HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-05-26, Page 5RECTION OVER. •Comm u> a—The n Possession- ,Versainists enter-, as a death blow ist cause. After €brie of the ''ops; of the Ars- everythil g before W masters of the :e Vendome, the uiber- of the Corps .tel de Iv ille, and places are in, their insurgents are also o rdon of Prussian i circles the city.. Felix Pyatt—one inci characters in n.ucl from whom c brutal of their dt —hasbeen arrest - was of a despei ate B sses on both sides ddspz tches say :hg 1ius altogether Mahon; entered f the Parisians have joyful demonstrat- cal entrance of the Lnone appear to re - downfall of the Those who had daily system (if Govern - ultra ry exercise of re ordei l y and has -e even or- ose of assisting .: petting an end terror; but their Illy be con para tive-- e V ersail lais nave rctorious m all their the dispirited rebels, of whom have no iteen made prisoners. lure: are hiding in some ha ire been :t is. said Assy and g the number. The iy Communists was the Prussians,: who tge to- pass through .ysitie n after position er street have been surrendered by the: nd now over their tentroarrte the Tey ts, and the Hotel de prepared for the th-esident Thiers and thou. of w ashington. Freatty gives the Am- e of the fisheries, as rt reciprocity. They the St. Lawrence to ?ea without let or thin h the centre o1 the wet forsooth, may go uigan aims three at- 1 rivers, in exchange lege. All our canals: 1 to American vessels,. he use of the St. Cliir rniy.. The Sault Ste: ipt, and sash canals but- ie atble ditch, which is . And on our territory, rise of Lake Michigan, they have the use of ire rer. We can enter vitt for the Dominion 5 parts for ten years,. e the St. Lawrence. e \imine TtiriibaI`Iiie Rt ., their lumber down s River to the sea,. and . idluivalent.. tnaiirring parts, of the a par .vitIi the above. It next to nothing, and is are jubilant over the races. There were no rE4 allowed,, but in hol- e at our imbecility e: F the. St. Albans (lain Sons: have been slaugh- oWn soil by their cu- pis, and our property r wInehwe rece-it-e no- u, oli, but forsooth, *because leave our territory --- :t bands,: but as pa-' en- * their it baulks,. 'sve muse. ' ii., ge cls tne. Dees any ',1,irve that the people of submit to this Is the -e'rriii ens determined to. f its F'j1e r g, into anne`c-- ,Iohn A. Macdonald is Lies sign that treaty, ex- people of Canada to i. pooliti(:a1 nionstrosi+y 1 the present Parliament cling in the way of pull- staid pillage at the order l est st rely,. very Shame t from adding to the -i'n e, tirii.saeti(1i l)y signing vlii.tll , c n the face of ')Ii v tl�d' ultimate a bSOI1)ti(tl i -t1 -i into the Itepublie. '/, .ties -it w17. '-tht.:aL tt't €LM','tk.St Se1eeted ,its au_ . Shoes in Seaford., r r4 h. -- Reeve its;rises BAhlt', R eve o ' en Suttli datv=' recei yea tat i)It of the it iriilli itworth Reform m yen- 'tdrrdiidiaite-for the Tidliisd' f 1r`. EC`M'illles, the pies— E•i`S .Cld`d.`liii'd to come oat telt, teniventiOrl ex pr€=eete.1 it I'i t:4 }ry manner Weil:- .set lreir- .st'i v 1 • 1 11IAV • g Pc SIT'O d.y The ginoardzne Branch -of the W. G. B.IRaiiwey, Mr. Ridout, Chief Engineer of the Wellington, they & Bruce Railway, is now engaged locating the route of the proposed southern branch of that.road toKincardine. He arrived in this village last Tht,rsda� even- ing, through the town i.ug, after passing $ ship of Wallace, and was met at .the A 1 bion Hotel by the members of the Village Coui,icil and others. Mr. Bidolit stated that ke had received netivrctions• to go over the whole line and report on the distances and topography Of the various routes bre%ions to sending on a ---. �, � ped, � a . taff of engineers to make a.. detailed survey, Frani tle starting- point on•• he main line, three different routes had been suggested to the Company, and he was instructed to select the thost practicable, First, front Pal- tlfeiston or [Ruston to • Listowel, thence through Biota and Grey to Ainleyville, and on through Morris and Wawanosh to \ ?inghain.. Sec- ,o d, from Palmerston or Hustcn to Listowel thence along the boun- dary and through Corrie and Wrox, eters then through Turnberry to Winghant. Third, . starting :from Holliston, passing through Minto and Howick to Wroxeter, thence to Wingharn, ° Front the latter point to Kincardine, we are not definitely informed as to the precise location ,of the routes proposed. Mr. Rielout, -accompanied by several of our towns- men, proceeded on Friday to Ainley - vine, passing through the -'townships - of E:ima and Grey, thence to Wing - ham. On Saturday he returned to Listowel by way of Wroxeter. Of •d f nurse, he expressed no opinion as the choice of the two rputes, but Jae stated clearly that both weie very favorably located for the building of a railway. There were to betoundrno inaterial obstructions or engineeting .diff eulties whatever_ We will, no •doubt, have his full report. in the course of a couple of weeks. In the meantime, we have not the slightest doubt but the result•will be favor- able to Ltstowel. It makes but 1i - 'tle difference to us here whether the :fins lie ruin by way of Wroxeter or Ainleyville, through we- fancy the latter wculd be most likely to ve the most .business to the road 'when built. The Seaforth Expositor is up in '-u ms, and shouting lustily against the proposed branch and Its promot ,ers. This was to be expected. Any- thing to interfere with the London ,scheme, in. which Seaforth is deeply interested, would, of course, meet -with antagonismfrom that quarter. Besides, if the .Kincardine branch should happen to be located at Ain- _ ]evville, it would -crit off almost the w11o1e back country front which they "derive support. nits the Opposi- tion pposi-tion from the Expositor may be taken far just what it is worth, viewed its the light of self-interest.=` .Listowel Banner. REMARKS BY THE EX'POS'ITOR. To " take our opposition for what it is worth," ie just what we desire the people of the North to do. We =care not .what light they view it in, we have ggivenargument and figures' an support of our.position. It is for the people to weigh those arguments, and consider those figures ; and un- til successively refitted by the Ban- .9lri•, or some one else, they must stand good. Wit Vir Ba Oats, Hay, Peas, • TORONTO, eat, Spring, heat, Fall, 3oulee, Sh arley, May 25, . 1 35 �1 120 1 0 52 t f) 046 101_ a 00- 00 .175 to ' 0 80 `TOCK: May 25, 1871. BUFFALO LIV Thursday The receipts of ca days this week are 32 cars at .the name time market is heavy and bresent condition of th uyers are unwilling to a decline of 4c. per lb. prices, and there was yond. a few small sales and to fill' orders. ble of choice steers, averag and other sales were about 50 head at pric criterions of the marke HOG There is very little mand is limited and po their. views. Light w nominally at 41.c. to 5 SHEE No transactions. 7 2 37 tle for the cars agai last week tagnant. Eastern operate ex rom last of ing d. to kcal -1, ks sold 1 head 1,497, at $7 00; aide agg gating which re no three atdjl5 The n the ark pt it eel ne 1 tehi ts at Be ; rs oing, as . he rties are a aI ights are qu per lb. de - in oted BOSTON LIV STOCK. BEEVES.—Receipts cf beef cat c, were 199 head. There is b. t little do ng this week. The supply is ery light fLo n'the North, and heavy fro the West Sales of choice at 11 00 ; extr '" first quality $9 50' do. at $S 25 to $9 00 ; to $7 75. • SHEEP AND LAI+sx head. Market quiet, Sales in lots at $5 75 extra 86 75 to $9. 62. CALVES.—Veal ca1vB atl025t 1; 5; $10 00; second third do. 5 t 56187 .—Receip ;, J629 at forme rates. to $6 50 uli• in at 4 to Oc. CHICAGO LIVE - STOC . Hobs—Moderately r c jve. S 1 $4 0(, to $1 25. CATTLE --Dull. Sales at $6 25. . 5 to The latest styles of Boots and Shoes of all kinds cheap at T. Coventry's. DEATHS. Hawn—in McKillop, on Sabbath last, Mr. George Hart, of the Sth conces- sion. PRIVATE SAL —OF— HORSES HE fo — Cheal credit, tadz brood mai laeavywo AND FARM iMPLE llowing Property will ), for Cash, I or liberal :--7 Horses, consist e, a good stock raiser, king horses,1 span mar and work ng, 1 2 -year-old blob 1-year•Eo1. colt. F eM IMPLEMENT 1 reaping machine, nearly new, inake, wi h Wood's self rake, '3 woad plo ghs, Grey's make, E u h, cultivator, etc. her particulars appl Office, or to AMES M. McGRE( gang plo For fur Expositor 181-8 E TS. b sold ei s on ng of 1 1 span s, ycritng colt, :1 Oey's fdii and dyille, at the OR, 6 forth. NOTICE. T HE Merchants and Busine Seaforth .have unaniinously that, on and after the 29th day of Matt, 18 they will receive A Full Stock of all soof Boots and Shoes, in Leather,. at :L• ;Duncan & Co.'s. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTI4, May 25, 1871. \\-bssi, (kill) 19 bushel, I:15 to 1.20 Wheat (Spring) i' bushel, 1:20 to 1...25 0:40 to 0:'44 0:40 to 0:40 0:70 to 0:75 0:121 -to 0:13 • 0:11 to 0:11. 6:00 -to 7:00 • 0.50 to 2:00 7:00 to1Q:00 3:25 to 0:00 0:50 to 0:60 Barley le' uushel, Oats 11 bushel, 1'eas 1•f bushel, l.utter, 111` lb. Eggs, �i ith.s, Sheep Skins, , Bev, per ton, Flour, per 1001bs. i'otatoes, -Special attention paidto all orders for Boots and Shoes, either eeield or pegged, at J. Duncan & Co.'s, aforth. CLINTON', May. 25, 18 71. Expositor. 1:15 to 1:20' 1:20 to 1:25 0:40 to 0;40 0:70 to 0;75 . 0:40 tO 0;04 of a nick Dwellin4,. Plans t 0.124to 0;13 E. HICKSON & CO., on 0411 to 0;11 SATURDAY nex By Telegraph to the tall Wheat, per bushel, 'Spring -Wheat, per bushel. ()e►ts, per bushel, Peas, per bushel, , Barley, per bushel, Butter per per, lb, Eggs, per_tioz. SIL ER C 0 1 on y at the following ra British Shilling,, for '24 c Sixpence, " 12 .: American Half -dollar, for 4� Quarter, Dime � " y9 Iiaif-clime; " 4 CI Seaforth, May 22, 1871. , TENDERe. {� k ] AL1 D TED'DERS for painting the 0 Can Presbyterian Church. Sea - forth, will be received by the Building Committee till June 14th, 6 o'clock, p. m , when the Tenders will be opened at Mr. Lumsden's,Drug Store. TendeB s to be addressed to the undersigned, and to! nshi alone and for be made for workmanship , workmanship ,and material together. Specificationa'may be seen at Mr. R. Lutnsden's, at all seasonable hours. The Committee do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. ' EDWARD CASH, 181-3 Chairman B. C. NOTICE. THE Council of the Nrporation of the; County of Hutson, will . meet in the: Court Room, in Goderich, upon MONDAY, the -5th day of JUNE next. I PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk County (blerk's Office, .Goderich, 22nd May, 1871. 181-2 Men of 4 solved 7 ,I S1 Seed Potato CO FRO NTY 0 TILE OXFOR J U T RECEIVED E I�,T = N S W. SCOTT R,0�3 � t EARLY GOODRIC EARLY HARRIS() Sea- orth Foundry ZAPFE & GARTER Would'ddesire to call attention to their - I greatly improved THRE HER -& SEPARATOR AND PRINCE ALB RT. . TURNIP SE Half a ton of choice Turnip.S ent varieties, tl, ciiffer- 181-tf, NOTICE: WOLLD the person into gori the subsc>(•iber put, 11 two straw hats, .a piece of clo alis, a saddle and a martinga forth, en Saturday last, = 20 please r turn the same to M LAID ATT, Seaforth, ando R. McGAILTNI;Y Mik Road, May 25, 1871. se wag- istake, or over - e at Sea- instant, JAMES ersmith. 81-tf. FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sa le terms, his 'thorough-br.! Bull, TIEBEY, three years oft bred him, yet having no faul mal, except too near a kin t dither stock in the ricinity. ROBE I1T CAR-NO1 Tud;kersmith, 181-3t Seal AINLEYVILLE. MPORTANT NOTICE. undersigned having determined to close -u his present business, with TiiE P, a view of operating elsewhere, begs leave to announce thatj he has on hand over to $20,000 WORTH OF New Staple & Fancy Goods, of every kind, Which he will dispose of at a great sacr- fice, for Cash or Produce. THE STAPLEL AND FANCY DRY GOODS, AND CLOTHING STOCK ! Have just been received direct from the Manufacturers in Great Britain—this Spring, and will be found unusually well assorted and attractive. Now is the time for Farmers and others to get Bargains, as the whole Stock must be disposed of in three. months. Which is able to compete With any other Machine in Canada. Amon its many advantages, we call at- tention to the following—the way the Cylinder is constructed—it requires less power and is capable of THRESHING MORE AND CLEANER THAN ANY OTHER. The great complaint among Threshers alwayai was, that they couldthresh more than tliey could clean, our improved drum sloes a 'ay with all these complaints ; it is so c nstru eted as to regulate the wind to.kee the riddles from choking; without blowi g any grain over. . We .have also impro ed our •gills to prevent the grain going ver with the straw. We ould invite Farmers and Thresh- ers, g nerally, to give us a call, and ex- amine - x= amine -our stock before purchasing else- where ; we can sell as cheap as any other Estab ishment. None ut the best Material used, and the erybest workmen employed. The Machines we sold last year enable us to Elay that they gave better satisfac- tion than any other ever sold in this count PITT'S HORSE POWER ! kept on hand at all times: We would also desire to direct the attention of farmers to our SAWING MACHINES! Whic). are capable of sawing from forty to fifty cords of wood per day. Superior Gang Ploughs, Straw Cutters' Cultivators, Scuffiers. Wooden and Iron - pea Ploughs, Scrapers, Kettles; &c., All o which we warrant to give satisfac- tion, lid will be sola as cheap as at any oth r Establishment in the Province. RE AIRING AND CASTING ! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, - Done on the shortestnotice and most •reasonable terms. ZAPFE & CARTER. rn liberal Durham paving the ani- iine and P. O. TO BUILDE TENDERS will be receiv is ; of JUNE, for the Car .lel•an's hand -made Kip Boots, for $3.550, at J. Dungan & Co. '4, Seaforth- LONDON, May 25,'1871. White Winter Wheat -$1 10 to $1 27 oro 1 15 to 1 32 050 to 052 044 to - 0 46 0 70 to 0 SO " in kegs, . 0 14 to 0 16 0 12 to 0 14: Swing bairley Oats Peas butter, Eggs ii • N ESTRAY OAT TRAYED f ion T:oaert Kettle Hullett, about the Sth of Ap Steers, three year old, onie r spotted, both marded with t on the left side; one 1-yearoldHeifer, with dark sides and white b ek and also years old - r tw 1 e.a merke 1 : one real Heifer, , m, Ste yeee d f two -y •ar-old Ste :ra, one 'spot -'.the pre Lot.7, 3rd cl„ to the iter work e seen at nil after i,J1-1* E. s`of Mr ncession , last, tiwo the other letter K • . ted and with - a Shite fac (_`dtlile and get youi choice of 500 p'irs nearly a'liite_ With some red trf Peuti€llo Boots, at .T. Duncan and Co.':. neck. Any Berson giving about them will b liberally l Paots rtl net o 1 � itofY , �.1 r c, tis urtniei (4 -et,', Ladies' and (`liildlren's, at J. B. 1tO ERT l ins mer & Co.'s, Seaioi-tl),: 1S1-4* - of 7, 3rd 6 the other around, the information -er`vardedl. TUE, OL. Hullett. 143-1y— TO 'CHEESE -MAKERS. 180 MITCHELL'S PRIZE iquid Annatto AND ALSO, FOR SALE ! —A— STORES STORE -HOUSE, STABLE, And 11 Acres of Land, With Orchard, In the thriving village of Cranhrook, and a number of Village Lots and SA M DAW-1) S 1 In Ainleyville and neighbourhood. tiLso,— HORSES, WAGONS, CARRLA.GES, SLEIGHS, ETC., ETC. J. LECKiE. Ainleyville, llth May, 1871. N. B.—All parties indebted to the sub- scriber by overdue Note or Account# are requested to call and settle the same at once, thereby save costs. -J• L. 179-13 GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO. THE OSBORN w A tt 0 G4 teear �r Lock—Stitch Sewing MACHINE. SIGN OF SIGN OF THE RED FLAG, LL1 •xTxoAaHs ;Iaauss Kivaa. `S0218 NVIAWOH `,zona u qp 'aadvaI{O pIOS aq IIIAt !mit& "ow ",Na 'spaairtI `sfiai - of 's ui:. satoZN ;s unllon- 'suollo0 e'4ttI A& puu faTD 'sl a .lt 'Exams aavwA [Va'II C[1`\TV `soN `EARS `S'I1oVHS' Ia►LSnrJ a.1SV [OVrI `sNldlanO Nnsnw aNV 30V-1 `savaua§-aaa -ammo IOo axv um& *DT 9 11HICI 11Iif 1O 'S (ILSl1I 11IIFIJ 'UHT CIVTATOlif I (Bolo* HT) `sassa2xfl IsinaOa `s -Ens ,O D1+IIJSIS1 OO' iSG000 M[U A'1IaI 30 SO'I V 1 paaawag-p 'DVrI3 GMT aI-i,L 0 �` DIS WM. ROBERTSON & Co. FIRST-CLASS GLISH REB NETTS, FOR SALE AT SCOTT ROBERTSON'S, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW, Have on hand a splendid assortment of Spades, Shovels, . SHEEP -SHEARS, Garden Hoes and .Rakes, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Thousands throughcut Canada are now using these machines. They have been tested .beyond all question, make. the favorite lock -stitch, alike on both sides, and are pronounced superior to any other machine offered the public. For wide range of work, perfection, beauty and excellence of mechanism, adaptability, strength and durability, The .Osborn ,Sewing Machine Has No li'ival. ,ice Improvelinents have lately been made, enabling the manufacturers to claim it as the ne plus ultra of Sewing machines, Hundreds of testimonials are being received daily from old as well as new operators attesting its wondlertul capabilities.: Will do all kinds of do- mestic sewing, from the finest cambric to the coarsest overcoat or upper leather]j GUARANTEED TO BE AS REPRESENTED! OR NO SALE, WARRANTED FOR 1 THREE YEARS. f , The Osborn Outfit is complete and readily comprehended. Is sold at one- half the price hitherto charged for ma- chines doing a like range' : of work, the ;manufacturers being determined to place it within the reach of every family in the country. A TRIAL FEFORE PURCHASE ,-Will con - :ince all that our machines are un- equaled. THE GUELPH REVERSIBLE Is pre-embeeat1y the best Single -Thread Machine offered to the public—hence its marvelous success ill do all varieties of domestic sewing.. 'PRICES GREATLY REDUCED:. Hand Machine, with full outfit, $12 ; : Treadle do., $17. M Each machine guaranteed. ;kr A gents wanted everywhere. Splen- did inducements to make money. Apply to GUELPH . SEWING MACHINE CO., GUELPH, CANADA. ,.. HOUSE -A-ND LOT FOR Tt S �LE . HE subscriber offers for .saealarge rame cottage, 30x40, new, aldacor- ner Village Lot, opposite the Baptist Chi rah, Seaforth. Farm property woi Id be taken in exchange. Apply on the premise. 172-12t+ ALEX. Mc' ,rtT13L R. W. N. WATSON, Anent, 150 1 SE AFORTH. machine, 1 cultivator, 1 iron piough,. 1 y wood plough, 1 pair iron harrows, 1 parr wood harrows, 3 sets double harness, I 1 fanning mill, 1 long sleigh,. about 1 - tons of hay, 1 glass cup- board,1 box stove, book debts aced 1 milk can and a lot of milk pans, 1 horse The business, including ssrake, and other articles too ahs, roux to notes, as well as stock, as set forth in an. advertisement for tenders, have, by his mention: own free will and pleasure, been placed Commence at 11 aiclack. in my halms for settlement, to enable Sale to Co him to retire from the retail trade. Dur- ing the next ufortuiaht it is hoped that many will make a prompt settlement to , I Mr. -- Davis, as after that time other ` means will be employed in making col - I ? leetions. Of aII descriptions, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &C, Piano & Wall Paper. WHO WANTS A FIRST-CLASS AOI Now is t e time to buy ; will be old. at a Bargain. Water -Lime and Calcined . Plaster. • e JACK -SCREWS TO HIRE. Having removed to more commodious premises, we are enabled to keep a Much Fuller Assortment Than formerly, and: are determined Not to be Undersold. Call and see for yourselves. Remember the place, KIDD'S BRICK BLOCK, (Sign of the Circular Saw,) SEAFORTH, ONT. WM. ROBERTSON & CO. elegraph Books ore t Is the Place for AIL. -PAPE. ARMSTRONG & YRICE. Seafor h, May 18, 1871. 180-1y T! CREDIT AUCTION SALE. . J. P. BRINE has received instruc- tions from Mr. THOMAS CRUX, to sell by public auction, op lot 29, 2d Con- cession, Tuckersmith,, H. R. Survey, oa MONDAY, MAY 29, 1871, The following farm stock, &c., viz.: Fourhorses, aged 3, 4, '9 and 12 years re- spectively, 7 cows, 1 farrow cow. 2 heif- ers in. calf, 4 yearlings, .3 spring . calves, 11 sheep, 7store pigs, 1 lumber wagon, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 2. buffalo robes, 1 pair bob -sleighs, l new reaping and mowing NOTICE To parties indebted to Mr. GRIFFITH DAVIS. Call at GRAY, SPARLIHG & CO TERMS OF SALE under .3 All sums . Gash, over that amount, one year's credit will be given by furnishing approved joint notes. J. P. BRINE, 5uctioneer. D [ CAN 11eFARLANE,. . T IO1AS C RICi, Proprietor. t or.Ace0ur€ant. Brocla,ville, May 16, 1571. 180-3t May 1.7,, 1871., 1St) -2t W F .OPPOSITE LSON'S EGG STORE LL ASSORTME --OF-- 1\TW DRY COO 11 T s GR4CEItIES, ETC. Lbs. of Fine Heavy- DRIED e ,v DRIED PORT( FOR SALE. Produce taken in E EDWARD CA Dealer in all kinds )f T. fl ((./ltd Produce Hge._ iTT airy AIL. Highest Price iii Money FOR OL..AND B TIER .Y your fees and drive tt hl:' tali ET, • SEA c O1,UT3. 1 a . and to, 180 -ch. stor GODEP ICH S ;ITER FIRKIN; for eY` a nae al