HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-05-19, Page 7MAY 19 187t k -NK PALTRIDGEr PHOTOGRAPHER, thanks to his Yell- numerous- a- -their very extenelve patron - would beg to state that he is *t better -pictures than ever, return from Edgl and, where he :acre of the best galleries in Lon- ther large cities, and, also - home some extra good cheini- , which the success ef Photog- reatly depends, l ----better than stained in Canada, awl made ar- ts for a further supply, which with, extra, finely appointed. id loner experience, rendclreFeareie Photographs universally ap- 1 and ackztowledged to be flee- kluced West of foronto. Ca.e. Italie of lus new style of medal- ree, - -the enly true medallions the Cennty ; also, those beauti- er-fading enameled pictures,- - phwe the can be obtained. rtld beg to state, in justice to that all those who obtained interior pictures, last eunmier. kia absence in Eugland, that if ha them back (as a great many will-excharree them for roperl.y-made and artieticanye etures, made by Frank himself_ say I am destroying all nega, !IR'sliidithoSO poor pictures de, as being untit for use. I am red to keep the lead in Photog- this section-. All work Near - Always at home and in good F1A'et11\, l'ALTRDIGE, rapner, Scott's Brick SEA F0 RTH, Gat. 'hotographs at One Dollar per Yith a view to still further re- 170-tf TilOMPSON nearkerous customers for ir liberal patronage during the on years, and trusts he will re- antirmariee, now on hand a Jam assort-- . t, ;Good Sound. reen Hemlock ! e warrants -wit! give satisfaction_ ALSO ANP DRAINING' LUM WAYS KEPT ON HAND. —ALSO— IOcI FE.ET OF PERE. CtT FOR, ;O ANO gEttER,M. PURPOSES h heoffers on liberal terms. Or - 11 be promptly attended to. s situated on the Townline Mop and Hullett, 3 and 14 miles e Huron Itoad. ,rth, Nov_ it>, 1870. 84-tf: FA ILLS SALE OR TO RENT!: . —0 — BS( a-Z1BER. OFFERS FOR - LE oitt to Rent, on easy terms, E VARNA MILLS, ;log of at Flour. Oatmeal, and Saw :d1 of which are in good reaming order. Flour Mill centains Four ran of itind the interor i well finished, ithe machineiy iu tiret class con- ! There is in connection a good wit an abundant supply of water ;all the mills the year round. • mine are situated in the centr haelid Agricultural country, and a Latwe is offered to any person desi- [ emharking iuthe milling business. aleo an excellent opportunity H'IC FOR SALT 011 tilt= premises, works for which could!be driven er. - above property is situated Six. rom Clinton ; Six from ,Baytield, even from Seaforth, with. good. -roads leading to eachplace. further teutieulars apply to the tor, on thepremises, or to Varna 1-1,7_ TURNER. , August 11, 1870. 140—, NOME REBY GIVEN to II Parents Ciumaliana in the Township of -raith, who, refuse or neglect to tice to the Division Registrar of avuship of the Birth of a child, thirty day% from the date of such that th sy are liable to a fine of ie to twenty dollars, -with costs. it persons, will do well to comply e requirements of the Law, as the will be enforced, - W ILLIAM MU CR, Division Registrar smith. IStli April, 1871. 176.-tf POTATQES. POTATOES FOR SALE. ; subscriber has an band, OR Lot 25, Conuission 4 Me-Killop, the following vaxietics of D POTATOES, ty!fere for sale, viz,i--Early Early flauswerth ; Early aboo, and Callico. itas also, the right for the Count' sell' said manfaeture J. 11. ATENT BEE HIV Es. dual and Thwnsi lip Rights for e will also have a. tew BEES For 014 BE14,6 For Sale in the gluing. -IL GOVENLOi`t:- NOTICE. heriby given to all persons te cut any timber or trespass on is E. 19 and 2.0 iit theth Et-lon flay, as the owner, L‘ Li, 1) • dt-termined to punisl1 to the. • Lim.: of tile 1;:w all bo MAY 19 1871. THE HURON _EXPOSITOR. • ggig: A Southern Gook Fight. Cock fighting is a common Means - of settling disputed questions in the • South. ‘Vit h that 'progreasive wis- , .dara a.nd enlightened civilization •waich !raiders one Southerner- .equal to five Yankees, and enables theta so. successfully to asek and find a " last .ditch," the Southern mind settles disputed qtreatious without waiting for the slow awl tedious arbitration process of a court of law. As to exactly what the oEigilL4f the present contest was, a. diligentaresearch has failed to enlighten Me. Possibly °tie State rashly asserted that it could raise better _ cotton than the - other ;• perhaps it claimed for itself greater amount of religous toler- ance; perhaps a bold Georgian 'bad vauntingly boasted that the fair .-t.btiiiiaflSc00Ttd nos hold a. candle - to the dark-haired beauties of his native State _; possibly an Alabama biave had saggested that carpet -bags brought a higher price within the dovninions of his neighbor than on his scared soil," or that black was blaeker the further South you went, or, in fine possibly all these issues °combined, and afew thousand others which I wit not mention, led direct- ly or indirectly to the resolve that eoventeen Alabama roosters must meet seventeen Georgia roosters in anortal strife, the same classic contest to be governed by the ancient aad wenetable laws ot' the cock -pit. • " When you are with the Renian E, do as the Romans do." 1 went to the cock -fight, and I do not expect to go agaifl so long as I am a flee 1 the poor agent. It is a -brutal Sport, and famished -where the excitement Or the -glory At first comes in I can't- say. Bata did 1 to swall belong to the Darwinian school, I persu • should have pointed to the spectacle to ea pr eat, sio • as preying the degeneracy of man them sh • •he dates his origin. Certainly for Hula G name of from the nobler. animals front whoni. pluek, endurance, courage and brave- refusal .ry, I would like to see the one man eastanan in the crowd of spectators that was • the equal of the game -conks who were fighting to the death for his edification. " Being accoutred with long, sharp, • steel gaffs the cocks are brosightaby the " pitters" into the centre of' a large circle, placed carefully on the • ground facing each. other. As 80013. As let loose their training leads them to fly with fury at one another, • Seeking to ea ase the gaffs to penetrate as far as possible into their opponent All aroand the circle an anxious crowd of - rcughs, "sports," " fancy' men, and gentlemen also stand with *Agar eye a and bated breath as they • watch the fierce contest. At length Alabama put his gaff through the neck of Georgia and -both oome to. the ground ; the first round is fought, and Alabama flaps his wings, crows loudly and walks proudly around the circle. Again are they placed. in position, Georgia, prostrate on the pound Alabama, flies at him, and so strong is the "game" instinet that Georgia, makes a desperateeffort, • and succeeds in wounding his adver • sary. This ends the second round. After placing them in. position again, and permitting • Alabama to once more plunge its gaffs. into dying Georgia,- the latter party cry enough, and Alabama wins the first fight of • the "main." And so. on for three se-venteea matches were fought, Alabama winning by one cock. Bettina was exceedingly lively,and a good deal of money changed hands. Bat the "sports" were not Satisfied, .so another " main" of seven chickens • was arranged, to wind up with a -horse-race. In this contest Georgia • aame out ahead, and So some of le • lost money come ba.ak • lfa Ray Ti2,091(1. in N. Y. Times. their, activity to prayersrand correspoudi ig exercises. iSomet at night te °aeries woiii hoard from the house,; but none dared to pproach. It pres seemed as i "the poor deluded p were on •th point of starvation their oharitable neighbors thet sorted to se them witi resolved to and nuhit t dons devices to st food. Finally it arrest the father, He in the asylum, anc what the ect • would be or family. He remaii!iedl ther some wee -s, and th Latel physicians said that he 9.8 . en solind in. nied on all 'subjects the religiot s one. Up n his suggestion , h e.. WaS perm space, to c 11.16 and g0 t • tion at ple he failed t time the ft took a ne- t() eat. • If became e0 would soo all die of this the vi lage auth determinel to preve ting.intet doors a • tted, a the sure. In a little return. ; At •the enzy of tif3 whole pitaae‘ and 'they r ident tha starvatio jrities pr A n ticip barred his securely a - possible, with stall hickory n(suns .awaited .th spectacle ofthe unh Miserable, stai•ving ing witho it fire and incoheren ravers, pitiable i &ed. A effected by force at ately wit tout blood pleturef sufferin >eople loo beasts tha hey una w- food; s some of v Wed vh. uld be co he Father, ost. Otl nd vsere, e by force; best to s -parate th eviden tion with was acc e result, s mania va by assoe this stet out. T appears to have the case bf the wi ehildren, and clO rest • T h e man. ha before al jury -on vagran4, and sent the House of Carr obstinate in declmi but according to alocal jour must eat now or go to glor empty Stomach " Tiis To rathei: harsh treatment 'for but the doetors are opinion,thas; regular -,have a good. effect on sinceaentler t. ference, •d :wind and, pr labs and onset, ppy fain retches babblin ust haN entran at, and hed,A. was pie mo human . eings. unoasly refused but on repeated them co s nted tever wet iVea secrated the. SOD., bher meS be hen ntly pple and re - was Sler, • see • his fr ding trely aaye own tee a stitta eaine iuniy sed they and rly e sler 1,17 as v Ided tcJed The six Wer- orthen was tun- •ible e like forwaid more freely; and we note a_ heavy feeling with a downward tens- dency, and prices will witheut doubt decline below the lowest point yet reached. I The general impresion of the best informed dealers is that look for high prices for h of time this season will on. Fresh shad, which nin g very plenty, al ways for a short 'time with the. gs. The receipts 'since the nary have been 148,003 aainst 97,522 barrels last n excess this year,of 50,571 Daily i3nlletin. OEMT ARRIVALS 1 those wh any leng be mista are • beco interfere sale of e 1st of ,Tbt barrels, year, or • barrels. the, era , peis cl, in made t take It was Light faniily, their ly stren t ened each ot'and rdingly cried far as h d.of, eert fa,vo ie in and tw the bt61 .w •the 'since be n tiled the eh r e of need ,to y tr in ction: II i still g food, said,. "1)6 n an like anity si of may 147 ease, iscilAusesfaile ,tb,: help him. It is hoped that the woman and thechildren nsay be ent r I stored. ReW York Times. .11 nthron&Son Have alarge stock of NEW Spring.Goods. 1 • A Mad Family. • A case has just been reported from Kalamazoo which pathologists will prooably account one of the most extraordinay on record.. It is that of a whale &milt going mad to- gether, their • co m mon monomania tier ai ard w r Ileisl A Woman Passing Sixtee a On 1.N ty Poll laper 'Hough tip in ciissody, Chat being, runk and clisordei perinte dent Bent said on two m rtin the clock was a When rrested oc. Sunday ir both piisoners were respe tired i male cost arne. W ivere t the police Sta,tio was st tick with the app the smaller of the two, a closely at the'pris you are a lama r stoutly denied ti iortly afterwards oliday, at Ma el Court, sa., a late date, or a ears. f che' t s la two lookin "Wb prison but s closely pressed, admitted d' a remarka ite sto urea. She said Ur ao she and her hus naster and mistres school in .Gloucest and to adven years school' tional husba d lost his situatio drink' g, and • subsequ both I aimed. the art of h ing. Her husb- her h ir and sell d go abo She had Juildings ii detectio ted from h arid' the W , and sh haV ing its source in religion. Maira The house of these people was him. situated in a remote part of the village, and appears to have been chosen with a view. to carrying on then wild freaks unmolested. The family consisted of John Heider, the father, wife and five children. All are said to be. reasonable on other subjects, but on that - of religion to be stark mad. Their d welling was profusely ornamented with (Tosses, and to these they paid high_ fear o separ yeas s neph The was i off in Th • -frequent devotion. Their chief object since the 1st of January of devotion as,Ni.'however, one of the large -, perhaps, than for family itself. A peor little deformed ing.s .ason, and prices daughter seems to have been typified lowe • than for nearly by tlie•rn as a sort of" Madre Natura," Last year there was , and to have served as an exempliti- the f rmer in e gs tha e thou of a school of modern Freneh anyt iing be sei. t A e In • philosophy. The child was placed quen ly a large nunnbe eaily 00 the honse top while all the raise and key OVI, , rest of the family would kneel and this ear has eer vet wersliip her. This was done with At t le low pri es ruling -virious mystic- ceremonies, iind . was ' (15 :1,- cents per Ozen,) t Dever on any account omitted tion was very Ettal•ea t )ocasiowilly the w hole party would nothing in mar set that - proveed into the adjzicent fields and 1 with eggs for eelapflc pr;ty aloud, interspeissitig their sup -1 mind, with a li llii es, 0 --viaicns will tierce, howls. If any ward the close' of tllie derable IA yinglo h led to an ad van cents pet dezen. s• have agsii 1. 1 Lr nd made it, dresa t the co orked w Londo She 11 r husba, cl. pri▪ soner passed a sual pena, ty of 5g. flicted, and ttieiptie e her male ttire. re - for 0 n - • p ol w re w th the °Man. 'ly at- e tnieesv ts nee of I after r arge, being e fact, f her xteen were t a na- Rer lirongb lY they erpaint- r cut off s ;Has a ti withdn ithout been A large stockil • FRESH GROCERIES, • "Which they will sell very cheap. Call in& see for -yourselves at the Shop la. ely occupied by W -ROBERTSON CO. ONTHRON & SON. 1694f - CA-V/INAGH'S NEW EAKEHY & CONFECTIONERY LUMSDEN Has just received. a Fresh Stock of PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Toilet and Fancy- Saps, Combs, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, • French, English, and. American. • PERFUMERY.. Or Some s ;her hi ' tire. o c sts went S 0 CAVANAGH Keeps on hand ALL KINDS OF' riscults, • Crackers, CAKES AND CONFECTIONERY. • WEDDING CAKES Made to order. 174 GENUINE DY t STUFFS . Guaranteecl to beat the best quality . Horse and Cattle Medicines Condition jPowders. • Physicians prescriptions carefully and accurately dispensed. • R LUMSDEN, _OUR'S IT II R E 01-1M.A.P, A T. THOS. BELL'S Is tu SEAFpRTH FURNITURE! WAREROOMS. M. ROBERTSON Importer and manufacturer of all kinds HOUSEHOLD: FURNITURE, • Sueh as SOFAS,I.:OUNGES, • CENTRE TABLES, • •• MATTRASSES, DINING & BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, and BEDSTEADS, In Great Variety. Mr. R. has great coniclence in offer- ing his goods to the public, as they are made of Good Seasoned Lumber. and by First -Class Workmen. J. CAVANAG El, Main street, Seaforth. McINTOSIFSE MORRISON S g.t;ss in New York receipts of eggs at this market have been urv preced- ✓ been e years'. o e jrobt to n i treast of The. vithigers passed at. those times, I eisfer would assa u 1 t. theiii with ate -it feroeiw. After a while the ttwtly ecased to work, ewitiiiing prie - ponse- weie - u'Supply 1utidan t. C, St111111-, C M pete is de - pts to caused latien, two to higher it 'stock 1. THOMAS BELL ow prepared. to manufacture fumi- A Cheap as the Cheapest. arties wishing to buy wholesale can. be ,supplied at Tbronto Wholesale Prices. doffins na4-de to Order On the ShOrtest Notice. VOOOD 'TURNING Done with Neatness add Despatch. WareroOms : RRIAGE FACTORY WARE ROOMS OPPOSITE THOMAS KIDD'S. WORKSHOP, CORNER OF MAR- KET SQUARE. TURNING- done on _the Shortest Notice. COFFINS kept constantly on A HEARSE FOR HIRE. 1170-tf TWO DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S HOTEL, Main Street. Seaforth, Jan'y 21st, 1870. 57,4f. No Armistice. JOHN LOGAN, FfAS declared ' war against the mer - candle opposition of Seaforth, With a large and varied stock of a -munition on hand, in the shape of IDIR,""cZ ! G-OODS GROOERIES THOROUGH -BRED IMPORTED STALLIOIN "Sr Archy," _ SIR All HY, got by Grey Eagle, Woodpecke , by Bertrand, dam Pr" rose, by Po tiboy. G. D- Peyton), by imp. • Glencde. Giantess by imp. Levia- than, 'Virginia by Sir Archy, Virginia by •imp. Dare Devil, Bolingbroke by Pantaloon, Cades by King Herod, Prin. rose by imp_ Dove, Stella, by imp. -Othel- lo, by imp. Sehma, by Godolphin Alla,- bAoila-Allisa:; in Canada„ and his ancestors are will be, seen by his pedigree, ir is the best blooded horse that tis noted among the great horses of Am is ica. For some of the performances lof this horse. see bills. i7 Until recently, the thorough-bied. horse was cbusidered only adapted to tJhe turf, but the principles. of , breeding, as is now well established, assign- him a far nobler sphere. It is now agreed that to attain success in rearing any of the do- mestic animals,. the male must be thor- --1 . oufeigl-brpr4nee ed To 0. the racer, the trotting horse, the enduring horse -of -all -work and the 8 irited roadster and carriage horse, the stallion must be thorough- bred. With this 'cross, the heevy farm • mare will prodnce the noble coach horse, the thorou Th -bred mare the 'racer, ancl the trottie g or pacing mare 'Will yield. the trotter pride in' eborietenleri;s: of sAs a stock getter he is uiie. rivalled a his stock is • noted for sound. 30s0.11s8:itteUnGick for great strength, docility - of disposition and speed. • " Sir Achy" rears old, stands 16 iaud� high, a b autiful rich bay, with black land tail, broad heavy quar- teegrss: raan and muscled, combining is an eminent degree the noble and per- fect' horsa ,Parties having mares, and who inc,e id breeding, will do well to see FARMS FOR SALE. 1MOR Sale Lot No. 22, 13th Concession Township of McKillop, containing One Hundred Acres, forty-five of which are cleared. well -fenced, and a never fail- ingstream of water runs through one clOrner. No buildings. Also, the =ex- pired term of eight years of the lease of part -tif Lots 27 and 28, 12th concession, Avith the privilege of purchasing at any time. Purchase money $1,275, to extend •over a period of ten years. This lot is 11 wood land. For further particulars pply to the undersigned. • THOMAS STEPHENS, Seaforth. January 11, 1871. 162-tf Which for quality, style and cheapness, cannot be conquered with fair p1a4r. • The tollowingare special lines :-J-• FANCY DRESS GOODS, WIN- CEYS, (Plain k!uld Checked,), LUS- TRES, POPLINETTS, FRENCH MERINOS, PRINTS'. POPLINS, • GREY COTTON, BLE A CHED -D0,, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, • CLOUDS, HOODS, HOSIERY, MANTLES, GLOVES, FINGER- ING YARN, READY-MADE • CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, TWEEDS, COTTONAND FLAN- NEL SHIRTS, DRAWERS, ,SU- • GARS, TEAS) TOBACCOES, _ RAISINS, 01.111,RANTS, SPICES, c., &c., Too numrous to mention, CARPENTERS, CON- TRACTORS, And the Public Generally. ;WROXETER SHINGLE FACTORY. The proprietor of the above Factory desires to state that he is now prepared to supply Shingles of the Very Best quality, lOn the shortest notice, and at the very :lowest cash prices, either at theinill or delivered at Seaforth. Railway Station. 'Orders Promptly attended. to. P. A. IRELAND, 169-13t Wroxeter Shingle Factory. JOHN BRIGHAM, Under this theory, I take • ffering " Sir Archy" to the horses in this section of the Exchange Broker, and Railway Ticket Agent, Houghton's Hotel, Opposite G. T. Railway Station, • . SEAFORTII, ONT. • Through Tickets issued to all points in the Western States, California and Red River, at reduced. rates, affording the greatest facilities to Emigrants. All necessary information. given re- specting Land Agencies, etc. . GREENBACKS, Bonds, Coupons and =current Money, Gold and eilver Coin, bonght and sold at hest rates. • 167-tf "Sir Are " Sirrchy" will stand. for mares. this seaso , 1871, at his own stable, Eg- mondvill through the entire season, Single lea $8 to be paid at the 'me of service ; he seaeon, $12, payable at the last of th season; to insure, $15 pay- able Jan. 1, 1872. Parties bringing mares fro 11 a distance may rely on nil- ; in the rse at home through the e tire season. This State of Bailey fr Bros. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH ----- 4 • The subscribers feel thankful for the very liberal patronage theyhave received since commencing business in Seaforth, and. wish to intimate to their customers and the public generally that they keep on .lancl and are manufacturing all kinds of wheel work, such as CARRIAGES, SL Mac ME PEN AND TOP BUGGIES, DEM 0 CR ATS, .WAGGONS, IGHS, CUTTERS, &c., e up by EXPERIENCED W011K- , in thd very latest styles. • We Do No Irlorse-shoeing, But pay all our attention to the above dais of bu.siness. • Parties who favor - u with their • orders will ge • good satisfactio • We keep a first -c ass Carriage Painter.. PAINTIN Pone for country shops, and old work repainted at reasonable rates. ! Repairing rromptly attended to. Cordwood, Lu rn tier, ,Shingl es and Lath taken in exeliange for 'work. • 1 MoINTOSH & MORRISON. 16r7-tf • AT THE Manchester House! MAIN STREET, S BAIF 0 Tyr i_ SEIFORTH, NovI 15, 1870 • 152-tf QUEEN Insurance Compan OF L1N/Ftf300L & LONDON. CAPITAL -$2,000,000 Sterhn CHIEF Ormss-i—Queen Buildings, 'Live pool, And Gracechurch Street, London. CANADA BRANCH OFFieE—Exchange Buildings, Montreal. Bowls—Wm. Mcirtoil; Esq., Chairman: Henry Thomas!, Esq., David Torrance, Esq., ind.the Hon. James Ferrier, BAN KERs—Molson' s Bank. LEGAL ADVXsERS — Messrs. Ritchie, Morris & Rose. MEMeAL Sutherlanicl, • Esq. M. D. Sufsvsnon—,Thornas S. Scott, Esq. Averyon—lihomas R. Johnson, Esq.t RESIDENT bEcRETARY AND GENERAL Aefes-r,—A. Mackenzie Forbes, 13 St. Sacrement Street, Montreal. The undersigned having been appoint- ed Agent for the above Company, parties • desiring to insure against less by fire can do so on the most favourable terms. Life Policies granted on as advantage ous terms is any other respectable Com- pany china lnismess in Canada. JAMES 11. BENSON, Agent 1.7 C & 'MEYER'S TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE! MARESTRAYED _ TRAYED from the premises of. the subsc iber, I.,ot 35, First Concession, IsKilhip, on Sunday, April .23, a stuall ssy mare, with white star on forehead. flic tinder will be Suitaoly rewarded on • eturnine her to ( E01GE GAGEN, 1st , Concession, •McKillop. Seaforth, Nov. 8, 1870. FOR SALE. . — - — — — W. H. OLIVER, SIGN OF THE SCOTCH COLLAR. MAIN STR1ET, arse was imported fret)) the Kentucky last fall, by W, 3. in the stud of Messrs. Wells W. J. BAILEY, Egin;rdopvTee 176-2m• OW ESTRAY. TRA ED into the premises of the subscriber, lot No. 2, 2d Coricession Stephen Township, about the 1st of April, a! ROWN COW, with a wbito stripe along the back andwhite fac ; she has just 3alsed. The owner is re uest- ed to prove property, pay charges and take her away. JOHN FORD. Exeter, April 24, 1871. 177-4t* TORONTO MILLINRY.. MISS ERWIN Has opined out a large stock of Spring Goods, iomprising all the Late t Styles in Millinery. • Dress and Mantle Making Prompt y attended. to. Stanning done on the shortest notice. Stn..%) and Hair Work of every kind • executed_ in the neatest manlier and latest s yles. • 172-tf Reynolds' Block, Seaford', IN 1N THE BLoOD. *) A choice assoitment of light and heavy harness, whips, bells, horse clothing, eta., kept constantly on hand. Repairing promptly attended to, sold iarges moderate. Remember the place! ifign of the Scotch Collar, Main Street, eaforth. I 163tf - W. R. OLIVER. SPECIAL ATTENTION Paid to all .ORDERS FOR BOOTS & SHOES, Either Sewed- or Pegged, At J. DUNCAN & Co. s, • .SEAFORTH. MEN'S HAND -MADE KIP BOO-ir S For $3.50, At J. DUNCAN & 11 A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Law Office, Seafmtil.' Boots 153-tf.— The PE and ex NA TIVIAN SYRUPtrialtes thew sic stronr% els disease by supplying the • lood 8 Owl( VITALIZING AGENT—MON_ Caut s u.---13isttre yon get Perwvion Syrup. Pamph ts free. J. P. DINSMORE, l'roprietor. No. 88 Dey St., New -roll% 1 Sold by Druggists gene BUS FARM FOR SALE CHEAP - UNDERSIGNED offers for sale, T 0 eap, Lot No. 30, Con. 15, township of Gry, Co. of Huron; about 70 acres- of 41 this 1t are timbered with ardwood, four ares of which are chopped, the bal- ance iis timbered with cedar and pine of exeell nt quality. There is sufficient of this 1 tter timber to pay for the whole lot i he lot will be sold CHEAP FOR , CAIS or on time. Title in?. isputable. For further particulars apply (if by let- ter, repaid) to Adam Gray, P ening MM, Scafoirth, or to the undersigned proprie- tor. :RODERICK GRAY, • 9Thamesford, P. Q. Thamesford, Nov. , 1870.1 1153-tf.--- Address ExPosrro ea. S,B0'2fs9A0,1TeLfDruce,aeorr tEthl Sc!raseLhalcchuid t Ten t}1. itteeZhN:.3:1:( 1.73-lat with Log -louse. Eight ac e ed 1:M G -AN, Esq., Teeswater. r P, 1, IlEAP LOT FO L ER I LU BER 1 1 . LA 711 and SIIT.S.C4 lig, •rp, E Undersigned have on hand at - it_. their Mill, one half mile North of Ain. e.yville, a -large Stock of Dry Pine 1 • Lii ber, part (abont 35,000 feet) of which. is ressed 1-1 and 14 Flootring. They ' hare also *on haid. 000It. of Strip Lath which is warranted firSt-class, and no Slabs. : ir Shingle Maehine will start about 18th instant, after which date a plen- f 1 supply of S_IIhNLLESwiill be kept, , t '• Th th Gents', Ladies' and. Children's. • OT 16, n Ifith Concession, Grey. jConsiderable clearing. and a good. -r-r-s7 4 r T i honse, with !some very valmJJ U tble pne. At J. • \- O. S. 'i1Y to M ('Al' (F1l Y & H )1,11 TES- - .T El); Seaforth, or to Mr. - lot 15, 14th Concession. Grey. 167-tf S.:a; F OUT rompt attention given to 'prders from ' a stance. M. &71, SMITIL ingle, April 12, 1,371. 1743-tf,