health worth having? If it is pr -
tect it—it is a jewel as easily lost
virtue, and in many cases as difficult to,
recover. In this climate, and more pad-
ticularly at ,this season of the yeAr,
people are very apt to take cold and suf-
fer from sore throat, coughs, .pitting Of
blood and pulmonary complaints general-
ly, which if not checked imroediately,
lead to smious consequences. The ques-
tion arises—which is the quickest and
-nsost effectual remedy ? Bryan's Pul-
monk Wafers have been before the pub-
lic for twenty years, and have alwaYs
given perfect satisfaction, and invaeiably
' effect permanent cures when -taken in
season Sold by all medicine dealers
and country stpres, at 2fince, per box.
r ten
'isit to
'FIRE.—The dwelling house df Mr.
Hugh McKenzie -was consumed. on Satur-
day, the 13th inst. The fire originated
from a spark from the stove pipe No
Insurance. Mr McKenzie will have it
replaced by a fine -brick mansion.
Cnors.—The fall wheat never any
previous season showed such a promis-
ing indication of an abundant harlvest as
it does now. Some of the farmers are
talking of mowing it crown, -as-they aro
afraid that it will grow too rahk.
RAILWAY IVIEETING.—A meeting of the
inhabitants of Exeter, was held in Mr.
Drew's hotel, On the 19t1i inst., for the
purpose of consideringm
the amount of
bonus required in aid of thie London,
Huron and Bruce Railway, and what
measgres to be adopted for raising the
the same. The meeting was largely at-
tended, and itll parties -appeared to. be
very zealous in the cause) desiring a that at th
speedy and successful completion of the the power
proposed railroad. Mn ' skteheson, that ,powe
chairman, made several introductory re- Municipal
marks, stating the object of the meeting, Doctor ha
.&c., a ter which Mr. (Jarliug delivered Ca,m bell
an address explaining the me sines taken sleet trad
to obtain a County bouus, IThese hav- the Docto
Jug failed, Township and village 'bonuses which ein
were to be resorted. to. Ile .alsd stated poration
the benefits of having a railway pasting This is so
through Exeter, its influence! in increa.t- be Reeve,
ing`the trade and business enterprise of of the law
• the village, and also eiiliaiiciig the value -about.
of property. Mr. Elliot poke very &tailed s
highly in favor of the said bonus, des- let it be
ciileii g the Lansase beisetits andleadli.iss emus a t
and if 1
The doctor could not be very wel
if he did not. knPw this, but he
rather nake it appear to the pu
the C
find th
urer, by cal
during busi
not paid at
ed ..the boo
It has 'levee been done, exceptii
or two small matters, -where th
required cohld not he got elsewh
mit a loss te the municipality.
grievous charge is that of Seel
the, Councillors removing pl
where they were laid for the p
repehin' g eidewalks when r
aloe't know 'how he could help
'It Was removed in daylight wit
attempt at keeping it a secret.
the public that the plank are 1 'd where
eerie but the person who remo edthem
crosses over. • The truth of this state-
ment is in keeping with a good' teal more
of.. what the Doctor say. It is
the work was done, but it did n
Municipality ,anything. Any
rue that
t cos the
or other pdrson can see it at t le schobl
house crossing .Taines Street. it is well
known &min eight to twelve ofwithe rate-
payers cross over it regularly hen the
state' of the roads require th
so. So nitwit.for the veraci
But what folloi,vs beats all.
to know what the municipali
do with law. I will enlightm
thet subjeot. Perhaps he can recall the
heppy days when he was Reev .of this
Municipal' ty He assisted t draft a
Market by-law, and leased th market,
and in doi g iso the very law e pews he
now cries Out against were incurred.
But furth r, the Doetor may emember
time he was Reev, , he had
of a Magistrate, am he used
With a vengeanc , and the
ty had to pay fo • it. The
an auctioneer by t e name of
aiule(l up for being tran-
r, and tot knowing ulny better,
fOolishly convicted the fellOW,
ec1 in a law -suit, and the cor-
ai pay the lawiexpenses.
e ofthe work of the would -
(1 this is an acco4it of some
penses he .is so inquisitive
ots the Do r Want any more
atiements o ccounts ? If so,
:e known through the ealt
e linnosrroin
THE TIMES have been comparative-
ly dull here for some few days past,
but our business men confidently
expect a change. for the better very
m- to do
y of the
e wants
y had to
him on
4 11111111111111
Trains leave the Seaforth station as
follows :--
805 A. M.
10.50:" "
1. 35 r. M.
Gotga NVEST.
2:25 P. 'N.
m .4
se .
1.35 6-1 6'1
Divisions Courts -1871.
Ainleyville, ... • 'May 23
Seaforth, TO ey 25
Exeter, ... May 27
May 29
May 30
June , 5
Juue 12
I3ay herd,
FISHING. --Two -gentlemen from
Chicago—and fine Western fellows
they are—are going to the Sauble
for a few days' fishing with Mayor
Hays. A good time is looked for.
customary here for a num berof young
men to meet at street corners on
Sunday evenings, for the purpose .of
insulting unprotected ladies as they
pass. • Oar energetic town constable,
Mr. Hood, was on the look out for
some time, and on.Stinday last took
a few of the genus in the very act.
They were brought before Mayor
Hays on Tuesday, and fined $20
each and costs --a pretty fair lesson.
However some of us may have differ-
-ed from Mr. Hays in matters politi-
cal, tl-iere is no doubt he is, one -of
the best Mayors 'Goderieh evet had,
and as Such deserves the cordial
thanks of the community.
brated very quietly in Goderich-,—
the place presenting a Sabbath -like
appearance. A few boys endeavored
to burn the to-wn up with tire crack-
ers, and a, few couples from the
country got married. Mr. Leonard's
smart little propeller was launched
at 2 o'clock, and duly christened t;he
A.cleiaicle Horton. She is 'calculated
to sail 18 miles an hour, it she does
not flop over with the first puff of
wind on the lake, which is more than
likely. However, Mr. Marlton, the
builder did his duty, and she is ,to
have Duncan Rowan for captain,
one of the best men on the takes.
'OTICE is hereby given that all par-
ties indebted. to Dr. COLEMAN,
either by note dr book, are requested to
call at his office, at the Salt Works, and
settle the same imuiediately, otherwiee
they will be sued without further notiee.
Seaforth, April 11, 1871. 1754f
MAY 26, 1811.
(Late of Seaforth,)
Begs to inform the public that he has.
opened a Grocery Storeein
Lately occupied by -Mr. John Logan,
THE Subseriber is prepared to famish
parties building with a that -class ar-
ticle of Stone Lime, at 20 cents per bueli-
el at the kiln, McKillop, near Thom -
son's saw -mill, or 22 cents per bushel
delivered. in Seaforth.
Ordei s left -with Mr. BITLL,
street, Seaforth, will meet with prompt
attention. - JAMES DODDS,
17441 • MeKillop.
TAABORERS wanting work for a few
1 weeks will find employment on the
In Grey. WAGES,. $1 25 per day.
Enquire of the roes -man on this work,
or apply to the again at the oifice, Jas.
T. Blain.
G. BLANINI Contractor.
Grey, May 12, 1874: 1804f
Where he will }'cep on hand
Fresh Groceries,
Of every description, at -prices as reason-
able as those of any other house
in the trade.
The Hieiest Market Price
BUTTER, EGGS, arc., &c.
A call is ropeetfully
179-tf Egmondville.
FOM Lot No. 10, near the village of
Bayfield, two Mare Colts, one two
years old, white facer near hind foot
white, other feet dark --color of horse,
dark chestnut. The other colt is three
years old, bay color, small star in fore-
head, near hind foot white,. an& a small
white spot on the off hind. foot. Any
person giving intormation of the above
colts will be rewarded ,for so (biog. Ad-
dress either W. W. .CONNOR or J HN
GEMERRHAR 1, Bayfield, Count of
Huron, Ont. 1 179 -it
OUR OLD TOWN is going ahead
wonderfully this spring in -the build-
up:, line. I have counted ninety-
eight houses in course of erection, -
tively stack just now, but our
ralnufacturers are getting ready for
th expected rush by and by.
I shall next week, have something
to say about the Ashlield road mud
enOn The Guelph Sewing Machine Com -
any warrant ttheir Mathine for three
years. Failing to be as represented,
Machines taken back, money rehmded.
The mind governs the muscles through
the Nervous System, as the telegraph
apparatus is influenced by a remote
operator threugh the wire. If the mind
is impaired by age or other causes, the
,sympathetic nerves become debilitated,
atel through the nerees the muscles of
the stomach, liver, heart, lnngs or genit-
al organs become weakened, and disease
in the form of Dyspepsia, desease of the
heart, weak lungs, or geheral debility
follow with their accompanying trains of
FelloWe' Compound tiytup of
Insolve t Act of 1864
And the Ae enelments Thereto.
In the matter o JAMES YOUNG
Elder, an Ins
&icing Machine,
Gardner Sewing Machine
Is the best _ family and • manufacternie,
machine DQW made, Mali do all kinds of
Fancy Work. The general works and.
attachments are so simple that alINT Ver-
son can learn to work them in half an
hour, Tailors and shoemakers use it in
preference to any now made. Price
within the reach of alb
Has no gear of any :kind, ia Salton;
and SIMPLE, .
It would be well foe intending Foe-
chaors to call on any of the- undermen-
tioned paaties anil see this min:hien be-
fore purchasing one of another makes
The above machine can be semi at work,
at any- time, at William Grassey's and
T. K. Anderson's, Seaforth;. F. Filton's,
Exeter Mr. Pierce's, Rodgerville ;
Bayfield Fishleigh & Garry,
General Agent for the County -of Thirone
Seaforth, Ont.
TAKE NO ICE that a meeting of
the Creditors o the above-named insol-
vent will be he d. at the office of Mes-
sieurs Camexon & Garrow, in the town
of Goderich, on UESDAY the thirtieth
day of May, -A. D 1871, at two of the
clock in the af ertioon, for .the purpose
of considering 1the advisability of fur .
ther proceeding to realize and get rn the
remaining ouestanding assets of the es-
tate, and gene+.11y for the ordering oe
the affairs of soch estate.
Dated the eleventh day Of May A. D.
180-2t i
1 Assignee.
jfor sale t Se:A(11th.
• Mr. anIFFI DAVIS, of Seaforth,
having decide upon retiring from the
retail trade, theundersigned has received
instructions to1 offer the whole stock
To be address 1 to me at Brockville, up
to SATIJJIDtNY, the 27th MAY, inst.
It consists of an excellent aseortm.ent of
Dry Goods, al in the best: order and
condition, the valuation of! which, as
per inventory taken at cost, is is fol-
Hosiery and Gloves. $244 90
6%Flanneln&c1,318931 4532
Sctaarppleet-sG, To owdese.
Smallwares, 1,741 03
Dress Goods, 2,327 80
Shop Turriitu . . ....
Intending p
facility afford
viewing the s
est iriformati
should name
otherwise tha
of responsible
The highes
necessarily be
The premi
ing of store
houses, garde
sell or rent
Will also be
and time, for
stock of Gro
Goods, amou
charge of Mr
ter, deunter o
.17_3 .—,888 68
184 00
• • •
Challge of BUS ineSS
riviE Subscriber, Mr. THOS. LEE,
1 having purchased the Stock of
at a considerable reduction on cost, he is
both able and determined to sell to his
customers, and all those who may kiiiffly
favour him with a_call, at such prices a8.
will astonish the people of Seaforth and
the surrounding vicinity.
Be has just teceieed a large Stock of
- $6,072 68
rchasers will have l• every
d ti em by Mr. Davis ot
• k and obtaining the full -
n regarding it.r- qenders
rate on the dollar, and if
for cash state the harres
parties offered as seeurity.
or any tender will not
s, in Main street, Consist -
and dwelling, With on -
,&c., I am authorized to
moderate terms.
eived, at the same place
the purchase of • a small
ries, 11 ardwai e and Dry
ting to $2,040 20, now in
R. B. Scott, at llanches-
A tcettatant.
May 12, 1871. 180
Which he will sell at remarkable -Low
He also hops constantly on hand, a large
stoek of Flour and Feed of every (lesceiption, consisting of
C6IIN 51EA1,
Brat/Stotts, Oats, .Barley, Peas, tir;c
Flow and Feed delivered with dispatch
in Harpurhey, Egmonville and. Senforth=
free of ehArge.
snrts ! SEEDS
All yarietten of Field and Garden See
kept- eonstantly on band.
All kinds Of Produce
•• Taken in Eeclainge for Goods, at
169 tf THOMAS LEE.
rjHEwell -known and old establislaa
Hotel; " The Roxburgh Hotel,"
listed in the thriving village of • ,
burgh; along with the hause is one -ha
acre of land and good stabling. Ilig111;
opposite ist• Rock's " doing Ito
largest gristing butmees in the County -
To a party with a small capital this Is
• one of the best steeds in the County Di
Huron. Apply -to the proprietor, Tos
WILSON, Walteri P. 0, 471-tf
VOL 4)
R. W. 11. :s'M IT /I,
geon, etc, 'Oinee
-Rebertsoe's Resi knee.
:11sTeatbilo.Artilz )Iih:,:itt;.
14. 1d
(.n Metnil Unined
Physician, Surgeon, net
deece init..
Zurich, 1).. th IS
• ( radu ate 14 'tie(
3,1entreal, Phrisition„ eng,.
Ntreet, iannk,i.iiately
ticaforth, Fel). .1111.
TAR. i:A.3,11131-:IsL,
JC01121ty. an.1
Corby's, cornet stern.
fertile: Office slay, Sattl.!:I
Batrietens, Atter e
leitors inil'hanecry and .
:taxies Peblic and Conves
tors for the R. it -Bank, ai
for the Canada Life nes
N. B.-00,000th len
Houses and Lep
Seaforth, Ike. 14fin 1
-1) Attorneysit Law, Se
eery and Insolvency,
aries Publie, etc. 1)flice:,
Wroxeter. Agents for
Loan Co, of Upper tania
onial &entities Co. of le
Money n 5.Der cent ,
nharged. -
Seaforth, Dee. Ifith 3!".
. .
isrox-sibYrgl. fle
The undersigned l.
pebble for the liberal pa
to him in times past in tl
had also to inforin them'
p•esnmed business in 11
vhere he -will be happe
rom elil friends, and in:
- 111-1)
Seaforth, May 5, 1874
erieh, <ON r. , J. C.
nem ; J. St WILLIAIW
lean Hotel, Warsaw,
This hotel has recently 1
, ished, and refitted tin
ow one of tieeenost cowl
liodicries in the Provinee
Booms for Commercial '-
Terms libenal. ,
Gederich„ April 14, 1:,
_ .
. Land Surveyors,
etc-. All manner of Coi
with neatness and dispa
Iips. Commissioner ast
-Next door south of Sha
Seaforth, Den 14,
Stables. -thrice—A
Sea -forth. Good. nom
Conveyances, always o
ST., SEAPOIrril. 1
and Carriages always o
2ble terms.
Seaforth, May 5th, 1b7
„ Dentist, •extracts
by the use of the Nil
Uffice---Over the
ford. Attendance in ti•
Hotel, the first Tueada
-of tua month.; in CBI
tnerciaLlietel, on the
days and -Fridays. -
Parties requiring n
quested to call, if at
on the first day of
Over M,000 patiente
.extracted by:the use 01
-Colton's offices,
Exchange Broker, ale
'-' -1 •
Oppoeite G : '1'. Rai
Through Tiekets ism
lin the Western Stat
lace, ileiyer, at relitic_
;VLW eienast fazilitieS -,
.iuU nceeetiary inf.
Stpeeting Land Agenenl
Sonde, Coupons and. ;
044 Vid P liver I.20ini
at tu4•A-k,ttez,