HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-05-19, Page 8rte eete E HURON -EXPOSITOR. _ MAY I0, 1871. won itxprioitor, DISTRICT MATTERS. To CHEESE MAKERS.—Mitchell's Ati- natto and English Remelts, for sale at Scott Robertson's. _ • • DR. COLEMAN'S Lretrzn.—Dr. ../r‘ole-1 1 tnan's letter on municipal affairs, will b lama on the second page of this issue. GOVERNMENT DRAINS IN GREY. --La borers are wanted to work on. the Govern ment drains in Grey, et 81 25 per 'day. • . - S. THOMAS CIIVRCH LECTURE.— E.ev Mr: Starr lectares this evenieg in St Thomas Church, on " Switzefland an the 'Rhine." ACCIDENT.—Mr. Alexander Scott, ear-. renter, of this village, was so unfo4u- nate as to fall from a scaffold, last Sat- urday, and break an arm. ItOAD-gAKLNG. —We notice that ete-w gravel of a verypriorquality is being Jaid down on theyoaclleading north from this -village. The contractor is - Mr Miller, of Clinton. CORRECTION.—We were in errcr las week in stating that Messrs. McDougal and atrong,werathe J. P.'s who eat Upofl the WfilianasePatton Robbery case. I should have been Messrs. McDougall and Beattie. Tara 1VIrrafiEres FOUNDRY, —The pro ptieteas of this extensive establishmen are now prepared to furnish farmers wit all kinds of agricultural implimpets We direct attention to theit advertiser. ment, which speaks for itstlf. • PASTuRE.—Tenders will be received by Mr..J. Duncan, until the. 24th instant, folr the pasturage of the Agricultural Ground during the current season. tTenders wi 1 also be received for the privilege of e tad -dishing refreshment booths within the GrOunds during fair and show days. See a•d.vertisei_nent. , NEW BUILDINGS. —SeVeral new awe ling houses, in addition to those we hav already mentioned, are now in course cf erection, and We karn that the erectioii of several others are to be pioceeded With immediately. Notwithstanding the dull times and scarcity of money, tlfe progre s of Seaforth this seasomebids fair to as great as that of any preceding one. A GOOD COW.—Mr. Allan Hobs° Lot No. 6, Concession 1, Hallett, ihfor us that he has a cow which calved o Tuesday morning e week ago, whichw$ givieg milk up to the vety time et whic she calved. On the Monday night pr vious, she gave over half a patent pa 1 full of milk. The milk too, was perfec ly good and fit for use. °oars such this must be profitable. " 5, ROBINSON & CO's. HARDWARE STOR —This estaolishinent, under the efficie t management of -Mr. W. 0. Reid, has a tained an enviable celebrity for the e cellence of the artieles kept, and t square and honorable naode of dealii pursued by Mr. Reid. The store is o' of the largest and neatest in the Pi vince, and the business done correspon withthe character of the premises. GOOD ASSESSING . — At the Court Revision for Seaforth, held on Tuesd- y lest, there was not a single case of a h peal from the assessment: It Will al be seen by the minutes of the Tutke :smith Council, that there was but •o e 'appeal in that township. This spea -5. well for the competency and integrity f the Assessors of these manatipaliti , Messrs. McDougall and McConnell. SENT TO LIMBO. —The two young min who were „arrested on suspicion if com,mitting the robbery at Ross' Hot• were tried. on .-Feiday last- before t e County Judge, Patton was.. acquitte there not being aufficient evidence implicate him in the crime.... Willie s. however, .did not fare so well, as he W s onvicted, and sa-entenced to. ye's imprisonmeat in the County Jail, at d Labor. TICE EAF RIM DRAMATIC CLUB.— learn that this talented' club, of whi h Seaforth may well be proud, are -prep r- ing a magn ficent programme for th ir entertainment on the 24th. We woulrd Teccomendlonrcountry friends who p r - pose visiting Seaforth on that occa3io , and. who are desirous of spending a - really pleasant; evening, to 'make such arrangements as will enahle them to re- main for the Dramatic entertainment. • GAUN HAME "—We understand th Messrs. Hugh Love, Sr., of Hay ; Char Mason of Tuckeramith ; Joseph Fish of ; and John Ratteuberry, Itrucefield, purpose starting for the 0 Country in the courseaof two. wee The farmer three! to Scotland, and t latter gentleman% to England. Mees Mason and Fisher attend to bring b with them some choice specimens thoroughbred. atock, for breeding p -poses. THF, SUCCESS OF Tif & WHITBY RACES. The Toronto 'Telegraph predicts that t e Whitby' 'Meet," to take place on the 24tJ, will be the most successful of the seaso i. and ascribes as the principal rhason thet the man ageraent have `spa). ed. no expen e in adeertising," and that their posters e to be met with " from one end of the coil tcy to the other." There is not mu h dauger of the Seaforth Meet" bei very successful., Or even indifferently o, from this cause or any other, so long as the present penurious, penny-wise m cerement runs the "machine." 0 Cr CANADA PE es B YTE RIAN Cereatear. The work on this church is progressi ig favorably. A considerable portionof t e plastering and carpenter work is no w completed. Judging from present pearauees, the intenor of this chura whee completed, will compare favora el y with that of similar edifices in large a id wealthy cities. The ornamental plas ter - i eg work on the ceiling has been executed in as tasteful and handsome a manner as any we have seen, tied reflects much cre. dit upon alr. Darling the designer. Fort MANITOBA. --MeasTS. Thomas Slater and William Mack, of the Town ship of Hay, and Themes Grant; of Tuckersmith, with their families left for Manitoba on Tuesday la.st. They sailed from Goderich to Duluth, ad from thence they prcpose to drive with their tears, Which. they ttlek with them. We under stand thit Mr. been in Ianitoba farm, atid is now family. Messrs. Sia taking up land 98 8' their journey's end. a partyiet Hullett propose to drive thr tance, by the overla not been able to asc any of those Who fo the exception of Mr. Kinburn. 1 1. • ri ,, had previously I! heA secured a Onitig with hie and Mack intend ,. as they arrive at Te also learn tiat he same day, and 14 the entire d's- route. We ha, e ain the names of ed this party, with Robert Douglas, of FOR T E OLD Coi morning last, Mes and John Martin, o Christopl er Dale fora viifi morning, forth, a, and Tho took the wish the safe -retu the land pleasant • to Engl Mr. Robe .Messrs. as Nieh departur • all a pie. , and. tru f their na nd in vigo saaguine ex Tuesdlay James HenningTninberry, Teraberry, and Mr. riickersmith. left Id. I On Wednesday t." Mieson, of Sea- ot Ve h, a to as st V thane Broad i , cif TUckersmi or Scotland. nt journey ani 1 that the visit tY may prove ling as their m pectatio lird pictured. THE DUST. ,—Dur' weather, whenever rolls along Main str of wind 1owey the It cover the clot eters in showers t sores an shops, a o erispre d the Mist, extending suburba villages Harpurh A -Con ment be et onfoot this nuis nee, by a sprinkling of our p merchan s Must lo from th damage' goods, t an Would erly spti kled all s is a subs ription no attainene t Of this the present !wheeled vehi t,Or a slight g ;rises in clou , j of pedestria en doors of sing 'in the as with von to - Egmondville not a mo he preventio per and regt al street? ore every w s mined by their plthe ° street prop- er Why, then r • on foot - for the desirable end? I 1 1 0 ry le st s, he ir, a. he nd e - of lar ur ek 110 11 THE ONTIILY cattle fa on Tuesd quietly. There A buyersoe the grail -ent froro. Goderich, There as v,ery 1 to buy. Only six% brought forward; a changed hand.s at not a t, eat deal present s the CO have eters andyo of holcii g them f order th t they m the Sprii g grass, as sider th t they realize h ghei price be in in ch better are now, • This b bability °s, :that the next fair or tw sale.' • TTLE FAIR. —The iI.a t passed off very uite a number' of s veral being p es - on and Mitch 11. e stock,, howeVer, h6aa in all, being. every one of these prices. There is s leable , stock at ry. Farmers who cattle are desirous month or two in Ye the benefit of o doing they con - hen. be able, to s the animals Will Mlition . than they the case, the pro - ever is offered at I meet with reedy I ' " THE SEAFORTLE Zaphf l Carter, t estaltlis Mena are mg an inusual ,ni impleme ts of eve thieshint machine bounde 4 satisfactio been tri d, and th a large usixtess i present eaeone F thernac nee and tured at the Seafot saying hat they those of 0,14 othe e Provinc , either f r ext.:ellen e of the m perform their work I We thin. it ,eirould 6 e oprietors of this 1 !year manufactur- i Or of agricultural escription. Their e given most- un- herever they have are likely to drive ie line during the ars who leave tried iniplcinents manufac- Foundry, agree in r -.not surpassed by tablishrnent in the urabiltty or for the o ner in which they This beingthe ease, dvantageous to our ej uurown „local menu - ca to - those at a Idis- ,a they twill not Only If eight, but will also hat repairing they o e conveniently ;and t is, they will be as - their midst an en- , cpessful, will be of lP• 11 ET TIF IN SEA.FORTII.— re been made for the at ofn of the Aatteen's 6 day next. A (Jali- oi will begin the am - y, his will be followed horse:ititeiamoaaeniteidcbfavorable,rracing,ecaffit1 juaceonbtni ec. e. .t -on nefi will be 'given in the it , and in the eve ing uecess, and p ople come to Seaforth on en Oyment of a c s p, ointed. W a to Dublish the Sements in our g, it a laiger pal a it could obta li °I farmers to patroni factory in paefere ta,nce. By Iso do sav.e th expense o he eneb ed to get may re lute done chea,ply Beside sisting o build up terprise which, if great s viee to th THE WENTY-F .Arrang ments ha a,pprop iate celeb r - Birthd y, on Wed thumpi process usernen 5 of the 4 by athl ,tic sports the ne Driving P an eat rtainment Town all by th the w ether pro COD3Ini tee are en their a rangement uneoub clly be - from istance NV that d y for the sport mill not :bed tended, this wee progra tree of the column , thus seat ty in this (9unty any otber way; and Tu r Club Co of the , have se prietor of this from t ern a trifl which 1 ad beeri pl the Sec etaiy, an botchingand sp neighb ring villag ty, we ( o not feel space NN ith the m Club w sir to adv or whei another v any kid takes pl secure entlemen mittee f sufficie the difference b botchi g, and to a of pat onizieg a has in ts power sec:min extensiN any pat °nage tha ay's in - full rn ocal lici- n in it s the Celebration i tee, or a portion t to insult the pro- er by withdra ing order for prin ing, d in their lia,n s by onferring it u n h ing concern n a an adjoining C un - xi lined to occult our trt r. When the urf se anothermee mg, 11. ge demenstratt n of 6 it would be w 11 to the Priuting telligence to now een, printing and eeiate the adva tage institetiou hi& tapay, in the me y of e publicity, four -fold ay be afforded it. ' 7 BI FIRE -e-The roo 1Messrs. D. S art & Co's. Factory c h,t fire on Thu day evenin , the Ilth n t. from -sparks rom the pip , and burl t arge hole thrbugh it. Da lege, not- t RAIL rVe ors of both the • Londoa and Hamilt n Companies p ssed through. this 4.pl e on Saturday last. Each party seem onfident 'about tbe building of the ro s Possibly we may feet the both, b tf sot very prob ble. The fact is, that t ' first that gives the . best guarantee of 1 meg able to buil the • it. ad, will command the bonus. - QUEEN'S. • BIRTHDAY.—The m gnete whieh is dra,wing the public attenti n of both old end youug, male and female at the present time, is the celebratio of. thetQueen's Birthday in Bluevale. Our Village has become noted in these mats for its festivities and athletics on the 24th of May, and the quiet, orderly an- ner in which they hre conducted.. This year willbe no exeleption to former nes, but superior, as will be seen by the land bills which are poted. up in all p rts. The pic-nic will be unusually attrattive, 93 the different Sob ath Schools aye • ale. united for the oce ion, and intend hold- ing one 'grand 'splay. The athletic spOrts are also tut sing considerable at- terition, as a n =bee of celebrated athletes will be o the ground that day, and there is not t e slightest doubt but that the games w 11 be well contested. Young and old, you wish to enjoy yourselves, come o this village, for here yon will find plenty of amusement and I am confident you will go home at night More than satisfied. Tuekersmith. • The Council met on Wednesday, 10th of May, in the Villa.getef Harpurhey, at 10 o'clook am. pursuant to djournment. All the members present he minutes of the last meeting were rea found cor- rect, and passed accordin ly. Moved by Mr. Cousins, seconded b Mr. S roat, that John Stephensou and Thomas Cooper be allowed to work their statute labor on the side road between lots 50 and 51, let concession Te R. S., under the superintendence of James Aikinhead, Pathmaster for Division 26. ----Carried. Moved by Mr. Sproat, seconded. by. Mr. Walker, that Thomas Hill be appointed Pathmaster, for Division No. 7, in place of Levi Tinkiss, xesigned.--Carried. Moved by Mr. Sproat, seconded by Mr. Walker, that Donald McKennon be al- lowed to work his statute labor. on the tside line between lots 5 and 6, Conces- sion 11, under the superintendence of Donald McDonald, Pathmaster.—Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Sproat, seconded by Mr: Cousins, that this Council do now adjourn, to meet again at one o'clock p. m. —Carried. The Court of Revision for Tucker - smith, consisting of all the members of the Council, met on May 10th, 1871; at the hour Of 11 o'clock a.m., pursuant to advertiseinent, fpr the 'purpose of ex- aniining the Asse sment Roll, and hear- ing and deciding omplaints against the . . Assessiatent da 'es Londsborough ap. pealed: against th' assessment of his real propeity as bein too high, and after due examination he Court decided that the sum Of $50 be deducted from the same. No other . ppeals being presented, the rolls were ex mined, and found cor. rect, and passed ccordingly. The Court then adjourned. The Council re timed atl o'elock p.m,. Moved by Mr. C usins, seconded by Mr. Walker, that J hn Dill be appointed Pathmaeter for 1 ivision No. 16, in place of Hiram Collad y, resigned.—Carried. Moved by Mr. S roat, seconded by Mr. Dallas, that Wm Latta. be allowed to work hie statute labor on his own road through lot .No.. 3, under the superin- tendence of Don id. Stewart, Pathmaster. . --Carried. Mo ed by Mr. Dallas, seconded by Mr. Walker, that the As- seseot be paid he full amount of his salary for the preseht year, arriounting to $80. —Carried. Mo-ved by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Sproat, that F. Oremus, Mrs. Shaffer, end widow Ohlborn, re- • ceive the sum of $2 each, 'eharity.—Car- Tied. The follciehing petitions were pre- sented and referred to the Conimittee on roads and bridges :—Petition of H. Mc- Millan and others, praying for a grant of money to be expended on the 2nd Con- cession, L. R. S. Petition of Donald Stewart and others, for Money to be ex- pended on the 12th Concession, 11. R. S. Moved by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Sproat, that this Council Ocpead the s.um of $35 in graveling the HaroirRoad from the side line behween lots 15 and' 16, Village of Harpurhey, to the boundary of Seaforth Corporation, and the further sum of $10 from. the said Oda: line West to the boundary line bet-Weert MaKillop and Hullet, providing that the McKillop Council agree to expend the same amount on the same sect oils Of said Huron Read, and that the Cle k be ditlected tc com- municate with t e McKillop Council re- specting such eapeed4ure.—Carried. The Council havingtdecided on the neces- sary work to be done throtighout the Township for the _present year, it was movecrby Mr. Walker, and seconded by Mr. Cousins, that the several jobs on roads and bridges to be done in the Township, be let by contract, on Thurs- day, the 25th of May, instant, and that theCterk be irected to Publish the d) same by 'hand ill, and have the same distributed over the Township as soon as possible. —Carried. By-law No. 2, of 1871, granting and conveying to William C. Gounlock, , untravelled roadway, was read a third time and. finally passed. Moved by Mr. Sproat, seconded by Mr. Cousins, that this Coundil adjourn to meet again in Robinson's 'Hotel, Village Egmondville, on Thursday, May 25th, at the hoer, of 10 o'clock a.m. ; Wei. Mune CLERK. I Blvth. SERIOUS ACCIDZNT.,On Tuesday last Mr. J. W. Auld of East Wawanosh, was run over while trying to stop his horses, which were running away hear Mi. Kelly's Flouring Mill. Ma Auld receiv- ed serious injury to his spine, and. was carried intolelr. Kelly's, where he was attended to by Dr. Sloan. After a few hours he was placed on a spring wagon, with a bed laid thereon, and conveyed to his own home. It is thought that he will recover, but it will be rather a tedi- ous process. YOUNG NONPAREIL 7--1-We regeet to learn that Mr. John Nott's valuable draught stallion, " Young Nonpareil," has been sick, and unable to proceed on its route for some days. We under- stand that the animal is pow recovering, nnder the veterinary attention of Mr. Upshaw, of Clinton, and will be able to resume his route next week. PECIAL NOTICE§. 119r 014 Operators, as well as new ones, will be delighted with the nicety, certainty, and ease of the 't Osborn" Sewing Machine. Fellows' 'Compound Syrup of Hypo - phosphites is prescribed by- the first physicians in every city arid twit where it has been introduced, midis a thorough- ly orthodox preparation. Is health worth having? -I it is pro- tectith-it is a jewel as easily, lost as virtue, and in many cases as difficult to recover. In this climate, and More par- ticularly at this season of rhe year, peopleare very apt to take cote.. and suf- fer froth sore throat, coughs, upitting of blood and pulmonary complaints general- ly, which if not checked immediately, lead te serious consequences. The ques- tion arises—which. is the quickest and most ;effectual remedy? Bran's Pul- monic 'Wafers have been before the pub- lic for! twenty years, and have always giyenerfeet satisfaction, and invariably fi effect Permanent cures when . taken iu season,. Sold by ell medicine dealers and country stores, at 25ets. per box. Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry is "a combination and a lona indeed, for heltling and curing diseases of the throats, lungs, and chest. It cures a cough by loosening and cleansing the .1ungs.1 and. allaying irritation ; th removOg the cause, instead of •drying up the cough and leaving the dise4se behind. , 4111111211111=1 MI RAILWAY TIME TABLE. ------ lTrains leave the Sea orth station as folo 10.50 " " 2.25 E.. ea 0 68.°015NGA.BgAS. T. ING WEST. I 8.5Q" " 135 r: -H. I 1.35 " " I Zurich. , The good people of Zurich are making arrangements for the celebration of the 24th in splendid style, • Prizes will be given for athletic sports of every descrip- tion. Speeches, Recitations, and music will be an attractive feature in the day's proeeedings. lu the evening there will be a grand display of fire works. McKilloD. Accrfea-Ners ,—On Wednesday, May 11, Mr. Burns, of the Tenth Concession of this township, met with rather a severe 'accident. Itseents that Mr. Burns Was engaged in chopping wood, and the axe glanced from the stick and struck him on the foot, inflicting a severe wound. —A young man named Rackwell also met with an accident, on Friday last, which resulted in dislocating his thigh and oth- erwise injuring him. GOOD TEMPLAR. -0n the last night of meeting of the Winthrop Temple, a very interesting and instruotive address was delivered by Mr. Samuel Smith. At the same meeting the following members were elected officers for the current year: °—Brother Andrew Govenlock, W. C. T.; Sister Mary pollard, W. V. T.; Brother John Govehleck, W. Sec.: Sister Jane Richard, W. = Treait.; Brother Jaines Stewart, 1V. F. Sec.; Brother .George Barber, W. Chap.; Brother Rotert Grieve, W. hl.; Brother John Bray, W: I. G.; Sister Mrs. John Wright, P. W. C. T.; Brother A. Hardy, W. 0. G.; Sister Caroli c Pollard, W. R. H. ,S. Sister Janet erieve, W. L. 11. 8.; Sitter Agnes Atki son, W. .41. Sec.; Sistef Mize Folland W. D. M. • The latest styles of Beets and Shoes of all kinds cheap at T. CoveDtry's: • Divisions Courts --1871. Ainleyville, Seaforth, Exeter, ... Dungannon, ... Bayfield, Clinten, ' Goderich, May 23 May 25 May 27 May 29 May 30 June 5 juue 12 Change ot Business J 11J ST STARTED • AND BOUND TO SUCCEED. 1• MHE Subscriber, Mr. THOS! LRE, 1 having purchased the St ek of W A SHEARSON & CO • y * at a Considerable reduction ox cost, he is both able and determined to sell to his custoinees, and all those who may kindly favour him with a call, at sugh prices as will astonish the people of Seaforth and the sarroundiug vicinity. He has just received a large Stock of • FRESH MILY GROCERIES, COMPRISING TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, RICE, NEWTRT.TITS, ETC., Which he will sell at. remarkable Low • Prices. • FLOUR AND FEED. AINLEYVILLE. 1111tORTANT NOTICE! MHE undersigned having detain -Ince to close up his present business,with. a view of operating elsewhere, begs leave to announce thatihe has on hand over $20,000 'WORTH 011 New.Staple & Fancy Goods, of every kind, Which he will dispose of at a great sacri- fice, for Cash or Produce. He also keeps constantly on hand, a large stock of Flour and Feed of every des- " cription, consisting of FLOUR, CORN. MEAT., OAT MEAL, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR Bran, Shorts, Oats, Barley, Peas, &e Flour and Feed delivered with dispatch in Harpurhey, Egmonville and Seaforth, free of charge. SEEDS! SEEDS! All varieties of Field and Garden Seeds kept constantly, on hand. • All kinds of Produce THE STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, AND CLOTHING STOCK T. Have Just been received direct from the Manufacturers in . Great Britain—thi Spring, and will be found unusually we 1 asserted and attractive. Now is the time for Farmers and othe s to get Bargains, as the whole Stock mu -t .„ be disposed of in three months. ''Faken in Exchange for Goods, at THE HIGHEST CASHI PRICES, . REMEMBER! SI,RSON & CO.'S OLD STAND THOMAS LEE. I69-tf mcKILLOP COURT OF REVISION. MHE Court of Revision for the Town- ie ship of McKillop will be held at OLIAM.BERS' HOTEL, Lot 26, 7th Con., On Saturday, May,O, 1871, - At 10 o'clock .A. 1. All persons interested are hereby noti- fied to attend. JOHN O'SULLIVAN, 178-3t I Township Clerk. ALSO, FOR SALE' STORE, STORE -14 OUS • STABLE, And 11, Acres of Land, With Orchard, In the thriving village of Cranbroo and a number of Village Lots and P.A.RaNg 1..a..A_I•TD 81 In Ainleyville and. neighbourimod. —ALSO,— HORSES, WAGONS, CARRIAGE • SLEIGHS, ETC., ETC. . J L.EOKIE. Ainleyvillee Ilth May, 1871. N. B. --A1.1 parties indebted to the s scriber by overdue Note or Account; re requested to call and settle the same t once, thereby save costs.—Jr L. • 179- 3 EGMONDVILLE. NEW GROCER .Wg. THOMSON, (Late of Seaforth,) Begs to inform the public that he has opened a Grocery Store, in THE BRICK PREMISES., Lately occupied by Mr. John Logan, NEAR TIIEI BRIDGE, EGMONDYILL.E, Where he will keep on hand A COMPLETE STOCK OF Warranted by Fresh • Groceries, Of every description, at prices as reasdn- able as those of any other house • in the trade. The Highest Market Pri0 PAID FOR BUTTER, EGGS, &e., &e. A call is respectfully solicited. Whf. THOMSON, 179 -ti Egmonclville the Makers: THE RUSStL WATCH For Durability, Qu Neatn CANNOT BE A new stck of the recei lity, Finish and SS, EQUALED. bove Watches just ed. A COMPLET STOCK OF' FINE GOLD 4ND 4SILVER JEW LRY e t ALWAYS 0 AND. Watches, Cloeks aid Jewelry of e-vettc, „ description repaired. with neatness and. t despatch, and warranted to give satise faction. • $5,000 worth of Old Gold and Silver wanted, for which the 'high -est price in cash or trade wial be paid. M. R. COUNTER, 179 Main street, Seafortht GREAT CREDIT SALE , ii. Consisting of Hors s, Wagons, Car- riages, Ruggles, C tters, harness, Buffalo Pe bes, &c. • . Mr. J. P. BRIN it has received. in -1 structions from the al dersigned to sell by public. atietioa, i On SATURDAY, May 20, 1871, At Ross' Hotel. Seaforth, ai 11 o'clock-, forenoon, the followhig valuable proper- ty, aiza • • 2 horses, 8 years old, 2 horses, 7 years old; 3 mares, 6 years old ; :3 mares 5 years old; 3 mares 4 years old, I mare 7 years old., at foetal 7 to Hunter's horse; 2 half blood. colt, 1 rear old from Rat- tenbury'e horse, 4-yettiling heifers, 1 bull calf half thorough -bred, 2 Suffolk sows with Pigs, 3 Berkshire do. do., I thor- ough -bred Suffolk boar. 1 covered car- riage, i eilver-moua ed do., nearly new;„ 6 good buggies, 1 do r carte7 good cut .1;- ters, 1 iron axle agon, new; 2 long sleighs, new, 1 hay' rack, 8 timothy - seed drills, I set silver -mounted doable i haeness, 3 sets silver -mounted single harness, 4 sets single harness, I set double plough harness, 1 pair light hub- , sleighs nearly new; 1 peddling rig ala complete, 7 buffalo reties, 12 horse -blan- kets and circingles, 12 horse halters, 2. pair Dutch collars, 4 sets of whiffietrees, 5 neck -yokes, -1 wagon -box, new; 1 pear Scotch barrows, 1 1 fanning -mill, new, McIaggart's make ;,' II plough, and a number of other article* too numerous to mention,. The whole to be sold with- out reserve. Great bargains .ay be expected, as the proprietor is going into other DUS- iness. Terms of Sale— under, cash ; ove monsh's credit by joint notes. 179-2 11 sums of $5 and that amount, 7, 'shing approved' OSS, Proprietor_ SALE. MORTGA TTNDER Power o Sale contained in 6 U Mortgage, madle by Wm. McMillan., dated 28th March, i8G7, default havin been made, the Lan C therein mentione being in the village f ,Brucefield, in tU County of Huronc mtaining three-fiftha of an acre, being cothposed of part of Lot 1 31, in the 1st COlieeS0013 of the Town- ship of Tueleersmithl, East of the London Road, and more fully' described. in said Mortgage, will be offered for- sale by Public Auction, by hammon Yeo, Auc- - tioneer, at Dixon's Elote1, Brneefield, on. SATURDAY, the 0th day of MAY, Al -D. -1871, at 12 o'clo k; noon. There are a good Franie Dwelling-houee and Blacksmith Shop on said. Land, and. situated en the London road, in said vil- lage. Terms made known on (lay of sale, and in the meantime will be made known tq, intending purchasers by applying to McCAUGHEY1& TIOLMESTED, 176-4t S4itors for Mortgagee - NOTICE Tq DEBTOR& NOTICE is hereby given that all par- ties indebted 110 Dr ee COLEMAM either by note or b ok., are rectuested-lite call at his office, at the Salt Woks, welt settle the same ininediateiy, otherwiele they will be sued w thout fat2Ither Seaforth, April 1 , 187/.. THE GARDNER PATENT Se/laity Machin MANUFAC-TuRED 'LOA Gardner Sewing Machite COMPANY, • HAMILTON, ONT., Is the best family and manufaetuting machine now made ; will do all kind e of Fancy Work. The general works and attachments are so simple that, anyper- son can learn to work theta irt half an hour. Tailors and shoemakersuse i in preference to any now made. P 'ces ,within the reach of all. Has no gear of any kind; is STR/ING and Sientea. It would be, well for intending pur- chasers to call on any df the undernien- tioned parties and see this machine, be- fore purchasing one of another make. The above machine can be seen at wOrk, at any time, at William Grassey's an T. K. Anderson's, Seaforth; F. FiltOn's, Exeter; Mr. Pierce's, Rodgerville ; r. Folley,. Bayfield; Fishleigh & Gat.ree Ainleyville. PETER GRASSIE, General Agent for the Cseauonfb tyortof,}1027, 179-ly ,, HORSE FOR SALE! -IVOR Sale, Cheap for Cash, or on time, 11 a good Driving Mare. Apply tep McINTOSH & MORRISON. Seaforth, March 31, 1871. 1734f • IL I . MHE Subscriber s prepared to furnish parties building veith a first-elass ar- ticle of Stone Lime, at 20 eente per bush- el at thee- kiln, 31 Killop, near Thom- sson'a saw -mill, or 22 cents per bushel) delivered in Seaforilh. Orders left withi Mr. BULL, Main - street, Seaforth, will meet with prompt attention. IAMBS DODDS, 174-tf McKillop. ' THE GREAT F JOB MOSES' This well-known MALE REMEDY, RIODICAL PUS.. medicinei TIO ins sition, but a sure d. safe remedy Female Difficultiela. and Obstructions, from any cause whatever; *and although. a powerful remedy, it contains nothing. hurtful to the' constitution.. To Married Ladies it is peculiarlti- suited.. It will in a ;short time bring. • on the raonthly period with regularity, • and although very peSverful contains no- thing burthil to the cc4nstitution. L a,11 cases of NerYoue and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on. slight exertion, Palpitation of the lige-A, Lowness of Spiritia Hysterics, Sie Headaches, Whiteft arid all the pail& l' d.iseases occasioned by a disordered 8y. tem, these Pills atilt effect a cure where all other meana have failed. These Pine have never been known 10 fail where the directions on the seemed page of pamphlet are well observed. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. 7 4 • JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIBT011.. $1.00 and 124 cents' for postage, en- closed to Northrop & ILyinaa, Neeveast Ont., general agents for the Dominien, will insure a bottle eontaining over- 30. pills by return mail. Ctit-Sold Seaforth by E. Hickson and: Co., and R. Luinsclen ; A. S'tephente. Mitchell, J. 'S. Coombs, Clinton, amA all Medicine Dealers. NORTHROP & LYIMAN, `'...tieweastlee Scle Agehts. 1.80-4 Ble TF VOL 4 EDI -TAR. W. R. S2rIdil.:1 at, geon, ete. Oem Robertsode Rea to :North. . Seaforthe Dec. E., hi. 1 Ittes of tilt:Gill Uni Physieian, Sargeon, dance Zurieh , opt Zurich., z"..ept. 7t1 TAMES STEIN% et) Graduato et Montreal, Physician. and resit tonce ;ruc, h -n cotte iz TT- la. Vititta E. clan, Surgeon, eidenee, corner. of Street, int mediately Store. Seaforth, Feb. 411 t"IA.MP it ELI Comity. °Met erby's, corner etto forth, Offiee day, tt LE ipttAUGHEY _ntl_ Barristers,' At itaters (lianetry ties Public and 'C tors for the iL(- Bal fer the 'Canada Lite FaNta;a1,11-1otie%(114:itillt't Sea -forth, Dee, 14 ENSOS & MEI Attorneyat eery and. Insolvenel aries Pubhic, eta ;(7 Wroxeter. Agent Loan Co. of Upper oaiai Securities f -to. Money at S per harged... SAS. IL BENSON, Seaforth, Pee. •, 1-10' Tb e underisi0 yuldie for the liber to him in times pae an-LaJsr to inform ) reenmed business: where he will be from. oIdirientls, Seaforth, May 5 RITISII EXtta eriela ONT., ,1 ETOR_2- J. S. WI' 'can noted, II'ars This hotel has ree nished, and refitt nowtme of the' mos niodious in 'be ,Pr Rooms for Comm Terms liberal. -Go&rich, April G&\VMCF . „ Land Sur: manner with.neatnessaa Commissim 'Next door south. forth. Seaforth, Dec, TsHATtp • * stables -0fl * Seaforth. Good Conveyances, al) HARP'S LIN SEAFOir and Caariages 2 ble terms. Seaforth, May r). TIITH EXTRA' CA RT W It Dentist, ex by the use of Offiee--Over t ford. Attendat Hotel, the first if each month mercial lioteL • days and Pride Parties rec quested te ealL ton, on the firla • Over 54,000 axtrs.eted by tl Colton's iflike,t- Exchange ltr 1 Opporite Through ' in the NVestel Red River, 6 the,- greatttmt fi All necess_a specting Land • (.1i1 Bonds Coupoi (told and at best a'a atm,