HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-05-26, Page 7A#20,.IRf. aO FARMERS. DN HARROWS. S. UNDERSIGNED has on hand tge number of EliuN 'IA Ile which lie is prepared to sell on. le terms. - harrows were manufactured at- ase, t:ue, and are me: Feet y 4za in U Sc:. grantee will be given with each, it tin not work satisfactorily, be returned by the purchaser airty slays.' (YC. WILSON, rtcultiti<el Implement Agent, = SEAFORTH, ONT. io-EY TO LEND rxn car ,le.sirableVillage Property per cent, Pay rents made aorrower. Apply to G. M1cI)OUGALL, Insurance Agent and (Fc=i uxiiss one.r,. Seaforth, SEAT`l ER, Exchange Broker, Seaforth. 1811. 162-6ss McNATTG ULD respectfully intimate tp tht aliaEbit<tnts of tieaferth and N itis t he still wahines to carry on as usual, m the old stand,: en th road lig of all kinds, and Norse -shoeing ly£ prt•ntj tly attended to. go- Termsreasonable. DAVITS S McN AC'`GHT. TIIE SEAFORTH Yard. Yard. ACCONA:LB� c EL. Worm the public that they have a LUMBER YARD in Seafortla ea,reonts Mill, on the ground for- ised as .a Lumber Yard, by Mr. r Lee. will keep constantly on hand a. :iortme t of ALL KINDS 011' hlit,; dressed and undressed. , ATH AND S1fINEL.ES. rhieh they are prepared to sell at :est possilile prices, for Cash. Eery anti others will tine it to their sge to inspect our stock, and as- 'Rites s- tat ices before purehesing else - •as we are in a pusitien to offer 1ucements to cash purchasers. MABEE & MAC1)ttNtLD. ,rth, Dee. 29, 1870. 160-tf T? L N : WATSON 1:YS HAS ON HAND THE REST miNG MACH I NES IN THE MARKET, for Family use,or for Manufat•- purposes. llatli single -threaders ouble-threaded, and locx-stitch. ,es can be supplied. vet satisfaction guaranteed • and. tions given to purchasers. gratis. �T. N. WATSON o insure property against Fire and Disaster, and Life and Limb • death and accident, with the -,mpanies, being Agent for iverl,r,til and London and Globe, uglish. ) revint;irll of Canada, (Canada.) re District Mutual, (Village and !rm.) agarz District Mutual, (Village. e. d l' arm. rr• avele�rs of Hartford, (Life -anti' Ex.ident.) ,2 • ,$Li J.crcr ll riA (Uit. ted (1lud x tlt�`ettled... ON Ear TO. LEND Aerate rates of iatezest. No corn-• and expenses moderate 11UAGES. bought on eatiitable. 160 EIP•ORII.. ttbseriltt`r it; still in his om stand,. c'pared to pay The .Iii hteeti_. C'Dish Price, r,�i ct. iv rt,lantity of ,GOOD • FRESH EGGS, r'tstl at tilt; Egg Emporium,: Main street, Seaforth. ., .:•i - E• , '1 i . .l l . , .t tri merchants and c t It e; ,cerci lie iia, (liaise latisinese cluruig w: heir years, he returns hearty. .:Iitd ti tuts l,y strict' attention to -; to ittt_t-Lt their patr'c,icage in the DA Ili 11 'WILSON.. t,rtll, March 1(, 18 1. 171-tf Snlrsoriiser begs to intimate that = is Mill prepared. to purchase l:l<<ga at hie 4 re' at the Market, and to 1,:'y the 11i�1:I PRICE IN ('A.S1I r all fresh Eeg ' atatmay ufft-r. 1 r +. t t t't'h.tittti It Town and t ittry kV has Came fatalness in the !has: E• t ee.rs be returns his last :eta !rives for a t;t*i.titaliance t•fr ea relations. . :\f„( '4., . _`! rel: 3, 1 `• 1. 1,68 -ti. MAY 26, 1871. aosisime THE HURON EXPOSITOR._. "f AIFITIES; A, Good way to expand your chest' -Carry a big heart in it. Lidies who faint in church are like good resolutions -they want ai ngut Aryirt Dogoma—An artist's wife never admires her h usband's 'work .so much as when he is drawing. her a check - People who are ai ways flashing for compliments do not need very long lines. They will get their best bites in shallow water. If twice eleven are twenty-two, how can twice ten be twenty too ' Air is a dish which one feeds on every minute ; therefore it ought always -to be fresh. - A home without music," say2 a certain moralist,, " is like • spring- time without birds." A sermon in foul words, on the ti anity of earthly. possessions— ShroudS Have no pockets-. Why is the cabbage the most pros- perous of vegetables? It always gets a head in the world. An It ishman, up9n seeing a squir- rel shot from a tree, , said :-- " Faith, and that's a waste of. powder. " The fall itself would have killed the squirrel." " .Steam," said Dar. Lardner, " is - the great annihilator—it annihilates time and space." " Yes," said a listener, " and multitudes of passen- gers too." • . In reply to young friend leaving a town: becau,,e some things in its were not exactly to her taste or con- tent, an old lady ofexperience said, " My dear, when you hive 'foun'd a place where everybody and every- thing are always pleasant, and ncith- i_ng whatever is disagreeable, let ane know, and 11I move there too-" How .wonderful, exclaims same unknown philosoph.dr, are the laws governing human existence. Wjer-e it not for tight -lacing . all civilized countries would be overrun with women. A. schoolmaster thus describe a money -lender : .' He serves you in the present tense ; he lends you in the conditional mood ; keeps you in the subjunctive ; and ruins you in the future." A skillful musician, who had ac- quired a large fortune by marriage, was asked to .sing in company. "Allow me," said he, to imitate the nightingale, which does not sing after it has made its nest." "Would you believe it, Sandy," said a divine, " that I never thought of the sermon before I went to the pulpit'" " 0, that is exactly what Mr. Mackintosh and I have been saying while you were preaching." Dr. Casin, having heard the fam- ous Thomas Fuller repeat some verses on a scolding wife, was so de - .lighted with them as torequest a copy. " There is no necessity for that, said Fuller, "as you have got the original." A clerical joke to this effect is going the rounds : It is said that a clergyman who preached in a pris- on, a Sunday or two since, began his discourse in his traclitionarway by saying, "I am glad, ray friends, to see so many of you here this ,morning." +fes► Culture of : Carrots. A Michigan correspondent of the Western Ricrccl gives the following account of his mode of cultivating the carrot, to which a single sentence may be added, namely, never allow the weeds to get an inch high—it will save a vast amount of expense to -kill them thus early, and thea carrots will be much better for if. It takes a, rich piece of black san- dy soil—clover sod is .best—give it a good coat of well rotted manure. and plo;igh it about five inches deep cutting as narrow furrows as can he well turned over. Then pulverize it with a drag and roller, rolling it bast. Sow the seed with a drill, two and a half feet apart, As soon as the carrots are up, cul- tivate with a light tine tooth cultiva- tor as close to the carrots as possible. I Follow up weeding and thinning to four inches apart. Cultivate often I through the summer. I wouldWhite n the h recornme d B,igiums as they grow much larger and are easier harvested than the Orange, yielding nearly double, and I consider them equally as good. q y Z raise turnips in the same -way, except that I plow eight inches deep f. i, .for i t: • tot inches or a them f�iad thin en foot apart TORONTO MILLINERY. MISS ERWIN Has opened out a large stock of Spring f=duds, comprising all the Latestti �_ kyles in Millinery. • Dress and Mantle; Making Promptly- attended to. - Stan -trim, done on the shortest notice. Straw and Hair Work of:every kind executed in the neatest manner and latest stale.. 172-tf Reynolds'. Block, Seafor-tb. AVUIDf UACI:.-A victim of earl.in..,Ydisc.rt.tion us'n nervous debil- causing i;ty. premature decay, etc , havingtried ill vain every advertised remedy, has a simple means. of self -cure, which he will eeticl free to his fellow -sufferers. Address li. TUTTLE, 78 Nassau st., New 'fart; T •2:G.m _G THE CARDNER PATEN SEWING.MACH 1111114A • MANUFACTURED BY Gardiner. Sewing •Machine COMPANY, Nos. 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71 and 73 James at,eet, Hamilton, Ont THE G ARDIER PATENT SEWING M_ A C H NE. '. The very preference ,reference iven to the Garditter Patent has compelled .the ers,_ in order to meet the de- crease their facilities fer man- and they are now turning out large q uaneities weekly. They claim drat -this achine, while einbodiring all the most useful improvements, is at the same time the best ;made, the simplest, strongest, d most durable of any ma -- chine ma ufaetured in Canada; while for beauty of finish and good workman- ship, it is • neut. The Gai classes ; ai makers-us� the tailors equal sati sewing it feel confld any first -c] oughly ex mine and -try it. J E4a T . FOLLOWING pESCRIPTLON. In design the -machine resembles the Family Si ger, but the principle of the working is entirely different, having no gear, and being as narly noiseless as it - to make a Sewing Machine. ft, working in the arm (from �cc otions for all the parts are is made- of .cast steel, with a on the end to carry the tab - works in -the heart motion., ing b good working material, tvercoming the -liability of the the collar, as in ordinary ma - throwing the needle motion s for the Shuttle and Feed are placed. Cu _ the shaft be - bearings; which after_; being re pinned, with steel" pins e shaft, thus preventing them clipping or becoming loose. ince Wheel, with groove for placed on the other end of his being a -great advantage and starting the machine, ving motion to the Bobbin ;ch Regulator is placed in a front side of the arm, : and is a thumb -screw immediately in front of the operator. The Advantage of this arrangement is very apparent, as it is always in view, and the stitch can be regulated without in any way inter- fering with the work. The Needle -bar': is flat, with " `v edges working it arm, the o fi rm-settin yet sufficiel The head bar runs, i one at eac manner a tightening thereby ta: means the in good ru manufactu mand, to ii ufacturing not excelled on this Conti- diner Patent . is used. by all d while Milliners and Dress - it with comfort and ease, and shoemakers use it with faction. For general family as no rival ; this verdict, we ent, will. be pronounced by ass. operator who will.: thor- is possible The Sh which the obtained), solid coil% let, which thus ensu as well as slipping o chines; an. out of tim The = ca. Movement tween the adjusted through tl from ever The Bal the belt, is the shaft, in stopping also in -•gt Winder. The Sti slot en the worked by ti v groove in the head sof the bject;• being to ensure > a good bar without any twist, and ntly free so as to run easy. if the arm, *here - the needle - cut through, and two screws, h end, are placed in such a to drawe together the v's, them upon the needle -bar, king up the wear. • By this needle -bar can always ,be kept ing order. The Talie-up works through a slot in the needle -bar and face -plate ; is made of steel, with ' check spring, ,and works on. the f ier principle, always insuring plenty o is passing very impo there is nr the stitch The TJp1 - The discs passes are sion spring, which is flat and placed on the inside of the face -plate, it upper end secured to the arm, and is r gelated by a thumbscrew in .the face -plat The Shuttle Movement is aibtained uttle-cam on -the shaf , which ed as a `c ball cam," orking e prongs of, a fork hich is he shaft of the shut le -arm. is also made of steel, and se- curely fas ,erred to the shuttle. ar ,' which in a baske at -the end carries the shuttle along. the' face of the - shuttle ace, de- scribing a radial movement whiel. is con- ceded by .11 to be the best movement to prevents ipping stitches, the centrifu- gal forcealways keeping the Shuttle fir m to th r face of the race. ` The Fe d derives its motion from the, "feed cam ',placed on the same shaft, the lnotion b ing transmitted through the eccentric od and feed lever under the machine. -t the feed, which is made of steel, havi - g a bearing its whole length, thereby p eventing any twisting move- ment. Te the end of the feed lever is at- tached a s rew, which serves to give any required 1" 't to the feed that - may be for light and heavy goods. ring is also attached•: to the flat, made of steel, and very lack thread while the I shuttle through the loop. This is a tint point in the machine, as strain upon the machine until. is finally drawn. er tension is on the fa e! -plate. between which 'the thread attached by a stud to• he ten - from the s is designa between t pinned to This shaft necessary The feed s bed it is durable. The Du ability of the Machine cannot be. questio ed ; the movements being all hardened, are not likely to get out of re- pair. Th • whole of the works s are en- closed in t e arm, which is firmly secured to the bed plate, and .set upon a walnut top or en losed in half or full cabinet case, as m v be ordered. , It will e observed that there is no gear of an kind, and that all She mo- tions are derived frons the same shaft, all the usual complicated shuffle and feed movements being avoided. The idle is adjustible, Working upon "ce tres" in brackets which are fastened t the treadle -bar. The : eel runs upon a tapered stud or bearin fastened to the side of the stand' by a nut with the bearing end turned to the centre. - It will easily be understood from a perusal of the foregoing that the inventor has made it his study to produce a ma- chine whi h is at once strong, easily run and adapt d to all kinds of work, from the finest ca bric to the heaviest ;cloth, sad can u . e f om the finest cotton to the heaviest 1 nen_thtead. Address; GA 1 t DNER SEWING MACHINE 0)., Hamilton, Ont. P TER GRASSIE, - General Agent for Huron, pEAFORTH. 1 j 9,3ee LOOK OUT, YOTJNG IGEN. NE'W COLLARS, NEW TIES, NEW SCARFS, RECEIVED AT K. ANDESON-'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHING HOUSE. FIV THOUSAND OF THE NEW PAPER COLLAR, EVERY BOX CONTAINS A PRIZE, (Some very valuable.) COL ' RS—Franklin, Great Western, St. George, - Dead Shot, Bishop, Eureka. - - T I E S—Elite, Bon Ton, Sappho, Lothair, Clipper, Crown. SCARFS–Cabinet, Grand Duke, Von Moltke, Bismarck, Crown Prince, Con- queror, Pall Mall, General, Marquis, Correct Scarf, Standard. T. K. ANDERSON'S Noted - Furnishing Blouse for Boys,_Youths and Men. 1 SEAFORTH, May, 1871. - 179 -ch N E W SPRING GOODS. E. HICKSON Sc CO. Beg leave to announce that they are now opening up AN EXTRA LARGE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, In every department, and invite an' early inspection from customers and the public in general.' The - goods will show for .themselves, so COME ON. Hi.ckson's Emporium, SEAFORTH. 175-2t MISS McINTOSH Wishes to announce to the ladies of Sea - forth and surrounding country that she has removed to The FARMERS' STORE, love the OLD POST OFFIC . Where she will be most happy to receive orders in MILLINERY, DRESS ' AND MANTLE .MAK INC, In the latest and most approved style of the season. She also keeps on hand A Choice Selection of Flowers, Feath- ers, Terry Silk, &c. STRAW AND HAIR WORK cleaned on short notice, 171-tf WM. GRASSIE, INK. J. SEATTER, EXC ANGE - BROKER And dealer in Pure DRUGS CHEMICALS AND DYE S=TUFFS, PERFUMERY, FANCA.N D TOILET LET ARTICLES � gen for Sewing Machines. Money to lead pn easy terms. Plure Wines and Liquors for medi- cinal p rposes. J. SEATTTR, Seafo h, :Nov. 3, 1870. 59-tf. MONEY $5,000 TO LEND. IBA: .4 the abo+e sum on hand for. investment on good Farm Security, at 8 and 9 per cent., -e -Private Funds. JOHN S. PORTER. SEAFO - H, July 25, 1870. 139. PAINTING. JAMES WILLIAMS- Begs to intimate to the public that he has 're oved from McIntosh • & Mor- rison's Carriage Factory, and has rented Mr. William Grassie's Taint • Shop, W here he may be found at any time: Mr. WI'lliams is prepared to execute, �n the shch-test notice, all kinds of Carriage Painting, ign Painting and Ornamental Work. Give him a gall.. Remember the place, opposite Murray's Stable:$, - 170-13t CARRIACE AND: WACON MAKER, Godericlz Street, S'eaforth. 0 Y SLEIGHS, - CUTTERS, CARRIAGES, • BUGGIES, WAGONS, &c., &c., Built in a superior manner, to order, on short notice, Or Particular attention aid . to Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing. 163 `UMBER ! LUMBER I LATH and SHINGLES. - ►T1HE Undersigned have on hand at 1 . their Mill, one half mile North of Ainleyville, a large Stock of Dry Pine Lumber, part (about 35,000 feet) of which is Dressed 1-1 and 1-i Flooring. They have also on hand. 75,000 ft. of Strip Lath which is warranted first-class, and no slabs. Their Shingle Machine will start - about the 18 instant, � th tart, after which date a plen- tiful supply of SHINGLES will be kept on hand. Prompt attention given to orders from a distance. M. & T. SMITH. Dingle, April 12, 1b71, - 176-tf. IRON -CLAD IiILH CANS, IRON -CLAD DAIRY PAILS CHEESE VATS AND -- harrying -Cans ! Made to order. DAIRYMEN'S SUPPLIES, Of all kinds, KEPT ON HAND, —AT— JOHNSON BROTHERS', Main Street, 176-tf. SEAFORTH. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. THE undersigned offers for sale or to rent, on the 3d Concession of McKil- lop, Roxboro Road, 14- miles from Sea - forth, and one mile from Roxboro, 1 acre and 9 rods of land, with a good bear- ing-Orch..rd of 24 trees. assorted ; frame house, 22x32 feet, in good condition and very comfortable ; also, a well, pump, and stable on the premises; - the lot is well fenced. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. 159-tf JOHN YOUNG. FOR SALE. THE most eligible situation inSeaforth, on the East side of Main Street, nearly opposite the Post Office, on which there is a commodious Dwelling -house, 36x26, two stories high ; stable and wood- shed, and a good well with a pump in it. The front of the lot on Main street is well situated for the erection of Storer., being in a . central position for business. The property extends from Main street to Victoria street. The lot fronting on Victoria street is used as a Garden, in which there are the choicest young Fruit Trees, apples, pears, plumbs, cherries, grape vines, gooseberries, currants and strawberries. The garden is in thehigh- est state of cultivation and pioduees an abundance of vegetables. For further particulars apply to GEORG-E McPHILLIPS, P. L. S. Seaforth, Jan. 17, 1871. 163tf FOR SALE;. THAT splendid Hotel Staid on the Market Square, Seaforth," known as the CORN EXCHANGE, and doing a good business. To an enterprising man, with some capital, it offers excellent in- ducements, being on one of the leading streets and close to the Salt Wells. - Also, two: comfortable COTTAGES on Elgin Street; Goderich, rented at :$200 - a year, and several Town Lots. Terms— moderate. Apply to . WM. MALCOM, At the Market. Seaforth, Jan. 23, 1871, 164-tf CERTAIN PlIESERVATION .OF THE ' SIGHT. R. COUNTER TER M. C T ATCHMAKERA1 D E 1: �'V ' Seafo Jl; 2a,LER th Ont, sole Agent for the sale If our Celebrated PERFECTED SPEAC, the e v: plebCTare LESground byLus, ensfrom material manufactured - espe- cially for Optic purposes; It is pure, hard, andbrillant, and as near Achromatic as can be produced. The peculiar form and scientific accuracy attain- ed by the aid of complicated and cAstly ; machinery, . war rants as in asserting them ti 1.e THE MOST PERFECT SPECTACLES EVER MAN £JFACTURED. 'They assis . the sight mostbrillantly, con T fer ease and comfort on th wearer, cause a continuous and - abidint improvement of the eyes, and last a great many years without requiring to be changed. So they are the CHEAPEST as well as the BEST. LAZARUS. MORRIS & Co. 295 Notre Dame Streete{up stairs), Ya1 11.1.A DIES --OF— SEAP0ItT AnAn4 surrounding country ! The Stock is now complete —IN— T. KIDD'S MPORIU_l2 —OF-- . FASHION NEW MILLINERY t In all .its branches. Sple did Trimmed HATS AND BONNET F om 50 cents upwards. SIL AN -D VELVETEEN ANTLES 1 In al styles, and at all prices. WANTED - 1,000 anadian Volunteers, For the Red River Territory, to purchase my Hats, Caps, Clothing, Boots & Shoes before leafing. REMEMBER ?: I keep the best and largest Stock of Gro- ceries, Crockery, Liquors, etc., ete. kept in Seaforth. Best $1 Tea for 90 cts. lb STRICTLY ONLY ONE PRICE 1 - THOS.. K1DD Seaforth, April 12, 1871. 17.5 Warranted ` by the - Makers. THE RTTSSEL WATCH For Durability, Quality, Finish and Neatness, . NOT BE EQUALED. ck of the above Watches just received. CAI A new st COMPLETE STOCK OF FINE GOLD AND SILVER JEWELRY LWAYS ON RAND. Watch 8, Clocks and Jewelry of every descripti • n repaired with neatness and. despatch, and warranted to give satis- faction. 5, 000 orth of Old Gold and Silver wanted, e r which the highestprice in. cash or- t ade will be paid. M. R. COUNTER,. 179 Main street, Seaforth. THE G EAT FEMALE RENTED ` , JOB M O SES' PERIODICAL PILLS. This w 11 -known medicine iz no impo- sition, bust a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and Obstructions, from any cause whatever ; and although a powerf i remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To -Ma riedi peculiarly adies it L s suited. " t will in a short time bring on the nthly period with. regularity, and alth ugh very powerful contains no- thing hu tui to the constitution. In all - cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in he Back and Limbs, `Fatigue on slight ex rtion, Palpitation of the heart, Lowness of Spirits, H st e Sick y ries, S ek Headach , Whites and all the painful diseases - ccasioned by -a disordered sys- tem; the e Pills will effect a cure when all other rneans have failed.. These ills have never been known to fail whe e the directions on the sctonr page of amphlet are well observed. For fu 1e particular_ s,g et a . pamphlet, free, of t e agent. JOB MOS , NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR., $1.00 ed 12'i mita for postage, en- closed t Northrop ce Lyman, Newcastle Ont., -ge eral agents for the Dominion, will ins re a bottle containing over 50 pills by -turn mail. #r So d Seaforth by E. Hickson; and Co., . a , R. Lumsden A. Stephens, Mitchel ; J. S. Coombs, Clinton, ! and all Med ins Dealers, - WORT 1(IUP & LYMAN, Newcastle, Scle Agents. i -9 80 ; RSE FOR SALE. Ate" We employ no 1;sdlers, H FO R .1e, Chea for Cash, . or on time, a ' a Priving Mare. , Apply to .. AlcINTOS11 & MORRI.''ON %sled, March 31,, 1871, 17 -t£ A t4